Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1885, p. 4

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hf vfvlft hefe 1 i m if 1l nenb tatrtoivt 8tosis6josb 25 1885 wolf there- geatiou beiui vfcar y i wj t h anil mtutartl isj rniwh u ltbtofbi- riie askodlof t e btoqukter at the average be aiding hotibi o9 up rewn iac6uco3 of ol boirttgui y to jtlie horns and beefsteak lireo cuts bo ith tlioreof he is i brown i of course will pass uulesi it ocoure to him wthiui that he ueeis a hinge for- ins trunk but through ifcahjnes ijho spirit that makos j suou j auv g ihgthe offtsctb of an iudulgenct iu such sunjous faro ubo mc- jretotritka i know a little lioro whosefaoe with w the boy a man a spirit itroiuj and sturdy a will to wiu its way i s- it does me good to loqk at irish ana watch him day by day lie teuinw tttai his mottiex poor and atswa for broad shes such a dear geoi mother i the little fellow said v aud then bis oyesritoiic brighter god bless the little man i and lie added cause love her i help her all i caii ah hurts the thine to do boy u prove the love you bear p to the mother who has kept you iujoug and loving care make all iherburdeua lifihtcrihelp every way you can to pay the debt you owe her as does my littlemaul mtpeiulent warning and comfort 1 il l i i 1 y r 1k i- u v v i ii u if si v 1 1 5 4 0 ii i 1 1 1 jk- i 5 r u k i 1 l v- 1 h ipj j th airs sarsaparula operates radically uouand through the blood and is a safe reliable and absolute cure for the various diseases complaints and disorders due to debility or tp any constitutional taint or inieetion j- ml jlilwirkenfcd at all beasobs when the system is foul and ahe digestive powers feeble- or the liver and kidneys inactive burdock blood bit ters are required avoid by all means the use of calomel for bilious complaints avers cathartic fills compounded entirely of vegetable in gredients have been tested for forty years aud acknowledged to be theiwst remedy ever devised for torpidity of the livercos- tiveness and all derangements of the diges tive apparatus secitcar parkr pi hamilton ont are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying comj- pqund known for sores burnscute scald salt rheum frost bites etc it is called mcgregor parkes carbolio cecate b sure and get the genuine mcgregor jt parkes carbolic cerate sold by j mo garvin at 25c a bos do no violence to the liver and general system by repeated doses of mercury tn the pe of calomel and blue pill many ns thus dose themselves even without advice of a physician the best snb- te for such pernicious drugs and the of which is never followed by disastrous lis upon the general health is northrop ymans vegetable discover y and dys peptic cure which permanently tones the stomach j regulatesthe bowels punfies the blood and gives a healthful glow to the cheek abtillan happenlbsb there is now being manufactured here an article for instantly removing pain of any acute external nature aud it is cer tainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia headache toothache and the like that has jeyer been tried it is called fluid light ning from the rapid manner iu which it acts and is manufactured by mcgregor parke soddin acton by j e mcgarvin druggist a d noyteb newark michigan writes i have enquired at the drug stores for dr thomas eclectric oil but have failed to fifrd h vfe brought a iottle with ijs from quebec but it is nearly one and we do not want to be without it as my wife is troubled with it piu luitlie shoulder aud nothing clue gives relief can you send us some 1 f if a lew grains ot common sense could bq infused into the thicknoddles of those who perpetually aud alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs ami bbwfcls with drastic pnrgatives they would use the hlgiily accredited aud lipuuhful laxative and tonic northrop lymausveiclablcd overyiuil dyspeptic iure which causes good digestion to lfait in appetite and health on both 32 what business is th4t which is diametri- cally opposed toevery clergyman the stand ing dread of every- mother the constant fear of every i father the horror of every wife which makes ninety per cent of the b isiuessof criminal courts ninety per ceut o the pauperism for which the taxpayers has to pay which keeps employed au army o policeuieuiu all our cities which puts o it the fire on every hutlrth and coudemus wives aud children to rags cold aud hun ger which fosters vice for profit and edu- citesju wjckelneas fifrgaiu thtmlovn ilalioieay oiiilmrjit and imu notable ctintense heat augments the annoy- ajnees of skin disease and encourages the development of febrile disorders therefore they shonld as they can be removed by these detergent and purifying preparations in stomach complaints liver affections pains and spasms of 4he bowels holloway s unguent well rubbed over the affected part immediately gives the greatest ease pre- vents congestion and inflammation checks the threatening diurrhcea aud averts in cipient cholera the poorer inhabitants of large cities will find these remedies to be ibeir best friend when any pestilence rages or wheu from uukuowu causes eruptions boils abscesses or ulcerations point out the presence of taints or impurities withiu the system and call for instant aud effective carathje medicines advice to mother i i arc oif disturbed at in irikt anil itrokenjo i tour rest by asickcuiul suffering ivwi j wng with pain of ctiltiii teeth if sd eadatouceaudrctabottleof aim ijini gausjtsoothingsympvr children ttething its value ia iucalculable it wilj relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there ig no mistake about it itcukjsdysenteryanddiarrhpeail egoiatea the sttjmach and bowels ciicei ind oolle sften the gams reduces in jbmnatioo and gfvea tone and energy to be whole system mrt wlnelovft soothing xgrupfot children teething is pleasant to he tmteaadjs the prescription of one of she olflertandlfest female uurses and phyl udanatn the united stiles and is for by ltdrogghita thronghoufc the world prijeis cents lhttle 44 gcgbra spocjdy curo n sire and effectual reniedy for d rspepsia co istipation and all affections of 1 ho btomach a liver sold by 3 e m cjarvin aotpn- trial mtfcs nr laid lghijlng there are bat fowthat have uover suffored almost lutohrable paiu frow toothache i neuralgia o like aouto pains to them silbh auusu ut jreliof as riviid lightning is aa uutold hi s3sing in tic 10 of trouble no disgusting olfonsivomed oiuea to bo taken or days oie application of fluid liht- itii euros sold at e mogarvius drugstore j i 29 hrtil vff dollar updu dollaris frequently spent on the faith of recommend uions for articles entirely worthless nt so with mc gregorsspicdycurej ouaro asked to purchase itintilitsiaeritbare proven call at j ltmcgarviuadrajj store and get a free tr al bottle an i if not convinced it will cure tow of the v orst forms of dys pepsia lirt r complaint etc no matter of how long si adding it nosts you nothing sold iuooc and 1 bottles see testimpn ab ii m fr rlsoait bfff y on thursdny llisjt v c open in the col den 3tjejxith our great summer sale being determined to bull ajl onrsumtmr stocfc as at the end of this month xffr williamson- sails for m iritibi maikats oibu over one hundred vieoes- lovely at 5 and ii cents a yard vjorlh 12 five hundred pieces double iii all shades 12j cents w hummer silks in endless j silk cloves ilqm 300 dozen ofthe best josephine kid gloves 25 cents alk from jpe rsons in you r owu town itchtnd riirssyni moms and care thosymt6msare miisture likeperspir ation intense itching i icreasedby scratch ing very d stressing p uticnlarly at night seems as if pin- worms vere crawling in and about the rectum ihj private parts are sometimes iffected ii allowed tfcontinue very seriob 3 results rnaj follow swayses oikiment is a pleasan t siiro cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skiii diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 8 loxes i2o in stamps ad dress dr swaynes son philadelphia pa sold y druggist 1 l 56 lnpidedeni ea success for all jiurppses of 1 1 iamily medicine hagyards yellow oil isatthe head of the jhst it is isedwith un precedented success both intei uaily and externally it cures sore threat burns scalds frost bites relieves an 3 often iure asthma 29 sold elsewhere ot r ljwis r ii li jui n 1 v r givlngi w 1uswis m 4 b mccar stru orth 20 jk dress satieen cents variety 421 cents cents it 81 00 f prico is iioobjeotat thib sale when you eclmu too ir citybowarc of going to thoso secondhand stores conic d iroct to i the dry goods king to qm goods kept heije mefc tweed suits at 500 j d wiiililmson co health fo hollo wmb pillsotd ointment v a arcadia mus cents j ijins haying decided t give up 1 is id a bbluebb in acton will j- cost and parties desirous of iseuring bargains will find it to their own jadvi i kind select bofore the stock become 1 reduced the w0ndee of jl i have a t osor his entire fitook under llklv ihjjcalvjoiittrexi bkiirobbi im 1 lil 1102 ft111 xluougli 5xli547lmm act obi oach 1130 pui ci icas 1 express does not stop u twecn gucub id toronto imrkofctosixomaiis j doimyjwost 10 a0 aiiu aud 50 piui advantage to call early full stock of zttrpsh spsjcng f on hand all of ivhich will be offered at prices which astquish every customer l 1 1 1 the xxh v purify tlto blood corruot all- disorders of the i l1veu stomach k1dnev andiuqwels they invigorate aud restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invi j complaints incidental to females of all agis for ehildrrn and tlie they are price ess ilci dfr working peopld sendlocents r postage and ri will mail you free royal vi luable bamj le b6x of good that ill put yi u in the wi y of making more ioney iu v few days t ian you ever thought possible al any busins capital jiot re quired you can live t home and work in spare tinn only or all the time all of both sexes of all ages grandly successful 50 cents to 5 easily e rned every evening that all vho want work may test the busi ness we 1 take this u lparalleled offer to all who ai e not well si tisfied we ynu send il to pay for the trtuble of writing us full pfttti ulars direc iions etc sent free immense pay absolutlysure for ttll who start at once don t delay address stikson l co portlaijid maine tatikbua sew tbeathtvt perhap utlie most e straordiuary biiccess that has been achieved hi modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catar rl out of 000 iatientstreated during th s rtast six r loutbs fully ninety percent lavcrfoeen cc red of this stubborn malady this is nor e the loss startling when it h remombereu that not five per cent of pttieuts presenting themselves to the regu ar j practitic ner are benefitted while thi -patent- m idicines aud- other advertised jures neier reeoid a cure at i all stiirtiuf w th the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men tlvat the disease s due to the presence of liviiig parasites in he tissue mr dix- on at om e adapted hi s cure to their exter mination this accoi iplished he claims thecatairh is praticilly curedaiid the pepnanency is uuques toned as cures effect- edby hii 1 four yean ago are cures smh no one else has evqr attempted to cure catarrh 11 this ruamii r and no othe treat- tnent has ever cured t atarrh tiier appli cation of thereibedy a simple and can be dohe at home and tlie present season of thf year is the most f itorable far a speedy and pern anent cure lie majority of cases being cm ed at ons t eatmeiit i sufferere shouldcc rrespond wit h messrs a h dix on tsn jioo king street west toronto cajnada andj enclose tamp for their treat- on cajtarrh monlrealiitqi nov 1782 jfiljgs evil was tne name f ormei ly given to scrofula because of a superst tion that it could be cured by a ltings tic uch the world is wiser n w and know 9 that n only be cured by a thorough purifica tion of thelbloodjjf this is neglected the di ase generatl on earlier syi eczema morsvlloi poralmtl steal 0u1 tfnuey iihe tarrh etudes its taint through i er gep sration among iu tomatic developments are itaneoits eruption tu- carbi ncles enrslpelas jlcerfl fervous and pby- ipse etc if allowed to con- matlsni scrofulous ca- iox an i liver diseases tuber solar cons iniptlon and vari ous otb ir dangerous tr fatal maladies are product dbyj it ayers scrsaparila isthec nly powerful and always reliable bloof urifutng met icine it is so effect- ual an alterative thi t it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula and the kin ired poisons f contagious diseases and ihnrcury at the same time it en- riches md vitalizes the blood restoring healthf il action to he vital organs ana rejuvenating the entl e system j this great erati e medicine is coirjposdd of th eenuine honduras sarsaiarjlta with yellow sock stll- ungia tae iodtdet of potassium and iron 1 nd itiierfng edjents of great po- j tency cart full an i scientiflcally com- pound ov its iormt la is generally known to the mecical pro eision and the best physic ana constantly prescribe ateba 8absaabllla1ual j it solufce cure for all dtee ases xsms id i by tte vttiation of the bio kl it is con eitrated to the hlgb est pr tctfa able deg ree ist beyond any otber repiratlon f ij whlcb itce effecu areela med and is t iewfore thbeapest as wel as the best itooid pnjrifyfngtaedt- ne ii tbt world j ayei8 8s lictjbpflrilla fbepa flpjbv or j c ayer cplpwo man ai lalytlca i cbemlats hk lbyluruffi bvts pstoaflirjus bottle- fojt5 1 the oi nt is an infallable remedy for bud legs bad bi easts me nt old wounds sores anil is famous for goufand itheumatism for dh orders of thechest it has ho equal foe aoee thr0at3 br0n0h glandular swellings aud all skin diseases it has joints it acts like 1 itis coughs colds no rival aud- for coutrrtcted and still charmr manufacturcdonly atthomas holloways kstablishment 78 nov oxford street- late 5s3 aud aie sold at is ld 2s 1 lid 4s cl 2 be luuhdf all medicine vendors aspurohasers should look to the label on the po 533 oxford street london oxford street londou- s nml 33s each box or pit audi may lioufihout the worlil a ami boxes if l lie address they aie spurious tlie dominion boot a shoe store kiensrastey have now their spring stock complete 111 all 1 value in thofollowiug cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slip boys shoes in crfcat variety girls shoes in children rubbers slippers t links etc always ihstoek good assortment our ordered work gives thcjbest of satisfaction kepairing we can suit you c luable i all tged ulcersi it 1 parties indebted to me will please call aud settle expense i a mb heir dccouiits and thereby save mcarthy new aoods j cjheajp grqods tt j 3c leading wholesale and eetail carpet dealers 1 j 1 1 40 king street east hamilton eaar i ii not bjros i nes and ure offering the jers great variety shoes of every kind o make a specialty ofi- tiue brussels carp its fine tiipcstrv carpets fin wool canets jiattiugs best englit h oilclolba4 yds wide best lin jleums 4 yards wide fiiie lace curtainb fin madras curtains fi ne tnpealjry curtains m f i i i- ay tihie fabxe crarid trunk railway ooukoltabtj ioixo vfpst il247 avl bxpress illialij mftllj 515 ilit hpocial 80 pjn accoui coach 800 alil oing easrr10l a111 and 520pini ngliii 11 mil closes at l0j am on vrtstf iicsday icjanftdian pacific railway 1 to ali loisth toxlikssfj timb talliji tgrontp todetrbitclucagoj and ilaiiitoba stloiiise pociftcfix j ikci1e 4 loiun si tojronto 810nni st otsvallciuni 10 httjiomas detroit f i y nuipcg iorouto si routo ottawa montreal quebec boston 1 1 pm 2w o mojireal quebec and boston 8 25 am biamuton streetsvuk brampton bainpton ol ajigevillii o ton soun i be a purchase your tickets by this ew vd popular ljni niom j j e mcgarvin ticjket aijeiit acton ontario best quality best patterns r jl mckay 48 kng street east hamilton ublic extra leatly and carefully performed call kenney bros 100000 presents zrggg8if o emjbodj wtio sends tt dlnded gts a prcw a morth from 20crts to 1000 iomrontbt idrkbblrurljlrmorbitin ibt ilrwdi mlmtnown md vonalir fabltr gat kv mrtlmull el to lno000 pn mora dtly elmilited tai introduced lnl hsub vheraitb m imst kssas 1t 4rbilol u throw off ll profil nlktnh eriplioni knowlnf well that wben ihi journal mdm 100000 rowcrfmn u idttrtliinj nitrate nil f7 fgr tbr induct unu ne oler it not vill die rortloo of era oactttl stijlpbriw c 1dcibji lie tironltlum i cad eibtv airmtc winllnarrrriartibkrfplmnbktnd auiltnttn rwll rlr i f vbrl i oudrfl on r r tnkrulrbtkursiibhnd b4w4joatoii4iwtjillbjl jtnw4 blpl ij for e of uisfouowioiprtkmi tho list of prtmumtai to bo oh on to our subsorlbors 10 iv govt bond 300 each 3000 h vnsh ipriz-o- 10 trht5reenbk500each1 3000 1 ttckrl plid colombia bicycle 10 ilkgreentlu 8100 each 10uo 1 firmwl sqnnro finno 1 cash prize 1 thtmscil becu nelr t vilup cjrti 1 pi t 1 thtmscil beckmir 1 silttr dinner sirrln tnp bi ji v r rlrrftnlivcv of v ech 1000 lutomnaalbwu l nelr t tillan cjrti 1 fsnr phn100q ivwt kih i i -i- n of 1 ch 10 genu gold witthm tcnluh motemcut- 10 i- lito urn- lkl kni 1000 u 8 flreeabido iwitdim enliih hottment 20 box- sittmwelcbs aldnieai morerofbt t soliulra diamond iiir hinp z intrm lln ntn ta elegant art goms i lltvi bilk parlor solta fmnl lim gold pinter rinrj lulia brtatlin oroti sntlli la locketi vain ami cliaitii iiijwt21qthtrprrl talaedfraa30tntutolmakainiia anreflion of 1ww ire cnu thai scanuktin a prthnl le acktuttmr atvaabaeriwrwhomndj os60 ecnta ill of the above preaenu will b awarded id a fair and itorcrtu iuiixt prpfepli wiu ba aent to any par of i tjbltadstatai or canada nonoatan witl be asked tnoii any muerily an funrard prfrnts tle 20 ollumxbi vbleh yon aend u fa tb recnlar price w a yoara inscription and ti err fare we thirre nothing tor the itcient1 oon will b in y onr ftrtnr pattdnik andtho incrraatd rate wc v ill ci forjouradrrrtiflnr iiiaceolt sjulsthiiriom oat fl of yoor ftlenda to join- yon by cotling thii ont and lihinzitnthcni send nji 9il380 and w wu fend on tmroiratauatebforotyearjlidjdennmlrpd rwiit fwr cli of jronr iineriltr and one wrtra fofyonr tronfale gotma- aua wrra b800 and we will m yoqlia rubfcritiona and 13 rercinte cjend twiarr j and we will wnd a ni and n ipt to wh of ywnr antneribera and i alennnjmdjkontink caaed vatrh toyon tbf watch i vrth i fan betraric ut donhlottila amount will bold nood until angnit 11th nly iu io wi uld tdriia all of our fried an early dale as in no rase will they 1 receive 1 later thsn acgtut 10th tii1c 4icccd bold bkd cutl annst uth nly iu id nr uld ad rise all of our friendi to forward suascrtpllone al niw urrcn anrarlydateuinbocaewilluieylrcreiellatrrlhsnacetutlilli tflk roultbv xkepir ll uh belt and ablest edited ponltry paper in hie eonntry and shradr biaarircutation or iw000 eopiea and liaa joat cxm- 4tadthe4iairibntionof 100000 uresenta to ita nrat 100000 aubacribi ca it contains sixteen paaea beaatifnllyluujtraind and tells how to maka poolefy par ko pwlponemnit 5qa steuwinb1n6 tehkfbee s5s rthat we tray positively know nhat papers pay ua best ha i lialter hi i tjoucht 50n steinnindlns walerbnry watches aiul i these m0 wateheawlll be elren away to the first 500 poople n ho aru rer this atwrrtiveuut and riie us the riaina of the i paptr when lojey taw the adnrtuemnt if you send us0 eeala y will boei iiiile1 to one of tliest old well known ant i reuable watehea and mnceipt toad for one preaenl thi oiler is 1 ia tide aija il to carried out to the loiter- seadnow tuc dfllll toy keeper ueitabllahed liarint lreadyllootwovrilen and is lacked by ample eapltal ao ijlc i uul1i1i rtcrin thateteryonepfonrsulncrilnnosybesuracf ircllhir wtut we proiniie indeed we i eonldtmaifomotherwiae wewill aend a printed list of the anjnh free and all preseiila will ba fonvarded to holderiof i recelpta aa tbey may direct 0tjb ola f1tb0kb asd guiwchuxils should 0 to noi ii at once and help u to incntte i afpill vra remt6 serorea tfle pocltkl kfjtnioncyearand6nertirttcrotcmrttt i valllal ov af ealv i w one number of tbe patter ia worth donbla the aubscliptjon price detoosirl reldsbiwy we nftr ash anvf dat not iwow m so mt bmk cr ifnrtaiitiu jmv thms ew premntn to oar bxibewrlber tri ven t6 thean aboolutely freo 1ocni tadrab avcaasy tatanae91 otleaaabajibesamlinanoraluarrlettaratourmk lancer sums should be umntsstifmiiaimmtiu the poultry keip moo 150 1 atiaopa poultry kmpbb 89 ritdolph 8ybhroawnir th east end clotiiing store fashlgnabte tailu spring twpeds torsted ooatiigs a id sereeiat the east end clpthin i st re our garmonts are halo perfect fittdnt ajad in jilio latest artistic designs a fine assortment df spring a b it m luie turioiiian qurtaius fine tiipcbtry coverings fiue furoiljurecoverings fit e curtain poles fine cbaiu bauds best quality carpet sweepers be t quality spring rollersi ifine stair rods fine shade polesi lowest prises ring- hqt 3 also on hand lew at the- mammoth ic house geofjreiowti mtfleod andersor ciry 63hatton ftaxonlondon and 246 st james st idtbatreaj i ground seiliiitifimllji from dear and inro pebble or optical glass especially mamiftjdurcitur the piiritose tjieg urn without exception best adiipicdto ren- tore th ravage oj age uiul to retain per fed vision theg arc ysjhcially recommended byihjmistemiiieitt faculty i every vniro spectacles iiud eyculaisscs is miuiicd b l j e mcgarvin druggist l j f 4 l this betjgtiu to eclipse all its t riner efforts in thbway o selling dtifuicliea i in mioiving a lnfce variety it the get up ttyle ind cheapiiesb oi tin ir mliluvry tlie correct t h in iu tlie style nin je and p iot in de8g ft w iiavje a uew inrgiiindvnried stock in nil the latest uoveltieiiu millinery our dree8 ioodsstock js now very large including silks snt lis oltfinmis etc a rriaoifieeut silk tor 27c wonh 75o in the millir ery and dressmttkiiig ljpartnieii ta weddinf uiid inotirping orders a specialty tlie n auagcrs of- the millinery dipssmaking ui id tnantletlopartmeutbarv hiiuked hut have secured the best talent extant indies enn cpnie with confidence am leave their orijerf i 1 brints and gi lghnras in all tiie latest styles extraordinary cheap staplesof al kinds including ciienkedshirtings cottonadesj grey and whi te cottons cottonfe shin ings cottonades- und all caniidinn goods we buy di ect fron the mills andsellheni wholesale prices our ordered clothing und gents furnishing department jasi never in a more col ltte itnle qeiitremen imiy ciime with tlmjutmut coiifidince find leave tlieir orde nd will suit tjhem in price tyle fit wqrkrnaiir lip and variety carpets welray m itnmeuse stock from 12id upwards roots and shoes a laige variety prices rigji iteadymade ulolliiug we- have large stock and w are holding a cleariugaleuuiirwe reduce tlie stoclc- great bargains wo will givo t good su it for 4 we have the nt- most cqufidenoe in asking the palronaga of the publtcwe will sell you goods atawav down bottom prides i y 1 sole a gent for a gtonivtit i mammofh house startirt the new aid beautiful styles of french liiitish am american miilinpry mintlcsi dresses ladies misses gents nudrbpys udefyir nihtwvar aiulneokweiirhojiiery gloves sliirtiugs fansi belts sbovescreeii8ttrfite ornaments corsets embroidered unlerwwir of all kinds table daiiiwim ourui v uxsri m4 broidrfed wool jprinw audvplaintidiis in lnce kmtiioulerdtiatiuajifl silk velvet carpets yyindow bliods and hotjsb fiirnishing goods ii almost enfllietjs variety cbarhiiiiginceturtaihsrqliilts yiuiiseti a inasriiiticent stock of parasols direct from theenrppeanjiriarkets in great varietyof pjrices and qu iilitiea in piafh hud lace oeredtffiiousatinpam than ever nice giiinham dress goods only 12e- nioe wide i prints u bettt r wiast colored prihts only lie very line wide fast colorod prirjtsouly 8o ah huinensc variety of the newest styfes of prlrjts ginghams dress goods mksj satins urveteauxiarid mourning gooda of all hinds a large lot of tweedi selling at about half theh ical nlne a largo aasortment of while shirtings frpm 5jc i up to the fun stand best kept heavy stuped aud checked 8luijings from 1 oe- ntf just see the 10c gliirtinp it would be cheap ht 12je a beautiful assortment of creton 3 cretoi fringes tindxjlmps be snfe to see the drese buttons they are new and beautiful aud very cheap immense bargains iglven in black caahmeres colored cashrceies majnnoes and cress gpods an imi sense assortment of new makes gowning patterns in mats o away without seementhe new ol silk ei alnoidered 1 oilet table thatjire danaged in any way after juumiltou may 21st 1s8s teeomas c3- vi ih to brauitoiji jct 20 1203iui 5 25 k as 25 0wam 7 u0ainr 7 53 5 15r-i- 00 uaily exceiit monday o mojreal lirffitevl kxi a w ml free l- ac 0e tfiiul tntarialj 145iery tiuued option 61 a g07iin 9 42 00am montreal bx 7 phi 517 am b fio j 30 jitn 8cl0nni to streetsville junction 4 fl4iini as 7 22ju1h 745 i to onjngeville and owen sound 9 37am 5 45 pm 11 uoj v i 0 57 0 30 pita 10 20 hpti f casnl t nrstinsen sequent iij reckoned hcaleot i cliauge intne oil they- rill a j v all the ba areflf uond lhuttle macliiuos fj eawitiithe patent jl wpmatfebobli windej 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frederio h rjurgeon accouch qlticlj hotelt nb- easeaof p i new sysl monly cj teeth wij pverajtf aayevji orjaudr ofdebt3 depend operatlq south on v to veils tosout ee rates iiig6ai1 have 1 air fori jrigithel may sal veteriq s v iiikeii deuce i l soundit altcj 8 r- ed to kinc stw most delightful ertour zkwbavttfj f trips pie week bttvecai detrat and mackinac aisv wee day between detroit and cleveland m wrtwtwowf j i plcturiisque maokinaqmhussatsti oonuli ga pajtlguh milled free crevelattd steam niv jo hitcohb qtn paaaaqt detroit mich r- t v x j a s i aaafcj owj ij toil lihgtol v alley j jon ao ip st purcliase amhqod st how rkstorii wo have recentlypnblibhed a new qtlitiau o dr culverwells cele brated essay on iheradioa and peimaneqt cure witliput medicinol ot- i nervous 5jebiltty mental and lnysieal iiicapac- ity impqiuineutsof marriage etc rcsultmc from exoepsos sauprice iii a aeai6u envelope wusy g cmt or two poktage staiiips- thd cewliratoil antlior ijk this ulinirulile ks- say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practice that aliivmiuk duugcfiueuccb may bo rjaaically cured jvithoutjlliodauiteroiia use qfiuternal medicines or tbo usiiof the knife poiutinfifaut a mode of curo at onta simple ccii tatuana effectual hy- menus of i which every suffererjno matter what hir ioiuiitioii maybe may curetliiuibelf cbeaplyprivately aud radically thitiljocturo should bo iiirthe hntlih 61 cvury youth and oveiyinan in thj9aiut i addrebfi thfc4hilveawerrijcj v rbstoi i 41 ami it vorl 9coboir45n i i hbhi r ineteta north dakota man tana llatio and avijom iaaletllujcaloi to riifretscmih rices ranging nhiefly lroa jl lo f6 per acre to 10 yoarvttme this 1 tin best country tor scurlna oootl lpmes now open lir settlement f ld8l64s3 aorci ob mode tuah ai3 fort r bron raii ble terqi 18485 ualt17 st all t ore iu the slabs ent rtaelwirmdxandiilqf8leia bobs urouwrrs p b it st f ml mton ifv felb

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