Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1885, p. 1

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lilwcy 1147 tit l 1 pm i m i on iimii nin twoll lmjjjvil it b 111 fn xvclrv dj faiiway 1st 1 manitoba lvlet 4 lllini 1 0- fi a in i ieil1 i t nd boston k 7 n p in l a in v 1 p 51 1 in op a ui i nctton i d n m l en sound 0 2ii l th- i ib line i alth flic ctott jf tit fvtss 18 1vbluui1 iehy thursday mornin free at tut pre3s power acton r 80 hinting house ontario subscription rates 0ivin 100 six months so its tuitllv months n 25 ct8 invamblv in advance if uotpaid ui atuouco l a icr o will be charged no naper ih-soon- umud till ill mroiirs are l e nt uc oiitioiilotrtio imblujior advertising rates- j 1 ib0 mo 8 mo i soaoo i5 00 jo00 000 s50u soon 13 iw 1j0 320 u0 1200 t00 200 lino 700 150 100 juaci one column half column quarter column one huh lamial advertisements 8 couts per line for the urt insertion ouo3 cents nor hue tor each snty- ueqni ut insertion cosh lho number of linos reckoned tv the space occupied measured by fi scale of solid isouparoil j dierti-emont- uth6ut sivecifle direction will bo inserted till torbid and charged accord uigh transiton advertisements must bo paid m advance hinge for eoutract adtertisemeuu must bo in the office b 9 am on mondays otherwise ihev will be ltft over until the following week h r srftaui haiv trf vt- pstena dizzi- s neuralcsa t aid bv the ine mental refciiirminu ivunddeaih js of power r svcnua f he brain h box on dollar box vxml pre- litesxbcves received b ts collars ten guarantee at does not it b jork 1m 1s3 west em lofloo pages it book for an ser to con- he experi- ir otherwise 1ml estimates rertiserwho s in it the in- jim who will pollars in ad- i which wilt can le made rtdatbycor- feen issued i for 10 cents l a coi bceeac i kewyc ur l inac land pustralcd t 7ro nav co s act d foeel lilcj a new rells cele- 1 radical and linedicmej of tea iniapac- rtsoltujg i j g ctnt tabic es- fujn earb ccjucnctr iancerou s i of ilt knife u uj le cer- xlcitrj on nay be hi radically ot tierj- llo- i t- ft vruil -a- j cotnrir nl htllt 1 l f vote 111 tia loi 1 iso i kookamd i j- lor ieand imchas- b rial mian moore kditorand projinetor business direqtofy h lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of phjaicians and snrgeous office and residence at tlije heatl of frederick street acton w e webster md cm member e of physicians and physiotau surgeon cd the college of physicians and h surgeons of outario accoucheur oma mill st remdlnie cimibtlli hottii actou n 3 special attention given to thehis easca xl vomeu and children l bennett dentist sr georgetown ontario ac mcklnlay t d s deutist ont surgeon uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com- monlv called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon- stritor and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons mav depend upon receiwug satisfaction in anv overations performed will visit acton the second and fourth wednesday of each month office agnews hotel s tainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the ofiice of cbhayes l d s tovelu block gnelph ont upper wyndham street iigga ivory dentists south east corner king and yonge streets toronto ontario finest and best set teeth 35 to gold fillings onethird rates leav e order for teeth in the morn ing can have them the same day we have been administering hards vitalized atr for the painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past v ear regardlessof what otherb jna sav tohn lawson graduate of on- tl tario veteruiary college toronto etennary surgeon acton ont office pn licimv bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to oundness and certificates given i i au c ills night or day promptly attendl- d to terms easv r m owat d mclean barristers solicitors notaries convej- ancers dc smoev toloau oizict town hauracton 3 a mow w a mclea gs goodwillie c barrister solicitor notary public dc gtopgctottn d acton 63 acton office in mrs secords block acton banking goy storey chrihtie ft bankejrb- action qexxral business tb4nsavtei money loafed on approved 1t0tbj notes discounted and interest fl uowed oa i epositb acton ontario thur8bay co ontario paper i hangings -with- j e m special agency actoa 0t bell telephone company messagas received anil transmitted at lovfer rates thin legraphing aula i line steamships ticketi issued to all points of great bntf in and the co itmentat very lov est rates bv y the tickets aere if sending eor friends cox t canadian pacific r r the cheapest and best route to all pointjs east and fest see time tables monty savol by doaliagr wth j e mcgarvin acton ontario tqck brokers t00xt0 memerp toronto iltoek exoliaaaro have independent direct wire byi which new york continuous tock quotations are received more rapidly ban by any other source 1 bny and sell on comi lission for c ash or pn margin all securitie deat in on the toronto montreal flew ydrk stock exchanges also execute orders in grain and provis ions on tile chicago bo ird of trade daily- cable quotattois of hudsons bay and other stock 26 toronto street co wellington mable works quebec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite aud everything i pertaining to ce meten work pieceived first prizes at provincial ex hibition gnelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship yonr orders are solicited tohn day architect grawu ont oitti qneeus hotel block market ijuare b ain laidlaw d co bull lths d soulltolis l onilh over imiienal bank 2t wel- lintou street east entrance exchange alley lorontu john bun q c c a mvhttn william luiiav gsonoe kaiteh patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa cimih 0 ears practice no patent no pay tjirakqis nunan succesbor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully jbound rnling neatly and promptly done lumber shingles andjath rphe undersigned desire to inform the public x that he has now on hand and will keop in stock a full line of pine a nd hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles lat h coal having purchased the i oal business of mr c 8 bmitb i am prepared to suppl all kinds of btote coul i have also it good stock of wood- hardwood ashcedaraud mill wood nt reason able prices wood and foal delivered iames h1sown u u e fj p ii business collece guelph ontario o ffeksyoungmen and women the beatf acjhtie 3 for acquiring a com plete training for business pursuits bookkeeping conmercial arithmetic banking actual business practice busi ness correspondence penmanship com mercial law xplegra ihy shorthand cal- igraphy or type writing french hygiene and physiology are taught by the most practical and interesting methods the staff comprises six experienced teachers and lecturers the various departments are elegantly fitted ui with the latest and best apparatus for b asiness college work students may enter at any time of the annual college mi hemstreet i licensed acctioneet for the counties of wellington andhaltou orders left at the fbee pbkss office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monly to loan also mocej to loan on the most favor able term3 and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and npwards john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at g per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and i other seounty conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all partsof tile dominion tolntendingporchasers alid cir culated in europe european oapitamsts wanting farms in ontario- will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wauted fqr onrlists correspon dence invited- office near the eost office gnelph ont wood borders to match t ct0tt tnunmiav mohmino ow whatbeo first somebody i of a lie pwlors -fob- dlalff rooms mil sails ohamoem 3 the newest and best stock is at cuelph the aclqn gtople can see samples papers and borders at of my mr george hynds fancy coods store acton i mi hynds will sell at my price t j day pats b00kst0ee new goods bracelets ejraoelets bracelets new stock beautiful patterns watches watches watches waltham and elgin in gold and silver cases gold rings lockets etc etc just opened b savage near petries ncv drps store ilelph hills im k stove depot good assortment of stoves uheap ifor cash tinware of all ktnds at bottom prices eamughing a specialty jia it then the room wouldnt hold t bo the busy tongues rolled it till they got it outside when the orowdfoame aoross it till it grew long and wide from a very small lie sir it grew deep and high sni till it readied tlie sky sir and frightens the moon for she hid her sweet faoe sit at the dreaded lisgraee sir that had haj pened aj noon this lie brought forth others dark sisters and brothers and fathers and mothers a terrible crew and while headlong they hurried the people they flurried v and troubled and worried as lies always do arid so evil boded i thiftrribnbtrouk lie goaded till at last it exploded in smoke and in shame while from mod and from mire the pieces flew higher and hid the sad liar and killed jiis good name our story a usei there they wajo to be sure sparkling like twin stars tripped down tht ul lesson as enveloped in seal she steps and turned her head a moment in phssing by mrs mayrell dropped the hoi and window shade from behind which sh had been reconnoiteting with a groan to live in the basement flat was bad enough to have tapestry biubbels carpets when mrs kinsley had mor uet was worse but to have only coral earrn igs now when the tenant of the floor abov displayed diamonds was the latest and most cruel blow of fate a latchkey jurned in the streetdoor there was a ste i in the passage without wills chefery roicerang oot dora dear and then in a minute why whats up are you ill v for his wife of a year lifted her head from the sofacubhion and turned towards him a pair of suspiciously red eyes noo gulping down the sob that would rise but bul thti got than poor jjig goodnatuied mystified will jiibt stood and stured i saw them y6u did eh yeyes 1 and now deliberately f will yon be good enough to fcjll ime who 1b she and what has she qfitf dora swallowed another invisible pill as she rose j i mean mrs kinsley she has got diamond earrit gs will burst into a boyish laugh then seeing that it was a very serious matter with his wife t ympathetically sobered up come now good little girl joud cry for a half bo pietty when and put up on shortest notice or a copy circular address m maccoemick principal planing mill raving niade having ikeskrs w hj storey son for the continuance of the pi ming mill in the build ing formerly ocenpi ed by the acton plow company we would we are prepared to ti ike inform the public that contracts h anlan barber shop 1 j p worden thebd has opened a barber shop in the neariy oppouiie fyixiim kv mill street acton and saliomhe age of the publia in tjbls vicinity every department of the bqbjtfai wfruot ed in firstclabs styb ffi6wcuf i sinclly polioiting ronage wo are respe itf ally yours those tbage manager oykb i ipnthill acslaseptih esitin wanted- i canvassi ig at once on fall sales arrangements with for building j also dressing flooaing sheetntg uotjlding c neatnesb axd dldpatch nnrseries f the dominion ucbbs fgjufaareje nth and expc address j sroue a share of public pat- first class material only used a call solicited j ohill mill st carriage painting to successful men arnlng from ho to 75 nses terms and out- t7blli1tgt01t nt bsebvjies toronto out c g speight parties desiring their buggies waggons cutters 1 etc- repai itedorrevaruishedand made equal tonew pn shortest possible notice and at lowest prices should leave their orders at once wfth mr j a speight under- taker and carriage builder 01 with c c speight lim a little wills eyes widened pn i do for ear- i sup- its case and dora be sensible like a you dont mean to say pair of earrings mrs mayreus pretty olive face iright- ened not at all it the pleasanl raillery much good it will do me she declared sullenly and intently regardf nl of the toe of her slipper wi 11 edged ov er to the sofa sat down beside her btole an arm around her dora well you dont look youre cioss j silence will began to usk hnubelf made a tremendoils mistake months ago theli hehamsh ed the thought as disloyal she was a litth selfish per haps vain at times discontented loved her very dearly and would have suited him half i o well dora pet he said grively youd have diamonds if i could giv s them to you indeed you would dear bui got to figure pretty clobely meet now that hard times you know that she nodded but when half an hour back to the office he left bel very dejected little lady he was not quite so jjay afternoon he didnt joke audaciously with the boys nor break now and then into a lifting whibtle the man desk next hisj observed- the change whatsthe racket mayrell will startijd oh if ire hadnt about twelve but he other girl you know ive a make nds are upon us later he went md him a still as usual that who had the and he laughed and dont joke dan im a liitlo sore on the subject of my poverty i am not joking replied di n snapping a spring with his finger wjat do you think of that and he handed blue velvet case phew how did yon manage that seventyfive a month its a beauty andrews ohuol led you like it i should say so how would stones like that rings oh let up dan wheres the use of talking about it thats a can t isnt it right yon are biit you isan get the same if you wish oh some installment scheme pobe andrews restored the ring to the case to his pocket not exactly and he forthwith proceeded i o explain that night mayieirsaid to h s wife ill try and manage it dot what not the earrings v yes oh you darling i and the vary next day he br night them up i didnt they sparkle on tbeir bed of snowy velvet though 1 and v erent they beauties actually larger than ms kinsleys too im glad you like them doa like them and her eyes were brighter th in the gen is and for one whole month home was a paradise of serenity lor will m lyrell but one day goinig out in a hurry 1 ora hastily put in her eatrings she cou d not have fastened them securely for on her return she found herself minus one i of her grief distraction who could write straightway down tov n went she and advertised in all the dailies but she did not give her real name i nd address she must not let will know intil it had been recovered he would fesl so badly about it no no she would conceal the fact of her loss from him till si e could tjell him of her repossession in the fame breaih she offered fifteen dollars reward and came home fagged and heartsick jut day by day passedhand nevefa word c ime there of the missing jewel she staid t the house altogether now she had no heart for shopping and calls her hope of ever recovering i ter precious earring grew fainter daily s le could not bear to look at the poor lonely one liid so carefully away going out to tjhe theatre with will one evening he said suddenly r why dora you havent g t your ear rings in are you tired of the n already oh no she exclaimed wi th a feverish laugh but i cant wait for tl em come i do hate to be late and will liaving read the oftre6eated advertisements and noticing tl e unadorned pink ears had come to his own conclusion but he only smiled and was si lent except for this one reference to divert suspicion like the wise fellow he was a nd when i wo weeks had passed and doubt b ad began to settle into despair little mrs ifayrell began to wonder if she could by anj economi cal strain replace thalost trinket unknown to will she might have manag d it if tiey had not been such very brilliant stones und so large too they must be vorthan en ormous sum i how will had jnanagec to get them in the first place ra her puzzled and frightened her when she let herself think of it but then willalwa ys diejt things on a grand scale vhen he made giftfe at all they must be worth three hundred at least- several h id valued tlnsm at thut none less shp would take the one in her dressing- cso down to mack in the chief jewellkr tell him of her loss a ud learn from him the lowest sum at which it could be replaced i ajncf thin the very next day ihe did mr mackin examined the e arring at she faltenngly inquired what one exactly like it would be worth twofifty madam ah even more than she th ught i i two hundred and fifty hat is a great deal she murmured i i vho car young man or 8 u ingles and wood rnhe undersigned ho for bale a iplendid stock x offlrst0tabb81iingles no 1 cedar 81t5 isltioper square no2 also a lari o quantity of 1 up to 100 eaalngto the per square nol pine 8100 per cedar 91 per square also a lai wood of an unas from 8125 a lo acord prime short gtavesand trade at bottomprices thob pacroay main st west acton 0 moobe he looked at her blankly nothing shrugged his shoulders thats a lie returned andrews with calm directrless and the fan iliarity born of long friendship out witl it will turned on him youve helped me out o a good many tight places i admit but yju cant do it this time c andreivs a sandyhaire and chubby- ftused little scotchman cocl ed his head on one side like an inquisitive s arrow may be not but try me i i will laughed with an air of embarrass ment it seems a foolish thi tg to worry so about apologetically w ell as youinust know heres the case in a r atshell dora wants diamond earrings a id i could quite as easily purchase for her i ie worlds jair with the great eastern tnrown in now you know andrews rubbed his chin and nodded yes i know drily i know women at least i know one womas and i guess they are pretty muoh alike im engaged ho oried will j faot got to get richrst domestio happiness indefinitely postponed just ionght the ring futablin in vest pocket you may look at it and ot an idea for yonr wifes solitaires of he thought lessj careless ma iden wh cares is ol ten said without thought or consideration y th very one whntterslthovho cares is oftenthe spl ject who really cares the most core cones to all and especially to those who have reached years of direction who ctnsf says the young mo n just entering a p ace of business either is a juniof clerk in i ome mc rcantilb establii hmenf or as a nger oyin jsome bunk he has a position and says at oncn who cares lit le does hej thmk that somebody who has a greater interest in h s welfare than he iias himself does care and has such act re as he can only appreciate wheijhe has the same care thrust upon himself aft r he becomes the ffatjher of anotpqr sue l as himself girl of the present tho ie of her circle hee hess as herself tha price theee celts bftr lade 11 who cires says the as she converses with just as 1 uotightless and little does she think a mother cares nor think of the cares until she herself becomes a mother then with vhat regret t she lookback and thinks ho v many matoy times she has said toher good old mother m times of thouglrtlessnesb who cares we have all made use of tt e same ejtpijes- sioi yetwelall care w care for our selves we care for the opinion others iriay have of us we care for tha result of our amution in sonie certain direction we cars for the result of jsome i certain enter- prif e we may have embark 3d in in fact we jare for everything connected with our exii tence then why sho lid we use the t j ten i who cares everybody pares not only for thenuelyes but their jfriends and neighbors they care for tljeir present ano their future also in short why should any one use the expression who cares does she ever t express take ofita how to take ofika hide stealing dimples i was going to kiss the dimples from ui the little cheeks where they ripple and they dance evsry time she laughs or speaks she said i shouldnt do it but i held her fast and tight and kiased and kissed the rosy little fj with all my might arid then a pair of eyes twinkled v t gravely ont and a pai of little lips gathered up a dil fulpbut i i with little drooping borners no wonder you will say i to see suah bonny bbuuy dimples stofei avay i thought should have kept them for jlxs a little while bti little eth were soon peeping throt gl a little smile and then i laugh like sunshine was o re all her face and every dimple had stolen was bac again in place pijrs a fittydollar kiss edwin booth wbb travelling on ihd boston an 1 albany road one day havi e just closed england metropolis 1 he hides of filmslaughtered animals have a poor reputation because of the care less way in whichj they are stripped cilf- skii is and sheeppelts are i educed pnehalf in ralue by being cut and gashed and imiroperly stretched when a hide is stripped off it should be stretched at once and pegged out 4o dry witi the flesh side mpv rard if it is rolled up or thrown i s heap and left to dry in that shape it is so me inlooking that a buyer will offer only hal its real value a few huts in regard to taking off a hide may bej useful the thriat should never be skt crosswise eitl er in killing ov m takin j off a hide the skin is shtfrom the chin down ibs brisket in t straight line to the ta 1 it is then cat aro ind each hoof the hind legs are slit be ind over the gnmbrel but the front legs are slit up in front over tht knee this lea es the skin in good shape for finishing the leather the headknd legs are first car sf ully skinned and ail cut ing the skin is e voided the skinis then easily drawn off by taking hold of it firmly apd pulling it steadily it is thbn spreal out evenly on i floor and salted with fine salt if the re is but one it is best to ake it ont as soo i as the salt has taken ai d dry at once in i cool shaded place if ti lere are imore the n one they are laid upon s ach other and bal d quite freely and aften rards they are the roughly dried if the ski as are to be kejit on hand they should be jlosely watch ed for moths or grubs amei kmi agricul turist for august engagement in the nbw he heard an nx pensively dressed handsome middleaj ed woman back of him sigh and say to 1 er corapanioa i would give 50 to kiss tl ai man bboth turned suddenly andibol ed at the speaker do yorl mean that m demanded fixing his fine dark eyes pp m her and causing the blood jto mount np to the very roots of her hair why yes of course i do replied the woman confused looking in a helpless rt qf a way at the great tragedian and at f ie smiling passengers well i accept the terms madam- e k claimed booth solemnly andljstandby my proposition sad the woman recovering her selfpossessic a and rising she imprinted a bound kiss up n the actors lips booths facedid not beta y the slightest emotion he received at kiss stolidly and did not return it bit waited until the impetuous woman fonrjd hefpurse and handed him the fiftydol bill he took the money thanked her aic taming to a feeble shabbilydressed worn l on the other side of the aisle who wu travelling with two children placed tl m money in her hands and with a court bow said this is for the childre l m aflame take it please and witho t twodollars selfishness and love began ji ander fairer womauhpotl chicago ivibi t e and fifty cents madam we dont beep such stones btjt we can have your missing earring replaced for that sui i and then observing her pallor and devin- ing the truth he kindly and politely turned hib back on her over the scani which folio ved at home turn low the ligl its ring down the curtain i but raise it a ain for a mo neat it is two weei 4 sinoe mrs will mayrell met her husbain 1 with a faxe which told him his scheme had found him ont he comes inli ow and hand a her a paper pointing put ajp jragraph asl ie does so and this is what she reads 1 new yobk ieorge kinsh y of chicago who arrived in jil is cityyesterc ay wastoday arrested for embeiszlement as he was about to board the steirriship bervh his books show a defioitoi 99000 taker as is credibly asserted to gra if y his wifes extravagant demands he nanaged to a raid suspicion up to the day f leaving 9e swallowed strychnine and died within t tie hour j with a verjj vhite face d ra laid flown the paper will yook her in his arms darling he f aid quitetly that was the only other cour ie left open u roe i owiul you forgive me now dea r v she was shttl ung from hea 3 to feet she began to cry so tly not that will you orgive me i didnt know5 didnt think i he kissed 1 e tenderly of oonrse r ot sweetheat t but we can do without di nonds better than without honor or eacl atliertoant w e yes yes i she oried an 1 clung t him but the tears ttad washed away the old bed clothes ivlade of paper i paper- making firm m nt w jersey has foi several weeks been turnir g out counter- pa lies and pillowcases ofjaper ho 1 m nilla paper is used tw larga sheets be ug held together by a slei der twme a in ervals of three- or four inches the sh hder twine is gummed so is to hold the sh eets firmlylogether where lt lies a hem is placed on the counterpane to keep it from tearing the safety edge is composed of twine ornamental designs are stamped in the outer surfaces of the co vers and cases gi ying them a neat attractr e appearance y hen these counterpanes ai d pillowcases b come wrinkled from use tiey can easily b smoothed out with a hot jatiron the oc unterpanes can be left on the bed when it is occupied and in cold w 3ather will he fc und a warm covering pater preventing tl e escape of heat the nw paper bed- clothing is seventy five cents per set and will probably become very popular u v 1 he maidservant of the future the servant of the future will have everything her own way unless something ie done to check her mad career in the y ar a p 2000 j the family will probably another word he left the car exchange 4 he asked a blessing a clerk and his country father enten t a restaurant saturday evening and bxl seats at aj table where sat a telegraph ope ator and a reporter the old man bowe his head bnd was abouttoay grace whe a waiter sang out i have beefsteak cot fish balls and bullheads father and so i gave their orders and the former agai i bowed his head the young man turne the color bf a bloodred beet said touchin his arm he exclaimed in a low nervoui tone i j father it isnt customary to do tha n a restaurant 1 i its icustomary with me to retut t thanks to god wherever i am said th old man i for the thirid thnehe bowed mb heai and the telegrjaph operator paused in thi act of carving his beefsteak and bowed hi i head and the journalist pushed back th i fishball and bowed his head and ther wasnt a man who heard the short an i simple prayer that didnt feel a profounde respect for the old farmer than if he had been the president of the united statesh- sljracust fttaitdoi d considerate workmen euvyand w th her smile of 2000 i the family will et teem it a favor if the cook allows them u eat with her the hours of the cook will be from eight oclock in the morning nitil two oclock in the afternoon in families where they have dinner at one 0 clock and from eleven in the morning u atil six in the afternoon in families where t ie dinnerhour is at six the cook will b allowed to set the hours for the meals 1 o cooking will be done on sundays and t lere will be three sundays in every week on tuesday colld meat will be furnished tie family for dinner when the cook 1 laves she will jie allowed to write out her c wn credentials the employer being only r squfred to bign them sound sense who is that nw man who opened v rood yard or something on second street t nd bought a bill of goods of as last e atur- ay asked did jhysoh- tve ipit his ard and forgotten his name i i dont know repljed the officejdoy well saii the oldman i hate to ilbkhim run down to the corner and see vhat is on his sign thatll give it presently the bby came back lime and coal he said aud old hyson calmly charged tie bill ip to lyman coltf brooklyn eagle it will doubtless surprise many peoph to iuid that workmen when treated witl proper consideration and liberality ar capable both of gratitude and generijisitj towifd their employers in theleyei shipyard some time ago a ship was put down on speculation merely to keep th men together last week the riveters and caulkers sensible of their employers kind ness held a meeting and resolved to ask the firm to reduce their wages 10 per cent ahd to intimate that they were willing b do a fortnights work on the bteameij with out any wages at all this is an unprece dented instance of good feeling between masters and men and shows that after al artisans are much more easily led thai i driveniontoi truth how dumas paid his shoemakei t alexander dumas was frequently visite 1 by a shoemaker to whom he owed a sui i of twenty louis he invariably gave tl a man his breakfast and a lotiis to pay hi s expenses and buy cakes for his childrei but never paid the bill this went on ft r two years during which time thetradesma a received some two hundred louie and i a many breakfasts without the origin d account being in any way diminish one day it occurred to dumas to pay hii l th6 man rejected the money with tear i i am very poor sick wife large fami y to bring up i implore you m duma 3 not to alter our present agreeable way pf doing business pats wit four friends sandy bill pat anil ti after travelling a came to an eating arose who was to makef a sandy si id considerable distant house the questiii pay expenses afar some trguing they deoided upon tbisjooofse viz if either of them could not line to rhyme he was to pay on the first of september the queen crossed the water bill said on i he second of september there was a go at slaughter taff said on the third of september the queen had a daughter after this clever bit they tbpugb thy 1 id pit but he instantly broke jqj- ke fourth of september was the day aftet so they shared the expenses between th m if i i i

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