Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1885, p. 3

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fjr v rc l m rrocery i ll ls rbnto bsiflniv wbu selected atockbf watches- phxty jewelry spectacles biktfwut i keen 11 stock ti best boiccuou to bo found u acvin rjf stationery note ifesm p w to 40c kmejopfrwi c ami l m i- l j wljtjw- sorib- fomg book lnmc1 p inkiblbles and testaments a large stock wearing mid birthday plants fanov ijoods toysbirthday cards se ac the leading store in acton for tliis cl4 iff goods give us a cull t gko hynd8 acton otv tiurrbw morsixo jcjre 23 1883 mde our of floods h spades glass in wers and inc a ejieasieiv n crumbs for breakfast j provided by th bvr thoughtful free r press reporters 4 ferthat it office se pward n go0lv ink up fc vj hat i pur fruit tea e co iq gffin po satis- f ageh cto tehal always uliiy chejrp ap laitagcr vv t ii for warm nights and mosquito summer wist ice has been passed council next tuesday oveuiug i thcdays begin to khorten again j heavy rains ontinjluring the past week the hay crop will be an abundant one i wheat and barley are already heading out j ow liites i the again r turnip seediiyis well advanced in thin vicinity the cow bylaw is working like a chttn now dominion day next wednesday a pubkeholiday another teacher aud schoolroom ore needed at hilton therell be a big crowd iu town on do- minion day if its fine i the county show will be held iu milton on the 8th and 9th of october r the public schools close a weektfroiii ijviday for thef midsummer vacation i sessions cjf the court of revision were held on thursday and tuesday evenings j a number of new and improved 4ock boxes will be added to acton post office shortlv j strawberries will soon bo ripe here- ajbouts the acreage is small this year in tlnvvicinity the sunday schcol picnicat crewsons comers on dominionday promises to be an enjoyable affair rev j s colling kill preactt his clos ing sermons as pastor of the methodist ghnrch here next sundav n i the editorial table wnjs graced diiring the past week with a beautiful boquet from the garden of mrs s a secord the celebration here next wednesday dominion day will be attended by an i unusually large number of visitors j wouldnt the present be a favorable tinie for a concert here- there hasnt been a concert in acton this season r the beauty of planting trees on the streets is now brought into fullprominence the aors of planting are well rewarded miltons new brass baud has been organized with a good set of officers and a gentlemanly and aspiring lot of members the new sidewalk on mill street is said to be the best ever laid down in town the material is firstclass and the work well done i the stars will play their first lacrosse match with uie bockwobd boys on domin- ionday te game will commence sharp at 10 oclock i mr a stauffer isfencingliislot corner of church andj elgin streets we uiider- stand he intends putting a shop of some kind on the lot- the gentle june rains have swelled the luscious strawberry to good proportions we hare no doubt however the boxes have been kept uuder cover the sidewalk thrpugji the gtb yard requires some attention couldnt the council make an extra effort this summer andxontinue the sidewalk to the crossing ajneeting of the directors of the town ship of ksquesing agricultnral society will be held in the council chamber stewart- taqjj ftejb l an rlatrorm bvaprftujdlprojratnjuo was qxtonded west t wtould bo a great eon- i if the fettt r a lumdreb feet ir so ycuiencjo to travel leri todoscenk fioni the iarslintb the ditch and with ladt ssjand elder y rieoplo this is often a very di flcult luatujr bramptb a oplhioti dorain on day will jbticolebratkl iu acton of athletic sports pmep are offerod jout for town like jbhokys khafthe people leataotlddayifplenty vvtareiu ieceipt of rarie got up by the and raciig j00 i this is 4rg j am acton to ffcr t ud it arc deteri niiied o ha of backin j mlldoiw a neatly jriined prog fltek pitt i zflihhf ci wintry diy to rune on sunday n girt t nlddnight the heat was intense wl eu it stojiped raiiingbbut l oclock 1 donda i moi niu it began to grow gradually cooler until the meroury fell to a ixint whe re sun mer i dot tesaver a bad in- vestnieujt in urn srceb monday night even heavy oversouts mh clmttehng teith were to 1 seen ani hsard there jvas alight fros t on onda f nisjht and tuesday continued chilly suceebsft 1 qard en pj rty theatdoh pjrty g veu by mrs thomiis eastou ai d mrs ed varl moore on tho grouuds o the la tter 1 ast thursday evening was quite iuccesdul the attendance was large the eveuiijg plei saut and all preseut appeared o enjoy the nselves acton cor net band was presei t ni full jfbrce and discoursed excellent music and jthe choir of the met hodistj chur h tendered a num ber of exc jleat songs and anthems in tlieir usual attractive mauner thej proceods ajiiounted to about 83 1 an fntere iting public itio i f ye havs the tlvelft i number of tho cen- xiiian picl rml ami ft luotmtai wah aw among ot ter interesti ng i mstrations it has a fine twopage si ppl intent f ho wing sketches from ihefrmt drawwbn gab riel dumimtis paper bags by mr fiw curzou s ecial artist of the canmian-ple- toriul with ged middlelons commaqd andavi4w of ibattlefora as seen from kort oitte the plier sells at lotsehts per copy t btaiuable fipm local booksellers and from r he office of niblicatiou the geor ia mm 3treu the fan bus giorgit minstrels will give out of tlieir amusing enter ainmeuts iu iho town hall on dot union day the press speak highly of thej georgias wher ever they eo says hjhea g saturday esewiui the stmnfjrd ct iltvahl tertaiumeits stamford has witnessed this season the of colored again visi hearty reciptioiil admission 25 cents re served seal s 3 cents a veneraplelpubjucatjn godeys ajdyts npiearanc of u the uumller for recomendajticin as merit any gav minstrel troupe 0 one- of the best en- stanifpid booljforjjuly isfheculst eherable magazine needs no especial lule its timed maglazine and beautiful w dressmaking househc id ipartments are rejilete with land inforit atioi imay subscribe foij arj vridch allows every subscrib i j li wj i is composed entirely dent should the georgias the will receive a july it ex eeds in beauty and jpreviotjs apjiearauce of this old- its illustrations are rich ifor one do jer 4 selecti mbf a fulls zb chtpaper pattern ieath monti astliest patterns are noted for their accuracyl jmor than the price of the maga2 ne is receiv d in the value of the patten s address jih haule- jbeek p 01 bojh p philadelphia satisfactoi j dealings the car ada life a ssuriince company has always enjoyed a vary worthy reputa tioii for str ughtfoirwar dealings and this morning ve havuj pie tsure in presenting another evidence of tlie prompt business like manner in wl ich t leir affairs are tran sacted 0 admin is tra iou infche es ate of the late alex h brown- were receive d by the solicitors of the ad nihistratrix the- same day i i papers ptoiug the claim covered by the policy of the deceased were- forwarded to thie compaiys office it hamilton the next i day the conipa ly remitted their townron saturday the 87th inst at 2 pnr j cheqyeior i sum ejijceeo ing 5000 to mr d henderson their agent here who in turn handed it to the prober recipient this was the committee appointed atthe meet ing of citizens last wednesday evening to se lect the definate site for thenewcemeter have chosen the bjx acres inthe front of the steele property adjoining the manse estate rthe antiue jokes about the green apple and the small boy will shortly loom up and though many will require rejapanning to make them look even secondband yet they will do theirdnty as vof yore and many therebe that will smile thereat tlicre is more taste and enterprise dis played in the acton fiikk piikss office than in the printing establishments 61 many j larger places theiatest piece of printers handiwork which thefee phess is able to boast is a colored poster in connection with the dominion day celebration to bs held in that village it is a credit to the office giielph mercury the new sidewsikb the new sidewalks which are now being laid down are beiup built in the best possi ble manner and will no doubt endure much more wear than tfiose of previous years the idea of renewing tlirouglwut and patching old sidewalks with old plank is a good one wv think and many citizens with ns that a mistake lias been made in laying the secondhand sidewalk on the j south side of mill street jbetweeu willow and john streets this is in the centre of the business part of the town and should certainly have been renewed with the others i the toronto industrial pair we have received from mr hill becre tary of tlletoroiito industrial fair which the jreadiug matter and becipe ue- entertainment the se desiring to try it the palabce of the year purelymrsonal paragraparespecung people with whom our readers are individually or oolleotlvely aoquainted miss jeimie jniiit is visiting friends in londoiii mr john kossif king is a guest atthe teachers tesidonco miss minnie forrest of markhatn is a guest ut dr mogarvius mi8sada burtch of toronto was the guest of acton friends a few days duriug the week wo are pleased to learn that mr b has- lett has secured an excellent businoss stand iu one of the best localities in the oity of petroit wo congratulate mr kichard idaloney of this town upon his success in the exami nations duriug the wook at st michaels college toronto we had a call yesterday from mr jjt dunning of the cleveland ohio herald staff mr dunning was a number of years ago a resident of aoton and was operator for the dominion telegraph company mr seneutt g kctchum the notorious editorinchief of- the dufterin post hon ored the fiikk pins sanctum with ins presence for an hour on monday actons attractive young ladies continue to charm him ltcv it hobbs of mount pleasant spent a few days last week with his old friends and parishioners in acton ho was heartily greeted on all sides and received innumer able congratulations upon the great success of his pastorate upon his present circuit liraehouse sparks tiuin our oicii corrttpoiltlent crowilcit out lust weiik the sportsmen have left the pond good prqspeotg for a bountiful harvest children here are singing salvation songs our creamery man is going his rounds our old pastor kev geo abb has beeu transferred to toronto conference tlie wool is coming iu very slowly this spring we understand mr newton in tends keeping a stock of cloth on hand georgetown ashgrove- glen williams andlimehouse now forms the georgetown methodist circuit kev j j rapp is rev mrshiltons colleague for this year 17th inst the letters ofjkouse full of women and a number of plenty of grain ontinliead mr geo grant is quiet ill yet wild strawberries are very plentiful the salvation army have a new drurii fire iy volley miss lane of orangeville is hero visiting friends fijir the past two weeks mr tm lane has beeu appointed trus- tee of tlie methodist church here hallelujah breakfast at heury cjraw- shaws last sunday morning at 7 oclock last sunday morning mr ilat jjogan had a sheep killed by a train neat lindsays bridge mrwilliam sinders plants have proved atmosta failure this spring he has had to buy for himself miss nelliexindsaywas home on a visit from guelph where she is studying for a teachers certificate jdr andrew scott iiarrowly escaped in jury by a falling beam at mr lindsays raising lastrsatiirday the army have meetings here every evening but monday saturday and sunday service sunday morning at 7 and 1030 it is just provoking that the 8 oclock train that drops themail here every morn ing stops here neither wayno train leaves here going west j till 545 pm none east after 11 am there was an immense time at the rais ing last saturday about 150 men the e bpltiert 27 uwerwyndhiam 8t j jcuelph thursday june lltli 18d5 just received from xanchat- er another case of those beauti- fuli sattbnbj in lovely colors and designs tt is not putting it too strongly to say tbat nothing equal to them has hcon shown in guelph this setsoii and every lady at ibegtoinfo that lam atyout to leave acto bin the ieuideut8ofhaltbn iout to leave actoq shor ly and those desiring 1 rat- class should not fail o call at onco dont delay but ct mo nwv and avoid ho rush reqnirii able washing material should sec thcijn wo musllln white flouncj madras lawns dies g a handsome service- also shown in the department inen dii syrie white and dream persian lawns white and cream persian din- mitty white and cream ham burg jjets black spanish iigs white and cream american j spotted fancy french organ- oolored india mulls pink cream and sky oatmeal white piques and nar- new pointed lawns cloths seilles aud cambrics lovejiy new zephyr ginghams very fine musliii belaiuep our stock is new jfeesh an cheap and customers are assured of the hi m satis factory treatment llbolllert i r indeed prolinpt and bolicy holders rest pssurcd tin t wlieii thfir claims are due there will i e no provok ug delays after the necessary p ipers have been presented be fore receivi lg the amou its covered by their policies orange bio jsoms and i iappy souls yesterda afternooi at st albans church tin ire was witnessed one of those happy and nteresting c vents which we are always pleased t recoil being the union in holy wal lock of miss alberta mcgarvin third daugl ter of our esteemed townsman dr n mcgarvin and jr moses bricker fof the fimi f bricker b ros listowel the ceremony vi as iperforme d at 3 pm rev t w magi hyl lucan issisted by rev w j pigbtt bai officiati lg the bride who was beaumf dly attired had for her maids ier sistef fsmny and sliss maggie camp bell while r w free nap and mr mat cobban of walkerwi i cted asgroomsmen the matrimonial rites concluded the bridal party rupuii ed to the re iidenue of the doc tor on bow r iivciiue here a suniptious wedding j re jasi was jiartaken of the happy pair eft on the ev suing train for their home at listowel j the- bridal presents svere numeraus and elegant and embraced many of raie beauty an value testifying to ithelliigi esteem entertained for the bride by hei many frie idb mr bricker has- robbed our little own of one of its fairest mails we all l egret her removal fcmvfeel satsnd tliajt iter presence in the home of- he fortunate partner will be to vifcitors umong which was a detachment of the salvation army mr marshall the village reeve and mr lindsay the town ship reeve were the captains there was tho usual jtmouutof shouting straining and lif tiugr now one ahead now the other mr liudsayb side coming out at last about one minute ahead then the rush for the supper which had been well provided ior and placed outside on long tables just as the men were doing their duty down came the rain so pies tarts cakes and rain went in together all passed off without any serious accidents the bam is j6 feet by 56 feet has a stone base ment walls 10 feet high is well built and well situated june 23 5 rock bent arid comfort to ibc hiirfvrinc y browns household panaoe has no equal for r ilievinic pain both innrnal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rhciumatisin toothache lumbago and auy kind of a pain or ac le it will mostsbiteiyqujck- en the bloi 1 and heal as its a ting power is wonderful browns hot seliold pan acea beii g acknowledged as the great pain reliefer aud of double the strength of any otl er elixir or liniment in the world should be iu eery family handy for use when wfauted as it really is the best cabinet k 250 from8250i stsec my new and enavlj per dozen up life size crayon portraits made from old pictures ora speicial sittine combjucd musi cw hi rack ill guellf h cltoth irish sui haiil tweb ng8 cmnl bd beautiful desicns 1 2 different shades shaw 6c grundy merchant tllors guelph magnetic oie cures rheumatics neuralgii lame back stiff joints and chilblains ohilb your good fresh and rtliale piejd and flower seeds including turnip u kinds mangel rape hungarlaht v ml mm v vltvr j i pshingi rods and tackle 4cc hluses with ready mixed pamts the largekt and best btock of paints oils varnishesj etc in town and at j j b e lowest prices is at mcdaryins prug anct stationary store 3bat bargains at the- hfclon 5ry 00 hosb nelal phirtings splendid upward remedy in the world for crajmps iii the stomach abiljains and aches bf all kiuds and isfor sjilebyali drngssts a bottle 25 cents 44 and all lung jpreparation maunetic oil cures chapped hands frost bites burns and scilds sciatica etc magnetic oil is a most useful remedy for both man and beast magnetic oil is splendid forcoighsand colds sore throat and croup magnetic oil is sold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best liniment known insist on your druggist giviug yon tlie geuujue magnetic oil is to be- held this year from the 7th to the may they eiljoy lifes riihest blessings and happiest exfereuces th6 virtul dleansiug add purifying from themquy modes cjf applying it the 19th of september acopy of thetrize list in which is offered over 825000 inpre miums a large proportion of which is for livestock and agricultural products tlie directors announce that they are preparing an immense pregram of speclaj attract ions which they pronsise will eclipse any of their previous efforts aoyione desiring a copy of the prize list 6r other information in connection with this exhibition will secure it by dropping a iwht cartf to the secretary j cerate sold at 3 e at toronto him a pay of continuous p ofcarboli acid for liealiiig public is nri ertain how meet that want mc ttore actoil is well known rbut carbolic ce ate is jprep ijed apfl inay be used with confidence 6 iriot be j misled takeprily hcgregor parkes carbolic mcgarviub drag 10 irockwood news from our oivn convujioudeiit l ciomjou out last week the additional train servibo by the grand trunk will riiakeit- much more convenient for those going to guelph the erection of the stone skating rin k is well advanced the committee evident ly iuteud to be ready in time mr j j hill st pauls president of the manitoba railroad bbru in bockwood is now reported to be worth ten million dol- lars in the winnipeg dadij v a tribute of praise is pail toalatc rockwbod citizen iu the perioii w horn nuphew of a nairn e8qtor6u6 jiyho is now serving in f company of tlte joth battalion iu the cliatge at blitofche he did great execution in rifle practice with telling effect we are pleased to 1 jam that lie- was reported for his courage and coolness upon leaviug rockwood ho was presented with a gold chaiuaud seal iu memory of his usefulness and urbanity of conduct summer sunshine r best to use it- to iiligfh parkes for coughs colds bronchitis aud throat troubles there is no of medicine can compare with bickles anticonsumptive syrup it iievelr fails to afford j rompt aiid perma lent relief it removes ill soreness and heals the dis eased parts it immediately soothes the most troubl jsome cough aud by promoting expectoraticn removes the mucus which stops up the air tubes whioh causes difficul ty in breatbing thereby gives relief to that depressing lightness experienced in the chpst jpub io speekers and singers will find bickles autijconsnmptive syrup of inestimable value as it speedily and effect ually allays all irritation aud liuskiness in the ihrciat a id brouchical tubes aud gives power to tie vocal cords rendering the voice clear aiid sonorous if parents yish to save the lives of their children and themselves from such anxiety- trouble and expense let hem procure a bottle of bicmen anlircomumjitiee sritp and whenever a child has taken cold has a cough or hoarse ness give the syrup according to- direct ions j i 46 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it liasaltect- ed mcgregor speedy cure leaida the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain oie of those injurious- iugiediepts characturizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the publiu every iiigredicntposseiips a pecul iar adaptability to tlie variausjpoinplaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is beuiglestablished by testimonials hourly received we lire therefore confi dent that wo have a preparation- which we cau offer to the public with the assurance that it will be f an absolute cure f plaint iniligesti pure blootl iv mcgaivins drnijt store oautrion ellh pug of the myrtli navy ismjarkcd j iu bronco letters actojst i l is u jr- before in cnapa were jodds offered so cheap as we are ofjf thm this spring meat we have find ik 12ic cottons a yard wide tuajtvyereforinerly worth 20c we are selling foj- jualiby at 5 and oc j embrdidrys p3 and oc worth 10c prints at 5c andi o fo ir hundred patterns to select ifiiom dresigoods at 8c and upwards muslidil and li wns beautiful patterns in color cieam undwhlte at 7c and upwards iillxlweiy u phoioc a stock as can be found in any city nd we are doing the trade we pavb tb always keep the best and none oth r genuine b urdock b mr john mcqueen liad the amputation of his finger performed by dr groves mrs mcqifcen had the misfortune to have her arm broken lately how often is it true that troubles never dome singly mr tfhos blaok eldest sou of mr john black eramosa was seriously injured last friday by a beam f idling upon him break- inghis spinal column u iu more money than at anything else w 111 by anything else by taking an agency for the best selling book out beginners succeed grandly none fail terms free uallktt book co portland maine uiid not only a relief but ir dyspepsia liver com- bn constipation aud im- e uial bottles at j e 38 willcum biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas satt rheum heartburn headache and every species j dlsorderedljven n bovyels oilburn or relieve dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin flcilseasa arising from k1dney6 6toma0h dr blood gf proprietors tobonta ck the ladies of acton and vicinity- for their liberal patronage this spring by such we are greatljf li introducing a finer class than of dry goods adimillinejiy it w y most styli us for to stylish hats an1d cats goods that yo0 cafl the best dry and and we mat them im- i trt us iind be gonvingejdi a call on white regatta shirts jllulojd collars and jcuffs sh goods andre sincerely eucouragjed in our efforts in heretofore kept in acton i t i dhi u rely on eapest stock gooefs and boots shoes groceries c a book of 100 ptjges the best book for an bwoitia atvertlsoi to on- ljl2ss3enoeabrqtherwise itcontalnsllstsof no nrspapersandestimatea of tbeoostofaavertdf lngtheadvertlserwlio wants to spend one lofiar finds in itthefln- -ijite4- fashionable b coiuiiox at the refeidence of ilr donald cameron on the 20th insl miss eliza beth cameron aged 58 yea s ciiay at his residence norvalon the 19th injt col vwm playj aged g7 years deceased was one of the most prominent and respeoiied residents of thi county hs occupieidthe position of reeve ojeesque sing for o ver twenty yeais he vjasuiim arried tuib diced may bo found clirieotqcoir i nip rartlf bovell coh kepper id- ertlng bureau 10 spruiebtwhierrf adtertlnliik eoutr4cunuurbemadeforlt in hew yokk- bolic cerate you lormauonfierocralrek while for him who wul invest one hundred iousand dollars in ad vertising a scheme a indicated which will meet bis every reqt lrement or can be made todotobgsughichanc ittatuy arrtoeaat by cor- retpondcuee lffl edit tons have been issued sent postpaid to a iy add f 10 cents write to geo ev bowblll co nev78eaper ad1brti8ing bubsau w8pruoestkinun fhousosq new yoflc s to do if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mc 3rejor parkes car- finest stock of lovely sat eens prints and muslins in the oity i- f spots checks and stripes in endless vjariejty busy always i bucham co for reaping and will find it inyaluable i for healing cleanbii g and completely re- 1 moving your trouble if the blood is out of order tike with t a few doses of mc gregors speedy ct re from j e jjcgar vina drug store 29 i grit and will solk mjlsueajltlibes- qhh mqsk mciaryins drug 4t hk voajc lbaesthao any other ml m0lnf3 lffacfanesusi ir- g0j toronto and etiiflp i 1 aw mmm 111

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