Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1885, p. 3

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ra- se iiigetefing icton tli cent at geo iiyms ikt in ladies waiithibj siiextia 6uht of nolo paper and liiefopes should call at cjoo hvndf attm business men wanting cheajp k ivolopp taper poiis inly pencils mucibip blot- tin paiwr leasers day- booki blank notes ltecoipts leall at goo hyn is wo keep tlip largest and best stock of stationery in town wcddiiig and birthday presents spec- taclosvfrom 25c to sit tho phear bs store in acton for the above line of gootls 1 eiior in 1 owelty stationery bclu ol hooks and fancy good j which the weeks faakinos are prinolpaly local and all interest ng ay thcksivy morxrsu jota80 j885 7 i ifoj 1kints j 1ls at less s from 5 sever lsi a1illin- k at 0 her chwe aue price e in town on rpu these icttre some co l lent grocery ity less fro run to t ratio our is of oods jden spades- of ghibs in lowers and rdine and jries cheaper 1 iber tbfrt i t i lr wicthc ili crumbs forbreakast provided by tab ever thoughtjful free press re irs t saturdays first of august lhiggy ac for sale sceudv quarterly meeting in methodist church next sunday several miltonooys are charged with carrying revolvers- tho cherry crop is remarkably small in this vicinity this season i j bagpipe and- hurdygurdy tramps played the town during the wek messrs stafford it kobiuson are ship- ping ave or six ciiis of quarried dressed and other stone a day now j a large number of our cltizei s visited toronto last thursday to view tl e recep tion of tho north- west heroeji tlie iltmkl iays that auioiscob furniture factory narrowly j escaped dis- truction by fire one day last week tlie canada glovo works fl floated at lralf mast on friday out ofj reap set to the memory of thejate general grant j the farriers iii this vicinity a e pretty generally engaged- in reaping tieir fall wheat the barley is almost read y too the new dwelling of mr thomas perry man sr on young street i 3 op and enclosed it will be veneered with cafletou brick never did crops look better in this section the fall wheat is excel ient the spring grains appear very promii ing and ac roots are in splendid condition our esteemed cbtemporary the acton ftke press has completed its 10t i volume it ranks among the most neatly otten up and spiciest newspapers in ontario stay- ucr sun the juuior lacrosse club have tb e distinc tion of winning the first lacrosse r latchfor acton iihaatch last wednes lay with the itockwoodjnuiqrs the score stood two to one in actons favor j the thistles burs and weeds ontlie streets have all been beheaded during the iast feck or so and now the street com missioner islookiug after private properties bearing a crop of these nuisances the berlin avkv says t he leader of the berlin brass jband is a ti ifle over live feet high and veighs about 125 lbs his e- flat bass player stands g f t three in his stockings and weighs 233 lbi doing a 1 argo business tho gjiielh paperspi bliuli a lon list of sales of and effeotwl ly mt daly real qsttktc hkoiit whose advi rtisement appears in nnothqr column otf roadors wishing to buy or jsoll laudought tolopkit up mr daly is working up a very successful busi ness in his line right on all important i ubllo questions the atjton fkkk piiksu has completed its tpnth your it has loth desorvwl and achioved jsuccoss it is i he neatest country weekly in ontario and i s tonq isfjht on all important public que itions tho acton people havonlono themsi lives credit by sus taining it waterloo vlmmicle rov mr cameron reaig ib at the meeting of the iuelph presbytery at guelpli last week rev 1 b cameron pastor of jkuox church liero tendered his resignation of his pastor d charge a com mittee viu appointed to confer with him and tho congregation an i to report at next regular rtieeting of the presbytery j i remoyedj to his headquarters mr samuel mclani who has for some tinio occupied tho posit on of foreman of the gang of carpenters on the grand trunk railway i n tho motho- wlioiiit became ran around the who has had children and at point edward has removed we are orry to s but wish them n their new homo his family to that town lose such worthy citizen prosperity and comfort a manufacturer for milton through the enterprising efforts of the milton suit a large manufacturers attention has be n called to mil to u and if the people of the county town concede to the apparent ly reasonable proposition of the manufactur er they will ere long have a flourishing business of more than ordinary extent with in the borders of their town the toronto zoo j mr harry piper proprietor of the tor onto zoological gardeus will kindly accept our thanks for a oomplimeutary members ticket to j that institution the zoo has been removed to the exhibition park and is now one of the most jopular attractions in the city of toronto when our citizens are in thj city they should goaud see it acton goods at foreign pdrts messrsl w h storey it son shipped dur ing the week a large coil signmont of gloves ac co a jfirm in victoria b c and several to different parts in jfew brunswick and nova scotia the buld less of this enter prising firm continues tu increase rapidly and the volume of bisiuess transuded during the first seven mpnths of tuis year that of auyjprevious the beardmorq sole leather tannery scudlo their wholesale establishn ent tor onto a car of iqathcr about every t thqr day they are also receiving two cars of item- lock bark per day from the geor ian bay district- mr johiicainerouis trabsfqi ming the appearance of the old temperand hall by converting it into dwellings it rill make two comfortable homes vanil wten com- filete4 will present a becoming architec tural oppeanince too wc extend jour thanks to ir wm fiick superintendent of the safchel and purse factory for acopy of the xewyork daljhlmratql uraphk containing illus- tratious pertaisiug to the 4eathi of gen grant and surroundings i mr henry sayers prdprieter of the speyside shingle mill iuforips us that he hus in his garden an apple tree in full bloom yvc have repeatedly seen limbs of pear and other trees blossom is tate ap this but it seems to us to be sometliiuk new for an aiple tree to make this freak i f t purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted is largely in successof year j the congregational church sola a rumor is current that the roman catholics of acton and vicinity have pur chased the congregational church which has been used by the solvation array for the past year and will shortly j hold their services there the erebtiouof this church mid the ijrick shed cost 7500 eight years ago the price paid fo the propejrty by the above church is said to be 2500 oue thousand of tlie sum bi ing subscribed by oue famiiv i compliments complime nted the rteve of acton wrote a letter of con gratulation t9 the actoi fbek pukss last week his remarks are well deserved ap propriate aud above all xtremely encoura- giiigi oakville independent in a well written and manly letter mr w h slorey actons i eeve and enterpris ing maiiufacturer beari testimony to the welldirected local work of the fiiek piess we congratulate that jc urual upon living in a town wliere theicitipens are not afraid to speak encouraging words milton sun remove hfe bands the commissioners of the crooks act- in the city- of guelph seem detennineditohave the provisions of that act respected the herald isays iubpet tor cowan visited the different hotels this i aorning on a double errand he first served papers on the land lords warning them hot to give lirfuor to a certain party his second business was to give them notice to liave all blinds removed from their windows j ne it saturday night and sunday or they vill be prosecuted this notice includes all kindspf blinds stained glass or painted windows street watering i acton is generally in i lie forward ranks in the march of local im provemeuts but in one thing she is far pel lind this is the watering of the principcl streets to subduo the dust nuisance the clouds of tiist at this season of the year aii noy everybody and are destructive alike tc and the contents of the hyellings on these mrk james mclani vlsit2d friends in stratfonl last week mrs ie and miss fainy icgarvin are visiting orangeville friends i mr john a c anderson of ridgetowp formerly of actonj made lis old friends here a short visit this week i charlie britton who ran cue of the first barber shops in acton diid in toronto last week from a raptured blood vessel messrs w i smyth and g c clark travellers for messrs w h storey hon are home for a week or so of jvadation messrs r e nejson and w r kenney left on saturday oiva ten days trip up the jakes to mackinaw and its attractive sur rounding it wcextfendf our toiigratulations jto our old schoolfellow mrwi q morseoflowvule upon iris advent into the ranks of the benedicts may tlie richest blessings ac company friend morse and liis happy bride throagrrlife j merchants goods actons size have arrangements aiid nit us from eujoyr the merchants and theraitar i moksktbiss at i 8t georges chutch lowvillc on 2ist july jrevmi motherwell miwoj morse dl lowvdle li to miss mary ia1 only daughter of mr i george twiss nelson j j j i j iu sp thepradle m i piioct in erin oil the 22ndinsli thewife of mr thos prout of a son i elliott in erin on the 27tftinbt the wifeof mr johnjelliott of ajspn matthews in acton oirthe21 inst the wife 61 mr edward matthew pf a sjm eijis at limehause en fjhe jsttd just the wife of j t enis est aent g j ra of a sou k or nine days long desired that canadian fl il ptnef yorkwju behapiyto xke ofh te c inadiau 1 i bs assqiciauon dur ing their stayjnthat throw its streets other towns o efficient street watering there is nothing to prev ing a like privilege if residents of mill aiid utain streets would confer with each other upon the subject and agree to pay a nominal sum weekly or monthly to- llis end a satisfactory system of streefj watering would soon be iii opera tion h j canadian press associa uon by citlcular from mr w it climie of bowmanvilie secretary it is learned that the programme forj tie canadian press association imeeting nd excursion this year is as follows 4- annual meeting at toronto in one of t ie parlours of jthe rossin house qu tutsiayv august 4th at two p m a good af t l noon session allow ing full discussion oil 3 ich matters as may be deemed in the intei e st of the journalistic professkm jleave onto at eight p m by gtib pullman hi and proceed on frprnmontreilby raiway to montpejier vti wells river subyans summit of momit wash ington ai i i back tobethlehem junction profile hoiue plymouth con- cord nashua boston two days then up- the secnd by steam e tonew yorktwo days u j the hudson r iyer by c ay steamer to albany by n y s 4 1 railway- to suspension bridge ind to toronto by gl t r tfie round t ip will o ccupy eight and is imewhicli has been by the i u sijeiation to m w edgjar grenerai pusengergent of the g trj tho assqcbton is indebted for assistan te in prbcurin tiis cjiai ming route mr e btua wimah 1 is s kinclly telegraphed runaway anctsmaiihup liut saturday r iv mr prttou of nassa gawbya was tying 1 is horse diet church shed here fractious and got away it clnuoh twice and finally upset the buggy ain tailing it badly nud injuring the har- nes i thoihorro escaped unhurt aopwent near rookwood on wednesday evening a painful acoi- dent happeuod near rookwood thejiinior lacrosse team of the village flien returning from aoton frightonod a horko belonging to john monab the animal started off and ran over miss mccallum it young kdy from usqucsiiig tho lady received painful injuries soottaot trials tlie county tomporaucc assooiatiou is giving strict altciitiou now to the onforco- ruont of the scott act liist week mr monat of palortuo was finod 5100 and costs for violation of ilib act on friday san- dorsons hotel milton was searchod when a stock of porter ale and bhio ribbon heor was found thero are a uumbor of bases for trial beforo tho police magistrate and more aro to follow interesting to mothers a kind old lady in town lengthened experience with the diseases peculiar to trronu sends the followingas a sure oure for cholera infantum and requests that we publish it so that other inothors may be assisted as she was take best turkoy rhubarb arid peppermint plant in equal parts pulverize them and nearly the rame quantity of saleratus or baking soda a large teaspoonful of this mixture is added to a teacupifnl of boiling water let it standa while give one or two table spoonfuls every half or ono or two hours according to tho symptoms if the child is considered dangerous take fresh butter from the phurii unwashed and un- saltcd boil and skim until a pure oil is ob tained give a spopnful once or twice to coat the mucous membrance increase the dose according to ago a brutal row on saturday night about 10 oclock a young feliow from tlie vicinity of ospringe accompanied by a gang of roughs follow ing up a grudge of several yparb standing attacked ono of our acton boys in a secluded position of the town and pummell ed him most unmercifully not content 1 witli pounding him with his jfists until lit was almost overcome the brute kicked him repeatedly about the face and- head and he was badly cut and bruised the attack ing party was allowed to escape bat wc hope the case will be brought up for trial and thejoffenders awarded the punishment deserved we are informed that all th parties concerned were under the influence of liquor obtained atone of the hotels ir town this is being investigated and i liquor was sold the violator will no doub be obliged to stand his trial for this offence a word from the north- west the letter elsewhere in this issue from the worthy pen of mr jos h hacking of winnipeg founder of the free piiess will no doubt be interesting to our readers and will recall pleasant memories of nine or ten years ago when mr hacking was a fellow citizen of this then newlyorganized mun cipality we appreciate mr hackings re marks more highly than we can express he has always been looked upon by us i s ohewhose opinion upon newspaper rhattei s was intelligent weighty and conclusive lo mr hacking much is due for the success and prosperity enjoyed by tlie fbee press its foundations were laid by hjm on a soli 1 businesslike basis and upon thisfoundatic n it has beeu a comparatively easy matter o erect a sound journalistic structure for hjs complimentary remarks and kindly wishes wc extend to our old friend our sincerest thanks reception number of the war news the grip printing publishing co have issued their reception number of t ie illustrated war news this number con tains sixteen pages and tlie illustrations are entirely composed of scenes in conuec tion with thereturn of the volunteers from the northwest the publishers sent special artists to winnipeg and other prin cipal points to report and illustrate the pro ceedings a racy account of incidents and experiences of the troops returning home is written by captain c w allan who accom panied some of them from port arthur aiid it is illustrated by j w bengough in liis best style this number ie in every re spect the best which has yet been issued and is worthy of being sent away to friends all over the world as a representation of the reception tendered our returning heroes certainly everybody who appreciates the work done by our brave volunteers should have a copy the publishers will mail copies post paid to any address on receipt of the price li cts or itcan be obtained from all newsdealers ompliment from ti west to the icditor of tho lmtn ikknh dkah jin i have just been treat ing the i tongrati latory rtniarks ofnry eateemod rieiid mr w h storey i l iypur ssue of ho 10th inst and feel con trained to add hereto another mite of theisamech iracter ka fount er of iho fiiee piiess hay a natur illy taken a fatherly interest ill its carter ind i must say that it has not onl y ihfin iainedtle high character wjhio l it bore in iliildhood bnt has continually inbrnabed in tbility with its growth in age anc now i san point to it with pride as t ie brightest ind choicest of my newspapi r a quaint- inoes though mr editor if cannot lay jlaihi t having trained you iiiithe viiyyou should go i am pleased to note tiiat you lave consistently adhered to the general nincipjes laid down in tho first issie of tho lapor iiid which i bequoatllejl to my im- ncdiato jmccehborb in tho oditolial iliajr i ihiefly that of political indopeiidoiico and interests of mtiring ulertnchs in tho best hq loculiconstitueucy va mr storoy remarks the burly issues a high linaunial authority tf this eiiiiiitiv iiuuitly pronounced these three finrnoterv capacity caiital as y- tho chief elements of success the f the fiiek piikhs mado many v arm friends md also some substantial enemies i well remember how difficult it then was o make iho generality of the public uik erstnnd the possibility of publishing a dricty uon- lartisan paper during the ox6iement of a lolitical blectioii they had to be lucated o it but many at first refuse4 the p roffered xlucation and returned tliej papers with biieering remarks written on iho margin this enmity however didnt continue very long and those who were the nioflt s svere to condemn were soon amongst cjiir warmest friends i not only in respect to its jinparaileled ability as a local newsgatherer has the itiiee piiess sustained its earjyj iop jtation but it is a gratification to bo tble to bear testijmony to the increasing eicellencc of its editorial columns i need say nothing about its typographical beautyi as i speaks for itself ji with best wishes for your continued prosperity and a kind word fqr my many acton friends 1 i am fraternally yours j jpsi hy hajkixi no co williamst winnipeg july 23 188 di- rockwood ne from oiir oiph correspondent a number of accidents hav happened in this neighborhood lately but liappily none of them resulted seriously iii james fitzsiminons kfcked on the head by a horse which had beien frit litened and a carryall loaded with bays who were shouting frightened another horse belong ing to mr jimcnab tied at pis entrance causing this horse to run ovei miss mccal lum bruising her and breaking the rig this should be a lessen to those who use the public highway to go quietly to their way mr mcnab speaks of maiing an example of the boys so that the ives of enrcer of mcti and while all we e con sidered requisite he put the r dative value of eauli in the order in wl ich it is phicod applying thts principle to the husiiicas ofjury goods it mentis cliaractqr first icimracter that makes a tnin8 iiiimu thesyiibnymfur piohify lioiiiu ud conniicrcial safety char- iictor that will cause a mail to i idliero to trijth etui nt nn apparent sacrifice ciijirftelor lliui will scoru liypptritical prclciilniis mid tliccitful mcibods cliiiiiicier i hat ensures ngood lspute for a miu isijiiorally ostiinated utj his tuic worth character that will make a mnn inflexible lopriiciple vet kiqdlycoh- sideriiti nnd sympathetic tow art 8 all cliariiotir wlxise past coord uiikes a mnun hitcniuut worthy of cred ence i character that will demand aid re ceive the confidence of those with whom he comes in contact capacity becontl capacity rcct control to iiiuster details ajr well as acquire a brjoud view of principles i j capacity to keep expenditure vithiu the henlthy scope of income capacity to understand the wants mid of the timea- capacity to say a ed yes or no las occasion quires capacity to coinprehen act en the fnrt that this woil created to be occupied by a few besides the man himself v capital thfrd ij capital to mint en gagements promptly and punc uiilly to lake advautige of every lierjejil accruing therefrom and of every phase of the market capital that will open evory door nnd avenue tothe n an of business aud cause him to stand firm during times of depression aud diffi culty tlese tlired are all grea but the greatest of llienk all is charanter- pleose note wc are ia constant receipt of novelties aiid hav jubt opened nut some ispbeially clieaf lines and fancy dry goodsl millinery dresb- making and clothing general i desirejs clecid- r-n- and was others lar e potato an-mqubt- found dead and the fplljowing vetdic returned thj th6 said bui had conple to its deg ah by swallowing lihe one- thirtysond pait of a grairi of puie paris greein obtained at mc- garvinl drug stoife the miiiinauiri dose required to caise dath when this drug is ob- tained in i its purity at the- kitlton dry goods house n ber before in canada wjgre goods qffebep act ojsjt f1 i hq cheap as we test this spring are offerinq sliirtiuia that wereformerly worth 20c we areselliug for 12c cottons a yardwidt splen lid quality at iand ic embroiderys at 3 and 5c wjorth 10c prjnts at 5c and npwa rdsiof four h nudred patterns to select from urcsb goods at 8c and upwards musi us and lawns beautiful patterns in color cream and whitest 7a aid upwards others may not be endangered tjy such conduct mrjohn mcqueen i icrosliing the over head bridge east of the station waited for affreight train to pass and then moved on and when on the bridge the hoon express passed under frightening iis lorse young spirited animal having only the use of one hiiud he was unable to 1 ave full control of the horse and getting ane foot entangled in the reins he was dragged over the rough and stony ground witlh great speed when the line broke aiid wound on the hub of the wheel throwing the horse anil briijging him to a sudden stop mr mcquee was bruised and cut ut not seriously hurt he had a very narrow escape with his life v a son of mr j black had jvieaiji fright ened while mowing throwing him off and breaking tho machine already re have heard of some fatal accidentato those driv ing mowing machines t mr blythe returnbd froii the north- west with his comrades in arms tlie gren adiers and received a demonstrative recep tion from the people of this villige on stepping from the cars he ws borne upon the shoulders of the young jmen and was cheered by a large gathering at the staton who came out to welcome llim home this bespeaks loyalty in the hearts of those who erbolleelt 27 lower wyndham cuelph st rpt now or never i beg to inform the residents b f haltou thatj am aboutjto leave acujh shortj ly and tliose desirng a first- class photogtrlph should not fail to qiul at once dont delay but come now and void tho rush- great bargains in e nit we hai e as choice a find it pays to al stock as can be found in ways keep the best and most stylish goods and weaincerely thack the ladies of acton and vioinjty fortheir liberal paffonagc this spring by such we are greatly encouraged in ourefforts in introducing a finer class than heretofore kept in acton of dry goods and- millinery white reg att miiliiiisresirr io ejisr 35 gall oh shirts jt50 remained at home to honor t gone vose who have cabinet 2i spholto from 9250per dozbn life size crayon pc itraits made from old pictures or a special slttlni scott act in oxford referring to the scott act in oxford county and its effect upon business the foilowingtestimony frem mr james noxon mayor of ingersoll the wellknown nianu- fpcturerayill be of intetest r since the introduction of the scott act all visible sighs pf drinking have almost entirely disappeared in the town of ingersoll before- drunken men were to be seen on our streets every day of tlie week sunday not excepted since the actcame into force cases of drunkenness have been rarely known i am sure the facts will bear me out in sayi ig that there is liot oiie glass of liquor sold in the town of ingersoll where there were fifty sold before j the act went into effect business has not been injured by the operation of tho aot except the liquor business the difficulty in enforcing the act has not been grearv f mrohn morant mayor ofjwoodstock who is one of the largest employers of labor in the comity of oxford says ji do not think any bnsiness has suffered or will suffer through the operations of the scott act excepfcthe liquortrade i have visited on my own busiriess several places in the county and report very little or no liquor ifoid hotels run about as liefore and doing better than they expected i am sura thai the act hasucccedod oil the whole so far as wellas its best friends could have hoped waterloo chronicle y tatahiia xewtbi atmkxt perhaps the most extraon unary success that has been achieved in moderii medicine has been attained by tlie dijon treatment for catarrh outof 2000 putieiits treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of this itubborn malady this is none the j less startling when it is remembered that not jfivo per cent of patients presenting themsefves to the regular praotitiouer a e bbnefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all starting with the ctyim now generally believed by the most boienttfic men that the disease is due to thejpresence of living parasites in the tisejae mr dix on at once adapted his cure jto their exter minationthis accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratically cired iud the permanency is nnquestonediascuresefiect- edbyjiimfcmr years ago ire cures smu no one else has ever attempted to cure catarrh inthfs manner and bo other treat- nieut has ever oured gatarrhv the appli cation of the remedy is simple and can be done at home and the present season of the year is the mst favorable for a speedy aid permanent ure the ma orityjof cases being cured atone treatme it sufferers should correspond with messes km dix on son 365 king street frest tdronto canada and enclose stamp or their treat ise qn catarrh montrealst ir nov 1782 insrseu my and easel new 1 guelph ciioth sombincd mi sic rack up we beat c w irish miscellaneous tweed hill halll celluloid collars and ovesi and anycity and we are doing the trade w stylish hats us for cuffs- caki and goods that you can rely on f- the bes and cheaeest stock dry goods and b0qts fc ihqes and grlbceries i thpjm all try us and be ooninob c ei j m isjm mms beautiful designs 1 2 different shades ropnw ripen to the ty try t h harding grocejr for rlonv aid feed 1 hats from 75 cents td 2j50 at j fyfas scotch l and canadian suiting ijret variety at the east end glothin tore 3 fyfe abton suits ami overcoats at extre mely low rates and made in latcststyics be sure to call aud see them j fyfc abton t h harding grocer has sccuved control of the sale in actonj of the celebrat ed rpller flouj of niokihrb spbedvale mills guelph and is prepared to supply all cus tomers a caret i to all who atje suffering fiom tio errors and indiscretionst of youth nervo us weak ness early decay losaof minhpoij oj i will send you a recipe that willcjuro you fbke of ch akgjs thi s greait remedy- was discovered by a missiqnarjr in south ameriea to the ikv joseph t inman york city shaw 6 grundy leaditiff wholesale anc retail carpet dealers 48 king street m aive a specialty of i i fine brussels carpets fin3tac8trv catpets in wpot carpets fine cocoa mattings best english oilolotl is4 vdswide best linoleums 4 yart s wide fiiie lkoe curft ins fine madras curt ins si i fine tapes ry c wtains itest qua ailors guelph slatim d new worm red oy a missionary in nouin if jtii send a selfaddressed envelope awpleaeentit coatehih hrfrown toisnlivo is a i0tticrtrt ipfo snro aud i ia children t adalu b sast hamilton fine turcoman curtajus fine tapestry coverings fine furniture coverings finecurtain poles fine chain bands best quality carpet sweepers bes t quality sprng rollers fine stair rods fine shade poles litytbest phterhslolffist prices 1 48 king tree east harrtlltbn fa8hic iuecloal fines jprti ifentfprin ssb oa wi ind olatliing storo wm tiiorin- i ihir garmoatfe arftlijftde perteot piltioti ipojijfkfl wcnfimfjnftwtnw v t w m in taelateit attuuo mm t 4ii rffstw wwwhffw- ujwjjw

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