Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1885, p. 3

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niiiiimmie aiaas si se iering o knts- prists at fless from 5 lmjllin- r 20 per r a wiake tn towx qffigson these re ome at eo iiyds acton besides m v well bolectod stockof watches clocks jfewellry spectacles silverware i jf keep in slock the best selection to be found in acton of stationery note ppev from c per quire to 10c envelopes from fxj per package to 20c mourning envelopes and paper school books slates school bijjh scrib- bling books pencils pete ink bibleb and testaments a large stocw wedding and birthday presents fancy j uoodsf tovs birthday tards ac ivc the loading store in acton for this class of goods give us a call geo hynds acton ont the priori tctmsr tuvukdw morntmijm 188r crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters i ii ml snt grjocery lless- oroiito fradei our is of tfoods lexipades if ibaghvin lowire arid idioe arid jie pheaper bfcrrthat st office p coiiucil meeting next tuesday fevening theres a run ou parisgrccn just now schools closed and the small boy is htoscigaiu v is the acton cheese factory project en tirely dcitf haying lias commenced and now the mower sings a roller skating rink prospector s in town tins week a 7 a baud concert oryfruit festival would now be acceptable brampton is hiyiiy uwu sidewalks eight feet wide at so 75 ier rod the farmers are now expressing fears thatmuch fall wheat will be rusted icklins pond is liberally patronized just now by boating and bathing parties rtlie glorious fourth was fittingly ob served by american citizens last saturday the regular bimonthly session of the fourth division court will be held here to- day i last sunday was the first in two months that hadnt it shower of fain before it waspvej a v tljemouut forest representative wants the star lacrosse club to challenge the lorues of the above town at a strawberry festival at mount pleasant circuit bey- r hobbs pastor last week 51s2 was realized 1 actou cornet band has been engaged to accompany erin l o l to the orange celebration at guelpli next monday cold was winterfall was dreary spring brought only slush and mud but the sum- mer makes its weary and uustarches very dud miltons board of health is composed as follows tlie mayor and clerk and messrs dice centre and hon g c mc- kenzie another session of the court of kevi- siou was held on tuesday evening the roll will be finally audited fed approved next tuesday tlie milton sun had added steam power to itsipceut improvements we are pleas- ed to notice this additional mark of progress in the suns career the residents ut church street are very anxious for a new sidewalk on church street between mill and willow streets they should have it the brussels fust celebrates its twelfth birtldry this week the post is an excel lent local paper is uiatly printed and ably represents the town of brussels the v ii mild goes for georgetown- council for not supplying the fire brigadej with satisfactory hose and othtr appliances tie hose is in a rotten condition the reconstruction of the roadway on main street from the school lane west to corporation limits is most favorably com mented upon by all who traverse it r the miitou sifrt says the h n w b r station in that town is the model depot on the rlad wish we couldsay half as much respecting the g t h station here haltou gaol has two crazy and two indigent occupatits it is likewise the r cleanest and tidiest gaol in the province aud is a credit to the gaoler milton sin next looi the tiviarton lclio has j ust entered uji- on its seventh year the chb is a live newspaper and exerts itself in the interests of the village of wiarton and the northern peninsula generally the officers of the salvation army spent severaldays duringthe past week at grimsby campmeeting privatesmarshall agnew aaid hemstreet superintended the services in their absence it is our aim to give all the local new possible and to that end we are always pleased to receive anything in the way of newsitems interesting to the community generally fr4m our subscribers and readers to seneca g ketchum esq editor- inchief of the dufferin fast kind aud respectedsrr we crave your dignitysj pardon aud will promise hever to say it again if you wont fire any more of those mysterious caps at us will that do our liiriehouse correspondent has ap parently forgotten bis sparks this week perhaps- as haying has commenced hes more than ordinarily busy- we hope your harvesting operations wont interfere with your spicy and always wlcome weekly let ters friend rock mr henry hough for many years edi torand proprietor of the cobourg world has sold out that journal to i williams shellgrove howell mr hough will- remove to toronto having purcliasedla considerable interest iu the 6vy publishing compaoyi mr a e matthews superintendent of the b o telegraph co syracuse n y writes us if there is anythingj i ap preciateiway from home it is the fbki pbbss it is lull of home news aud vwclcome it saturday mornings as aletteij thanks will endeavor to make it an evei r welcome visitor the weeks raktngs whlob ktp principally interesunf fw local and au damages 01 limed mr r f leslie has doijmudod 810 from the county oouucil fodainagostotliocon tents of his vugon when it went through tho bridge o or the river credit at goorgo town paper mills tomo weeks ago boys for canada dr barntifdo of loikuu england is wnditig out libout the last voek iu luly u arty of one hundred for farm and 3thercmplcyinents j those desirous of jngaging bo7s should apply early to mr edward duff sporintcudcut hazel brae peterborough out visiting our cemetery reeve stoi cy and councillors henderson uul stepheiibon oemotory committee of ct6u paid guelph a visit on friday ihoy clime to have a look at tl union cemetery an tl soe how tho plots are laid out cton recentlypurchased land for u ceme tery aud its representatives aro dosiroiib of liaving tho place prpperly surveyed in ompany with mr davis purveyor they irove to our city of tho diad and made i thorough i our of insiectioii they ex- iressed then selves as highfy pleased with its appearance and no doubt obtained the information they are desirous of acquiring guelph lieraltl the canadie n pictorial the fourteenth number of this interesting publication istohaud it xmtaiusti large number of ii lustrations aii ong which aie the following roughing it at tlie froiit from sketeht s by mr f w curzou special artist of tlie canadian pid orial witli gen middletous command l uis kiel taking his daily co istitutional at regina also a fine twopa e supplement showing gen middletous expeditious b river to fort pitt batta iou drill by tl p pupils of the public schoc is iu the old l acrosse grounds toronto jiiiie 25th 1883 from special photograph and sketches the paper sells at 15 cents ei copy i obtainable from local booksellers a ukl from the off e ot publication free press j dd depaxtmen the frei bbess job rooms are well equipped wi h the best styles of type and presses ano firfet class printing material generally as a consequence the excellent job work we turn out has a wide reputation and we are frequently favored with orders from distaui places during the past week we sent out i everal jobs respecting two of which thofllowing acknowledgements are to hand r delighted with the eightpage annualrepoits you can depend upon receiv ing further work i may re mire rev r homes mon it pleasant circulars to hand- i am more than pleased witr mhem the type is splendidly arranged ar d the circular exceedingly at tractive and cannot fail to iprilmand atten tion w h howtrx jetseyville an accepts jle appointment rev robf phillies late of grauton who was recently appointed at conference as superintend mt of acton circuit of the methodist church arrived with his family last weekl his introductory f sermons on sunday we e interesting scholarly and most accept ible and proved to the hearers that the nevr pastor is a n an of no mean ability and education and that his greatest desireis to 1 the successful instrument in gods hands of winning multitudes of souls for the kingdom his pastorate heretofore twould be a leathery pionic the employees of the canada glo work pienicked in camerons grove i i saturday afternoon thepiohic was ar ranged by the cutters and finishers aiiil tho lady operators were their guests very enjoy aide afteruoou ws spout has been frs ught with niarked success the members of the church he e are a unit in weleoming mr phillips to acton and are prepared to join hands wih him in every work calculated to advanc the interests of christianity adbert colle ge convocatioh the couvixcation and cloiiug exercises at albert collige belleville last week were especially interesting ind successful t4ie several meetings aui entertainments were largely attended by citizens visitors and former students and particularly at the conferring f degrees the granting of diplp mas and tl e awarding of honor certificates attheannuil meeting of the alumni society the following officers were elected for the ensuing year president rrev amosfampbell vicepre ida e mrjin mla do minnie reynolds mus do h p moore com secretary prof t f holgateba treasure matirda young mla the coilegi closed on tlie 30th juno for summer vacation and v ill reopen with the michaelmas term ontho 4th sept installation of officers i at the regular meeting of acton lodge ioof j 0 204 last friday evening the officers for the current term were installed bybro h p moore ddgm assisted bybro geo havill pg of waterloo lodge gal and bro jasf mclampvg acton lodge as followe -j- bro 1 e mcganini jpg i i francis ngj i geo pratt vg a e nicklin rs i h pmopreipjs b e nelsonjtreas w williams w g havill c speight igl il durno ofaj l as mclamjrlsng 11 wheeler lsng gtllofarlanfe srsvg it garvin l sivg 1 worden bss smarshall chap a e ijriclin r to fip the grind lodge will meet this year in hamilton on the secoiiltuesdavin august telephone kxtentionsi the bell telephone co anuouuoes the the completion of a trunk line east from kiiigstou as far as jpiesoott oouneoting also ganauoqiie brookville and maitlaud in ontario as well as qgcjensburgh cant on hewelton richvillo potsdam and other points in the state of new york the company haa a largo force of men at pres- out engaged in building lines aud will be able to complete uow oxtonslons iu mauy difforcnt direqtious shortly assault and battery a cabe of assault aud battery was arrang ed for hoariug beforo reeve storey at 10 oejook on tuosday morning but wlieu the constable went to take ohargo of defendant lie had flown the affray took place iu nassagawoya and was as follows on sunday a man named arch currie liviug near sayers mill was abusing his wife who fled to mr sayers residence for protection currie followed her arid attacked mr sayers for protecting hor struck him in tho face and threatened to shoot him efforts aro being mado to bring tho fugitive to justice dominion day prizes the scoretary of tho driving park as sociation favorss us with the following list of prizes awarded at tho games and raceb on dominionday 100 yard race 1st cmartin 2nd geo king j 300 yaul race 1st best 2nd kiug half milo race 1st best ind w dennisf running jump 1st 1ft ng id feet 2nd martin 17 feet 2 in running hop step und jump 1st king 40 feet 3 in 2nd martin 38 feet7 in standing jump lstd bell 10 feet 10j in 2nd king 10 feet 8 in green trot 1st r creelnidju george town 2nd a w greon acton 3rd v hamilton esquesing threeminute trot 1st mr vail mont real t 2nd thos black brampton 3rd mokerracher guelph running race 1st mccltire bramptoii 2nd henry ross little falls 3rd t black brampton open trot 1st thos black brampton 2nd mr vail montreal purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whorn our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mrs i francis spent several days last week with friendsiu toronto mr and mrs eij nickliu of glovers ville ny are home on a visit miss alice hughes spent several dayb this week with friends in guelph mr robert snyder of mount forest visited friends in acton hist week missdaisy burtch of toronto has been tlie guest of acton friends during the past week mr john cook returned to his duties in toronto on monday having spent a week with friends here mrs j e mcgaiviu returned homo on friday after spending a few days with friends at orangeville mr john mann richards dock mani- foulin island left yesterday after spending a week of so with friends here mr w a mclutyre ba principal of winnipeg public schools formerly a p s teacher in this vicinity paid us a friendly call yesterday mi p frkk of newark ny is the guest of his brother mr w frick the gentlemanly superintendent of the mechan ical department of moore mcgarvins satchel factory the scliool teachcre in this section left fori theirj homes last friday as follows g g haraotbr apaoity apital a high finaimial authority cf this country roooiilly pronounced thoso throe character capacity caiualas bho chief elements of suoeess n the career of men and whilo all wete con- sidored reqltisllo ho put the ri dative valuo of eaoh in tlnr order in jwli ioh it i9 placed applying this pr nc plo to io busiuess of dry goods it ncaiih nracter first character tint nakes nans name ihosyuonym forprohity honiir and commercial safety char- itcter that will cause a man to idhcrc to truth even at an apparent menfico cliaranter that will scorn hyijocritical prfitensious and deceitful iieihod iclmrneler that eusurcsji goodrpiite a man is generally ostiihated at liistiuo worth character that will mako a man iufloxiblo to principle yet kindly con- ndorato and sympnthetiu towarc s all churaotit whose pant record makes cred new or a mans stntements worthy iif once j character that will-ilciuaudfalid- re- ceivc the coufidenco of those with whom he comes iueontact apacity bucond capacity lo di- rcct control to master details ai well as acquire a- broad view of i general j principles j j capacity to keep expenditure withui the healthy scope of income capacity i i j to understand the wants and dciires of the times capacity to say- a lecid- edyesor no as bccajiioi re quires capacity to comprehend and act on the fart that this woihf was i created to be occupied by afejw others besides the man himself capital third capital to me tt en- gagemenfa promptly and punct ially to lake advantage of every benefit accrijiiigherefrom and of evey phase of the market capital that will open every door ond avenue to the mm of business aud can so hi tn to stand lirm diffi- during times of dopession and culty tlese three aie all great but the greatc3t of them a ll is charac fcer be g to inform t io residents of il ton that i am about lyland tliose dosiring a firsl class peioto shou d not fail to oi 11 at once dp lt do ay cabinet s2jo f life aars but como the how rlusli um250p1 me de from t and eiibpi c my u k neve ii to leave acton i ioxt- maph aud uvoil 2 r dozen up size crayon portraits ld pictures ir a special slttine iw cqmbiued music raok c w hill gwelph cloth irish suitings beautiful desicns hall tweed 12 pleaso notei sve rcceiptof- xovcitie6 are in cot st ant opened out some spec illy cheap lanes in every department i staple aud fancy dry goods millinery dress making and clothing e r bolleljtt 7 lower wyndham sjtt cuelphv and have just miss jeiley to mount forest misses baixter and forfar to toronto miss easter- brook to brookville aud mr shannon to erin mr f h smyth of detroit pod staff and mr w- j- nicklin of the montreal timet both graduates of the fbee pkess office are in town spending a few days with old friends and acquaintances they both look well and hearty letter prom the north- west totktkuiijr of the free prcsf dear sib 1 enclose amount of st bscrip- tion for the fbee pness lud pen you a few lines respecting our preseutsituation the crops here are looking very wpll just no y we have had a gobd deal of r ain but at present the weather is very dry the spiing was an exceedingly early one we ha e fiftynine acres of prairie broken up an all ready for crops- next year i different shades shaw me rchant ta day was observed by us arbor ind while clur old l were another a atiscptt fire it was only a couple of weeks ugo that we published an itemrfrotn the kincardine reporter rtspecfing the burning of the buildings n that town 6 mr jos barker presidentc f the bruce cott act association by liquor r len who ha3 previously threaten ed it and tliis week w give one from the orangevile advertiser showing that this cowardly md diabolic il j business is being carried ot t in dnfferit too on i thurs day night the alarm jell sounded and it was sqou iiscovered t lafthof saw mill of mr 6 jtllwas in flurries there was a good deal of delay in t riigibgj the hese to play ou ti le fire and i he mill was soon de stroyed thelre is ho doubt but this was the work of an incen iiary mr jull is an earnest si ipporter of t le sobtt act and we learn tha threats were imade against him by some f the liquor rkityr thelossof mr jull s serious as there as no insur- auce such acts of persecution will only wke the friends of th at more determined to puuish the law breakers rockwood news from oiu- otcn correnjmndem- mr thos black is still very low from his accident a log building erected iu 1840 has been torn down the first building is still in a good state of preservation several cases of inflammation have occured in tliis neighborhood lately nona have so far resulted fatally rev w wi sparling preached his fare wefc sermon to a largo audience sunday he has won the esteem and regard of all denominations during his sojourn here and his departure will be regreted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance mrs mckechuie and daughter were injured by lightning during the thunder storm on sunday 27th ult abarnwasalso burnt together with all the implements p theinsorance had run out some weeks before aud had hot been renewid con sequently a total loss mr a abbot was buried iu evertoil cemetery on sabbath last his funeral was largely attended there being about oue hundred and seventyfive vehicles in tho procession he had been suffering from broken ribs that had imperfectly knit together rev mr kilgour preached the funeral sermoji in tho disciples church to a- full house of all creeds and denomi nations i friends andfellowcitizei s iii planting their streets vith maples we were engaged iu planting poplars and balm of gilead we set out tvo hundrec trees 31ad touay the rebellion lias been brought to a termination it- has h idj tlie effctof very mnoh retarding jemi ration im o the country this spr ng j t hats caused us all vei y much pa u aud so row to read of so mtuy deaths during th winter and spring among the people of ac ton and vicinity we receive the free prkss very regularly acto magnetic o i cur s rheumatics neuralgia labie b icki stiff toint i and chilblains magnetic olli cunss chapped hands frost bies burns and scalds sciatica etcj magnetic ol is a most useful re medy for both if an and beast magwiiticolllii is s jlendid for con ghs and colds ore throat a id croup magnetic oil is sold by all drugghjts at 25 ceits a pottle and is actually- th i best linimimt known insist on your drjiggibt giving you the geiiui le magnetic oil it is the most welcome paper that i 4 cobies into our home we would be almost lo it here without it as neighbors aie very fev believe me to be yours trijdy peteil t mlleh mjoosomin assiui boia nwt june 30ltli 1885 board op educatlbn light docket an i a short ses sion at the monthly meeting the regular month y meeting of the bdard of trustees of astonj pubho school was held in the council chamber or mon day evening minutes of last raeetjing jread anjl con fijrmed the finance gommhjtee presented their f4urth report recommending payment of the following accounts c w francisco remodellinghlack- boards thosebbage building caution evlll pl uc of the myrtle navy wbbe4t them ap is iii arked t t b none 0th 11 00 13 00 17 10 18 00 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it hasalf 5jct- ea mcoreijorn speedy care leads the- van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis ittias been foufid to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent tlwit we have a preparation which we can- off er to the public with the assurance- that it will be found not only a relief but an abnoluie cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im- pure blood free trial bottles at ji e mugaiviuisdrueswc 38 i goo3elj8rries and ourrants for salt cheap at mrs s a secords fence c h p moore salary pojstage c john lindsay interest on note 59 10 moved by j e mcclarvin secouded by geo hynds that the report just read be adopted v the property committee wajj insiructed to examine the school blinding and pteraises and proceed with the necessary repairs also to confer with tha xmncil with a view- to plastering the fire lull uowi occupied as a school room the board theu adjoiraedj theatar dtkks michie at tie manse acton on july 1st by rev di b ameroa mr valentine dynes to miss tlmmason michie daughter of ames michio esq all of esquesing smith worukn at the residence of the- brides father wm j l worden esq i acton on the 7th inst- by rev a t jlowerby mr peter j smith to miss susan m worden at of actou mcphkhbon jutie archie the5 glsavej in esu sing oii robert aiid caroline months and 38 days thou as infant tie 30th mophersou f son of aged 2 expense let them anticonsumptive nosb give the bypp ions iy ai crunch lorsyguelpi inquest wqffiqirer a l dead and the following verdipt rettirtied that tjbe said buglltia omolbo ibs by swallori second parti i of death thirtyi a 6t gminjof pure efaris green btiiiied jit sjtv this ishoyrs garyins the nlnimuriii dotie cause tained reqpaired bo ieath when jhi drug is cjb in its purityf 3rbat bargains neer yx have as chb find it pays spr at the- the halton drt pods v r before in canada were so cheap a we are offering them this spring good offered h hi i shirtings that w jre formerly worth 20c we areseliiufdr 12jc- cottohs yard wide splendid qualiiy at o and 6c embroidery s at 3 and oc- worth 10c prints at 5c and upwards of fc ur hundred patterns to select from dr ss goods at 8c and upward muslins and liwns beautiful patterns incoldrj cream ind white at 7c 4u upwards 1 iixiliweikise cca stock as can be foundin nhy city anti we are doing the trade we to always keep the best and rhobt stylish goods add we sincerely thack t ieladies of aclqn and vicinity for theiriliberal patronage this ng by such we arc greatly orteouraged ip our efforts in introducing a finer class thar heretofore ccpt in acton of dry goods and millinerv i io gepsrasaf calk on white regatta shirts celluloid collars and uffs stylish hats anp caps goods that yoju can pely on 1 the best il isisi3stgs jislior dry and grocellies in broil c letters er gehu1ie uesl nnd comfoi ho the surrcrl g browns household- panacea las no equ u for relievinetaiu both intern il and extiirnali it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheun atism toothache lumba o and any ku d of a pain or 4fjjbe it will most surely quick en the blood and h jal as its acting power is wonderful i rowns househo d pan acea being ackm wledged as thi great pain relfever and of double the 8 rength of any other elixir or liniment in the world bhbnld be in every family hai idy for use when wauted as it really is tl e best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach aud pains and aches of all kindg and is for sale byal druggists- at 2i cents a bottle v i 44 for coughs coldsj broncjliitis aud til lung and throat troubles thece is no prep iration of medicine can jompate with 1 lickles auticonbumptive syrup it nevi r fails te afford prompt andj permanent relief it removes all sorei less aiid heals t le dia eased parts it ir lmediately soot ies the most troublesome ough and by pn moting expectoration reinives tjhe mucus which stops up the air tu es which causes iifficul- ty in breathing th reby gives relief to that depressing tightne ss experienced in the chest public sptekeijs and sing srs will find bickles ariti consumptiye s irrup of inestimable value as it speedily tip leffect ually allays all irr tatijih and husk iness in the throat aud b nchical tubes ai d gives power to the vecal boras rende ing the voice olear and soi lorous if pareijts wishj to save the liveb of themselves f rom e uch rochre a pottle c f bklles syrtp and whineyet a child iiwb taken id lias a cohgh or hoarse- tifea- their ohfldi en and anxiety tro ible and according tp direct- 45 te goods d cheapest stock and boots i shoes try us jilta be oonvingejd i ai e prepared tc furnish ejverythin from th i bet cf sket jo jthe o i the lhortet notiee fnd jait ca stwe arc in a k is either tii faction giian uteed in evei j case a first lositiqn to satisf ictorily fill very descfiptioi in reasonable t mc gocid workinanship used wehav also of splendid tgfii you will jhtprcay asis hejarpelfor hit i- i orders for vageons carriages c of in their line a lain est coffin at lc vest tterhis j i s i promptly attended toi satis- and firstclass material always jt ot furniture both com mop and extra quality cheap pay ub cash we will- sell frort ahythinf inour line cheap i speight mancr ikagfcia5feafehi sole ma mgoiil broif lbnger t ian air otbeifpu ro l wm msmzidsgk b m onto aa mmwmmbbwbsawa i

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