Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1885, p. 4

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i l 1 if ii i ii 1-4- i7 r4i 1 fjh 8 til if ii i f- lwvj ife 3pt jfm mis tiitomfcylfclorhlind aooist 6 188o alwuyi nntional lills v rebuked j oue oik a suiumer day far from the beateu way some fairy btftle me stray cupid mayhap under a- leafy treo whoru should i chance to sec whom but my bosalie taking a nap there iu a lovely nook screened from intruders look near her neglected book slunibrinu she liav what could a fellow do tell me sir wouldnt you kneel and take one or two kisses away ah but i broke the spell 1 opened her oyes and well could i do else than tell how it was broke humbly for grace i plead sternly sbo shook her head couldnt you wait she said k i awoke a dafly defalcation the hciii john kelly the head and front of tammany hall a man of strict integ rity an indefatigable worker early at his office late to leave so burdened with busi ness that regular meals were seldomknown by him with mind in constant tension and energies steadily trained finally broke down the wonder is that he did not sooner give way an hanest man in all things else he acted unfairly with his physical resources he was ever drawing upon thisimnk with out ever depositing a collateral the ac count overdrawn the bank suspends and both are now in the hands of medical re ceivers it is not work that kills men it ii irregularity of habits and mental worm no man in good health frets at his work bye and bye when the bank of vigor sus pends these nien will wonder how it all happened andthey keep wondering until their dyirk day unless perchance some candid physician or interested fner d will point out to them how by irregularit r by excessive mental effort by constant worry aid fret bv plunging in deeper thsn they had a right to go they have produced that loss of nervous energy which almost invariably expresses itself in a derangid condition of the kidneys and liver for it is a wellknown fact that the- poison whijh the kidneys and liver should remove from the blood if lefi therein soon knocks tie life out of the strongest and most vigorous man or woman daily building up of the se vital organs by so wonderful and higt ly reputed a specific as warners safe cure is the oiffy guarantee that eur business mm can have ftiat their strength will be eqt aj to the labors daily put upon then sit keily has nervous dyspepsia ve leajpijindicating as wehaye said a ores k- don of nerve force his case should b a warning to others who pursuing a like course will certainly reach alike result the sunday herald interesting inquired a gbod cathartic modi- ill not disappoint cnic you 1 roeiu ms worm pov and spoedysio remove w or adults mother graves wor to tako sure maiiy dors are safe sure rms from children tottlo dise iso exi lellent iud ploasiint i troying vomis best resv its why jo limping and corns w lion a 25 cent corn quro will remove trial aiia yon will not i a qunrtrnpj the reason why ed frotn the system by ters is b joause that in a fourfold maimer oir the i owels thelivi kiduoyai driving out t regulating every organic years jof experience have proved mcgregor cerate the most ooiupl compound for healing ings uljcerscuts bftes or felons and cold and to cleanse or i sloughing or decay gregori parkes cartyl 25c by dr mcgarviu i had for years been from dyspepsia and dies and the best n acquaintance but still unable to eat anything feririg or do any kind think there was no hope must surely die whu n exterminator is effectual iu des- have tried it with the most deadly foe to all malarial da- eases is ayers ague cure a combinati sn of vegetable ingredients only of which ta jnost valuable is used in no other krio m preparation this remedy is n absoltte aid certain specific and succeeds when i dl other medicines fail a cure is warranted f the curativepower of ayers sarsaparii la istoo well known to require the specious aid of any exaggerated fictitious certifi cate witnesses of its marvelous cures ire today liying in every city and hamlet of the landi write for names if you want home evidence mr gjwhacully pavilion mount b c writes dr thomas eclectric til is the best medicine i ever used for rhpu- mat ism nearly every winter i am laid np with rheumatism and have tried nearly eyery bind of medicine without getting my benefit until i used dr thomas eclec ric oil it has worked wonders for me md i want another supply for tny friends i o dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery diarrh oea cholera summer complaint sea sickness and complaints incidental to children te th- ing it gives immediaterelief to those suf- feriug from the effects of indijcretioi in eating unripe fruit cucumbers etc it actf with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease no one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of his- medicine convenient is ft acting vlgki if ybn ure troubled with initctive liver your complexion will be sallow frequent sick headache aching shoulders dizzinesb weariness iitegularj bowels and many other berious complaints burdock blood bitters regulate tho liver and all the secretions to a healthy action 4imt the tiling w j guppy druggist of newbury writes dr fowlers wild strawberry is just the thing for summer sickness i sold out my stock three times last summer there was a good demand for it dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is infallible for dysentery colic sick stom ach and bowel complaint oo hot delay do njjtaehvy if suffering any form of bowel complaint however mild apparently may be the attack but use dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it js the old reliable ure for all forms of summer com plaint that require 0 treatment ask turdruggist and ajl dealers injpatent medirines hoooiokt ointment and pills outward infirriitieb before the discovery ot these remc iies many cases of sores ulcers o were pronounced to be hopelessly incurable because the treatment pursued tendecvto destroy the strength it was incompetent to preserve and to exasperate the symptoms it was inadequate to remove i hplloway a puhf1xrtttehnob wholesome powers oyer the unhealthy fleshor skin without debars ring the patient from freshair and exercise and thus the constitutional vigour is has- bandedhjlfithe most malignant ulcers abscesses and skin diseases are in process of cure bpthointment- and pills make the hlood richeaird purer instead of per- mrtirrigittoail into that poor and watery state bo fatal to many labouring nndfr chrome ulcerations- i i man catichiug at a stram mcgregors speedyjc began tp improve so monthsll was as well mylifej wil evebs dr mcgarvin druggi liiuing about your 0 of holloways them give it a egret it c force is so soon expell- burdook blood bit- remedy aots that is to say up- the blood and the bad humor and function successful trial parkes garbolio ote and satisfactory old sores fester- ds burns frost keeping out the irevent proud flebh on having mo- ic cerate sold at 3 a miserable sutterer all known reme- edical skill of my grew woree until without great suf- work i began to for me and that i likeia drowning i deterhiiued to give ure a trial i at once rapidly that iu two i had ever been in ilsasiinotox soldby free trial bottles wonu ior ii isist of is t ati lle advice to arc you disturbed your rest by a sick crying with paiu of send at once and get a ilowssoathing syrup its value is incalcula the poor little sufferejr pend upon it mothers about it it cures dy regulates the stomdcli wind colic softens ffamtnation and gives the whole system mi syrup jor children the taste and is the the oldest and best sicians in the united by all druggists thi price 25 cents a bottl llolhcrit night and broken 0 child suffering and cutting teeth if so bottle of mrs win- r children teething e ic will relieve immediately de- there is no mistake ntery and diarrhoear and bowels cures gums reduces in tone and energy to windows soothing ing ia pleasant to pitescriptiou of one of fenpale nurses and phy- tates and jb for sale ghout the world 44 the tt ithh able i pi ced i not remec ies fluid lightning is rheumatic remedy montha cripple un house from sciatica instant relief and again i have driven something i could were it not for y express purpose of so say wa dixon cents per bottle at dr few 1 are the qualities and real 60 popular with the from year to year whilst possessing the dial properties ate compound and so quinine wine lyman of toronto ed from tire pure snip 1 bined with fine cherry aromatics which bitter taste and does 1 least degree the efficaqy thepattent while repeated strengthen muscular forcer und the neryotfs system a eral vigor which it appetite which gives and energy and against all infectiou northrop lymans by all druggists o headache a large proportion eaose human suffering ineiit p the stomach avees caihabtic pj these prgans audi cure the diseases caused ment jincludiiig constipation lion ilyspepslo and a j host of otier which j tliey are a safe pleasant remedy the pills by eminent iiliysikians tice shows unmisiakaqly which they are held sion these piixp are substances only anid are caloihelor anyotlier bj cbmpt nion tling wu head a sufferer from avkas pills pre are my constant a severe sujferer from pills are the only for relief one doee bowels and free my are the most effective jbave ever found litis peak in their praise when occasion offers wlpaosof frankunstkic i hjivensed arat less instances as ricom have nejrer known them tho desired- result we chmobd naiuuiu at our home pleasant safe andlrelli pleasant safe andlrelli foltdyspbiatiiey mexii texas june 17 the kev fbancis b from atlanta ga sayi past i hare ber from tvhicll in past ijhare been from tvhicll in spl ciues of various kinds incouvejnience until began taking avebs entirely corrected the hare vastly improved arans cathabtic laritieslof tho bowels ute and digetlonand thorongli action give whole physical economy peepaeep drjcayeroo v bold jby all youn old aiid midolh aqeo jhue taint maybe jits iomtaudroggists i u bottles for sf yhp9wro8r rggbg9giswee all experiehte benr ayers vi- items great iluai sale c pry goods ujtlinitidny liikt wo opcii ut the goldn li0n our gruat stimnici snlo boing deteiiuiued to soil all ouisuminer stock as at the end of this mialh mr williamson sails for the british markets giv el hi viiig decried to boot a1x business in over one hujndredpieces lovely arcadia muslins at 5 and 6 cents nfyiird worth 12j cents fivlj hundred pieces dovjble strjuok- dress satteen 1 in all shades lijj cents worth f20 cents summer silks in endless vajuety 424 cents silk gloves from 25 cents 300 dozen of the best josephine kid gloves 25 cents sold elsewhere at 8100 price is no object this sale when you cnm to our city beware of going to those secondhand btorcs come direct to the dryr goods king no old goods kept here mens tweed suits at 500 the woitder op all j d williamson co at cost parties desirous 61 fresh simp y a marvellous i was for two to get out of the one bottle gave me me on my feet fourteen miles today possibly have done lightning for the procuring another bottle jananoque onlv 25 mcgarvins 3 whose beneficial have made them ic and increased ion which most valuable reme- so simple iu their to take as the by northrop chis article is prepar- ate of quinine coni- wine and choice the quinina of its not impair in the of its action upon doses frequently pulse increase the igorate the tone of id thus by tue gen- imparts creates an x the stomach tone fprtifies the system diseases ask for quinine wine sold 3 merits publii their consumptii he at yet ei sy prepe red relieves small tiiei pills the diseases which result froin derange- bowels and hver is act directly upon especially designed to by their deraiigc- indjgcs- dysentertv dlments tot all 01 sure prompt aim extensive use of tlies in regular prac the estimation in the medical profes- compxnmded of vegetable absolutely free from injurious ingredieut h sadache mrtteb ihvaloaulei to me nml i have been headache and your 1 could look lo luickjy more my roin pain jtibj- aud the easjlit physic a pleasure to me to i alwjysdo so w tpagb vajunellsm cbro i l piluj tn numbsr- com needed by you and to fail to accomplish constantly keep them 1 nd prize them as a a ble family medicine ire invaluable j t hayes 1882 ffiutlowe writing for some years sutijictto eohwpaiien ilte ot the we ermedl- sulfered increasing go i months pills they have costive habit and general health correct lrregu rtlmulate the appe- 1 iy their prompt and and vigor to the tar fltils toie lowell mm druggists tse wonderful beueflial effects of sarsaparilla children wjth sore eyes sore crof ulous or syph- healthy and strong ears or any scrofulous may be madi healthy ai 1 health fok a hollo wat s pills and ointmbnt 1 me purify the blood correct all disorders of the j liver stomach kidneys and i10wkls they invifrorate and restore 10 health debilitated constitutions and 11 complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and they are priceless on hand all iakties expense securing bat naiiis wilfind and select of which will indebted to me w m aoton ccilrthv wrho pualmess 1 vo up his d ter nis entire sttook before the stool i have a full bo offered at pro 1 0 their owiiiadvuntage to cull early ecomes reduced fitook of spring lgooi s ii please cull aliol a for reapi1 larl1ine the ointment iiyuluable iu all c aged it is an iiifallable remedy forbad legs bad bieasts old wouihib sores and ulcers is famous for gout and rheumatism- for disorders of the chest it wis no equal for bore teroats beonceitis coughs cosds glandular swellings- nud all skin diseases it has no rival anil forcoulracted and stiff manufaeiuredjonly at thomas hollo ways kstabhsli 73 new oxford street late 533 oxford street lc and aie sold ut is ljd 2s 9d 4s gd lis 22a and 33s eaoh boil be- had of all medicine vendors tlioughout the world jwpurcbasers should look to the label on the pots aud boxes if thei 53 oxford street london they are spurious tie doninion boot 8s shoe store h rubbers slippers t gives the best oints it acts like a charm put ion en pot and may address is not iilejistisrieir bbos ave now their spring stock complete m all lines and are offering the public extra value in the following cents boots and shoes ladies shoes and slippers boys shoes in great variety cirls shoes in creafr variety childrens shoes of every kind luukseto always instock good assortment our ordered work of satisfaction repairing neatly and carefully performed we can suit yon call f i- kenney bros speight son acton undertakers carnage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in tjieir line from the pest casket to the plainest coffin on tl ah calls faction guarante e shortest notiee and at jjowost ternisj l 4 either night or flay promptly uttendefr to ed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire satis- 3we are in a posit ionxo satisfactorily fill orilercfor waggons oafejagek c of very description in reasonable time good workmanship and firstchissmatciial always used we hive also a splovdid lot or furniture both common and extri unlity cheap asrif you will pay is cash we j sell yoii anything in our linecheap j a speight manager s3hattou sardgn sadoai and 34st james st moatroal ground scwiriifu manufactured fin il 4ow the ruvayen id recbmmandedi by tit livery pair o -p- dhffnnii clear and pure pebble or optioal yluss especially c iirpiuf- they are without exception best adapted to res aye tnd to ietii in perfect vision they che especially- most luiuutmt fncujty i siiectsiclcs and kycglucs is liiarked 4 r l i j e mc0arvin druggist hole agent for acton ont up gam no- grit hccqll ejrjos sz lfqiikau and vrtll roar oiger taaa any otaor oil rsijiif majjufactrintns i 3otordnt0 lfqitkalk it- mcgarvins drug store tieast fashloiabie spring tweeds worsted coatings and sereea atltii elnd store itf- iast our sarpiontg arc mae porfoct fltt design burdock curesd pimples bitters oloawiig summer under railway time table crand trunk railway oobfo west ooinoka8t j mixolv0j0km exjiross 7toam pasbluiail- lllflata throubh ex ot pm iixpress 1217 ira- expreir 110 1 m majl 54jjni speciiil 83jni vhicli astonjsli every customer settle tlieir accoiuits and thereby save v 1 b mcarthy g andmowlliq machines use machine gu acconi cbaeli llytiim iacc6ni coach ftcoim chicago express docs not uton between gue pb and torono i time of closiko mails uoing west 1040 amand ii30pm going east 1048 am and 520 pm english mail closes at 10j am on wednesday i canadian pacific railway 0 hll points east at- west cokuenfikw tijh5 taj ie toroutotb detroit chicago and manitoba m stiopisex pacific ex localfcr toronto 8 lflam 125pm i lopl stretsvillejuh9 10 2 iu 5 20 stthomas 12 05 pm 5 25 8 55 detroit 2 45 w g30a chicago 7 ioam 7 55 5 45p wiuntpog 7 00 dailyxcepi monday toronto to montreal quebec andbostoi limited ex monfrenl toronto 9 25 am t 7 55 ottawa 0 07pm 5 17a montreal 0 42 8 50 quebec baoam oooy boston 8 30tn brampton to btreetsville junction brampton 7 22 am 4 04 pi streetsviho jct 745 4 f brampton to qrangevilfe and owtensouid brampton 9 37am v5 45ri oraugeville- 1105 0 57 owen sound csoihuk 10 20 purchase your tickets by this new and popular line from j e mcffarvin picket agent acton ontario 3x ju m health is wealth iind clo tiling t ore tailormg- a fiae assortment ot sprfng hats also on harld tj hi zztness loss of and c t hilis djit e c wkbts kehvb ad bhain tiieat- mkt a guaranteed specific for hysteria dizzi- nesg convulsions fits nervous xeurilgia j headache nervous prostration caused by the usejof alcohotor tobacco wakefulness mental depression softening of the brain resulting in insaliity and leading to misenvdecayiind death jreitiature old age banenuess toss of power in- eoher sex involuntary looses and scrma- torrhooa caused by over exertion of the brain selfabuse or overindulgence each bot con tains one mouths treatment one dollar box orsix boxes tor five dollars sent bv nraijiifc-e- paid ob receipt of price we guarantee sixjuxes to cure any case with each order rcceliffel bv usforsixbqxesjaccompanied with five dbjlars we swill send the purchaser our writteu guarntee to refund the money if the treatment doenot effect a cure guarantees issued onlv by tfohn c west co sole proprietors 18f mmvesi madison st chicago 111 sold by j emcsrvln ag and in the latest artistic i dyspepsia jauiidice alec blotches boilk ilumors salt rheum scrofula j erysipelasand idl disecses orisiny from impure blood deranycl siomdch or ureyular actioiofthe bowels ipbetite iiulfghtion biliousness j ioiis of the mver and kidney discount sale mammoth house we heg to ituuminee that on fiiday 17th july shall continue unl il saturday nighlfc the loth dty fh discount off mil inery already made iv- mantles on any of the goods being ordered on all other goods vi ith the exception of fac io the slock is nllargcone and contains all tory cotton and cotlon yarn this ib a genuine clenrinf tscount sale the leading liiieam dry jgoods millinery matt rirvlj mantle jfateriali dress material clothing material heady- made clothing garnets boots- aud shoes our jjlillniery dressmakiii t and ordered c cessful jur matjerinl and bancs in all the flepai wo take this means of red uciiitr our atcok winter imiiortatioiis the pri es of the gooils i in any place iii canada and in mnuy cafie vns saviiie to whoever pntronica us the sale is for cash or produ p wcleqd afldersqi co interesting to everyone and eveijyone stheirnr alsrffleflgaortiiie ment autf the giodisuppl bjtrcefc alwjitimbier w hamilton jt ly stlth 1885 there haa been aijreil iuhii f purchasers of pry goods to- the immense reduoed price sttlenoiy beitir held at he iriglit hbuse inny lots of 3ry goods millinery and other jrobds arc wllirit ff iitcsotly half their former prices the extensive display of reliablend titshioflable ods at sneb extrjmoly low prides caimot fail incon rtnclniltinlt voir w usavemoncy hyiinrcliasidg nt thissaje a large assortment of black nud colored dress silks nt specialylov pr ces colored satins at 35c peryarf wp8-sj-1- f i a- j ifi tnink of i drefs goods wortl 17c selling ofl at 10c d rets goods worth 22c embroidered dresses wonderfully cheap bite quilltsats formerly 125 i ujl h a potto is at 7icjaud 8 j bo sure and sspbsysffl 1pu t- t i alwn ioir nmh in toun fnrtnina in jijcru white at immene reduction in prices have beeit marked down veryjow acv lrtiiieiit tif house furnishings at moderoto prices the saleb for tho last seiispn jat i he bight ouse have been the largest ever madejntuis establisl i- pliud l th public lnvo hueu of hvclivvqiiality while pricea for the fume ikjvo ibeth chef per than any oreyioik ieasot po tnej ejt foijr i weeks the cleanna sale will be dm tiiiued and customers will do well by remembering this opportiinityto secure bargains at kos 80 nd 2 jking slti jiboiyijs georgetown tioi we shall begin ja uicoiint sale and it of august up 50 percent i25 i io otlinedepartrlents were ueyer so sue tments being al i n make room for our large fallurick lretdy are as cheap as they cnii bo got ly jtlieaper so it will be no iitjniewiie i ce should k o pfibh now it several i a few very large see the white cottpnu in prices it will ftempahts of car le jntbis establish- ortneiejtoiir eet east near hpghsou f uviii m r itpve advertiser toj con- suit bo he experi- jenceaorotueiwlse it contains lists of newspapers and estimates of the cost of adveitising the advertiser who wants to spend one dollar finds init the in formation he requires while forhim who will inyest one hundred thousand doll are in ad vertising a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement or can bemads to da so by slight changes easily arrived at by eof resporuunce 143 editions have been issued sent postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo p eowell co- newspaper advertising bubeatj uosprucestfrintinphonsesq kewyortu maqkinac vhe mswt oellghtfu sumi t palaoe stsainer low eat rrar trips per week betwen detroit an6 mackinac and bvory week day betwetn detroit and cleveland i i wntelbr our ptotwresque mwhinao illustrated qbntalne pull pawonlarb maaedtree i ifetrtit clevelansteam nav co cd whitcomb qth pass act detroit miqh h mansoolts iiowxost how kehtoi5e1 wo have recently published a new m of djcnlverwousi cele- vssl ate essay on thp radical and is permanent cure without medicine of nervous debility mental and physical iijcapae- itjl imiiedimentfe of marrjage etc relultint from excesses f aprice in a sealed envelope only 5 cent or two postage stamps- f i the celebrated author in this artmiroljle es- say clearly devnpnstrntes from tbirtyi years successful practice that olarmiir eonseqheuces may bo radically cured witticm the danberous use of internal medicines or the use of thelknho pointing out a modo of euro at once simplkcer toin and effectual- by means of wlilchlcivcrv snfferarno matter what his condition inlay bo inaycurohimselfoheaplyprivatelyandradlcally 1 this lecture bhould be inthxtiaihts of uth and overyman in tho land v j cldrees wout ad 1 i ost office box 150 the culverwell medical urt 41 ami st evorj v new- york mmm s st n in hlnnssota north dakota hon- h tana idaho washington atnj prejoa irjst iitbp nnptilor to pui etsoan 23s rskjinchflyfomif2 to f6 per mo icars iim4 lliis is the best coi vrln good iloifcs now open i t settle i jj gjj ncres of overftr lland free utulef lie hojmmeai ailrttimbcrfnillnre laws no la o boohs pn4 soruii fuclllc foifiitrytuekflilroadlsnaa for sale ind ililkkkcuvenmient iands add esscuae b uahbubn land comr k p k it paul u m ev free osi yii invaj 125 pi tinned option casnl first ia sequen reckon scale c advd tilibel ingly inadv chad rnithe theyi w ber op offl fredd a li new i rnonll teethl strata coue rons i in an kit 6ffice tovel sijuj 20 st pel bbl

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