Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1885, p. 3

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zv i jk u v hjvmii is se ihteting hi i5- cents prints at k0 hinds actou jj ladies sauting ail ejttra quality onott operand iinwlopesanottld call at q6o hyudv acton business men wanting cheap envelopes paper pens ink pencils mucilage blot ting paper ledgers day books blank notes receipts calf ageol hynds we keep the largest and besjjjtock of stationery in town wedding and birthday presents 8neo taclos from 25o to 88 the cheapest store in acton for the above tine of goods v- geo hxndfl ij dealer in jewelry stationery school books and fancy goods thursday moftxiso acncst 6 1805 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters at less 1 ekom 5 er s i ml1n- k 20 pej we are ice n town 1 the weeks rkinqs which ai prtooipally interesting harvesting at low rates the wages for farm section arojittle more thai paid last yew 820 pernioi the ruling rate msb looal and all aborera in tliie half what was tli and board is tho brightest has a larg4 patronage thojwalaoeburg avwiu bay it acton fiiku pk88 is one of the and bqat of our exohangis it has just completed its touth volun e and now ap pears with a new heading dress of tyj patijouage i saoramenti thecomi and iu a new the frkk bbksb has a large id is deservedlj services union service popular mg on these 39 sottlq co j tod ls gnelphs civic holiday couycil meetinglnext tuesday evening th was a heavy rain storm on mpni day 1 harest applies shouldnow make their appearance the loudon fiyt prist had a page of pi one day last week i the fhkk pjus until christmas for thirty cents now for new subscribers advertise your stray cattle the free pukssiis a great assistant in finding them what is all the commotion- about in jhe campbell house this week anyhow lets see was there a picnic in camer ons grove last friday didauy ouje get left the 20th batt halton rifles will go into oamp at niagara sometime in sep tember i- a cheap excursion from toronto to new york tuisweek is announced bound trip tickets 87 i f the berlin band has been engaged to play af the toronto industrial exhibition on the hth sept next j torangeville baud hasj been reorgan ized and will infuture jje know as the citizens cornet band it is reported that j the new school readers will be ready on the opening of the schools at the 1st of september now the merery climbs to its utmost up and thejenus homo aoseth the flies on the crown erasures sup and the nigbi watchman snoozeth r the closiug of the stores in town promptly at 8 pm has been attended to quite satisfactorily during the season we hope the arrangement will be continued i t h harding grocery has secured control of the sale in acton of the celebrat ed roller flour of nicklins speedvale mills guelph and is prepared to supply all cus tomers a c mckiulayl d s surgeon den tist georgetown widl be in acton pro fessionally on wednesday august 12th it being the second wednesday ofthe month at agnews hatel mr w h storey has transformed the appearance of his handsome residence opposite this- office a gang of painters have bien busy from roof to foundation for the past week or two the acton junior lacrosse club visited rockwood last thursday and came home hilarious having defeated the rockwood juniors by three straight games ithe match lastedabout an hour v mr e p bobbins has bet admitted to tlie partnership controlling the niagara fahsijerisif tlje reiietc is a good local paper and with the addition to the staff of a gentleman of mrjrobbins experience its patrons may look for an even more interesting and satisfactory publication it rocery we have received the first number of thvmitcbell adrertuer a new candidate for public favor published by mr w col- well the adverther is neatly i printed shows an aptness forgetting local news and promise to fill a pf omjnent position in the history of perth may success attend it the port elgin buy times free pre have amalgamated nnder the style and firm of johnston watson both these gentlemen are experienced newspaper men ana will do their utmoat to give port lgiri a local representative second to none and theyll succeed tw a hrighvfuture to them m 7 there is a great dealof religion in nature reraarkeda clergyman while calling upou lady of his congregation the other evening there is was the quiet reply s w should never forget that there is a sennpn in every blade of grass quite tirue and we should also remember that grass is cuff very short at this season u the methodist church labt sunday were lnrgely attouded and partook of a more that usually inter ostmg icharnoter rev b b keefer of torontoj preached a most affecting sermon upon the sacrament its ori iu and signifi cance the b4st upon the sul ijeot it has ever been our privilege to jioar rev r phillips the pastor delivered a very acceptable dis course ii the evening the chiidreiisholioas the follow ping piece of sound sense is clipped iron an exchange more than 500000 children hi this pdvince are now enjoying the luxuries of sui timer holidays give the sch ol children all the pleasures youcau gie them plentj of excursions and pionics uid outdoor pa rtieb let them play ball am fish and row- and get their faces tanned and their clot es torn make life happy fcr them and tielr holidays a pleasant inei lory the old folks will be all the betteifor anything they c owhich blesses and benefits the young more telephone faojuues the bell company is still pushiug ou with its riew lines at the rate elf about thirty rhiles a day and has oompl jfed within the last few days the line fnm trentou to picton taking in also bloonifield welling ton and the lake shore jotel at west point welland has been iomieoted with thorald and st catharines and the line is now being srapidly finished to hamilton buffalo port colborue niaj ara falls and other oouneciions in that ne ghborhood will also be completed in a few w seks montreal will be in communication with kingston and all towns on the way i 1 a few dayb andrseveral other lities an 1 in course of construction died on the rrain the midniffai train on thursday morning was delayed it the station at brampton some time on account of the death of one of the passengers c f parrsatt who was on his way tc kansas from toronto the corpse was taken into the w litingroom of the station aiid word sent 1o a friend in toronto who came up tha 1 day and took the body to toronto the deceased was night clerk at st james otel and had been ailing from consumption for some time past at last got so bad iat his cousin mr fred felitz on wednei day night sent him off to ellsworth kans as where his parents reside he lefttdronto by the 1115 train and when it rea hed brampton the poor young fellow dropped dead in the sleeper he was about 28 y ara of age prohibitory lieglalatlon last sundsy afternoon al 4 oclock rev bb keefer toronto ge leral agent of the domlnioi alliance add essed a mass meeting in tl e methodist church he re viewed in an interesting mai ner his experi ence of three months duri ug the recent session in the senate and house of com mons where iie was engaged in lobbying with a view to securing more effective means for tie enforcement of the scott act the conclusions arnvi id at were that if the people cf the dominion are ever to secure satisfactory and suco issful prohibi tory measures they must pr weed at once to use tt eir i lfluence in s curing heth a senate and a commons coin posed of repre sentatives whase principles t rill lead them to support and labor for sue legislation- oheap trip to toronto thia belnl civic holiday in cfuelphwuv- orly l idge a- p am has a big excursion at low ratei the return fare from aoton train will itrrivo hore shortlj this morning 11 the oonstxtctlon of ditch crossings the bylaw to regulate the of ditch oroaaings aud outrank 8 to private property recently passed by thu counoit has beou published so that our citizens may become fully aoquainted with it iproviiions i 1 vfl arranged for to toronto is l the after eight joubtruotion thp bylaw jprovidos that all approaches interobting itdnai i on the year f vl- 3 lito b our i gfoods spades lass jii rg and arid blieaper tliat flic 3 christie hendersons lime bubiness messrs christie fc henderson acton have made arrangements for opening a draw kiln at guelph for the burning of the celebrated gnelph vhite lirn tney will tbuslie able to supply the building trade with both white and gray lime of their own manufaaturethis firm are shipping 25 cars of limefronj their campbellville kilns to toronto- pee month i sudden deatlj at hilton on tnesdaiy last mr jchas allan of nassagaweywas atmilton btation witli his team when the hordes became frighten- edandhe jumped out of jibe waggon to quiet them at this momfen t he was taken with heart disease and expired in a few minutes mr allan was a welltodo farm er respected by nil and only 30 years of age his widow and two children are i accorded the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement jaujweneedtosay complimentary remarks of very en- iconraging nature anent the fbeb pbubs and the completion of its first ten yfears have beeaahowered upon us by ooth coitems and fne4ds and still they come to hand the rirt elgin buy timet ha the following inj its last issue olir spicy exchange the aeton fbee pbkbs haseritere4 upon jite eleventh year and so many cpngratnlatinb have been heaped upon itftitotltexeiw no rohh left for ns its ins very mpdel ofl perfection is sili we can say the press trip the nembcrs of the pfreks association who arc awaj on the annual excursion have a pleasi nt tine before them the j round trip will occupy eight or niha days and is one wh ch hai long been des red by tne as- sociatkn the grandeur iff the white mountain scenery the asient of mount washington i jy railway g93 feet above theieel of the sea oyerl wking all the other mountains and affordi lg a wonderful view as far a the eye can each tlie nu merous poiutu of historical i itereat cluster ing in and ariuud oldbostoi the hub ocean bathing at the bead 1 the sail up long island sound on a teautiful ocean steac iertwc days in the gr sat city of new york a sail op the classuc hudson on a floating palace home by 01 e pf the finest ljail i outes or jthe continent via buffalo and he worldfamed niagara cataract all combine to tffer nnparalleed attractions for the holidi y jaunt miltons sch me and its sen emer tpemiltor ctiampion says the mil- toni ms who have been intsresting them selves about he prospective establishment hen 1 of the e alseytire eng ne factory are a di sappointed and disgusted lot of men las t week after the exhibiti on of the work ing of ei gine and aft a mr halsey had made khown the terinn on which he wq id be wii ing to locate 1 ere messrs s hainatjjrmiiypr andf jarclay regis- tra went tcjdetroit to visit the extensive establishment which mar halsey alleged wa i mauuf aeturing his engi les there mr ha isey did not hear of the detroit expedi tion until afjer messrs hannant arid bar- cla jrv depart ire bat on bei ag informed of it xprisped 1 reat indignati in at the want nee shpwujn him said he- would u nothing farther to do vith the town an 1 went auay without vaitibg to hear th 1 result of the in vestigal ions iaj michi gan leavink pfdere for his engine to be sh ipiped to gklt when m issrs hannaflt ai dbarcjay returned thej reported that tl e halsey lingiue works t tdetroit were a myth smi that jail they 1 t been able to fi id mitfisitf- small offise wheris jibey iw brelform idthiit the ma iufacturti of flie eiigiijesibad uotaby4tbjeei commenced in t ie unifced tatesi bat hail been oarried on a i galtjobfy that themacilines hadprbyed be constructed as follows thjt is- to say a box drain or culvert of pine or jodar plank not less than two inches thiok nor less than twelve feet long shall be laid a 1 the lowest running level of the ditch oppos ite the pro perty having au inside measurei nent or flow of not less than four by eight iiiahes said drain shall be covered witli ear hor gravel of a buffloient depth to allow vehicles to approach the sidewalk iu such a manner as not to break or injure said sidewalk this will sectlre uniformity of clitoh cross ings but will tio doubt- be considered a hardship by those who have crossings they are obliged to replace thetiji with new probsfings as albdve apiinio j tnere was a real live pionic in camer ons grove on friday last none of your halfhearted affairs but one with enough vim and variety about it to satisfy the most ardent lover of romance thero were boyb there six whole boys comi rising our principal local celebraties from our native- born dude to the darling young dootor girls were there too heaps 0 them so that every young gents share whs twoand fiveeights just who arranged the affair is not exactly known but they deserve great credit for the elegant and artisic manner in which the programme of ths day was carried out the party went over to the grove iu boats but iiot being able to secure them later than 7 pm they all vrereobliged to return home on foot reachinf tho village sometime in the cool dusk all did we say we were mistaken five remained five girls two of whom had made ar rangements to have their lovyers row over for them in the evening this owing to certain circumstances they were unable to do and these poor girls wore lef tf anxious ly waiting the arrival of the young men to enjoy a moonlight ride oer the lake only to be dooretl to disappointment how they put in the time as the mantle of darkness spread over them is not known but no doubt the tardy boatmen received a fair share of their blessings the rain commencing to fall added fresh charms to the situation here was a pretty mess five handsome maidenswaiting atone end of the lake and their young men standing at the other nn- able to reach them the young men could only stamp and say cuss words while the ladies could only chew gum and watch oc- casionally relieving the monojtony with sighs and tears after a couple of hours dely a boat was secured and after consid erable difficulty the grove was reached and the five little- babes iii the woods were found sitting on a log at the edge of the beach disconsolate and forlorn a cpuple of trips with the boat and a few encounters with stumps and all reached hone at last about 11 pm thus ended the pleasures and pains of thatpicnic which might have ended with far more serious consequences both from the exposure in the damp woods and the dangerous ride over the lake in the night l j what the 1icxicens su the next time you come to aj picnic in acton bring a boat with you maggie anni dont you think i madoiamash 01 kate doc and wasnt i sweet on her sister our dude wiio got up the picnic anyhow aggie i dddont know nnuothin about it harry w oh dear theres miss s oyer in the woods yetwith nothing on but her slippers the young man why oh why dont he come t t send me afiusif press sure kate lows sulphur soap should be found with evory toilet it 1b cleansing and heal ing pr lows pleasant wormbyrupis a safe and reliable worm remedy for all wprms affllotiug children er ados hxever falls r fowlers exttaot of wild tftrawberry will nevor fail you whou taken to euro djiseutery colio sfolt stomach or any form of summer complaint relief is almost instantaneous a few doses cure when other remedies fail known hy tbenc hlgnit dyspepsia may be known by heartburn sopr emotions of food wind belching weight at the stomach variable appetite cpitiye bowels etc burdock blood bit ters will positively oure dyspepsia although in its worst chronio form germany is to start four expeditious to ward the north pole within a few months in spite of all the stories of suffering aud death- in the arotio regions the sending out 0 exp onng expeditions continues and it is not likely that man will rest content tin- til he shall hvo reached- the object of cen turies of daring search 1 if a tew graiubor common sense could be n fused into the thiok uoddles of those who perpetually add alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they woirld ube the highly accredited andhfialthf ul laxati veand tohic northrop lymans vegetable dis overyand dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 32 hrtmlllon llayiirulus there is now being manufactured here an article for instantly removiijfe pain of any acute external nature ahjit is cer tainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia headache toothache and the likfc that has ever been tried it is called fluid light ning from the rapid manner in which it acts and is manufactured by mcgregor parkej sold in acton by j mcgarvin druggist thej virtue of carbolic acid fer healing cleansing and purifying is well known but from the many modes of applying ii the publid is uncertain how beferto us it to meet j that want mcgregor 4 parkes carbolic cerate is prepared auo may be used with confidence do not fee misled take only mcgregor- parkes carjxilic cerate sold at j e mcgarviris drug store acton j i 46 tltabkha sew teatknx perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh outof 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cureclof tliisstubborn malady this is none the less j startling when itis remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease isjdtte to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their exter minationthis accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratically cured and the permanency is unquestoned as cures effect ed by him four years ago are curessmll no one else has ever attempted to cure catarrhiu this manner and no other treat ment has ever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple and can be done at home and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure the majority of cases being cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond withmessrs a h dix on son 805 kingstreet west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their treajt- ize on catarrh montreal star nov 1782 g ihar oter apaofty apitju financial country recently ronounced iliese three character cipacity capital as the chief elements- if success ii the isaretr of men and vjiilo all were con sidered requisite ho put the relative value of each in the irder in which it is placed apply in this priucij le to the business of dry godds it deans character first character that nakes a mans name the syt pnym for pro lity honor and commerq al safety hiuv aoter that will cause a man j to adhere to truth oven at an apparent sacrifice ichnraeter that willi corntbypocritics prniensions and di ceitfal methods character hint eubiirjg a good repute for a nian is gehon lly estimates authority of r baiiits oils lyraishesl paiutii of all shades kept iii e uy yqviv ooajl oil at mcqarvihs drug store t all at mjcgrarvs drug land stationery store for your laiicy gpods buyyour jdriiigs at mcilarviris drug store where cpnj get jthem pur aad reliable at reasonable s ihool 3ooksi statidhef stiool requisites bf all iepif at mcgrarvijis dr g and statioiiery store turpentine eeadyanixed stock at mcgarvin s drug his tiue worthy character that inflexible to principl yet kindjy cbn- sldcrnte and sympatl etio towards character whose asteoord mjtkea a mans statements worthy of ence 3 character that wil demand anc seive the confidence of those horn he comcbinpcntact apacity second capacity to rect control to mastjjr details as do iiot foiget tfae place-r- jjlrill hi ill make a broad view of penditure y to say adesid as occasion omprehend tliis wotld as acquire principles i capacity to keep ex the healthy scope of ii iconic capabily to understand the wjinls and desires of the times capaci ed yeb no quires capacity to act on the fart that created to be pccupi 1 by a few ot besides the man hirai lf capital third capital to meet gagements promptly to take advantage accruing therefrom add of every phase of the market capi al that will c pen ever door and avehiie to the mat of business and cause h in to stand irm daring times of depession and diffi culty tbesethreejrie all great but the greatest of them ill is character j please note we are in constant 1 receipt of novelties and have just opened out some spec ally cheap lines i in every departmef it sjaple and fancy dry goods lillincrv lress- making and clothinf 1 j at lle- l i 1 i in cats at a wi re goods orferei so phea as weare loffebing en and punctually ijf every benefit erbo 27 lower wyndham st cuelph now or miscellaneous thoroughly disgusted john k- duty before pleasure im off dan 1 purely personal paragraphs eespepting people vfith whom our- headers are idividufilly or coueptively acijuamted miss anna black of toronto js home for her summer vacation miss minnie nelson is visiting friends in rpckwoodthis week mrs thomas easton went to forest last wpek to attend the funeral of a sister mclean ibegtoiuformthc that i am about lie ly and those desiring never a first- class photograph should not fail to call delay but come row and the ruflh try th harding grocer fortlonraud feed r hats from 75 cents to 250 at ii iws -v- if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyfes ib tho place to go v scotch enelish and canadian suiting greit variety at the east end clothin g tore j fyfe acton sjiits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them- j f e acton barbara atereatuaceips and wees iiitremendoub de nkand ifitcirtiadi- tois waa for t le miitoniajus and they oturued imme djuitely misses kate and milton visited acton friends last week i miss annie forster of lynde 1 has been the guest of miss mary brown this week mrs alex secord has ben visiting friends in hamilton during the pabtweekj messrs richard and alfred bemstreeti of trafalgar paid aoton friends a short visit last week mr a mckay of mckay bros milton was the guest of mr j ehowsbna couple of days last week v mr andmr8 joseph fyfe returned home on friday morning after spending a week very pleasantly at niagara falls miss lizzie campbell of jeorgetown spent a few days during the jweek very pleasantly with her old acton friends miss jennie grant returned home from st thomas last thursday sle was ac- companiedby her sister mrs a e wallace and son mr lrp snyder assistant iccpuntant for the armstrong carriage works jcoy guelph visited his friends here duriughhe week i miss mina mckellar of ingersoll for a number of years teacher of seco ad departs ment of- acton publio school wts the guest of friends here thui weef 7 mr dl mcmaokon of highgal formerly of acton was in town several lays daring the week hib many friends hure velomi ed his genial presence amougj hiem agaip mr h p liooro left on tiiesday morn ing to accompany the press aiatidpn their trip to tlie white moantains boston and new york the aasooiajipn were re ceived at igoveimkeiithbube toronto by the lieutvveriiorv before embarking on their trip 1 a card to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood- c i will send you a recipe that will cure you free of charge this great remedy wasj discovered by a missionary in south america send a selfaddressed envelope to tie rev joseph t ikmak staliond new york city cabinejt 2 s2 photos from 8250 per dozen ub life size crayon portraits made from od pictures ora specie sitting upipfor working people ilfcfca nnbttwp and we wi send 10 cents postage apd we will mail you free a royal valuable sample box of goods that willlput you in the way of making more money in a few days than youewrthooght possible at any business capital- not re quired you oan live at honie and work in spate time only pr all the time all of both sexes of all ages grandly successf ul 50 dents to 5 easuy earned every evening that all who want work may test the busi- ness we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us full particulars directions etc sent free- immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once dont delay address sirssosf co j portland maine 3see my new cotcbiued music and easel guelph iclctith v if m v spring 3 hirtin js t hat wre formerly wirtb20c we areselli igfor 12jc cottons a yard widt iuj qij g fo jembroiderys at 3 an j scvworth 10c prints at 5c ia dress goods at 8c arid npwa inc lawns beautifuljpatterns in color cram and white at 7c and upward esidents of halton leave acton ihort- i i jioice a stock wcat be found n any citiyand we are doing the trade wl pav8 toalwavske p i the best and most stylih goods and we sincerely thck the ladies of acion and vicinfty for then liberal patronage this by sufcl we are greatly enconragt d in our efforts in oducing a fmer cjass than heretdforekept in acton ifttiiisrxshiiitgs at once dont avoid rack c w hill j- irish ijrwepi sfitings beautiful designs vtke grave bboddy in erid oh saturday 25th of 1 july 1885 isabella eliza daughter of j mr james broddy aged 28 years 0 months arid 15 days deceased was sister of mrs c b griffin acton audi her many friends lieresym- pathize with her in this heavy affiiction mobtojjat the residence of mr r royce main street acton on the 30th july in the hope 1 of a resurrection to a better life jmes a morton only son of mrs i e morton aged 22 years j j-k- 1 2 biff erer f jftaile fine ea 3ing wholesale and nickldi the cradle ri bower aven iie actoii on the 3rd augtistthe wife of mr a e mickl liw snpepntendent of the shipping- j department inihecanada01ove works of adaughter shawo i j j merchant tam roulbh b ismhg street i last hamilton make a spe briiaiels- carpets filietaicstrv oarpeta firiwoolcatpets finpcocoj mattim j st english oilcloths yds wide best i inoleuimsj 4 y chvwide fiut lacecrirtainsj- f ne majdra curtiiins i ine tapestry piirtains 3est by revi kenney th altar ejsnnksriiajik80nrat the i residence pf mr john kenpey corner of elgin and agnes streets aoton ori the 80th july d 3 cameron m david to ipss mary 8 clarkson geo clarkson all of daughter of mr milton j are ploaimtio tela i gmtiaafftji vm purpativo 4 lp destrortr oi w imajii id r4 and e otoal oraiult retail carpet dealers jialty-qe- j j fasflloirable 1 inle turcoman curtains eine tapestry coverings fine furniture coverings fine curtain poles fine chain bands best quality carpet sweepart beatquality sprng rollers j floe stair rodsj fine snade poles erhs lowest prices e i j5piiieteiis c tir 2 last end clitiinff store y immants aw ifali sfahote m ingtreet east hamilton lotting stor forlio sretedcftitiigsaiidsortesattli iaudin the latest artuti 11 uhl- i0lf i m

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