Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1885, p. 4

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i i mw i 3tee m hvbiowv monfowjrjfrv 3 1b8jj j ii l a qpos akewbll i fiwwell t the sf arifiyi wiueeup tbe biivin dfeceivlu whiecup the cup that alas i thousand ways the souldestroying winfccup farewell to the jtowinj winecup the teeming steaming wiuocup the greatest banc t mortal man 4a the vile carousiii winecup i- s 1 i it fa trri i li u t- 3 w i i ri v i r j i i i v- i- isyv 1 farewell to the jlthtf winecup jjhe daring swearii ig winecup the cup that calls or fights and brawls the peacedestroy i ig wiueoup farewell to tlie rattling winecup the flattering fooling winecup the cup that tears besmears and wears the famedefiling iue cup- farewell tthe jww winocup the tinglinj iiugwns winecup no serpents fanrsjcan hap such pangs aa the saddeniut tuaddeinn wiueoup farewell to the imptlng winecup the daugerbcbffiug winecup theup8 tree jour land to thee is the stoinful baneful wineoup farewell to the fatal jwiueeup i the all destroying winecup j the deed sublime is mine and tbiue that saves us from ihe wiuecup wm 8nr well thoi ten a pleif or bmm meet milhnmnr4r question beijug aspted of die banqueter at oalls up remiu- the avcrago bbardnghousc isoenccs of close icontigiyity to the horns and beefsteu k threecuts sou th thereof he 1 of course uuless it occurs to him that j he tacds af hinge for ins trunk sjhoii id thoi e be airy suffering the effects of an ii dulgenoe iu such simious fare use mc gregorys spoedy cure a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia couatipatiou and all affections of the stomach by4 1 warning and cpmfort tile year koand at all seasons- when tle system is foul and the digestive powers feeble or the liver and kidneys inactive burdock blood bit ters are repaired j 7 ds thtf kcfcr to iron are you troubled with biliousness dyfe pepsia liver or kidney complaints or bad blood if so you kvill fiud a certain cure in gurdccebhjod brtters j i i a hwiam barometer the mail wititrheumatasm can feel thy approach of bad weather in his aching joints hagyardjs yehow oil cures rheum atisin aches pains and injuries j frobpt seasares prompt measures should be used to breal up sudden colds and cure coughs in they early stages hagyards pectoral balsam does this most speedily and effectually the iltr orhandred j jlr john morrison of st anns n s waso seriously afflicted with a disease o the kidneys that dropsy was developing an his life was despaired of two bottles o burdock blood bitters cured him afte physicians had failed p o ecomstockl calectouia minn writes i was suffering tile most excruciating pain from mflammatorj rheumatism one ap plication of jr thomas eclectric oil af forded almost instant relief and two bottle i effected a pprmanent cure the80pthiu and restorative effects o ajers cherry pectoral are realized at one f in all cases of colds coughs throat or luh troubles while its farreaching and power iul healing qualities aire always demsnstrat ed in the most serious pulmonary disorders becngor tt parke of hamiitononu are the manufacturer s of the greatest healing and purifying com pound known for sores burnscuts7 scaldf salt rheum ere st bites etc it is calle 1 mcgregor parses carbolic cerste b sure and get the genuine mcgregor t parkes carbolic cerate sold by j e mc garvin at 25c a box the concentrated power and curative vij tues of ayers sarsaparilla render it th most reliable and economical medicine tha t can be used it contains no dangerous 0 harmful ingredie its and may be safely ad ministered to pa dents of all ages whe i you are sick the best medicine that can b obtained is none too go6d and is the cheaij- est what ever its cost the face wears a yellowish hue pimpl appear upon it sick headaches virtigc morning nausea and pains in back sid and shoulder blade are experienced whe i bile enters the system and poisons the blooc expel it from tlie circnlation abd direct t into its natural northrop ly and great blood superseded mim shannel the bowels with jans vegetable discovery urifler which has widel i ral drugs having a dangei ous reaction indigestion constipation impurity of the blood and kidney comi- plaints are eutirely overcome by its use if a tew id sol common suuse cuuk infused info the thick noddles of these perpetually and alternatelv irritate anil weaken their slbtnachs ind bowels with drastic purgativjes they wuld use tlie highly accreditee andlipalthful laxativejana tonic fiorthropi lymans vcsetablc die overy atfil dyspeptic oure which- causes good digestion to wait au appetite au heiilthonbotji v h houqwainpuhhe changes qfienj- perature and we itiher frequently upsetpert sous who are racst cautious of their heiltli and most particular in theniets ithete corrective purifying and gentle aperieii pills are the besiremedy for all defective actions of the 3 igestive organs they augj meut the appeti strengthen the storr aclij correct biliousness and carry off all that is noxioussfronhhi i system hollowajts pills are composed f rare balsams unaixd with baser matter and on that accoun a e peculiarly welt i dapted for the young del i- cate and aed as this peerless med cine jaas gained fame in the past so will il pr 3- eerve ithn the f ntiire by its renovating ai d invigorating qualities and its incapacity f doing harm u advice to moikev are you disturbed it niglit and brleu your rest by a gick child buffering and crying with pain of outtiuk- teeth 1 f bo scad it once and get a bottle of mrs- ym times suvthhiq syrup for glulrtii tmin its value is incalculable lb will r the poof little sufferer immediately de pend upon it rt others there is do mi itake about it iteu es dysentery and uiarr loea regulates the si omoch and bowelb nures wind colic softens the gams reduces in fbimimtion nd givestone and anerj y to the wiioje gyatein mm wiiulowtsoc tiring syrup far vlularen ttblung t pleasant to the tarte and i the prescription of o te ef the ordortand best female nurses and pi y ited states indifo js de price in the throuxhoiit i cents 4 bottle imtsr the t ii ih jnuoh to laud liver sold e ilcgarrin aotoi trial botllu be uaid the great june sale of dry goods si on thursday lirat wuopeii at n uci dfbrworking peoj le mv postage and wejw huld llrblullik there artj but few that ho ve never suffered almost intjiorablo pain mm toothaohe neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an jiug taut roliof b fluid lightniug is wu untofd blessing injtim i of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to bo taken or days ouwpplicatioc of fluid lht iog curts sold at j 13 mcgarvins drjag storji j 29- 4 lmirulrovtn r dollar u ion dollar is frequently spent on the faith t freconimeudiuions for lirticlob outifcly orthlesf nqt so with mo- gregorssjcedy cure yuaro not asked to ptirchas e it until its mbiits are proveu call at j e mcgarvins drug store and get a free rial bottle and if nut convinced it will cur i you of tho wc rst forms of dys pepsia li rer complaint itcno mailer of howlong itauding it c sts you nothing sold in 50 and 1 bottles see testimon- als from i arsons iu your own town 29 itckli x piles symptoms and cure thesyriptomsarernciiiiture likeperspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very listressing particularly at night seems as if pirn worms wt re crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometime i affected if allowed to continue very serio us results may f dlow swaynks oiktmeni is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt kheum all scaly crusty sk n diseases sunt by mail for 50 cents 8 boxes 125 in stamps ad- dress dr s wayne on philadelphia pa soldj by druggists 50 rureeedenlleil success for fdu purposes of a family mediciue hagyards yellow- oil it iatthe head of the vlist- itis used with unprecedented success both internally and extejrnally it cures sore thioat burns sc ilds frost bites relieves apd of ten cures 46thmft- the gplden lion i v our great bummer sulo boing determined to soil all uhivstiuiinvr stick as j at the end of tl is month mr williamson sails foi the british markets send 10 cents postage and we will mail you free a royal v aluable sample box of goods that will put j ou in the way pi making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible e t auy business capital not- re quired t can live at home and work iu spare time only or all tie time all of both sexe of all ages grandly successful 50 cents to 5 easily can every evening that all ho want work rnaytest the busi ness we nake this nnp iralleled offer to all who are not well satined we will send il to paj for the trouble of writing us full part culars directions- etc sent free immense pay absolutely start at once dont stissox 4 co portland sure for all who delay address- maine tatjtukua e itreatueyt perhaf s the most extraordinary success that has 3een achievedia modern medicine has been attained by tha dixon treatment for catar rh ojut of 2000 patients treated during tie past six months fully ninety per cent hae been cured of this stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it i i remembered that i not five per cent of jatients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner i are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertise cures uevei record a cure at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is cue to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix- on at oni e adapted his c uie to their- exter minationthis accomp ished he claims thecatairh is pratrcall 1 cured and the permaneody is unquestoueil as cures effect- edbyhiri four yeara igp areciires sll nobne else has ver atfempted j to ciire catarrh u this manner ahdiio othe treat- meuthas ever cured cat nrrtil tlierappli- cation of the remedy is liimple ana canjbe done at home and th present season of the year is the most favorable for a speejdy and pern anent cure the inajority of cases being cm ed at one treattnnt sufferers should w rrespond with messrs a h dix on sc n 305 king street jvjest torouto canada md enclose stamp for their treat- ize on cajtarrhi montreal star nov 17182 ii irvelous story told two pietrtrs from the father fron thesonrlororts oen limm my fathei resides at glorer vt he lias been a greatliufferer from scrof ula and theloelosedrlem rvuteu you what a marre ions effect i acers s an apaiilla has had in his ease i tl ink his blood must hareccataised the humor for at lpast tea years 1iutitdldnotshoiiexceptuiuieorm of a sen fnlous sore on the wrist until about fire yea n ago from a jl ew spots waloh ap- pearedit that time it gradually spread so as to covei his entire body 1 1 assure yon he was terribly afflicted and anuibjectof pity when be fcegai using your medulne now tioroare few me i of his age who e ojoy as good health ashehis icouldeasit name fifty persous who wo lid testify to thai acts in bis case ourstruly r iv m phuirps itfsbotha i pleasure and a duty for me to state to you th benefit i have di rived from the a w of i j ajers sarsaparilla six mo lthsagdi was corn plaery cotcred with a terril le humor and sco of ulous sores the humor caused an incesi inf and intolerable itching and the skin crt eked iw as to caus the bu od to flow in mi ay places whenever i move i my suffering teregreat and ray life a 1 orden 1 1 oomme toed tho use of the j sabsa aeiiila in april last and hare used it regu arly shiqe that i me i my condition began o improve at one the sores hav all bea ed and i feel pa fectly well in every respect beujg now able to do a good days worklthigh73yearso age many inquire whath ii wrought such a rare in uiy ease and i tell t biein as i have hj re tried to tell you ateei saesapaetlla 6ldver vt oct 2118841 i yonra gratefully ijaivar vritji sabsapabtxiji t gcrofuia nd kpiteojebloui od mplalhte erysip- ampt 4- bia worm blotches ons of allimpu- the action of vitality and tumors j land thepui jtelearitw ritmimdliiti0d ttehc relf i adjtbus twnglienitievhole f fbxpabpbt cayericoi rh forfs ovek one 11 ujdked pieces lovely ailoal a muslims at 5 and 6 cents a yard wui 12j cunts five hundred pieces double struck dress satteen in nil shades 12 cents worth 20 oenb j summer silks in endless variety 42voent8 fsilk gloves from 25 cenps 300 dozen of the best josephine kid gloves 25 ce i best josephine kid sold elsowhcio at 100 giving up business i at h h haying decidedtoivo 5oot jlnsrtd 0hoe1 tfts irice is no object at this sale when you come to our city beware of going ijo those secondhand stores coiieilirectto the dry goods king now goods kept menc twbbl st7its at 500 the twltder of all j d williamsons co 1 1 health fou- all hollo wat s pills and oin tmelt a the purify the blood liver stomaxh pills correct all disorders- of the kidneys and bowels they inijoratc and restore to health debilitated constitutions and ate invaluable complaints incidental to fohinles of all ajzes for children and the aged they are priceless in all v the ointment la an liifallableremedy for budlefisbad bieasts old wounds sons and ulueni is famous for gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chestj jt has no coual fob bore throats bronchitis coughs colds glandular swellings and all skin diseases it has no rival and for contracted auu joints it acts like a charm manufactured only lot thomas hollo wavs kstjiblisbment j 73 now oxford street ilato 533 oxfordt streotr london engl aidme sold at is ljd 2s 0d is 0d lis 22s and 33s each box or pot andj he had or all medicine vendors thourhoutlhc world jsipurchasers should look to the label on the pots and boxes if the afldfess v 333 oxford street london thty arc spurious it stiff may iav not the dominion boot s shoe kz33nsttey bbos ii have uow fheir spring stock complete in all lines and are offerin thd ihlic dxtra value iu the following cents bootsand shdes ladies shoes and slippers boys shoes in great variety girls shoes in great variety childrens shoes of every kihd rubbers slippers trunks etc alwayi iustock good assortment our ordered aork gives the best of satisfaction repairing neatly and carefully pcrfrnied we can suit you call kenney z bros v speight son acto undertakers carriage makers c i are prepared to fairish everything in their liiie from the best casket to the plainest oh the shortest notiee aim at l 1 offin all calls either night or day roniiptly uttended- lb satis faction in every case j a firstclass hearse for hire ovest terras vearo ill a position to satisfactorily iill orders foi- j yaions carriages ifcc of very jjcscription in reasonable lime iiood workmanship and tirstclnssinatiriallalways used we have also a splendid lot or furniture both common and extrii rjuility cheap alf yojit will pny us cash we will sell yon anything in our line che a i tager 83hattoa garden london and 246 k james st montraa ground scientifically from cleai and piirc pebble or optical glast ft they are without exception bed adapi vision they irc manufactured for the purpose tore fjie ravage of age and to retain perfect reconlniended by thmont eminent faculty kvery pair of spectacles and eyeglasses is uiarkcd especially d to m especially j e mcgaryin sole agent for a gt6 ont hemar seasonable goods at 1 the hniiieuse burgaiuswliich watkius nfithc ltight iiouso departmont last week nice v ictoria lawns at 10 illa 12a up cords fancv wlirte press goods brilliants a remarkably low prieejj fargfflotof white haircord checked mu hamilton july 2nd 1885 ipiniiiigiiiiiigmi strbsh on hand all if which villc leading mcc busiuess in cronwill ofijemijis jntirj stock ip his partids desirous of courine bart aii iswiil find it totlieir vh advaiitato to call early f aud scect ofro tho stock hecjiipos i h4vfc a fullstigkt sprin akt1es iudebtcd to mu whjl ijleabc call aiid setjtlo iheiij 1 expense wholes 8 king mkt a fine brussels cat pets fine tnpcstrv t arpcts fin woolctrpets fine cocoa mattings best english oilcloths j yllsidi best li lioleuuib a ya rd s wide fiue lace curtains fi le madras cui ta ns fine tapestry cirtaiu8 best uility patfflls r the a fine asortmeiti street ejast fijshloible east tffered at pricqs hichjui under reduced hh m ifc j mdkay 48 kihgsfiet east hamilton east 5nd clotjaing store our garments are uadcj perfect fiyting designs a wit fine t fine afe and retail tjarpet dealers hamili tallty- of n spring tweeds vt 5 sted coatings and series at the tonish every customer accounts aiid thereby save crthy ioru lrcoinniigurtaiua tapesitiy coverings fiie furbi threco veridjjsj jjinccuitain pbles fino chain bands r best quality carpet sweepers b st quality sprn j hollers fine stair refds fine shade poles l lwy time llable grand ooino eas hiixoia rxiiress ifailway ooijio wkst hm loam- 1 10 wm pasbftiiail- llsjirt- triiroibliejc5 17 pm icconi coach h w iiui chicago expres i docs not stop between gnjijpii anditprquto rnpress1247 kxitress mm jim jjaili 3djimii speeial830 ji a eco i n coaelr dm tjmlt ov closing jijiilh golu8westl 40 ihi and 580 pw goiug eastl s 140 lwaikl 520 pm english isiail cebjatloiain on wcdnu m aiv canadian pacific railway on14nmi1 tisfe xale moutrcicl quobec boston toronto to detioit chicago and manitiba ktxoi in ex lliciflcex local ex torouto 8 0anil 85 imn 4 10 stroitbvtllejmio o 2 to b 20 httllomis 12 5 pm- 3 27 i fij detroit 2 5 b3u dm chicagol 7flttw 7 55 5 45 wiunfiiag 7 00 daily except jlouday tojbnto to m ntrfeal quebec andbostbu limited ex monirea toronto s2iani- 7 ottawa 0 utpku 5 171 9 42 8m caiaan 950 branjpton hranmtoii 8treotitlejct brampton to rai brampton orangevillet li 0 owen js6uud 3s0 purchajse new to gtreetiivillc junction 7 22 am 4 04mui 7 43 i 25 f aiid owen soithd- 0 u7 itui 5 45jpnf i rr 0 57 10 2q nr tickets by tuis- yt pcpular riiom ekcgabyir iijent actorf ontario day lilil am ipni ex- lm ani pm line qwest prises tailoring- db i e c wests nbbve and bkain- tkat- mentja guarinteed specinvfor hysteria hazi ness convulsions fits xervous neurilgia headache nervous prostration caused by the use of alcoliol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softeninr of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery decay and death premitura old age harrenadss loss of lower ineitler sex involunbity- losses and spi ma- tohhipa caused by over exertion of the 1 trafb eelfaliusel or overindulgenpe each box con tains one mouths treatment one dollar t bqx or six jboxks lor rive dollars sent by mail pre paid op receipt of price we guarantee six 1 oxes to euro am- case with each order rcceiviby as for sixpoxes accompanied with five dc ilarf we will saud the purchaser our written guar mtec to refund thomouoyif the treatmeirtfioe i not effect cure guarantees isfjued only by i ohn c wesa co sole proprietors 181 183 west madisbn fe chicago 111 sold uy j emcghrvin jnd clothing store of spring hits also od hand b and ii thltest artistic e3 new 0 frep goods large yariejty at tie mammoth house georgefoh mcleod i anderson selling goods clieji thfcjr millinery uayfe a new lare and varied tqek in all lhe the mammoth isbnuud gotds stock is ni w very lftrge silli tor 27ic wdrth toe in the mill nery and dre 8pecjalty the managers of changed buthavj secured the 1 leayetbeir orders brints and gjiiighnms jn all kinds including iugs cottoiiadesl wholesale prices our ordered uletje state g uitlemen may and wo wilt suit them in price an immense stoi k from 12ac readymade clot jiug we have reduce the stock mol confidence dqufn bottom prjebs is pffejinjfil i to 2oe per in thewhite gojods departmj pr yard mulljiwiss chpcksj ap the tl is season to cli ise u iii ahowsn a large yarijetj iu correct tii iff in the j style inak jin jludiogsilki satin oitoriiaus etc a nibgniflceuv i ssjinaking deparli lentdl weddiue add mourning orders a the millinerly drel smivking undnjantle dejiartfnents ate land all canai iciothing and g in asking th isteju latjest ujivelties in imiuiiiery ourldreeek edt talent extant liln goods we bjuyj ilowtfcioob nt is surprtsg tho upulreps briiiliuitett looiworthi2jcbrlluauta at 12ic wbrth17c ry all meats see tudse hartjatns a very hand- 13c worth 25o a lot oi8potted muslins at 8c wbrtlhoc some lot of embrflidered janyas cotton dreei cs verg cheap seevhejue v line of embroidery suitablfi or idfanrs uuhcrwear guipaty jfcmbroiery itl white ataflerems the ladiei underclothing isallmapufactute 1 by watkius and sold by bihi at wholesale prices whit skirts from j chemises from 43o drnwers corset covers xfahti dressesiijfants embroidered muslin ltobes a ad dresses in an elegant vtriety all classes of cotton jnderclothing made to order gromptons celebrated corsewarel haviug an immentesale see the splendid cc rset selliue at 50c- every pair of orbmptor- l i frenon anrlenglish corsets iu the best makes mt see the special lot of unlniinderecf white hhirts at and boys underclothing iu merino gauze ah 1 cotton it 4o less tbn half price silk and wool mixtuie fornwl 45o reduced j to 82c combinatieu dress sobdjireduoed 20o iptr yard dressiftctods at far mote money boys and childrens sailor straw hats at wqnderfalllbw prices bt sure aiid see jhem chudrjb white washiijhatst jolton jnderclothing made to order odjvloraline cprsey are 4ajrnteed to weari wjeur money refunded half price carpets of all makes arc so much cheaper now thaii they wre a sltdrt time amo cornice poles at45 sfljajid 66c up to the ibest gqods irwrtember tfavrfglir igouse is nos 30 and king street ewt ancj thenime is r i ril il l j r- if l f nainsooks ejiihroidered llilis at 18c wprtli its lofmer efforts inthcjvay o legetup style and cheapness of and price in dressmakingj we lajliescanconie with contihence anf e latest stylefejextrkordihary cheap staples of all bhecked shirtiib cottonadej gjrey and white cottons cotans shirt- direct from the mills andsell them at erysipelas salrheum heartburn headache will cure or relievr2 biliousness dlzzmiss dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fluttering jaunpice ofjheheaw aciditydf the stomach dryness of the skin and very species iif disease arising from- spappq a hook of 100 pri cs smnbi the bestbookio ran m advertiser to i on- itisirl6 h cxl enced or otlicrw ise itcontoinb llstbof newspapers and esttaites of the cost of advertising- 1he ndvertiser vuo- wauteto spend one dollar finds in it th in formation ho requires while forhim who will ihvestone hundred thousand dpllarslir ad- vertisibg a scheme is indicated whicii will jvmeethis every requirement or caiitieiiade fsztbdoso ay tlightclianges easily arvitedat ij cor- tponmce 149 editions hnvo been tesicd mfc postpaid to any address for loici nts mte to geo p rovtell co- jetcspapebl advertising buus au spruoestfriuanghousesq newark to kin ag the atost peligbtftil nks furnishing department was never ina morecom come withjthe utmost confidence and leave their orders yle fit workni nst ip and variety carpets wehave it wards boots j ud fchoes a large variety prices right d arge stock and wo are holding a clearing sale until we great ha gi ins we will give a good buit for 4 wehavc the ut- 2 latronace of the pu jlic ve will sell you gepds at dway ioi son cov mmoth house at tlcxlvdlj r smmi t i esuoe stflamen low batm ronr trlpa per week sstwea detroit and mackinac and every wei diy btw8n detroi and cl i wrluforonr i picturesque mackinao illustrated ooottias pull paittavowi hailed free detroit cleveland steam nav co c diwhitcomb qcn pass am j oetrqit mich who patronized tbisv mu8ihj8lftdia jdu8liuinali colors vl soft nainsooks at anhdoi st mow rslstorled nvifhaverooently unhlisticd i new edition of dr culyerwellv cele brated jessay onthe radi i and permanent cnreiwittaout med t ne of nervous dbhilityf meiitali and physical iwnpaci ity impediments of marriaje etc rrj iltinu from excesses i gj ai sealedenvel ape only cent or twoijrostage stamps i tho celebrated author in thisadinin b e es- ay- clearly demonstrates fro thirt y years successful practice that alarming conse n euces may bb radically cured withtfut tlio dauf erous use of hnternalmedifeines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode ofcure at onco simj ih cer- tain bind effectual by moans jof wliii h eycr y auflerer no matter j what his condition miybe may eurehituself cheapiyprivatelynud ri di cally thia lecture should bo inthehiandeffit yontnand everymattin the land address tike cnlvcrwell medical lip t post office box j50 41 ann 4 xe german pi 10 mi and 15c wrth pattern millinery lesjwuanf ods irofrtemher the m byerji kkv naijd oregoi hor to svill for at icesfrariylng cnibfty from 3 to 8 6nfi to 1tjyears time 1 his u tho eesl turlp9 good homes now opiii for sef 33 0 ncrfis of gove iart free imkr tho h onutlmbercutfrikiljiwsl lp81433 acrts ob more hllfoi all the public unas disposed of in 1sss tfefc in the sorthrtn pncltlc coiratrr bqoki uid mini sent fhkk iescribiiil tho kirtt ern pielfleeontitrytlioiuuroivalaniuioiisal and lulfliknuhdcomrn pkjltst piuir3fia r ten cdirrjnf tct icf t hn opfc him- irhil k te ii ian ia if frel oxe if- ii for j yi i i 1 m m flibti s wx hal

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