Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1885, p. 3

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bering is cents lluuxts k lt less v i from 5 er mililln- 20 per rve are te tgivn at eo hyis iiton r- ladies wantiufc an pxtra quality of notfe paper miitninxolbpesvtuould call at gj i hynds actbii business men wanting cheap enveloped paper pons ink pescus mucilago i blot tins vapor ledgei day books blankl notes receipts call at geo hyndavw i koop the largest aitd boat stock of stafioiery in town j wedding and birthday presents sped ictes from to 8s tho cheapest storp in acton for the above line of goonis f geo hynds i dealer in jewelry stationery school bookjs and fauoy goods i 1 1 mi thcrsiuv moasrso july 23 1885 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful fret i press reporters co v harvest apples will soon be coming h fall wheat harvest will commence uet week and now its a starry night for ramble raspberries are coming in in liberal quantities weve had a genuine hot wave durinkj the past week berrying excursions are now tle popular thing gooseberries and raspberries for sak at mrss a secords 1 this week willpretty generally finish haying in this vicinity ij take recreatiou aud rest and read tie feee press iu the shade a is the lscal board of health doing il s daty in this hot weather j the fanners busiest two uionthb nf hard work have commenced trafalgar sho w this yeat will bo held 1 atovtue on oct- and 6 the royal exchange hotel is being 1 1 sli ihgled and otherwise improved georgetown has a cow bylaw no e aud the council are seeing that it is strict iyj enforced mr h crawshaw has commenced tlie erection of his new stone houses east jf bennetts hotel h the usual saturday excursion tickets over he g t jr to toronto- are not being issnea this summer a folly party of guelph boys and girls passed through here yesterday morning f jri limehouse on a holiday jaunt rsv robert phillips the new meth dist minister at acton is winning golddn opinions from his flock milton sun a grand temperance demonstrati u will be ijeld in kincardine on tuesiday 2- th inst an interesting programme has been arranged i niagara falls nolouger belongs to hadk men the place has been turned over to quarterly comim inlon ssrvtoes j jt the first qirarttrly comutuhic n services under the pastors jte of rov r i hillipb will take place on su hday 2nd au fu8t the sacrament of tho lordb supper rill bo ad- ministered at the close of tin morning service caution a person calling himself representing that l ijpekwin ncs raki kjl mioh are fri lolpally local ancj all i xi iowatlng vim reservation company that the earth does not wsnt 1 the surveying the front six acres of fanview cemetery is progressing we tuiygive anbntline of the plan and de- am in nex issue the lacrosse match between the junior clvhs d georgetown androrangeville at i he i former place on monday was won by the georgetown boys business is rushing at the satchel a nd purse factory several experienced mechanics la vfe been added to the staff during the past week or two the questions are being asked wlien is acton to have her civic holiday aud where will she excurt to nows the tiine to consider the mafter- irhc license iupeetor of peel coutty is moving hxlhe matter of the strict en forcement of the brooks act violatipns are to be promptly prosecuted j improvements continue to be effec ed at beard mores tannery its really fur- prising what an anioaut of money is expe jd ed to bring this establishment to perfect on a budget of east saginaw mih papers containing interesting news resplect- ing thelufijbermen andsalt workers strike has be that cty thanks a n ible f and ho is an agent i or qodoys ladys book ia a raud and if irrosted i will bo pleased to prosecute him godey does not employ o uy agents j hf hulon book publisher best printed parjerlnhalton the acton fistk piikss to hslnd with a new heading r ai d several ohanges iu its make up- the 1 iikk pness has sutared on its eleventh year and has beeiifor sonip yoars the best printed paper iu halton brampton by una cheap trip to toronto today the o t 11 ii issuing roturn tickets to toronto today g od to roturn toinorrow for one single f are the toronto volunteers re expected hon e this af temooi and many of our citizens will go down to participate in the welcom- homo beautifully printed the qrilliafticfrt pays us this compu ment the atou fiiee 1iiws has com pleted its tenth eari it is a beautifully printed wellcon lucted nowspaj er and de serves ibie hearty support of th s people ih whose interests it is published the centralexh bluon we are inreipt of the annu il prize list of the central exhibition guilph to be held oh st 23th 2ath and 80t u a very successful exhibition is- anticipated this year the prib list is more tl an usually comprehensive ud for a locil fait- i the prizes offered an i very reasonab o anlnteresting p eview we have recsi ced front the pi blisliers of the montreal lyttiiess a complet s history of the north- west rebeliiou in qiarto pam phlet form forjty eight pages ne itly printed and illustrated it is well and impartially written and cot tains an interes ting history ofthe rebellion n all its promii icnt details the volume rata ils for 25 cents news from tan ign parts we have just received from ft essrs w j moore sdnely and h f hi 1 adelaid australia a bud eftof australia i papers for which we extend our thanks p ivate inf or- tnatioh from me srs moore and sill informs ps hat they aire en joy iug good health and are meeting with considerable success in their faroff field of labor iheir letters and papers arrive promptly an i occupy ex- awtlyia month iu transit waxnews yelhave rece ved the sixtee ith number of th canaiiv n pictorial aii f illustrated war jveic it contains the fol lowing illus trations arrival of the preserts from the- ladies of tordnio in the campnf the royal grenadiers 2d otters brigide camp at birch lake nivt june uti 1883 an nual inspection of the 13th bat in the drill shed hamilton the alligators from a sketch showing how the g5th- mount royal rifles earned the sobriquet the price is ten centsper copy holiday visil lug the present- week has off ere i more than usual attract ions for our citizens to make holiday excursions to outside tuesday a nuribtr attended en reccivsd fr6rh mrs f wrigl t of iht trocery less jdollto racie our of gooss leu spades glas8i wkn and itae and tes cheaper rthiat i jtaffipe i iwfdker rol points on the oddfel lows deco ratirjn ceremonies t the union cemetery g te ph yeslerdaj alargeuum- ber of out wnspeople ittended the inauguration sf the newly formed city of stratfordj and today a big rbwd will go toitoronto ts ittehd the reception ofthie vjoluuteers whe jare expected- 1 larriveirorh tlie nprthwesl this afternoon changes in 20 jh batallion the following is takea from qazete 20th halton batt no 1 cooal ville to be2id lieutenant provisionally corporal wa ter anderson ivice shane no 0 co acton tain j2ud lieutenant david i vice shaw retired- no to be lieutenant 2nd lieu tenant joseph freeman left limits to be 2i d lieatenant provisionally johnson vice v b vice wi liam francis private walt it rolls promote 1 lit2 country rod without shade upon susnhmy days such jas we are just i ow experiencing has charms for neither nan nor beast fanners plant trees along the borders of your farms the star lacrosse club goes to rtcl- wood tomorrow to play the return mutch with the club of that place we hope the boys will meet with success even if l oe theilndian isin the team thethreesheet colored poster for the provincial exhibition is a masterly s eei- men of the printers art it was exec ated by the king of poster printing estab lish- ments the london free pre job dep 7 we would specially call attention t the clearing discount sale of the mrni noth house mcleod anderson co george town they are holding a genuinedis ount sale for one month call and see ther l the milton base ball club now c laim the championship of halton- our boys are fitting up a team and we are ami oriz- ed to say will be in a position iu a o uple tf weeks to challenge milton or any ther county club mr john hiharhiiton of the welling- ton marble works guelph has just return ed from the great granite and marble quarries of vermont and bay of fundy at which place he placed largeorders for his extensive business merchants please remember that the latest and most attractive styles of bards and circnlarsrnay be obtained at the ifbek press office fine job printingia specialty new type new material in all depart ments and firstprlze jobprinters mr ejonald mann has disposedtsf bakery business to mr t statbam of georgetown mristatharq-hashadlength- ened experienoelin the baking business and we ahafl expect him to sufin the good reputation of thexcelsiorbakery the work m the street and sidewalk committee for the season isrxcept a little repairing almost completed the work has under the irtpervision of commissiouer jsmondbeen letceedingly veil done lij ashowevqr been a terrible ijtraiu on ftlrt ijwie old jen ietery situated public ipurse v 1 lithetowu a ce4to btgamtbt mrs shannon of liinehouso laid an in formation last week before mayor hunnant of milton olwrging her spouse r shannon with bigamy sheallogos that sonte time ad after leaving tier at limehbube ho took up his residence in nabsagawoya and be came further bound in wedlock with a widow named watspii of that township a warratit was placed in constablo brad- joys hands and ho rli ado after his man aitested him and and took him to milton the prisoner was taken before tho mayor and g smith j p aud remanded until monday for further evidence could boast of having travelled messrs w h gtorey cv son of the can ada glovo works hero received a letter last week from a firm with whioh they are doing business in berlin gormaiiy ad dressed as follows w h storey son glove manufacturers acton ontario canada united states of america the lottor has a history it was posted tomessrs storey son early in may and found its way to acton dakota us not being called for it was returned totheus dead letter officd thonce to the dead letter office in germany and from there to tho original sender these gentlemen re- addressed it tis jibove reposted it and it reached its destination last week saying and doing the acton fiiekpukss wishes us to point out tho lie iu tho indepeiulemt item about the chromatic work ddno in tho former of fice wo do so with much pleasure the liidejienileiit lied when it said the office of tlie fisek priess was the only office in the county in which such work can be expedi tiously done the ami can do such work as quickly and expeditiously and much better tlian thesamplo bill sent this office milton sun so far so good friend sim glad to learn that you are able to turn out work equal to thafof other county offices but your saying the sun can do the work referred to is by no means proving to the public that you cam do it when the inde pendents item was written the sun had never even attempted to execute a chroma tic poster and as far as our knowledge goes hasnt done so yet it will be time enough to tell youbrother he lies when you have given itangible proof that his expression was incorrect anothe compliment to miss williams we a ways take much pleasure in noting matters relating to the success and welfare of residents of our town or county and it is with much satisfattion that we give place to the following item concerning miss clara williams daughter of i b williams esq glenwilliams the now celebraled vocalist we are proud to hear of the great success attending miss williams aud join her numerous- friends here in extending our heaviest compliments the steubenville ohio daily gazette of theulth inst says the entertainment given in the grand opera house in this city before a large and cultivated audience last evening was the best that has been given in many a day the leading attraction being the singing of miss clara williams a young lady from canada and who we understand has recently gradu ated at thejboston n e conservatory of music which was simply delightful and fairly captured the audience her selec tions were rendered in the englishgerman and italian languages she shows an even n ess of tone remarkable with such compass of voice while in the matter of flexibility she seemed ble to do just what she pleased making most facile transitions and main taining throughout the warmth and natur alness which are the chief charms of such performances we predict for this ydung canadian lady a most brilliant future we are pleased to note that mr j harry- wheeler her vocal teacher has becured miss williams services iin his normal teaching during his stay in this city that note from limehouse to the fedttprjpf the fiuir pmsbb diuit 8tui i wish to make a fev re marks reape sting a letter in the last b lue of the free phesh entitled a note jfi m limehouse in the first place the aiit tor asks what ou sent the salvation at ny down here for well it was probawy to try and ooiivoit home of tho respeioti ble sinners of limeliouseand vioinity ni ng which i olasi the writer of the or tiolo lor it 4s okbily soenby the statements- whijoi he makes that 10 is hot what is tormei a ohristian ever sinon the time of christ there havo beenjsome who have looked kt ion his religion as a piepo of the iph est buffoonery and a regular nuisance d it is the case yet in thiannlightened ninete ith century the bible tells us thtttweaij to praise uim with all kinds of instrijm its of musio so i conoludb that the very offensive big drum is included as weli as the cornet band of which the very i 6ti en- sivo big tlrim forms a part and thjen the writer goes oil to talk of persecution p ell i think thatwheb any religious organ za- tion is distur qed or in any way triedl to be put down it is usuall called persect t on what should his letter be called if hoti i e se- cutiou an 1 in the noxt place he g x ft on to say something about a prayer ng i buppobe according to his ideas pri er- moetings are only intended for greyha ded men and women young men and wpiiieii are not want a there at all it appears i hat they have no thing at all to do with rel ion and lastly i he takes the advice of d fr lend he will not try to stamp it out for jw hen god is on thiir side he is more tlian all that can be i rought against them biii j ivill immediately surrender himself to tho n eek and lowly st viour in whose interest the army is so cftrnestly working yours truly afiu4 limehousi 1 uly 22nd 1885 i nojpesi and comment decaying wood the sanitary eug ntet says is an msafe thing because il is a great assistaait in tho contraction of yellow and typhoid fevers the canada jorne rifles the hotel keepers of hamilton lavqr raising the price of whiskey aud kiulred spirits to lj cents per glass consnq uenp upon the increased duties no doubt tuitj- ed action will taken by the liceused vie tuallers throughout thb country rcssita is on the move toward hferat but india is all right lord randolph chnrchill snys the government has jfeard of their mo rementstjhid lord salisbury u acting thej art of david eopperfieldsfeteii fatherhe s studiously friendly verv firm but k d- rmj purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individuauyor collectively acquainted his mr wcook of toronto is- visiting aoton friends mr james moore jr is rusticatiug witlt i to be cap- friends at king u shultz s miss minnie swan visited friends in cor milton j guelph this week a torontlo paper remarks it will be to the lasting lisgraceof canadians that they have stood ly by while our neighbors have set spirt their side of the riveir at niagara jfa lis as a national park forever no satisfacxry reason for neglect oij our part hasbcen offered sut judging by fcthqr b i things in connection with the canijidiau bide we would imagine the political iwire- pullers jhave prevented government -ac- tion t under certain conditions thegoverr ment propose to reward our volunteers wild took part in so pressing the north west rebel lion by ia rant of 320 acres of land or 30 in scripj which will be received in payment of government iandb located any where manitoba theannual pensiort fprihu tenantcol mel is to be 81200 major i 800 captain siooj lieutenant 9286 con peusation of minor officers and men rane from lli per day to 15 cents the wid 3w of a soldier or officer who has been jkiled or dies wihinl2 months will treciiik hjalf his pension merriman a falling met 8or on friday tvening last abjont a quarter to nine a number of our citi ns witnessed i phenomenon of great brillian cy and beauty in the shape of a falling neteor the lumhious body seemed to fall a mile or bo soutiieast of own but in reality it must have landed m any miles away as despatches from niagara falls aridtfougl ikeepsie n jfr refer to its appearance from those placfes the meteor ii self resembled a huge bright silver ball of electricity xting distinct electric sparks in front of it and leaving a tailof fire bel lind it the guelph ierald changes hands mr h go nmer for somt time manager of the gnelpl i hera hi has purchased the entire busine s of the heral i j and is now conducting it ander his own right and title ty this chan e the leakwhi sh has for years caused the old ship to all bi t sink has been closed up j ai d we are per maded that a brighter future is in store f r the htraul there is a profitable business to be done and we expec t to see the het aid accomplish it i it hasla evy goodstaff i ndits job room stautls seconl to iione ye wish friend gummer iabundant success in his new relation a good joke on the doctor 1 the berlii newsgets off ibont as rjch a joke at the espence of dr b cgarvin invthe following pa agraph as we h ive come across for some timb the etor aal fitness of jt lings seems to be illustrated in the jstatenant that dr mcgarviu of acton has d hated thirteen acres of land for the pthpo sd ol a public cemetery vehave often 1 leard the state ment that to see a doctor iiead a fimeral procession r irqinds oneiof a merchant being ms own pan lboy but her 3 the good and land acton 1 irother throws ill his rivals in the shade j we would niydd that dr mcgaryins ao that i stiggestt i at all i hes cf that line oi business his w w to provide a place of jinter- meiit awiy erom ty centr i of population isbthat tl e iealthof oar ci iizens miglit not e red bylurtbe interments iu in fm he art bf- idea was gone out intention be ehdan m miss ella freeman of trafalgar is visit ing friends in acton mrs b freemaii trafalgar paid her acton friends a visit this week mrs w d beardmore spent a couple of days this week with toronto friends mr vm mcleod the popular reeve of georgetown was iii town on monday mrs h jenner 8r has been visiting toronto friends for the past week or so mr geo rogers of gloversville ni y has been visiting here during the past week or two mr robt shortreed of nassagaweya leaves this week for british columbia where he intends to settle rev a b demill principal of demill ladies college oshawa was jhe guest of jmrw h storey yesterday j mr john hogg guelph arrived home last night much improved in health and appearahco by his trip to australia dr batiullo of brampton is about to re move to toronto he has spent- 30 years of professional career in the former town mrs c c speight returned home from markham last thursday miss emma speight accompanied her and is visiting her many f rieuds here i i mrs a w green who baa been ill at the residence of friends in nelson for a couple of months returned home last- week much improved in health mrs g endacott drunibo out will kindly accept our best thanks for a- beauti fully arranged bouquet of choice cut flowers which hadbeen included in the exoelleut assortment which so profusely decorated the methodist church in that town last sunday evening oh occasion of the annual flower seryicesuperintended by rev t a moore from 75 cents to 2 50 a tj iiisoe try i hharding grocer forjflonr ilnd feed hats fyfs scotch english aud canadian suiting aref variety at the east end clothih g tore j iyfe acton j suit and overcoats at extrcjthely low rates anc made in latest styles besure to call ai d see them j fyfe acl t ii harding grocer- has tjecured control of the sale in acton of tlie celebjrat ed roller flour of nicklius speedvale mils guelph ind is prepared to supply air ms tomers a high finanoial authority of this country recently i prouiounced these three charaotor capacity capital as tho ohief elements of success in the career of men aqd whilo all were con sidered requisite he puj the relative vulno of etcli in the order in which it is plaoed applying this principle to- the business of dry goods it means cliaraotov first character that makes a ntansnomo the synonyln for probity honor and commercial safety char notor that will cause a rrian to wlhere to utith ivei nt mi apparent sacrifice chnracter than will scorn hypocritical pretensions iuul deceitful methods cbjiiiiclurtliat onsiiresa gord repute for a in m i gifnorally estimated ut his tiue worth character that will make a man inllexiblo in piiiiciple vet kiiidlycon- sitlrnt hil syinpathetic towards all cmiaricit pt eo ord makes a yuan a siiiteiluiitsworlliy uf 6ied ence character that will demand and re- oeive the confidence of those with whom tie comes in contact capacity second capacity tndi- reat control to master details as well ki i b acquire a broad view of general principles j capacity to keep expenditure within the healthy scope of income capacity to understanding wants aud desires of the times capacity to say a decid- ed yes or no as occasion re quires capacity to ct mprehedd and act on the fnd that his woild was created to be occupied bya few others besides the man himself capital third uapial to meet en gagements promptly and punctually to take advantage nf every benefit accruing therefrom and of every phase of the market capitil that will open every door and avenue to the man of business and cause hiri to stand firm during limes of depression and diffi culty these three nni all great but the greatest of them all is character please note we tire in constant receipt of novelties and have just opened out some specially cheap lines in every department staple and fancy dry goods m iuihery dress making and clothing e rboilleet 27 lower wyndham st now or never beg to inform the residents tf halt ii leave acton sho jl that i am about to ly and those desiring a first- class should not fail to ckli at once dont delay but come l ow and avoid therush t i v v 1 n inueist j as nem j ove e potafe tof fopiid ded following vefdic jt tturi the said btig had doiqcie h by tibwiag the yseedn jpart f f ti grai pur paris greeri obtained ati mc- garvins drug store this sliors minimum the ihla deaii thirfe m the cause death tained in its bargains require purity at the- to ob- h halton det o00ds agjotojsf neer before in canada wilute ggops ofbfered so cbeap as w are offering them t shirtings t hat were formerly splendid upwardi muslins and lawns beautiful patterns in color cream and white at 7c and upwards worth 20c we are selliup quality at 5 and gc embroiderys at 3 and of four hundred p itterns to select from 4 for 124c cottons a yard wid 5c worth 10c priutsat 5c and dress goods at 8cjahd upwardv 250 cabinet s photofe from 8250 per- dozen up life size crayon poitrais made from old pictures or a special sitting fgrisec my new combined music rck aud easel c w hid thecradle hemhuujbt in milton on the 13th july thu wifebf mr g a hemstret pljotor graphe r of a daughter haoaiu day brid mr ond t c hagamah to emma s daughter of mr john bealb the b ride iscousin of the misses stajfford of this place yorkc the altar ibeas at oakville on tllurs- 2nd july at the residence of the es father by rev d e brownell sec- j oaarcjl tbaliwho are suffering from the elrors and ind scretions of youth nervous reak- ness early decay loss of manhood dc i will sen 1 you a recipe that will joure you erfle 3f charge this greatremedv wasdis jovered by a missionary in eoutli americi send a self addressed envalope to the i iev joseph t ixman statimd ly guelpb cl0th lihal we have a 3 choice a stock as can be found in any city find it pays to always keep the best and most stylish goods and we sincerely th ink the ladies of acton and vicinity for t heir liberal patron age this spring by such vfeare greatly jencon aged in our effort sin introducing a finer class than hercito ore kept in acton of dry goods and millinery ge3stts lfuiblst white io- bargains in gioy am miiiuilsiieilt and we are doing the trade ssi2sros c on lis i for regatta shirts j cllulbldcoltars and cuffs f stylish ats j and i caps goods that you can rely on thefeest and che atpest stock dry goods and boots i shoes jand groceeiies r0 we 3eat them ll ifryuand new thevirtue of carbolic aciilj for healing cleansing and purifying is well known but from the many modes of applying it the public is uncertain how best to use it to meet that want mcgregor u parkes carbolic cerate is prepared and may he used with confidence do not be niisled take oiily mcgregor parkea carbolic cerate sdld at j e mcgaryins drug 1 store acton 16 ptassbfis yellow olll cures rheumatism freemans worm powders iajoplcasnnttotrlw contalnthoir wtt curative laa ialii sure andietec bi deoa vixr 6t worms in children or ad ilu drdcd niiiyle found on 6 rarck howell cog new thi8 vurtkln slreiul0 sprade tsjvleatowjttb ooatrac mar be made for it in nbw y uilh tonjp pec all- 1 suitings beautiful designs 1 2 different shades shawa merchant ta if a tew graipsot common sense cot idbe infused into the thiol r noddles of thos who perpetually and alternatelv irritat weaken their stomojehs and bowels lirastic purgatives highly accredited not tonie notthrop b l finan veifefabk crunt y lors oualp i and with they would nt the licalthfullaxatn sand dib overyaml dyspeptiboure which t mses gooil digestion to vait an appetite aiid health on both i 32 h c b 8c 4 3vc y cy hake a specialty of- be convince griffin k ijeaiing wholesale and retail carpet dealers 48king street ieafetj amfltorii fine brusi els carpets pine taj cstrv carpets fin vool carpets fine cocoa maliting bf strenglish oiklc ths yds wide best linoleums 4 yards wide fine lace cut tains fine madras curtains fine tape btry curtains best quality the rubbefb fine tuifjomao curtains iefinq tjpestfy coverings ifine furniture coverings fide curtain poles fine chain bands best quality ci rpet sweepersr best quality sprng rollers j fine stair rods fine shale poles best panrlilowest prices r j mckay ii r 48 ktng trpet east hamilton i dominion boot shoe zjaisrisrersr 1 have edw their spring stock oomplete in all lines and are offering vttl ia m the following g ntsl bootsuna skoes ladies shoes and the public extra lippersi boys shoes in great varletv girls shods in ueat variety childrn9 shoes of evei y kind shppen truuki i etd always uistock goof assortment oi ir ordered ytork es tho best of satisfaction repairing ueay aud carefully j erformed we can buit you gall i t 1 wsmsm awmncbniifijui store kenney bros ial fta

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