Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1885, p. 4

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vt li tf 1 i m m xy- ll vf- hi ii w h l-t- i ii mi v lv i k i i i i j v hi i jo vi v 1r m i 1 1 f ft f1 k i- i- 3 iiv fmrnskw mkkino ivh lftso barly10mnq the delights oiatly rising oftaresuug every poet seems to have them on his tongue 8fiu ive noticed and you know ive often said poets like as vfell as you or 1 to lie abed i this induces the reflection 3jy the way that poete do not al way tneau just tyhat they say their enthusiasm oft is f bat a hoax and theirjprettiest maxims just apply to other folks i- somtrville jonrnc plagxjest1uoken ply mouth does a similar danger threajten everyone of tjbp howpwbuo attention is dji reoted to mss30nal perils rochester yl correspondence indiana jolis sentinel judgesaid a young lawyer to a suocessfnl senior tell me the becrejt your uniform success at the bar re- ah young man that secret is study but i will give it to you on condition that you pay all my bills during this ses siou of court v agreed sir said the junior evidence indisputable evidence at the end of the month the judge minded the young man of his promise i recall no such promise ahy but you made it your evidence please 1 and th judgendt having any witnesses lost a case for once 1 the tautn- who can produce indisputable evidence wins public favor i had interview yesterday with the most suet ess- ful of american advertisers whose adver tising is most successful because alv ays backed by evidence whajt styles of iadvertising do youuie i asked h h warner esq display reading matter ad paragtt of testimonials have you manytestimonials in answer he showed me a large cabinet chockfull we have enough to fill bos tou new york chicago st louis and pfrila deiphia l do yon publish many of them nqtatitfie wonderful as are those wejdo publish we have thousands like t iem whjch we cannot use why not t let toe iterl yoa warners safe cure has prob ibly rery of life phs been the most successful medicine mx ijv rniiihi tabwiaaa warning add comfort 4uoilthe yiihrttohhd at all scasohbj when the system is foul and tin i digestive pojwi ira feeble or tho liver and kilnoys inactive burdock blood bit ters ar required j i botvt thlh merer to v6m areoutroubledl i biliousness dys pepsia liver or kidjiey complaints or bad blood if so you will find a certain oure iu burdojit blood jbittei s a hnninn barometer the man with rlietimatism cau feel the appro oh of bad wi iaiher t in his aohiug joints hagyards y uow oil cures rheum atism aches pains and injuries prompt lrnures prompt measures siionld be used to broak up8utden colds and oure cough in i their early- stages hagiyards pectoral balsam does this most speedily and effectually the hhtorr riiohdra mr john morrison of st anns n s was si seriously aftlictod with a disease of the ki ineys that drop iyl was developing and hisfif was despairel of two bottles of burdcck blood biters cured him after physicians had failed no njurious effecti can follow the use of layerf ague core in the treatment of mal arial diseases it contains besides a specific and unfailing antidote for miasma tic piison other renedial agents which unite to expel the poi souous humors purify thesystem and leavt it in a healthy and reinvijorated condition mccrcgoi apnrke of haiiilton ontai e the mauufaotxurers of the greatest healiui and purifying com pound known for son bumsguts scalds salt llheum frost e ites ete it is called mcjr9gor parkes carbolic cerate be sure iind get the enuine mcgregor a parkes carbolic geate sold by j e mo garvia at 25c abox if a iew graiusot coinuiou sense could be infused into the thicl uoddles of those who feerpel ually and alt 3rna irritate j and weaken their stoma hs and bowels with drasti purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonio northrop k l mans veeetable die overy anil idyspeptii oure which causes igootidigeationto ait an appetite and healtl on both 32 mr t c wells chemist and druggist port colborne ont writes northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cure eells well and gives the best of satisfaction for all diseases of the blood great june sale of dry on thursday tirstwc open at odds the golden li our great summer salo being detorminedto sell nil our syuhmer at tho endof this month i mr williamson sails for the british it ne er fails to root out all diseases from for female disorders ever discovered we 1 iave testimonials from ladies of the highest r ink but it would be indelicate to publish ttem likewisemany statesmen lawyers clergy men doctors of worldwide fame have len cured but we can only refer to such per sons in the most guarded terms as we do in bur trading articles are these reading articles successful when read they make such an impres sion that when the evil days of ill he 1th draw nighithey are remembered and jvar- ners safe cureis used no sir it is jiot necessary nbw as at first to do such constant and extein rive advertising a meritorious medicine eells itself after its merits are known wei re- jgent just evidence enough to disarm skep iics and to impress tle merits of the remeues upon new consumers we feel it to be sur duty to do this hence best to accomp ish our mission of healing the bick we hav to use oie readingarticle style people wc mt read plain testimonials j yes sir thousands admit that had t ley not learned of warners safe cure thro igh this clever style they would stql bailing and still impoverishing themselves in f ses to unsuccessful practitioners it would do your soul good to read the letters of thanksgiving we get from mothers grateful for the perfect jsaecess which attends war ners safe cure when used for cluldreo liiid the sutprised gratification with which jrien andtonien of older years and impaired vigor testify to the youthful feelings res or- es to them by the same means are these good effects permanent of all the cases of kidney liver urin iry and female diseases we liave cured riov wo per cemt of them report a return of their disorders who else can show such a re- jrd whatis the secret of warners safe c ure permanently reaching so mauy serious lis- orders lwill explain by an illustration the little town of plymouth pa has 1 5 eeu plaguestricken for several months beiause its water supply was carelessly poisoted the kidneysand liver are the souroei of physical wellbeing if polluted by lis- ease allthe blopdbecomes poisoned ind every organ is affected and this great daigef threaten every one wlio neylects to treat h im- tdf promptly i was uearly dead myself f extreme kidney- disease but what is now warners safe cure cured me and i know it is the only remedy in the world that can cure iuehduiorders1or i tried everytl ing elseinvain cured by it myself i bocght it and from a sense of duty preseute 1 it to the world only by restoring the itid- neyg and liver can disease lepive the blsod and the system a celebrated sanitarian physician once said tome the secret of the wouderfnl success of warners safe cure is thatj i is sovereign over all iidney li ver and urin iry diseasesj which primarily or stconoja ily make up jthe majority of human ailniei its like all great discoveries itis remarks bly simple i the houseof b hwaner a co stlids deservedly high in rocheteri and it i ler- tainly matter of congratnlatibn that fai srit has been recognized al over the word md that this success has been j unqualifiedly aeeerved penpoix the system cures dj plaint etc purines make you look the picture of health and happi less mrs flows spepsia liver com- the blood and wijl w j lang iethauyont writes est sufferers for about i was one of thegrea fifteen months with simulir to ulcers cat sing entire deafness e a disease of my ear i trield everything through medical skil as a last resort i that could be done but without relief tried dr thomas advice tt arc ydii disturbed your rest by a sick crying with pain of toothing syrvp the pcor little suffer pend i pon it motljer about it it cures dyi ehtery and diarrhoea regulates tke stomaci and bowels cures lie gunis reduces in tone and energy to ecleclric oil anil in en minutes found re lief i cqutinned usi ig it and in ar short time ny ear was cuied and hearing com pletel restored i h we used this wonder ful he iler successfully in cases of inflani mation of the lungs and cc ids cuts and i raises is our family medicine sore throat coughs etc in fact it stothent it night and broken o child suffering and cutting teeth if so send a tonce and ret bottle of mrs win or children teething its value is incalculible it will relieve r immediately de- there is no mistake wind colic softens t flamm ition and givci the wliole system mrs windows soothing syrup for children tething is pleasant to the tai te and is the p eseription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and phy sicians in the united istiteb and isforsale by all druggists throughout price 5 ceuts a bottle warren j n no other medicinal preparation hjave- 8e resaltb of the most mteuioent study tn scientific inquiry been bo sjtesdily and irb pretsivelytalusea as in avers sarwpa rill iheadstlie lisv as a truly scie n ific preparatjou forall blood diseases i d- i pifeiimm the world 44 leland ffhoci everybody knors as the raccewtal manager of 1 largeshiote enterprises of a oerica says that v hlle a patsesger from ew fork on board a jlp going around cape horn in the early day i of emigration to cal ifornia he learned that one of the officers of o the v issel bad cured h mself during the voy age ll an obstinate dia ease by the use of ajers sarsaparilla shici then jfr llad has recommended aveis siitsapamcia in many similar cases and he has neve r yet heard of its fail ure t effect it radical ore soi to years ago one i mr ielaitds farm uboiers bruised bis lg owing to the bad state of mb blood an uly scrofulous swelling or lu np appeared t n tl ie injured limb hor rible itching of tl e s in with burning and dartl ng pains thro igh the lump mode life almost intolerable 2 he leg became enor- niotu ly enlarged ai d t inning ulcers formed disci arging great quintltles of extremely offensive matter so treatment was of any avail until the mai b mr lblakds direc tion was supplied with avebs saesapa- iiill i which allay xl tie pain and irritation heah d the sores r imored the swelling and cbrnj letely restorec tu limbtouse mr leland has eonauy used oyers samparilla for i heumatlsra wit i entire success and after careful obseivatou declares that in his b ilief there is no medicine in the world equa to it for the un i of liver disorders oou the effect jo blgh liviog salt khe un sores rn ptlons and all the vari me forms of p od diseases w have mr lel uii is permission to invite all w io may desire art her evidence in regard to tie extraordlqipy curative powers of ay is saesapae its a to see him person- ally sither at bis ma mmoth ocean hotel long branch or at lie popular leland hotel broa iway 27fli and 8t i streets new york lit letawdb ex m ire knovledge of the food tone by this a i n nalledrf radlcator of bloolwlsonsenalleihlmtogitelirairen mttc4 valuable ififonitlon ebkuedbt dpjcayer d lowell miss lh7uirottui 81 six bottles for 5- 3jbbg33 isysi i1 j i i over one hundred pieces lovely arcadia at 5 and 6 cents a yard worth 12j cunts five hundked pieces double steuok dress iu all shadcb vi j cents worth 20 cental i summer silks in endless variely 424 c silk gloves from 25 centjs 300 dozen of the best josephine kid glovei sold elscwheij at 8100 price is no object at this sale when you eome to our city bewnn those secondhand btores i come direct to the dry goouk klnq ko old goods menc tweed suits at s500the 770deh of jd willsamsori health foba l l hollowais pills and od the lfxixis purify the blood correct all disorders of the j livelt stomach kidneys and bowels jj the invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions atid aij complaints incidental to females of all ages for children audi they are priceless the nit me nt is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sores is famous fprgout and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it 1 as no equal fob sore throats bronchitis coughs colds glandular swellings aud all skin diseases it has no rival and for conjti acted and stiff boo 25 cents f going to bpt here all v brbsh co mmjh invaluable iu all lib aged olud ulceru it joints it acts like a charm manufactured only at thomas hollo ways establidun 73 new oxford street late ss3 oxford street londn efl aud aie sold at is ijd 2s 0d 4s gil llsl 22s ami 33s each bi be uacl of all medicine seml6jrs thoughout the vf orld purchasers should look to the label on the pots and boxes if tfie 53 j oxford ktieet loudon they are spurious tie dominion boot shoe h i ave now theirspring stock oomplete in til lines and are offering value in the following i- hit li cents boots and shoes ladies shoes andslippers boys shoes in great variety girls shoes in great variety j childre is shoes of eve y kind rubbers plippers trunks etc always insto k good assortment 0t n ordered work gives tho best of satisfaction eepair pg neatly mid carefully perfpmied i we can suit ou call 1 kenney bros o pot and may jddrcss is not store on hand mm hi viug decided tc business in at coirt arid parties desirous of securing bargains will fhid it to their and select before the stocjk bpcomes rednoed ill of which will parties indebted to me w expense h fc j leadir g wholesale and retai fine brussels fine tapostrfr fiu wool fine coc oa best ei best f h il mcrthy give up li 3d actonv111 effer his ei tire stock l- under owii advantage to coll eaj i hjave a fuliislock 3prmg be offered at prices whic 11 pie 48 king ma o a specialty carpets carpets carpets mattiugs iglish ilclolhs einoleism8 4 lie lace curtain fine madras cumtains fine tnpesiry urtaiiis i miiih curta best qualityi est patterns speight son actoii undertakers carriage makers c public extra are prepared to furnish everything in their li from the best casket to the plainest on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms all calls either nfghtor day promptly utteudql faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire i arc in a position to satisfactorily rill very deseriptionin reasonable jimc good used- we liave also a splendid lot or furnit jsylf you will jy us cash we will sell p oiiiirs for wagtfous c ir age c of orkmanship and hrstclas i njaterialalways ircbnth comiuon and extila 1 ualitycheapj ou anything in our line cfle a p j a speight manager coffin to satis 248 st james st uopjtjreal re pebble or optical without exception best perfect vision then uh 03 hattoa garden london aad ground scientifically from cleai and pi mamiftteturcd fur the purpose tjiey ura tore tho ravages of aye and to retain recommended by the most eminent facuhi every pair of spectacles and lycghisscs is uiarkcit j e mcgarvin drt sole agwfrfop actofl ont seasonable goods the immense tiargaius which watkinf of the right house isoff iripg v especially i ipted to rex- e espixixtlly bl c1gi8t the east ease call aud settle tlieir accounts and thereby sa h b mcarthe ydswidfc ds wide snd olotjiing store spring tweeds w prated ooatini east bud clothing our sarcents are mad- a fine assortment or new large variety at the- mamm0t goods stock 1 silk lor 27icf in the m specialty tjii leave tlieir onjle brints and qfjj astonish every customer fy 6 elttin oarpetpealer i street east hamiltonl of h fmetuwsc man curtains tine tar estry coverings fine firniture coverings fine curtain poles fi ie chain bajids jest quality carpet hweeperi best quality sprng rolleni flue stair rods fine shade poles lowest prices alt way time table v ctt uixod expienb pass mail through iqx aqfoin chicago ex and torpii going wesi going easlj enklisn in trunk railway gcdkiwest 010 am- l am 7j0am express litis am 1102 am mail 55 pm rt1pm special 30pm coch 1130 pm accomt coah800 aw rrosa does not stop between gnclph jab ft if t ft i i 1 1mb op ciosivasfayys 1040 amnd sypm 1040 aiii and s20 ptn closes at 10j am on wcdnesihiy ou canadian pacific railway tolll points ajstkndwbst condensed time table toronto to detroit gliicago and manitoba j stlouisex pacific ex localex toronto 8 10 am stre 10 stthohias lzosnm detroit 2 45 h 25 pm 2 19 5 25 j 8 30 j 1 10 pia 20 6 30 am chicago 7 itoami 7 55 5s5pm winn peg 7 00 daily exceptllonaay to onto to mon weal quebec and boston limited ex montrealex toronto a 25am 7 51pia ottawa 0 07 pm 5 17am i monireal 0 42 8 0 quebec g 30 am oiopmi ilosoon s 30 am brampton to streetsville junction i0l jtreet8viliejct7 125 fm kvel c pn brampton orangevillc owpn sound 5 45 pm g 57 10 20 brainnton tsuevm detsville jct 7 45 ampton to orangeville and owen sound ij 9 37am 1105 080 pm purchase your tickets by this new and popular line 1 1eoii lj e mcgarvitf ticket agent acton ontario health is wealth j mckay 48 king treet east hamiltorr fashioiiablm tailoring w s and serse at the store r i perfect pitting and in the latest artistic designs or spring hats also on hancj goods cheap goobs ht use georgefojwj mcleod anderson 1 the mamjmoth is bound selling goods cl leap iii show thdir millinery the correot ll luivc a uew lirgoaud varied s now very large t forth 75o i linery and die managers of tl changed hut he ve secured the b uingliiims iu all kinds including checked sltirtii iugs cottonadfs and all canm wholesale prices our ordeed clothing and ge plete state gentlemen may and we will i uit them in price an immense tck from lsc readymade ilhihg wehaved reduce the etc ck great bari most contldeitc3 in asking the down bottom price his season to eclipse all ag n large variety iu tl lng in the style make ock in all the latest nqe lduding silks satins its lormer ellorls in the way e get up tyleaiid cheapness ma price in dressmaking v eltiea in millinery our d ottomons etc a maguiflcek uiaking departments e millinery dressmak it talent extant ieddinp tiiid mourning orders a ug und mantle departments ate ladies can come with confidence and ie latest styles extraoril gs cottonades grey an an goods we buy direct inary cheap staples of all 1 1 white cottons cottons shirt f from the mills find sell them at ta furnishing department itne with the utmost tylefit workmanship lwards boots and she es large stock and we an litis- we will give a go latronase of the publ was neygr in a more com- onfldence and leave their orders and variety carpets we halre 38 u large variety prices right holding a clearing sale until we id suit for 4 wo have the it- wc will sell you goods at awny mclqd andelrsocdc go m apmoth hous g old iy vsry epartmcnt last week nice victoria law is at 10 11j 12j up to 2 ic ords fancy vvlfttie dress goods brilliants at remarkably low price i 5c worth 25c a lot of spottod mublins at 8o worth 20c brillh ome lot of etnbtbidered canvas cottoh dr 38bes veiy cheap see th0 the ladies underclothing is all roanufncti red by watkins and bo dresses infants embroidered muslin robe i and dresses iu an elegat haviijjg an immenee sale see the splendid corset selling at 50c e frenpn and english corsets iu the best mas es mens and boys see di special lot of uhlaundered white s lirts nt 87jc each or 8 fo and oys underclothing in merino gauze iud cotton very- cheap to less loan half price wlk and wool mix ure former 45c reducet far more- money soys and childrens sal or straw hats at wonder u half price carpets of all makes are so mt eh cheaper now than the house is is os 30 and 3iking street east tnd the name is hamilton july 2nd 1885 sskbw5w mm at emaiatdly lew prices in the white goods depaetment is burpnsii per yardi mull swiss checkb nainsooks en brofdered a farge lot of white hair cow checked mnsljns nti at loo yioith 12jo brilliantkat i2ic worth- n aw line bfeijibroidery suitable for infants undlrw y himit wholesale pripes whi e skirts froml t variety all classes of cotton underclothing pairof cromptons poraline oreets are guar eland colored shirts being mc nufaolurers of 40 navylblne and grey la edup 8hirts 1men8e baboains are t i e seen in the combination dress 5o is reduced 20c prices be burenndtee them ohildrt ere a shortjimo ago corufpq poles nt 45 50 dn is if ta tie eigrt house the ind a liuudieds of mnslins at 13c worth 20c 7c by all means see ear guipareemb chemises from 4oo iade to order cr nteed to wear well goods they are sole lawn tennis shirts goods depiuitmeut r yard dress goods s white washinghats j c5c up to the best tl se a io i id i sjilesis wtkists of e ress d e g wests nebve and biiainitbeat- itent a guaranteed specific for hyiteriv dizzi- filess conralsions pits nervous neuralgia headache nefvons prostration caused by the use of alcohol dr tobacco wakefulness mental depressiotf softening of the brain resulting in ipaanity and leading to misery decay and death prematureold age barrenness loss olpower ip either sex involttntary looses and sperma torrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain ejelfatiuseibr overindulgence each box con tains one months treiatment one dollar a box cirfsix boxes lor five dollars sent by mail prc- r aid on receipt of price we guarantee sixboxes to cure any case with each order received bv tjs for six fioxes accompaniedwith five dollars e will seudthepurchaseronr written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not enect a cure guarantees issued only bv john west co sole proprietors 181 is3 west jaadison st chicago 111 fsold by j e licgarvin i will cure or reut fllmsnesb dizziness ms pepsi a fndige8ti0rj vaufidice erysipelas salt rheum heartbura1 headache anovevery s disordered l j bo dropsy fluttering f 0fthehearti acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin diseass aring from kidneys stomach or blood imhtbdrygo- toronto- algg yenced or otherwise it contains lists of newspapers and estimates bftheco8tofadvertl8lpethoadverrl8erwho wantsto spend po dobar finds in it the in formation he invest one ht vertlslng a scbi res whileforhim who will inyest one htrnrfred thousand dollars in ad- le is indicated which will bent postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo p howell co newspaper iadvertising bureau lospiuecstprntinbhensesq new york a qk i in ac the most deujtfal j summer tour uwatek rtripi falaoe atetneit law hate fdurwpijjerweeltisiweta betrolt anix mackinao i ana avarywesk day between betrol jan d cle wrtt for om picturesquemaelcfnw hlustrafea- oontaina po m free betrpit cleyelaml iteam nav oo cd whjicomb arw pass ot detroit mich manhood uoiv lost wo pditioi orate 1 i avo i ci btohier8- who patronized thij j muslins in ill colors p k a lot of sjlffc nainsooks at liese bargains a very iiandl- oidevy in white arid crem drawers corset covers nich t cromptons celebrated corsets are r money refunded german int less than wholesale prices inade to order ladies gentf ia lot of aluwobl dress goods at 8 10 12i ind 15c j pattern mi uiuery less thafi tpods ficmember the right rccontlvpnblished a new of dr culverwells celo- essay on 4he radical and jierniaent cure withoutmedieine of mental and physical incapac- of mirrittge otc resultinc nervbub debility ity unpedinieuti froniexce6ses i price in a or two iiostage at htlib celebrated say i clearly dei successful practi may jbe raiicajlyl use of internal piedici pointing out a ni ide taiujand effect al sufferer no niati may cure himself this lecture si lould youth and every in address pofet office box dow ittstorl 1 b 4 ii scalcdjenvolopc only g ctnt imps author its this admirable es- lonstratos froiii thirty years ii e that alarming consequences cured without the dangerous ines orthp use of the knife of cure at once simple cer- m by rheanswt which evfcry er what his condition may be heaply privatelyapd radically lould he in tho hands ot every lan in the laud- the chlv6rwell medical uo 41 ann si sew yprk 150 ii mini tanr t prices rangli on 6 to 10 year i to- securing i goid uaip of all t weiie in the nor maps sent fulbcct ihevbeb lambobs esota north dakota mon- ijwasblrigton and oregon fiirlpr to puffct sonnji g cbbflylrom i2 to per acre time this is the best country d hbmesinow open for settlement s3 b3 p if 3 8 0 acres of government hr ci it landjfreo umitr the iloniesimrt acrs ob jtfobe imajt r publiclanils dupoeiftf io 188j hcrn pacific country books am e describing fhf srfhrb t tlio ralfroadxandssor saleand government laids addreib cilts b lantl comr vs k 11 stjlaul 1u r iee conn try ii ia ys 11 s- 5 f3ee qke vevl s invariil siibperl xtiuued tf optionol one colli half cob jqaarter i one ini- sequent ireckonel iscaleof r i advcr 5vrillbeij ingly 4iji advan inltee they will m ber of i officl freder surgeol jiccohcl f orrifl hotblj m eases i i newsjl 3j monly -i- teeth j ci straton coheg 3 r6ns vd pfk in any acton eachnj w th v 6 for pi officei 1 iyveiii r84 w m s3j tbron ters m teeth rates t 3i ing c have- 1 airfo ius th mays ll j vetoir iuk fi deuce r3 sound j all ill edto m jj m bai j a q bal 1 ka ffi j squa 4 33 oi a- 7 liugt jijt alle f jo a w p f st i foij ord or pro abll terl

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