Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1885, p. 2

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ss t- ft- ttmlman- tiumiay mohniko acorn 6 18ws lexs opjbn letter pen lett i ijjv yiti j in another column lex jiijeeeuts his jjiinud- letter to the jrtwbere of the i muntapfcl council he ia1x2piab with hit fcriiteikm grve 6 wellmerita com menawtion anft reviews the councils do ings in a manner to olanse more than pam- ing interest fey ratepayers generally a portion of his faultfinding is reasonable and ftdly justified while for some point the writer way be as severely critioized for unfairly magnifying matter of little mo- ment to the public and which caif be readily explained by those attacked however our municipal representatives are old enough stjtiiienongh and sufficiently intelligent to fight their own battles and we leave them a clear open field iiwhich they will have the full privilege of vanquishing lex by answering satisfactorily the whys and the wiefrefores concerning their actions as questioned by him v mauy things u mtlagfamqit ifomtmh ofl t pof p wru- 0is5tljisstlt is ww nearly aoyoar 8inewtx kop iasfon to f idressytia through these coin ains since ttfeii you hawkone which 4 iscrved a ffmjw tke sun still clouded u jthe milton sun continues with unceasing vigor its assertions r respecting the alleged desire of the members of the county tern- petanoc association to make their organiza tion a political machine andrthat thejfrek press b a politicallybiassed journal jmter- etied in furthering the cause of one politi cal party to the prejudiced theother rel- specting the former claim wf have repeat edly presented substantial evidence that pohtics do not have never and never can have a place or consideration with the as sociation whosendeavors are solely for the ultimate banishment entirely from halton cointy of the whiskey curse concerning the politics of thfaee pbess we have time and again honestly and positively asserted for the satisfaction and- edification of this jou rnal which evidently has lost its bear- s that the fbjbk ebess has not the slight est connection wiih any political party fac tion er clique and consequently is amenable to none has no interest in supporting such and ifi therefore never expected by any political party io do so the sun seoms desirous of ignoring our evidence and state- i metts concerning above aud allwe have now to say in this connection is that if the sua unreasonably declines to accept our as sertions concerning the fnee pbess position ijtically and our most true and reason- explanations of the actions of the eiation whichit unfortunately miscon- trufed then we part company on the subject ana shall henceforth ignore its remarks an the matter wheijfiie sun can give us credit for expressing the truth concerning ouk position then we will be happy to enter infer reasonable debate with it upon this or any other question j amouhtofidritijoibmthaaitheyhaveiecived and doub less having gr wn bolder because of his ap arei itj lack of interest you have takjen liberties in your juositious of public trust whiih yc ulotherwi le would not have darjed to do- you hays performed your duties in la mi inner des gned possibly to escape observation 1on have in relation i o btreetnd side walk fcffajirs done you work well you hajve given us a large amount of juew side walk cre table to any city you halve graded main street as it should have been done years agj i the lidewalks over the creeks on main street especially the upper one requires a little moie expenditure in a irailing to prev snt aocide its on dark nights this is all thtt remain i nndone to make your work con plete as i identic ned befon you have dohe wdhbutwhy you have leparted from the customary course and have not laid before the publuj thejusuol rep rt stating in detail the proposed work of tie season and the estimated expenditure connected therewith notes and comments the imports into canada for the month oi june entered for conlumption were valued at 97730532 on which duty was paid fo the amount of 19237335 this was at the rate of 1672 pes cent j sir moses monteffore died at samsgate england on tuesday he was born oct 24 1784 and haot therefore attained to near the age of lolj for his services to his race and other works of philanthropy sir moses was known throughout the civi lized world at the celebration of his 100th birthday last october he received felicita- tions from every quarter of the globe the new york sun has this ghost story a clerbrwho levented to canada from sedalia mo with his employer funds has returned and restored 9000 saying that he would sooner go to the penitentiary than live in the dominion the story is a good one as far as it goes bnt it is not complete the- clerk from asking f orj a certain airic int to be placed to the credit of tljie street ond sidewalk com- mittee is a prtsblem the solution of which isenlytsnown jto yourseh es why has this report not been forthcoir ing as in previous years why has the pt blic not been given a chance to know what jou proposed doing and the cost ofj the same yotir aotions in this bhow that you did n t desire thepublic to know viat ou intended doing pntil you had accomplished your parpose ypu wahtj ed the ratepayers to be a le to fbriin no idea of the amount lof taxes tley will be called upon to ipay jin the fa 1 until too late to protest in the pnly manner left to them viz bylp tition for dr ag linst the work then yourpikid commissioner appointed at a time vheij you need a the money for far better purposes i do not think that any man f honkl devote 1 is whole time in the municipalitys interei ts without fair re muneration wire we abh to pay for it and here ltt me state tlat commissioner ismond has dojie his work faithfully and well butj i think that he present is no time to put additional i urdens upon the public especially when se consider the fact that thosej whohave uhde taken thexmerous position of chairman of t ie street and side- walk committee in the past have done so without remunwition betieving that in the serving of ithe publics bust interests they received tile publics best thanks in grateful remembrajice why she uld mr ismond or any future chairman o that committee receive 880 or s100 a year autof corporation funds any morejhan me isrs hill-mcgar- vin campbell the late c 8smith and others who have takenut on themselves the same duties and withoit putting their hands inti the village treasury for pay shame gehtlemen if the honors are not remuneration for the position give it up and allow worthier men io fill the place until atiast- acton has funds enough to afford a paid commission r f again i have examine regularly your accounts s s published in the ftee fbess snd i have seen no mentic o of the disposal bf the bid liidewalks yet i see at the resi dence of ytur commission it a high pile of this as firewood and another pile is to be i 6een at the place of busine ss lately occupied by a relative if the firew cod is given gra tuitously why riot give our deserving poor the benefit instead of be stowing it upon those fetter able fo buy fir iwood than many others in acton to whom a pileof old side walks would be quite a bo n in concltaion gentlemen the manner in which you have conducted these and other affairs this year leads me to think that you are using the influence and positions given you by the ratepayers of acton for your own benefitjanc that- you are caring- less year byjyear for the public good give us pure governmenuin municipal affairs and less striving for selfinterest ntor work for the people and less for yburse ives yonr gain will be renewal of that public trust and t twined between the editor and tlio in other words the tone anlgeneral aoter of the pilfer are qualities itupfcl tffvfpu and roatlv into it by thentroliw genifli editor and avme thiamnditiqwi its highest poswoility there will be found tne journal whioh ojlerts tho greatest intln mceupbh the oohbwtueiiioy which it serves i have heard of ii certain jouniahbtio crank who deolared in favor of v impersonal joumalibm an expression which he borrow ed from some other yankee crank and who said a paper alone should be responsible for its utterances without regard to the personality of the writer in faotit is tiie paper thai speaks not the editor there is however really no such thing as im personal journalism except in sheets too obscure to be dignified with the title jour nal bocauseif a writer h any eminence at all in his profession his identity and personality will surely become known it is this fact which gives status and influence to one journal and denies them to another the journal which wins the favor of the best classes of people will al way b be that one which is editorially controlled and made by a man whose intrinsic worth is recog nized by the same people on the other hand the journal which receives the en comiums of those whoare deficient in moral tone will be one which is presided overbya man similarly afflicted the tone or char acter of every journal is but the reflex of the editors moral naturej and noamountof sophistry can shake this tjjuth upon these premises absolutely truei it will not be a difficult task for anyone to pronounce judg ment upon the churaoter jof either a journal or its editor i believe it is the correct un derstanding of this truth and the applies- tion of that hashed to the great success that crowns the history of the acton fbke ptuiss it is satisfactory to any people to know that in their midst a newspaper of such high moral tone exists and wields its influence for j the building up of a noble character especially in the lives of the youngwho eventually must be the instru ments in monlding the national character pf this mighty dominion let all who desire a pure and elevating sentiment in the com munity see to it thai the weighty influeuce of the fhee pbess for good be encouraged in every possible way and jits power fer moulding enlightening and elevating hu manity be so spread abroad that vico and crimeand immorality niay be overcome and purity and virtue prevail wishing you all thejsuccess your efforts deservo i am yours fraternally i mqcau and dry iskiu aiugbeiisutioiih elliug of tho ankles v feeliugs of unrest rlrbriokdrist fluidtf jinaoh aching l68uf dromp growing nervpusineis strange borenes9 of the ibofyels unocootratable jnnguld f edllngs 7 short breatii uud ploavitaa ipaijih foao side bajkaohe frequent attacks of the f- slues 9 flattering and distress of hi heart albunien aud tube oasts in tae water fitful rheuradtie pains ttndjneuralgla loss of appetite flesh anch strength constipation alternating wii looseiibss of the bowels- 1 i abundant pale of soautyi flow of dirk watr chills and fever burnipfspatohes of skin then- brightswiscilseohheklrtnejs the above symptoms are not developed inany order but appear disappear and re- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp on the constitution jjhe kidneys poisoned blood breaks down jfjienervoub sybtem and finally pneumonia wil air charg elements foul air continuously nil elenieots will curia oiisly- ppoplexy andthen ul disease ry day dia ls than any diarrhcoa bloodlessuess heart disease paralysis or convulsions ens death is inevitable this fea is not a rare tines it is an el order and olaims more vioti other complaiht it must be treated in time on it will gain the mastery dont neglect m war ners safe cure has cure thousands of oases of the worst type andtt will oure you if you will use it prom ptlj and as di rected it is the only apeoiflaor the unij versal briqhtsdis thepillawlnliler is au elegantly ruiitl s jiair pillow oliarges l with remedial elew nu the vap fof thich the patient inhalde all hikht lmg whildt sleeping ns usuau it oimiiot jet out of order aud is pejrt ictily safe t the mot delicste it will lh it for years an serve any number of perk us in a fam ly in sue cession it hatters dajwu the stt onghold of catarrb bronoi litis astlraa and const awtioa and makes pernia leiitcure by our application of ii alng and oarative air directly to the diitawed parts suffererb from any of the abovementioned diseases are urgently requeskjej to send us their un dress and a 50phge pamphlet will be mailed to them fiije whicli will give a complete history of jtli s wonder ul duov- ery and the principles jipoii whlc i it works together with a lougriist of testimonials from those who hav s used it an whonow rejoicehi perfect he ltti i do not delay for the longer a disease ij allowed to run unci ecbed the t lower an harderit is to effdet a cure there is uo niedjlci ue tken into the item ftch no douching prunjurhog noraiiythiug disbjereeable about this treatment tosayl the greatest slaughterijig o go6 ever before heard of in acton r la paperl hyndl busl paperj ting notesj keeptj in to we taclesl in act deale pfees amd pcles of mkvfiutrm goods at 1 refjulur piucs 25 attn 30 cents 4 lse ne advertisements staoks of he 5 cents ohoioest and most beautiful prints i from 6 cents up- iioisk lot for svlc the uuderslgned offers for sale h jot on main street it is a largi talus nine rooms also kitchen and well adapted for a tenement or boo good stablo on tho premises llbe apply to d w boustianu liouso con odshed is ling house terms it has never been kndwn to fail sejul your name r and addrisp plainly writen to the pillow- inhaler agtaoy bbsilov0t big fire in toronto amiuion dollars worth of property de- stroyed the esplanade almost ool- 8tjmed a rare chance valuable f -iand- village prop for sale osbof the finest fakms iff the gouuty of halton eitunto within oneualf mile of thr thrifty and eutorprising village of actou containinr 100 acreb known ns tle brown homesteads also 25 acres tlipbired with cedar timber 1 i omfortablo store on still sbfect for full jiartlcularsipply to i w p brown ti acton imr ene ranges of hosiery gloves parasols 4 j less t irxhan tjost price no old stock thji this spac i lielongs to the village property comprises j dwelling houso w store sedalia forgot to mention that if he had delayed his home journey about an hour magnetic oil cures rheumatics neuralgias lome back stiffjoints and chiigfaiiib tstatham ex late i i maun elsioii bakeby kesil new advertiiement next confidence jsrhich by your own actions you e in relation to he would now have been dominion and the perjifejitiary hamilton spectator- living in boththe kiel to be hanged the 18th september named as the day of execution j uhe in hai 4khour are fast losing you will jnext hear of m your actioufe- individually ind as a council in the cemptery job i remain yonri ac tc acton july 31st w85 lkx what a brother jou inalist says owii v wismpeo man ang 1 the jury in the kiel trial wee out abont thirty min utes they returned a verdict of guilty judge richardson when he began his charge to the confined himself chiefly to reading extracts from the evidence he then reviewed the law upon which the court was established and the trial con tacted the charge vas concluded at 215 and the jury retirefs the 5ath was ad ministered to the guard to keep the jury without meat or drlnkj fire or lodging at f there via a murmur in the court and it was whispered that the jury had agreed all was bustle and excitement riel prayed fervently kneeling in his box and looked unmoved as fhe jdry entered with a verdict of guilty francis congreve the foreman whilecrying like a child an- noiince 1 that he was adked by his fellow jurors to recommend the prisoner to the mercy of the crown and the judge said the recomnieri4ation womd be considered riel was senttoced to b4 hanged on sept 18th at begina ndrfftbkhrdbon said he could hold out j hbrdsfpecbf a reprieve or interference by haje riel took the result coolly ffltiflnf pieh two hoars reviewing the troubles of 1869 and the lialf breed griev- wc tjb wine present uunityetlajbvthe pther juuf- teiclisboere frst be oharged it will protwibly be txeiwohfelony in orde to dbtothenecesty of serving an indict- radiyafcre trial j aijoriiy pi jpnewwm be chafed with murfe tiiigb8mne maybe indicted for treoeon- jnyor levying war the latter charge ii wtieoeflsarily capital v i3iwr 1 a12l30 the worst fire that has ever visited the city of toronto broke out in the mammoth eightstory brick buildin on the south side of the esplanade at tbefoot of princess street known as the glucose factory a policemau sounded an alarm and the whole fire brigade was call ed out 1 for destructiveuess and loss of property the fire has probably never had an equal iii the city it is impossible to f jrni the faintest conception of the gigantic loss that will falt on the owners of the valuable property over which the fiery scourge passed leaving only blackened ruins in its tracks scores ql valuable craft of all grades which were moored along the docks suffered alike with the factorythe foundry the elevator the boat hoase3 etc when the hese reels arrived at 1235 although the fire had only been burning about fifteen minutes it could easily be seen at a glance that wholesale destruction was tobe the order of the proceedings fierce flames were shooting from ja quarter of a thousand or so of windows that were scattered throughout the great big glucose factory at this time the heat was so inr tense that the firemen could barely go within half a biock of the doorned building the flames crackled and shot out their tongues in an angry menacing manner and totally defied the gallant but puny efforts of the firemen iu fact the fiend of fiends made up his mind there and then to have it all bis own way and so he did to his hearts content the loss vis estimated at upward of 81000000 among the boats burned wa3 ths maxep- pa of which the c s smith estate of this place owns a controlling interest it was worth abont 12000 magnetic cures chapped hands- frot bites burnsand scalds sciatica etc l finest jtange of white and gbay cottons fitom cents cfp they arethe cheapest gouds ever before offered in acton im clearing out the also clear balance of millinery anp millin- erlst goods at half price 1- jig oct gents fin straw hatst 20 per cent less than cost i 1 v week no cvr 1000 plairs pe boots knd shoes whlch we are bojttnd to clejar otjlal less thanhiflf price i ajs tke bar 1 value in sugars1the cheapest pl ace fbwn forsirgars vre cprpjpence pur firt of 1 august wt- aims till that time crt providl to co r tv daj hi appear trj pi tlj thirty- fpifcssj v thec ons gv left vj tiuto ca teme new trip tic tfc play at dn the 1 lor ieed f annual stock- taking on m agnetic j is a most useful remedy for bmh man and beiist b magnetic oil is splendid for coughs and colds sore throat aud croup u maguetic oil isi bold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle knd is aptaallj thej bebt liniment known insist on yonf drnggist giving you the genuine masueticipil he canada citi2 fcn jaxd temper canadas gbeatjp of thes 3 bargama while can only offerf you these do hot fail to secure some theyiare groingi vji tle hekaldl bopniition iremer 6p our papkil 1 the chcnpcm nniil jiw bcitt edited bvf bpenck j sixteen pages weeklki oil nne toned iiaer terms sioo iii atlvaut a itizkv m o terpulo warning and comfort fanrous 50c tjea nelson mcrae co wastjkd liand mostunex- the writer has the follokving letter of and words and encouraging expressions fiom the pen of an esteemed brother journalist of many years- standing has just come to pectedly anil unsolicited been a reader of the fukk piikss from the time of its inception and i ais repeatedly re ferred to it privately and through tho col umns of his ownjourna in the kindest mariner we mu8tsay h kever that we consider his allusions to th i fbek pbess and its editor al logether too str ng and unlimit ed nevertheless we canni it but appreciate fee spirit of genuine sym athy and goof- will which prompted the k hd remarks and we beg to tender our qincerest thanks therefor vbal todo if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgregor parkes car bolic oerite you will find it invaluable lor healing oleansing and completely re moving your troable if the blood is out of order take with it a few doses of mc- r pure from jl mcgar yins drng store 29 to the editoi of the fiifce pbi eb deaii8ni i havb been constrained by the exaniplb of w h storey eeq and mr hockin to add my tes timony to theirs upon the va tie to actonanillvicinityofyur handsomely printed and we liedited journal i have no hesitation in itating that the fbeb pbkss is and has 1 jways been the best printed paper in the x unty of halton and i cdnsicer myself quiie competent to judge from ptie fact that i uso am a inein ber and hay been for mai y years of the fourth estate- tbatltl iej paper is one which enjoys the conflaenci of thepeopleis evident from the stable and at the same time progmssive character whiph it jia building up for itself in he community another j tok in of public w nmence is the very liberal nann6r in wbi hj the business men avail ihemselves of is advertising coiumnsj bull tijem is a phase jjf distinctly naipresse4 on it week to whjc h i wish partic alarly to refer and that is p ie close relatio 1 ihip that ex ists andi sepis to be in i ricably merll proven dolhvrapon dollar is freqttenlly spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cifre you are not asked to purchase it untilitsmerits are proven call at j i mcgarvins drug store arid get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long sttndipg it costs you libthihg bold in 50c and i bottles see testimon- als from jersonsinyour own town 29 1 e journalism rom week to m i lilxdmm jhutd lightning there are but few that have never suffered almost lutileiable piiirfroin toothache neuralgia or like jtciite pains to them such au instant relief as fluid ijufhtriihg is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive incdiciues tofihe taken o- liy oi- 0 flidlielit- inj jici 5f4lfl at j ij mtoarvini drug store i 29 itchiniiie sjmpionibnnacnrc the syinptonipare moisturelikeperbpir alion i itense itchiug iucreased by scratch ing ve 7 distressing particularly al night seems s if pinwonnji were ci awl ing in and about 1 he rectum the private parts are sometimes affected ii allowed to continue very serious results may follow swavnks i olistjlintia a pleasant sure cure also forltetter itcb salt rheum pll scalkj crusty 3kiu diseases sent bymfil for fio dents 3 hses 125 in stauibs afl- dretj drswaynr son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 prominent among the greatest medica discoveries by tlfo uianycniesitha8affect ed mcgveiuii fspeedi cure leads the van subjected to t he minutest chemical analysis it has been found ta contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- ior adaptability to te various complaints for which it has been compounded and its effipapy is being established by testimonials hourly reoeived we are therefore confi- dentjtlmt we have a preparation which we can offer to the pnbjic with the assurance ihat it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver cohv plaint indigestion constipation and im- pure blood free trial bottles at j e mogal vms ruir store 33 anted a iiesid 3nt agent in eveby ljcity in the doiuidion also aiew travellers to sell pur new air gas ma chines for making air gab 50 iter ceuti cheaper than coal equally as kom no are or bowrer re- iuired mode in all siztsfromlsbnrnatolooo or private houses storebj hotels factoi ies mills streets mines etc addiess canadian aib gas mahixe mrd c 115 t fraucbjs sayier st lo-iv- r i montkiial pq a rolfei elpb lfeing appear ii house fflantinigr the undersigned bei8 to inform the ejople of aotou and vicinity that he is prepared to give first- class satisfoctionliri t ie lines of bopf paint ing house painting h-v-i- lj i paper hanging in calcimining and- also thejlatest styles all r order promptly attended to p dxneb eapaeseneir from ip going arou id cap of emigration to cat- warren vhom everybody manager of the largest hot of america sajsthat new iork oh board a horn in the early da ifornla ho learned that one of the oi the vessel had owed himself daring age pf an obstinate diiease by the ayers sas since then mr iceland lias recomkended avers sabs aparilla in many bimilor coses and he has nevdr yet heard of its fall- ure to effect a radical nre i some years ago one 1 1 mr ijelakb fl farm bborers braised- his lg owing to he bad state of his blood an u ly scrofulous e irelung or lump appeared on t ie injured uml hor- rlble itching of the t dnj wjui bhrn vf and darting pains through vie luihp nu do life 4 almost intolerable j 2 lie leg beeara enor- mouaiy enlarged and r innipg ulcers ormed dlscuarguig great qoijitluw of ex renicly offensive matter kp treatment was of any atail until the manjbj jmr iedakd idrec- tibnj was supplied wit i atebs 8a isapa- hi lla which allayed t ife paluand irr tation healed the sores rerno red the sweuii g and completely restored the lioibtouse mrleiiandhasparspnailyused thjb fashionable wfet end 1 l mrl oelph fin st stock of lovely sat eens prints and iyiuslins in thee tyr i i m spots checks and stripes i in endless yartpty always busy i i f ht pubf well shows al tdu best and tomfort to tuesurftriiuc browns flongehold jpanacea lias ho equal for retievibg paiii both ihernal od external it cures pain in the 3ide back or bowels spre throat bheumatiam toothache umbagond any kind pi a pain or achej it wiylmostsufely qaick en the blojandrealvils its ftcfing power is wohderf tij bjow sauseojdpphr acea being aoipwdgedns the greq paiab4ieyer anbdpn ww siwneth of any otbrt ejixir or lfoiment in the world should b in eyery family badv for use weiijwtealas it really is the best rpnedy intie orld for cramps i 1the 8 tomach spfl paspft mi aphes of all k inda and isiqr8alibyfllidrgkit 25 cattion v bach plijkof tub nyy e is marked iu bronzeletters i ayeifssa portant announcement cin buy goods qlieaiper at the star droeery than at any other place in the county 1 of hltdn and mn genuine hrdvvate and shoesj ve dan aellyou for less a tii an you call buy them btirevplace est of horoiip l pfacp jii ontario for eheurhausm wlttlentlresnocesd and after careful oteervituai declares t uxt fa bis belief there is- no i icdlcine iu th world equal to it fjjr tlie cuic of liver dibojrders gout the effects bf high living salt khemn sores ijroj itlon i and a u the various foras of blc iid d iseases we have ifr lelxkd s pei ioiraiout invite allwhoni9yde8irefuiuerevdeneelu regard to thejeirtruiiiarv urir ivtb irs of ally eltiierjtt his mat lbngbranohjor at the broadway 27th and good done by this blood poisons enabl imuch valuable mfi floldbyaudroggibtt to see him j erson- oeean otet ipnlirleland hotel i new rork iflrledg 3 tho eradlcs tor pf to to glvehu uirer its i lwellrr8 bottles ft rjs we arqljound to do the trade our smalls aud iiuehd to najdle large quantities of ajoods corne andbuy- eiiaiths jforks bakesj ajley fof ks also garden spades 4 barb wire fpr iiiiie j fnll lilies of 31ass k8k ei alwyfe iii stoel maciuie0h8ir reapers movers and all m 1 1 m j in peereasj enbricating a tardinir and every inr elise iii haftl mre bpotand slices or groceries cheaper 5 than yojii ever lought fhetn in yolnr er rea qristen dha iremembfer that 6dcea hrjb at a howson wext door to post office cod bngwmsabrawsbk- i

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