Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1885, p. 1

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-r- v w rii sjopm 1ycitnosi ihtvajj lvilk t4 10 pm l 1 0 mir jc1ll i loiosy hhostoii r pi pkl ht31v- s v 1u- viftaw iol pvit sou sound i 4 vo i wv tl line r omme xjxo 1 iiw finishibj iura6fe a machines u l42t iwinder uiuininiiiiii ond mcion livrjiothgi- sttjiy box ifjbcre iutucy tin tliis world m nrriwjr euiforj the rnce alfcires- n fltpttt- anil iiicl hofr to qxsw lh8 price oqjio t order eic5 nirrurriio rex rinrri a ih our nav co d tie ittmt frifi wss is ridlisiieiv- kvlihy thursday morning at thk ertt press polwer printing house f acton ontario j bks8s3irsslsssai2s3 i l subscription rates osi veau s1o0 six months jlt tluuik moxths 35 its invariamv iuwlvnuce if not mua in advance li3 per vokrwill bo charged no paper discon tinued till all arroaxa aro paid except lit the option of the publisher aovertisinq rates- ono column half column quarter column 8 no iuch 1 yr 13jlo3mt sg000 s3s0o 2000 1zk 3500 20 2000 li00 700 i too 330 00 lmo s700 3s0 i30 ioo casnal advertisements 8 cents per liuc for the first iusertioli and 3 rents per hue for each sub- emiont insertiou cash tho number of hues reikoiuxl bv the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil jvdvcrtiseuicnts without specific directions whibo inserted till toruid ana charged aceord- iiiuly transitory advertisements must be paid iii advance 1 changes- for contract advertisements must be ifijthe office by 9 aju on mondays otherwise they will be left over until tho following week h 1vm0okk editor auf proprietor business directory vn- acton banking cot storey christie co act on a- gexeii ill atx ntario thuesdiis jul v 2 1885 christie -bjankers- il tti h it ask 1 i xs acted ontario ml 1ivsls m0ne7 0aued on approved notes notes difecounted aiid interest alldwejd on deposits j e si special agency acton oat messages lowerj irecetvcd aiid transmitted at rates than telegiiiphiug allan tickets britain lowesj ie steamships ijisueji to all points of great and the continent at very l f h lowry m b m c p s- t graduate of triuity college mem ber of college of physicians aud surgeous office and residence at the head of frederick street acton he webstertmd cm jletiiber of the qollege of pliysjcians nnd surgeons of ontario physician surgeen accoucheur omce mill st hksikence campbells hotel acton n b special attcntiongiven to the dis- casesof women and children l benkett dentist georgetown ontario cmckin lay l ds surgeon 9 xleutist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain have administered it over a thousand times iii toronto without any evihresults- having been demonstrat or and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeous toronto patrons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed office one door south of iiaptistchurch tjainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for paiujess dental operations at the office of y c b hayes l d s tovells block gnelph out upper wyndjiiiru street t iggs i ivory dentists south x east corner ting aud youge etreets toronto lontario finest and best set teeth ato st gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in the morn- iug can have them the same day we 7 have been administering hulls vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dur- ingthe past year regardless of what others may say john lawson graduate ofon- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont omce in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi- jeutje in tle rear horses examined as to sougdness and certincates given all calls niglit or day promptly attend ed to terms easy points loa8y acton il lin t ratjes buy the tickets hei e if sjending for friends e ganaljiah pacific r r the cheaes and best route to all ead and west sec time tables saved 17 doaling with mcgarvin ontario ttgqti stock brokers uemlers have indepciijdeiit direct wire by which 3jew york continuous stock quotations are than by any other received mjre rapidly source buy and on margiu toronjto and other row at it mclean m barristers solicitors notaries convey aulers it riilduey to loan otvia town pull actou l mowat w a mclean ojiood willie barrister solicitor notary public do f tieiiltlietlwx altox j ui acton office inmrs seeords block 6p0booto toroato stock exchawro sell oii commission for cash all securities dealt iii on the montreal new york i tock exchanges ite d- also exe ute cirders in grain aud provis ions on the chicago board of trade daily cable quotations of hudsons bay btock 26 tbronto street welliiiton marble works qubijc st gobleh xst paper hangings witu borders to match parlors -tor- diaiasr rooms and halls oaamljers tuc newest add best stock is at cuelph the aoton puofslu can see samples papers and borders at of my mr george hynds fancy goods store acton mr hynds will sell at my price r t j day days bookstore john h hamilton proprietor i pormei ly mcquillan hamilton i i dealer in marble granite aud everything peiiaining to cemetery work j received first prizes at provincial ex- lihibitiou ciuelpit the wescern fair aud all local exhibitions for excellence of material jand snpe orders art iority of workmanship solicited uumpjr shmgles aind lath rpbe uudeksiun i that tye lirs stock a fulj other kiutl i class piue john day architect i j greliii ost 0fnck mifins hotcj block market sltare r b ain laidlaw tco bminsf eis it soikitoiis orncks- over lmperia1 bank 2j lingtou street east entrance alley toronto jnuybus c wtlluir lunav wel- kxxihangc c amasten geoiiue ku1elk 1 est or jiblithwj11 new- trwells cele- jlie reiitnl aid outjiiaridtdf bcifni lcnpie- a-miuium- c olh cui ailjiiiblc ks- i lirty yfirs ihevfcingirous- nitekiifc x liiic ccr- j s vhijji every- ifiiiii maybe ijvauil radically liuiiidil t1 ovuiy ifitjil inr patents secuked for inventions hen ry grist ottawa caxaim 20 years practice no patent no pay bus line jhiu your m desires to inform the public now on hand and will knep in of hue and hemlock as well as iof ijuiulwi also first and second lw v lath coal wood having urcbased the toal business of mrc s smith i am prepared to hupply all kinds of stovexioal i have also a good stoek of wood hnnlwood ash cedan and mill wood nt reason able pricef wood and coal delivered i iames mipws new goods bracelets bracelets bracelets new stock beautiful patteriib i watches watches watches waltham and elgin in gold and silver cases qold rings lockets etc etc just opened i i b savage nciir tctrics xew drug store uuelvif f jt ict0tt fxtt tm thubsdai mohkiso jbi 2 185 poetry -i- 1 the farmers cokn by wabtelt bcchanan j at early dawn when oer the leaves tlw hoarfrost creeps and steals their i bloom i when trees stand stiff in gljom beneath the sunless morn old farmer john salutes his 6haves of ripened corn y bright jewels mong the stubjle gleam and sparkle from his careless tread aud gossamer outspread i enrobes the naked thorn but farmer john to all adream moves through his corn tho startled hare before him springs and down the furrow speeds like wind while crisp leaves bpirt behind the yellow mists upborne skim oer the vale on noiseless wings abovothecom i bnt fanner john with anxiousieyes the struggling streaks of downsurvcys and through the spreading haze that veils the face of morn a bloodred rim he sees arise to greet his corn and fear creeps through his trembling veins as the rising sun dilates in red and as eadh mountains head his crimson hues adorn john quakes to think the comipg rains may swamp his corn still high 6erhead the waning moon reveals a patch of clearing blue and hope comes peering through yith lunas welcome hbru that yet favoring sky at noon will bless the corn tho changeful sun erst steeped in lire behold pours forth rich aniber streams that quench with brighbteygleams r the frowns his face ia worn for heaven and he may now cpiispire to save the corn j see oer the east a golden mantle flung fast move the mists f romoiit the north and as the wind comes forth to little shreds are torn the great cloudmasses that oerhung the golden conn j aud lo the wakened crows soar high how arrowstraight they upward fly oer bitsof dappled sky and leave the earth forlorn while crowds of lazyrooks float by the tempting corn what smiles sleep iu the farmers eyes today hell m that prfeqious grain for he knows the dreaded rain suoh bbdings dare not scorn so whistling thanks to sun and skies he leaves the com gpad word was half inclined o retaliate and change his will but as he w uld not at once deter- mine the exact 4han je to be made- and as he felt rather batter next day he concluded jo let matters rest as they were for the present hepzibah washis only nurse and little as she loved hj n she wits a most faith ful oue for it war to prolong the life si most wished to i slio ten him with unvyear ing every article of food iow her hearts desire e could once have al- she waited on devotion cooked that he ate and with her own hands placdd his medicine to his lips poorhepzibali thought of chanigingi across deacon furpishs mind she could quickly have surges in the change as i irts never absent fr dared not liieution i i anger andlpeilnvps phe she wis so aiixi one night the dfc had she known that a his will had ever flitted edan important item twas the wish todoso m hei heart but she for fear of rbusiug liis mstening the cutastrov bud to avert i ivcon seemed to have taken a slight ehaijge for the better and hopzibalis immedii te anxiety was a triflq lightcncxl she stayed by himuutil hefell into a gentle doze uid then she tiptoed about the roqm in in r noiseless way putting various little things ing him she paused moment and looked hill1s m stove depqjtr our stortf- the willl by uattie o jellfiy good aportm ent of stoves re lr n- ness college gielphontaiuoi tplbancis nun an successor to t t chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario aecouut books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rnling neatly and promptly done txtmhemstreet j licensed auctioxeru j for the counties of welliugton and haltojii orders left at the fiiek phess office actop or at my residence iu acton will promptly attended to terms reasonabj moxey to loan also money to loan on the most law able terms and at thelowest rates of terest in sums of 9500 and upwards ota mi- nd oregon teel hound lo j8perlcrft iebesf countrj l lor settljent if governnoent idettbeiloiniwiiid lifcaxfk 2jss ttanlan barber sho r jpworden j has opened a barber shop in the buid itjg neaxiyjpposito stores bw glove faclx ry mill street acton and solicits the pati on- age of the public in this vicinityv siy department of the business will be coudi ct d in firstclftss 8le give us a call i offeirsyouingmen and women tin best facilities for aajuiring a com plete tra liing for business pursuits book1 eeping commercial arithmetic banking actual business practice busi ness co respqndence penmanship com mercial jawtelegraphy shorthand cal- igraphy r typewriting freneh hygiene and physiology are taught by the most practical and interesting methods- the staff cdnprises six experienced teachers and lecturers the various departments are elegj ntly fitted up with the latest and best app iratus for business college work student may enter at any time r a copy of the annual college circulai address m maccormick principal john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan otsjarni property a i per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and otl er security couveyaucingin all its brand ek properly and neatly done charges lc yf farnis aud city property or sale xist with farms for bale sent to all parts of i 1 he dominion to iutoudkig purchasers andtir ouiated in europe european oapitaliito wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections througl our european agenb e fafmswauted our lists corresp denoo invited office near the post oflioe guelphjont l cijieap for cash tinware of all kinds bottom prices at ing a and put up on shortest notice i planing mill having made arrangements with i fessrs w h storey sou for the continu nice of the planing mill iu the build ing for nerly occtipied by the acton plow company we would inform the public that we are prepared to take contracts for building dee38ing flooring sheeting m0itldiwg sec wijth seatnksh and uislatch first class material onjly used j a caill solicited j c hill miiis carriage painting kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we- aft respectfully yours 1 t h os kb bag k malinger flfreel foothill nurseries tahqest jn tjhe dominion actibb esmen wanted ovek m 400 aobes i sa to bsgiu caiivasbiuwit once on fall sal stead imployment jo successful men gxkx 1 agents ate earningj from 840 to 75 pfr m4uth and expenses ternis and out a in t iwm stone 85 ptbllntgtoh i ncsseinansx 7 oronto ont ccspeicht tjarties desiring their buggies waggons gutters etc repaiutedorrevariiishedand madeequal to new on shortest possible notice and at lowest prices should leave their orders at oncftwith mr j a speight under taker and carriage builder or wijth cc spejght shingles 4m hood the undersigned has for sale a spleiulid stock of fustclass shingles no 1 cedari 175 per square no 1 fine 61 00 per square no 2 cedar 91 per square also a largo quantity of wood of all kihds from 123 a load up to 4jxi a cord prime short staves and hoadlnd to the trade at bottom prices- 1 thos c uoqre factobt main st west acton no oile save himself knew all the dark ways by which deacowpurbish had accum ulated the wealth which made him the richest man iu ppriugfield but hepzibah barnes his housekeeper knew that mary lowells fortune had found iti way into his pocket by means bo subtle that the orphan girl who had been left to his guardianship had no redress and was in fact obliged to state that the loss of it was entirely her own fault and that her guardian had be haved nobly but hepzibah was not blinded this was the one particular wickedness of the deacons iu which she took apersbnal inter est and she liad been at considerable pains to inform herself as to the transaction in all its details but although she learned enough to as sure herself that mary had been robbed as surely as if her pocket had been picked she felt she was powerless to right her and that the intelligence slie had procured was not a sufficiently unanswerable fact to bring into a courtof law th wily deacon had a way of burning his fillips behind in a man ner so skilful that not eveiuthe smoke had ever clouded his spotless reputation mary jewell remained his ward and guest and always declared that he treated her asa daughter while hepzibah smiled i and ragediu secret at them both at the ideacon for an old villain and at mary for an unsuspecting little goose hepzibah loved the girl- for herself ljut more because she was the daughter of a woman who had been the good angel of her own life having saved the deacons house keeper from a life of bitteriiessand despair- worse than death that was why the loss of mary lowells fortune and her uncertain future were a source of grief to hepzibahavorse than any trouble of her own that now could overtake her the thought of it occupied her by j day and pursued her in- fantastic shapes in to her dreams by night there had been a time when she had hoped that all might turn out well after the deacons death if ever he died for although he was an old man there was no signs of such a fortunate ending to her perplexities- leven that hope died though the deacon didnt when she learned that his will was made and all his large fortune left- to the church and various charities connected with it hepzibah was in despair for a while and then began revolving hi her jfertue imagina tion schemes whereby shemightbringdea- con furbish to his marrow4ones and force him to do justice to mary lowell iu the midst of her fruitless scheming io deacon fell ill and his several physicians declared his life to be in danger and deli cately hinted that it mighljbe well for him to- put his affairs in order deacon fur bish announced that his affairs were in order but that he did pot in the least ac cept the verdict of his physicians he was in truth horribly frightened and much dis gusted with providence at the same time it really seemed rather mean to cut off so suddenly a man who had done so much in the name of heaven and wassctsatisfied with if decrees as to find jaofault whatever witih the world be uyettin tle deacon torights reforeleav- before his bed for a at hiivj he certainly looked very ill j hdw thin and pale he was the more ghost o himself for j3eacon furbish hod boeua hale man for his years quite suddenly tl ere came to hepzibah what she always i leclared an inspiration when sh spoke of i in after days 1 it was a thought which sol ved the problem which had so- long- tormeii ted her the means to make the deacon jhange his will she turned the flame of the lamp quite low and noiselessly stole fro n the room t i deacon furbish was still sleeping al though he had once or twice turned restless ly when a figure a 1 in white glided into the room and up tx his bedside its face was deadly pale ts hair flowing loose about itsbhoulders and its dark eyes gazed down reproachful on 1 him the lamp light was diin and leeble but the moons beams streamed ii through the parted curtains and fell di ectly on the spectre in- creasing its ghostly appearance and on the deacons- face wh ch- twitched vervously beneath the fixed g ize bent upon it slowly tho 8ick mans eyes enclosed but when they met the sad reproachful look that rested on them tin sight seemed to leave thein a convulsion shook hini from head to foot he opened his lips to utter the wild cry of terror that s jemed bursting from liis heart but the sour d died away inhis throat in aii awful chokin 5 gasp the ghost never stirred nor for one mo ment removed the terrible eyes that burned into his soul he gazed upon it helpless he tried to speah but for some moments could utter no souj id at last he gasped what is it amiydo you come what ind justj whispered to hie that i should send for lawyer srtbe frffbee ents couldnt yil you kow it onlystayedijne moment you wanltd penrose and a i do lepsy olv lordhavis mercyon 11 sinner 1 fo i do seiidnow send tins morheni but dont leave alone if yuve a g airi of pity in all ill e years he had lived inhis house hepzibah never ob lyed heir employer with snchcheeiful alacrty in less 4han ten minutes a horse wi s boddled and one of the men serva its despt tched for lawyer pen rose thi r housek sepei then returned to henmaste and ga ehiha the benefit of her company j such as it was but her remarks were not consolin the ierrorstricken deacon ith hiar y groans- and in short sentences hat wen 1 disjointed between his chattering teeth x ufidedtfo her the whole interview hat had passed between jhiiliself and hisgh istly visi nt hepzibah listened in secret t iumph sut hot wthout surprise that she si louldha re produced fo strong an effect poor old fellowl she thought with a glimmer ot pity ilia nerves must be very much shal leu well 1 leacou she said aloud i al ways knbvr sometliiug dreadful would hap pen to ypi if you 1 udartook to die without righting 5 lary lo vell who i ays i ev 2r wronged her you im pertinent iroaker 7 growled thftdeaconi for a moment rouseo heariug ih epzibah ohpsiaw deiicou talk like tfiat to ijie i mrs lowblls daubhter getoufof the impudent wretch outl to defeud himself on accuse him it aint no use to know you robbed nly sir certa to obey sitdpwn do yoifwant justice for m late yes yes yoij anything the deacon rerri while he said the to speak to a ghos f i will 1 will having defrauded do every word child before it is too shall i will i will do erabered fearfully even yords that it was death and hfe supposed- that now he must die 1 1 oacebut he must live to fulfil its communis that at least was sure fo he aske i wildly what must i lo only tell me any thuig anything you might kiihw without hearing them ezra furbish bi t my wishes are simple you must restore ny marys fortune every dollar of it oh i repent of everj shall be here perspiration bedewed thp teeth chattered he her what elsemust i shall be obeyed i will take ca re of that until it is done i will not leave this house although you may not bee me i the cold damp deacons face gasped forth 1 iwill tell hdpxibali to send for lawyer penrose this uigljtthis very hour bl be lieve me madauil i will i myself will tell hepzibah the figure glided swiftly away its long 1 garments trailiui witli a ghostly sound and its long loose ho ir floating around it- deacon furbish ooldwith terror lay trembling in tie fear of ife retiirn but hepzibah quicki iied her steps jas she glided along the dark hill and hastened into her room as she if tly closed th 3 door behind her she gave a si ort wicked laugh land said to herself tnumj hantly not so bad fur an amateur she took up h r lamp stood for a moment in front of her 1 sokingglass and surveyed her own ghostly face powdered as thick as a clowns at a ci rem law sakes 1 she chuckled deri scared the old hypocrite i yiw no won- almostoutof t scares thislworld into ishother myself to look a i me she hastened remove the erfoce and re erently removed tjhe dress hich was of wl lite muslin and or e ofmrs ells own g ven to her keepsake she but ittenderjy avay and then put on hr own browp goj twisted up her abundant hair aid tied a handkerchief bjer it in thefahiorj with herj and having satisfied heiseli that ii mm iii powder from long occasion her own fal- she was still pa e enough for jthe caught up her 1 imp hurried from room to the de cohs and tremlling tering wild wit 1 every appearjince of alarm rushed up to hi ml oh what is i0 she gashed vfaya me deaict n o lord ive had such a turn jsometl ing all in wlite- too be side mejand a iid you wanted rhe4feaid wantedrlawy srypearose oh im most sea d out pfj xny ben8es- 1 1 1 did yon tl en see her uo den in a sea ircely audible roiok eeiwho lh-4- i f maijxiiw p mother iort a rcy deacon vfa it aji agjg room this instant you do you hear et said hepzibah rising t little relios only a babys picture with dimpled shoulders bare large blue eyes softly beaming and rings of goldeff hair qniy a faded relic 1 i all wrinkled boiledj and torn tis but a tiny stocking 1 my littlgirl had worn dniyaknoboftribbon i more precious far than pearls a it slipped justas yoit see it onelevenjpg from her curls only tier broken playthings little dishes another doll her pretty caps of lilvw you see i keep them iali i l 1 only a little slipper u that my pretty tlarlnig wore the first time that she tottered t i across thjelohamber floor vhydo ikeepandlovethem yhen so jmanyyfears have fled dont you know they were my babys i 1 and the jtfle one is dead tt f hjepsy sit- down yoa mustnt h ave me 1 moment oh you cruel woman you knov i darent be left alone hepzib h resur ied her seat hepsy whined the deacon presently in a pit ous voi e do you think she is really hei ewatc liing me waiting to see that i ke p my pi omise why of conrse deacon not adoubt of it retur led hej zibah with calm con vie ttou i know shes here i feel her presence oh i ord i g roaned deacon furbish in a voict of angi iph hepzib ah was 1 iorry for him she was almost te mpted t change the subject and try to lig iten his spirits but she feared to lessen the good effect she had produced so she at joitly k ipt the conversation hover ing amot g the shades while she was ease ful not to increase her patients terrified conditio j- lawyt r penroi e arrived at last and t a8ignfrm the deacon hepzibah after procuriu the necessary writing materials left the 1 bom i tie would have preferred to femaia but she was obliged to content herself v ith whit she had accornpljfltied and trust to the eriglit he had received te make th 3 daacor keep to the strict letterof hisprpnise on ih j uext d ly deacon furbish seemed better tl an he i ad been since his illness tooki dingerou 1 form aud hepzibah was thankf a for in ving wrought herphrpose she had some soinpunctiojus visitihgs of consciei ce and f omewhat feared the result but the deacon iontihued iu the same state for seve al days he could not be said to improve in heal h but he certainly grew no worsj his liirse tended him with assiduous care at d once or twice she caught him looking at her with singular iuteutness ij hepzibiiti quakjedwithui her but she gave no sign in he turnshe took to watching her pa ient el isely although with ntre skill th in he dimlayedf but she could never j barraoldt bigygirl the prejudices met by a canvasser lor the pectestaffund the bariholdi pedestal- fund is nearly complete the statue has arrived and soon new york harbor j will be graced by the most magnificent colossal statue the- world has e ver seen libertj enlightening the world what a pri less blessing persona liberty i s it istl e shrine at whfchpeople ground tnder the heel of- tyranny in the older vrorlds wcrship with a fervency that iimericans can scarcely realize it is a principle fc r which nihilists willingly die tihe death o i dogs and fit and proper it is at at the very entrance of the bay ofnew ork this e nblematie statue should flash a elcome to the world 1 j i the pres 1 is entitled to the credit of thia- chievemei t mr philip beers who tia inmakiiga circuit of the coantryoij half of the pedestal fundi says that the uud wul c srteinly be raisd as the l7or7 oes not know the wordas j mr beers says ttiat he has found is inost pronounced generosity among tlios of foreign tiirth theyseem more apprey 1 j ciative yt liberty than do our native borujf i- moreover among some a strange prejudice seems to exist- j i prejudice in what particular ihave ever found that fiowever mbrt torious a thing may be thousands of people will inevitably be prejudiced against iti i liave spent most oi my life on the road and i know the american people like a book in 1879 aj persona i misfortune illustrated this prevaihng prejudice t wits very j iu had suffered for s vera years with head ache fickle appe lite dreadful backache cramps hot head cold hands and feet and a general break 1 lown of the system 1 dragged myself b jkito new york seeking the best prof essioial treatment it so hap- pens thai among my relatives is- a dis- tiqguishen physiiian whei upbraided me roundly fjor preac bing so much about jmy own easel finall h with some spirit 1 1 re marked to him j j sii you knpi 1 tiiat much of your pro- fessional wisdom s pretense youargcon- troltel by prejudi ie you cannot reach a casetlikelmine anil you knotv it canyqu lthalhim audhe finauyconcedejlthe point for it was 11 rights disease of the kid neys winch had prostrated me audthe schoolmen admit hey cannot cure it btav- ing curedmyselfl however in 1879 audnot having sieen a sick day since my relative finally admitted fiat warners safe aire which accomplished this result waa really k hepiibahs almost choked momei it to get ijlier ace she laws no the njost quite d stermine whether he saw nthreugh the trie k she ua played hiiii once after a jteutively observingher face for soipe mocqeiits the deacon suddenly said hesy whin you were younger did any bue ev r tell yoii that you looked like mary lowell s mother used to certain i a wonc erf ul preparation had president rutter of the centralhudson used it t am he woud be alive todaj for he heart gave a bound thatj her but she waited her voice quite under control could always command ideacon she answered witli natural laugh mrs lowell was alloiit thd handsomest woman i ever saw while i-j- well t dont set np for beautj 01 yon alntbad looking mused the deacoi andjwtien you wa a gall gues ybji w rather pretty hepsibah sniffed scornfully and very sot n v ent downstairs to look after the dea cons ctiicfeerj broth but her heart- was tn ubl 3d and for the rest of ttie day she re- olv 3d the qfiestipn of whether ihe deacon wculd change his will again in case he really i subpected her but that night ended could not have been in a worse condition ttianlwas v i have fbnud similar prejudices among all classes couci ruing even so laudable a scheme as this p sdestal fund mr jbeerss e perience aud the recent death of preside it butter of the -ceutral- hudson railroaduof w extreme kidney dis- order troves thit the physicians have ho jeal power over such diseases and indicates the only course one should pursue ii aa the late ijr willardi parker says headache sickness of the stejmaqh dropsical swellings i backaihe dark land offensive fluids pre- mattirely impaired eyesight loss of strength and eiergy occtutj for they uumistaliablyl india to a fatal result if not promptly ar jesfect i y 38 sireeevery cent needed fori the pedes al will be rjaiied of course it j will be a great triumph for the ifprw but woujc it not hie been an eternal disgrace had oir people fa led to provide fori this peaesfcal her aiixieties ago as a she habitual y6u iay lihd miserable deacqn furbsh was smitten with paralys is aid was hepzjbah laict him out and prepared him for thb grave tasked the ti lses oil the allabsorbing subject dead before the morning- she perfcjrmed the last sad officeej more tjenderly than any other would have lone mr a pang of remorse smote her y hen she looked for the last time oii the white parched face and hoped she had not n lally hastened jthe final ihock hat carriudhimeff th 3 deacon had changed his will iu sev eral ways iffary lowells fortune was re turned in full increased by a large sum of inter ist anl to her iiever ceasing sur- prise hepzibah found herself heiress to sev eral houaan is l wehy swan bhe xclaimed when she eceivef her legacy all in new crisp notes 1 06 aldnt believe it iti didnfchave the 1 louey iji my hand he actually had epm m ejver timateq ilhe odor bf the hay field good in liira although it wsis so hid that u thing lessthan a ghost could iave found it put aaverajgeitvheat crop in all of europe at 110002082 inshels was p y igjpgjjjjjfcugtl fww m he was ambiguop ifalsc aii hei ad not drank anyflungtor gpjlng from nev englandjto a western statej many jyeare ago the writer was strucls with the di ference between the two local ties in the hi ying season in tbeold er states thel au at haying time is redp5 lent f the most d slightf ill fragrance mak- ing in a pleasure to be- out of doors at hayiigtimetheinj western locality there was only a dean weepy- odor quite unlike that to v hich wel hail been accustomed n looking into the reasp for this laclf of plcai ant odor at h aying we examined ike hay and while al ithje jsual grasses were pree sut we eoul d find ho traceof the swe tscented ver lal grass authowuanin odor itumrbo comi ion in eastern meaeftws in it beli this gra ss has little value in deed ite chief me it uesin its- odor this is de velpped as th herbage dries and a few spea ra of jthis grt sb will impart itfrag- raiic s to a large in ass of hay this grass shot id ill way a for n a small part of a mix- ture for beediu a jawn american agr cuturisiforjtuil j sl j 1 a forfar baili bemg told reoehtly that declared tiatttiectirge wm mi

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