Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1885, p. 1

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frjv 1le hrwliit j 1102 bin i i m4 imh payh jjtnu i fvvrc jgiulvlv im i- lmi i i veilulay 1 ailway isrl id manitoba lnfalkx i 1 t rin 1 v00 5 r iiu ir jay mtroai r p i 7 vl jilh i i 17 rlll s v i iia clori t 5 lwon stml i0 ivihi line alth i 3 j volume xl no 2 lb rtmtsijkn every thursday morninc vt thk 1 free press power printfnq hoe ontario press afjton i braui hue nts ayx treat- lystcrisvdji-ei- ilv ncirralpa 1 iradscd lv the nines mental jknltias in i tay ami itealli i iojs f few it i of the brain kacit box con- jf deliar r box ly itvl ire- aiitksixltwof r reeivcl i y ll five dollars iilii ciuniiiur imeih doesuol ulv bv tohx ii isavfs lgsugarvir subscription rates onk yku4 1w- s months tuukr months 25 its luviriablv in adjvauco if not aid in ady lfiiiier ycalfrwyi liecharged no paper disooi- the tinuwt tiifiiu ayroaraari iaid xcbpt ixt optiouof tho jull i6hor advertising-rates- quo colnmuf half column quarter column one inch y iooo coo i 0 mo i 3 mo i i 53500 s000 12110 850 00 iioo 700 5300 ct an ul 30 io 10 tl casual adverfiseknents scents ietjino for first insertion ami i cents icf hue for each sequent insertion cash the muuber of reckouet bv the si ccoccupiej lueasared- y scle ot solid oiroil without spociflc direction will torbid alid charged acijdrl ingly tnuisitory lulvertisemcuts must ob in advance changes for contract advertisonieuts lnujt be inlthe office bv a am ou mondays other- ihev will bo left oer until tho following woj h p moore editor nml lrovrii tor livid ie business directory xt h lovfry m- b m c p t t gra4aate of trinity college m m ber of college of physiciaua and surgeon i office audreiideuce at the head of frederick streei acton he webstkr md cm men bejr of the college of physicians ind burgeons of ontirio physician surgeiji accoucheur j omci mill st rksikexck cajiibeji hotel acton 7 n b special attention given to the hi eases of wotjien ind children l l beskijtt dentist georgetown outar l d s snrgiop dentist georgetown ont uses the of citrous oxide gas coir for j extracting a c mckilay new system monlv called vitiliied air teeth without pai n having been detn dt strator and practical teacher in rcydl colfege of denfcil surgeons toronto al- rons mav depend apon receiving satisfaction iu anv operations performed will visit acton the second and fourth wednesday or each month office agnews hotel k is lueve uss fffac- th heart of stomach the skin larising frcm stomach krietors i toronto- l of iw pages ist book for an liser to con ic he exiicf i- lor othenrise laadebtimalcs ttenserwho lusinsttheii- irliimwhotslll 1 dollars in ad wlwljich will coa made redat kg cor- been issued ks for 10 cents ell co bureau j sew york v ainless x ental oper atiol s vitalized aii s or kitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at p office of cbhayes lds tovsltsbfock gnelph 0nl upper wyndhani street iggs ivory dentists sotth east com r king and youge stre u toronto ontario finest and best sefc teeth s5 to goldlfilhugs onetliirjl rates leave orfler for teeh in the mo ru ling can have them the same day v r have been administering hurds vitalise air for the paraluss extracting ofteetb dar ing the past year regardless of what othjer mavsay john laws0n graduateof c 3 tario veterinary college torontc veterinary surgeon acton ont omc iu kenuy bros boot and shoe store rsi deuce in the rear soundness and certificates given all calls night edto terms easy- g sgood tohn day horsesexamined as or day promptly atte id- -jtrowat-a- mclean barristers solicitors notaries com1e sneers ax s2iiouey to loan oith town hall acton j a mow at w a mcli ixfcle barrister solicitor notary public ac gkokuetown t actox esactou office-t- in mrs secords bldck architect greuh 0 otiiik siuaie b yueesis hotel block mar set ain laidlaw it co r baiinistkissit soiicrii oiiicks over imperial ibaiht 21 liugtou street icast entrance kxcha alley toronto joirs bain q u 0 a mastkx wjiiiin laiuuw geoick kjuitlk atents secured for inventions ac ou a oemmal hank notes j banking coy co bankers- outurlo storey christie c transacted m01tq70aked on affr0vss sroneii 1 discounted l tllowed on i deposits maryins special acency bell rolephond company messa es reaeived aiu lo ver rates than i elegraphing allan line steamships tickets issued to points of great brit iiu and tho goi ltihent at very lo vestrates bn y the tickets here if sending or friends acton aotoa canadian pacific r r the cheapest points east and and v table uoiey saved by mcg4rvin ontario stoqk brokers t0e0nt0 monitors toronto- stock excliaaffo jfjtvb independent dir ct jvire by which new yoik continuous s ock quotations are received more hipidly tliaq by any other source t buy and sell ion coinn issiqn for cash or on margin all securities dealt iu ou tho toronto montreal new york i sijock exchanges also e ecnte orders in grain and provis ions en t le chicago bos d of traded dailyoable qnotatiom of hudsons bay andotherstock t el r sitae kinac land iriuttrafed nay co fa act od iestokld aibjislied a new hsrwfus celc- j the radical aud liubtiiieditiiei of hj-siqav1licapac- jeki resultmu ic oijly g ttnt if auiipb ks- lun hiiityitarb lig cdujiiqueiictb it tliq dangiroul use fif til tuife rceiiu3e cer- i- of jyiiichever icnditiioii icny be lelv aifij radically bauds ok every i vtailvo 0yijurl m i enry gltlst ottawa casava- 0 xears practice no patent no 1 f rancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph outarij account book of all kinds made to on fe periodicals of every description carefi dl y abound rnlingi leatly andipromptly d n ttctm hemstreet llcenijki acctiosjjeu for the counties of jvellingtqu and hal o i orders left at tho fbkb pubss ojbce ac 3ii c at my reskqnce in aotoh j will i promntly attend id to terms reasonapl also money to loan e the most favo able terms at the lowest rates ofiif teftst iii sumsol 850 and upwards 6 well ajctqn ontjallip thtjrsdfc ixii business and interest ont transmitted at jest t route to all est see time dealing with orontc street ngton ma qibbec st tie works i guelfh john h- hamilton i profriiitos pormorly mcquill in hamilton dealer h marble gran te and everything pe taining to cenetery work receivd firsf prizes at provincial ex hibition liuelph the western fair and all local exhibitions fgr excilleuce of material and supjriority of workmanship yonr oiders ate soliqited lurrber shingles and jrsikuetl i i phe uudbrsihuejl ilesirca to inform the public i that ie has now on ho ml and will kpop in stock a fu 1 line of liue an 1 hemlock as well as other kirn s of limnber a so first and second class fine shingles iflath coal ivood haviug urchajed the cc at busfticfk of mr c 8 smith am pilepared tc supply all kinds of ood stock pf wood lill wood at reason able priccjs wojl and coil delivered tajiks 11hown stove coal i hake also a hardwooi ash cedar und likth -ueliu- si ness doll ec guelph ontario o 1 jdhn j datey uv successor to tjioiuppoil jackson money to lo in on farm property tit c per cent mortgages purchased monoy loaned for parties in mortgages and oth r security convi lyanciug in all its branch is properly and neatly ddne charges lo farms and city property for sale li it with farms for ale sent to all- parts otitlie dominion to intpnaingpurchasers andicir culated in ejirppf earopeaocapitaises wanting farms in ontario will be senc i rections tirough our europeaii agencie s farms wanted libr onr lists correspo il dence invited office near flie post offipe guelph ont i i in3 oregon 6uit sorg l opcriair 1- best ciuriit t jv 6pipt trlie hhihitm invliwi qtk ff anlan berber 8hop j p worden isbospd if ui ha mitrr- 1 book l- ibe kortbem r jbooiut ik ioe kortbei- rtidditotsateawlj 1 dtfsh has opened a barber shop in the buildfig nearly opposite storey s old glove facfot y mill street actx n and solicits the patro a age of the public in this- vioinity i eve department of t ie business will beciindni t ed iu firstclass iiylts give lis a callt j p worded i aft ll trm i ei ffersyoungm2n and women the best facilities ibf acquiring a com plete trai hihg for businiss pursuits bopkk eeping commercial arithmetic banking actualbusjnjss practice busi ness joorrespoijidence penmanship conr- mercial law telegraph w shorthand cal igraphy r tyrje writin jj french hyjgiene and phjisiolog are taught by the most practical and interestiig methods the staff comprises six ej perienced teachers and lecturers the y hous departments areelegaiitly fi ited up v jith the latest and best apparatus for bus iiess college work students may inter at fiy timei fcir a c6p7of the annual college circular address m ijficcormick principal plaiinc mill h with neatness kind soltcitiug a ronage we are respectf illy yours i tiios ebiage manaater oveb 400 acbeb ponthill npirserie4 iartlest in the fltfree pajper i hangings -toth-r- borders to match parlors for- dining rooms anihalls ohambera thenowest ami hcsi stcek is at guelph the actou people can sec samples papers and borders at f my mr george hynds fancy goods store acton mr hyuiu vfll sll at my prico tj day bays b0os5x0he new goods bracelets bracelets bracelets new stock beautiful patterns watches watches watches walthuni and elgin in gold aiid silver cases aoldrjngs lockets etc etc 7 just opened i bsavace nenr fetrics new drug store lilelpll hflus i tin stove depot good assortment of stoves cheap for u ash tinware of all ktnds at bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty be jict0it w h i tucnanay mornisq jul if x jviilt 9 188 xm 1885 poetry a little- philosopher must begin at tli beginning l ere is an exciting story in olyed that c ar ainly atn are long wrong are tho days are short antl the nig its and tho wind is nipping cold the tasks are hard and thesumja and the teachers often scold ibut johnny mcgreej oh what cares he as he whistles along the way it wilkall come right by tomorrow night- says johnny mccree tddav i the plums arc few and the cake is plain the shots are out at the toe fo money you look in tlippurtje i l vaiu- it was all spent long ago but johnuy mccreej i oh what cares he as he j whistles along the streei iwouldyou have theblu for a pair of shoes while you haye a pair of feet the snow is deep there are paths to break tut the little arm fs hvong work lis play if youhonly tale lour work with a bit of sqhg i ibut johnny mcciee j ioh what cares he j as he jwiiistleb along the road sho will do his bedt i and will leave thp rest totthe care of his father god the mothers face is often sadi she scarce knows what to do bti t at joliimy s kiss she is bright an 1 glad he loves him and wouldnt you for johnny mdcree oh what cares he j as he whistles along the way the trouble will go j and i told you so our brjave little john will say margaret e saiiistm our story he mad marksman by ii e wkhsten ji ll ii had iust taken a turn in conipany with doitor ndirotj through the vast f ardens that surrounded his hospital aild v as ad vancing wilh hint toward tile stooj of his own special dwelling the celebrated phy sician whose particular field was in iauity wa explaining to nie the case of one of his patients wl om we had met in ah all iy and wh had saluted us witlta patronizi ig air at that moment an explosion resounded a few paces fromus igrasped my hosts arm vhatsthat i asked one of your patienlts shot himself j doctor nbirot smiled a 1jno said hi reassure veurself it is stillanother curious case i want von to see and turning obliquely to the left hb drew me toward a small pavilion hidden behind a grove of trees he unlocked a door led nfeacross a narrow vestibule and wejfound ourselves in a sort of long court surrounded by walls a man was there of lofty slaturei clad in a strange hunting coftume rej ailing by certain details thte mexican fashiq i he had his back against the wall of thepfvilion and at the moment we entered raisd his right hand armed with a pistol our arj rival did not disturb him he timet slow- ly with a sure hand i followed the direcj tiou of tho weapon and saw about twenty paces distant a white face withjadajkhole in the centre of thd forehead- it was at well as i could judge at thiit distant e the ph ster mask of ii geek headman wjiich i thought i recognized the classic type of diana the huntress j the pistol was discharged the head did tmove and nota fragment flew frm it look said the doctor to me in a low voice its- very curious he mjsses his mnrk he never misses no all the balls are lodged tn the- sabie place in that dark holespiallejr than shortest and put up on notice first class material only used a call solicited iece of a hundredsousv hi terrible event had not suddenly the course of his the only person without aid during the six l ic aths that man has been an reconstructing th inmate herd i u e details of it representatiot s acquainted v it l having oertain words tlnt an interinjtt in delirium hence i v that ifly u vi give it to lion does snatches from hi n you as iseo it sjure hot deceive me guido ventu a when he ca in to paris as- accoinpaniec by a young yo iii u named miss arabella scarcely twenty j in terrupted ceededin hanks to i she was a superb ears of age with d the figure if of a goddess u adiuircrii were n it lacking and a week ithad becqine the fashion see the splendid arabella aid i i cises thothe coltbrated marksnai guido ventura she itood proudly 1 er arms folded her visigc impassible fifteen paces- from guido yen tura who direcped upon the in- between pipe two the shell her the vain men ice of his pista fallible ball of viich cut a ca d her fingers broke the bowl of i inches from her lips and crush d of a nut placed upon her head a slight trembling of the ma ksmaiis haud and all wo aid have been ever with the superb aral ella but th 3 hand of guido ventura n ver trembled j evidently gaido ventura loked this creature like an i iol to- be cc ir inced of it it sufficed to sc qirise one of tl 10 ie flablies that shot from his eyes each tin e when in tho foyer of the theatre wh re he was t i awaiting his turn to go on the fttge some gallant was unus ially attentive t o he hand some girl was ie jealous also certain ly and he must have suffered t bociously for his companion as coquettish as beauti ful seemed to deiight in exasp siting his jealousy on one occasion the manigjr of the alcazar dauton ne stopped hei wings as she w is escaping wit l from a circle of v ineexcited cojoc mbs see here nr little one he v iu her ear yo i had better ta ke care every evening th it man holds yjoi ir life at his mercy i arabella bun t out laughing j he kill me cried she shni shoulders get along with you too much of me tobarmahairbfjn r tn but we creature the head a statue less than o go and his exer- in the a laugh hisperetl yheadj pietc 1 from tlie j chill mill st avlng made arrangednents with messrs w h etorey d son for the continuouceof theplau tig mil in the build ing formerly jeeupied by the acton plow compaujve wcmld inform tli3 public that we are preuarm to take contracts for building als j deessing flooeing finbtihg mpuldiira i j t ind tiisiltch aliare of public pat- salesmen to befein canvassing at once oil fall sales steady mployment to successful men good igfluts iare ear ling from 40 to 75 per mor th dndeipens terms and put care age painting i 53 dominion acres wanted ccspeicht tjarties desiring their buggies i wabgotts cutters bto i repaintodor revarnished and mode equal to new on shortest possible notice and at lowest prices should leave their orders at once with mr j a speight under- taker and carriage builder or with i i 0 c speight i shingles and wood ftihb nnderaigned has for sale a splendid stock offlrstclabsbhlngles no 1 cedar x address st0nz ft allntgton xcits sitnifin i toronto io n factor no 1 pine 9100 per square edafl per square also a larffe ser square edariflpcram woodof all kinds from 9125 a load 3175 no 2 tpi trade at bottom prices thosc main st west acton quantity of up to imoo adlngid the moolle sign o e to th ihiiid thi of blackr 1 in thi glistened tho man had drawn another belt he fired t as bpforeihemlajsk- re mained intact- the weapon leing loaded with several bullets iu the- american fash ion the marksman successively five more balls not one of tlemcntthe forehead of the white face the docfor laid his hand shoulder of the marksman wjhq wheeled about his visage though enfpanied by a strong beard had an expresijonjat once energetic and sads stop an instant said the doctor t him the nian made with his head co nsent then j the j doctor leu otier end of the court and jl plibter mask showed me a plat ened lrpn that protected the wa ce itre of the plate a round spa with reflectiohs of lead prddu ed hy the flattening of the balls you see said iibj showi ign e the exact correspondence of this brill ant spot with tho- hole that pierced the plaster mask vou see that all the ball s pi ss through here you will not find one of them else where it is riiarvelous answurec i but what strange history is asso iafr id with this mtn come said the dbctof f ii e i wu teal you all about it puttside we again grossed the cour i ai d tlie vesti bule of the pavilion ah i ti lis is whftt e octor noirot told me whili i bf hind us tlje ditonaiohs recommenced will regular it itervals between them 4 j this unfortunate wn sail my host calls himself guido venturfi la he an ialian a spaniard or arf i american 1 hats what we dont exactly kiw w proba bly he was an american foljit is the new viorld in particular that pent s us these virtuosbs of the revolver anel tf ie rifle it v as from there at all everits ii lat this one c wne tq france you may jhai ie bieeh him li st year at the alcazar dautt mne where lie ilrvo gave four oy jfive exhibitions yo hod all paris running to bs bum bice thbee entg it was nothia property i will youjbe kinrl enouglito take that grips iok off thatseat said a countrymanf iwhootbua train at luling texas j flio sir i dont propose to do anything of th j sort replied the drummer who was sittii g on the other side of the seat do you say that you are going to lei that ripdack btay right there res ir i do 1 1 ca4e you dont removethat gripsack i sh ill be under the painful hecjeseityof callit g theonductor v on cpnc4h in the conductor the en gineerand thebrakeman if you want tql perhups you had better stop at the next static n and send a snecial to old jay gould hims ilf aboul it ihe cionductor will put you off the train 1 j i don i qare if hejdoes im hot going to tal e thit gripsack from that place where it is v ii j thi md guaiit passengeri went through the tr ain and soon returned with the son ducto s yoii refuse to nemove that gripsack do yo l usked the cjjnductor i lo gre at sensation wliy do you persist in iefusmg to re move that gripsack b jcaufle its not mine hy dictht yousayso at oiice bscauels nobody asked me texasl sifthiim tok place and every night she stood b if ore the muzzle of the pistol witfithe sane sererie irabquility jasci lating me rebelli n of her over as the eyj of the tamer f iscihates hat of a wild bei st j one evening when tlie nam f guido ventura anil thit of arabella lad been shining scarcely i week upon t ie bills of ihe alcazar dau omne a gentlep mof fine ippearance entend thefoyer wan straight to the young won tan who uttered a slight cry of surprise a id taking her hai d kissed the tips of her fingers guid ventura iwho was talking i o the managerti medand i suddenly grew very pale the i man who had just entered vas arichyanke 3 whose attentions tomis i arabella had jfu ide some noise in new yor k it was beca e of him particularly that the marksman j h id made his engagement 4 1 paris but t ilia man now hod taken a notion to follow thehi for it was on account of arabella trial he had come to paris i s soon as he hi d ascer tained where she had gone he h id taken passage uiou the nextsteamer t jatnight as she was return ing to her dress jagroom guido ventura ir ade a terrible pepne with nislcdmpairion ii but the most terrible scene some nights later for a weekth i ameri can had hung alwut arabella ootsteps guide ventura had striven toe act that the manager of the alcazar pantonine should prohibit him from eliding the obulisses but laving made hi s way into the managerialo ifice with his t in his hand the american emerged pi tting his wallet pack in his pocket and there was no longer question o f his exile j that night i hen arabella ws s prepar ing to assume her pages dress fpi the per formance guido ventura saw a j iaper fall from her corsage he picked it u 3 read it it was a love lettar proposing tci t ie young girl an elopemeit and marriage the next day when he ame down inty 1 he foyer the marksman liad knitted bro vs and a quivering lip i e took a pisfolja id aimed at his own ime ge in a mirrcir to try his hand his hand did not tremble five minutes afterward he w is on the stage commencing his exercisjei as he turned he saw b hind him in th coulisse the american lei ning against a i at just at hat instant 1 iss arabella pla ited her self iu front of i im her arms f lded her nutshell placed u aon her head si ie smiled on whom was b1 e smiling op the man who was there behind hinil gi ido ven tura saw it clear y from the dirqcl ion of her glance suddenly her eyes hayii ig moved shfe ceased to sm lie and a shade sv passed across her visage standing b fore her guido ventura look aim full et her fore head 1 the report rung out and miss arabella fell dead upon tl e boards whei they tore from his arms tie corpse that he was des perately clasping to his bosom guido yen- tura wasa madriau was it a crime was it an iccideiit they thought enly of stifling the affair in paris the dea i are speedilyjriu of miiid the first exoiteft entover people orgot the two henies of th s bloody drama since that time guido ventre has been here in my esta jlishment passu g half his days in liming c t that plaster ms sk j onpe he chanted to br jak it foe a wsekj after ward he was del rious but hcj i 3 irjoffen- sive asyou can see j we returned t the pavilion i b ad fpund the marksman i lading his weapo is not a shot s lissed the mark ih said tile doctor to hit i in an affable to ie the man raisi d his head and pointing with his finger t the plaster mi s c answer led in a hollow vi ice not one always iu theciufefetlfthe j he wasnt sure teruyson cries j o i for the touchoia vanished hand and the ound of avoice that is still but tl e sentimental young nian that boast ed tin t he wouldknow the touch of the hand any where and identify its owner without the v ice iwas farther along in such matters than the tender stripling who is descri ed below as doing escort duty rot eft a bashful lad recently summoned up- ei cmgh conrage to escori a young lady hoihe at the breakfast table next morn ing hi i father said well my sou did you go home with any o the girls last night yssaidbob who was bhe rot ert hesitated but finally blurted out i th lughtit was annie yarreii hut when we got to the turn of the road she went inj to ellu hams house b it ibhouldthink you mighthaye told by the sound ofher voice saidi his father n lither of us said a word said bob blushing and stammering 3 and- would ee him if forehead i what the mother sats zh i know there are stains on my oalrpet the traces of smali muddy boots kni i see your fait tapestry glowing and spotless with blossom and fruiti iud i know that my walls are disfiga ed with prints of small fingers and ha ids and that your ownhonbehold hiost tp ily in immaculate pnrity stands and i know that my parlor is littered with many old treasures and toys yhilt your own is in daintiest order unharmed by the presence of boybl i i jiiii i know that my roomj is invaded quite bloldly ail hours qt the day vhile you sit in vows unmolested and deam the soft quiet away tes t khowlhere are fohrlittfe bedsides where i must stand watchful eachn ght jkhiletyou go out inyour carriagej aiid flash in your dresses so bright itowl think im a neat little woman i like thy house ordeijly too and fm fond ctf all dainty belongings yeti would hot change jrices witli yc u no 1 eep your fair home with its orde r its jfreedom from bother and noise a nd keep your own fahciftil leisure but give me my four splfendid boys griticism returned so ew of us speak english with absilu correctness aud if we attea pt critic isi the victim of the process ife loon abhf i lick flaws in our own grammar iilustrated hy the following fuiriy dia romthe atianmw traveller ihitend3d to tell jane to bringa backet of w iter said the wife of pr sor nottleh iad looking up from her jrj v tou do btless mean a bucket of fresh yater rej lined her husband i svish pay some little attention to you- would ihetoric ibg a fewtici my dear ter advaut the clock ah shi it i were to were to hanj tjell wiat tin ie uittle mistakes are th saving power of marriage i lit ve notjiced that a married man fall ing it to misfortune in more apt to retjrieve his situation in the world than a single one chiefly becaase his spirits are soothed and relievi d by domestic endearments and belf- respec t kept alive hy finding that although abroai i be darkness and humiliation yet there s still la little world of love at home of wh ch he is monarch whereas a single man i apt to run to waste and selfneglect to f ill to rnhis like some deserted man sions lor want of inhabitants i uave often hadoicasioii tomark the fortitude with which womeh sustain the most overwhelm- ing reverses of fortupe those disasters which break down tlie spirit of man and prostrate hirflin the dnst seem to calif prth thi i energies of thesofter sex and give bitch iutrepidity und elevation to their oharaster that at times it approaches sulilirjiity washington irving u bur mistakes are embar-aas- euts later the professor said hat picture would show to bel ie if youwere tb hang it jover replied you doubtless i lean ang it above theclock if i it ovfer the clock tve eon dnt e it is i wish you would pay attention to rhetoric tour jembarrassing- t tie children respec sljowi it will surbrise many parents to hae it snggested thit they should treat their ohil- d ren bourteo tsly and- tespectf ully y st it i s the best ec ucatronihat can be imp ited tithem pi rents are apt- to think f children shot id be subject to authority a re ndt to be consulted but whynot teaches theni to exercise judgment and i arte selfrppect the imitative qt i i chi dren le ads them to reproduce wl asis i lost itrikiipj in their parents unless they 1 ave sufficisntly positive individuali y to r iap c ut chai actors for themselves 1 hus riany childien reproduce the leading bar- oteri sties hi therjarlut whocomtn uids most jheir re ard sp to treat them hi j8h ly or even imperatively- is tocreati a jautoc ratio aif position in them it is i tot a lovelj trait belf respect and eqdipoii e of character are very different from a e oini- neeri ig prope nbity which arrogates au bat ity eeryvhe i antiquity of jfins the metal pin as ah article of convent once r adornment is of very remote anti quity isaiah in inveighing against the f nppe ry of the daugltersof ziot speaks of the ir crisping pins hair pins are re- ferrec to by martial and by juvenal as having been worn by the roman ladies strut iin his erudite iworkion the costumesr pf t e english makes mentiot of hairl needlssor bodkins as being used- by the baxoi is in the eighth century it is nearly ma ter of certainty that the making or pinb i 8 a trade found its way here from frame in the reign of queen elizabeth and t iat the first heme of the manufac ture as in gloucester so late as 1840 glouc ester continued to be one of the prin cipal seats of the trade nor was it untilj 1854 hat it finally deserted the cathedral city f r birmingliam which uojw enjoys alj most monopoly df it he licked it a b iupidiooking countryman- halted be fore a blacksmiths shop on the outskirts ofmi idlesbrough the proprietpr of which was f trging a shoe aipd eyed the perform- ante with much interest the brawny smith dissatisfied with the njans curiosity heldj he redhot iron suddenly under hie noise hoping ite make him beat a hasty re treat if youll give me hatfacroy l will- 1 ck it said the countryman ill btopt ie broggartsjaw thoughtthesmithj as he took from his pooket a halfcrown an l 1 eldit out the cunning countryman quioky grabbed the coin licked it and wa k d awayhistung the girl i left behitdmei v 1 l sore of tata a deaf ear to slanders be nevei to mem ion them again fej idnot tl ie innate desire tjb hear a anotl er j lii ten to u tale against another which ypu s re requested nplto repeat be vare of xmversation with a taleb tarer or with one rho reveajteth secrets rpv xi 1- xxvi 10 beware of the busy selfimportant tness engej reme nber that he that is fir it hi his o vn caus 3 seemeth just but ins t eigh bor cjjneth s nd searcheth if ou shot dd hear ill of another ren em ber t hat you informant iay be misi aken ordiiceivedj he may bejihisinformedl or prejr diced by party spirit in any doubtfuicase cpmmanicatojwitto the j arty before forming a judgment as it council of god before mentioning repoi t aga prjjudicfe distorts innocent and prais a worthy acts beware op taking e vena fact rqm person from cither lips imat ters i night appear very different i even he yd jot r sweets to the sweet i m going to gelt marriedaid hej a pit oed a hand upon the counter as large a 1 intch cheese and i want a weddiuf oa ii is oubtpmary said the pretty bakbrj girl nowadays to have the materials p the ot ke harmonize with the calling of thi i bn le troom for a rhusician i ow we bav i an oa t cake f or a man who ha i no oallini am 1 1 ves upon his friends the t pdnge cake for a newspaper paragraphed spice cakei am it o on vbat is your caliji ig ijlease m a pugilist 1 hen you want pound ca unholol huowdys ointment and pills- of th bowels a remedy which has been tested and proved in a thousand diff srent way4 capable of eradicating poise nous taints frpm ulcers and healing then tip meri s a trial of its capacity for extra jting the i lternal corruptions from the be wels on ruhbing holloways ointmeni re- peate dlylou the abdomen a rash x ears and as it thickens the alvine irritability subai des acting as a derivaliver thi s an- guen r draws to the surface release i the teudir iiitostines from all acrid ma iters and- ire eiits inflammation dysenterj and piles fir which blistering wasithe old- fash one 3 though successful treatment now eron its painfulness fallen into dsuse thfek lisc ivery of this ointment havinj pro cla led a remedy possessing- equally deri- taint y st perfectly painless powers ii i y an exalderiuan tried it ek- alderman tajdor of toronto thu wul hajaris yellow oil for rheumatism it pi treq him after all other remedies had failed ecbopean wheat and rye hi xvsst than be from two or three weeks later uso 1 woinsn da not whistle as freqaenilyi as inei do because they naturally do no i wish to mahe themselves disagreeable the ssri on asons hold good concerning the- us of t b sop and profane language tried ii m 42 vtsmakammritmmmmm-

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