Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1885, p. 2

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imima mm 3bs hjl jikiw fbe cton jief f 5s thursday mimstsii july 10 1885 v ir v the present o tike remaining th toen acres of uidsteolo property to the in nici- plityiorcemetery purposes by dr m gwy viai the owner of tho property fts ri red to in the council minutes elsewhere- is a rift of a very nwgnanuuous character the conditions are complratively trivial the object for which it was presented is a most worthy and considerate onet that the council actd jvisely in a pt- iurthisbffer will we yenturoto a be disputed by few if any and tlmt tli i gilt will eventually prove a source of no niean revenue to the corumon exchequer fj the municipality we confidently predict timo will tell v by the addition of this thirteen ac es to the six already purchased by the co pora- tion the new cemetery will present much greater variety of surface and elevati n for the selection of plots it will allow of i more extensive and attractive design of s irvey and more scope for becorhiag ornai ienta- tioii it will relieve the cemetery if the very objectionable fenced right-of- ay to the otherwise private property in th iter of it and the wholeof the nineteen i will be under the exclusive control and direction of the municipality i in order that the acquisition of 0 thfr- teen acres may riot materially alfe t tjie revenue from the sale of lots it is the inten tion of the council to survey the sis acres in front and offer them by public sale ef ore the other is in any way opened jfopsalej by so doing there can be no colfisioi with the saleof the property proper or tie ar rangements forits disposal by accej itance of the balance of the estate i nsolkited jommentabj cur brethren of ho ro a throughout the land we the ootfraqing words pps boiatb the m hioiiy lenth yoltimf and is as sver j neatest country followiu paragraphs by our friends i all parts ojt the country re- kit pukss jam highly iappro- of tho craft i speotiiig the aiatodibyus occasion maj pi esh and raqy s ever the actor the actoi enlarged ar ngersoll chrom le ij failures decreasinjgr the record of failures for the first six months of the ewrent year presents a strikingly favorable contrast to that of the two preceding years the figures for canada are xuiabor liabilities 1683 r 3 8 s 106105 i881 1c7g00 1883 i 087 akwoo in the first quarter of the year tha total number of failures was 393 with lialilities of 2827782 in the second quart x 297 failures and liabilities of 233838 thje details by provinces being first quarter second qjuarttr ontario 300 quebec k5 n brunswick 8 nova scotia 32 manitoba 2s li51ob 704510 g2650 28025 3s0g83 157 75 24 domin s1w7g4m 710850 239300 102300 167099 on in y the onlyproviiice in the which the amount involved in faihlres in the first six months of 1885 s greate than the same period of 1884 is manitoba the figures are 1884 8460560 againbt 51 38684 in 1885 the decrease in the liadiiiiies of j insolvents is very marked the amomtfor the last six months being less than or ehalf that in the corresponding period of 1884 and moretban three millions less tljan in 1883 j a brutaitmtjrder vl in which it itseloventh neat peri clean it will bo nit endeavor when present itsejf toreoiproate london froo fuke pllkss pjmmj j lu8 completed its fix sh and raoy as ea change- iomes to hand it always luvs fllkk bllers d iimprovec been qlue of ifrnr neatest c oil ltry esohauges congratulate milton chan pit n thd actoij fiike prkss h wbeen enlarged and otherwise iffiprbveel s has ahiothe miltot svn both of then have our con gratulatibns m wkiflia8iglbis89ifla appears to be f ou nshlng blyth advosat tbi actoi fbeu1pive ias commenoed volume xi i md appear tcibe flourisliing it ig neatly printed and i rrapped i and a goodlocalpiper it ii i a credit to thd town 0 range villo adyoi tisor thle actoi i feee pbesjj if ten years old and has been enlarged ant i improved it is a model piper arid a ere lit to the town i s published noat clean and spioy mount forest confe acrato the acton free press his enterejl upon year it alwsys comes to us and spicy continued pros- y and sliiccess is our w sh an old reliable london advertls jr the actoi free- press and muetary times have each put on a new gaib and appear spiel and span b th are m old re liables anc deserve to be ongratubited 1 1 deserves sue ess j newmarket er u the actoi free press o le of our spiciest exchanges i entered its e eventh volume last week ij it deserves su cess and may the labors cl its energetic editor be fully rewarded r j an indefai igable workerfor the tpwn haniiltou siiecti tor j the actoa free press celebrated its tenth birtbi ay this week the free press is a model o e neat typogra hy and is an indefatigabl worker for th 3 benefit of the town in which it is published imp oved with eve 7 year guelph mercu y the actcn fiiee press completed its tenth birthi lay this week like the life paper that it is the f p has improved with every ear of its es istence j it is a good local p iper and deser es to succeed lil e the live pap n it is wo xlstock sentikel review the actn free press completed its tenth volume last week like the live paper that it is the f p has improved f one guelph man kills his fellow wokmai withahod verdict wnjttt mtjrder mobbistoxi ont july 9 a horrible murder- was committed here about sever oclock last inight two men john odon nell and joseph mnrphy resments oj guelph working here began quarreling on their way from work words led to plows 7 when gdonnell strpek murphy several times on the head with a plasterers hod fracturing the skull medical aid was vcalled in but was of no avail as thfe man diedvwithin turee hours the murderer made his escapej in the confusion and although search i parties are out in all directions hasfaot been fouuii as yetl both the men had been drinking j gcelkh july 10 john odonnd the murderer of joseph murphy was ai rested and lodged in grjelph jail today ee was captnred by county constables g and benham in rockton village thidway between guelph and hamilton he resisted arrest aud made a furious assault on lis captors drawing a knife and inflicting an ugly wound on beuhamfs face granger was also badly bruised odon- nel hajl cut his whiskers with a knife after iescaping from morristod i at the coroners inquest held at morris- ton the jurj brought in a verdict of wilful innrdef against odonnell with every vear of its e istence it is a ranger about limehouse news from vitruwhcorrvtpondeiit wheat is begifiing to turn to tbe golden yellow in this section farmer are busy getting their liay in thesalvation army had a large attend- ance at their neeting on suudayi morning about thirty soldiers and converts intiie march j itey mr prlngle formerly of georgetown now of manitoba filled the presbyterian pulpit sunday afternoon lume busings has not been very bjrisk for a few weeks back but is lookingf up again orange ribbons and king willie lilies are to the fore jthis morning mr b iiongman of collingwood former ly principal otfrtmeliouse public school is visiting friends here i 1 a couple of the salvation aimy lads have their red gurnseys and they look very well in them liniehbupe sparkb seemed to have gone out compleitely fast week int they are not extingufahecihowevetv hope your eorres- j ppndeuiwili cause them to glow even more j brighter upon his return to our hanilet yours ac i j 1 julyisth 1885 good local p iper an3 deser ves to succeed liveliest and mo3tei iterprising gait keforme r the acton free pbess ue of the liveli est and most enterprising f our exchanges has entered upon its eley nth year the free press is a capital 18c d paper and bro moore deserves the snecesp which he has met withi it aims to assiatthe town t- albert n b map e loaf- theaton ont free press begins its 11th volume with promise i of further use fulness it is very neatly j tinted istaoder ate n all its doings and a ms to assist the town that supports it yve hope brother moore mayreceive the returns hib labor merits i ail enviable reputation ii watford advocate we congratulate our bright and enterpris ing contempjorary the act m free press on completing ts eleventh vol ume for typo graphical n jatness anu edl torial ability the free press has long jenj yed an enviable reputation among the lo al papers of the province a ery handsomfe paper milton sue the actoi free press lias completed its first decade iof existence its proprietor is an enterpi jsing gentlem in an excellent printer ana turns out a very handsome paper wecongratuiatehiinonthesuccess which has ittended him i ud trust that the future contiins even gre4ter than the past citizeris not worthy bf the name st ignace mich fiec press the act nont free press has just entered on its eleventh year we have watched th progress made byf riend moores paper for a number of years and ive are pleased to note that to- lay it is a piper that any pi blisjier might jvell feel pnngof and has eviry appearance of a long futu existence rocks prttxy -tjh6wsons- quaotij of seed corn millet hungarian vetohs and other vmieti08 of fiela and garden seeds latj howl- sons model paper pf western ontario ueoton wbrl on tho occasion bf its eleventh birthday the acton free jitessoame out in an en larged form we have always looked upon the free press fas tho model paper of western ontario and wo heartily congratu late it ou j ts continued advrfuoomont may its subscription ist increase tenfold and delinquent subscribers pay up sure to liive liong and prosper mount korct hoiirosontativo tho abton free press oompleted its first decade last week ian4 vol xi no i was issued ou dominion bay with a new head ing new type and aohaugeinthe makeup the free press is a model of neatness a spicy local paper and a credit to its town it is sure to live long and prosper with bro moore as its editor and proprietor the model paper of hal ton oakvule iudonondout with last weeks issue the acton free press eutered upon its eleventh volume looking brighter and more improved than ever the free press is truly deserving of being termed the model paper of hal ton as no othor paper on out exohange libt pre sents such an even bright newsy appeur- auce week in and week out as it its push ing proprietor has just added another new heading andmadeother manifest improve- rments a bredittothe town shelburno economist the acton free press last week com menced its eleventh volume in a newsier and more oreditable sliape than heretofore and our acton contemporary has alwayb been a credit to its publisher and the town and community generally bro moore is a live journalist and the job printing turn ed out of hisoffliceshoweth his handiwork he has been very successful in the past- may he be even more successful in the future as near perfection as possible wineliain vidette the acton free press came to hand last week with a newheadiug and j number of other improvements and is now the neatest couutry weekly in ontario barring of coursethe videlle bro moore has been striving for some time we know to have hot undmry akin sealdlhg sensations swelling of the ankles vague feelings of unrest v frothy or brlokdust fluids aoid stomach aching loins cramps growiug nervousness strange soreness of the bowils unaccountable languid feelings short breath and pleuritic pains cue eido headache baokichq frequent attaoks of alio blues fluttering and distress of the jhea t albumenaud tube oasts in tliti jwater fitful rheumatio pains and lajejiirc igia loss of appetite flesh and sirei gth constipation alternating with lootjcutss of tho bowolb abundant pale or scanty flow oil dark water chills and fover burning patches of skin thon to tj sib brigbts disease of the kidneys the above bymptoms are not developed in any order but appsar disappecr and re- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp on the coi stitution ho kiiney poisoned blood brea is down t system and finally j ueumonia bloodlessuess heart disease paralysis or convuhionb ensu death is jnovitable is not a rare ones i order and olaims more victin s tha a any other complaint it must be treated in time or it wil r gain the mabtery dont neglect tl war ners safe cure has cured tflioulsands of oases of the- woist typoj and you if you wilf us rected versal th 3 nervous diarrhoea appoplexy anc then this fearlcdl disease is an ever day dis it ishe inly specific- brightis dise itjiwill cure it prompt illud as di- or tho urii- -cf- j catarrh and consumption mmtmm if nir charged iwith diseasocrehting ilomciifs foul air will kill when brei i lied tohtlnuously nir clarqed with rom dial jlomenti will cure when breathed oonljinu jusly sb his paper as near perfection us possible and in entering upon its 11th volume the desired object has been accomplished the people ef acton havo just reason to feel proud of thebright little sheet which re presents them marvel of neatness and cleanliness clinton news record the acton free press has just complet ed the first decade of existence and the editor in last issue indulged in an all around shake hands it is refreshing to run across such cheery rem arks i u a couutry journal as we find in the free press the editor informs his readers that his busi ness has been a success wo will saythat it deserves to be the free press is a maryel of typographical neatness and clean ness editorially ft takes a higbjmoral stand and is altogether a model country paper so mote it be new advertised o steer astitvy otltayed fromiho luomlsos omljo a o lot 14 con c efiquesiiifc oiror abi4 tho 15th juno one red two yearold steer reward for recovery of same james fmcpjle ubscrulor liens uablo esquesing son po farm eks attention for bijo- a 30od as ujen house lot for sale tle lindorsigued offers for salo h s libusc lot on main street it is a larg i be use tains nine rooms also kitchen anc roousui well adapted for u tenement or bon diiig iioubc goodstabloon the pieihises libcija tjerjus apply to 13 y slower call the undellsigned has and a hiiy ltatrtv both as and soo them john ooitfe ontario lumber lima hiid ce uie it vorks limehouse june 23tl 1881 a rare chance valuable fa the pillow inhal is an elegantly made hair pillow ohi kvitlireroedial elements tbovapor of tho patient inhales ill nightlong sleepingl as usual itonnuot get oi order aud is perfectly snfe to the nost delicate it wjh last for years and i erve kny number of perso is in a family in suc cession j it batters down the stronghwd of catarrh sroaolitio asthaa ail ooasuijaptioa and makes o permanfent cure by a cor inn- oud application of healing and curativ air directly to the diseased parts sufferers from any of the above-mentioned- diseases are urgently lequeated to send us their ltd- idres3 njnd a 50page pamphlet jvil he mailed io them fret which will give a complete history of this wonderful diiicov- iery and the prinqiplek upon which it works itogother with ft long list of testimpiiials from thbse who havolused it and who now rejoice ih perfect health r donotaelay for the longer a disease is allowed to run unchecked the slowetj and harder it is to effect a cure therejis no mediciiie tsken intohe i tom ach no douching or tnuffiog nor anything disapreeable about this treatment it has never bet in known toffail send bout name and address plainly writenito baftgaini the we comiaence today thb 3r satet slaiightering of goods ever beforeaeard of in acton pijles and piles oe beautiful dress goods at 15 cents regular pkices 5 anj 30 gents f slacks of the uhoecest and afoit beautiful prints from 6 cents up i tjho plllow lahalor ajroaott london ost he ii d tlwsi aving pjirchased the bakery btisi -and- j luge property for sale one ok of ha the finest kakms ill tlii halton situnte within onebalfi mile of if ty anil entenirisinb villago of acton x ri1ell arm comity the trial op iel handed over by the lililitarx authorities for trial on the sothjrist reuixa n w t july louis f was formally handed over by the military authorities stipendiary magistrate bichard- boh read the indictment consisting of six counts to riel who was remanded till the 20th inst for trial i only the escort of officials r counsel for the crown were present eiel looked healthy and quite selfpossessed ituieus of- til not support such au excel k tit representative of their inijerests are nop worthy of the f deserves isuojces3 palmorston tele jrapb the actcu fsiek pkers entered on the eleventh ye ir of its existence last week in an address to- its reiders the editor says ii stead of follovring the practice of the business men in the majority bf small towns and sending their girders for print ing tocity offices our business men invaria bly letfvethuir work with is this is as it should b we wish cur cotem more and moore ucpess for he deserves it did not intimd to compl iment him two weeks ago jbout his job vbrk we merely recorded a i act j i i i i- seo md to no wee iy paper j 1 j j guelph hew id last wetks issue of 1 he acton j feek piiksb completed the tirst ten years of its existence a adthis week il commences the eleventh volume asia newspaper the fojee press in its infancy has been k bril liant succeii and now ip its older years it may be expected to stilt jurther improve injointofilypography trae and the se- lectaon of te reading initter theif p stonds eeccfy d to no weelly paper in the province fay it continu alto presjjer and may thelabsrs of its entrgetic proprietor be fully rewjorded m town who would notes and comments the country dt- the present time presents ajamentable spectacle from the number of canada thistles to be seen both on high ways and on farms it is evident that farmers and the public generally are dilly dallying with this thistle question too much a general and immediate warfare should immediately be waged against the pest the milton sv is so completely biased in its political leanings that it cannot come out and takela fair square independent view of a public question it should be able to see as all fair minded people do that all the truth is npt with one party and that he who thinks it is is mislead thk senate have hot abrogated or an nulled or even injured the scott act ds it now stands they have only rhakle such a fool of mr jamiesons amending bill as to make that bill worthless and thus to hinder the passage of necessary supplements to the act the commons will now probably leave that bill alone and it will not pass at all our friends in parliament are we presume vigilant enough to see that it is not brought iorward when they are not present iii force to oppose it the scott act may not be as effective in some regions as we should like it to be but it is still as good an instrument as ever for polling the country on behalf of prohibiti6n so let the fight go ou witness ijirown tin- thrifty anil enterjirisinb villani containing mx acres known ns tin homostead alo 5 acres wclltiuibeod jfith ceclaitiniber the village nroperty comiiriscslconifortablo dwelling iiouro ami store on mill street ior full particulars aiuly to w p blkia real est for sale thk undehsignkd hereby offers the following farms and village lotsf situate in the jowrisliipof erin the townsum of es- juesing and the village of acton being part of the estate of the lato kobert swan as fo lows 1 part of the east half of lot no 1 in the 4th concession of the township of erin containing ij acres 2 part of the west part of lot no 27 hi the 5th concession of the township of esfluesing con taining 23 acres 3 lot no 32 in block 11 on church s tho village of acton 1 f lot no 39 in block 10 ou church s the village of acton 5 lot no h in block 10 ou corner of fcet in jreet in i church and wilbur streets in the village of acujju titise indisputable terms and particulars made known ob appli cation to miss elizabeth thurtollactou brto i john swan attorney for legatees eldra po age of a excelsic r bakery wi my bakers will lihsnro nil that my stock of breiad bl confectionery c a will ahiays be of the best quality proprietur hi ljess of mejssijs evniciain son i beg to solicit a- conttnuiuice of the pa iron lwho havo in the past favorel the h their patrouaggj lb firstclass and can ns cakes persona endeavor vill be to give ivery customer satisfaction bread delivered a call solicitbd actoh jurciraoth ltg5 anada citij5ek d mlnn warning and comfort wiial say you lo a riccc or hoa4 urcr mid lluxtnni well there is much to beiisaid the question being asked of the banqt liter at the average boarding house calls up remin iscences of close coutiguitytothe lioriis and beefsteak three cuts south thereof he of course will pass unless it occurs to him that he needs a- hinge for his runk should there be any suffering the eicts of an indulgence in such sinuous fare mie mc gregors speedy cure a sure and elsctual remedy for dyspepsia constipation fndall affections of jlie stomach aiid liver sold by j e mcgarvin acton trial bottles free j 1 luld lijrtiliiiug thero are bu t few that have never siu ff ered almost intolerable piiu fidin toothache neuralgia or hlc acute pains- to thern such au iustant relief is fluid tighiuing is an untold blessing in time of trouble no dtegustiug offensive inbdicinestp be taken or days oiip application of fluid idtsht- inn cures om at j ii mcg arvins drug store 29 fthe c alvd tempeiiaxte iiebalu canadas great prohibition paijer the clicnpcfil nml ihs best edited by t s spence sixteen pages weekly on fine toned paer terms si00 iu advanlce citizen ri rlisiiivu toi onto wat1sp wanted a eeslient agent in ekery yilhige town ajid city in the doniiriion also a few travellers t chines for making air sell our new air g is ma- as 50 per cent cheaper i cijumij no uyod not lire oriicw er re quired made in all sies f rom 15 burners o 1000 for private houses stores hotels factories mills streets mines etc address caxadiav aik gvs machixe mfgc 115 t fran 15lv cois xavier st montreai house c my painting rphe undee5jgned begs ju inform the people of acton wcinity that he is prepared to give the lines of eobf faint- 1 also all class satisfaction in ind house painting calcimining anfi paper hanging in the latest styles order promptly attended to p dyn12s cataitkha sew treatmext perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh- out of 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of this stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it is rememhered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to we the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never- record a cure at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their exter mination this accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratically cured and the permanency is unquestoned as cures effect ed by him four years ago are cures smu no one else has ever attempted to oure catarrh in this manner and no othe treat ment has ever curedcatarrh ther appli- cation of the remedy is simple and can be done at home and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent dure the majority of cabes being cured at one treatment sufferers flhouldcorrespbnd with messrs a h dix on fc son 805 bang street west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their trejjf- izeon catarrh montreal star nov 17 unprecedented success for all purposes of a family medcine hagyafds yellow oil is atthe head list it is used with unprecedented s u both internally and externally sore throat burns scalds pros relieves and often cures asthma f the cess cures bites gautioi1 i eacirplug of the 1 myrtle navy is marked t ib in bronze lcttc rs wiser now and km kings evil was tl e name f orn erly given to scrofula becaus of a superstition that it cdul 1 be cured by a kings touch the worlis pq to and first- iwsthat none other cenui ne fill rnore money than at anything else 1 by anything else by taking an igenoy for the best selling book out bejinners sheed grahdly none fail terr is free hat boiok co portland maine mmw 1 scrofula i- can only be cured by a thorough purijflca- tlon ot the blood ii this is neglected the dii ease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation among its earlier symptomatic developments tare eczema cutaneous eruptions tu mors boils carbuncles erysipelas puru ent ulcers nervous and phy sical collapse efc if allowed to con- tinue rheumatism scrofulous ca tarrh kidney and liver diseases tubecular consumption and vari ous other dangerous or fatal rnaladjesi are produiedbylt ayers sarsaparilfa is the only powerful and always reliable moopurifying medicine it is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula and the kindred poisoni of contagious diseases and mercury at the- same time it en riches land vitalizes the blood restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system this great regenerative medicine is composed of the genuine edndtras sarsapariuavfhh tettow dock stfc lingiatho iodides of potassium and iron and other inkredients of great po tency carefully disclentfflcauy com pounded its formula is generally ki own to the medlcar profession and the best ehyslclans constantly prescribe atbb8 aksaparilta as sa absoliteciir for all diseases cat ised by oie vltlatft n of the blood it is co icentrated to the high est prjactlcawe dtgree far beyond any other preparation for which like efecti are claimed and is therefore the cfiea jest as well as the best blood purifying i ledi- cine in the world j ayers sarsaparilla prepaebd bv dr j c ayep co lowell 4jowfe analytical chemists sold by all druggists price 1 sbx bottles forte bwrgfalns m i i- immense ranges of hosiery gloves parasols- atless v cost price no old stock tjie finest range of white jand gray cottons from 5 cents up they are the che a pest goods ever before offered in acton c earing out the balance of millinery a7sd mjllin- ery goods atialfpriee- ajlso clearing out gents finest cent less than c oer 1000 pairs j of boots am shoes which we are- bound to clear out at less than half price aw hats at 20 per n i valuje insujgars the cheapest place in town 1 for sugars as we comtnence our ankual stockftakiug on the first of august we ah only offer you these bargains till tht time- idjo not fail to secure sojae these ba 3 while they are going remembepoup fambxis 50c tea f nelson mcrae co the fashionable gueitph finest stpcic of lovely sat eens prints and muslins in the qityl spots checks r and stripes in endless variety always busy buchamco end i- i important announcement sou can buy goods loheapebat the star grocery than at any other p ace in the county of halton and f l i j i hardware boots and shoes we can sell you for less than you can buy them at any ofher place west 6t toronto oe j j3e9idej ci cks i keppinj injacton 5c per t cheap atl yearanji lf 85youh pired wjtf mril ww lal any other place in ontario we are hound to do the trade our profits are small and we intend tojhatidle large quantities of sjooda j t gomci and fjuy r before pure paris greei cheap remember that 60c tea t7orth65c j e howson next door to post office i i l i stiythes snpiths forks rakes bijtrley forks also garden spades r ikes hqeji c barb wire for j ehcuig a full line of glass in al sizes always in gtock maehiuery oils for reapers mowers arid al kinds of machinieryvin peerless lubricating and tawjine and everything pise in hardware boote arid isiios or groceries cheaper 1 than you ever bought them in vonr j v lite 1 binkerm bvisteppj fiday prbiesk recavereii iuac ljjdgebil theidij winch- 0irwbjj treatmeil isin nijrthsiq tr ees oxd taict witj espeofaui ijag afn i tlieftroul ii tb eolilbrsij a tijirob nuhsaa by a soli iji to fccasiqi iitth yorsbig fendant and jar sbpw th chraoti ijaiitftt i residesc alinnj bjealthyl sfentedtj cjlime brj gratulatf 1 i 4onj iojest

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