sfcmt jiisis tawunttt mowtw ax own 80 mm n jjjs itotutbj i el p the crops op ontario below we rive a tummi ry of the report ot th bare of industrie 09 the vrheat oats and barley crops ot c ntario baaed on wturtmee by lty frrtcajwidenta on ant jhtportboftiwwh8jrop just faairfeitsi iniate tt at jweramythe return has been a rooi cne boih in the yield per iore and in quail ky of grain the average vrill be almoat aa i5gh as that of theflneocopoflmt7at expeoted aver age yield per acre a bi ahels the pre- wit oondition of the an ringwheei orop throughout the pnmnoe bough lomewhat inferior to that ot fall whe nt affords ground for hope of rfair average yield in spite o a good many adversities expeoted aver age yield per acre 18 bus iels the barley orop of this season with 1 ho exoeptdon of a few localities haa generally been heavy and well matured but with the great bulk ot the crop the color of the grain which so largely regulates its market value haa been materially damaged by the storm of aug 3 expeoted average yield per acre 285 bushels the aocoui its received ot the oat crop are uniformly ton orable from every section of the province exported average yield per acre 388 bushels mmmmm the 1 resb ass dciati0 mmkms aotlich 1 b 1 w ir nosandopmments cholera continues to spread in spain and increases in violence this plague threat ens to be the most fejutful on record in civilized oouatry j it is stated that there are 125000 miles of railwayin the united states enough to encircle the earth five times during the past half century the mileage constructed in each ten years would go once round the world gbd pro new party with abolition of the civil servioe ret 1 right in treating for young canada a ew issues prohibition mate reciprocity and grip is pretty near fththe existing parties as decrepit the one being exhausted as to character and the ther as to aims i the growth of the cattle industry lis wonderful twent y years ago 91000000 would cover the an ount invested in cattle ranches m the tin ted states while now then vestment is estimated at 100000000 not only in this country hut abroad agri- ed in many places ch is lowering and r the price of beef culture has been an by cattle raising will continue to lo the twknty seventh innual meeting ot the canadian press abso ilation was held in one of the parlors of the aoasln house to- ronto on tuesday 4th a oguat mr o b pattullo t the wbodsto k sentinelreview the esteened president at the automation in the bha ir tip meet ig was largely at tended by members and heir ladies after the preset tation of an in wresting and well- prepared 1 iddress by the president the fol lowing gentlemen were eleoted as officers for the owning year- president j a davidson iercury quel 1st vicepres w watt firjxwitor bra ntford 2nd vioe- pres h 8mallpiecfl world toronto 8eotreaiiwb clime sa bowman- ville eeoutive 3omnitteo geo tye jtcwbrmptoa e j b pense whig kingston c d barr y lindsay h hough ihrip toronto jas somerville true ban er dundas blackett bobin- sonvesoykrtan toronto and g b pat- tullo seiknelbiview woodatook at a subsequent meeting of tl e association dur ing the wiek c blacket robinson pretty- terian toronto and h p moore fan pbess acton were elect id auditors for the year the me sting sdjonrnoatfourptn the party visited several of the newspaper offices th island and t le lakeside home for aiok shildren the latter is a very worthy institution and ne which should call forth the sympathy mid charity of all who visit it about so enty children are at present in attendance the home was established and thejeautiful building erected by mr jboss b bertson publisher of the toronto telegram at eight pm our pari y about sixty in number departed in p dlmans by gtb for montreal which piiint was reached about seven next mornng after a slim breakfast i at st james hotel we were es corted to the central vermont through train by mr a c stone grave the gentle manly an 1 obliging man iger of the road for canada vhere a specie 1 car awaited us the train immediately s ed ent of the pity through the famous tubular victoria bridge tien through tit johns in the direction of the green fountains of ver mont ibout 9 oclock we crossed the imaginary line for here it is imaginary- separating canada from 1 ermont shortly thereafter we reached st albans a char acteristic jtankee town 1 laving it more cos mopolitan air than mest new england towns bu it upon a gentl y sloping hill over looking l ike champlair about two miles distant rhe beauty of he scene from this little city is great coram aiding as it does a view of the range of the adirondacks and green mountains and a wide stretch of lake chaimplaip this fomarkabie ejevatiob wo found a cony stodious hotel the summit hous to th pjery door of which through the oh udi dfere transported d referred bo at thtf flpniraole rrangii hotel we were billed toribain o night witntn a sunset and aitthrise5si former liowerjt r owing to the heavy olot ds was obscured from view bat the sunris 1 on the morning of our visit was said to be the fin est that had been observed fov thlr ty daye and was a speotaole gorgeous beyond de scription from the observatory tl 6 neigh boring mountains are overlooked and the vision extends far across now ha mpshire to the hilltops of maine verradnt and even to tie outskirts of our own d minion andjthe faraway ocean the eiioiroling oress peaks and ridges lielikebilto ws upon a tempestuous sea here anjd there dark shadowy gulfs and lakes are seen bile far distant towns and villages glistei in the sdn with billowy banks of sncwwhite clouds here and there halt hid ng the won lerful and attractive view thi u whe wouldat se the lovely and the vr ild x r the ontario board of health hayeissuad their report for the jjoonth of july i there is a total absence of disease of an eplderr io character in the order of disease the forma of general debility viz anaemia and neuralgia take the first plaoev next conies bronchitis followed as usual by consump tion and rheumatism in infantile dis eases especially in measles it is urged that isolation of the first cabe should be practis ed by individuals and committees mini led in bwmouy on nitureb face asoe id this rooky mountain 1 there esthoutaaa it the taunts of men below thee and aro nd the nonntaui summits thy expanding heart shal feel kindred with that loftier wrld to n qloh thou art translated and the inlargement of thy vision naud rolling forest tops willi sjtreet ferry idjpartk thon 1 hi 1 halt look and lownlntotheieoreuof thealen and itreamftthat with their bordering thicket itrive to h de their winding thou ihalt gaibat once here on white villages and tilth and h irds and iwarmlng roadi and there on solindea that only hear the torrent and thor wii id and sagles shriek to si and upon the beetling verge and 1 ee whe storm and lightning from that 1 iuge gray wall bavi tumbled down vast hooks and a the base jaat ed them in fragments and to lay thine ear over the dluy depth and hear the sooi id of w ndi that struggle with the woods 1 telow com i up like ocean murmurs but tbe scene is lo ely row d tl le sum nit hotel is heated bv steam fires being a continual necessity c vercoats and wraps are required to ensure comfort out i if doors near the hotel is the observa- torv and upon the northwestern verge of the i ittle plateau is the observing s tation ot the jnited states signal service east of this is the printing and publishing house of amtng the clouds a bright news eight- page sheet issued daily during th i season of st mnier travel east of this is the old tip- top house erected about thirty years ago and used as a hotel until the more pre- tentious summit house with a capacity for 300 1 luests was built thursday morning we bade adiei to the clou ly region and descended the mountain taki ig the train at fabyanytor the profile hon le in franconia notch which point we reac led early in the forenoon 1 he most attn otive feature berets the pre file or tl e old man of the mountain this is a great stone face which hangs up n one of the highest cliffs twelve hundred f set above profile lakea pjece of sculpture older thai the sphinx this strange apparition so ac mirably counterfeiting the bui lan face is ei hty feet long from the chin to the top of tie forehead and is formed of three disti net masses of rock one making the fore lead another the nose and upper lip and the third the chin it is nnqnestion- ably the most remarkable natural curiosity in t lis country if not in the woi id im- ately below the face nestles t be beau- nj sheet of water known as prof le lake aixwwsws kiwaiiawwres- hwnwmswwr nwiurm wiwimltiasi8sb choice the writer in sevufal others visited the sbury methodist ohurol in tslw place w isre we heard anlo- qudttponrse halig memorial reference to lategeaeial fant whose rtinaini weraiiurredjse day before in the aftsrnoon wolviitid grants tomb took acuie walktkropgbioeutral park home to linner afterwards to the same ohurch as in the morning i 1 on monday mc ruing we visited the fat ions stock proo qoe aud petroleum ex- ohunges ouiroadtsf and wall streets on bsed the brooklyn bridge returned by visited old trinity new ad rtisemonts rpartlea indol ie call and imber as i e steayed on the lot 80 con 8 ei fllly withfwbite spot have the same by pr penses and taking it j i l notice will a vwwt wiw ob t to 1 save aoton about tolht tie their aeoonm colu ksti ay olf the undersigned ex eslng a twoyearold bay i forehead owner may ng property payinfa ox- tfay i i j johnston io all form a scene where musing solitude miglt love to lift her soul above this sphere f earthliness where silence uodisturbed pigbt watch alone so clear so bright so still leaving st albany w atered the conn try in which the attrictive farfamed bymmefcricllyormed ranges o green mountains are promiscuously situated or the old mans mirror it is oie of the j tribute op respect to the memory of the lafe robert little esq by his fellow inspectors at the annual meeting of the inspectors section of th canadian teachers associ ation at toronto last week the following resolution was presented and unanimously adopted that this section has reason to deplore the loss during the past year of one of its most esteemed members the late robert little public school inspector for halton in him his fellowworkers feel that they have lost a warm truehearted friend one whose ripe experience wide at tainments and sound judgment made his counsel always valuable the heartfelt sympathies of mr littles late colleagues 1 are extended to his sorrowing widow on motion the resolution was adopted and it was decided that a copy should be forwarded to mrs little i fa i limehouse news from our own correspondent school opened here today the lime business is steady i mr w snyder is flying around with vegetables mrs john moore has gone off on a- three weeks trip mr john crjaig was in the village today all spruced up i now that berry time is over hop picking is almost on hand mrgeorge grant is very ill ho hopes at all of his recovery the salvation army meetingsare still continued with interest h george moore passed the recent entrance examination at guelph the methodists talk of holding a tea meeting some time in october oar old teacher mr longman gave ns a friendly rail during the holidays miss lamb makes biweekly calls here giving music lessons to several of our young ladies bev mr wallace has been away to the sea side for a few weeks he is expected homethiiweek mr- stone and bis wife have returned from theiftrip and have commenced bnn- oeas welcome home qnite a number of men and teams are employed getting out stonei an order for aboataw carloads has to be filled mr the meredith and miss nellie lindsay wrote at the recent july examini ations tot teachers certificates but have not heard results yet we wish then success attgwt 17tb 1886 soc jryth harding grooer for rlonr anc shortly after noon we n ached montpelier the capita 1 of the state this place is nes tled in one of the most cl larming valleys of the green mountains bur hundred and ninety f est above the lev il ot the sea here we were allowed half an hour for dinner at the pavilion and we sat down to one of the most tempting spreads ev er tendered a party pf hungry tourists the pavilion is a model hostelry and every men iber of the party have a good word to say respecting it at montpelier is erected th magnificent state bnildmg which ranks in beauty and im portance third in theun on at this point a special train was made up for our party in charge d mr 3 g fare well general agent of the road who accomj pained nsj to mount wi shington in the course of lan hour or so v e came in sight of the white mountains of new hampshire the country through wh ch we passed is of a very inferior character as far as agricul tural pursuits are concei aed only a small farm being cultivated he e arid there in the valleys manufacturing is carried on large ly however the exceller water power fa cilitating various lines of industry in some sections here the r1 ave manufacturing trade flourishes but altl ough at littleton and plymouth we saw some extensive manufactories none we re ot served which could compare in point o ext snt and gener al attractive appearance if the works with the magnificent glove fictoiy of messrs w h storey sj son of nr own busy little town about i oclock we rea hed fabyans one of the beautiful summer resoi ts with which this mow tain oountrya bounds and at six arrived at the base of tiat knajestic emi nence m unt washingtx n not a few of the party were subjects f serious misgiv ings when they came in i ightlof the railway by which they were lexpe cted to ascend to the summit when they fourd that it was constructed on a grade approaching an angle of fortylfive degiees but it was soon realised that an asx ent to the top of the highent mountain peik in the united states b irting of conrs itbt rocky moun tainsis ust about as ea sily accomplished as any other railway journey mount washingim btilway u nwessarily con structed npon a different plait from ordin ary roads agadeof n lew than 1980 feet to th mile is aotuall y overcome en gine and c ar tra rel in ad lition to the outer rails upon a cei tre ratch at rail into which cog- wheel i run notwithstanding the re markable steep fess the passenger enjoys absolute safety through a number of in genious d vices should a breakage occur the train would immedietelv bebrooghtto a full step by m ns of ai r bi akes in as cending iie car is pusled ahead of the engine an 1 thei a ard sat ty levioes which prevent th train from sli pin back a single inch even npen the steep at g rades many thousands of pple are carried over the railway ai nuall but in nxt en years not a single passeiger has received injury mount vfi shing on is 487 feel higher than the rigie ulmt le famon i sm issmountain uptheslojies of which to i imilar roads have been built monnti washington ihi ciownof new england lifts it bare we the r-besjtensnm- rmt 6293 1 set at ove the it vel f tho sea at gems of mountain pictures tie finest trou t live in its waters in the vicinity are vari us other attractions notably lie echo laki the basin the pool the flume but liroi bed space prevents detailed de scription of tjhem all for scenery superlatively church theexoellehi rooms ot the new york press club anc inspected the mourn in decorations for gen grant on the pri noipfll build nga down town whioh by thi i way cann it in any way compare with thi i elaborate aid more general decorations of boston at twoj oolook we had the no relty of aduncheou at the restaurant om thi i roof of the fields building a nine- ate reyone at the foot of broadway during tho remainder of our stay in the mi itropolib we were the guosts of mr wi- mi n who conveyed the partyj by special stx amer to coney island where we were ar anged to spend the afternoon t immedi- at ily upon onr arrival we were conduoted to the amphitheatre to hear a grand con- oe t by gilmpres celebrated bt nd af ter- wi rdb a dip in the surf at manh ittan beach wi 3 enjoyed and promptly at 6 pm a be nquet was served by mr wi nan at one of the magnificent hotels of the i bland the 2oellenoeof the menu was incomparable a i the dose informal speeches were made bj mr wimjin by mr a j cammings pi esident of the n t press club and by ot r worthy president mr g b pattullo t le whole concluded by the entire party jo ining hands and singing auld lang syne and god save the queen we tt en visited the island by electrio light and re turned to new tork abont midnight early next morning we boarded the biiautiful hudson biver steamer albany for a trip up the rhine of america to albany this great water thoroughfare vith its almost unlimited beauties and a ttractious is so well known by the most of our readers that no description by our j en is necessary arrived at a ibany in the t ivilight and having three or to tr hours at 0 or disposal paid it a hurried inspection 1 onnd a number of beautiful inblio build- i igs but dirty anddrregular streets the i ne new white marble capitol juilding in rhose main entrance the remains of grant i eposed in state for several day 3 is worthy c f a visit j the city hall and pist office are t lso elegant structures at 9 p m we start- d by special pullman train ovc r the north i ihore b r for niagara fa is arriving here in good health and spirits in time for in early breakfasnext morning after ireakf ast we were met by the n iagarafolls national park preservation commission md the governor of now york and driven to the various points of interest around and abont the falls embracing ths new park survey the grand work accomplished by the state of new york and sood we hope to be accomplished by our owntjprovince in making the magnificent sublimity wild majesty and terrific grandeur of this great and mighty cataract a scene free to all who desire to witness it should be commended by every one shortly after noon we left for hamilton here we found the governor general in specting the city and the grand lodge ioof demonstration iu full blast lot a con 2 erin tion well watei i aoton aug42th 188i cow village stkayim f rom tie 24tbnlfacqw off both horub any or giving such inforini tion covery will be suitamj uoiseiot the undersigned offers lot on main strep talus nine roouib air well adapted for a tc good stable on the p a feuil photographer sate k in a high state of cnltiva- ei 12 miles from guelph firstclass stone hoi t buk born 00x40 easy term to a good pure user jambe 2stkm matthews aoton po pf eden on the 3 dor brigli t red piece sawn tenon returning the same hon as will lead to ber re- rewarded hill buites eden village we pi ieii and piles of beautiful d sale for sale his house and it is a large house oon- kitcbon and woodshed is anient or boarding house dmises liberal terms apply to j d w campbelii a rare chai ho ce valuable farm 4- and- i village property roa sale f- one of the finest fabmb in the county of halton situate within ohebalf mile of thr thrifty and enterprising village of acton reaki for full particulars r v 1 100 acres known ai the brown acres well timbered with a comfortable store on mill street apply to w p oontainini homestead also 25 cedar timber the village propejrty comprise dwelling house anu 1he canada or 3izen akd tempfeame canadas gbea the cheapest edited b sixteen pages we ikly terms 91 00 in advance grar d franconia notch in the whi ie moun tain 1 to our mind fills the bill in isrbly a 1 2 oclock we left the profile i ir a ten- mile stage ride through the valley to north woe dstock this is one of the nost de- ligh ful portions of the trip sea ed upon one f those oldfabhioned but r ally fine new stage coaches drawn by a four horse tean 1 the traveller drinks in the pure moun tain air and feastt his eyes upon new vis ions of beauty here the dark r lonntain ridg erowdnpon either side there is a little intervale of field or meadows ind anon a joyous little cascade leaps nil her and thither with merry plash down tb e moun tain sfde and across the roadwfy the railway depot is reached and we e nbarkin a special car on the pemigewasse branch of tne boston lowell railway en route tor boston 1 a comfortable and interesting af ernoons journey over this excellent road through son i ot the most beautiful and pic turesque seen sry of the continent and passi ig towns of w arid- wide importance for their manu facti ires notably manchester nashua and lowell brought ns to old boston the hub of the universe at the depot we wen met by mr trayes an old p rt hope boy and several members of th 3 boston pres s club our two days in bos on were mos j enjoyably spent the press c ub hav ing 1 rraned everything for our cot lfortand convenience among the numerous points of iistorical interest visited wer s boston con man- and public gardens fremont ten pie music hall old south church bnn ler hill and monument harvard tjni vers ty longfellows residence mt auburn cemetery t the old cemetery on tremont stre it where passengers of the mayflower are raried and many other places lot more than common prominence on saturday mop ting the party took a suil to n intasket beach one of bostons popular seaside resorts here a number of us toe k a roll tin the ocean whioh we found very refresh- end exhilarating iu i brown acton 1 bargain3 i f- the of gkods mui co4bmdncb feoday the oebet slaughtering house ever before heard of in ac hon ress goodg at stac ecs of the inmiinbb raffgeb of hosiery gloves parasojs at less- 1 t than cost price no old stock the inest range of white aei gray cottos from 5 cents up they are thje cheapest gouds ever before offerer in acton i ciearing0utthe balance of millinery and mjllin- ery goods at half price hbbald peohd3ition papeb nadthsibcst p 8 spence on flue toned paper citizen peblisim to torobfo wanrtid wanted a besdent agent in evebt village town and city in the dominion also a few travellers to sell onr new air gas ma chines tor making air gas 50 per cent oheaper than coal equally as good no ore or power re quired made in allmzes from 15 burners to 1000 for private houses sweat hotel s factories mills streets mines etc address canadian aibojis machine mfg co 115 t frincois xavier8t no 15lv house i montreal pq painting the undersigned begs to inform flia people of acton and vicinity that he is prepared to give first- class satisfaction in the lines of boof paint ing house painting calcirainine and also paper hanging in the latest styles all orderp promptly attended to pi dynes alsc ovei- 11000 pair3 of boots an shoes wuiob we are as the drive through the city was enjoyed at the kind invitation of our respected president at the conclusion homeward bound be ing the watchword regretful goodbyes and lingering adieus were said and we boarded the reliable old grand trunk for home via toronto thns ended one pf the most enjoyable interesting educative and comprehensive trips that it has ever been the pleasure of the canadian press association to embrace i for much of the comfort and convenience enjoyed throughout the trip the association is specially indebted to mr to j edgar of theg t r the officials of the central vermont and the boston lowell r rs to mr trayes boston mr e m barrett new york and lastly but in jjo means in any small degree to our sefdenying and indefatigable secretary mr yf r climie of bowmanville i magnetic oil ii cures liheumatios neuralgia lame back stiff joints and chilblains magnetic oil cures chapped hands frcst bites burns and scalds sciatica etc regular prices 25 a 3 cents choicest and ost from 6 cjents up 15 cents beautiful prints clearing out gents fitfe straw hats cent less than 1cost bound to olejar out at value in c i a s v j j j at 20 per less than half price sugarsthe cbfiapest pl a ci for sugars wei commence our i anntial stocktaking on first of august we can orily offer you these bargains till that time jdo nofc fail to secfttfe some cf theise bargains while they are going remember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae s in town magnetic r- wa at lows with every toilet liig and comfort soap should be found it is cleansing and heal- frlnld likhinln there are but few that have paver suffered almost uitjileriiblc pain from toothache neuralgia or like icute palijs to them suoh au instant belief is fluid lightning is an untold b easing in time bt trouble no disgusting olensivo lnudicinesi to be taken oe d lya q if application ni fluid light- a marvelou mun nr ram r oil is a most use ul remedy for both man and beast magnetic oil is splendid for coughs and cjolds sore tbtoa and croup i magnetic oil is sold by all drnggists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best liniment knowr iusiston yoir druggist giving you the genuine magnetio oil is story toid nr two uttbbs from the son iltf aentltaen my father reudes at glo drug store sld i j b mcgarvins 29 4 a crook- to oiir mind notwithstanding i ed illshaped streets and multip icity of unnecessary curves and corners b ton is onej of the finest cities of tle un on its buildings are fine its streets lat es and alleys too are clean as it is possible to intake them its citizens are kind c mrteous and cultured and a friendly home ike feel ing seems to go out toward the stranger within her borders the old colonyrailway htjrried us away from the good old oity on sathrday to falls rivet where we secured berth on the palace steamer pilgrim en rot te dowu the atkntio coast for new york the entrance to new tork harbor by rooklyn at the barrett presilentof the canadian club tork ment clnb j i east biver under the great bride was of muph interest to ns wharf we were met by mr ei m private secretary to mr erastus wiman in new apart ustrie and conduoted to the albert buildings after breakfast restaurant the party disberse4 to the i j j i llerii proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spent an the faith of ireopmmendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc- gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drdg store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will oure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc t no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50o and 1 bottles see testfmon- ale from persons in yur own town 29 best ana comfort to the snffc ring browns household panacea has no equal for relievintfpam both internal and external i i cures pain in the side bock or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago aud any kind of a pain or achii it will most surely quick en the blond and heal as itncting power is wonderful browns household pan- acen being acknowledged ris the great painreliever tnrl of double the strength pf any other elixir or llulihent in the iworld should be in every family handy for use when wintedv as it realty is the best remedy in tfie wmtki for crnmpg in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sate by alt dragcrists at 25 cvnts a bottle nsjuni 44 nbw 1882 v- glover vt he has be a m great fuffererfrom scrof ula and tneine losed letter irtll tdll you wbat amarreloueffict ayers saxsapaiilla hashaduilusiiase i think his blood must have contained the humor fori at least ten yean but it dl 1 not show except in the form ol a scrofulous wrcf on the wrist until about fire yean ago from a fewspksjnhloh ap peared at that timei it gradually spread so as to cover his ent re body iassnreyonhewai terribly afuiptec aid an object of pity when he began using j onr medlolne now there are fovr men of his igej who enjoy as good health as he has i ex bid easily name fifty persons who would testt y to the factsin his case touatrtlyj w mbbooa from the fathers pleasure and a duty for me 1 o state to you the benefit i have derived f t un the use of ayers sarsaparilla j r six months ago j wis completely covered with a terrible humd r and scrofulous sores tho humor caused jiin incessant and intolerable itching and the skin oraqke 1 so as to cause the blood to flow in many ilaces wheneror i moved my f lffctrings vrei great and my life a burden t cvmmencec the use of tho iprll last and have used at time my condition tit onoe the sores havo i perfeel ly well in every able to lo a good days lofogi many inquire i a cure in my esse aud ire hen i ried to tell you jilla glover ytjocr spurs grate fully hraaii pnillirs fashionable west end guelph finest stock of lovely sat eens prints and muslins in the city spots checks and stripes in endless variety always busy j i i bucham6vco co i ct 1 o k samipabilix in it regularly slni e began to lmpros all healed and t respecjt being ir work although j what his wrongl t iteush9mas i ayxbs sibiuuf 211882 wdbyaudnifjlujliiii atebs sabsapamxla toes scrofula and an scroftoi a oompialnu errsij- klagworm blotches sores boils rumors and ernptlots of the skin it ilears theblo 9d of all impa rities aids dm tto istlmnla m the action ol the bowels anithus rsstorss vitality and stossgtheos tiuj irt sle lysten pamdbt dpjcayjrcicojlcwellwac3 fojl ljeaditig wholesale anld heail carpet dealers j 48 king street east hamilton i i make a speciallry of fine llrulsels oarpetsj pine tijpcstrv carpets 1in wool carpets j fine cocoa mattings bestengluh oilclotli84 ydswide i best linoleums 4 yards wide fine lnc curtains fine madras curtains fine tapestry curtains pt quality best pawl0wt r j mckay 48 king atreet east hamilton fine tilrcotnan cui tains fineltapestiy coverings fi is furniture covriu a j bine curtain pow jfini chnin baiids bistquality uajpet sweeperfl best quality s pmg rollers fine stair rpdb fine shaccpoe8 the sast snd olobhing fashionable tjailorin sprang tweeds worsted voai bast end cli our gameats are ittat perfect allele assortment of iagsandsereesattli ig store i i tr anlia tho 3atot artistic n haifa a jjj3r3m so on hand 3 i a j 1 f 4 prj were tow mend defe weaq fort tnne vita boyd abod sua m hal clll i