Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1885, p. 3

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i se 3nng uent s prints i tless isoai- 5 i iillln- 20 per v are 1 tngort these some io j t it grocery i i i it- j at geovllwikv actoilijl j beddjs my well selected stock df washes clocks ucwcllry spectacles silvurwajriti i keep in stock tho ts9t selection to be fbnnd in acton of stationery note paper from 5jc pen quire to 40c envelopes frih 5c per pactaire to 30c mourning envelopes and pager i school jiooksuslates school bags scrib- bhng boolcs ptencils pens ink bibles ijd testaments a large stock i wedding and birthday presents fancy goods toys birthday cams ac tve theteading store in acton for this class of roods give us a call geo hynds acton ont j 1 j j infrsuvx mouxixo jclyj6 188 crumbs for breakfast provided by uwevr thoughtful sree press reporters i i hay if an average ctop hereabouts raspberries are now in the market the davs are perceptibly shorteuing v oakrillc has some beautiful maples on her streets stratfords inaugural celebration next weduesdav the thistles and burs aro being be headed this week gooseberries and currauts for sale cheap at mrss a secbrds i i the corporation hay maker should get to wort iu a more general manner j me john davis p l si guelph is engaged in surveying the new cemetery- riotj hie lively days for the sugar barrel and the preserving kettle are here in earnest- r strawberries have come and are almost gone agiin but other small fruits are taking their place i was disposed wednesday the wb3eksrji which not dispose ef none of thub w nioklih lebtfttb property oat the chancery sale last llids wore male for each of the four pnrcpls but thoy failed to reach tho reserve ftsiires consequently were not disuosod of july july is i rnbuth in which ninny sub ow scriptious of ijpbk fu phkhh expire iittho timo to renew and seiid your neigh bbra dollar along too wp ackn6wlodgo with thanks the receipt of a very large number of renewals and additions to our list within the past few weeks i i 1 f i the canadian pictorial wohaverceived tho fifteenth uutuher of tho cantuh pictorial ml wtmf rjnvif j war aviw the iblisher8 have reduced the price to ten couts per copy thus plaoiug it 1 ithin the reach of all it contains a nmber ojfexcelleiit illustrat ons obtainable rom local bo k sellers and fromfthe office ifjpublicatioi rememberim deceased brelhem tho lodges hi oddfellows i u guelph will unite uextti esday in decorating tho graves of their deprted members with flowers tho city cot rinil have iroclaimed a half purely 1 sx f personal paragraphs reaped ing people with whom our readers i xe indltidually or oolleatively aoquamted miss barbara wurren and miss m trot ter re visiting fvioitds in kincardine mrs godigo acuims and dulighter of stratford formerly pf acton visited friends here during tho week mr thoadockrnjy and family have re turned to thciifarm near crowaons cornors for the bummer mouths j and mrs jaalmatthows loft on tues day to attend tho grfcat temperance camp- meeting at niagaralfalls mr aud mrs alex matthews of gcorgo town were guests of mr job l matthews a couple of days this week mrs m hughes who has been visiting friends in uravonliiirst for noveral weeks our citizen of the west end cannot athumb bally cut t is expected ler promtueut have been ln- returned homo on t mrs john speigh uesday and her little grand- daughtojr miiis clan moore tpent the past in liuwopd photo artist left on tho annual conveutiou holiday and i large lurnoi the grand j lister and ot offieers of the g rand lodge vited tobepfsnt the kinclergi tien we have b fcjre us the first issue of a hew magazine en itled the khideryartcn wid drawing scjw ia afpnthly pub lished by selby co torortc the objest of the new publication is to supply thos e interested in educational r latters with in brmation and instruction ox the kindergirten it is a sixteen page magazine ieat y printed and edited by a si aff apparently pvell versed in the special si bject complain of the council slighting tliem- this year sthyway j visitors to acton are invariably delight ed witlltberjreseut attractive appearance of our little town j a couple of transient residefats of acton fraetured hist- sabbath by judulguig in a fishiug excursion li the label on your fiaper reads july s3your subscription totliis paper has ex pired with the first of the month i the black birds are terrible thieves peas fruit vc iu local gardens are receiv ing their constant attention just now e new moon last sunday hope its one of the settled weather persuasion so that the farmers may not be disturbed in their haying mr jve mcgarvin agent allan line of steamers sold a ticket last friday to mir win kichardsoii xassagaweya for a trip to glasgow the editor of the beeton irow gives an interesting account of his trip down lake- ontario and the st lawrence through the thousand islands to moutreul the residents of oakville pay particular attention to the beautifying of the graves of deceased friends but some heartless week with relatives mr c w hill tuesday to atteud of the american photographers association at buffalo ni y dr fox of hornby who hasbeeu sufifer- iug from a serious malady is slowly regaiu- iuj his former health and will bo ablo to resume his practice iu a bhorjt time mr william uttor of morton has been spending the past wjeek with friends in this vioiuity hes age lial friendlyand com muuicativo old gei tlcmaii and excellent company atth loxpeuso of honesty or consist noy but i t itf still more sad to know that i any of tl e journalists of tho future are i sing train id in a school the necessities of v 1 lioh aroadoulated to minimise thio great i ess and i ullthe finest sensibilities by a mp- presson of candid consideration e i her there is virtue in honest opinion fearlessly exprc ased or there is nbt and if riqt 1 lere is very little virtue anywhere and nuth and falsehood have equal chances in the r ce i ti u8t during the next decado ahoi 1 1 it bo yo lr lot to so long live your uljtennces may e marked with consideration ar t by a brt ad liberality untrammelled by iny narro iv spirit of prejudice for be j ass i rod cxper onoo teaches that tho utterancoi of bigotry and intolerance have no weight with tho tl inking classes of humanity josom- pftrod with acensiddrate advocacy of mil uftl intoreits yoi will pardbn this already too lottor but las tho toiling millions of manit y aro cheered by a word of encourage ment ind sympathy i simply wish to r xg nize a a citizen your claims thereto and remiu l01g hu- acton jujy lath 1885 semide tached with i i congratulatory to tho kditor of flio flnkk plfess vywx snv i feel desirous as a citizen of acton to congratuldto the fiikk pufcss on the cbmpletion of it s first ten years of ex istence- as a rule i he efforts of mankind in any sphere of active endeavor to benefit society is but little appreciated and we are yours very truly w hstoiu i q 0 0 fiabaoter apaoity apital a higu financial authority of thii ioiiuiftry iuuuiitly i ibreo ulmractcr cnpncity capital af the til icf cluniouts of suoress iii tlc career of men nod vhile all woro con sidorod rcuisle he put tho lvalue of each in tho irder in which lit ronounced those a practice of stealingahe 1 ft 1- people make flowersl messrs k aguew oi the dominion house and j luysony s intcue one of the finest catches of trout in local streams last thursday that has taken place here this season we notice by the gait jltformer thati a very successful sabbath school lawn social wiis held on the gronuds of mr peter gait formerly of aeton the superintendent of the school last- friday evening i the youngest son of mr 1 henderson ij baiiket liad one of liis feet severely scalded by stepping into a potof boiling wafer on priday evening i aided by dr websters professional skill thelittle fellowhas nicely recovered apton cornet baud accompanied erin lodge of oraugbmin to guolph on monday they did their est for the erin boys whiph was consiilered very satisfactory our boys speak jiighly of tlte courteous treatmenb thev teoeived since the raising of the sidewalk on tlie north side of mill street the limbs of shade trees over hanging the street come in con tact with the heaids of pedestrians it is especially annoying when a person is carry ing an umbrella j someone should remedy the trouble the twelfth was not ver- largely celebratedhere peyoud the departure of a number of oraiigemeir from acton land nsissagaweya for brampton accompanied by a solitary lifeliud dram there was rioth- the we remem ler having paid ten ceiits one time in our youthful days to enter snle shpw tlie siiolw consibtinj of j mail whittling a stick and igiv ng wholesome advice to always vyhittle romycu and youll never cut your fiuger onr esteem ed townsman mr thos ebl age carpenter didnt follow this advice j an i for a week or more past he has been uuriug a thumb the end of which he chisel niagara iaiik business coll 5ge i j we have pleasure in recommending the above institution to parents having sons for whom they are desirous of securing a sound commercial education- j at a thorough prrcticttl and ecoiiomical college mr w h anger ba the principal is an old college friend and wjc public that all ulider his tuition will be carefully and consideratelj instructed- in the yarious bianches desired the location of this institution has peculiar attractions i and advantaj es canadian pn gs association the subcammitte iapponted to make preparations far the annual excursion of the- canadia i press association met on friday afternoon at the roi siii house to- jrouto toejfct a route ani complete ar- raiigementsl the annual n leeting for the election of ofi icers will be hel s at the rossin on tuesday- august 1th at wo p m and will continue in session du ring the after noon at tlie jabjonrnmeul the excursion willieave toronto for boston via montreal and the white mountains r sturning rih the sound new yrk hudson liver and nia gara falls goodbye to boyhoods hon ie onfridaj hst mr janes h nicklin left for lowell mich whence mrs nicklin and daughter preceded lnm o few weeks ago mr nicklin has secured a good situation ufacory of mr robert time a resident of acton ion to i ide our the f w pre- the glas8 in rers and ie jahd cheaper ing to mark the dajj except perhaps occasional appearance of an orange lily three case of violation of the cow bylaw came up for hearing pefore jlis worship the reese on tuesday the de fendants being messrs c aud w masjalas and james sharp the evidence went to show that the violation was not of a wilful character and thereeve dismissed rthe parties concerned with a caution the date 12th july the place residence on wilow street opposite albitnvehurch the happy father mi shaw friend shaw is exceedingly hi ippy and lias every reason to be a br ght healthy little son and heir has- been sented tohim andije is proud may olive branches be as numerous as the f gratuktionsoii tlie auspicious event on the 25th ait the ratepayers of mount forest by a vote of 175 to 39 granted a bonus of 85000 to r kilgour soi s to assit in reopening their foundry the people of mount forest are going intt the bonus system wiii a vengeance it is only a couple of weeks fgo since they pasied a bylaw granting 7000 to messrs 1alk morlack wannest for the purpo se of starting jn iiidistry we can sayth rt we sympathize- with this bonusing but iness- vey deeply but we are glacfjdse hoiiat i pcirest take such a lively intorpst ii tin- 4eayoring to benefit herself her itou iness niea ana her jcitizer genanijly my wjcces ttend these special effpriai mil in the carriage flanagan at jim will be very much jmiised in acton his whole life nas beeii spen hereahd he was in every sense one of i he bbyg he became a me nped of acton cornet band at its organisation thirteen rears ago since which time he has a vay 3 occupied an important pbsilion therein we all regret his removal and join iu wishing him every prosperity ard comfort ilnjured by lightning buriugthethunderstcrm last week miss mckechnie jwho lives ijui t outside the i village of erin was striiok by lightning i at tlie time tjie flash bccirred she was lifting a kettle off the stove and the fluid must have conie dowu thi i chimney it i tore her clothing down one i ide of herhody i and ripped one of her shoes te pieces she was rendered completely po verless by the shock but never lost her senses mis3 mckechnie has now almost recovered but she required medical attention after the shock and has since been coufined to bed the wonder is that she vas not killed instead df afi y iheing severel y shaken up very reluctant indeejd to xhibit our approv al of the efforts o our fellow men oven when those efforts o re directed towards the accomplishment of he general gocxl i wish to prove an exception to this rle and you will pardon me if in the courstf of this communication i give utterance to anything not in strict accord with yisur seutiments perhaps i should like many others have failed to congratulate you at this time were it not that pleasing remin- iscenses are associated jwith the establish ment ohho fkek piiikss tho advent of a newspaper marked jui epoch in the history of our progressive community ten years ago i well remember our citizens were actjvely bidding for an increase of business life and the establishment of local indus tries and amolig the many enterprises dis- cfin- assuf-o- the f- wb thnt o ivooa j i remem ber piite well sendi lg an invitation to your respected pioneer mr joseph hacking of guelph to meet a few live citizens of acton with a new to interest him in moving hither which we succeeded in doing prom its establishment the fhkk pukss was an institution and though it made many warm friends in those days it made also some re liable and substantial enemies the typo graphy was then thought to be par exal- icrice and our citizens pointed to other local papers in the county and condemned or approved in proportion to the resemblance they bore to the fiepiiss none of the county papers ten years ago were what they are today the infusion of new blood has- mader marvellous jchanges for the better all around and whilenot wishing to lessen or dejpreciate the other neat well managed and respectable newspapers in our county i am glad after the irst ten years of its ex- stence to bear record to the fact that the fbkk pniss occupies a first position and today is one of the leanest aud best con ducted local weeklies in ontario and a paper of which our good citizens have just cause to feel proud not jmly does this character- 0ur municipal guarf pians are the custodions of a worthy andex- tet slve present to the municipality councils routtke businesp 1 cou noil met on tuesday evening mem bers a 1 present reeve in the ohair j the street and sidewalk committee pre sented the following accounts which rere esami ed by the finance committee land recom lended tobppaid j ha e work oh streets 8 37 jos k oclure do 7 jas tlraut do i 10 63 rbcook do l 00 wm smith do ill 75 r wallace do 2 87 jno hay teaming id 70 asa hall do 1 4q 50 w ismond act road commissioner 2ii 00 this principle i o goods it meat c is placed applying the business of dry eharacter first chaiacter that mnkis a mans nume ihe syiunym forprobit honor and commercial safety clia nctor thnt will cause a man to adheic to truth even it an apparent saorifice cimrncslfer lhai willfoorn hypocritic il preleiibiniis unci lcceitful method oluiriioter lliit eusiirwagood repute for ii in in geuertlly estimated it his title worth character that will rtmkea main inflexihlu t jiriucipln yet kindly coi sidernto uinl ynutlietio towards all chtiradiii wlinsi a mana sliuillunt i euce character that will ceiye the confidence of those whom he comes in contact japacity second past cc onl tnnk 8 worlhy of cte demand aud r wlih broad capacity to di view of geheril u0i 57 ropjrt adopted a diputation from the board of trustees met ti o council with reference to the pr per fitting of the engine room for a sc lool room for the winter the town hall committee was ihstiluct edtopbceed forthwith to make the neces sary improvements a communication from dr n mcgarvin was then read offering the corporation the thirteen acres balance of the steele proper- ty as ijiiit for the purpose of a plblic cemetiry upon condition that out o the proceeds of the first sale of lots on said thirteen acres the corporation pay hiri the sum of tlie three hundred and ninety dol lars after due consideration of this offer in its various bearings it was by i henderson seconded by a stepheu son th it the offer of dr mcgarvin oi land for cemetery purposes be accepts 1 jand that a byliiw accepting the same pared and that leavers granted t duce said bylaw the jylaw wasjduly introduce l read the req lired number of times passe ed and bealed f coun il then adjourned note from limehousf a11 mcjugst as jielxi over a lgrie pebato bug ftmnd dead the following verdict r 3ituriiedj- that th said bug iad come torts death pjr swallowing the one- thitysecbnd part pf grain f pure pris greenohairled at gavins drugv tbrfc thi shows the mipirnum doe required to cause dalwhte taiued in is purity 8 liberal npved to tho riditor of tlia free pukss devi sin you seem to rect control to master details as we as acquire principles capacity to keep expenditure withi the healthy scope of income cupaci y to understand the y ants and desir of the timra capacity to say a deoi i ed yes or no as occasion quires capacity to cbmprphend ai d act on the r fart tha this woild wif created to heoncupid by a few others besides the irian himself capital third capital to meet e i- gagements promptly and punctuall r to take advantage oi every beueilt accruing therefrom and of every pha ie of the market capital that will 6p u every door and avenue to the man f business and calise him to staiitl firn during times of tteiirussioo and dif i- culty rie3e three are allgreat bit the greatest of them all ia character please note we are in cons ta it receipt of novelties and have ju it opened iiul sortie specially cheap lin wj in every hejprirtment staple 4rbat bargiaijns at the hitltolt neer before ai a pre- iiitro- faucy dry goods j millinery dress making jandcjlothing e r bollerpj 27 lower wyndham st guelph now or ip s bur ill 1 congratulate ryj the letter t ntler above hea ling iu another column froin w h storey esq- the eateemed re eytt of this j m micipahty re specting the 1 iiek press and the completion of the first ten years of its history is not lightly apprjeijated by us coming as it does from one occupying so worthy a posi tion and who has for tweiity years been associated w thievery enwri rise calculated to advance the interests of acton its freedom froii coarse and ar ogant flattery its encouraging words and ts sound com sense advice proves to us tli at it is written with allhoresty anl siface rity and from this consideration we have pleasure in its publication i grand prohibition campmnetm the seconi igrjuid tempera lcecamprmeet ing will be ti eld in tho pleasure grounds muton com nericingthursd ay august 27th aim cloamg on tuesday jlept 1st the programme annbunced is if possiblemore attractive fan that of hst year and a most ihteres ting time is ootndently antici pated iby tin- committee the committee have securer hon neil do ar exgpv st john col 1 aiui sobieskf and other cele brated proh bition speakers and two differ ent concert troupes to give concerts during the sessions f the camp tjh e campmeeting last summei was highly dp irecikted jby the people of hi iltoii and surro hiding counties and we havn no doubt the i amiog one will be even moi e heartily siij ported and at- euded j istic apply to the paper but the job depart ment turns out a class of work unexcelled for artistic neatness in western canada having said so much without any desire or attempt to flatter you mr editor i may be permitted to say that in the prosecution ofyiirr duties as editor chronicling the passing events of oiir daily lifo we must grant you the candid admission of having attempted to do what you have conceived to be your duty and though yon have not suc ceeded at all times in pleasing everyone for editors have their shortcomings as well as others you have in the main been success- iul in interpreting tho will and desire of all good citizeub that the free pkess has been character ized by a high moral tone during your su perintendence of its columns admits of no doubt and though we may differ as citizens on political and social questions yonr utter ances have been marked by aii absence of biftcmessin discussingthe variousquestions which circumstances have nven rise to i mjist do you the credit to say that whenever the interests of your native town have been in question you haife with a spirit savoring of patriotism and progress kept her interests boldly to the frbntj certainly every move iu the direction of ed substantial progres sion has had your hearty advocacy and candid support and the citizens of acton would do themselves noreal credit by ignor ing your claims tb public sympathy i have marked with satisfaction the spirit of independence you have manifested on all political questions a few times during your career it istnieihjavelfanciedyour utter ances had sand in iheni ie gritty but i knew i must be mistaken because your principles were independent and i was glad of it for your owjn dake broad liberal and generous mjiids pan look at all sides of all subjects and learn something from every thing they see nalrrow bigoted prejudiced- people see things through colored glasses the different hues being given by their edu cation or theiir want of it and we may not hope either k look or thinkpreoisely alike man is a tree moral agent and under limitations may do as be pleases providing he pleasestojdo right it is his privilege to improve aid hi duty to out grow low mean and miserable prejudice let me- therefore trust you will maintain abroad liberal independent spirit in the future having in vjiew the greatfest good to the greatest numbbr irrespective of creed or party it is satf enough for anewspapor to hold itself in reidiness to answer the be hests of a party or clinue or to use a more seductive phrase to reflect public opinion sparks i believe rock is i scuper- atingj his pets are all alive and j u doubtieus hear from him in due tim but t ais gives me an opportunity jf ask ing what you sent the salvation arn ydown here for whatever it may dp ior om souls it does not beem to mend our niorials much some of us look upon it as a piece of the p irest buffoonery and a regul ur nuis ance o go round tho streets of a junday l beg to inform the residents of he it jn that i am about o leave acton slojt ly and those desiring a firstclass photo rapk nevef 1 i i dry ofscs house acton in oanada weke goods offered so c heat as we ake offering t thisj spring shirtinj s that were formerly worth 20ci we arc deliiugi or 1 2jc cottons a yard wid splen lid quaity at 5 nmi oe eihbroiderysat3 pn 5c worth 10c prints at 5c and upwards of four liundrca patterns to select fro n drc8sgootl8at8candiupwardg muslins and lawps beautiful patterns in color crcani and white at 7c and upwards gf e at bargains in i v 2mixiriiirek5r we have as choice a stock as can be found in any city and we are doing the trade we find it pays to always keep the beatarid niost atjlish goods and we aincerely thank the ladies of acton and yicinity jfdr their liberal patron age this spring by we are greatl encouraged in our effortsjin introducinga finer class than heretofore kept in acton j of dry goods and i millinery should not fail to call at once delay but tome bill the rush pounding the big drum is very offensive- to some a id when an attempt is mad i to stop it it is 1 oked onas ah attempt to pe secure two veiy young and very illiterate young fellows abtruded themseves into mr wal- laces player meeting wednesday jevening last an had the folly to take partj iu the proceedi ugs which very muchji jiliocked some of tho greyheaded old men 1 1 nd wo men wl o had gone to thank god for iis many bl essirigs and to express the r fa ith in his continued goodness sayjia try to st imp it out or let it burn to yours truly johvn liuieluuse july 13th 1885 cabinet and doit avoid 25 gall pn u iorj whife regatta shirts f celluloid collars and cuffs stylish -hats- andj caps goods that yotf can rely on the best atnd ckekpestjstocr dry goods and boots 5hoes and groceries e we to ashes rro trj feed hitls fyfds miscellaneous t hharding grocer fforfjbnr from t ceuts soo reit v tore j sui rates an oh emrliah and canddian jsuitjing ariety at the east end cjothjing fyfe acton 8 and overooata at extreniely low made in lateatstylea be sure to cull aud see them j fyfe ac on t i harding grooew has control of the sale in actonibf thed rhotos fr0m wijo pbr dozen iip life ize crayon poitrjiits made from old picturep or a special sitting ssee and ease md ill j exports shaw secured lebrat- mills 111 ous my new coinbiued mu c w hi we trek guelph ctoth ed rollei flonr of nioklins speedvab guelph and is prepared tq supply tomers it is i iontidently stated i in ottara that arrange nents have been ijiade lor the adoptior of the senates fclootfc act i amend ments by the house of commons i a ructidn willineritably follow sopuer later amcntroal paper sas that iiotwith- standin the dullness of the wheat tride so far c ceau steamers d not go but with small ce rgoes as cattle ire being mipped in greater numbers thin in any former season and phosphates are better than ast year the wife of mr wm sbaw of a dqckiia iouto th5 0r1ve i at their eron osa on the wtl dapglittjrof mri thbuas dookr y tor aged 16 years irih twee suitings belutiful designs -k- 12 dil beat them all try us ato be convinced cl 6 griffin oloariag summer discount sale d as well is other the cradle iu acton on sunday lfch july mmmer rpidehce july abr gail m shaws6 cruncy 18 merc han tai lore ouelp t 1 i mammoth house georgetown o- if a tew grams nt c inimon sense cot 1 be infused iito tlie thiol noddle of thosi tvhip perpetually aud alt iraately irritate nnd weaken their stomachs and bowels fith drostic iurgatives jthey would tisf higidy ac iredited and tibnio niirthrbpft ly qvery ana dyspeptidtiire good dieation to ait appetite health ou both the healthtnllaxativ bund mans veffevible his which cptaes tnd 32 we beg u n to aunouueo that on fridajr 17th july m shall begin abitcount sale and it shall oonriuueantjl saturday night tho 15th day of aujrast the discount off millinery already made up 50 percent j manttes f i 25 on ar tyof the goods befrfg ordered t- 10 on ah other goods with the exception of fac- tory cottonand cotton yarn io this is agenuine clearijjg discount sale the stock is a largo pne and contuas all thfe lending hneb tn pry goods milliapry matetml mantle material dress material clothing material readymade clothing tjinpe ts boota add shoes i otr millinerr dressmaking and onjered c othing departments were never so uc qcssfnlonrjinaterul and hands yuillthe denatfcments being ai j we take this means of red ucimr ou stcck tq make room fer our urge rail aga winter importations the prices of the good i ilread are asnjheap as they can be gtot- idanyplaoeidcauadnndfiimnpycaaei vasly cheaper so it will be an immense saying to whoever patronizeis us hi sale is f pr cash or produce 1 1 imjcleod knaerson co f wj uwi

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