Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1885, p. 4

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mr 11 is si ii a il l mftr j- it iv j v s i tx hi 11 fi t 5 1 i tnunsiut mhsii jttyh litftv mx little man interesting tlterqi scieiico tl ivt can i know a little hero whoso face is brown with taii j but through it shines tho spirit that makes the boy a man i a spirit strodk and sturdy a will t win the way j it does nsgbod to look at rum and watfli him day by day he tells me that his mother is poor and sews for bread shes such dear rood mother tbolit- thefellow said and then hte eyesishono brrghter god blessfthe little man i and lie addell cfuse i love her i help her till i cari ah thats the thing to do boys to provg the love you bear to the mother who has kept you in long and loving care 1 make 11 he burdens lighter help lier every way you can pay the debt you j owe her as does my littlo man j i indejxndenl there tojday tlltuio til no remedy k oxcol lr of wild strawberry as u morbuy diarrjiccn dyso of sunimor oijuplaiut or adults iown to medical fowlorvjfrlraot cure for cholera itery or ahy form ifrlictnik children l frequent am loynnrr many icople suffer from distressing sick hcadachop and bilious a occurence whioli a bottle blood bi iters would on dlates bipod to thrltoht more or moots with a better bale than does dr berry of coipplaiuts everybody airbrake j yes sail paid uuclo zach iw watched it forty years an its as i sez de fusfof may an christmas day of da same year allers comes ou de same week day furthercouversatiou proved uncle zach a most incredulous person chancing to mention dr carvers feat of breaking glass balls with a rifle he said j i heered boat dat shootin and knowed right off it wasnt squar dat was i ism- kee trick boss shos you born i what was the trick j dar wuz loadstone put into de glass balls an likewise onto de bullets so wheu de bullet flyouteu de gun it an de ball jes drawed tergedder which in course brokes de glass datsde trick later uncle zach observed a rope run ning along the ide of the car boss whats dat line fnr to apply the airbrake in case of acci dent then we had further to explain how the force of the brake was obtained to which uncle- zach responded look a here boss you sholy dont spect me bleeve dat foolishness why de biggest hurricane whatever blowed couldat stop dis train runnin forty mile a hour an yon think i gwine to b leeve a little pipe full of wind under de kyarscan do it no sahree there are a great many uncle ziiclis who judge everything simply by appear ances the airbreak does not seem to be a very powerful thing but power and efficiency ar not neoessanly equivalent to bigness and pretense i jphilip beers esq who resides at the united states hotel new york city and is engaged in raising subscriptions for the new york world bartholdi pedestal fnnd was once upbraided by a distinguished relative who was a physician for commending in t such enthusiastic terms a remedy that cured bain of bright s disease eight years ago he said sirhasthe medical pro- fession with all its power and experience of thousands of years anything that can cure this terrible disorder no no that is true there is no mistake about it but that warners safe cure w really a wonderfully effective preparation that remedy isan airbrake that every man can apply and this fact explains why it has saved so many hundreds of thousands of lives copyrighkd tfsed by permiiiion of ameri can rural home i am from dyspepsia audtrijd all known reme dies and tho best medical skill v of my a quaint nice but stiu a aetcil v ixrly so week i oau lajimija itenib mmm ww mmt great june sale if dry flows on thursday lirst the gold itabks of froqueut or two of burdock iirely remove it tho stomaoh 1 liver boyols and a healthyactioii j wc open hi enlion atjreniph it 8 no proparamo i before the people hint cominaridi their cohfidouoo fowlers extra at of wild straw- the infallible roi iedy for all forms hardly move all run dowi with a chroiiio summer comj piaiut i aid one gentle nan to another ou dur stree tho othor day now take my advice replied his friend go to your druggist and get a- bottle of dr fowlers eixtract of wild strawo srry i never have known it to fail in ci riug any kind of sommer complaints i had lor years been a miserable sufferer lowur illlv of our great summer side bolngdctcrmin at tho end of tl ulv williamson sails foi givingu id to soil nil ourtsummcr stock i8 month the british ma as ksts over one hundred pieces lovely arcadia jsiuslins at 6 aud 6 cents a yard worth 12i cents l jive hundred pieces doube struck dress satteen in all shades ljj cents worth 20 conts j summer silks in endless variety 42 cents silk gloves from 25 cents j 300 dozen of the best josephine kid gloves 25 bents sold elscwheiont 5100 i i i price is no object at tliia sale when y u enmu to our city beware of going to those secondhand stons como direct to inairmwpmianamlbcas h b ilavin boot istid business in a con will offer at cost and under parties dosirous of securing bargair swill find it to the dry goods king grew worse until unable ti eat anything vithout great guf- furing or do any kind qf work i began to tiink there was no hoc for me and that i must surely die when like a drowning n lan catc ling at a straw determined to give bicgregors speedy curis a trial i at orace begau to improve so ripidly that iutlwo cionths i wasas well as i had eveijbeeu in my lifewm evkrs li minotox sold by ljr mcg iryiu druggist free trial botth advice to mother i j are you disturbed at night and lurokcno yjdur res by jisick ciild suffering aid crying wjith pain of cu ting tcethj if bo send at once and get a battle of mrt win- glows sotttiny syr tip toi children tlcetluim its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de- pendnpon it mothers there is nc mistake about it it cures dyser tery and diarrhoe i regulates the stomach md bowels curt a wind colic softens the gums re luces in- faammati on and gives t me and tnergy t the whoh system mrlvuilwc syrup jor children tectuwj is pi sasant t the taste and is the pro criptiou f one oi the oldest and best female nurses md phyj sicians iq the united st ites and is for sale i dangerous fits areoften caused by worms freemans worm powders destroy worms arouse the liver when torpid with national pills agood antibilious cathartic sngareoated 4 au well pleased the children like dr lows pleasant worm syrup and parents rejoice over its virtues 4 a lady writes i have jused ayers sar- saparilla in my family formany yers and could not keep house without it for ithe reief o the pains consequent upon female weaknesses and irregularities i consider it without an equal j halls vegetable sicilian hair eenewer never fails in restoring gray hair to its youthful color lustre and vitality dr a ai hayes state assayer of massachusetts endorses it and all who give it a fair trial iujiite in grateful testimony to itsmay vir i r cholera and all summer complaints are soquick in their action that the cold hand ef death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do not delafy in getting the proper medicine try a dosj of dr j d eellogs dysentery lordial and you will get immediate relief it acts with wonderfnl rapidity and never fails to effect a cure j t an inttxtblcfor the jioisouous germs of disease are lurk ing in the air we breathe and in the water we drink the system should be kept carefully purifiedandiil the organs toned to proper actioij this can best be done by the regulating purifying audi tonic powers of burdock blood bitters years ofexperience and successful trial have proved mcgregor parkescatbolic cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healing old sores fester- ings ulcers cuts wounds burns frost bites- or feloni and for keeping out the cold and to cleanse or prevent proud flesh sloughing or decay j insist on having mc gregor parkes carbolic cerate sold at 25c by dr mcgarvin 3 mpllttwnjt ointment and pilqs will be found the best friend to personsy afflicted with ulcerations bad legs sores abscesses fistulas and other painful and complicated complainte printed and very plain direc tions for the application of the ointment are wrapped round each pot houoway alterative pills should be taken throughout the progress of theeure to maintain the blood in a state of perfect pltftty and to prevent the health of the whole body beirig jeopardised by the li cal ailments f bad legs old ages great gjrie ahces aj thus readily cured without conf ning the patient to bed or withdrawing froii him or her the nutri tious diet and generous support so impera tively demanded when weakening diseases wk iadvanced year or constitutlohb evincing premature decrepitude by all d ruggists throughout tl pjrice 25 cents a bottle 44 fluid liighthing is siiiiply a nnrvellous bheumatic remedy- i was for tip o months ik cripple unablo to get 6 it of the house ere m sciatica one battle gave me nstant relief and placed me on my feet gain hdvejdriveu fdurteen miles today something i oonld not possibly havedone vere it not for fluid lightning for the i sxpress purpose of proqi iring another bottle so says wm distfp ci nanoque only 25 ents pel bottle at dr 1 icgarvins 3 few are the renjedh s whose beneficial nalities and real merit have made them so popular with the pu lic aud increased rom year to year their c nsumption which whilst possessing tie rrost valuable reme- tial properties jare yet so simple in their compound and so easy to take as the ijuinrne wine prepared by northrop d lyman f toronto t lis article is prepar- from the puresulplu te of quinine com- ined with fiu cherry wiue and choice raatics winch relieves the quiuina of its fitter taste and does not impair in he 1 jast degree the efficacy the patient yhile sma epeated nuscula force and invigorate the tone of the nervous system and thus by tne gen eral vigor wlich it imparts creates an i ppetite nd energy against all infectious northro fc lymans j by all drpggiste e world of its action upon 1 doses frequently strengthen tho pulse jindrease the which give and the stomach tone tiiies the system diseases ask for uinine wirie sold 3 ayees hairl restore with the ylos and- freshness of yoiith ailed or gray iuijr to a natural rich brovni oloror tleep bln kasmaybedesirtd by its ilie light or red h ilr liiay be darkened thin ltair tlijckeued aud baldness ofte though not aluays cure itcliek8 falling of tl te hair aud stimu- latesa vjbak and sickly rrowth to vigor it prevenlsi and cures scurf and dandruff and heals i jarly very dlse ise peculiar to tba ecalp as a ladles hair dressing tho vicoit 9 unequalled it contains neither oil nor dj ij renders the hi ir soft glossy and silken i a appearance am imparts a delicate agreealle and lasting pe rfume jin cp bricher wr tej from kilty o july 3 lite ijist fall my uair commenced falling out nintl in a sliort timo i beenmo usarly bald j i used firt of a bottle of avkusj ilainviaonwt ich stopped the fall ing of the bair and stari ed a new growth i have now a full head of bair growing vigor- ously iiid mil convincfd that but for the use of your jilreparatiou i should havo been entirely bald j wi bownx proprietor of the mc arthur ohio cnquirer says tvebs haiii vigor is a most excellent preparation fortlie hair tspeaklof it from my cwn experience its use promotes tho growti of new hair and iiiakeslt glossy and soft thevigon is also a sure cure for dandrt ff not within my knowledge has the pre arstlon ever failed to give botire patlsfactloi i -mr- axgns fairdaibk leader of the celebrated fnirbairn lamily of scottish vocaliats writes from 1 dtlon man feb 6 1880 ever since my hi ir began to give sil very evldencaof the cl inge which deetlng tinio pttocnrejh i have used ayees haib vioob and sb hate bee a able to maintain sii appehrance of youthf llness a matter of eonsiderahle consequcne to ministers ora- tors actors mid in fact every one who lives in the eyes of i the publtd mrs p a pbescoiir irritlag trom 18 elm fit oidfitttokn mtui tpril u18s2 says two ears ago about t otulrds of my hair came ot it thinned vet y rapidly and 1 was fast grc wing bald ou islng avers hair viooajie faaiimj- commeiced andl was coi ipletepy covered irlth short hair it edltof luu con innod before i fell ofthevlflob a dress ig iiji we bare hundreds ofj similar testimonial to the ifllcacy of ayeis haievigoe it needs bi it a trial to conv ice the moet skepti cal of its value drj grow i cayerco soldbyalhbjgliu peepabi b7 dis now as good as i regular used but one bottle but now u w it occasionally as no old goods kpi here msns ttteed suits at 600 the woitdea of jdwilliamson health fjoj5 all hollowaies pills am ointtment the pills purify the blood correct all disorders of the l1veu stomach kidneys and dowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions ant are complaints iucidontslto females of all ages they arc priceless invnlujithlc in all for childrcnand tilie aged the ointment i is an infallable lemcdy for bad legs bad ijieasts old wounds sores aud ulcere it is famous foroout aud rheumatism for disorders of the chest it iras uopqual p0e 50re thh0ats br01t0hiti2 coughs coi j3 glandular swellings- and all skin diseases it hasno rival aud for coturacteil arid stiff joints it acts like a charm manufactured only at thomas holloways establish oxford stroct london co rbh sprin1g groods which astonish every customer oii hand all parties indebted to ino will exueuse expense it 73 nor oxford street late 533 aud aie sold ut is ljtl 2s 9d 4s od i u 22s and 33s each box jr vo and may be had of all medicine yeudoisthoughout the world 5purchasers should look to the label on the iotsanu boxes if the r 533 oxford street london they are spurious enff address is riot 1 1- sfe ore lowell mass tbe dominion boot shoe ikiieittier ibros have now tlieir spring stock complete in all lines uiid arc offerinf tlieftublic extra value in the following cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slippers boys shoes in creat variety j girls shoes in creat variety childrens shoes of every kijnd rubbers slippers truukb etc always instock good assortment ourj ordered work gives the best of satisfaction repairing neatly and carefully performed lardine ti and solebt be 1 haa of which will be business mccarthy decided to giv i his entire stock ire tho stock boaomes reduced a full stock of ffered at prices ease cull and settle their accounts and thereby save h i mcarthy farmers or reaping oqnmnogrit an 3 nd mowing machine oil wiil 7oar longer tian any otiter oil k maxurutiinees mcqoll brs co toronto ioll hale at v mccarvins drut store springtweede wo we can suit you call kenni speight son acto undertakers carriage makers c bros are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the best casket sspall calls either night or dy promptly attended faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire to the plainest on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms bast lad dlitiing store fashi0n1ble tailoring a pine assortmeni rurdock east id cloth our garmoats are kado jjrfect fitting and in tie laflst artistic designs coffin to satis- clearing summer up his ik icrand trunk goiso ibt ikxeii oloaui- exiribs 710 am fassjnmij 1102 nm tliroachkx 517pii acconi coach llliopin chiciaso express does not auf toronto- time 01 closing jiaits going west 1040amail sopjii goipc east 1040 am ftjid 520 pm railway going wust kkpvcss12j7 ain etpres- j ntu ml- sdjpm hliccibj jopm- acoisr coach 800 ain- topljctwtcn ouejjh i- eufflibh mail closes at lojj aiuoir wednesday canadian pacific railway w i to all ioikts east and west i their own dvaiituo to call 8arly machines use condensed time taule hjle toronto to detroit cliicago and manitoba i stlouis ex kiciflcex localex toronto 10 am 1 2 pm 4 lopm utratsvillejimsflo- 19 5 20 stthbinas 1205 pm 5 25 8 55 detroit 2 45 h 30 g 30am ciiicig6 7 30 am 7 55 55 pm wimjipog700 daily except monday tovonto to montreal quebec andboston i limited ex montreal ex toronto- s25am 7 55 pm ottawa g07pm 5 17am montreal- 9 42 b 50 quebec 6 30am 050 pm boston 8 yoam brampton to streets ville junction braulnton 7 22aru 104 pm stretihsyille jct ir 125 brainpton to oxangeville and owen sound brampton 037 am r 5 45 pm orangoville 1105 g57 oweu sound c30pin 10 20 purcliase your tiqkets by this nejw and p6ptflab linfe i -j-frolt-i- f ticket aijent acton ontario health is wealth and ci t hills sted coatings and series at the ng store of spring hats also on harid curcsdizzhi s loss of aj petite indigestion biliousness jyspepsiau aundice affec lions of theliver and kidncysf j pimples miches boils humors salt rheum scrofuldi erysipelas end all diseases arising from impure bloody deranged stomach or irregular action of the bowels- discount sale 3we are in a position tosatisfactorily til orders for watsons carriages c of very description in reasonable time gooaworkmanship and ftratclnss rhaterialalways used we have also a splendid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap jstif you will pay us cash- we will selyou anything in our hnechjeapr j a speight manager 63hatton garden london and 246 st james st arontjreai ground scientifically from clear and pure pebble or oplicairjlms- especially mvuifacturcdfor thepwpose tliey am without exception bexi qdipted to rex- tore the ravages of age and to retain perfect vision they recommended by the most eminent faculty j livery pair of spectacles anil eyeglasses is marked e mchrvbt drtjfqlst sole a gent for aqt0n ont mammoth h we hegtdfiundui shali continue until saturday kight the 15th day of august the discount off millinery oh any of tre goods being ordered on all other tory ottjon and cotton yarn this ib a gei uine clearing dis the leading lines clothing material ount ndryqoods millinery our millinery dressmaking anl or4 seasonable 0oods ait remal low e a thd immeube bargains which watkinof the right house is offeri i in the white goods department js surprising i 1 j l xt 1rj 111 mi nfr k if till qmion fyinrra vn inortrxtro link department last week nice victoria lawns at 10 1ij 12j up to 25c cords fancy white dress goods urillinuts ut remaikubly low prices a large lotof white hair cord checkedmuslinfrhtlsc- worth 51c worth 25c a lot of spotted muslins alsc worth 20c brilliant i at l0o worth 12ic brilliants it l2ac worth 17c iy ill meabi someilot of embroidered canvas cotton dresses very cheap see the n w libe of embroidery suitable fir iufants under gear guipare the ladies underclothing is all manufactured by watkitis and sold by him jat wholesale prices whitejskirts from si dresses infants embroidered muslin ltobes and dresses in an eleg4nt i nriely all- classes of cotton underblothirig mc haviug an immenee sale see the splendid corset selliugat 50c ever pair of croinptons cojjaline corsets are giiaran prencl arid english corsets in the bestmakes mens and boys white audjpojoretl shirts j being inanufhctureisof thes see the speoia lot of unlaundered white shirts nt 670 each nr 8 for iayy blue aiidgroy laeeup shirts i also and boys underclothing in merino gauze and cotton very cheap ia per yard mull swhis checfes use ceorgetown ce that on friday ou iv 17th mant goods wit r readymade c c fchipg x our stonk to cessful our mattrial and hands in all th we take this means of reduci w inter importati ins the prices in any place in canada and in m i ly cases vastly saving to whoever patronizes us make room jor qur barge fall and df tho oods air nadylaro as cheap as tney can be cot cheaper so it will bo an immense the sale is for cash mcl r produco io d anderson go nainsuoks einbio deret houseia nos 30 and 32 king street east apd the name is ainilton july 2nd 1885 mes bargains are to bekeen in the dress i am 55c u to the teomi3 x wttejnsrs ekfflmr9twtbei pipnhrhiiipiwwfl es july we aireaci y made dp 50 per cent the sred clot ling departments were never so suc departn ents being al i the hundreds cliemisesfiom45o drawers corset covers night prder oromptons celebrated corecte are wear yell or money refunded they ar sold at less than wholesale prieea reniiis shirts made to ladies gents de to ced to goods jawu oods lepartni int a lot of allwotll dress goods exception of fac- sale t le stofk is a 1 irge one and contains all material mantle material dress material carpets boots and- shoes mushns s ard dreas gi ods at 8 10 mi irsi ni t hite ysshiug shall begin a discount sale and it 25 io io it lmc jf customers india muslins ip all colors- p k 20c a lot of goft ifaipsooks at 8eethbsebargnins a yerjrhad- embroidery hats patte best goods ouse da e c wests nekte axi biiais tbeat ifljnt a guaranteed specific for hysteria dizzi nebs convulsions fits nervous neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused bythi use oi alcohol or- tobacco wakefulness llenta depression softening of thebraiu resulting ii insanity and leading to misery decay and death premature old age barrenness loss of powe- in either sexi involuntary loises aud sperma torrhoea caused by over exertion of the brail elfaouse or overindulgence each box con taiurione months treatment onedollarabox or six boxes lor five dollars scut by mail pre paidou receipt of price we guarantee sixboxe i to cure any case with each onwr received b us for six boxes accompanied with five dollars tvewill send the purchaser our written guaraintei to refuud the money if the treatment does no effect a cure guarantcesissued only by joh c west co sole proprietors 181 183 web jiladison st chicago 111 sohjby j e mcgarrii ciii mommsmm a n pjvj iiiwsi a book of 100 pages the best hook for an advertiser to con sult be he expert enced or otherwise itcontalns lists of newspapers and estimates of the cost of advertising the advertiser who d egi invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- user- wants to spend one dollar finds in it the in formation he regulres while forhim who will vertlstag a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement or can be made to doso by slight changes easily arrivedat tnjeor respondence- 149 editions have been issued sent postpaid to any address for ipcenta write to geo ip eowell co newspaper advertising bureau 10sprueestpriiitirighousesq newvovlj kin ac j thskostdaligatm sum t silaoe 8tanibii loweuf sonr trips pip week bstweta detroit and mackinac and hvary weak bay btwaen detroi and cl writ for our picturesque mackinac illustrate obatalna pau partiralar hafledpre detroit cleveland steam nav co c d whitcomb acn pas act detroit mich who patronized this n white and creme manhood bow lost mow restore we have recently published a ne- r edition of pr culverwells celt brated essay on the radical an issmmm permanent euro iwithoutmcdiciue of neryous debility mental and physical incapac ity impediments of marriage etc resulting irbjn excesses 2price in asealed envelope oulv 6 cen pr two postage stamps the celebrated author in this admirable es say clearly demonstrates from tliirty years successful practice that akrmiug consejueuc s may be radically cured without the dangeroi s use of internal medicines or tho use of the knif i pointing but a mode of cure at oho simple ce tain and effectunl by meads of which evei y sufferer ho matter what tiis coiidition may b s may cure himself cheaplyprivatelv aud radicall this lecture should be in the bands ol every youth aud every mail iu the laud address the culver well medical vo post office t3ox 430 i- rv 4 i t i ifive ii acl qyniijbj invariibi 415 perivd tinupd till optipntoftf ousicoli haucolji quklrter i gisuale nrstlnsartl sequent ul reqtonea hi scale of bol iidverlsl will- be iii ingly t lnjadvaqc 1 onong inllthe thevwlll 1 ber of 0ol offioei freaerjclj hi surgeons i aocoucjia oizkjet esesof lj lb a c 1 i newsyitd monly caj teeth wltl strator al college oj ir ronsmayj inany tol acton till i each mpa f vital folpftw offitfeof 1 tovells 5 diggi j m toronto teethrd rates jj ingcanl have been air for tu ing the pj imy sayl sc tosn o tari veterinal inkennj 1 dence ill 1 soundnes all call edtb 1 zk- vimh barrisd 4 i ahcers m i 3 j atjio a- barriss j eraetoij a j r ti oi square i vbi a e okficki lington a alley ri john h wlliij i ptij 20 yea 4 f bali fr stj geoil i i periodicl btohd r r tanos 12i and 15c worth n millinery less than uemember the right nnesota north dakota won- tar- washington and oregon from lifo r- rior tto snget soiiml liicci raglnn chleflylrom i to 8 per acre i h to 10 years time this is the best countrj c securing gbod homes now open lor settlerhoht vff 32 0 ncres of governmeni u gxiuid free under the howestia g 10818433 acres ob kobe thai half of all hie public lauds disposed of in 1883 wore in the northern pacific cqnntrv books n mapb sent fbee ilescriblnj the noriberi pacific conntrytuo railroad lauds for sale ai thefbbbgovernment lands addresscha8 b lambobhundconir t3 b h stpaul mian

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