Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1885, p. 2

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4 i m t actl t w t lrh i tnttsit mownso tm 88 1885 a beclouded sun j hi its laat issue tho editor of the milton n continue to ride his roocntlymouhtod hobby witjj inordinate ersintoie consid ering fhis sweltering july weather his favorite themos being tho assertions that tlie scojit act movement is grit dodge to capturo votes that tho frisk pnsss isa grit howtpapor that the officers and tnemberaof the county temperance asso- ciation dont understand their own business t that the 6akville indtmltut belongs to w h young pltf and other equally unreal eonable misstatements throughout hia three or taur columns of editorial matter benseless assertions and incorrect btatei menter mean insinuations and discourteous personalities are heaped upon each other in prelusive array and directed indiscrimin ately at whomsoeverthe unstaple brin of the shmi editdr in fcib party biassed posi tim fancied but not one tittle of evidence of a straightforward character is addujced to substantiate its almost limitless charges the film is apparently trying to hide from public gaze as far as possible its own un- warrantable action in turning a summer sault 4u of the scott act ranks into the antiscotts den to accomplish this it is tryingto throw dust into peoples eyes in various ways among them thelpref erring of an array of charges at the same time know ing lihem to be false against those whose endeavors are for the general public good andhot for any pecuniary gam or pc rsonal or political honor the sun itself oq upies a discreditable position but of coupe its biassed party predilections will not allow it to observe this starting out as it did as the successor of the jvew which j itulnal attained much of its influence flirot ghl its consistency in liberally supportingth 3 most advanced temperance legislation tl e sim asked for the confidence and support ot the same people who had upheld the ite pro claiming to them thatit would continue to support the scott act or any other irre spective- of party we supposed that would help on the cause of prohibition however its editor now shows that he is only a tem perance man when it suits bis political creed and without any adequate reason he has expressed himself as opposed to that act which halton a strong vote twice adopted as being preferable toahcenselaw we know that the sun calls its evidence abundant indeed redundant and we suppose when looked at through the magni fying glass of bigoted partyism used by the editor he thought it was sufficient bi t when any man with common sense will t ike all the kinks and twists out of the s called evidence produced and look at the matter in a reasonable manner he will come to the conclusion that halton temperance asso ciation its officers and members act people generally are- going id hihjtion whether helped on by or conservatives we have not 0 fully and thoroughly considered the suns statements rather misstatements but have conversed with prominent men of either political party and their evic ence is unanimous that the scott act is lot the helper of either political party ut the outcome of a deep moral force oppc sing the imhh and echoes in thought what i lis paper pi hbijos he is no more than 1 looking pj hftooks ihto1 bo gtobttnt u and reflects their camions this 18 why ho fiifeis pbbsb has uo connw tion with4ny political party and hasjuo di nira for huou relation we prefer to tliin ft for ourself a be iu a post tion to support unreservedly those moral questions call vitiated for the test interests of the general public by wlatsoever party presented an j to be amtoal lo to uo faction for our actions and expreaafaus rep a re for cholera ho recenl outbreak ot oholera in spain has again att ractod ottentioi 1 to that terrible disiase tlicrtypeof plioltra prevalent in that country ib said tojbc very virulent and the moitality is already great the disease is especially prevalent along the eastern soatoard that tnoro is a panic tliei e is ho m by tho high of 80000 people from muroh a city wjrth hss than looooff ihfntants tvhoro there w jre thirty deaths one day lait week the latest accounts stem to mdioate that tho disease is bpread ing ulong tin coast to the northwest more rapi lly thai in any other d ireotion quar antive authorities should be very careful with regard to any amva s from spanish porti miuioipal authorities should also exercise grekt vigilance in 1 eeinn that towns and why not through our representative ormers care- x in liquor party and power j and intend sd as a step to ultimate prohibition fosth s whole dominion of canada the supporters of prohibition sentiment as voiced by the scott act look deeper and higher than to mere political partyism and oai ing not whether electors beconservattvesor reform ers call upon all who have the fr wchise and who care for god and home ac d coun try to support this act whkh is he best canada has ever had fori the reducii g of the whiskey evil no we again asser this is not a question of division by usui 1 party lines but reaching the best men of c ur land whether in the house or in quieter u ad more unostentatious walks of life it calls for right to assert itself over wrong ai d home over the rumshop every time we honestly thought we had p resented the sim with sufficient proof that the fkee- pbejs jwas in no way connected with or amenable to any political party bt t it per sistently ignores our assertions r specting the fbee press political position and stjll calls it a grit journal in disguise this is truly a revelation to us and will be to our readers it does seem straugn though that this little matter 1 of so much interest to the sun man was never made pul hc until now lor duringits whole career a ad asso ciation with its thousands of pati ons this charge has never heretofore been referred against the fbee press verily tl us won- derfut sun man has a lively ima jination the sun wishes us to turn over our files and find something for it praising 1 he deeds of the conservative government we haye only to answer that if the editor ol the sun desires flies researched he will be t nder the necessity of doing the work for hi nself as he has evidently more unemployed time on his hands than most of the journ dists we know but we can assure him th it if he will take thetrouble to look overth 3 records he will find that the fbee pbess has ever commended the deeds worthy of p aise just as unreservedly for the conservat ive gov ernment at ottawa as for the reform in the provincial house and condi mnation formjjsdeeds has heen as lavishly directed at oneuurty as the other gar res ders also will bear us out in this we are thai kful that we can enjoy this privilege it is one not enjoyed by any partyboundhandi dhead organ such as the sun accordin u it all the virtue is with one party and nil the misdeeds with th other we th ik and hare thought so for years that th 1 time is at hand for the cd political party lines to be obliterated when men and ne rapapers should put principles first and pa rty last good men are learning and mm t do so moregenerally to vote with one p urty now and with another at another time t ccording asthjbmoral questions involved n ay indi cate ipartyismisinawordlettinjthefew thlnifofcmany theman whoismadeup politictally fcpm the mail or the q obe does nom4epenaent thinking ot very littletat moat 1 hefoliows where his paper leids att t- fully explained tho following lotto from mr brotheis secretary of tut countitemperiu anoo association oxplamng certain mat- x 1 1 r i 1 lore conneoted with association and aftjaftlt answormg striotures oftho mlltbn hun waj orarnpb growing uervousnehs j liandod tp the editor of the sim last week hav hotaufrdry bkin i iuypasatloas swalliuypf theahklos ings oflunroht o for publication but wab declined a position in its oolumtis we think the association and its secretory should be allowed the privilego of making reply and in jubtioo to them wo givo tho letter an insertion as re quested in its artiolo referred to the sun makes charges and insinuation anent the actions of membenj of the county associa tion with an evident desire to have the peopld believe that the scott aot is really a grit dodge 4a capture votes mr brothers has root all the oharges with sat isfactory evidence that they were incorrect and unreasonable and we fear this explains why his letter was rofused a place in tho sails columns the following is mr brothers letter 1 to ulo editor of tho sun dkui sin in an odltoriall headed po litical prohibitionists in your issue of july 9tn last yon accuse the alliance by infer ence at least if not directly of trying to make political capital out of the scott act though in what way is not made very-clear- i was instructed by the convention to com municate witii tho dominion government l itii t are kept clean and no refute allowed to ac cumulate in towns wheie the bystem of drainage u far from go d special care should be e ercised rofe tine to the dan ger of chole being brougl it adross the at lantic the outario health bulletin says the approach of the summer season has again irought the discussion of the probable ov tbreak in ontario of asiatic cholera ijitc a place of first prominence amongst bo h medical men and sanitarians measures te nding to lesso 1 the likelihood of its occun ence or to pmvent its spread shoul 1 an o ltbreak occur have been dis cussed and ire being taker by almost every state boarc in the union while the san itary counc d of thoilissis sippinnd the na tional boad of health at washington have n the oiie case organ ized a thorough quarantine system and th 3 other has taken suchlsrecattionsas will keep the author ities of all torts on the atlantic seaboard informed of the departurs of ships from euro ean p rts having the disease on board in great britain medic il societies have hotly disevssed the iymntic character of chole u th burden of proof seeming to be in f a or of its really beini due to microbt and t lerefope that it shot idbe limited by such- solation and disinfe tant methods as areuid in other epidemic diseases while an international sanitary congress has been in session early in the 1 month at rome discussing tlie various sell emes for prevent ing the further introduction by means of ship via the suez canal c f asiatic cholera and also 0 e those samtar disinfectant and quarantine measures hlely to limit its spread in t lose parts of europe such as valencia ifadrid and ma rseilles in which it is known to be actually in existence at the present time how the jxtra precautions if any which are being taken by the dom inion government in sonjunction with other naticnal authorities has notyettran spired but it is to be hoped that the pres ence of un isnal internal disturbance has not caused the government toie unmindful of the exis ence of those bxternal enemies both of th lives and inteests of the people of canada the provincn j board of health has exerted its energies to keep the danger of the mtr jduction of cholera prominently before this minds of tie people of the various municipalities cf ontario and it is gratif yii ig to know thai in more than fifty per cent of those local halth organizations exist and lxs many placs most energetic measures isre being takin j for limiting by improved sanitary condi ions the ravages of this or uny other epid mic disease which may at any time unfortunately occur 1 i f n who is sent to parliament to get for the people such legislation as will meet with their wants i therefore wrote to mr mc- craney the letter you have already publish ed enclosing therewith a copy of the resolu tion passed at tlie convention when my letter which was written on tho 25th of june reached ottawa mr mccraney had gone home and did not return until tlie soth when mr mccraney arrived in tho house mr camoron huron was abmng for simi lar information to what we wanted and mr mccraney handed him my letter mr mccraney took the resolution to the inland bevenue department and mr miall told him the government had no funds to en force the scott act but as soon as the conl stitutionality of the mccarthy aot was de cided by the privy council if sustained the department will see that the act is enforced mr miall told mr mccraney in the mean time to tell his scott act friends to raise money and enforce the act themselves the department of inlaudrevenue refused to communicate with the allianqe directly in this matter both political parties in the house have worked and voted side by side on this question and though having at hand all the information you have tho conservatives w ho voted against tho wine anl beer amendment saw no cause to make any such charges as ou make on the 21st of april last mr mccraney askedithe ministry in the house if it was their intention to see tbat the provisions of the scott act werei enforced in counties where adopted and to provide funds and to whom entrusted to pay the inspector prosecuting attorney and other officers and from what source were the funds to be taken sir john answered that the govern ment would carry out any obligations im posed on them by the scott act whatever these may be you will see from this the government had already been asked a ques tion similar to ours and what kind of an answer was git en this cry about the scott act being a gnt dodge originated with the antiscott party prominent among whom is a twicedefeated parliamentary candidate tlie liquor sell ers knowing that direct appeal to the people has brought them nothing but defeat are using this appeal to the party prejudices of the people to gain their former position if possible and defeat the scott act and pro hibition all last week theie was a largo deputation of brewers hi ottawa ayhat kind of capital are they making ofthis question is it political or not w d bltothlph miltonjuly lath 1885 growing nervousness 1 strange soreness of tho bowe s unaccountable languid fcolitga short breath and plourltio piint one aide headache backs ohn frequent attaoks of the bit es 1 fluttering and distress of the liet rt albumen and tubo casts in tho w tor fitful rhoumatio pains and nmrilgla loan of appetite flesh and strength constipation alternating with looseness of tho bowels abundant palo or scanty flov ojf dark water chills and fevor liurniug patcbou of bkin then totj zhpivei brlglits disease of the kfdn eys tho obovo symptoms ure not lev eloped iu anyorder but appear disappear and re- apear until tho diseaso gradually bets a inn grasp on the constitution the kidney- poisoned blood bieakb down itho nervous system and finally pneumonia dia rrhcea bloodlesbiiess heart disease appoplexy paralysis or convulsions ensue anfltheu death is inevitable this fearial uiseasb s not a rare ones it is an every d ly dis rder and claims more victims th in any ither complaint it must bo treated in time o it wi 11 gain i10 mastery dont uegleotlit war ners safe cure has curm jthoasaudb tf cases of the worst type and it w 11 cure you if you will use it promptly am i as di rected it is the only specific for the uni versal brights disease new advertisemon bs steer astiuy 1 tlt vyd from tho iiromiseb of tuo miiiscriboi o lot 14 con c nsquoblne ou or about tlie 15tn juno one rod two yoarolil stoor ueaioiiawo rqw arl for roio ery of bamu r james f mtphbhson escjucbiub 1 o tr conirionsfcnhbtr atmeftt catarrh am cons dat m pum if ijlr charged with dlbeaseorditing element foul air will kiltwhen breilbed ooutiuik usly air ouargod v ittr ren 1 idial olemeutji wlllouro whon breathed coijtinu ously house lot for sale rilhk uuitor8iguod offers for sale his holiso uwl a lot on main street it is a large hoi ise con- tajubumo rooiim also kltchon ami vtood shed is tvqii adaiitcd for a tenement or boardlut iioubc gpod stftblo 911 tho prcmisos liberal u rms a to d w cam uuhh 0 a rare chance valuable farm -and- village proper 70s sale tho pillow inhaler jagondy llonlto the pillow 8 rhal is an olej antly niiide lliair pi low olurged with retr edial elements the vapor of f hlch the pati nit inhales nil night long whilst sleeping as usual it cunnot get tit of order and is perfectly safa to thr most delicate it will last for years find nerve any nun ber of poisons in a family 1 1 sue cession it hattersdown the strong id of catatrh bronoutls abbtma nd qonsamption and makes 0 permanent cute by a co ntinu ou application of healidg ant carat ve air directly to the diseased parks huxerers from aiy of tho abovemen toned d seases are urgently requested to send us thi it ud- dress find a 50page pamphlet will be mailed to them free which will dve a complete history of this won lorful tscov- cry ana the ni incinles upon which it forks together with a long fist oi testin lonials from those who have used it and wl c now rcjoioe in perfect health do not delay for the long r a dis use is allowed to run unchecked the slower and harder it isto effect a cure there is no medicine taken into th tom ach no douching ornufnog nor atything disaprteablo about this treat nent it has never been known tc send your name and adilress writou to bargains the thib space belongs to i t statham excelsi0t bary lnto d mann su ok the finest fakms in the count vi of halton situate nwtlim one half i milo of thr thrifty and enterprising village of aeton containing 100 acrcb known nn tho ibrown hotnostctul also 25 acres nell tiinbored with codartnnbor j the villago jnoiiortj comprlbos comfortable dwslhug house- and btoro on mill streotj i or full particulars apply to x i w p brown acton enforcing th scott act it is naw shown con lusively that the hal on tiimperancelassociatipn4cted wise ly ii making arrangements at their recent com entio 1 fo the enforcement of the scott act in this county at their own expense in answer io mr mccra ney the member for thisccninty in the h rase last week sir johnmac jonaldsaid thf t it was impossible thisisesskn to pass sucl legislation as to provide fc r the proper eiforcement of the temperance act of 1876 by furnishing the necessary funds for the irosecution of per sons violating the provisions of this aot wiirthe point of cr adit to thbaseooiation for their in taking nhe iction referred to will they continue to assert that foresight above or the resolution was motives from our the fall sample vthvery little revf dist pulp mr jcjlan mcqueen i 1 recovering from of hia children was ing is iron fireproof good milton sun now concede one passed from ulterior feockwpod ncn corrhrpon dent swannov occ tl we wish h m success his recent illness one buried w bile he was udable to be out of bed mr w r sharp i 1 ap iroaching convales cence frpm his recent others in mation i messrs n sickness tinis section sufeered from harris woollen f i story the roc f of the uev build large can 1 miles toi 1 1 jjnas alwa n 4- fair and just dealing wheat is well filled and is a good rust upies the metho co 1 rerebuildit g their and altbfoug 1 expensive arenow ltsy some hive only comraen ced at this date last year the haying season w 1 1 over ahi m iny had begun to cut whea dnrinj the wool sea on the numerous teams wt i ang tobeljerv id at herookwood wollen i11 lis presented the appearance of a many com 1 fifte in and twenty business- wit 1 th firm which iwhkji news inflarn will be laying weatlor most farmers given univer al a tisfaction in real estate for sale parliament prorogued summary of the governorgenerals speech a six months session ottau july 20parliament was prorogued this afternoon the speech from the th one reiers in terms of praise to the services of the volunteers in the north west expresses sorrow for those who have forfeited their lives acknowledges the action of the united states in protecting their own frontier refers to the franchise act ventures to hope that manitoba will be satisfied with her settlement and that the chinese restriction bill will allay the feeling of discontent in british columbia declares thatthe additional aid granted to the c p r will ensure the completions of the road that tlie success of sir leonard tilleys recent loan shows the high stand ing of canada credit abroad and that tlie readjustment of the tariff will tend to in crease the revenue and enable the govern ment to meet the various engagements of the country riels trial a long adjournment to be asked for reoina july 20 louis riel was ar raigned today before stipendiary magis trate richardson with whom was associat ed henry lejeune gen middleton and staff were present on the prisoner being asked to plead his counsel at once raised the question of jurisdiction holding that the court ad then constituted was not possessed of power to try a capital offence counsel of the crown demurred and the defence joined issue argument was heard and the court adjourned until tomorrow when the question of jurisdiction ha 1 been decided riels counsel will apply for an adjournment of six week for the purpose of gathering evidence tthe undersigned licrol offers for balo x the follow nig farms and illage1ots situato iu he township of eiin tho toiiblup of es- qu jslng and tho v lllase of cton being port of the estate of tho late hubert bwau ns olkms ll part of tho east half of lot no 1 in the 4th co icession of thotowuship of erin containing 95 icrcs i a part of tho west part of hot no 27 iu tho 5th co acossion of tho township of esnuesuig con taining 25 acres 3 lot no him block u ou thnrch street iu thb villago of acton h i lotnoaoinblocl 10 ou burth treot in thb village of acton s lot no 41 in block 10 ou corner o church and wilbur streets iu tho village of ac ou f title indisputable tonus and particulars nmdo known in appli cation to miss elizabeth tliurtcll actojn or to john swan j i attorney for logatees epora po the scott aot ontario says for the aothaldimand agamstit whttbs july 16t the majority for the scott act in ontario as far as known is 1979 i duknvrujs july 16 the scott act was defeated to day iu haldimaud by 108 warning and comfoi t it lint feiij lou lo a rieer of koitht beer j una mifhtnnl i well there is much to be sa d the question being asked of the banc ueter at the average boarding house calls u remin- iecencesof close contiguity to the horns a id beefsteak three cuts south then of he ot course will pass unless it occui s to him that he needs a hinge for i trunk should theie be unv suffering the iffects of a 1 indulgence in such sinuous fare use mc gregors sijfeedy cuio a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia constipation and all afeotions of the stomach and liv r sold jbj e mcgaivin acton triil boltles free a liooil niter pure water is indispensable tj hoalth the least impurity should he xomo rod by a g od filter pure blood is also n ldispens- a 5le there can be no perfect health with- oit it tho liver filters tho blood iegulate the liver with burdojjk blood bitters aud make pure blood i mnld llglillihir there aire but few that have nevei suffered almost intolerable paiu fiom f wthache neuralgia or like acute pains to them sach au instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of troi ble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken o days oup application of flu d liht iog curesj sold at j e mqarvins drug store 29 npreocilcnicil gucccsi jfor all purposes of a family medicine hagyards yellow oil is atthe hiad of the list it is ujsed with uupreoedente 1 success both internally aud externally it oures t bums scalds frpst bites relieves and often cures asthma read new ndvertiscment next w ik rphk canada citizen amd tempelume huali canadas gbeat pbohibition ppee tbc thcnpqst and llilt bel edited bjl f s spence bixtccu pages weekly ou fine toned terms l 00 in adnnte iitizev rirlinimi wimtjbl wanted president agent iti fe vert village town and city in thfe d iminio also a f ow travellers to bell our new ail 3as mi climes for making air gas so per ceut cheaper than coal equally as good no flreor iwer re- uired mode in all pises from 15 burn e r i to 1000 or private houses stores hotels f actorjjb mills streets mines etc address canadian am gas machine mfc 0o 115 t francois xavier st 15lv montreal pq house paintin beg 3 g eroie the undersigned inform thi people of vicinity that he is prepared to class satisfaction in tho lines pf ing house painting colctmining paper hanging in the lktest sf order promptly attended po p dtwes sty i fail plainly ost w comcience today thb greatest slaughtering th iwhls- s ac- glasgow 2 house of ghod8 ever before heard of m acjbon hues and stacks of -loj- ft rrl i 4 v tlbs of bfiautlful dress g0ods at 15 cents regular prices 25 and 30 cents i t t the choio ladies i paper and hyndval bbinestf i papdr pens ting paper notes lieeel keephe larl in town f wedding taclefrmp m acton fos defter in je wat iitcb v est and most beautiful printt from 6 cfjnts up immense ranges of hosiery than cost price gloves parasols at ivess no old stock i i 1 i p 1 finest range of white and gray cottons from cents up they are the cheapest goods- ever beforeoffered in acton clearing out the balance ery goods at hlf price also clearing out gents cent less no i iper 1 ironlo over 1000 pairs of boots of millinery and m1llin- t fine straw hats at 20 per than cost and shoes which we are f bound to cle au out at less than half price l value in sugars the cheapest place in town for sugars as we commfence our annual stoqktaking on the first of august we can only offer you these bs rgains till tnat time- do not fail to secure some ol these bargains while they are going i i remember olii famous 50c tea 4 nelson mcrae co 3 to acuni and e fireji- paint- 4nd also all qaution aii plvti of the myrtle navy is harked iu bronze letteis none other genuine 1enuii t anythit uuiu more money than at anything else f oy anything else by taking an agency fpr the best selling book ant beginners succeed grandly none faih t arms free ba1lktt book co portland mai no t a jpmrl it i flpipifppflilgp5iifp a marvelous story told h two uttbts from the son atntltmen myiathar resides at ulover vt he has been a great sufferer f roii scrof ula and uielnolosod letter will teu y a what amarreloaiefiect ayerssarsaparila has had in his can i think lis bla d must have contained the hnmorfor at 1 i it ten years but it did sot show except in 1 1 form of asorofnlous boren thewrlstnnt about fire years ago from a few spots wl oh ap peared at that time it gradually epic 1 1 soil to cover his entireioody i assure yoi be was terribly afflicted and anobectof pit j when he began using your medloinenow 1 1 e are few men of hi age who enjoy as gcxx health as ho has x could easily name fifty ersons who would testify to tbl facts in his i se yours truly wmpmt ips from the father p a duty- for ne to mate to you the 1 ueflt i have derived from the use of ayers sarsapari la i sis months ago i was completely core id with a terrible humor and scrofulous sqr i the humor caused an incessant and ini c lerable itching and the skin cracked go as cause the blood to flow in many places v 1 encrcr i moved my sufferings were great i ud my life a burden i commenced the us of tho 8absa7aiuxl in april last and h pe used it regularly since that time my c aditlon began to improve at once the so is haro all healed and i jfeel perfectly well 1 1 every respect being now able to do a gc i days work althongh78 years of age man inquire what has wrought such a cure in my s ise and i tell them aa i hare here tried to t ill you avebs sas8afisrua glbrer 1 1 oct 211882 tours gratefully htjum pnii i irs ayeb8 sasivabitla oures j l irofula and all serofnl ns complaints erysip elas baema bfngworm li i itches sores jbq4uti mum and emi t ions of the fkln it o ears the blood of i f ijnpu- rtttes aids digestion stimulates tho ctton of the bowels anfcthus restores tit ity and itrengtheniaibirixoloijitem fjatrwbt dr jc ayei atco lowell mass sold by an druggists 91 six bottli i for 85 -the- nsatktt fashionable west end guelph finest stock of lovely sat eens prints and muslins in thecity spots checks and stripes in endless variety always busy buchamco important announcement you can buy goods cheaper at 1jhe than at any other place in the of halfon and your i stir grocery county hardware boots ahd shoos we can sell you tor less mojstey i than you can buy them at ariy other place west of toronto 6r iny other place in ontario tfaej are bdund to v the trade tur rofits are smalland we intend o handle large quaiitities of floods eomejan4 buy your i ill kinds of machinery in beexlessf lubricating and lardiue and fcvserythin else in hardware bobtsandsljoes or gr iceries cheaper than youver bought them in your aefeire pure paris qren oheap redember that 50ol tea worth 65c j e howsom j next door t post off ice r i cbiumi 1 provided harvest fallw r and nl ramble baspt quantities weve the past wd berryil popular thil gooserf at mrs 8 this haying in i take lbei pm is the i duty in th thef bardworh tra atoakvilli the shinned bi georgl oud the eo j enforced mr erection bennetts 3hei overhe issued this ajollj passed thr lirnehoc rev dist minis opinions i a grl will be 1 inst an i arranged i niagsj men ti reservatio the earth the i farirview may gfve sim in ne the clnbs of formerpl grsorgetc bnaiil pnrse mechanic during i the i is acton where time tocl hie is movu forcemen are to bel impj at beard prisingi edtobr a papers ing the ll has been fchatcit ax susrihinjj cxpenenl nor beas borders i thel wood tol with the boys wil tho indi tha provinci men of i by the mehts f we clear house town alejc r tl the ch arefitt ed to i of we countyl 4 toj ed frol quarrij which estensl latest i and cil pbhssi new mentl i 1

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