Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1885, p. 1

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1 i i asle liway li47 aw lli uui 5vjm i mmll lvwci koft in wctu guclpli pm n ve4ncsuay tail wiry 1st ad manitoba toeal 6x i loivni s so 55 6 30 atu 5 5 pm xlondav f i lid boston ionlrol ex 7 vi ptii i fiaan s m 50pui s so turn fuictioh 4 61 pan 4c5 owtii sound 5 t5pm 5 57 10 20 tiy this lb- line iniario ialth 18pobltbhkd 1 every thursday morning at the j i free press power prin1nq hoij8e acton ontario 50 ct8 subscription rates onkvkar ijioo- six mosths- tllrkr months 85ctb llivariably in advance jiss 1 ycryekr will be charged no paper ducou- tinuect tfil all wrroarssaro paid- except at tub optioniof tbo publisher advertising rates space ouo columu half column d quarter column one iuch sm3o0o 35co j0a0 aoo s35f06 2000 121 350 3 mo sibuo lioo 700 jl00 1 mo ay00 lso 250 100 casual advertisements 4 cents vetumrtote first insertion aud 2 cent per lintffor each sub- isucnt insertion cash tbe number of hue reckoned bv the bpace occupied measui scale of bofid nonpareil uvertisonumt without specific wu inserted ail forbid and charged accord ingly transitory adverticmeuttjnu in advance changes for con tract aivertisouien 4 ust be mlsie office by 0 am ou moudays otherwise et will bo left over until the following week p moobb ii editor ainw rovnetor brajj4 biuix treat- hysseriatiii- ihs neuralgia caused by the fulness rental jin resulting in lixay and death 1 loss of tower and- sperma- of the brain i each- box con- se dollar a box by mail pre- sn teesix boxes lier received by th btc dollars itren guarantee i went does not i ojy bv john alh 1s3 west lugmcgarvin business direct tit h lowry ail bmips w graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons offico and residence ratthe head of frederick street actol i hewibstkk md cmmember of the college of physicians aud snrgeons of ontario physician surgeon acconcheur j ofhce mill st rksiihxce lajsphjl s hotel acton j i s b special attention riven tothe dis eases of women and children j l l bennett dentist tgeorgetown ontario 1 cofloo pages ist book for an tiserto con- he ezpeii- i or otheitrise land estimate kdvertiserwho ids in it the in- rbimwhowin i dollars in ad- itrhichwol or can ht node isreof b been issued pstor 10 cents ft co bdeeatj 45ewlori a c mckinlay l d s surgeon ji deutist georgetown ont nses tlie newsvsteni of citrous oxide gas com- i called vitalized air tbr extracting teethwithout paiu haying teen demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental sursieons torotito pat- roes mavdependuponreceiving satisfaction in any operations perfirmfed will visit acton the second and fourth wednesday of each month office a hotel t i tainless dentlioprlrations vitalised aii nitrous oxide gas for painless derttal operations at the office ot c b hayes l pi s tovells block gueljih ont upper wyudhaui street d iggs i ivory dentists south xv fcast corner king and streets toroptfl ontario finest and best set teets 95 to ss gpld filliiigs onethird rates leave order fpr teeth in the mom- ing tan have them the same day we have been administering hurds vitalized atr for the painless extracting of teethjdnr- ing the past year regard of what others may say tohn lawsongraduate of os- l tario veterinary college toronto j veterinar- surgeon actont3ht ofnce in kenny bios boot and she store resi dence in the rear horses examined as tb i soundness and certificates given j all calls night or day promptly attendr edto terms easy acton stor acton t y baimkin chklwe banehrsi jntnrio a geimra banking business transacted m01tet loaned on atpr0v1d n0tbs notes di8counted and interest a lowed on depc site j e aula line steimships tickets isated to all poiitsofgreftt ibrittin ai d the continent at very lovfest rtes bay the x herei canadian paciiig r acton coy co mgartinfs special acei4cy acton onl bell si jphone company message js re eived aud tra ismitted at low er rates than telegrtphiug sending for friends the cjheapkt and best pofn s erjst and west tables lionjoy save ty doaling with ii mcgarvin ttokets route to all see time r ontario cox stock brokers toronto slomlsers toronto stock sxchinkft have ihdept hdeht direct w ireby wl icli new york con inuons stock quotations re received rapidly than i by any ot aer source i j buy aind sel on commission for cash ou margin all securities deajt in on the toronto montreal i our vtowat uclean i barristers- solicitors notaries convey ancers dc jj2tiojieyi to loan iomck towu hall actoij j- i j a iowvr w a iclijvs p 3 gopdwillee 1 barrister solicitor notary public c uiwnretovrji acton e acton office i in mrs- secord is block ellingt stok exchaniree alsojexecutc orders in gra iiuud projis- 10ns on the ci ieago board 6 trade daily cable quotations of hudsons i lay and otper stock- 26 tof onto street in marble quebec st gdelfh k 4 hn h hamilto profribtorji innerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite a id everything pertaintrig to cemetery work deceived first prizes at provincial ex hibition guelh the- western airaud all localexhibitioas for excellent of material anl superior y of workmanship your orders are solibited lumber sh and lath john day architect t jivevrfr oxt oim queen s hotel block market square b ain laidlaw a co buuustehs solicitous oikicks over imperial bank m wel lington street east alley toronto jons bain q c william lupiaw entrance exchange i- c a maktex geoeoe kapelt mnac wd ihasleteit nav co j pas aor d hbliwjfed a jiev brssai8jcle- iheradical sod bctiacdiciue of ijhical incaimc- etc resulini r opiy fcient i daiirabie- jiiirty yearb couecijuences tilt dangerous bsef the knife webuijle cer eal which every liuition maybe tj-aedradjcally- r of eviety fei voik i 3 i patents secured for inventions jienry grist jottawa cjvnaia r years practice no patent no pay t71rancis nu successor totf chapman i bookintjer st georges square gaelph iontario p account books of all kinds made tp order periodicab of every description carefully bound rnlin- neatlyiand promptly- done 1 co i busin new york works n ngles ffhe uudersign 2d desires to in orm the public tbt he had now on hand aid will keep in rtock a full linojof tine and heiulock as well as other kinds of lumber also first aud second class fine shiujles lath i wood havingpurch ised the coal busiuoss of i mr c s smith i aril prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good hwflwobd ashjcedar and mill able- prices wpod and coal del j k help ii ess co i stock of wood ivood at rcason- ivered vmes b1iown gtjelph ontario o tttil hemstreet i licensed acctioxeeu i for tbie counties of weilihgton and halton orderf left at the fbeejpkkss office acton or at my residence in action will be promptly attended to terms reasonable i monet to loan also money to loau on the most j favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 500 and upwards n jsoti oregon ketsottnd 1 to io per acre be best oounlnr for tettlfaont vtohn j daley j tf successor to thompson fejaekson money to loan on arm property at per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties mortgages- and other security conveyancing in all its branches j properly and neatly jdone charges low i farntand city property for sale list with farms forsale sent to all parts of the j domipibn to intendingjpnrchaserfl and cir- cuhrted in europe ijuropean capitalists j wanting farms in qnfariowill be sent di- rectidns throogh onf letiropeaii j agencies parrris wanted for our lists gbrrespoti- dence invited office pear the post office guelth ont llece efersvoungmen and women the best facilities for acquiring a com plete training for business p irsuits bookkeeping commercinl arithmetic banking actial business practice busi ness correspmdence penmajiship l mercial law telegraphy shorthand cal- igraphy or type writing french hygiene and physiology are taught by the rriist practical and interesting rietiods 7 the staff comprises si experinced teachers and 1 lecturers the various departments i are elegantly atted up with the latest and i bestlapparatuk for businesacollege work stndentsmajfenterat any tirfle jfor a opy of the annual college circular address i i m maccormick 1 principal plaining mill arrangements with store it son for the if the lmnote ttor irsleans ttanlan barber shop a j p wqbden has opened a barber 3hop in the buildiiog nearly opposite storeyjs old glove factory wbil btreet acton andj solicits thf patron- ageof the public in this vicinity every department of the business will be conduct- f rtinfirstckssstylegriventftiball aving made messrijwlh continuance of jthe planing sjcill in the build ing ifortrrerly occupied by he acton plow company wt would inform we are prepared to take contracts for building j- -also- sbxssszxra flooring itotjldina with n5atnessand ovett 400 aches kindly soliciting a shars of public pat ronage we ae respectfally vnnra ypurs th os ebbac e manager fonthiu nurs iries j over largest in the dpmlnion acton onitaiiio thursday duly 0 1885 wip hjangings -with- borders to match parlora -for- sinlnsr rooms 1 ana halls onamhers the newest and best stock is at mr cuelph the acton people can see samples of my papers and borders at george hynds fancy goods store acton mr hynds will sell at my price j tj day mj dats b00s3t0ee new goods i bracelets bracelets j bracelets new stock beautiful patterns watches watches watches wittthani and elgin in gold and silver v cases i g0ld rings lockets eta etc just opened ne b savage r petries jsew irner store ojelph hilus tin stove depot good assortment of stoves cheap for cash tinware of all ktnds at i bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty c ht jicton fxu thcrsdav mohnino july 80l 1 85 poetry cm rally round the sen i te ho 1 ye whose hopes of fortune if e i had wellnigh yielded to despair through scott act triumphs here and there dry up you tei our glorious senate grants a snare of wines and b era our wild and heartless temperance foes j would send us out to work like tn so with bleary eyes aud blooming no e whose earning dear have given us easy food aud clothe 9 for many a yea r confound and blast their dark dei i hb the women too must raisetheir whiries- the little foxes spoilt the vines of long ago and so would these our beers and wnies- but no 1 but ni 1 free ill by yon great senates power to sep the sacred claims of liberty and help the cause that leaves met to drink their well soon avert the dire decree if money will and let us open wide ourjaws and grant the help of loud applatn e to champions bold of bucu a cause and let us all ou devils in their chains and yoes for joy to howl i 1 andlet the cdopera far and near whose cries aud prayers hive reacped i ofir of some kind demigod of bper j upsendj ashout their trade bids fair to struggle through with wine and the jeer 811 for grant us these and power to say twelve per cent of alcoholrj we ask no more a winklis all j we then requos old customers give us a dall j wellsuit yoiir jtastie then let the crimson liq lid flow aud pass the bowl and b al the voi well deal damnation ye by jaw i to y inng and 0 d no trembling cbiiscieuc us sliall jo ve 1 wei 0 aftr gol bbkhb farmersville out julj 1885 o story 3 t the idesqif mari i 1iy a1jce bcuuehl i it was the 5th of march andup equinoctial raged tlroughouv streets a young man had just sea avfth r jnui ture tie city edjiim- led hiin to in to the fever- lerc but old a sniff ions he and put up on shortest notice the public that sheeting eirst class material only r used a call solicited f i j c hill mill st r i carriage i painting self at his breakfast when some fjopd rpcol lection stole over him which vestigate the weather hs weii window and gazed at the sttrm increasing disma j gracious he eijacnlated pretty mess he scanned the heiveris in all directions but the outlook wasliope less catching lip the htmld he eagerly sought for old probs views on the snbjeit the clerk of the weather was waj- ff prob said clear and cold witl of contempt at such prognostica laid down the paperand devoted h msilf to his breakfast the door presently opened and lidmitted a small crisp old geutlemaii as uloo ning as a may morning in spite of his 66 yeirs moniing richard said he morning j seasonable weather eh richar same thing electric in a day like this stndu the blood tingling through your veins aid so on well whats the news iwar declared pass me the paper dick the old man 8 cheerfulness was 1 ingjnlar- ly offensive to fiichard considering hit own low state so he hastily swallowed his break fast ank straggled down town to buswess mumbling unpleasant things about the wea ther all the way martin datenpbi t i icks uncle was an importer in woods f r h3use holdinteriors he was wea thy an 1 a i ach elor if bne were to believ all ht sa d he detested women and daily declare i if dick ever married he mubt say oodb eta- his uncle bichard was hisbwkkee per on a blender salary test he should be led into temptation and in love with tho dearest girl in the world he had not to 3 lier so because all thing considered it wan use less his uncle enjoyed rude lijalth so there were slim possibilijtiefi in thtt direc tion the fact that connubial liss wi b cutof tlie question was not the immediate pause afhis perturbed spirit at thisyer rnent he was pacing the offide floor in a rage he had invited his fairest fair t aom y him to the play of julius cffisiir ai jisfatch salesmen wanted to begiii canvassing at 0 steady imployment to sur good agena are earning per month and eenses -v- ce on fall sales sfnlmen rom uq to j75 erms andtafc otojur fit free adilreas sroira nce8ebthen ccspeifiht piarties desiring their buggbs cuttehs repainted or re varnished and tc r id ode equal to new on shortest possible notitse ana lowest prices should leave their orders at oncb with mr j a speigl rtjnder- taker and carriage builder or with i c f ap5ig1 the undersigned has for saloasp of firstcta8s8hingjes no 1 per iquare cedirm i 1 shincles and wcod endid stock dar 17s no 1 pine 81 90 per sqjare no 2 uare also a large ced 11 1 per square also a large woe d bl u kinds from 1v25 a load a cord prime short 8ts traieatbottonnirices rt xiiuli v fcwsirjtftliat westan panyi booths theatre cbased days since his pocket as if his 1 tickets ere pnr- dick pulled tliem from hoping some miijacli 1 had hemight send yird lutj j lis in- he to chuckled the old gent email and he tui r ed his back on tho wretc ied young man apd ocqnpiod himself witl tli mail dick felt suicidal that sudden illness prevented him etc she probably wouldnt believe it plunged his handb ii ito the depths of trousers pockets he 1 tared at the rain ploringly and defiantly by turns as i could irifluenco the wather by one exnr siou or the other filially in despair he was about to gb workwhen a mossen er boy brought hi rt a letter the rending of vhich caused a gr r of delight to creep over hishandsornefi ie he lioaved a tremend us sigh of relief ppd murmured that wis a close shave what are you up to now dick hos a mau to read witl you snorting like steam engine dick davenports s nil was simply o r- flowing with gratitud and he was ready to pour forth the sequel bo his recent woepnd so he exclaimed impu isfvely such luck i vet letter from the youjng lady you knovw what young lady why the yonng ady i asked to g to booths tonight death in the family and begs to cused youre in clover dick oh no uncle it i biit here you fead it with a wry countei ance trie old geitfe man gingerly took the missive and read dear mr davenp rt in consequi u ce of the rain whioh ida not wibh to dep r ve me of the pleasure of this evenings enji y- ment with you i write this to tell you at i will spend the night with my aunt 1 1 rs bentley at no w st fifty third sti e at and you may call for me there 1 it w ill save you a wet jourmsy to brooklyn aid will also be much nio r about getting he r ie dont be offended f i say that my aunts hojise is so very com enient to the h se cars that if you call f or me iwith ah se and carriage i refuse to go at all th s is not a whim but a principle i hope j ou know me- well enough to believe thiit i mean precisely what i say very truly yours askie frkldihoj ohti exclaime 1 the old gentlemjm as the note fluttered t the floor dick 1 ad been jfurtively watchi lg the effect of lis rear girls letter upon his uncle- and w sight quantity of up to 4110 ii to the moore changed the elate but no march 5 in clearest type mdt his despairing gaze he groaned aloud j what the njischief s tjie matter with you dick said his uncle who had just dried his feet find was preparing for his morning work the wild idel of throwing himself 0 11 his uncles mercy crossed his mind and vith out thinking of the possibility- of ridiculed he exclaimed im in abpi box t what kind now don1 financial richard its no good and flie old man chupkled gleefully t you see its like this uncle mai tin richard went on as glibly as he could wished ive asked a young lady to the theatre tonight and its raining guns well shelives in brooklyn stormsybu know and i ought to take a carriage to hire a carriage to go way over there and then for ua ana all that would take a 1 money and im strapped had n oney enough yesterday but i forgot all aba it to nights engagement and paid a bill an ithis rfliserable little us bill is every bleise6j ive got what shall i do uncle beware the idea of march richard lieing say have gdtp reat i t i i v 1 r- 1 i i 1- jv- piilici three cets 1 r 1 i the wiile was druilk in silence except fbr the nsuil indistinctj mumbling the old nans eyes softened his thoughts entback a generation while dick con- j ired np vii ions of passipnate bliss in whih a pair of blue eyes and sj golden head figured extensively when t be mistr jbb of the ol 1 vers itiste ad of one lie fielding came bouse she had two i remempraricei a man navcr feels riore lonesome an forgotten a lywhere en beface bt the big eirth than a the land of his bey hood after an absence of fifteen ori twenty years he goes back with a sort of half belief that he v ill find ev ry thing just about as- he lias left it and s startled to see the little red headed girl tie was wont to help at mud pie baking the nother of a growing family and tue cherry ree of hisj ohildhoods happy hour full of thesons of the boys jhe used to playwiih about a j ear ago i went over to the land ol my boyhood where was wontto cljiase tie bright hoars hunting the amusing bumble bee in his native lair i had been away from lie locality about 18 years and il was half 1 1- days work to jnl a person i could call bf name it seemed to me that everybody i knew when a boy and lived there had djed or moved away the clierry trees i used to climb tlfe streams i need to lam for wpter jiower to run miniature a iwj mills the hi isiosed to coast upon the great cnestns t trees i used shake till they showered cjowfi their nuts 7 he saw the thoughtful softened express of hiscountenance fon ily hoped his relati in this moment of wei kness would pull mt a twentydollar bill and say go it riy boy dont let her wet the soles of her daiiity but no such h sneyed sweetness ell upon his ear nothing but a softlojig drawn whistle issued from the old maps lips what da you think of her uncle asked the young main with an anxious smile why she must ri unusual dick dick went to work with a light heart tint tie old gentleman was busied in thought all day he had had a new revelation of wo mankind by evening the wincl ceased and only he rain fell quietly and steadily i the yoing people went to the play most prosaically a horse car like erdinkry mortals and ph- joyed- it not a whit the less people will think we are marriefl thought dick jubilaitly with an lie tucked under his arm he hailed a car i for homej when julius cessarhad been proper ly stabbed orated and duly disposed oij regulation style howoameiyou to writer that note iji nie asked richard unconsciously us hg her christian name j well to be candid to take the carri ige all tllev way to brookl n and back or eyen rightihere in the city is terribly expensive and i thought it was possible you could inot afford it not that i thought you hadnt the money you know apologetically oh of course not exclaimed our herp with gusto i qnly she continued i like thingato be consistent and esides i didwant to go so badly j was that the onl reason anxious to keep her talking f well and she smiled merrily per- hapsl wanted to sliow that i was fast colors i diok wauted to hu her she was adbr- able nothing but lis impecuniosity re strained him from popping the question p the spot but if his lips were silent hij eyes were unquencha leand sliewelljshp was a woman and consequently this spejcies of communication was quite intelligible to her j when richard finally let himself into his uncles gloomy oldfi shioned house he iwas surprised to see a kght burning in the old gentlemans sittingroom thinking he might be ill he hastily mounted the stairs and entered the room hife iiflqle was yawning over a book on tile table was a dusty bottle of old that was the pride of ibis life and qnly on the rarest occasions what on earth are you sitting ut uncle for you what do you mean by jeep ing me out of my bed till this hour the reproachful ekpressien ion his would have been quite the proper thing i and a thing to be expeoted ina wife butjn an uncle it was bobupremely absurd that llich ard almost doubted has uncles sanity dibk said the old jman soleiinly this has beenan av i ully long evenini but i have stuck it out de termined not to o to bed till we drank the brides health what bride asled richard convinced of kis luneles delirium why yours roared the old 4wbre all tl ierb looking very much as they had looked nearly a scope of- years before i was a hjappy boy t nth a greatl longi ig for pie and a marked di jtaste for wprk b tween meals i found a bo itary whijhaired man lean- ing against 1 fence he- whs apparently occupied wli m his thoughts at d a large chew he was an kyi ftjis iways hud old inhabitant i of tobacco had stole a alpples from lhim twenty years before i k iew him at once 1 recognized him by a sti awberry m irk01 1 his nose i tiought i mid questicn him and see if he rmembered me and fpproachinghim i asked in a kindly and reverent tone o voice my good sir do you remember- a jajr bright youtl with thoughtful pious air who was the light and joy of a family jvbo lived in jonier house some 18 or 20 years no i necer knew any such boy in this quarter sa d the old inhabitant slowly aind in a drj husky tor e of yoice but i isedto know a tow headed freckled fac 3d- youngstier who lived over there about is long agojas you spoke of i cannot forg t him well for he was the worst doy in the community a boy who 1 l he cou do but who onlyadruam dead niy baby my beautiful one 1 lyingso white at the set of the sun 1 like some sweet angel in strange disguise waiting gods whisper to bid itirise then came the people arid asked me where i had laid babys linenall flagrant cncl fair and i mqtiondd them off with a wstun wild j kojstranger 11b hireling should robe my child j i knelt low down by iis dainty cot and i prayed tlie dear lord to forsake me not j did my cries and my sighing go up to his ear foir i saw heaven open and angels appear o spare a poor- mother this anguish 1 i prayed j f forgive my weakfaith i am crushed and dismayed then the little cheeks dimpled my heart as at rest and i drew my baby alj ve to my breast it was only a dieam 1 and 1 sobbed with deligfit only a terrible rearn of tie mght bat forever and ever my soul will know the height and epth of a mothers woe late motminlaw jokes who is the most proficient housekeeper in tbe country the young mans mother injaw -li- almancanhoji be altogether bad when hejean kiss hisjnjotherinlaw a welcome when she com es to stay vriffimm it is said that the first almanac was printed in 164qi that accounts for the gray hairs on thb lead bf the motherinlaw anniverskry of the joke on accojant bf ithe death of my motherinjaw 1 will take pictures at halfprice today was the no tice posted on the doojr of a greenwich conn photograph gallery last week talk about mysteries 1 bothmdthersrin law of a young married couple have been living with the latter over a week and yeti no separation has taken place the pennsylvania supreme court has decided that a man has ho insurable inter est in his motheriplaw and cannot gainbie on her life this takes away the only at tractive feature which has ever pertained to a motherinlaw what a little sundayscliooi boy wouldldo after the close of the lesson and during the review last sunday a superintendent was asking the school questions relating to the lesson which treated upon brotherly kindness as as frisk rand chippfcr as yhen ttiere vas no work to a bad paih when there was ryes hands fire water to be 1 lamed to bjar woodwbe fatchedin prltbecows to be hunted or tiegripdstone tobe turned a boy who wai always at jworkit a rabbit trap or a machiui 1 to hull waluutsi or a saw mill or somethini not wante 1 a boy who had a dam across 1 ivery run in this section and a flutter wiiee agoing oltiivery dam thats t ie only boy i ever knew to live over there in that hous on tliehil i saw tliat he hadnt emtirely forgotten me vvhatdo you supposi that boy is doing i asked i dont know bo- answered in meditative ray but i expect he is in jail heouht tobe anyway if ihe is still alive and hi isnt reformed no he 11 not in jail i said thinking would sur irise him hes the editor of a newspapei well answered tjhe old inhabitant slowly aftei changing his quid f roin his left to his rifht cheek i aint ja bit sur prised to hei ir it i al rays said he would iome to sons ething bad at this pi int the conversation flagged qd a sort of coolness appeared to spring up between ihe old inhabitant and youis truly i de ied not tk surprise him by revealing to him the fact that i had once been a boy s nd had lived in the house re f erred to 3 was afrad the news might shock him f jbroken ever so gently he was a very id man an 1 the shock might have been too much for him chicago kerald nd wine used for wait lot of arent you going to doni 1 shall jut financially marry her ii thi esea paptain and the xjtamed man yoti you know gasped diok 1 richard said lis uncle pouring out the wine in two glasses i resignthebusi- ness to you tomorirow i shall retiije i expect to stop at hprrte to watch the young majuam and keep heij out of mischief into the an poming down iconditionj7 1 l superintendentr what does the lessoft tell us about schooi brotherly kindness v superintendehtr ah thats good i nowr doesnt this lessonteach us that we should be kind and good and love our enemies f school yes sir j superintendent7- and if any one treats us meanly should we not forgive and lore tleinf school- yes superintendent low then wilrfe pojnting to a boy aboijt ten years old sup pose you were playing marbles and another boy hould come up arid try to take them f rom you what yrouldiyou do j wo villie rising tt his entire congregation him in the eje thats feet in- view of the by jinks i td punbhl whatrdb- fiery a good st y is told of an old sea captain who keeps 8 little hotel in a nortliern vil lage on the sea bhqrtr celebrated for its sands hie wife was vsry anxious to have a horse an inimal in vrhich 4be old niajn took but lit le interest i but the old lady finally won her point and got her hortfe the steed 7 as of play nl disposition and used on tliemeat provocation to tear 1 nadly alor g the she e and succeeded in spilling he old lady several itimes at ast tbe cap tain who h ad never driveri the i inimal vol anteerd tq break him off his- vicious ha lit so getting another- old salt to aid him ho procured a kedge iinchor witl astoutlini attached fasfcen- hfjithe end of the line around the axle and putting the anchor into the- phaeton the fiery untinied waf harnessed and the wo men sti irted for a drive along the shore soon the v cious anin al spied something jwhibh gave him an aousefto run away and immediately dash id off with frightful ivacity ipbje paptaii dropped the reins nd sumnoned all lands to let go the anchor the anpfaor was let go and aught firn ly in the sa cid the unstfspect- ig quadruped prancei i joyously along nu ll he got u the end of the rope and pane led paused so sudden y that the phaeton was demol shed and t ie two men shot up jj 1 jjl a land without a sunday there is no sunday in peru the shops are open on that day as usual and in the afternoon bullfights cockfights and simi lar public entertainments are always held the women always go to mass in the morn ing and do up the religion for the entire family as very few men arev ever seen in jthe churches under president prado from 1869 to 1876 tie csltholio church was subjected to the bame sort of treatment it lias receivedin the other republics but his buqcessers were more hospitable toward the priests- and the church is regaining muchof its ancieut influence some of the confiscated monasteries have ieen restored and a bishop presides over the lower branch of the national legislature having been elected by a popular vote in one of the intlerior cities he is a jollylooking old padre jrosy and round and does not have the appearance of suffering much mortifi cation of the flesh j r bad habits like flakes of snow that fall unperceived upon the earth the seeminglyunimportant events of life succeed one to ajoother ab the snowj gathers together so are our habits formed no single flake that is added to the pile produces a sensible change no single action creates however it may exhibit a mans character but as- too tempest hurls the avalanche down the mountain andrverwhelms the inhabitant aniihis habitation so passion acting npon the elements of mischief which pernicious habijfcsbaye brought together by impercep tibleaccumulation may overthrow the ediflceof truth and virtue benthisn w l ii like the most beautiful thing in ihe i tropics br coiple of in o fmrfully ex skyrockets dilapidated fulhi he most beautiful fhing in the tropics is 1 young palm tree the fold ones are ru re graceful than any of our foliage ph nts but they all show signs of the fori- ou 1 winds whic 1 sometimes sweep the is- laids bnt the young ones so supple as to be id before the hurricanes are the ideal of griice aid loyelioess the long spreading let ves bf a vi vie green bend- and sway with thi breeze and nod in the sunlightwithf a beiutyionej canfind no words tcdescrioe aj picturesque in repose as they are grace- fa in motion they fascinate the eye of htm wljio beholds them i- 311 for nettle rash summer heat eruptions and genbral toilet purposes use low sul- pher soap 4 4 1 isgp

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