Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1885, p. 4

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f taijbaaibbasb 1 r 1 use f- f belilib mahohe sooubfevond tlb harbor bis shall my bark be jailing far oer the world i wander lone 8weet3jcllomh6ne 0 thy grave i weep goodbye heat oh hear my lonely cry oh without thcewkat am i sweetbelle mahone lonely like withered tree what is all the world tojiie life and light were all in thee sweet belle mahone daisies pale are growing oer all y me can eer adore shall meet thee never more sweet belle mahone calmly sweetly slumber oil only one i callpy own while in tears i wonder lone sweet belle mahone faded now seems everything bat when comes eternal spring with thee ill be wandering sweet belle mahone chobcs sweet belle mahone sweet bolle mahone wait for me at heavens gate sweet belle mahone iiiterebting hemp j ayers 8n wanftrtll is th e most effective bloodpuritl or over devise 1 it is j recom mended by uio best phyblo rub illntthif boots and shies cause corus houoway getftbottl 3 at onco and c utje your corns if yourc lildrou are troubled with worms givo them initiator and mark mother grayehv worm exter iafe sure and ffootual try it tho improvement in your ohild a staple artiole throughout the world the merchants profit and the sicfc mans hope -j- australia forms no small portion of the vast field over which the celebrated thomas hoifowayhas spread the blessings of his peerless remedies their peculitr adap- climate vfas our shreyd inkttovn thereid no remedy known to medioal soience th kt can excel dr fowlers exlraot of wild s trawberry as a cure for cholera morbus iiarrhcoa dyser tcry or any form of summer complaint iffiiotmg children or adults ircqncat ant oynnee maiiy psople suffer from distressing aiok and bilious attacks of frequent headache occurence l tation to the diseases of our discovered at a early day by observant popnlation and for years the de mand for them has increased wi th ever- accelerated rapidity the heaviist con mercial houses in england are in the fre quent habitof receiving frtm their corres pondents in sydney melbourne adelaide geelong and in fact from every port of australasia orders for hollowa fs pills and ointment and merchants of ihe jew ish persuasion proverbially tie most cautious of all the mercantile community invest larger sums than any other traders in these popular preparations they know fall well that the moment the shipments arrive out they can besold at a large ad- vance on invoice prices and that he mar ket for them never is depressed few per- soup think of turning their faces towards the gold fields without a supply fjor disorders of the liver and stomach thejpillsare plaimed to be a swift and sure specific and the claim is verififd byan overwhelming mass of testimony now we all know how entirely the boday nealth depends upon the condition of these two important organs if the digestbh is jm pairedrthe bowels disordered aue the liver torpid or cengested the whole fran e suffers the strength declines the spiris drodp the complexion becomes cadaverous the flesh wasted snpineness and des aair tkke the places of energy and hopefclness few timely doses of the pills bing digestion appetite and physics 1 energy the stomach is strengthened and toned- liver invigorated the de- vitalized blood stored to its normal condition ai d the valid revovers the strength the energy and the health that belong to vigorous manhood observer liu 2 a back y- the re in l i corn guro is 1 1 which a bottle blood bitters would ohtfirely remove it regulates thestomach i iver bowels and blood to a healthy adtior the nisi irl there u no pfoparatioi ltefqre the people today tliat commands their confidence more or meets with a pettier sale tnan does dr bowlers extract of wild straw- berryth a infallible ren edy for allforms of summiir complaints to most children the tare suggestion of a dose of castor oil is lauseating why not then when physic is necessary for the little oni s use ayers cathartic pills they cembine every esseutial and valuable principle of a cathartic s tedioine aud being bugarcoa ed are easily ti ken joseph rusau percy writes i was induced o try dr thomas eclectrio ofi for a lam sness which troubled me for three years ami found it the best article i ever tried it hasdeeu a greit blessing to me beware of similarly named articles they are imitiiona of dr thomas eclectrio oil among the warmest advocates of the nse of ncrthrop dvlyms hs vegetable dis covery aid dyspeptic cure are ladies for merly in delicate health whose vigor and bodily regularity have ben restored by it cases of debility of long biliousne s weaknessof neys feninine ailments and obstinate types o nervous indigesiou are overcome im i i reat jims sale of dry ie artiole td use j open ut i r twoof burdook on thursday ilistiw the golden our great 3u tumor sali being detormiued ii sell all our siifmiiur stlitut as i atrtho endof this moulh j j mr williamson bails for 1 lie british lrkets over one hujndred pieces lovely arcadia muslins at 6 aud 6 cents a yard u five hundred pieces double inrnll sliadobli cents fl summer silks in endless silk gloves fro ji 25 cents 300 dozen of the bestjosephilfe kid sold elsowhoro nt price is m abject at this sale when youcrme to our city by it lie acted v lscly lain so week i can hardly move all run down with a chronic summer corn- standing chronic the back and kid- the those 8ecnndhttndstorcs goods king prlli 12j cents struck dress s prth 20 cents varletyvgenifs 8100 come direct to no old goods kdjt here dry mens tweed suits at s0c jdwilliamson health foi hollowats pills the vtoltdea 0 a i lease call and settle their accounts andjthereby save h b mcabthy a l l thejefllls purify the blood correct til disorders of the l1vek stomach kijeis and bqwels they iy igoiutel aud rebtore tohealth debilitated constitutions and are ink- complaints iucidental to females of all pes for children aud the i i they are priceless the oin is an infallablc remeily for bad legs bajl bieaa s old wounds s ires- ai d is famous for gout and rheumatism fo d isonlers of the chcdt it bad i for sore throats brdnojiitis coughs colls glnudular swellings and all skin diseases it h s no rival 1 loints itactslike a cliaim i j j rt tfler tweatjttiiiee tearn s tering eev wm stout of wiarton vas cured of scrofulous abscess that seventeen doc tors could not cure burdock blood bit- tors was the only successful renedyj it cures all impurities of the bystem ah invisible foe the poisonous germs of diseasi are lark ing in the air we breathe and in the wter we drink the system should be kept carefully purified and all the organs toned to proper actiep this can bes be done by the regnlarig purifying 4nd tonic powers of bnrdocife blood bitters a half famished fellow tells if a baker whose loaves had been growing e nailer by degreesand beantifully less who when going on his ronnd to serve his ustomers stopped at the door of one of hem and knocked the lady within xclaimed whos there and was answered the baker what do yon want jtoliare your bread well you neednt make biicrija fuss about it put it thoughthe keylole i yeirs of experience aud succe isful trial have proved mcgregor parke i carbolic cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healing old sores fester- ingsjjlcers cuts wounds bn ns roit bites or felons and tor keeping out the cold and to cleanse or prevent pi oud flesh sloughing or decay insist on having mc- gregor parkes carbolic ceratf sold at 25c by dr mcgarvin 3 j faid lightning is simply a narvellous bheumatic eemedy i was for two mouths a cripple unable to get jut of the houserom sciatica one bottls gave jne instant relief and placed me 01 my feet again i have driven fourteen m ilee to day something i could not possibly liave done jwere it not for fluid lightul ig for the express purpose of proenring anot her bottle bovsays wm dixon cananpque only 25 cents per botfie at jdr mcgarvin s i 3 few are the remedies whose beneficial qualities and real merits have n ade them t bo popular wth the public aud increined tram year to yearthevconsumpti n wl ioh whilst possessing the most value ble k me dial jropegrties are yet so bimpe in their componnd and so easy to tak i asthe quinine wine prepared ty lrthrcln lyman oje toronto this articl is prejpar- edfrom the pure sulphate pi quiiine cbm- binedwiui fine cherry wine and cljoice j aroraatics which relieves thjeiqn nina of its i bitter taste and does not impiir in the least degree the efficacy of its ai tion 1 pon j tientwliile small doses ieqnently ir repefttea8trengthen the noise iiicreasi the rrmscular forjoe jans invigorate t leton 3 of lons y ftudthis br the ken- fdiwwwifc it imparte an which gives to ttfei sjtoi iaoh ope aiial energy and jfprtifiisjtte system ftgnst all infectkftja dilates asli for nohmf lymans jqnihtoe t tine isoia byalldrnggistb u j plaiutaid one gentle nan to another oh our stree the other day now take my advice replied his friend go to your druggist and get a bottle of dr fowlers extract if wild strawbaity i iieyerhave known it to fail in ci ring any kind of summer complaints i had for years been a miserable sufferer from dyspepsia and tried all known reme dies ani the best medical skill iof my acquaintance but still grew worse until unable to eat anything without great suf fering or do any kind ol work x began to tnink thire was no hopo for me and that i must surely die when like a drowning mancatchingatastraw i determined to give mcgregors speedy cura a tqali i at ouce began t improve so ripidly that iu two months was as well a i had ever been in my life- ws evebs louxotok sold by dk mcgarvin druggist free trial bottles advice to j oilier are you disturbed at night and broken 0 your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a pottle of mrs win- slow s soothing syrup fo children teeqiihg its vain is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend up n it raotkerb there is no mistake aliaut ii it cures dyse itery and diarrhoea regulate i the stomach and bowels cures wind- colic softens the gums reducies in- flammat on and gives one and energy to the wholesystem mrt w inflows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the tasti and is the prescription of one of the olde it and best fem lie nurses and phy sicians i 1 thejjnited sateb and is for sale by all iruggists thrr ughout the world price 2a cents a bottle 44 esse ifllii pi for few manjufnctured only atthojlas holloways kstabuahiuejui 73 new oxford street lato 5s3 oxford street- london and aie sold atls ld 2s 9d 4s ud 11 22s and 33s each jbox otj 1 be hai of all medicine seiilori thoughofit tho world olptirchjisers sliould look tn thclahcl 011 the pots and coxes if the adjr london they are spurioiii i 533 oxford street the dominion boc t shoe have now their spring stock complete mall value in she following cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slibpers boys shoes in croat variety girls shoes in great variety brosi lineituiid are- ofle s shoes of every children bubbers slipiers trunks etc always instockjgood assortment gives the best of satisfaction bepairing neatly and carefu we can suit jo call and 0int11em 1 e and r bfaigarpet dealers fb king st reeteat hampton turcoman curtains ne tapestry coverings fine furniture coverings fine curtain poles 1 fine chain bauds best quality carpet sweepers bestjquality sprri kollers fine stair rods fine shade poles uest quality bet pahellns lowest prices r j j mckay 46 king treet east hamilton kenne r bros hints for the ose of dose to mow thttm- els jchlly 3 to 4 pittil thor mghly 4 to 6 pillt exp menu willdeeide thi proj cr dote in each cote constipation r costlveneii no remedy is so effective as avers pluj ithey nsnre regular daily action and ro- itore 1 te bowels to a 1 ealthy condition for ndlgeiuonor dyspepgla ayzei pills ire invaluable ai id a sore curs heartburn lois at appetite foul stomi cb flatulency dlxiihes head ache nnmbnegg na wea are all relieved and ct red by ayebs i ills in l ivercomplaint billons duorderi and jaondlce avees pills should be given in doses large taopgh to etdte th liver t nd- bowel and remove constipation at a e earning medicini i in the sprinf these pills are unequalled w01 mg caused by e morbid condition of the bo irela are expelle i by these pills era ptlons skin i lgeaseg and plleg the re nit of indlgestio 1 or constipation are cured jy the use of an ns pills for coldg take atees pills to open the p res remove inflammatory secretidni and al lay the fever for diarrhoea and tiysentery canted by gudde 1 colds lndlgeetlt le food eto atxhi pnis are the true ren edy bhinmatism gout keuralgla and sdatl ea6ften result fr m dlgeitlve derange- roent or coldg and dl appear on removing the ease by the we it atjffis pols tm lort dropsy i dney complalntf and tber dttorden anted by debility or obgtrretton are cored by arias ptllb p rnretslon and painful menstrua- tli n hare a safe am ready remedy in dr directions in riulota tangnagei ae- avers full eompgjny each package pbepabbdpt fcayer4clowellma8f jroggittvj -ti- m wa life speight son acton undertakers carriage makers stc are prepared to furnish everything in thir hue from the best casket to the plainest on the shortest notiee and at lowest terras all calls either night or day promptly utteirtled faction gnarauteed ill every case a firstclass hearse for hire coffin ko satis- ge c of 6tvc are ill a positioiijto satisfactorily iil inrjcrt for uaggouo cajri very description ill rcasoriililc time good workiivansliip and tirstclnss material always nsed we have niso a spldrdidlot dr furniti reliolh coniiuoii anil ex tr quality cheap erlf you will pay us cash ve will sell you anything in our line cheap i ft j a speight s3 station 9ar4ea loudon and 246 st james st ground nclendjicully from clear and inre pebble or optiad gl ie esiecicdhj manufactured for the purpose theyan without exception tore the ravage of age and to retain perfect vision fheg t recommended by hie most eminent facult a jbverv pair of spectacles mid eyeglasses is iut rked bjl j emcgarvik dfrijfgflst sole agent for acton ont seasonaue goods at eeniarkauy l the immense bargiiius which watkids of the eight house department last week nice victoria lav ns at lgi 11 j 12j u to 25c cords fancy white press goods brilliai l aic worth 25c a lotiof spotted muslin 1 at 8cwbrth 20c soraelotpf embroidered canvas cotton d reeses yerv cheap s the ljndies underclothing i8all mannfne uied by watuins anc dres8eg infants embroidered muslin llobss and dresses in an iilegant havibk an imnienke salei see the splendii 1 corset sellius at soc evpi prenoh and ejiftlish corsets iu the best nit see the special lot itf xjnlaundered white ibirts ht 874c each o 8 fori and boysmlslerclothing in merino gaffi half irice 1 jarpets of all makes are so n inch reaper now tha 1 thcyj vi fere hon koa soand 32 king streeteastlapd the name is dj jtamttton j oly 2nd1885 1 ia its especially iest acttpted to rix- ts at reraarknbly low kes mens and boy is offer price 5rilliiniath0e worth 12j gee the mi syl sold by in im and caon very ch combinatioi dress goodi 1 redut ed 20o pe to lesmbanjiklf price silk and woolmkture forroerlj 45c reduced ic 32c a m farwore money boys and ckildreussi ilor straw hats at wonderful f low prices be mreandsee wjem sffpsllll i g in the white go ds departramt is eryard mull twis checks a pine assortmen m id the ast 23nd 0othuig store fashionable tailoring ring tweeds wp rated oplitiigs and sereea at ftp east 1 i clotting store grand trunk railway ooisokast 0j0aiji 7101111 mixoaii bxircwi luss malt llifin lliiolikli kxf47 11111 aceoiii coacliiljo jirn i ooixo west kilfs8 iii1sm kxpremt llt2 ain maili 6pin specloli j0pin tcin toiicli boonin chicuko kxprcsm docs not utoj libtwcui guclph and toronto tzmiv oy viaiftlsu mails ioliiit wtstulo40 am anil flijir going east 1040 am aftl5i0iiji enflisli mail closes at lojni pu wednesday canadian pacific railway to all lointh eastakb v7est condjikiiki timk taile lorputo to detroit chicfigoand mjanitoiba- fetloaib ex iaoificex iocalex toronto 8 10 am l25pm 4 loiun strttsyjlicjunio 10 2 19 5 20 8tt loroas 12 05 pm 525 8 5 dctoit 2 45 18 30 hsoaui chii agd 7 ain 17 53 5 4ipni ivknipog 7 80 daily except juonday t pronto to montreal quebec andboston limited ex montreal ex torfanto s 25am 7 ss pm ottiwa- 007 pm 5 17am moitreal b 42 8 50 quebec i gaoaiu 9 50pui bosfoir 8 3dam brampton wstreetsville junction brahidton 7 22 am- 4 04 pin sta etsvule jct 745 4 25 0n mpton to orangevillij and owen sound bra npton ora igeville own sound 0 37 am 11 05 c 30 lntfi 45 pm 0 57 10 20 purchaseyour tickets by this nby i and populae line rnosi j e mcgaevm i ticket agent acton ontario fsf n- health is wealth dur sarments are kado rfeet pitting and in tie latest artistic desigas new goodk sheas goodsj variety at the- mammoth house ceorgetwn mcleod anderson sell the bnvle joi sill ik plel e anc an kei of spring hats also on handi fje -v- e their ordeni brints and inghtm s in all tl e kinjib including cheeked sliirtinj s latest styles extraordinary cheap staples of uli cottonades grey and white cottons cottons shirts cottonadei and all canadi u goods we bi y direct fronj the mitis and sell themai whi ilesale iff ices j j ourhlered clothin and gen s furnishing epartment was never in a more cpm glentlemqn may cimc wijth the itmost cdnfid uce nnd leave their orders work inanship and variety carpets we havi boots and shoes u large variety prices right inrr n ilnaiinr nl til i etate we will suit them i r price yle fit immense st ok frotq 12e upwards dymade clol hitig y e have o a rgest ek and we are hole ing a clearing sale until we redice thetoick great bargiinsjw i will give a good bu t for s4 we have the lit- rnont confldence in asking thejiatrona re of tie public we will sell you goods at awnj dovn bottcftn pr ices m i i a f arge lot of wl ite hair cor lqhec ted muslit s at 126 brillianfii ne of embroid ry suitable at wholesale prices white skirti iriejty- all asseiof cotton jnderclothing made to pair of cromptoh ap t min8lj barga1 n8 are to bt jcoraline creets whitp and colored shirt being mm ufaotu rers of the ie j40 kiyy bine aid gvcy lao sdrup shirts alf a short time at o cornice ow 1 1 tim mammoth is bound tl liiseasou to e lipse all ijtsiormer efforts in the way o ng goods ch ap in bbbwirr a large voric ty in thejget up style arid cheapness of millinery the correct thing in the style make and price in dressnjaking we a new laigie aud varied st ck in all liie litest novelties in millinery our dress is stock is n w very large including silks satins ottimans etc amagnificenti tor 27ac wbrth 75d iii the millinery atid dress inakiiig dcpai tmeuts wedd up and mourning orderss speoinlty the managers of thi millinery di essmaking iv id mantle departments are cha aged but hai e secured uic bef t talent extant ladies car come with confidenceind mglidd n 3 os v surprising naineoolu eml r idere 1 mushns india mu slius in alf colors pk oriiifants vnde froml order ire guaranteed tb wear poles worth 1 lawr seen in the dresk joods 145 50 aid the pwight house the 1 at 13b worfli 20c a lit of sefi nainsooks at by all means see these bargains a veryiharid r guiparj embroidery iu white and crme chemi ses froil 45c draw ers corset cavers siu jit ila tn w cromptons celebrke corsets are well or money refunded german goodh they are sold at lss than wholesale prices tennis shirts niado to ordr ladiesigents undredt r s db e c wests nebve ami bsalv tbeat- mest a guaranteed specific for- hysteria dizzi ness convulsions fits nervous neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softeningot the brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery decay and death premature old age barrenness loss of power ih eitbjer sex involuntary losses andfipernia- torrhaf a caused by over exertien of the brain selfabuse or overindulgeuco- each box con tains one months treatment one dollar a box j tr six boxes tor fivedollars sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of phcc we guarantee six boxes to eure any case with each order received by ns for- six boxes accompanied witli- five dollars c we srill bendtthe purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does- not effect a cure guarantees issued onlv by john c west co sole proprietors 181 183 west madison st chicago 111 sold by j e jtcgarvin if m will cure or reueve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion javndice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dropsy a fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness 0f he skin and every species of disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood mburr 60 f i rr toronto jnlpaphl a book of 100 pagc3 the best book for an advertiser to con- rif vl enced or otuerwi t cotaina ustof newspapers and estima ea of the cost of advertising lhe advertiser w ho wants to spend one dollar finds in it the in- formation he requires while for him who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- vertlslng a scheme ia indicated which will meet his every requirement or can be made ightcl 1 ipostpal ivedat iycor jeen issued any addresb for 10 cents write to 6e6 p bowill co newspapeu adveetisin bdbeau 105prucestprintinghousesoj new york to ao so by slight changes easily arru despondence 149 editions havefbi bentipostpaidtoony addresif mag kin ac i tli hort deligitfaa fium jt slaoetemeit ldwstf jotir trips per weekbetwea dfetroit and mackinac and xrerir njedc sr btimn detroi and cle i writifor pur j picturesque mackiriao ihujtrateii ooauina foil parhaufaroi hailed vtm tefroit cleveland sleam nav co o d whitcomb qkn pam aot detbott mich aijiiderion 6l co i jmalltloyh house depart pent a lot of allwoomjressteoods dress i soods at 8 10 12i and 15c worth childreni whiu walshiag hnts pattern millinery jless than j b u a wiciu iiiiiiiiiery iiess man 05c i ip to t lie best goods kcmember jhe eight of cu8tomjr8 wliopatrorjizbd thiff wtlfccisrs i makhqod how lost huw est0e we have recentlvi published a new edition of dr culverwolls cele bratcd essay oh the radical and peiinanentture witsont medicine o nervous debility mental andiphysical incapac ity impediments of marriage etc xcsultinc from excesses i jgiprico in a sealed envciepe only 0 cent ortwo postage stamps the celebrated author iu this admirable eb say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successfuipraatice that alarming consequence may be radically cured withont thq dangerou use of int ual medicines or t bo use of tho knife pointing ut a mode of cure at onco simple cer taiu and ieffeciual- by meahs of which ever sufferer no matter what his condition may be may cureliimself cheaply privately audi-auicall- this eecturo should bo in jtjhehands of ever youtn and everymau in the ttni address j the iilvcrwell medical vo 41 artu st new york st office boxj 450 j j- m fbegl tnthel itheywl 1 toveul m torbnl teeth j ratea ingo haye3 airiol iing thi imay sf m iveteril in kef dende j sound ed to bail ja rba ta6i ok sajiai b lingtda alleyj jon wn 20 s 1 st gj i ac period bouud wl i 1 iri i iii maeobi north dakcta mdl- tana liaso washtngtoh ahdpreaon lromlavj sic jvs tor i paget soaud n t ie fs psr flcrs is thi best coutitr ft prices ranstngichleflyfrsiiii o 5tolo years tjus i v j tor securing good vjomes nos open ror settimenl ehlre 320 acres of govcrnmen fb i tandfreoimderibehom na jmdtimuertlaltiire lawakot hauiol allitlieipublic unt s disriusedof jitls were inthe hflrthrh books a 1sse pekiadcom m portl q or it prornr ablet teres fm- mo im per c lone q i secnx sa i prope farm with domi cutati iml- wmlt m aen gneii mk iieartj milh 4ep rrni hi

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