Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1885, p. 2

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n m 4hmp mt be ctotf 3tp ft tmrilsivkt monnsr jviy861885 l m k k f the welcome home bheiuwfcisokllars of thebomlnlon re- 1 turn from the northwest r aw royally received 1 lust week was pretty well flued iiy with cxitemntekudby rcturniuf of tho lrooi from the scene of tho recent conflict tin the northavest the mjdlanders sud voltigeurs arrived on sunday night and sitpuday morning the fusiliers of halifax andtlorfles and garrison artillery of montreal followed them ia adayorbo the simcoe foresters and york rangers on il wednesday and the grenadiers queens own and goerrorgerterala body guards of toronto on thur8daf every battalion was tendered right royal recep- t tious along theroute but in each case t le climax was reached when they arrvedjat their various destinations among them all toronto beiujitho near est home received the greatest amount of attention and interest fromxur citikehs a large number of whom were present at the reception it is estimated that over a huir dred thousand people were iu toronto on the occasion and joined in the warmest wclcoraejuiat was ever given iu this fair dominion to citizen soldiers who had served their cotftitrj- in suppressiugijrmed rebel lion the oldest and the youngest iuhabi- -1- ah municipal parliament our f and ttjtuily boys in urnm nnitljor- 1 and si ware wopt for joy whilo jiwoetliear s and wives went nlmosi frmiuq over the r loved jnoi homo fion tlio wr i we oaum t attcm pt anything lil o iv description of tl e day o the joyful scuioa of thb city arrayed ill iitnl sudor the tea 8 of joy the boundii g heart illio merry fnpea ana gaily trippir g feet e tnose who ran to wejcomebaok a father a hoii a brothor a lover or per- qhauo dear old frlcfid th nktioual sentiitieut of canadians in never been more btrjmgly manifested the it by tin manner in whloh their dornonstrt tioim of wolcomo have been lavished on the- retnri ling battalions it is one of the cor i- ponsvtionaof the unfortunate northweit rebell ion that it tias elioited the robust be i- tinvett of patriotism and national pride which found expression in every feature f the demonstration iu lnorof our gallant citizen soldiery death of general grant aftor months 6f suffei tng the herb shilohblm adieu to earth pf the rebellions victims local rulers meeting on tuesday evening monjpohzed passing accounts a fe4 li wa w liik bgjj ibi- rr stsi ri 4 ehy tauts agreed that it was the greatest daiy ance committee for toronto tver witnessed the enthusiasm whioji had been percepytlyi fermenting for the pastjten days burst forth in all itsglory who shall forget it or whatcity could excel it none under thousands of bright banners cheered by thousands of winsome faces encouraged by thousands of true hearts the three brave battalions from the front were welcomed back to tihe firesides of their families and their friends there were present men from little cork in the battles of queenston heights a id luudys lane and men from toronto li the ris ing of 37 and the raid of 66 but no body of troopsever received su sh a recep tion as fell to the heroes of ba toche fish creek and cut knife hill toronto never aw anything like it before t the whole city turned out to receive her oldie sohs the street work completed cotincil met on tuesday evening reeve in the chair councillors henderson is- raond and pearson present last meetings miuutes read and con firmed the street and sidewalk committed pre sented tiio followii g accouuts and recom mended same to co isideratibu of the fin- jayraent luther lynjiau work on streets wm trotter do robert sutton jos mcclure james frinclar uonaldmann thosj j speight h b mccarthy dsmithf- wm anld wm swackhamme thosjc moore john ihay j wj campbell games brown posts ctjhill nails wm ismond nails wm ismond on slcbt street com- i missiorer peter sayers on ice lumber 18 1 do do i do do do do do do do do j i do do aud teaming 13 88 24 13 2 50 1 25 39 0o 10 00 75 1 38 42 75 18 13 40 22 1 15 1 50 c2 25 12 17 27 54 68 20 200 00 genoral ulysi 8 igrant died last thursday morning aftor a protongud- aud painful illnorh which hau lastdd over four months and svhioh has been hopeless as to its ibatio from tho first lho groat general who boro it withiathtio silent fortltudo with which ho hab boi no all trials and fought all campaigns is pit lost dond with all buttles tliero can po no doubt that there will lie much binoero sorrow tho world over oiljiccount- of his death so miioh has been written rospooting the general and people are bo familiar with his history aud his character that lengthened remarks respecting either are not necessary in spite of much that v as unworthy in iub political admiiistration dud perhaps un- heroio iu his political decisions general grant was a great hero a personally pure hero and above all a kindly simple man ho hab done a great nation groat service aud the people know it as president lincoln was the great political leader and headof thecivil war general grant was the first military hero he and he alone of all federal officers inspired the people of the north with an unbounded though quiet confidence in their power to crush tho rebellion the people as was natural placed their confidence in the geueral who had inspired the feeling ho was a rook which could notjbe moved by gusts of ill fortune his groat valor which never flamejd up and never died down but burned steadjly and calmly throughout the whole war was the saxon virtue which a sixou people admired and trusted and the honors whioh were lavished upon him not simply by a grateful nation but by the nations of the world jiie acoeptod in a simple one hundred and tweaty eight lives lost198 wquhdaft i thojul lowing is a tabullvtcxl list 6f tho oiibualitus in tlio lato robollioi from maroii 2u tho lato of tho duck iiako flghtj to whon tho fighting idasod the re as nearly ucoura a as can bo and juno 5 flguloh prooured and as near tho truljh ad wo afo oyer likdjy to roadh wliltofi diludh indians kulod wad plato puoklakc la jih creak 14 dotoclio u cutknifd h frenchmans ilutto u loonlalco froglakt 11 fonmttl l mnttlbfori 1 sicknobs it accident 5 killod wnd s a id toti 07 110 5 b pi 0 0 00 0 i 1 i hi if air cliatgod with dlioasoerfefttiutf eloments foul air will kill when bnatm continuously air chartced ith remedial elements wil curo when lronhed continu ously matter of fact way without elation without scorn the people of the united states do having hung out their dumb but eloquent welcome in the shape of all i manner decorations the people then gve vent jtheir feelings in the wildest of sipplause and j cheers while on all sides were graved haucf- kercbiefs flags and every ptheii flutterable article indicative of cnthnsiam before noon the down town streets bqgau to fill at 1 oclock they were filled at 2 they were crowded at 3 they were throng jd at 4 they were packed at 5 they were imp issable and well from that time ubtil tlw heroesjhad passed on to the city haal squw e they were a dense and surging mass of p triotic and perspiring humanity botjh sexis included the arrival of the first train with the troops at 530 p m was signal zed by the ringing of the fire bells immediately the impatient anxiety of the ped le warmed into intensity t the reception was brilliant id imposing beyond all description youge st from the bay to north toronto a dista ice of over three miles was a scene of panoramic grandeur it is estimated that the city had eight miles of solid decorations flags floated and fluttered in the breeze by thou sands banting anl arches of magnificent construction and beatity spanned the street in lavish profusion while mottoes of design and variety unnumbered were over every doorway window archway balcony and other places where a word coulp be crowd ed in as the soldiers issued from the cars the tattered condition of their discoloured cloth ing famished fresh evidence of hard service and this newer assurance of an established tact called for a great burst of enthusiasm and ronnd of cheers tunici formed of blankets or coarse flannels pa its patched with canvas and headgear for med out of other coarse material appearec to be im- partially distributed throughou tthe ranks but it was raiment more valua ble than any formed of the finest silk andef richest de sign every patch was a gepi in the eyes of tie multitude and it may be added that never was silken garment or fit shing jewel more proudly worn than were hose soiled and ragged uniforms at the r of com- mand the files were placed in open order and then the ladies passed 1 etween the ranks decorating each soldier vith a small bouquet around thebig dran was placed a inge wreath of maple leaves que of the most interesting of the many interesting persons who debar ed from the train was captain howard of jatling gnn fame his welkbronzed face vas in keep ing with the appearance- of his fellowl soldiers from the northwlest but he wore a handsome new uniform thtthad evi dently seen but little service lfor him a bouqnet had been specially prepared the s word gatling being deeiphpred in the midst of the flowers 1- all who saw the troops icau testify that both the grenadiers arid qneeuis own look ed as tljeugh they had thrived quthettract ing prairie air and tee offcan deficieut commiisariat the manh dpwn yoiige st began about 6 oclock- at this hottr the street was impassable for i ray vehicle it was a surging swaying li w ag iriass of eager and joyful humanity evay window and balcony was filled and eo foil was the streetway that the gallant soldiers march ing four abreast had a hard time to get down he narrow passage lined with itiiousands of joyous faces at queen sti eet hey turnfed west to brook then down to eini andlong king to the city hail in the rear of st lawrence market the hill w is literally enveloped in flags and brintin thons- ancb of ladies and school girls b ton elevat ed beats and- here in ahollow square the troops filed in the cheering w ljch began at lorth torbnfoiand ceased n i until all was over was hkw tremendous the ladies and children waved their han ikerchiefs the men hurrahed at the to of t leir voices capt howard sit on his horse in fropt of theibtandanctwasconrpleteiyovirwhelmed iti tpplause and cheers and a most but- d jialershowflrbof bonqnei lell never the welcome pane da five him th crwa which baidbeeij kept back w p bio npo r tl e bronzed f i 8585 13 f committkk peiisos j i wm d hk bepprt received i thefinance committee presented their scraimqiitlily reporl asking the chairman to issue his cheqies for thi following sums street sidewalk tlccoquts h p moore printing j worden and ramsliaw cemetery work mcgarvin redisteriug ideeds j e 0 havill oil for to4u hall d h jb sikkspx pkussox the purpose reijuired 585 13 10 75 fi 00 3 60 1 32 606 80 coilmittkk- report udopted the salvation army asked for use of town hall for their i sunday services the council concluded uuamiiiously that it weuld not be advisable to rent the hall for and well to mourn for geueral grant he did them service in tho hour of their greatest need which no other maif seemed able to render and it is but natural that canadians si ould sliare with their near brethren in soirow ing for tl e loss of oiie who was di ided from the nan nationality only by an ut seen line as li is country is divided from th is by an imagi lary boundary j hot and dry skin soaldiiig sensations swelling of tho ankles vague feelings of unrest frothy or bnokdust fluids acid stomach aching loii s cramps growing nervousn iss strange soreness of tho bevels z unaccountable languid feelings short breath and pleuritii pains one sido headache bi ickache frequent attacks of tho blues fluttering and distress of t ie heart albumen and tube casts in the water fitful rheumatic pains and neuralgia losb of appetite flesh niid strength constipation alternating with looseness oftho bowels abundant pale or scanty flow of dark water ciiuib and fever burniil patches of skin than r the commissioner was instructed to see that the street lamps were put in proper repair council then adjourned notes and comments less than two senators and three no two senators members of the commons have died since i i the session opened the prizes iu the tests vere8gain wou canada is getting we read the account wimbledou rifle con- this year by the cana- the rjckwood lacrosse mat ih the foi lowing item apparently penui a by some resi dent of bockwood who jiossjsses an illcor cealed desire to injure actons good reputatio i in the eyes of the public ap icar- ed in sat lrday evenings gticlph avcii ury in th 2 lacrosse match yesterday a the agricultrral park liockwood between tho stars of acton and the stars of itock- wood very rough play was indulged ia by the acton boys who saw that tho gamo was aforegonjs conclusion against them mr arch strachan after securing tlje ball started dbwiuthc field pursued- byono of his opponents who it isi said seeing that he could not overtake tir strachan de liberately struck him oyer the head with his stick cutting it badly and nearly s sver- ing the ear from the heiad dr dnden being called examined the wound and i mud it necessary to put nine stitches in tin ear to keep it in place mr p barry also had his left thumb from the top to the first joint and his hands badly bruised b the sticks of his opponents it was the fer lark of those who witnessed the game that the acton club contains a number of mem bers mm the pillow inhaler is aii elegant r made hair pillow oliarged with remedia elements tlie yippr of which tho putieut nhaleb all nigh long whilst sleeping as isual it cannd get out of order nud ii perfectly afc to the most delicate it ivill last for yea g and serve- any number f persons in a fi mily ni suc cession itl altera down the jtrongnold of catarrh iroaducli an ami and ooaaumptioa dud makcb d permanent cure y a continu- our application of healing and curative air directly to lie jdiseased par s 8ufferer8 from any of ho abovementl ined diseases are urgently i equested toseric us their ud- dress and a oopage pomp ilet will bo mailed to lb sm free which will give ft complhte his ory tf thfs wont erful discov ery and the p indoles upon w ilch it orks together witi a long list of testimonials from thdso w 10 have used it ind who now rejoicd in nor feet health donotaehy forthelooge a disease is allowed to ru ii unchecked th a slower and harder ilia t effect a cure i there is no medicino taken into the fltom- ach no dond ing or snuffing iior anything disagreeable iboat this treatc lent brights disease oltlic klrtiieys the above symptonib are i ot developed in any order but appear disaj pear and ro- apedr until tho disease grad jolly gets a firm grasp on the constitution the kidnoy- poisbned blood breaks down the nervous system and finallj pneurrtoni i diarrhcoa bloodlessness heart disbase appoplexy paralysis or convulsions eniuo and then death is inevitable this fetrful disease is not a tare ones it is an erery day dis order aivd claims more victi nm than aiiy other complaint r it must bo treatc d in time o it wilt gaiu the mastery dcnt neglect it war nerb safjicujre has cur id thousands of cases of the woist type am i it will euro youiifyou will use it promptly aud as di rected it is tlio only specific for the uui vorsal rights disease nevt advertisenonts uuggy c fok sale 1mik sfllscuiukn olter8 for sale liis top liiibysilulmr1 sit1keyaml 4ariiessoridg mouiuiukixlicaii for full imrtic ilors apply to huik 1 jexnkk holfss lot fob riluk uinlcrsikikxl oljtrs for sale sale lis house land who if they cannot win a game by dians and were presented to the winners by countess spencer the canadian riflemen were heartily cheerel as they stepped for ward and received the testimonials of their excellent marksmanship 41s- n a week or so ago of the openiug of a large pnd prosperous canadian club at new york last week ws are informed of the projected establishm ent of a canadian col lege at rome like the english german and other colleges ol the holy city i i it is reported that ilajorgen middleton fair loi on iiiin street it is a lar o liotisu eon taius nine rooms nlsd kitchen uui woodshed is woll adapted for a tcticiucut or bo irding bouse jood stable on the premises liberal terms ivpply to u w cvmluell rarje chandet valuable farm axur village property fou s majorgen strange straobenzie are tote knighted and that majorgen laurie lieut c connection with the and lieutcol van lieutc61 otter and col grosett c re to be decorated with g fn recogirit on of their services in northwest rebellion an article in the moscow iiazette report ed to be inspired de lares that russia has reached the furthest limits to which she desires to go and hat the government considers its venture j iilcentral iasia at an end russia the gc zetle says fears noth ing somucl as the condition and growth of an unwieldy territor the czajr is anxi ous to secure a solid routier within which the progressive works of civilization may be carried on i wni mulock m 1 set a uobfe example iu donating the 9500 he received for extra parliamentary servijt es granted extra for the un usually length y session to the york volunteers had eviry other member of parliament and senitor done the same would have been something like 81500 x to distribute which would have meant taking the uu nber at 5000 s30 for each volunteer not o bad sum in a lump for mep who have to ivork fcjr their living carried by a thousand victorv of the scott act in the county of victoria lixbfeay july 23- the scott act has been adopted in victoria county by a ma jority cf 759 with tei polling stlations to hear fnm also the m askok district which will swell the majorit r to over 1 000 meanb will resort to foul thelangiage used by a number ofj the young boys- of ac ton was anything but gentlemanly their oaths and obscenity as displayed on the streets of rocftwood weresuchas would pall the heart of the hardest inmate of eithe the central prison or kingston penitentiary to the item mr a c campbell of this office the player npon whom is heape 1 so much ignominy replied in tuesdays mer cury as follows to the editor of tho mercury sin i notice an item- in your issue of saturday july- 25th concerning a lacrosse match at rockwood i have simply to say that it is a deliberate falsehood from begin ning to eiid mr strachan had not the ball on his stick he threw it to mycheck and i secured ty and started lip the field mr strachan ran down to clieck me my man was right aftei me and i threw up tlic ield with an overhand shot when mr stroc lan was about five feet from j me he did not raise- his stick to stop the ball but ran straight against me to give me the be dy- check i presume my stick hit him w len he was directly in front of me and ido not see how i can be held responsible for the accident mr strachan himself admit ted j afterwards that it was entirely his wu fault there was no illfeeling displaced in the match and the acton boys playel a fair square game all through during the two months i have played here i can ti uly say that they have conducted themselve 3 in a most geutlenianly manner on the field ind off it your last sentence about the oaths and obscenity made use of by the ac ion boys is worse than the preceding ones i am certain our boys have too much resj ect for themselves to be guilty of such corid ict wejall thought we parted the best of frie ids witp the rockwood boys waattribute mr defeat simply to the miserable grounds we played on we are confident we can leat them fairly and squarely bn a level fielc i trust you will give this correctioi a bpace in your paper j yours c aiifx ccamrneli acton july 27th 1885 respecting the match and the conduo of the players mr campbell has very satis factorily replied about the swearing s nd ebscenityon the streets we know nothi ig but it is certainly a new i charge to prefer against acton boyst at home and abrcad they have hitherto enjoyed an enviable re putation for good conductand worthy mo ai characters generally if on this occasion they have sullied their fair name wefjel grieved and entreat of them to hereaf er act as the gentlemen they are looked upjh to be if the report given publicity is da false in this particular as respecting tie playing of our boys then the writer desen es just condemnation or if i the offoncewis committed by those who have no connec tion with the club they should receive d ie reprimand v nk of thk finest kam of halton situate within lonehalf niilo of thr thrifty and entcrri6iiig contiiiuiuu 100 aerc known homestead also 25 acres wj cedar timber the village property comjj dwelling house aud storbon for fall particulars applv to w p it has ne- er been krio n to fiend your name and address wtitoiitb the fallow- inhaler ageaoy iondon barons the vye comirfence toda the sreatest slaughtering of joodsver before hoard of in acton ail plainly qnt i at- e oj- i lksanl piles of bkau keularpkpj582h and 30 fajl jiqu keerl init 1 duess goods at 15 cents cents stfacks of theqhoioest anjj mus4 beautiful p1un 0 fllom ls cleaiuno this space belongs to t statiiam excelsiolf bakery late d mann ltoud new hdvcrlisement a xt weeik in tlie couutv illigo of actou s thb urown 1 timbered with t sen comfortable il street kown- i acton the humber of pabsengers carried by all the rail road iii all pjtrtsof the world in estimated at h 6spo000 a dajy 40o0oo60obr anav- warning and cpmfort i- vt mhnl sny yon to a iicrc of koasl beer nnil muktnnl j well thero is much to bej said the question beiug aslied of tl c baikjueter at the average boardiug house calls up remin iscences of close contiguit r tq the horns and beefsteak three cuts sou h thereof he of course will pass uulesij t ocenrs to him that he needs a hinge tor his trunk should there be any sufferii g the effects of an indulgence in such sintio is f ard use mc gregors speedy cure asuie audijcffectual remedy ior dyspepsia cons tiption and all affections of the stomach aud iliver sold by j e mcgarvin actor frial bottles free x ilooa flllc ptire water is indispensiblo to health rriii canada citizen ad tempkbame ukkalu ivnadas gkkat lkohiwt on iatkll tlie 1licnpeht and li bent edited by f s spen ie sfxteeu pages weekly on fine t med paijer terms 100 in advance citizev plbmsfnu o toronio immense ranges of hosier oloves pa11asols at leih than cost price wo old stock tjie finest rjance of white and jkay cottons from cenijs up they arf the cheapest goods ever before offerk in acton afiso clearing out genes fie straw hats at cent less thlan ccst out the balance of mil jnery and m1ll0- ery goods at half rice ptr u ell 1000 pairs of boots an bojuljrdtiu clear qut as we the first bargains of these bargains while they are rememben ou d 3h0es which vve ale at less than half price n0 1 value in sugjarsthe cheapest plape iklfowin for sugars e a pes commence our aanual stocktaking cjn of august we can tiuthai fame do nelson wantjbip wanted a resident agekt in eveky village town and city in he dominion also a few travellers to sell our ne tv air gas ma- chiucb for making air gas 50 per cent cheaper than coal equally as rood no fir 9 or power re- uired made iu nil sites from 15 1 inrners to 1000 or private houses etoreb hotels factories niills streets mines etc address canasian am gas macmne hlrlo co 115 t francois xaviei st 15ly moteeal vq m ofet you j thee not lail to secure ebme going fair ous 506 tea mcrae co i j -t1ie- house pa i moj n1 the least impurity should 1 good niter pure blood is ren loved by a lso indispens able there can be no perfett health with out it the liver filtets the blood regulate the liver with jffiircook blood bitters and make pure bloqd utild liglilniiig thereare but few that havneer suffered almost intolerable pain frim toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them suoh au inbtauti relief as flifid lightning is train desatchers jresponsible london jul 23 the inquest in tlie case of the enginee georger mofadden it the cove bridge oh monday was conclu 1 ed tonight the jury afier three hour i deliberation retnrhed the following verdici that the train despatchers in tbelond n office of fhe 6 t r are wholly respohsib e for the dnfortunate collision whereby gex mofadden came to his death in the dij oliarge of his duty y an untold blessing in time disgusting offensive mcdicii or days uup application ing cures sijld at j drug store j if tiiuble no s to be taken fi iiid ligbt- icgarvins 29 unprecedented icrms for all purpbses of a fai iily medicine hagyards yollpw oil is at he head of tho list itisusedijvith unpreceppnt jd success both internally and externally it cures bor throat 1sums scalds fost bites relieves aud often cures asthma the undersigned begs j to informi the people of acton j and vicinity that die is prepared o give first class satisfaction in the lines o i roof faint ing house painting calcimii ing and also paper hanging in the lates styles all order promptly attended to p dynes ing oamtlcfn euinait myrtle is marked t j in brouzc lctterf none other genuine tlfls judpfli ey hofounrtonfliontdoap i nio rhrcrl bowell co howspapcr ad- sontraeta maybe 0 8pruee8tiv wforhin where advertising nkv yohk fc mwi ayeits cherry pectoral i v k no other complaint are so insit ious in tlieir attack as thoseatfectliig the throa and lungs none bo trifled iwith by the majori y of surfcr- ers the ordinary cough or col 1 resulttug perhaps from a trifling or uiic nvious ex posure is ofteiii but the begiuuii g of a fatal sickness ayeus ciikiikv ii toiial lias well proven its efficaey in it fortj years tight with throat aiid lung diseases ai 3 sliuulil be taken iu all eases without delay i i a terrible cotigh cm ml in 1857 1 took a severe cold wl idi affecicd my lungs ihkda terrible cough and luissed night aftor night without sleep the doctors gave me up ltrll- ayeus gi eiiiiv iec- tobal wuichj relieved my luu j induded sleep and afforded me tlie res iecessivv for the recovery of my strengt i iy the continued uselof the ikctwm a in-rnia- neut cure was teltected 1 am m w gss yeifrs old hale and jucarty and am sa isticujqur ciieiinv pecxokaii saved me i i horck faiwii otheh eockiugham vt july 15 18kj croup a mothers trl imte while in thkeotintry last whit r my little boy three yeare old was taken ill villi croi p it seemed as if he would die fr in strangu lation one of j the family sugges ed the use of avkiis cheinty pectohai i bottle lot which was always kept in the h mse this was tried in small and frequent doses aiid to our delight jnless than half t a hour tlio little patient ivas breathing easily the doc tor said that jtho cneitnv pec orxi hiitd saved my darlings life can yoi wonder at our gratitudej sincerely yours j jllhkijla edsevt 169 west 128th st new york i ay ig 12 i have nsei avers ciigurt pkcronil- in my familyior severaljenrs nd do ijut hesitate to pronounce it the mo t cifecti nl remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried a j cuase lake crystal minn march w 882 i snfferedfor eight yenrs from broneuius and after trying many remedies w th no si c- cess 1 was cured by tlio ube of a v cifs clif lc- j josetin alues april5 1882 fashionable f guelph end finest stock of eens prints tho6ity spot3 and in endless busy variety always 38 l nv pi byhal ctobal alia misi bafcbelieviib ni i should longslnci e bi vonos if aveis i do tlmt have ill d i cannot i cneititv pei but for its usel from lung trou ilea palestine te tail april 22 1882 no casenof ai affection of the throat lungs exists wlicli cannot be grct jy relieved i by the use of grans ciieitnv enough in praise rid chi strii ovely sat- luslins in cks es bucrlamco you call j and it will aluayi cure when thi j not already be end the control of medlcini pbefased by dr jc ayerco lowe rail druggists ectobat disease u lmai auy j arit announcement buy gopds oneaper at the star grocery than at any other plae in the county thauyou can buy of h tour thrjiivat iton and hardware octs aiidusriocsj we caii fell you for less aiiy other place west of toronto or other p kce in ontario afejire bound to- dp tlie trade our profits are small and weintendto haudle large quantifies of toods cjorn c and buy your scythes sudiths forkft rakes barleypoiksalsp ardeu spades ralcesyhoecvbarbwireforiencing a fullline of glass iu all sizesalwbysiivstockj jiacjhiueryoils for reapers mowers and all kinder a jrnaehineryhri- peejless iiubricatingand lardihe and eyejrythirig elsein harjfwarev boots and shoes or groceries cheaper jthan yjou ever bodgiit theni in your before cj j prov oxt carr piua andl tprl tionl truj l 1 at t men 1 mpi wiej i- ij i r onea brie scctj spti the litl aaa uer 1 twn j acii the to a strei past ivil pud dak trai gr intel we othl setii app pari strj lorl hej ba la4 led laj rol mm pure paris men cheap reniembir that te worth 65c r kext poor to post office iw

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