Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1885, p. 4

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r f id 1 n thcrkihy mormn tclv so 1883 j j out o town ginki khiple ma moan and maj even complain of summer days flown and their ja s on the wujiic but little i care though all nature be briwn itsnot for fresh tit that im out of town but only because as youll grunt llio is tr ie societys laws say theres nothing to dc up bore at this time so to see fashions iixhi and save me a crime im off out of town the oup has beeli ruu allthe matches are oer academy done and the park is no more no parties just now alf the good bhuds are dow n i too make my bow im off out of town the woods and the sea have for me little charm the much bepraised bee only causes alarm i hate country ways only tit for a clown alas for the day s i must spend out of town 1 interesting terns is 1 i i i o lor hit im again in the early days of methodism iu scot- laud a certain congregation where there was but one rich man desired to build a new chapel a church meeting was held the old rich scotchman rose and said brethren we dinna need a new chapel ill give 5 for repairs just then a bit of plaster fall ing from the ceiling hit him on the head looking up and seeing how 3ad it was he said brethren its wcrse thon i thoucht ill make it 50 pun oh lord exclfdmed a devoted brother on a back seat hit im again there are many human tabernacles which are in sore need of radical building over btft we putter and fuss and repair in spots without satisfactory results it is only when we are personally alarmed at the real danger that we act independently and do the right thing then it is that we most keenly regret because we did not sooner use our judgment follov- the advice born of the experience of others and jump away from our perils thousands of persons who w ill read this paragraph are in abject misery oday when they might be in a satisfactory condition they are weak hfeless full of odd aches and pains and every year they know they are getting worse even though the best idoctors are patching them m bpots the origin of these aches and pains is the kid neys and liver and if they would build these all over new with warners safe cure as millions lave done and ceas e investing their money in miserably unsuccessful patchwork they would be well and happy and would bless the 4y whe a the lord hit em and indicated the canffionsenae course for them to pursue jjcndon press y- j t i i 4- i i t i i t 1- f i dictnt get the ttsce 3lere is a copy of a reply to an adertise ment for a footman inserted in the irisli twics sir or maam a i doaut no which i seed yer bootif ul lines in they irish times wud like to givyis a thrile l am wot yip may cal a rale good inside man nice to luik at up to my dirty noing civil spoke and rites well l lived in many ha up pieces and has plmty of papery 3 is can see most bat sum l rayfher not ur sum of me employers bad ink to them wants fur to go for to say that sometimes i take a dhrop too much many of the eselyes did the like was bad timpered it keep very unregalar ours if l did wats that to the busybodies maybe ill do it again if yes ar dacent people ill drink your helth as to religin i am a ginera christen i dont care one rap wot yes ar so i hop ye will give me a chance r like the partik- iarty in yer advertmeut and sihowb yer a scholar tike meself so no more pilaver fronf yours truly i am 40 yers did a batch ler red hare blew eyes and remi jrkably tak ing to luik at tidy make cuse blots the pin is rale bad was a nationale school chap for siven yers i not a particle of ealorhel or anj other deleterious substance enters mtp the com position of ayers cathartic pills on the contrary they prove of special service to those who have used calcmel and other mineral poisons as medicines aiidfeel their injurious effects in sucl cfses ayers pills are invaluable years of experience and suci essf ul trial have proved mcgregor earkns carbolic ceratej the most complete and satisfactory compdandfor healing old sores fester ings ulcers cuts wounds burns frost bites dr felons and for keepi ng out the cold and to cleanse or prevent proud flesh slougliing or decay insist on laving mc gregor parkes carbolic cerate sold at 25c by dr mcgarvin 3 f burrows of wilkespoit writes that he was cured of a very dangerous case of inflammation of the lungs solely by the use of five bottles of dr thbmis eclectric oil feelsgreat pleasure in recommending it to the public as he hadj proved it for many of the diseases it mentions fo cure through his friends and in nearly every in stance it wasieffectual do not be deceived by any imitations of dr thbmts eclectric oil be sore you get the geoui ie houovoayn pills nervousness and want of energy when first the nerves feel un strung and listlessness supplalnts enegy it is the right time to take some alterative as holloways pills to prevent disorder run ning into disease these excellent pills cor rect ailirregularities and weaknesses they act so kindly yet so energetically on the functions of digestion and assimilation that the whole body is revived pie blood is rendered richer and purer the muscles be come firmer and stronger and toe nervous and absorbent systems ore invigorated these pills are suitable for all plagses53 all ages they have a most marvellous ef- v fecon persons who are out of condition they soon rectify whatever is in fault re store strength to the body and confidence to the mind arouse national 1 dangerous fits are often auaed by worms freemans worm towden destroy wornib aswell hoct hfo without air iw health without p ire mood clauto tho blood with ayert siuhannrilltt tho supii ion ty of motl etgraves worm externinmtov is shown hj its good effects on the children lurchiso a bottle and give it a trial all well ploasej the iliildreu like dr lows ploisant worm syrup aud parentb rejoice over its virtuosi 4 corus qause intolerallo pain hollo- wivys corn cure remotes the trouble try it aud see what an anouut of pain is saved the liver wljeu toljpid with ills afiood tvuti bilious cathartic sugarcoatied 4 some parsons havo per odioal attacks of cauaditui cholera dysentery or diarrhoea an 1 have to use great pre autions to avoid tho disease ohangeof water cooking and gn en fruit is sure tobrh g on tho attacks to such persons ve woult 1 rocommeud dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial as being thd best medicine in tlu market for all sai rimer complaiuts if i few drops are talen in wdter when itle symptoms are no iced no further tronble will be experieu- ceil i i i i had for fears been a i niserable sufferer fix m dyspepsia and trie all known rerae- diiis and the best med cal skill of my ac luaintauce but still rew worse until iu able to pat any thing w ithout great suf- fei ing or do lanjilciud of rork i began to th ink there was no hope i or me and that i m ist surely die when like a drowning m in catching at a straw i determined to give mgregorp speedy cure trial i at once- began to miprove so raj idly that iu two m juths i was as well us i had ever been m m y life wa e tns l v jimton soldby dr mcgaikui druggist free trial bottles i iilvtccto ho hrrs are youjdlsturbed at night and bfokeno ycur rest iby a sick ch id suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if ao send it onceand get a bo tic of mrs win- tlw soothii i siruji for ohildren teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor htlle sufferei immediately de pend upon it mothers th are is no mistake aboutit li cures dysent ty and diarrhoea regulates tbi stomach ai el bovi els cures wind colicj softeus the futns reduces in flammation and gives toi e and ouergy to th j whole system mrs vinslmos soothing syrup jor clililren teethiig is pleasant to th taste anl is the piesc iption of one of ths oldest and best female nurais and phy- rsicians in tho united stat s and isfor sale by all druggists throughout the world price 25 cents a botte 44 great jus sale of dry i oii lhurfcdny liimt v ojtc u ut the golden li jotxexjipii fluid lightning is sinipy a nianelloiis r leumatic i remedy i was for two months a cripple unable o get out of the ho use from sciatica one bottle gave me in stant relief aud placed me on my feet againi i have driven fou teen miles today something i could not pe ssibly have done wi ire ir not for fluid i lightning for the ex press purpose of procur ug another bottle sc says wm dixon can inoejue only 25 ce its per bottle at dr me garvins 3 few are the remedies whose beneficial i i qu ilities and real merits lave made them so popular with the publi c and increased ire m year to year their con sumption which whilst possessing the mosi valuable reme dial properties are vet so simple in their conpoumd and so easy to take as the quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman of toronto thi article is prepar ed frem the pure sulphate of quinine com- bi redi with fine cherry and choice iromaticswhich relieves hequmiu9of its bi ter taste and does nc t impair in the lei st degree the efficacy o its action upon th patient while small loses frequently rej leafed strengthen the i ulse increase the muscular force and invig rute the tone of tlii nervous system and thus by tlie gen- en 1 vigor ap aetite vyhich gives to t le stomach tsue an 1 energy and f orti ies the system agninst till infectious d seases ask for ncrthrop lymans quinine wine sold by all druggists 3 which it mij irtb creates an ayers ijhehy pe ctoral no other complaints dre s sit tack as those affeetin theithroat i one so trifled with by the ere the ordinary cough derhaps from a trifling or 1 ure is often but the ckuess ayee8 cheeb1 vjell proven its efficacy in a vi ith tbrojitr and lung tikeu in all cases without dfely a terrible cong in 185711 tdok a severe y lungs i had a terrible ght after night n ithout b g iv e me up 1 tried aye 1 ral which relieved sleep and afforded mo u r the recovery of my continued use of the p n mt cure jvvas effected i o d hale and hearty and cieuuy pectobai saved i horace rockingham vt july 15 cro ip a mother while pn the country b ly three years old w as taln it seemed as if he would it tion one of the family o ayehs cherry pect irlilcb was always kept in it as tried du small and frdquent t our delight m less than half a li tie patlentwns breathing easily t r said that the cher ved my darlings life a r insidious in their and lungs aajority of suffer- r cold resulting unconscious ex- belnning of a fatal peciorai has forty years fight diseases and should be cold sliep cared whioh affected i ioughjind tfessed ep the doctors s cheery pec- ludgs induced rest necessary s rength by the ec robaii a perma- im now ci years on satisfied your me i atrbrother 1882 m tie pecre ral rim gratitude sincerely y i sins eh 169 west 128tli st i have used ayers ii my family for several h ssitate to pronounce it- re medy far eouglis and tiled lake crystal minn marjb t ie cqds pectoral jjears and do not roost effectual we have ever a j crake 131882 i suffefed for eight yeari from bronchitis id after trying many reme lies with so sue c ss 1 was cured by the use 3f ayerbcheb v pfctoral jqsi ph waidek 15 hahaj aiiss april 5 18 2 i cannot say enough in raise of ayers cikkry jectoral believing as i do that b it for ita use i should ion bince have died om lung troubles palesthie texas april 22 ko caseof an affection s tribute winter my uttte n illwithcronp i ie from strangu- iggested the use utal a bottle of the house this quent doses and iialf an hour the the doc- pectobal had n you wonder at urs ima gedket y jrk may 16 cl ebby e bkaoook 1882 if the throat or it ngs exists which cam ot 1 3 greatly relieved b the useqf ayers cm rry pectoral ai id it will always cure wh m the disease is n it already beyondthe com rol of medicine lpj0 prepared 1 y ayer co llowell mass sold by au drug sts ouv grunt summer sale buing detui mined to sell all oiv 8uinmt r st oik as at tho end of this mouth i j i mr williamson sails for the british mprkets lovely ahciadia muslins over one hujndred pieces at 5 and 6 cents a yaid worth 12j cents five hundred pieces double struck deess in nil shades 12 cents worth 20 ceyits piteen summer silks in endless variety 124 cents silk gloves from 25 cents giving up h b boot a3sf business i mccarthy havi lg docie business in acton m toivo up his o ssoe vill of or ills entire stopk at cost and under i parties desirous of bcournir bargains will and select be i cents 300 dozen of the best josephine kid gloves sold elsewhere at 8100 price is no object at this sale when you emnu to bur city bevvaie of going to those secondhand stores come direct to the dry goods 1ng no old goods kept here hshs teed suits at 5500 the v7qsllx of all j d williamson fc co health fob all holloways pills and oistfmto the pills purify the blood iorreot all disorders of the l1veh stomach kiiihevs and howelb they invigorate aud restore to health debihtiteil constitutions am arc invaluable iu all complaints incidental to fenjalcs of nil ages for children and the aged they are priceless the ointment it is an iufallable remeelj for bad legs bad biicasts old wounds sores and ulcers is famous for gout and itheumatisin fjn disordors of the chest it has no equal fob sobs thh0ats 2h0nchiti3 cougns colds glandujar swellidgs nud 11 skin diseases it has no rival aud for contracted and stiff ioints it acts like n qliarm j manufactured only atthomas holloways lstablislimept 7si now oxford street late g33 oxford street london en and are sold ut is lid 2s 0d 4s id 11- 22s and 33 each box orjlot and may be liad of all medicine vendors thoufliout the world i purchaser8 should look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address 1 533 oxford street london thy are spurious j i i the dominion boot shoe store s not kzeunsteit 3eos have now their spring stock complete in all lines and me offering the public extra value in the following cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slippers boys shoesin great variety girls shoes in great variety childrens shoes of every kind rubbers slippers trunks etc always nibtocu good assortment our ordered work gives the best of satisfaction repairing neatly and carefully performed we can uit j on call kenney bros i have a fjll fresh gjpung on hand all of which will bo parties indebted to mo will please ca expense nd it bio tho stock stock of 3rood3 offered nt prides which astonish every iustohier 1 and h lardine no gum no grit and will war solk man mcooll brqks ioni mccarvins drug st orb and c t the mzx liud spring tmeds worsted b mcarthy i fa rivers for reaping and moving machines use onger than any other iactpltlrs j co toronto fashlonijbliil tailoring our garments are made perfect ejittl dos a fine assortment of speight son acton undertakers carnage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their lin from the best casket to the plainest on the shortebt notiee and at lowest terms all calls either night or day promptly attended faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire 3ye are iu a position to batisfactoiily fill oiiitifor waggons cainiges 3 of vevy description in reasonable time good workmanship and firstclass materiala ways used we have also a spleldid lot oi furnitiiieboth common and extra uality cheap tstif yon will pay us cash we will sell you anything in oui line cheap j a speight manager coffin to satis 33hatton garden london and 243 st james st montreal ground scientifically from cfear and pure pebble or optical glatt ptye- manuftictiircd for the purpose they are without xcept ion bent adepfed tc res tore the ravages of aye and to retain perfect vimon they ai recommended by the mud eminent fucully every pair of spectacles suki kj eglasscs is marked j e mcgarvin sole agent for acton ont cspei tally 6l drtjwist tally interesting to everyone pets cheap a large assortment of house furnishings at moderate prices ment and the goods supplied to thfs public have been of flrstclass qualit weeks the clearing sale will be continued and custodiers will do well b street the name is hamilton july 30th 1885 and everyone should know it cr ip r if ip ujv east end clothing store railway ttae table grand trunk railway to their own advantage to ctll early becomes reduced settle their accounts and thereby save machine ml ciotbing store oatings and sere h at the qg and ifl the latest oil hills dn h c wests nebve and bitaii tbeat 3iekt a guaranteed specific for hysteria dizzi ness convulsions fits nervous neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental deiressjionsoftemnk gf the brain resulting in insanittnd leading to misery decay and death premathreold age hirriemiess loss of power in eithejr sex involuntary looses and sperma torrhoea- caused bj overexertion of the brain selfabuse or overindulgence each box con- tain oqp months treatment one dollar a box or six boxes tor five dollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt of pi ice we gnai an tee six boxes to euro ny case with each ordei received by usfor six boxes accompanied with five dollars we will pend the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issued dtilv by john c west co sole proprietors 181 183 west madisoast chicago 111 soldliyj e mcgarvin artistic pring hat also on hand of appetite indigestion bilousness a ections of the liver and kidneys humors sal jfthewn scrofula ses arising frqm impure blood regular action of the boceh- disochiint sale mammoth hous we beg to announce that on friday 17tll j shall continue until saturday the discount off millinery already made up 50 percent 1 mantes i r i 25 on any of the goods be ng ore erod io on all other goods with the m ceptioh otfac- tory cotton and cotton yarn ip this isa genuine cleming dii count sah he sloelj is a large one aid contains all gkt iter al mantle material dress material 3 boots and shoes ever so buc- clc thine departments were pi tartnents being al make room fori our large tl while remem asm lots of dry goods milliaerjv il in con- per yard there has been a great rush of purchuseisof dry goods to the imme ise reduced price sile now beiug held at the rieht housel jfoi ny and other goods are selling off at exactly half their foimer prices the e pensive display of reliable and fashionable noods at such cxtreuiely low pricescan not fail in vincing that you will save money ly purchasing at thw sale a large ns ortmen fc of black and colored dress silks at spe ially low j net s colored sntiris at 85c per yard dress goods havebeen marked down to very low piices and are selling off yery fast think of it dress goods- worth 17c jelling eff it 10c dress goods worth 2o selling at 12jc dress qoods wortfi 25c selling at loc fine frencb drissgocdaat exactly half theirformcr prices embroideiei d esses wonderfully cheah several lota ot qbeck ffnd fancy mutjins at half prife special value in while luilts white quilts at 75c toimerly 1 white quilts at 1 formeily fl25 a fewlverv larce sizes in white marseilles quilts at half prices white cottons at 123c vorth hie a special lot of fine white cottons ai 7c and jc be sure aud seethe while cottons lot of linen towelling at 5c perjyard another lot of extra wide towelling at 18jc worth lgc lace purtains iu jscri white it immense leduetionm priced it will pay you well to see these cheap curtains special bargains in carpets many lots of brussels and tapestry carpets hav been mined ilown very low i rsmnaijts of car the nales for the last season at the right hous have been th largest ever mate in this establish prices for the sime have been cheaper than an previous seasojii por the next fori bering this opportunity to secure bargaips at nos q and 32 king street east near hughsqfl and the leading hues in diy goods millinery m clothing material readymnde cluthiug ciirpet our millitrery dressmaking aid ordered cessful our mattrial and hands in all the dj wc take this means of reducii g our stqclk tt winter importation tliepriees of the godt s al in anyplace in canada and in many cases vast cheaper taittvill to an immense saving to whoev er patronizes us the sale is for cash or produce mcleodl jnderson ci georgetown e shall begin a ditcouut the 13th day of august sale aud it eady are as cheap as they cau be got ooinoisisr mixed lixpress 1nbf in iui 1lnougli llx 010 a in 7 10n in il ojn l i 5 47 p in roivo vvisu lmobi ai 47 am iilll i 1 1 hpocifll 11 oaul i opm 8 v p actom couth ii jop m actoin couth bffl am chitiiro ilxprcs docs not stop httwttn guclpli and tohinto 1imi 01 clouho mails goiii west io do a in and j 30 p m i going eiibt ii 40 a m nlul r 20 p in kiikllgli inail closes at 10 a in on wednesday canadian pacific railway s 10 am i0int3 east aitd vest cowxiimi ti1ik ttble toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba jl bt louis hx pacific kx local ex toronto 8 10 a m 1 p in 4 10 p m 8tretgviliojiiii9lo 2 1q fi 20 stthomub 12 05 pin 5 2o 8 r dotroltj 2 45 8 u 0 jla in chicago 7a0am 7 55 5 45 pin winnnieg 7 00 daily oxtept llondaj toro tito to montreal quebec and boston limited ex montreal ex h 25 a m t 7 5 j pm g 07nm r 17ani j 42 i 8 50 c30am 9 50 pm 8 30a of toronto ottawa montrefil quebec boston orange rillo owen 6 aund 4 01 p ui 4 25 iiiampton to stieetwille junction bramnn 7 22 a m btreetbtiue jct 7 45 brampton to orangoville and oft en sound brarrlpton 9 37 a m 5 45 p ni 11 05 c 57 0 a0 p m 10 20 purchase your tickets by this new and popular line i noir j e mcgarvin ticket agent actoh ontario 4 titxrs iftqlerailllpir a hook of loo pages the best bookforan advertiser to con sult be he experi- a enccd or otherwise itoontains lists of n e wspapers and estimates of the cost of advertisln g a he ad vertiser who wants to bpendone dollar finds in itthe in formation he renuires while forhim who will invest one hundred thousand dollarsin ad vertising a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement or can btmade to doso by slighiclianpes easily art ivedat bycof respondence 149 editions have ben issued sent postpaid to any address for 10 cents i write to geo p rowell co- newspaper advertising botteatj 10sprucestprintinghousesq new york mackinac the host deughtfol sum t lica steamer low bites tour trips per week between detroit and mackjnac and every week day between detroi and cl write for our picturesque mackinac illustrated i contains full fixtioulare moiled pre detroit cleveland steam nav co c o whitcowb ocn passaqt detroit mich manhood how lost how rest ore we have recentlj published a new editumof dr culvorwells cele- jjlfw 5lm brated essay on heradicar and i i gfr permanent cure without medicine of nervous debility mental and physical incapac ity impediments of marriage etc resulting from evesees arce in a sealed em elope only c cent x two postage stamps the celebrated authoi in this admnnble es- saj clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practice that alarming consequences may bo radically cured- without the dangerous use of internal medicines oi tho use of theknrfe7 pointing out a mode of cure at once simple cer tain and effectual by means of winch eerj surjeier nd matter what bis condition muy b e may cuichlmboh cheaply puvatelvandijidically this lecture should bo m the bands ol eveij youth and ever man in tht land address the culvevvscll medical jo n m i a in stc lorh post ofhce box 150 ieota nortlt cjtcti jiana ifvvashngo- jr mil el j l l ictoivilllll cc raniih chlafy j 10 v ipi- iirlo i 3d i m o nr ace s ii i him country i nnji or cijk iient oi mm nt jlat v rm i tin m 1 1 llii imiln iu i lw note lutsl aci s ot 3jork tijvx k ol 1 ihovulm iuihelol in it ru in tle nmtliprii i n ik rnuitr books and itnursmit riieiv i onlni x the norlliern pnciaofonutrttli i iljriitiill mils for nile mid tlirfkeebm eminent imick aildarchas b l mbuhn laud comr n p r u bt paul ulan

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