Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1885, p. 2

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f xtott jmfms tuvhskw mottmso onv 0 18s5- j i i- i i jlv i il v eight about face ttlw readers ot tu s milton jwcte not a luue surprised d isappoiijted upcm perusal ot the loadhi article irir its ast issue wherein the c4itorgies currency tothefaotthatho iros o muged his position and withdrawn his supplort from the scott act the shu gives as reason for its sud den fiopov that ijt bas onie to the con- elusion that this 8cott act movemeut is simply a grit dodff i to capture votes the evidence adduoed i or this chause of base is s certainly not tena jo and to an unbiased t mind must appeal very unreasonable and i unfair the article is opened with quo tations from various papers cornmentiur upou the recent y te in the house of com mons on theseuat es wine and beer amend- ments this caus es our friend of the shh to oonolude that i the grit party is move anxious for power tlian for prohibition tut he evidently fails to remember that very large percentage of the government members voted with the opposition other wise the amendcojents must have carried what about tbe conservatives atcordin to the sunt mysterious reasoning they also must have had some ulterior object in thu i voting butthki fo do not believe wa cannot bntoonclude that the 82 members who vfiteid nay did so honestly ahdjcou bcicutiously irrespective of party prefer- eiices with the sincere desire to retain the scott act in the spirit and letter whicli was intended it should embrace when firf t placed jupon the j statute books and in eo doing advance the general interests an i accord to the wishes of their constituent on this momentoui question halton temperance alliance is jiext a tacked for the jresolptious passed at ins recent convention respecting thins it ays 7 thejswere not consistent one with anoth er for instance one resolution iinstructea i the secretary tq at once call the attention of i the dominion government to the 1 situation and ask if it is the intention of the government to furnish money o put the enforcing machinery at present existing into operation without await- ing a reply from the government indeed before the wordsjabove quoted could have beoome another resoluti6n pledging the association to raise by voluntary 4 subscription all moneys necessary for expenses incurred in prosecuting offenders against the act was passed the first resolution wasiarcical and was only passed for apurpose j we must admit that upon the fade of them these resolutions doappear somewhat contradictory but if the editor of the sun tiad been preseetti at the convention he couw ot possibly hav construed their meaning bnhb ruuhs has over ntttutajiuedafatr honobt and oubistcit inde indent position and to this i ssertioivour r iany readers ot both siddiot the political ireilk are ready and wihinj to ue fori farcji and openly assert it njocssary the jiroviuce ot the fiusk pjwsh is not that invariably pursued by theoittii ary wefckly poll tfoal party organ of constant y dabbling in the senseless and unprofltabli business of aarly strife and political r tiling always reiterating the statements and expression s of the loading party organs aud bound fo obey the call ot any pplltio il whfp whether in accord with the convict ions of the ediior or not the fiskk piisis js subsidise l by no party or clique and consequently enjoys thegreatcst possible la itudo ahd liberty of speech upon all question of publio intartat irrespective ouriude- of which i arty thov may effeot pendent position allows is to work at all times aud under all ciror instances tor the best inter sts of the people in our town and county nilmattoi jsvhat question may bo before the publio ind we do hot propose to bind ourw ives to any poltidal party if or no partyjournal can enjoy tie liberty that is ours no friend shh tji frek phess has neither g it or tory leai inga and wo are happy to assert isj answerable to no party or orgahis ation we sincerely trust the stit will how see ntto ame id its present erroneous position by tholigit whichr ond not a grit paper has thrown upon this hiterestufig subject -i- ontario habitant t s l r m j r m iv in ill in i 11 i is i i- u s m st j- ti vi 11 m i4 kvff- wmnji in the insinuating manner which charactei izes his effusion the resolutions readily explaiiiecl fts f ollows after the action of the government at ottawa ii causing the withdrawal of the crooks act machinery where the scott act is in fores not the first thing had been done by tha governmentpr their officials in enforcin i the act considering this undesirable coe dition of affairs the convention formulate 1 and adopted the first resolution as jabevc in subsequent consideration of the matte r lie convention saw that as in the case c f questions ofi somewhat similar character heretofore presented it might be a mont ii or two or possibly longer before the ques tion would be answered and action taken b y the government and in the meantimewit h no attention being paid to its enfprcemen the scott act would become almost a dead letter- henpe the second resolution was very naturally passed and promptly acted upon and we can assure thte sun that o soon as the government complies with tte request of the convention the association s prosecuting officials will willingly step down and out snrely- with this explanation to one could honestly charge the association with being either a grit or tory votecap turing machine j during the past five or sis years the fme pbesthas been regularly represented at tl e conventions of the association and we can candidly and conscientiously assert that party politics have never been a considera tion in any convention how could ary rightminded person reasonably suppone that suph could possiblyhaveplace thereit dhere conservative and reformer have pi t no doubt in equal numbers tor years in friendly conclave not drawn thither by a desire to serve the selfishehdsof the pcilit i- cal parties to which they may have bein connected bntiwith one common object n view that of furthering the mst ajid true 3t interests of thettesidents of the county ge i- erally by endeavbring toassist in expelli ig- from within our wders thecursed libens sd liquor traffic no party politics hive not nor can they have a plade in haltod tein- perance association a holier mission is aimed at the resolution pledging the members of the association to vote for neither nmnicij al i or parliamentary candidate who refuses to i pledge himself to work and voteior prohi i- tion was one in thei right direction and it certainly relieves the associajiob of f tie stigma of being a grit machine placed upon it by the sun that party polit cs have been 6ut of the question has been is- suredly pigved in the fact that halto is parliamentary representatives are one a conservative and the other a eeformei -v- worthy men whom all respect and hpnjr r and both pledged to support the scott a st andagain how does the sun accountf or he many counties in the dominion whieh i re y conservative constituencies that htve adopted the scott act by overwhelming majorities if at is honest in concluding tl at this scott actmqvement is simply ajgrit dodge- id capture votes throughout its editorial and elsewhere thesiatthftb diligently and in a veryilly manner endeavored to convey the impr gion that the foee pbess is also a grit v machine we liave onlyjj say that ihe 4 am i iti 1 1 t f the of aiive noteand com kent the sc tt a wasdefeat d jiu hastings county hfit thursday by about 350 major ity the scut act may not prohibit but it mi has knocked drinking cold taraleadei in this village jthe miuitoba crop report i show that the harvest promises to be the betiipthe his tory of tl e province the followhig scott act take place as dated haldi nand july ig inly 16 victoria austra la is said to possess over seventy six millih sheep or about with an annual elections will july 23 big bear juad wembeird of his i band oapiuredleath of ool wluiams the trial op riel winnutu july 5- big boar was cap tured friday morning near carletou by jjjergeant staart ot the mounted polioei vhis son aiidouoof hib counoillbrs yorb taken at the same time big bear said his band wore on theiv way to fort carle- ton to surrendor tloy had been some- 4ays without prpviaioiib he had passed otters nndirvinos forceb on th6 way seven more of tio band wero captured by surveyor scouts aud irvine has taken seventeen the remainder are surrender ing to the indian agents and giving up their arms oucwf the frpg lake murder- trs was among those captured by tho scouts lluatil of col iltums ottawa july 5 news of uio death of lteutcol a t williams m p was re ceived hero tonight and willproate a wide spread feeling ot regret amougtho members of bothf sides of the house with whom iicl was most popular col williams was en gaged to mrs bonks daughter of sir david maophersonyand was to have been married oil his return from tho north- west mrs banks is now wjih her father on the conti nent the t1ual of itlel lteuisa nw- t july 2 mr osier q c mr burbridgo deputy minister of justico and chief stewart of hamilton have arrived to make preparations for tho approaching trial of biel it ib thought that tile task of securing witnesses will not be so difnoult as was anticipated and hopes are expressed that the trial will commence about the 15th over forty trials will fol low jprobably occupying six or sevou months mrs gowanlock and mrsdelauey have just arrived here where they will remain for some time they came via swift cur- rent and though fatigued are feeling quite well ottawa jujy 3 dr corbitt of this city who was attached to tho medical corps in the northwest died from dropsy in winnipeg yesterday v j i hqt and dry skin soalding sonsations swelling of the ankles vague feelings ot unrest h frothy or bnokdust fluids aoid stomaoh aoliing loins f j i cramps growing nervoushethss strange sore iiosb of tho bowel i i unaccountable languid foeltjij s short breath and pleuritic nvns ono side headache l babfijii ihe frequent attacks of the r f fluttering and distress of- the 1 eart albumen and tube easts in the water fitful rheumatic pains and ije iralgia loss of appetite flesh and strength constipation alternating with lposontss of the bowels abundant palo or soailty ifli b of dark water chills and j fever i burning patches of skin thon i common sen m trt itiffnt 3f ga1 ahrh and jifnit ohnrged with dlseaseiijoatinc elwn juts foul air v ill kill when 1 t jatbea oonti uuously air charged with rcnedial olotn siitff will cure yheu breathed pcptidu ouslj j the pillow inha 25 to every in- wool producj blights disease ol thejilf neys the above symptoms are riol developed in any order but appear disappi ar and re- apear until the disease graduully gets a firm grasp on tho constitutioir lekiduey- poisoned blood breaks downi tnc nervous system and finally pnoumoniii diarrhoea bloodlessness heart disbase lappoplexy paralysis or convulsions ensub and thou death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it j is an eyejry day dis order and claims more victims other complaint j it must bo treated in time or it the mastery dont negleoi it nebs safk cure has curod 1housands of cases of tho worst type and il will cure you if you will use it promptly and as di rected it is the only specilio fpr the uni versal j r than any will gain war brightsidi se itew advertisenionts semjoi iray i stkek ast otltayeotrom tho iiromisos oi tjief biibseribor o lot 11 cou 0 esquesing onorauout tho 15th june oito red- two yoarold bteqrl koasdnablo reward for recovery of same j i jamps f mcoterson esquesingpo gonsumi it batters down the strong hold of mlpfles is nil olegautly iuadj hair pillow jo mrged with remedial eicnn nu ile vapor 9 which the utlent iuhalci nil night long whilst sleejingias usual it cannot gef out of orde r and is perf jptly safe to fh v riiost jdelialej it willlastfor years and serve any iumberof persons in a family n sue cess on cirtarrhbronohvtis abtlima i oonbimptioa pud makes a permi nent euro by a jc jntiuii oub ipptication of 1 ealing andcurft ivc air jdlreitlyito the dii eased parts- ij ifferers f roc 1 any of the al ovementioned t iseases are irgently reques ed to send us 11 oir al- dreis find a i 60p ige pomfthlet il be mailed tc them fieo which will give a con plote histpry 0 this wouderf 1 1 discov efy and the principles upon which t works tog ithor with n bnglist of tesii nonials from those who ha 0 usecl it and wjuo now rejeico in perfect hsalth 1 0 not delay fo the lougerji idi icase is allowed to run urn necked tho elpfer aud hnr ler it is to effec t a oure there is no medi ine taken into tlo stoin- ach no douching t r suuffidg nor distgrecfible about this treatment it has never teen known wn snd your nam and address on to fho plllo inhaler ajoboy lonii he averaging one dollar per sheep by rec jut jxistal regulations the people of the uiiited states can now send a letter weighing one ounce for two icuts this act came intp force on the 1st o ijuly 1 i i the fiee press didnt fulfil your pre- sumptioi last week bro sun the item wasnt a pied after all waji it neverthe less it w mid be interesting to have the sim point out the lie contained u tho indepen dent itei ii i i as pre noted an at t in the local parliame nt last yeiar prpvid ed that all pigs must be noved outside of the corporation or kept a least 70 feet away rom any house dwelling or street even if they are over 70 feet a way from tire prohibited places the pens must be cleaned at jeast once every day persons interested should pa3te this on their log pens and obey it when the day comes mr gladstone has established an ad- i t ditional ilaim to the respect and gratitude of the british people by refusing the title of earl which the queen offered to- bestow upon him his actioni thbugh magnani mous is not so exceptional j in england as to be- singular as many other men of cminenc 1 have done the same thing the fact thai gladstones decision to remain a common r has becjn rpceiyjfid with great enthusiasm by the englisupeople is an other sign of the rapid progress of demo cratic idsas 1 fl w7tf whiskey on the rise proposed increase of the duties ottawv july 0 it lias transpired here that the government has decided to raise the duties on spirits and probably on tobacco word was sei flout late this after noon to ill collectors 0 jnland revenue to pass no pore entries ut til further orders te thade ix toiionto excited was great excitement in the trade in toror to yesterday 1 if ternoon oyer the ramortliattheluty on spirits wps to be further mcreased ths large houses were quotations and declined to give they knew the policy of thegoy- on saturday awellingtanstreet the ottai dealt wi stricken l hu j there asked fo them till ernmenl firm purchased all the whiskey they could gettheii hands on tiieyjitook up about 825000 worth quite 1 dramatic incident occurred at the inland revenue office to ronto st eet at 305 oclock collector stratton receiv ed word not to pass any entries on spirits or tobi ceo until further orders ten minutes thereafter george gooderham and w h i eatty of the rooderham worts company entered the office they had a marked check for 200 000 on the bank of toronto and dominion legal tender notes lor 8180000 more wherewith to clear that much 8 irits the collector had to decline the mot ey the firm passed an entry of spirits a few weeks age on whi3h the duty was nea rly half a milli n tyorld kc fvitulks attention 0 a mower s now coll miscellaneous hats from 75 ceutsto- 250 at j fyfes at iowsohs any quantity of seed com 1 illet hungarianyctches and other varietie of field and garden seeds at how- sous scotch eotlish aiui jiinnjian suiting rot ariety at tlie east end clothing tore j fyfe acton it h harding grocer has secured control of the sale in acton of the celebrat ed rolle flour of nicklins speedvale mills guelph auij is prepared to bupply all cus tomers suits aiid overcoats at extremely low rates aid made in lateststyies be sure to call ind see them j fyfe acton lite twcnlythrcc lcnrs suffering rev ffm stout of wiarton wa3 cured of scrof alous abscess that seventeen doc tors cov id not cure burdock blood bit ters was the only successful remedy it cures a 1 impurities of ithe system theirtue of carbolic acid for healing cleansing and purifying is will known but e many modes of applying it the the undersigned has foi aud a hay kako both as good aud 800 tlieui j johnmdpiie outurio lumber limo andf cement vorkb limcuouse juno 29tli 188 j iioljsblotfoitsaller aliishoubojand to housecou- taius nino rooms also kitehoiuiihlwoodsudd is woll adapted for a teuemoiit or boarding lipube good stable on tho premises liberal terms apply to ii d wi campbell the uudorsiguod offers for ba lot on main street it is a 1 a rare chance valuable farm -and- village property for sale one ok the kin est kaitfjs iy the county of hulton situate witbin thr tbrifty nnd eiitenirising coutaiuiiii 100 acres known is homestead alo 25 acres w cedar timber the village property compel es comfortablo dwelliiir houso and stows on my street for full particulars apply to w p brown acton real estate for sal i mim proprj h befi age of all who ha jixtelsior bakery jy bakere wil ass are all that mj cnehalf mile of illago of acton i tho hrowu 1 1 timbered with bread w aving pur liased- the ba uess of mc ssrs e nickms to bolioit a c utiuiijuico of tn e in the past fa ored the with their patrol age be firstclass k ad i can stock of etjns cnfectiotery the best quafi pejrsoiial endeavdr will be to gie every ion itiyl have heir beer senate reinsert amendments july 6 rl lie senate tonight th the boottact amendment bill it refusi id by thirty o fifteen to agree with tbeactimof the house of commons in reinsert ng the penal clause hich the ben ate had stricken bui a id agai ncancelled it- by thiry to tjliirteen she upper chamber decided to reinwt wine at lendmept which the i commons had their lie ton the famous beer and out this latter mottion was mov ed by sir alexandon campbe ut l trjr t h hardinggrocer for flonr and feed vrtfr fi i from tl public s uncertain how be3ttonse it to meet that want mcgregor 6v parke carboli c cerate is prepared and may be used w th confidence do not be misled take o lly mcgregor parkes carbolic sold at j e mcgarvins drug store acton 46 wiintlorio if troubled with au unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgregor parkea car bolic cerate you will find lit iuyaluabje for healing cleansing aud completely re- imoving your trouble if the blood is cut lof order take with it a few doses of mc- igregors speedy cure from j e mcgfir vins drug store i 29 i itching pilestsyuiplonisuud iure the symptomsarc moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems asif pln worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected 11 allowed to continue very serious rtsults may follow swaykes oistmest is a pleasant sure care also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr s wayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 merit provtu dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you aro not asked to purchaseit until its merits are proven calf at j e mcgartins drpg store arid get a free trial bottle and if pot convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etcj no matter of howlong standing it costs you nothing hold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- als from persons in you own town i9 tatabbiia hew tueatuent perfidps the most extraordinary success that has been aohieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh oui of 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of this stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at rail starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in thetissne mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their exter mination this accomplished- he omms the catarrh is pratically curqd and the permanency is uupjiestoned assures effect ed by him four years ago are cures smll no one else has ever attempted to cure catarrh in this manner and no pthe treat ment has ever cured catarrh ther appli cation of the remedy is simple and canbe one at home and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure the majority of cases being curedvat one troatment sufferers should correspond with messrs a h dix on son 305 king street west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their treat- tee on catarrh monlrealstar nov 1782 rie undkbsioned hereby offers for sale the followhig farins and village lots situate in tho townbhip of erin tho township of es- quesing aud the village of act in tieiug part of the estate of the late kobert svan as follows 1 part of the east half of lot no 1 in the 4th concession ofhe township of erin containing 95 acres j 2 part of the wcst part of bo fo 27 in tho otb concession of the towuhhip of iysipicsing con taining 25 acres 3 lot no 32 in block ii on oharch stroetifu the village of acton 4 lot no 39 in block ii on chnrcli street in the village of acton 5 lot no 41 in block 10 on cpruer of church and wilbur streets in the village of acton title indisptjiabjie terms and particulars mode known on appli cation to miss elizabeth thufbdl actoni or to j- john swan 1 attorney for lei atees elora po 11 always be of sonal endeavc customer satisfac bread delivered a xlc n march 30th 1885 canadas gbe terms si 00 in ad 1 warning and c mfort hual snj t yon to a piece mtilmiisliirii toasl lucf ie canada c edited w alio a few travelle s to sell our now chines for making thin coal equally qu ired mode in a f o private houses streets mines ete 15- lv w well titere is mucli tq be said the question being asked of tl e banqueter at the average boarding house cliis up remiu iscencesof close cputiguiti fo tho hornsi and beefsteak three cuts sov thihcreof he of course will pass unless it occurs to him for his trunk the effects of that he needs- a hinge should there be auy sufferi an indulgence iu suchsinulus fare use mc gregors speedy curo a st ire and effectual remedy for dyspepsia constipation and all affections of the stomach ind liver sold by j e mcgarvin actoi trial buttles free j i luid lighliii ng therearebutfewthat ha e never suffered almost intolerable pain f inn toothache neuralgia or like acute fains to them such au instant relief as ft lid lightning is an untold blpssiug in time jof trouble no disgusting offensive medicines o be taken or days one application of- fluid light ing cures sold j at j e mcgarvins drugstore j 30 viiprcocdentcil hiticcess for all purposes of a family medicine hagyards yellow oil is attl e head of the list it is used with unprecedented sujocess both internally and exterpa ly itjoures sore throat burns scalls frost jbites relieves and often cures asiihma if a tew grains ot commob sense could be e the vicinity that w elf ss gatisf actioi inc house pain pajper hanging ion er bargafnsf m trteglasoliw r j v- mhkimi we i ompenoe today the jgreatestl slugbterihg cf gboda ever before heard of ib acton j rbc1uiar p1uces stacks of the ohqloest alfd most 13eajutiful fkom6 cen1tsup i m and piles crf be aiutlflildre goods at 15 i cents 2and 30 cents prlits a aything tp fail plainly niont jtor 1 iry busi sok j patron- t vimmenlse ranges of hosiery than cost pricej gloves parasols atjless noolp stock i the finest range of white and gray cottons from 5 gnts up they are the cheapest goods ever before offered in acton also oikbs c fyp c i my no 1 as m wm im y r j- fflb iff i m- f 3 i fe- jm vrfflb ii i vje- b i l flbi 3 r ip wl i vfl i ft j a 1 it i ic p sm it- c ierp 1 f ie set 8 i w f i testa i r wa 1 goods 1 to i of go i s v 1 stoi mm clear ng out the balance ery goods at half price of millinery and mjllini clearing out gents fine straw hats at 20 l per cent less than cost over 1000 pairs of l boots and shoes which we- are bound to dlealt out aless than half price j- jii mm value in sugars trje cheapest place in town for sugars v- we commence ou arxiixial attack- taking on the fiist of august we cbn only offer you these bargains till that time potnotfail to secure some of the 3e bargains while they are going gall solicited mann d tizks1 am tejii eramk iikrtl d t pkohisitios aieit tlictlicn cl nnd thu bexl v f s spence sixteen pages v eekly on fine ton 2d citi cey fl rli8ni t vanted raxted a bi sident- agex1 ifcf every village town and city in th6 ominion r gas ma clioaiier power re- rstol000 icb mills air gas 50 per con lb rood no are or 1 sizes from 15 burn stores hotels foclo address canadun an gas machlve m 115 t raucois xavjer s montr house paint undersign si beg to inform the people of 4 are prepared tp iu the lines of ing calciminijig in the latest order promptly attended io 1 rell roronlo rig 1 ctou and five tirst- rfbf paint and also itheb all les infused into lhe thick noddle of those who perpetually and alternately ijfitnte aud weaken their stomachs aii bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited andheallbfi 1 laxative and tonio isorthrop lyraand veffetable dis overyand dyspeptic oure which causes good digestion to wait an jnppetite and health on both m i 32 avers pectwal no other comp wilts are so insidi u i in their i ittack as those al feotinfe the throat hi d lungs lone so trifled w th by the majority i i siiifer- srs tho ordhury cough or cold erhaps from a trifling or uncoindiousex 03ure is often but tho begimiin t f a fitil nlokhess aveis cuenitv iiiioial has veil proven its- ilflcaoy in a forty t ire light vith throat and lung diseases nu t uouldbe ilken in all case i withtfut delay a terr bio cough curd in 18571 tool a severe cold vhicl my lungs i ha a terrible coughjai d lit after nf gli without sleep llib i gavp me up t trlwl ayeub cht toual which elicved my hind 8leeji and afforded me tho reft for the recovery of my strength continued use of tho ikctoiiai nent cure wsb clfectcd i am now old halo and hearty and am satis led your clleltity pectokai saveil mie- honack famni o i rockingham yt july 15 18k2 croup a mothers trli while in jlhe country lat t wlnll boy three years aid was taken ill wi it seemed as if ho would die frolii latlon one of he family suggeslei of aykrs cni mr rectoltvi k- 1 which was qltvi ys kept in the libi so jhig was tried in small and frequent nscs and tobur delight in less than half an uei d for working people send 10 cents postareand we yjjl mail you tree royal- valuable sample be il of goods tliat will put you iu tlie way p i nuking moie money in afewdays than yd l ever thought possible at any business lpital- not re quired you can live at 1 c ni e and work in spare time only or all tlv i ti me all of both sexes of all ages gni jiy successful 50 cents to 5 easily earned erery evening thai all who want wdrk 1 1 ij testthebusi ness we make this unpai f llsledoffor to all who are not well satisf t al we iill send 91 to pay for tho troubl s c f writing us full particulars direction 3 e tc sent free immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once don dalay addiess stinhon co portland miiuo r i jfefja mmmakmmmmbmm llkikw wjijitl j f- t little patient wife breathing casllyl tor said thatt to ciikiirv 1kct saved my darlln s life can you our gratitude sincerely yours blits kmjia c 160 west 128thl st kew york j i have used ayeub chebijy in my family f r several vcaw hesitate to proi ioiuiceit ithe most remedy for cou lis aud cohls we tried ii aj lake crystal hlijjp march 13 fsfc gysgjsgsfsskaiblbitob mm e nikiv n10lw2- i kctoital iqd do not eitviltiq av ivur c taxli f b onchitls it l no sne- ks chflt- xsuffered fo years from and after trying many rcineillvsiv cess i wab curei by tuo use of av ey pj5ctokai joselll yailues byhalia missl april c 1ss2 ieaunotsay enougliin praise of ayfhs jueeby pectoral believiiik an doilmt rat for its use should long sine ittvp died irom luiig troub es kuuunos palestlneei as apri 22m82 ko case of ai affection of thi kjiroat or uugs exists wu ch cannot be gres t y relieved pjectokai niidlclu6 i ay tlie use of j yebb cneiiky ittilt will almyt cure jruen thfe not already bey mdthe control ol bepaj1ed uy dpjcaycrcojuwej sold by all drugglsto paper co au rq remember our jamb us 50c tea r nelson mcrae co 3sie4i be j- ijiou roll i i iex tiijb- fashionable end h affected d passed uoctbrb by 1ec- imlitccd ecessary by the perma- ra years ll i finest stock ojf lovely sat eens prints and muslins in the city spots checks andstjrllpes in endless variety always busy jr jr buchamco tou car buy goods cheaper ife tjie star grocery than at any other place in the county i of halton and te my little li croup slrongu- tho use botllekif hour the llic doc- luptal hnd onder nt any oth tff toi ill ed a cr s wit bi on gy portant announcement la rdware boots and shacs we can dell you for less thaji yjoti can buy them at a iy oibei- placewestof toronto or jl place in ontario- f wjare boinid todohe trucle profits aref small andtwe iutttd tb hi ndle latge quantities and buy yotrii suaifhs forlcsjakes ma88 beforo ii pur e paris grert 60c tea bar jy ebrkjb also qardehij hplades king- ja full line of qlais in scythes rakes ic es c barb wire ft r fei all sizes always in stock macltiuerj ops ftjr reapere moweis and all kind 3 f machinery iii peerl ass 1 ubricatpg and lard qe and everthjnise inihardware bdbts snd sllojjg- or gfrycen cheaper- tbanyouteyerwougl t them inyour ser nefli- ge i ihe of 3h6pl rememt br that rth65c j e howson next door to pogt office our of 400ds m uia x

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