Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1885, p. 3

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sbasfsagsaasjaasbssssassesshsiftsse use a upward kss goods lents up y ides 1 i n hajs 1ful fruit tae cbi rent 1c grocery ir les toronto trade our ties of qod6 i i rden spauesj of gfasfl io i i mowers and jardine and l leriep cheaper lberthat fotoffic r at cko hyxov aton j besidw myoll seleoted stock of wtitcni h clocks jcwcllry spectacles silverware t keep iu stock the boat selection to bo fcmi in actoirof stationery note paper from sc per quiro to 10c envelopes frem i d per- package to 20c mourning envelor es and paper school books slates school bagb scri h bliug books pencils pchs ink bibles ft id testaments a large si ock weddiug and birthday presents fan goods toys birthday iards ac itc f r tho leading store ii acton for this olrjjss goods give us a all geo hytsdj acton put tncbsnvt morsiso jcit 2 1885 crtjmbes por3reakpast provid by the ever thoughtful- pre press reporters iit lias already half vanished how do you like the new style of tjie free press mr w p brown lis buying grain i the market here autumn assizes will be hefd at miltqn on tuesday 15th sept what about watering the streetsfor tie next couple of months show the free press to your friends and ask them to subscribe john waldie es of burlington his been made a notary public arnica and court plaster are in larjje demand by our lacrosse players the new platform iu front of the pdst office is appreciated by the public the salvation army dispose of 2 war crys in acton and limehouse mr d wheelihan of nassagawe a sold 19 head of cattle recentlyfor 81700 hsivic holiday will be tiie next occasion for public recreation when will it be the fanners have been unloading tin ir granaries here this week business has beeii lively- the twelfth of july falls on a suridky this year the orangemen wfll celebnte oil monday a neatud commodious front is bei is added to mr chas davidsons residence on the 2nd line mr- a v green informs us that tie has sold his driving mare to mr mccormii k loudon for 400 mr bobt brown had two valuable lieows killed ontheg t r near crewsos igorners- yesterday mr d w campbell has just compl st- ed a fine new fence in front of dr dowrys property on fredrick street the solicitors for the 0 s smith estite paid out betweeeri 8000 and s9q00cash to creditors here during the past week mt forest has carried a 7 bylaw in aid of a furniture mauufocto y there were only 39 dissenting votes milton isbiddmg high now for nsw mauuf actories the old town is waking pp at last we extend our congratulations the public school here will close morrow for summer holidays the do rs will be reopened on monday 31st augt si rev k phillips the newly appoin ed pastor of the methodist church here ill preach his inaugural sermons next sund iy the sun and champion toe gett rw along swimmingly together we imagine they would almost sup broth with trie sa me spoon the brethren who had been holding forth for several weeks in greens hall closed their series of services last week and departed henfie- the toronto world points oat clvio demonstrations and processions as comi os ed thus mayor in carriage aldermer in carriages taxpayers on foot at the council meetiiig ion tuesjlay evening the principal business tran was the ratification of the site for the aew cemetery chosen by the citizens commit lee the was no end of wap antfrneiis for the pleasurable enjoyment of people on dominion day it is just the time of j ear for pleasure and all seemed to enjoy tli m selves lieut turner who has been promoted ed to the rank of captain in the- sal va ion army farewelletv here last thursdajrni ht she departed to take change df a corpsifear moiitreal j ac mckinlay l id s will jisit acton next wednesday and in ay be foind at agnews hotel he wl be here on tl second and fourth wednesday the weeks rakings whlohl arc priaotpijly lool and all intomiting i anewieparture mr ji mes moore is ncry ad ling a number in some i iow machinery facturini some of th heavier gradeb leather improyelments mossri benrdmbro make im proyenicnts to leather tuiinjory the yard is bout completec bark sto ehouae about course ol erection spare ov r blushes the g lelph meivitry of a colo red posor printed at the aoton free prbss oftice wcj have not seen the poster builve lrave a in actoul which is the xj- of t 1 month- v the ladies of acton continue to re- jnember the editor of thefitkij ptoss ery jtidly j this week misslottie e speight and mrs s a secqrd brought us beajati- f ully arranged boguets of flowers great dissatisfaction is expressed be cause the council relaid the sidewall an south side of mill street between the i o it- office and john btreet with old plant jo sidewalk in town is used as much as tl it iso doubt there are but fetvof parr a d- ers aware of the fact that when helton county was first formedit contained the following townships beverley dumfries esquesing kast and west flamboro nas sagaweya inelsoh andtrafalgar the july number of our liuie i published by the bussell publishing c o boston is to hand this ntimbeif likjits predecessors issparliing with things c ilea- lated to interest the little ones it isc neof the best publications of the kind issue 1 on the continent the militia inspecting pfficer will visit acton i jhortly to inspect the drill i armory knd accoutrements and the of ujers of the company desire that all the ii ijle mentsj vehicles c stored in the drill b led be renrom forthwith so that a presen table appearaijce may be made mr g a hemstreet phbtograbher milton baa purchased a fine lot on main street in that town and will shortly o ceed with the erection- at a twurey brict store and pbtographj gahery we congratulate george on his enterpris nd arejjdadtoncfcejtbaii aoh interest if improving the i towiisn whi ol the i vii retades j enioduuiug his tun- of vats and putting he intends maim- of iv co continue to their extensive sole iddition to the tan- an immense new 00x150 is uow in speaks very jbighly presswoik wphaveseoi for along time palmers wu ttlegrali you lay it on tather tl iokj f riond lai iy but wo thank yon for your very kiild comlimeut canada art journal the tl irteenth nnml er of the cumulum pictorial anil itltjtrateci war kern is just to hand it contains o fine lot of illustra tions among which fe find an oxcfellent twopag position of troops at th by two r leiubers of the supplement ijeing a map showing battle of batoche surveyors intolii- geilce cc rps and edwi ird hanlans narrow escape from drowning in toronto bay june 18 1885 tl o paper 6ells at 15 cents- pe coi y obtaina ble from local book sellers aid fiom the oflice of publication the bat y ci tys birthc ay party the rtcemiy incorporated city of strat ford is arranging for a wednesday udtnly is offerei i in trizes and program me if the day trades md firemens match ibaml contest of its formal inauguration about j2000 and sports the celebrated ladies gold cornet lahc from fei iton mich has been secured iorvhe occasiin the committee of mana emnt will pie ise accept onr thanks for an n vitatiou to bej with a g iiestra badge immign nt qhildren mr john i the orpl mu london onl ultiintheks lake v of 30 giils aiid2i0bov fiye anc out to tl lis country fo chiefly i moiig farmers to arrh e a the city thi 3 week this mores thirteenth auaual visit to these shores ith piivenile ei nigrants i rom bjirni- iugham england si ice 1872 already many applicationsaccompanied with good referenc ea have been i fade for the children expectec i to arrive but furthei particulars in iy be obtained by ad dressing mr h gibbins manager of the guthrie parewe jl bev if s colling pteached his farewell sermon on sunday evening and a grand discourse it was the- sermon was a last and ear iest no time in surrendering to the lords serv ice t le ai tendance ras larger than usual on tue sdaj evening held in the hurch on membe s aid friend aiid his estejemed f am hour in sosial intercourse before bidding fanwell du collfug who has for the poiitioi of biblt made t le recipient of dress a id a beautiful finallj ing the evening mrs some time occupied class teacher was a kindly worded- ad- double silver pickle cruet mri colling re plied iu feelingterms a pleas an sveuing was spentand all joined in wisling hem godspeed and every suc cess in thei r newliom i mricolling leaves acton afteria prospen ins year of labor the utmost good feeling has and continues to exist b stwekn him anc the people here and express ions df regret t w removal are unanin ious compl men tary to mlis williams the rianjjr friends i l his section of miss clara 7 villlams of g lenwilliaras will be gratified at home londo appeal to letterhoad printed finest speoimeu of grantl gala day on being the occasion entertainment the will include a grand procession kcrosso aud general games resent hccdhvpanied middlei nore the founder of ihildrens immigration charity left lieqiool on thel8th inuipeg with a party bet ween the ages of fourteen years who are brought adoption or hire they are expected- guthrie home near the will be mr middle- more are required frovinoial exhibition wo have received irom the seoretaryi uoury wad toronto the prize litrffortho provinoial exhibition which will bo held in the city of london from bept 7th to sept 12th a very long list of prizes are offered and an attempt will bo made to make this the most attractive and successful exljibi won over hold prize lists can be procured from the secretary an employers kindness appreciated on the evo beforo dominion day mr w h storey proprietor of the canada glove works was taken considerably by surprise as representatives from the various depart ments of the works filed into the general office before leaving for their homes all apparently desirous of approaching him upon borne weighty subject gloomy fore bodings passed through hiaraind as shadows of a strike or some similarly undesirable matter about to take effecti and just now when ojdera are pouring in f ronuhalifax to victoria presented themselves but his mjnd was soon set at rest by mr harry white addressiug him as follows j w ii ktorejj esq j devnsin we the undersigned on be half of the employees of the canada glove works beg your acceptance of the accom panying flag as slight acknowledgement of the many kindnesses and thougntfulness for our welfare and comfort hat you have ever sjiown towardsthoso in your employ in presenfiiligyou yith this emblem of onr great aiid glorious empire the flag that for a thousand years hab braved the battle and the breeze we hope that it may long wave its majestic folds over the canada gjiove worksv andthat the trade of that splendid building may increase aiid ipread until like the flog that floats above it reaches from pole to pole and is represented in every land ihrougliont the globe we earaestlv pray that j your gonial smile and everweeome presence may long be spired to us a ip that you and your family one and all may jalwayb enjoy the blessings bf a bountiful providence in this life and finally when at the close of your journfey over lifes troublesome bea may your baik be safely anchored in the liaven- of eternal peace beyond signed on behalf of the employees of the various departments j mack skcoiiu i i john perkins muuiie kinnejy i i harry white i j wstark j mr stiiroy replied iu very fitting ternib hethiuiked the employees very kindly for their beautiful token of appreciation stated that when heiwas laying liis plans fori the erection jof tho new factory and in its subsequent erectioujhe had endeavored to arrange ekery department with a view to ensuring tho greatest poisible comfort convenience tothe employees and ou occasion he felt gratified and more repaid for any additional expense incurred injthib direction by this evidence that his efforts via been observed aud appreciated by his employees he was pleased that bo good a feeling existed between proprietor and employees and assured them that he would alvaya use every consideration to wards them and that their cause would be his tho flag is a beautiful silk bunting 9x21 and has interwoven in the material the words w h storey son ca lada glove works it cost about 840 and this than c q 0 haraoter apaoity apital v a high finanoial autkc rlt of thit ed these capital as oonutrvl rooently jpronomtje threecharaoter gapacily the chief elements of siiicsbs in the career of ineo and while ul iw con- 8ldred requisite he put tljn relativ alue of eooh in the order in which it is placed applying this principle to the business bf dry goo ft it means oharnottr first character mans name the synonym fur hoiior aud commercial safety char- notbr that will cause a maji to adhere eaorifioe hypocritical methods t list makes ir probity to trutli even atau apparwit chftranler thai will soorn pretensions aud deceitful clmracler that ensures a good repute for a nuin is generally estimated at his tiue worth ghaiacter tujat will mfiks a mnu inflexible topriudiple yet kindly cou bidbrate and syuipvthefio to ords all character whose past rfeci rdi uinkes a mans statements worthy of cred- eiioe i charnulcr hi at will de4 cciyc the confidence of whom he com m in enntau capacity senond cnpiicity to di- iand tlioat and re- wllh i ontario tlie unsaved to lose farewell social was which occasion the rf rev mr tolling ly met to spendjan perusal of the following para graph frorr the bosi on journal miss clara williams pur il of mr j harry wlieehr gave her graduating recital on tuesdiy evening a the new england conservatory of musia before a large and delighted audience she was assisted by mr alfredide steve violinist mr j b glaus flutisl and mr chas hall pianist madatieihetrichstrmg acted as accom panist the several members included oratorio german au i operatic selections which she sang in the english german aud italiai languages he difficulty of the yarion s compositions proved miss williams to possess a genuine ausical mind and a voice f exte isive con lpass aud remarkable flexibi ity her cade rizas and trills were smootl i dnd jeautiful and her whole man- ner ecceeliigly graceful and composed miss willi in is is enga ged to sing in tremdnt tempi e one of the i rgest auditoriums in bostoi i on 1 hursday evening 25th inst asad occturence on tuuy niqruing last ther wis carrie ito tb e tomb y six of her old sbhpol- mates anc fieuds tl e- mortal remains of coliiu eoniedy belivedwifeof mr james a prontice of parrj sound a couple of weeks agbm rs preut cawaa taken suddenly ill on the ei e of an nteuded visit to her old he me a id alt hoi gh kind friends used every effot to restoie her to health she sank apidl aud oil saturday morning last bid a lieu tc earth ai d her loved ones and death cla med her s soon as practicable the gi ieff fr ioken hui band and brother tom left v ith ih s remain i for j acton arriving here on the 11 am 1 rain on monday three years to i lay frdni the time when the happ r br dal pair lei t acton f or tboir new hbme fulcf health and vigor bnoedup with the blight and encouraging prospects ollifi i bef r ithem fhffluneral was largely attenjed the flort 1 offerinig were nnnj- erpuf an h ery prett y in her maiden days mrs jre wwasjlavorite with all who knew nej hetjdeipiibe will be sadly folt byal ibu i particdlai ly by w kind husband her i vin mother nd her charming little two- r did dajnghlbri the most sincere symj tttb i of tlio dij t bommunity ia ex tend dt tiic beroaed friends purely jpersonal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted i mrs e moore visited friends in guelph duriug the week j mrsw c king of toronto visited acton friends last week i dr wh maodonald of toronto spent dominion day with friendb here miss maggie moore left this morn ing to visit friends at st clair mich we had a pleasjajit call froni dr robert son exil pp milton on tuesday mr thomas eakton spent a coujle of dayb last week with friends at beeton j mr jauies warren p l 8 kincardine was in town several days during the week bev r phillipl the newly appointed methodist minister is expected heretoday mr john henderson attending upper canada college toronto is home for va cation miss jennie storey is home from demills college oshawa fori summer vacation mr charlie porter of the mail job toronto formerly jof the free press was itk town yesterday miss annie kennedy who has been tach it g iu alpena mich for the past couple of y ars is home on a visit master frank pigott who is taking a course in st lukes college toronto is home for summer holidays 1 mrs james duun agent of the c p fergus was in town on monday he had been visiting his parents m nnssagaweya mr and mrs c 0 speight went to markham last friday on a visit to their friends thfere charlie returned home on tuesday but mrs speight will remain there for a couple bf weeks limehouse sparks rect control to master dotailslw well as acquire a broad view okjgenernl pridipcs soiipicity to keep expenditure within the healthy scope of income capacity to understand the wants j and desires of tbejiimes capacity to say a decid- cdifes or v no ns becssion re quires capacity to coinurehend and act on the fart that tln wdld was crealei to be oifciipied bya ftwothcrs liesides the man himsolf capital thirdf unpitaito neet en gagements promptly aiuj putclumly toi lake advantage of eterj beueflt accruing therefrom and ofeveryi pliase of the ninrkct capital t iat vill open every door anil nventie to then man of business and cause him to slknd linn dupingiimes of depression and diffi culty ticbo three are a 1 great hut fthegrentestof them all ib character please note we arc in constant receipt of novelties anil hive just opened out soinc specially cheap line iu every department sla ile and fancy dry goods milliner dress making and clothing bj r bolilert 27 lower wyndharn st guelph- now crne7iir iliig to info in tlie residon a oi haltou that i am al out to leave actop short ly and those desiring a f x call at one hhouhlnotfifil delay but cime now the rush cabinet 250 r- ratclast phofogrtih pdiit nii aoid 2 50 from 925i per dozen i p life size crayon loi made fr oi in old pictues or a special sitting arsee iny and ensel ie combined mus c w hill guelph hall irishi twie15d suitingisi i beautiful designs in raits i c rack 1 2 different si ia c theoradlb lawiox at glen lawson o n the 27th june thewife of mr audrewlawsou of a sonj hcgibes in gravenhurst o u the 23rd june the wife of mr richard 1 hijghes of- a soiii beabdmore in acton on the gth jmie the wife jof mr w d beardpiore of a daughter the altar mcintosu macdonalu atj the lesidpnceof the brides father on the 24tl june by the rev thomas wardrope d d james inhes mcintosh of the mtrcur to helen daughter of evan macdonald esq all of guelph cooper watson on the i7th ibst at the the residence of j a c anderson esq ridgetown by rev c sfnelax assisted by rev j w gundy tss joiin cooper merchant to miss lizzie wat kin both of ridgetpwn l i miller dcnbab at shelburje on the 17th june by rev h gi moore mr j f miller manager of holstedsbank shelburne to miss d anlkr daugliler of t g duribar esqj bf jthe game place the bride is niece of jmrs s a 3ecdrd acton des shaw fc grundy merchant tailors c uelph magnetic oil cures rheumatics neuralg a lame back stiff jaints and ch iblains mags etic gil cures chappel hands frst bites burns and mags isa most usefi d remedy for i nd beast scalds sciati a etc etk oil both man magj etk oil issplendid foi coughs and colds sore i threat and croup maguetic oil is sold by iall iruggists at 25 cents a pottle and is aoto illy the best liniment known insist on y inr druggist giving you i the g muine magne ic oil each the grave snoiighass iunaskagaweva cu the 24th june mrs elizabeth snodgrjiss aged 24 years hollisswohth inl nttbsagawtya on the 25thljune mrs elizabeth hjollinsworth of tiroy ny agted 38 years mcpherson in ebquesing en the 30th june the infant bon of irob jrt mcpher son jr aged 2 months and 58 days prentice in fanjy sound hi the 27th june colina kennedy beloved wife of mr james a prjmtice aged25 years and 20 days from our own correnpomlfnl very heavy rain and hail sunday mr j lindsay has commenced haying mower and hay rake for sale see odvt gooseberries are selling atbix ceiits per quart the salvation army meeting last sunday morning waslield at mr hills george moore intends trying the entrance examination this week at guelph we expect the new methodist minister i that t foti rev j j rapp toeiich herenext sunday 2 afternoon v the children here ale in gteat glee over the holidays which commence at the close of this week dame rumor says that one of our salva tion boys has applied to headquarters for employment in the work mr james warren p l s has been m this section during the past week running lines for mr n lindsay and mr j lane there lias been an unusual amount of wild strasybepries in this section this bum mer many people have been out fathering them by the quart the people here have but httleyinpftthy with the beating of the drum on sundays prominent nmodg the grea est medical discoveries by the many ouree it hasatfect- ed mcgregor speedy cure lews be van subjected to the miimtest chem teal analysis it has been found to contain ne of those injurioiii ingredients ohafoc eriiing the yerthless specifics djiily offered to the public every ingredient poss ssses a pecul iar adaptability to the variou i complaints for which it has been corrrpoui ded and its efficacy isjheing established by testimonials hourly received wo nro therefore confi dent that wo imvei preparation which we can offer to the public with tiie assurance not only a relief but ipsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure bldod free it rial botties at j e mcgai vins drug sorc 33 haiulltou hapijenlag b there is now be ug mauuf wtured liere an artfole for instintly remc ving pain of any acute externa 1 nathre and it is oer- tainly the mosi per ept cure fjr neuralgia and more especially with the beating before and after the raateh june 30tli1885 v succeed grandly 1 tone rock hauojit book co r t caution plug of hie ou seeds seeds seeds q6ojtbesh and liable careen fjeld and flower seeds including turnip itinds mangel rape hungarian c c fishipg rods and tackle a cood variety i eji2sra t houscjs with rqpdy mixe paiuts llhe largest and best slodk cf paints oils varnishes etc in torni aiid at i t le lowest pick cs is at 7 mccar vins drug and stationery store grlilt ibaains det goods house a co cd kt e ei l bef6re 1 it ca nad a were goods offered 4 so cheap as we are offering them this sprang shirtings thai splei did q t were formerly lity at and oc vorth 20c we areslliug for iiicj cottons a yard wide enibroidervsat3 upvmrds of four hundred pstternsjo select ronji muslins and lawns beautif 1 1 patterns in c lor we hate as jhorpe a stock as tanbe found in any sity and we are doing the trade wji find it pi vs to always kee i the best aind must stylish goods and sincerely t hack the ladles bf 1 cton and vicinity i or theirliberalpatronaije this spring by such we are greatly ei fonrnged in our efforts in intro4ncmg a finer classthan hei etpf ore kept in acton oi dry goods and millineiy myrtle m avy i mnrked bl iu bronze lettirs none other giinuine or 1 liastts- wm beat them m best una coi uforl lo ue i iuf ferjug fbtown8hiu8ehold pauicea lins no equal for reliev ne p botl internal and external it ci res pfcin in tl le side back or i bowels scr thmnt rheumatibtn toothache lu mbago and j ny kind of a pain or ache it will mos surely quioki en the blondt d heal as it acting power is wonderf uk browtia h ousebold pan- aceii being sckipowledged as tlieugreat pain reliever md of double the strehqth of lany other siijrir or ljjimentin the world should 1 e in every fai lilyjiiuidy for use when wantsd as u rea lyis tbebst remedj in the world fotc ramps in the stomach andl aas anda6h is of all kinds 1iindi8forbalelymdrugjissat 23 cents a bottle 44 headache toothacie aud the like that has ever been tried il is called tlmd light ning from the rap d mannei in which it acts and is raanufi turad by mcgregor parke sold in ac ton by j 15 mcgarvin drttggist- uf iu more money than anything alseby taking an agency fortho best selling booji qu beginners terms free fail portlknd at mything elbe maine ms for coughs solds brouchii is and allluug anidi throat troi tables there is 10 pkepaittflou of taediciilie j ian compare with bickles antacjonsutnp iiye syrup ft jiever fails to afford jjiroi iptuaud peri lanent relief itirfembveiau soreness and lieals the dis eased parte j it immediate y soothes the most troublesc me- cough au by promotmg expectoration removes the imiodb winch stops up the a r tubes which causes difficul ty in breathin gfve i rehef to that depressing tightness experenoed in the chest public speekers an i singers twill finci biokles anticonsump bive syrup bf inestimable ve lue as it spee bly and effecjt- uauy allays al 1 irritation- at d huskiness n the throat ani bronohical to bes and givte power to the vocal cords rendering the voice dear an i sonorous i parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves f m such aaxie y trouble and expense let tl em procure a 1 ottle of bifkkn anticonsump syrup 4d whenever ja ttpeichr pn act ol und sr takers carriage makers c fr facli ver usee the best it- wo hslif yot mmhastakb uess givo the syrup accorfiug to dir66tj uq0afvf fuff at the- and oc worth 10c prints at 5c and dress goods at 8c and upwards cream and white at 7c and upwards i v and hqsieij riuilijasrhiksr call wh1ite regatta shirts ceiiluloid collars andcuff stylish h ats and cam goods tha t totj can r on us for s sly on the best d cheapest stock ijry goods ind bpot shqe and groceries 1- r- n try m and be convinced l b arelpifepaft iriiish verythiiig in their line bu the she rtest foiiee ftdit towest terms it r j- j j i a i causteithf r night or dajj- promptly attended to i- satis ijm gaarauteed iu every cae a firstclass hearse for hire in a position toa itisf abtorilv fill ojersfpr wagons carriage c i if good workmanship and firstclass materiaulwais i 1 -t- v sbai will pay us cash we will sell on anything in our line qheapy ilra oreiwnir ifcsjsjfi m iktc iii casket tp the plainest coff u a r farmers f for reaing and mowing machines uqii wm jta oum sto qiit 4ai7rtll via loato thaaiui7 80l anbtacrrmfte ak iiccodlibpa 4 09 torog hw sut- v-s- aiid ci h j v ji i av iv wmm x vl ai2si8ltwbjtrs

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