Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1885, p. 2

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hi 44 5 nii t lb i s 9 it i i j ui ft il el vi i 1 i- jtott jroif resiji tjhvbsujiy mobstjfa joiv 51 1885 volumsflxl tlijwit issue completed the first dew d i i in tlie history of the fiunrss t lis morrling we open our eleventh ybluruo to say that in theast teii years it tiasf ulfil e i the objeote for which it to brought i ito existence and faithfully carried putf be promises made at its inception and f r i time feo time during its career would i we think be expressing all its merits t sucoossf ully conduct a live local pper s icli i as the frkk pnfiss is on ail sides ackiio wl edged to be requires more than iudiffersnt attention it requires an abundance of h lijd work and v careful iandyof all thit is calculated to interest instruct and profit its readers we have steadfastly endeavora i to accomplish these ends in some few in- f stances we have not succeeded in our efforts but generally speakiifg ye have surpsjsed our anticipations daring tie past ten years thefiiec piikbs hasnot to our knowledge allowed a sii gle opportunity to pass unobserved of brinj ing v acton and its many advantages and att ac tions into favorable notice before the iut- side world and we have the pleasure of realizing that largely through its laboin in this direction the country generally ice sesses a very favorable opinion of thisj the most enterprising town in the county of halton the free pbess has at all ti nes rtsed every exertion to aldvanoe the in teas mhis flyof laity th a micer oneif- gatisi actory explaiiikt satisi actoiry expli colebia ion of ipomiuton the pee nls througlioat reason we present a general outline of the ests of acton and actons citizens jrt mmamta dolffmiohday 1- w3 has advocated improv-ements- and has bee persistent in bringing into public no tice various matters intended to enhance actons interests and ensure comfort i on- venience and profit to our citizens and at the same time call forth admiration wad praise from the outside world today in taking a retrospective view of the rapid ad vancement made by our municipality we feel that we can justly lay claim to smie fecjnaiderabie measure of credit for the high and enviable position acton occupies an ong her sister towns for its tidy and attrac tiye appearance and for the energy and ex ter- prise manifest within its borders we are gratified too in the knowledge that bur efforts in above direction are appreciated and thit our citizens in nearly every in stance liberally second our rectfnrmeiida tions in all matters calculated to place otir little town upon a higher plane and airi never slow in extending to us due prais for our influence and exertions in actons be half in view of all this we feel that we cancheerfully promiseithat the progres siye spirit which has marked its uttera icjes from its jnception ten years ago to the present date will continue to permeate the columns of the frepbess through the rext decade if the same ieditor continues at tie helm it is apleasure to us to imform our readers that the past ten years have eeh years of very satisfactory success frohja business and financial point of view in return for itsefforts in behalf of our citi eub and their general interests our people 1 lave not been dilatory in conveying to us their appreciation in tangible fornj oat- in t jof subscribers has assumed proportions en vied by many newspapers published in fa noli larger towns and our merchants realising with keen observation the neverfa ling t benefit to business elf judicious advertis ing have liberally patronized our columns as our business has prospered nd incre ised we haye lost no time in adding imprive- raent after improvement intended to best serve our patrons interests and euabj eus to publish the free pbess more cxjedi- tiously and continually more readable and attractive the same can be said of bur- job department instead of following the practice of the businessmen inihemajc rity of small towns and sending their orlers for printing to city offices our busi less men invariably leave their work with us as a result we have f rem time to time een enabled to introduce new and improved f i j power presses and machinery and the best and latest styles of type and other prin ting material and today the fbekpiiebs i 3in consequence a newspaper of superior merit in point of typography and general attrac- tive appearance and tone and we possess what is acknowledged to be by al our brethren of the craft a model job dej art- ment and are consequently in a pos tipn to execute all classes of work fully as p ktis- fsctory to bur patrbns in point of b yle quality and price asthe city offices we pay earef tilkttention to every job no j i nat ter how trivial and na inferior work is sver ii allowed to leave the office i i this week we add another consigtli lent of new type and in addition present the fbee pbess with a fine new heading and have adopted an improved style of fori i by whicb the columns are lengthened and con siderable additional reading matter giv en in conclusion we cordially thank bur thousands of patrons fortheir ibet ility toward us and trust that they will coiit itiue to hold just as kindl feelings land woihy opinions of the fbee ptfutss as beretofo re j- notes and comment i the scott act wasxarried in guysaioro mmmam urn mdjrifpartlou uuable to give jon for the annual day july li by canada for this ae present a general history pf the formation of the dominion of cam da on july 2nd 1807 in the follow ing pa agraph v canada was dividediu iejpperuiid lswer u 1791 these were reu lited february 10 1840 in october 18ft t a groat conventiou compoi ed o delegates ft oin all the british kortli ainerioau ooioniea was held at quebec to deliberate ou tlie formation of a oouf deration and of ierteii days discus- sioirth e main jpoints j w ire decided but in march 1865 lfow br juswiok formally re jected the scheme in april of the same y sar galltaud uartier were sent to enfllaidtojurgethe paisage ofau act qt confi irsitiou and su jh an act was passed- ih 29 18j7 conibmiug canada on- tarii a id quebec n v i scotia apd new bruas rick under the la me of the dominion of can ida with a parliament consisting of tlietjueeii or her vfceroy asenatepf72 menjlx rs and a house of commons of 161 members this act took effect july 2 1867 wheuliord monckthe taeu goernor gener al wan sworn in as her majestys viceroy in can ada a couple of years later mani toba and thenorthwest were unitednd in 1871 british columbip jwas united to the domst ion the area of the dominion of canad i is 8515324 miles k dominioljl day the celebration considered a grand success ab ut 3900 people dt town aotcn was visited yesterday by as large an atti ndance as ever gathered within her border the fine cool day was most plea- sanffc r out door exercises and all seemed toenjc y themselves the sports of the iday were opened with the clithnmpian parade at 930 am althot gh not so extensive in numbers as that d last year the characters were good and their antics created any atuountof merrir lent the driving park was the centre of at- tractien during the day as here all the games took place at 13 oclock the lacrosse match between roctoood and acton was called the three ames occupied 15 65 and 5 minutes respec ively each wqn by rookwoodwhose team is now playing its second season while 1 rar boys havej only been organized a few veeks the match was a well con tested one and- acton did very creditable playin for beginners rockwoodboyb de pend s ltbost exclusively upon an indian player in tlieir team for their success whem iver one of their men would becnre the ba 11 the cry of the rest of the team would invariably be throw it to joe the indiat and to joe the ball would go no differeice iu what part of the field he was theg mewasexcelle it practice forour boys and wi hppe in the return match they will be the victors joe notwithstanding the follow ng are jthe play ers and their positions rockviooi position acton j jag goal ccspeight e j mccartney point w speight wbtiley cove-point- j lawson a btnchan defence field r carroll e ma gee n mclam f stnnge f wi smith t ed jar centre r lawson j baiey hom field a ccampbell amurray v a ramshaw ti kn wles j a g easton jlyall 2nd home g buckwell joerxot 1st home dbell r fai rish field oaptain h j morton djlishultz umpire j hannant the games followed the lacrosse match and t liere was some lively competition among jthe athletes i at 2 30 theliorse racing commenced and it occupied attention until dark lpb j ijomewarp bqumd the troopin thje norflx west enftaflfcftrhome i arrive jdomtta kftbnth ij wiipeo june 20- a despatch rebeived from ort pitt announces the arrival there pf troops uudor goii straiigeou saturday morning by the steamer northcoto from frog lake all the troops in fort pitt were reviewed by gen midjdleton on saturday afternoon after which j orders jvere given to prepare for embarkation today it will take three days w reaih tho mouth of the saskajtehewan at grand rapids near lake winnipeg tho arrival in winnipeg is not expected before july f the steamer al berta on her way from fort pitt to saska toon ito take the wouii led to grand rapids passe 1 the telegraph coulee last evening ho imexpeoted to arr ve at saskatoon on thursday she will return from grand rapids to fort pitt k assist iu transport ing tjhe troops homeward it wiu take every available transport vessel now ih the service to move the troops in order to get the benefit of the present high water delornve a member of riels conuoil and a convalescent wounded rebel in batoohes fight is being brought jto eginaj with others for trial v the military hospital at moose jaw has been broken up the sick and wounded hav ing become well enough to bo sent home they arrived in this city last night in charge of moose jaw and swift current hospitals the nurses are also returning to toronto haying completed the good work which they came to perform witnesses for1uel qceiikc juue29 the committee formed the other day in the interests of kiel aud the metis have decide to ask the govern ment to pay tor the production at the trial of all the wituesses that riels counsel may summon the court opened at battleford today before judge roleau who will try all minor cases connected with the rising there are in all 86 prisoners treason felony cases will be tried at regiiia mrs delaney and mrs gowaulock are en route to regina r- where they are to remain as witnesses at the approaching trials tfew advertisements m rift hb mms gard ibpraparedtoitokoin waslimijat j- nuoiiable toruis atlier teweucovowor jnear the g t holwijyv attkntion i rwers rphb undekbign 3d liaa j hula hay ltako and see tlem ale a mower both as poodasjnew call johnjiodkb ontario lumber llmo omvcemout works litnehouse june itth i3- uoise lot for sale- the up clorsigped offora lor oje bis houaofuna lot on main btreet it is ft large house coii- talus nine rooms also kltohoa and woodshed 1b well adapted for a tououiont or boarding house goodbtabloon tbo premises liberal terms apply to 1 w campbell j a rare chance valuable farm v and i village property one of the finest fa11ms lu tho county of halton bituato wjthia oiiobalt mile of tbr thrifty aud euterjrisiug villaga of apton containing 100 aoros known as the brown boipestoau also 25 acrds well timbered with com os sen8e trlat ben qt- containing 100 aoros known as the brown cedar timber tho village property compriaes comfortable j ue dwelling hoijbealid stdro on u1 street for full particulars apply to w pbrown j acton reae estate for sale the undehsigned hereby oilers for sale the following farms and- vjllago lots situate iu the township of erin the township of eb- quesing and tho village of acton being part of the ebtate of the lato hobertftwan as follows 1 part of the oast half of lot no 1 in the 4th concession of the township of erin containing 95 acres 2 part of tho webt part of lot no7 in the 5th joncession of tho torfnship of esijueslug con taining 35 acres i 3 lot no m in block 11 on church street iu tfievillago of acton 4 lot no 39 in blo6k 10 oil church streot in tjho village of acton 5 lot no 41 iu block 10 on i corner of church 4ml wilbur streets iu the village of acton title indisputable terms and particulars modb known on appli cation to miss elizabeth tlmrtell acton or to jqhf swan i attorney for legatees elora po if- air oliafgedj withdlseasicreatiulg eiemenufoul a r kill wlen breathe 1 continuously air wih remedli 1 elements will euro when breathedcontint busly the pillow i rihiler is flu elegantly juado hair pillow ehargejl with remedial elements tbe vapor of whic 1 the patient iuljaleb nil- night lot g while sleeping ns usual it oannpt ct out of order and is perfectly safe to the ftiosi delicate itjwi 11 last for years t nd serv s any uumber of persons in a famil in sue cession it bat lew down thestro lghold ojf catarrji firtocmtis aetluqa and oiaaumptioa and makes v permanent cure by a continii ou application of healing and emotive ajii directly- to the diseased parts suffered from any of tho abovcmentionec disease are urgently rec nested to send us iheir ad dress find a 0page pamphlet will be mailed to then free which will give a complete history of this wonderfi 1 djscov ery and prit cinles upomvhlch it worksi togothet with 11 long list of tes imonials from thise who have used it and rtho now rejoice iiperfeit health- j do not delay for the longer a iseaseis allowed to run inchecked the si iwer and harder i is to e feet a cure there is no m idlciue taken into the stom ach no douching or spuffing nor disagree ibleab mt this treatment it ixt neve been known to fail send your nrae and address writen to tjtio pilljow inhaler agekoy loki race v as well filled causec considerable up and the contests excitment amoug tho of either the athletic onlookjers as the officers of the drivins associ ition failed to send jm the prize list games or the races up to the time of going tor press we cannot fvor ur readers with this information iominlbx ix kotks thejsunday school picnic at crewsonjs cornel s was largely attended and is counted a success the best of order order prevailed through out th day riot a single disturbance of any kind t ok place to mar the proceedings the salvation army put forth extri ef forts 1 ist evening kiey had knee drill on the sheet and a crowded meeting at the barracks no t ccidents of any serious nature oc curred dnriig theday a young man fell out of a carriage and bruiaed his head and one or two sulkys were smashed the georgia minstrels had a erowded houte last night their entertainment county nova scotia last week by a majority onljtwenty votes polled against the act themorquis of salisbury has fonnjed a cabinet and it has been confirmed by the queen the new ministry has many iliffi- cnlties becfore jit bat t is hoped may stronger than at present appearsj 1 the recent there is nothing more remarkable rapid growth of a publio opi lion favorable to temperance andvprohibitic aof f to call i3 l x lirge limes i ver and that ii has baen taken up 1 haul highly pleased the audience the georgias ly kyouare interestedmhetown have the finest silver cornet band that ever visitet acton of a it the immense crowd that visited town 1 esterday bnlyj one or two persons were cbseryad to be uqder the influence of liquor and they were known to have brought the iahgleleg to town with them our hotelkgepers deserve high compliments foi this rejsult 1 j canladas credit abroad the new loan scdtch kselish and canadiah suiting east end clothing tlie sale of intoxicating beveragesj we have of late wcomesa accustoriied to 3 4tt at victories that we are in danger 0 for getting that thlsbtrong temperance 1 oi tjjt t hardirlgijocer forflonr an5 meirtis aithiuc of few years growth i loaf benepit your towk there is no doubt burresidents generally are desiroi of having a hand in furthering the interess of our enterprising little town and to all such we commend the following tules which if followed will certainly cause very satisfactory evidence of advancement in the direction desired talk about it write about it help to improve it speak well about it beautify the streets patronize its merchants advertise in its newspapers elect good men to all the offices speak well of its publicspirited enter prising citizens if you think of no good word to say dont say anything bad about it if you are rich invest in something em- ploy somebody be a hustler idont bark and growl at the assessor he has taken his oath to do whats right be courteous to strangers that come among you they go away wrh good im pressions i remember that every dollar you invest in a permanent ljnprovement is that much on interest always cheer on the men who go iu for improvements your portion of the cost will be nothing only what is just dont kick at any proposed necessary improvement because it is not at your own door or for fear that yonr taxes will be raised 15 cents dontthrow stumbling blocks in the way of your town officers they are generally publicspirited men and spend lots of time in the public interest for which they receive no remuneration if during the week anything of public interest has transpired which might appear iu priut to the credit of the community tell it inthe newspaper office so thatifr rniiy be seen by the outside world never condemn the local paper unlesb it has unfairly used you if it has dealt with you unjustly write to it or go intothe office and talk with the editor about your case if he was wrong he will lose no time to tell it to thepnblic j dont use rubber stamps on your letter heads this is a dead give away tali your own business oh thetown and on the news papers published in it jet your letter heads envelopes business cards etc print ed at a printing offiec dont let politics get mixed tip with year business- if you are a business man dont lose thehelp that a news paper can give iyou because its j politics are not your poli tics andby all means dont advertise merely to help the paper along advertise to help your business and town along newspapers are expected to advocate that which i is in the interest of the towns in which they ate published they geiler judicial sale property in thk- village of acton and town of milton d mann propr and premises in mill aud three tiknes over mo tbbaii jane 29 receivi id here tonight from london eng that tl le canadian 4 per cent loan of i- 000001 c tenders for w hich were opened to 4 dajy a id which hash ten negotiated by sir leona dtiiley was at about loijj rates and made in 1 and see tbefq greit variety at tb tore j fyfe acton subscribed for news has just been subscribed for three rsti its and qerc ats at extremely low 4test styles be sure j fyfej acton pursuant to the judgment of the chancery division of the high court of justice made in the action of nickliu j creech there will be offered for safe with the approbation of tlie ldcal master of the supreme court of judicature for ontario ut guelph by wm hemdtreet sjuctioueer at the door of the excelsior bakery acton on wednesday the 8th day of july lo85 at tlie hjur of one oclock pm the following lands four parcels viz parcel i tluittrinable the water privileges con lected therewith known as the acton mill lately carried n by benjamin nicklin now deceased jeihg parts of the west half of ilot numbe iweuty seven auojpartof the eiast and west nalves of lots twenty eightaud twenty nine ii the second concession of the township f esquesiug in the county of halton now in the village of acton containing 87 acres more of less the mill building is three storys high the first story being stone and the rest frame the building is substan tially built the mill contains an engine and boiler 20 h and all necessary ma chinery r the mill is wblj situited and is specially adaptedfor gristing a id has done a large custom trade for m my years there are no other mills withii a consider able distance of the village lie mill is situated in a fine wheat lgrow ug country and is of easy access to tile giaud trunk station parcel ii a valuable br ck dwelling house and bakery and colifecti suery store situate on the corner o mill and main streets the principal bt 3iness streets in acton and being composed of part of lot number 28 in the second 1 recession of the kaid township of esquesing hpw in said village of acton oontaining 37 perches jmore or less reserving a roadjway 5 feet wide along the southerly li nit th reof the dwelling house contains romis the bakery contains a large oven aifd the nec- essary implements for ba kery the con fectionery store is well fied up with the becessary casing shelvinj etc the bakery is kho wn a 1 th 3 excelsior bakery and is an oldabd established stand doing agooft busiue ss t he dwelling jiause andibakery and cc hfectii mery store are attached and the whol building is about 40x10 and is in first class order there is also a garden well 6ultiviited and a well on the premises i parcel1iia part ofjiaklot num ber 28 in the 2ud concbssfon of the said township of esquesing 1 ow in the village pf acton containing 18 perches more or less this property fronls on lain street sndadjoius parcel 2 wil h a ipadway 10 feet wide between them thert is a frame workshop ou preihiies alont24xog which can be used for a hlncksn ith shoj parcel iv lot nt mber 13 oa the southerly side of pearl st eet in he town of milton containing oneiffth of an acre more or less parcel ii will be sold it ubject to a lesfse of the bakery and confecfii mary 1 tore which expires on the first i day iof janiary 1888 the purchaser willbe entitled tjo the pro portion of thereut ccrijug duo fr6m the you should show it by advertising in its newspaper if yon are a business or pro fessional man you should induce others to do so this help3 the town miscellaneous torners jitter twentythree years xufferlns rev wm stou of wiarton was oqred of scrofulous abscess that seventeen dec- tors could not cure burdpck blood bit terswas the only successful remedy- it cures all impurities of the system the virtqe of ckrbolio acid for healllg oleansing and purifying is well known b it from the many modes of applying it tl le public is uncertain bow best to use it v meet that want mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate ib prepared and may e used with confidence do not be mish d take only mcgregor fe parkes carboho cerate sold at j mcgarvins drug btote ictou c 4- 1 house mtmmmzmsm pskrmri- stf tjb j j vsdhl- i 3jbm i jjjm- x k sb i y f mm i- 1 sss tib 4 rvv a- sli f m i clool m- v -ip- m kws 5 i m l pei- i jm and r v qe wihj sm m i- rfe ofgo ha pirchasgd the less of ujessrs ei nnjklij beg to solicits continuance of tie patron age of 1 klfkyho 1 iave in the pa t fa vored the excels orbake y with their patrc nage 1 my jafeers uill be firstclass assure ill jthat riy stock of f bread buns conctlfonery will ilways bo of the best ftualtty my persojil eindef vor will be f ive every custorner satisfaction t j breadi delivered a call sbli actou jmarch qth 1885 rphe canada dltizeif and te3 ipkelnt k ilifbalu canadas gb 3at phoibn ton the thi npest and thi edit 3 by f s seence sixteen pages weekly ou fine tone terms 109 in hlvance i llvizeplbligjbi tvantiid anted a 1 lesident agnt w tyillagf t wnani also a few travel ere to si chines for tokkii g air gi thau coal equall r as good no fiie pi iowette- uired mode in all sizes from 15 bur ters to1000 or private house sbtorebbotelb ifact ries mills streets imines 1 1 3 address darias a m gas machjoik m 115 t francois xavietr st 15-lv- i montfleae pqi house painti paper hangin ubell we the undersigned beg to j j infor n the people of tcton and vicinity that t e are prepare 1 to give first- class satisfaction in the lines of roof paint ing house pai iting calcimi nini and- alsb- in the latest s jorderp j romptly attended i day of sale terms of payment are as follows ten per cent cash- at the timp of sale to be paid to the vendors or their splicitors aud the balance within one month thleret iter with l interest into court ttj tm credit of this action 1 each parcel will be offerei foi sale sub ject to a reserved bid to j be fix id by the master i at howsons any quantity of seed corn millet hungarianvetches andotllr varieties of field and garden seeds at how- sons r t h harding grocer has secured control of the sale in acton of the celebrat ed roller flour of nioklins speedvale mills guelph and is prepared to supply all cust4 lr p can jbojhacl from the veudors will only be r iqui ied to pro dupe a registrars abstrapt and such title deeds or other evidences iof 1 titl 3 as they may have uv their possession in all other respects the toriiis and con ditioiis of sale will be the s and ing coudi jiiolns of this court messrs mowat mclean yent ors solio itoirs and messrs guthrie watt solicit ors guelph orjohn hoskiii qc toronto dated the 9th day of june 1 5 1 r j am mckiknon master at guelph loin ti cents to 2s at j hn to do 1 jf tioubled with au unhealthy slow- healing sore vise mcgrecoi harkes car bolic cerate you will find u invaluable for healing oleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the bipod is cut of order take with it a few doges of mc gregors speedy cure from j e mcgar tins drug store 29 vegetable sicilian- wastaettrstprsparatlonperfecjtlya laptedto cure diseases f the scalp and the first suc cessful restore r of faded or gr ly li lir to its i natural color jirth and yot tlilii 1 beauty it has had ma ly imitators bat vpp 3 bave so fully met all 1 be requirement lue niful for the properjtrei tment of tbe ii ijr a ad scalp llinshaib kesewer has e tead ly grown in favpr and s tread its fame 1 nd s sef ulncss to every quart of the globe its unparal- loled success anbe attribute i to but one cause the eiitii t fulfilment of it tpn mltet the proprietirs have often teen surprised at the receipt of orders from rem te coun tries where th iy had never mac e an eifort for its introduqtlo 1 3id tis for i short time ot xai s haib itekeweb wo lderi ttlly imprcvcvs the per sonal appearar ce it cleanses he e alp from all impurities cures all humors f iver and dryness and thna- baldness it stimulates the weakened glaiidp an i enables thorn to push forward a new and vigorous growth the fleets of this a rttcl i are not transient like those of alcol olio prepara- t ions but remi in a long time whl h niakei its use a matte of economy lpmr5c0 jtfgnffghmb fob the wtbiskes important anne uncement pfflu change 1 ii beard to a n itur d browh orjbiacit as dee ired it produce sap irmftnent color that will not wash away cor iistiogof a single preparation it is apphet without trouble peepaeedbv j sold by 1 jl dealers in m olcl es fob all tee f0mb 01 spofnlons mi ncuhal fend blooddl ord srs the best remefl tx eause the nsoat searohliig snd sloodpurifler ayers 4v 1 8ar8aaillla soldby all j toggutt j uj m m m ie thorough ai h irdware boots and shoosj we can sell jou for less than yoi tu buy thorn at any qtliu- place vst ot toronto 1 ore jsf 91k ca ti buy gobds oheapfer at th tjkian at any other place in the of haltqiji land r star grdcery county 7 0 other place su ontario we ar hound to djo tlie trade our fits ars small and we intejid to hjanle large duan titles of soodsi conie and buy gothesnaiths yorksake bariey torks f also garden spadesl a sizes nlwys in tocki diachiiiefy cmls for reiipersj mowere and al kinds at tiaachinery in peetless lubricating and sardine an if 1 evrythin else in hardware boots and siuqs or groceries cheape 1 than you ever bought them in your v r l im v lure paris qreenrobeap remember that 60ateawbrthsic next door to post off ics iv

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