Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1885, p. 3

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ii 3 m se itering u geo iiyndh amttl ladies wanting an oxtr oualitfof nob paperaittlkhvelopes bhould call at geo hynds acton c business men wanting cheap envelop paper fens ink pencils mucilage bloi ting paper ledgers day books blank notos receipts call vt geo hvnds wo keep tho largest and beat stock of butioneiy in town wedding and birthday presents j spec- taclcs fivru 25c to 8 the cheapest store in acton for the above line of roodx geo liynds i j dealer m jewejry stationer v school books and fancy good flit itott jfm teat ten ts prints tncnjmv mousing- august 20 1885 crumbs fob breakfast g t 1 provided by the liter thoughtful fiiee press reporters r at lbss pm fv from 5 er m1ll1x- 20 per we are ice fx towtf a ring on these e some four w eeks more of trout fishing monday was torontos civic holiday sec hills sacrificing adv in another column the open season for duck shooting cotrrmencd last saturday i i j dont forget the ptonio tomorrov sabbath school children all welcome i mr john kelson has erected a very neat verandah in front of his store on mill street j dr webster wishes to announce that he has changed his residence from camp bells to aguews hotel to day georgetown will celebrate its annual ciwo holiday the whole town will lfeit waterloo it is said velvet and plush frames selling out it less than cost must be sold at onoe to iclear out stock c w hill photo a lacrosse match will take place he e this afternoon between erin and acton clubs the ball willbe faced at 230oclooj co elsewhere we give a short account cf our hohdaj trip with the press associatioi we hope our readers will find it interesting and entertaining tiie public schools m the rural sections were reopened last monday those in towns and incorporated villages will com mence on monday 31st auguit j several of the american clergymen who are making an extended tour through canada on bicjcles passed through actou snkjoiiteior toronto on saturday the junior lacrosse club of this place defeated the erin juniors in three straight games here last thursday good for the bo s thej ve neer suffered defeat yet wtve had some remarkably cool weather during the past week particularly for dog daj 9 frost has been observed three times already during the present month gapt panton distributed clothing to his company on tuesday evening the bo a expect to go into camp at niagara about the middle of september milton sm r the funeral of the late johnmcmillan of erin whose untimely death by accident occurred last week took place on sunday afternoon and was probably the largest ever seen in the township the e c church on church street- has been undergoing repairs during thepast week or two inaugural services will be htl 1 next sunday kev fathers dumortien and mahoney of guelphv officiating nassagaweya agricultural exhibition will be hed on tuesday 6th october an attractne prize list is presented and this good old township will undoubtedly sustain ita good reputation of years gone by a special train of eight coaches contain ing 500 excursionists from brampton en- t i jut from gait passed through here last thursday the party was made up of haggart mfg cos employees and their fnenda in mi fetore letter respecting ijex m last issue the word variety should have read vanity this materially changes the meaning of the whole paragraph and was alike annoying to mr storey and ourselves messrs hemstreefc 6c bastedo mer chants miltori have a full page advertise ment iff last issue of the sui they are live wide awake merchants and have learned bj experience that liberal adver- using is profitable to basiness among the saccessfutcandidaves at tbe recent high school entrance examin ations at brampton we are pleased to notice the name of our little friend willie m kannawin of bannockburn school mr j a shannon teacher he came ont with a good percentage of marks to spare f ifboipjl lal and all interesting loi the mt owing in quel ih 11c o grive tan ot iers ml in new po lockboxes mr matthews has lot of lob t boxes to the the new oxes sign with metal fronts some in aapearwe and uged 4 the new oemetery tho surrey of three of theoeuibtery has beei workmen itre at preseu i e inguptheiitreeti acres of the hill iide will course of t few tveeks condition of sp ring whet it is sai i thai muoh of in this sec ion n turning to what w w exjrccted shrinking it is better however than in many ue for in pilkington peel g and seotio is around season wil be a total fail sunday s hool pioruo the unr ual basket pioi dist sabbath scjboql will afternoon in millers carriages will be at pm to co lvey those who to the grcunds acton be present to discourse lent mush ah are in made wek ome interesun base ball our boys would just ites at basj ball as any milton ism i of the 80th was played on saturday clubs and it wasnt the whipped after all our for a mat ill with champions of the count after signfying their acton ih y failed to put milton club had howevef time anxious to give the two cl lbs came 11 to 2 in favor ef actor boys now claim the county prohibition camp at r the second annual milton fro in thursday sept 1st inclusive superior in many pointy meeting hi id there last gramme cf speakers an been enga ed among njig exsov st join bieski lescendant of g mrs c h st tle sweet singer and el if a a hopkins of ard b pickard of new jj beacha np of ohio own talemed speakers mckay v oodstock and toronto two grand on mondt y and tuesda f celebrated froth club sides exc irsions ovr thursday and tuesday single fare tickets will bi for retuni at single modation m the grounds the coun y school when itr alex mcmi was acceiited and duly a school in pector for this by the county council to caused by the lamented r little esq the publl vehadar inspector i iver the n inister of lie was noxeligiole not rpvincia certificate as tegulatiois of the inspector mr mcmillan i he count candidate ient exai linations hopi f pectors ertificates but learn neither of them jus tttded another oat office service re the oe ebr ted yale ae- thny are hand- conveniently ar- acrtes of the front biz ccmpleted and gaiedin throw- anddejiv wa s about two si rveyed in the held the motho- on friday fourth lino the clhircjh sharp at one pur rase attending oornet band will some 3f their excel vitqd and will be imach soqn whip acton- so said the well a match letween these two a ctoi dtes who were i oys had arranged camp ell ille club the a milton but willingness to meet actona i together chai api mutdn jcamp aig primises the posit on therefore is palefs r itbtteepets in olier 8 iises lilton re 5 at tl hand i scott act convictions police magistrate young has given de cision on three liquor cases recently heard f sanderson of milfon was finsd 50 aud costs p m zimmerman of burlington f was nned 50 aud cobts while his daughter and the bartender were fined on twoi sep- arate charges the sum of 911260 or to630j each zimmerman was also sentenced td two months imprisonment j presentation the members of the 20th ba band lately presented jmr p j smith of acton with a beautiful barlor lamp as p slight token of their appreciation of his services to the band qfjuryituwn herald we are pleased to see the mark of appreciation paid to friend smith and we are glad to notice that he is now filling an important place of actons excellent cornet band ciyifc holiday actons annual civic holiday was cele brated esterday owing however to the fact that only two or three days notice of the proclamation was given the holiday was not a success about fifty of our cituens took in the band tournament at waterloo a doaeu or two went to toronto and the remainder spent the day at home or in visiting mral friends in fchp after- noon lacrosse base ball and cricket held wav m the driving park to the pleasure of our athletic citizens we hope next year the promoters of the holiday wont get into such a sudden fever but will give notice a week or so ahead at least of their desire for a public holiday so thatall our citizens nd our farmer friends can arrange their personal ty we- wo it business to allow them to participate innocent yiar whe m a re the ibhi oqu mt ro yorjc i an 1 a n tab mr concertb faie education dep irt thn be n cf i ta ce the dayi ha mi is a new appointment is to next meeting of the counpil 1st as i efore there is applicant for the position we can se y without re quahficat ons of the applying or the gpsitid better abl i to sustain the deacob lead master escl iool and we mn lending him to ien mr deacot boy havi lg spent the am mgst i is we hope tc of i songrs tulating him klect at the close of tb of the cotucil thi it old wagon wheelj the wawde blacksmiib larjfeature in the makeup ery who has not ithy a ud the smith a ndir g in the door i in promiscuous confusioi mi int of t riciabrac of de signs conspicuous amon wi igon wl leel that has ound o i its own axletee ijacent landscape wiiich tir le has laid violent aibeautifil flower to it remark able for utility meets it nja dark and that ther is life in the ol day was i calm still nig i in love young mn a blacksmi h shop after s evening fvith his charm ing he as we paid it wai at least n ntil our framed ii ito that particular then all was changed dighedjth rough the tops carried a plaintive wail upon itf wings then swears he had met wheel on its native gered together they if they hi id not met as wheel w th its worn dut look may be but whei a roan gets spokes a id falls down ing fiis si immer olothes axlegret se he feels thajt ferentarimal by night a mnoh needed reforib must go itisneedlesf pathies o ont toward hisaistriss we want hums the word wi h t s spring wheat rery inferior to rust and this vioinity oring seotiodb rafaxa kiohol i he orop this ghto df to inspector ite ap appearance for some i ralkover and mth a score of vo believe the i nship of the o be held at 7 to tuesday to be far the excellent a grand pro- rqusioians has the follow- kansas john great polish of colorado speaker hester rev hon lou dumber of our y rev w a f s spence will be eiyen evenings by the buffalo be- railways on wo thirds of iss ned every day good accom- of rookwood tbpomted public cou fil jty last june the vacancy cleath of the late ut derstood that sjibse juently how- decided that lavi lg a firstclass rejuired by the rient affecting and dr lusk wrote at the re- lg secure m- aro sorry to wejre successful agajin vacant and made at the m september a lpngthy list of we belieye led ing upon the othar gentlemen that none are of ice than mr the woodstock s lecial pleasure council for ap- in old halton of his youth re the pleasure the inspector e comiilg hession ai cie it ead gaqe upon bet ail 1 w ieel t mbled jienil es tee nee a id tjhe of inc a the i heath beoc me bcth oitbe tq r no oar purely personal parsiraphb respeotlng people with whom pur readers are indmduallr colleotlvely aoquainted mr w a moloim barrister ie his si immer vaoatiou re o aooek of toronto f rient 1b here this week mr i m briqker of listowoll is the f iends of her old home hornby miises ronto mr the mr guest cays last vas the ik hemsireot of i we k mr i wm ramsey spent several week with friends in goelph mrs a r woody att of guelph guest of mr a stepheubou this mr and mrs richard visited friends here this week etta and eliza matthewi of to- visited aoton friends on mo iday chas hynds of toronto of hib brother george this henry hanuon of mich has of mr anson smith during mil b annie boomer of sohonjiberg ib spencinga couple of weeks with friends here mi a few the giest hjvs been week been the tl e week w firstbrook jr of torontj spent days with friends in aoton during v eek mr jecob smith of glanford bother of mrs w h stdrey visited aoton friends this reek miis eha starrctt of spent a few days this week with friends in actoi i and vioinity mrs i francis and children moncay to spend a week with brye s and family at parkhill mil s jennie e grant left this gore bay manitoulin island to posit on bf teacher in a good school mra william townsend acconpaniec y heir niece miss anuie e moore i i spend ng a few weeks with friends in he milton and rnmsby glen rilliams left on rev w eek foi tke th there mr thomas lee who has been in chict go for some months is homa for a rest mid change of air tom nurrowly escaped death in a railway acciden a few week i ago but he has now almost com pletely recovered from his injuries eist aid tiat the i si is robbery on the train wl ilehe j05 train from the standing at the depot here yesterdajy ing mr george robinson pls was severely jostled in the crowd minues afterwards discovered pocbtbook diary ac were missing hib bi east pocket by this time was n motion but he despatched gram from rockwood informing the ities here of the robbery and giving script ion of a couple of young men of the crime mr rae agent immc diately notified constable eaiton other i and the town was searched suspected parties they were have been at mccarthys livery stable engaf ed a rig and were about to guel ih their arrest was prompt and t bey were conducted to the searc i of their persons resulted in ing o 8105 in bills of various tions part of which was concealed lining of one of the prisoners hats the ifternoon the pocketbook o accompanying the money founc in the water closet at the g the names of the parties in cus albei t henry and c a clark refusnl to be given the case for ti lal last evening at 7 oclock magi t rates allan aud hall the out cf town at the time mr ident fied the pocket book and henry and clark as the meii whe him evidence was produced showing the p risoners had been seen to train that one of them was seer wate closet and heard by a remark to his confederate that made a pretty good haul that time eaded not guilty after evidf nee the magistrates committjed to th county jail to stand their assizes the accused were erablb disadvantage m the case to o induct their own defense nc being available in their behalf deno however was certainly of crim nating charaoter shop is a famil- up of canadian the smoky old i hty man is he scattered about a large assort- and modern which is tbe to revolve md adorns the wheel upon hands is not neither is the man who y night finds yet mon- as one of our by a local ling a pleasant little wife-tot- oalm still night young i citizen neighborhood breeze that the maple trees a dismal swear hundred more lonely wagon aw as they un as familiar as the old expression and by day eet between the hub decorat- secondhand is quite a dif- is room for the old wheel say onr sym- young friend in prying as to his jive him away r reviewing trial i at the dvadle roef in georgetown on the 8th itnst the wife of mr o c roe of a daughter on the garrett gabiett in gloversville n y 12 h aug the wife of mr george formerly of acton of a souj atkinson at speyside on the 8th an gu it the wife of mr jesse atkit son of a the grave goiiilk in acton on the 13th august albert ray infant son of thomas and m iry gamble aged six months pebbvsun in acton on the 14th august may eliza infant daughter of thomas arid fanny perryman aged 2 months the altar sanderson at milton on tuesday 11th inst by rey wi j mackenzie the residence of the brides fa ther mr conrad hoff to hannah third daughter mr francis sanderson tha hof th at c of i tra lgers fyf suit rrejt tor hats from 73 cents to s rsteja to wlih it herei miscellaneous hyou want a nobby durable j fyfes is the place to go scotch english and canadian suiting variety at the east end plothin g j fyfe acton suitb and overcoats at extremely low and made in lateststyles be sure and see them j fyfe axton cll freemans worm powders are and bpeedy to remove worms frorji or a suits tr lows pleasant worm safe and reliable worm remedv woims afflicting children er adults a card tp all who are suffering from indiscretions of youth nervbus i he errorb weak- iesi early decay loss of manhobd ftc i pure you remedy in south envelope statfand neio greit and vilf send you a recipe that will jfree of charge this was discovered by a missionary america send a selfaddressee fotjtie rkv joseph t inhan toil cuy or i off for visited visiting was morn oronto a few bis from train a tele- author- a de- pec ted gtr and for the found to and lfeave for y made c ells a he find- depomina- in the during papers were t r itody are r isidence came up before reeve being robinbon and jostled that the in no 27j lower wyndham st akelph ont ifnidav august 7th 188fli to what cause do i aicribn the great suoccss of my businpss well to nothing but vory simple und com mon sense reasons such n must be very palpable to every one who stops a moment to think in the first place to dc a business goods and prices must be right now at no 27 we do not pretend to do anything mira culous yut we do ftiiow that while for freshneiis larittyand general ex- eelknee our goods ure not excelled our prices striud the test of the keen est competition then my store is centrally located is bright attractive and cnnvenioiit but among the chief reasons is tbe fact that we strive for and receive the con fidence and goodwill of the public we do not disgust people by undue pressure to buy the public know tho plensure of doing businceb in n store where they are uoti bored to buy from the moment they enter until they make their escape we make people feel at home and comfortable whether we can sell to them ior not if we do not sell them one j day we make it a pleasure to come back another then again we strictly mind our own business and nobody elses all our time and talent is devoted to our business hence we never find time to disparage our neighbors note if you hear one business man run down another make up your mind be is both jealous and afraid of htm again we aim to do business straight and honorable to sell goods exactly for what they are and to look a cus i tomer straight and square in the face every time we meet we are not in fallible but if we make mistakes they are uot intentional now these are some of the reasous why no 27 is generally crowded with customers we have no exclusive patent for them and everybody that knows how is welcome to the use of tllem tbcy have done us much good i dry goods clotuinc millinery dressmaking 21 lower wyndham street guelph ontario i e ivbolljeitt cash leave the wiltness to tfiey had prison the them at the consid- having counsel the evi- a most 3s3ksaissjiisi 2otj 33 au r lb3 hot and dry skix soalding sen latic ns swelling of t he ankles vague feelin s ol unrest frothy or or okc ust fluids aoid stomao i iohing joini i cramps gro ving nervousile w strange eon nest of the bowels unaccountable languid feelings short breath and pjeuritio pains one side leacuohe baskaehe frequent attacks of tho bines fluttering a id distress of the heart albumen an 1 tube oasts in tbe water fitful rheumatic pains and neuralgia loss of appetite flesh and strength constlpatior alternating with looseness of the bowels 1 abundant r ale or soanty flow of dark water chills aud fever skin then i burning patches of yotjj have brlghts d isease of the ludneyg the above symptoms are not developed in any order ut appear disappear and re apear until the disease gradually gets i firm grasp on the constitution tjhe kidney poisoned bloed breaks down thenervouu system and finally pneumonia diarrbeeai bloodlessness heart disease appoplexy paralysis or convulsions ensue and then death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare onespit is an every day die order aud ojaimsi more viotim than any other complaint i it must be i rested in lime or it will gair the mastery dont neglect it war ners safe cure hab cured thoasandt of oases of th i worst type and it will cure yon if you wil use it promptly jandv as di rected it is the only speoiflo for the uni versal brigets diseases guelph cloth hall irish tweed stjlittengs i beautiful designs in i 1 2 different shades shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph common sense treatment of catarrh and consumption if air cha elements foul continuously elements will cure ously rged with diseasecreating ir will kill when breathed f charged witb remedial when breathed continu- fir 250 at j i nd cheap safe sure children the golden lion gtjeliph i returns thanks to the public of acton dud surrounding icoantry for the very large and increasing volume of trade which they are extending to us larger this sea- sou than it ever was in the his tory of the lion and while we think that we are not uudeserving of your most liberal patronage inasmuch ns we are selling goods i at less prices than were ever be fore known to the trade and not only that but we are selling goods at a margin of profit which it was always considered a man could not do business on and live but we have an idea that it can if business is conducted on busii nees principles at any rate we are trying the experiment in the interest of the public every mail from our european buyer brings news ot some lines picked at slaughter prices which we will be able to give at figures undreamed of in the past do not fail to visit the lion this fall and we will make it pay your expenses over and over paints oils vnrnishesj turpentine beacljpinixei paints of all shades kept in stockat hcgarviits drug storu your the right place buy your coal oh ai mcgarviijs drugstoie call at mcgarvins drug and stationery store for fancy goods t j x buy your drugs at mcgajin drug storey where you can get them pure and reliable at reasonable prjccj j school books stationery school requisites of all kind kpl at mcgarvins dru andstationery sltore do not forget the place mckvins drug and actoni great bargains njsver before in canada were jgoods oefered shirting v i thfffrwere formerly worth 20e we are selliug for 12jc cottons plendf d quality nt 5 and 0c embroiderya at 3 ana 5c vorth 10-f- prints of four hundred patterns to seleot from dres goods at 8c s and lawns beautiful patterns in color cream apd white at 7c i s upwatjds mnsli 8 rrup is a for all the pillow inhaler is au elegantly made hair pillow charged with remedial elements the vapor of which the patient inhales nil night long whilst sleeping as usual it cannot get out of order and is perfectly safe- to the most delicate it will last for years and serve any number of perbons in a family lb suc cession it batters down the stronghold of catarrh srqoliitls asthma ul consumption aud makes tr permanent cure by a continu ous application of hbaling and curative air directly to tbe diseased parts suuferers from any of the nbpvementioned diseases are urgently requested to send us their ad dress and ft 50page pamphlet will be mailed to them free which will give a complete history of this wonderful discov ery and the principles upraii which it works together with a idug lilt of testimonials from those who have used it and who now rejoice in perfecthealth do not delay for the longer a diabase is allowed to run unchecked the slow er and harder it is to effect a cure there is no medicine taken into the stom ach no douchingjorjbnumng nor anything disagreeable about this treatment it has never been known to fail send your nattie and address plainly writen to tbe pillow inhaler aen7 londoj ojjt catabbuil new treatment perhaps the most extraordinary success that- has been achieved m modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients treated during the past six months f ulfy ninety per cent have ben cured of ibis stubborn malady this isjnone the less startling when itis remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a qure at all starting with the olaim how generally believed by the rrjost scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasitep in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his oure to their exter minationthis accomplished he j claims the catarrh is piratically cured and the permanency is unquestioned as cures effect ed by hitn four years ago are cmres still no one else half ever attempted to cure catarrh invthis manner and no other treat ment has aver cured catarrh i the appli cation of tpe remedy is simple and can- be done at home and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent oure themajority df cases being cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond with messrs a h dix on son 30s king street west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their treat- ize on catarrh montreal star noy1782 we at the- store halton dry goods house i so pheap as we are oeeering them this spring a yard widt at 5c and upwards nd upwards and i great bargains in gloves ancmpsiety 1 millixsteirrz- we havi as choice a stock as can be found in any city and we are doing tie trade we find it pavs to always keep the best and me8t stylish goods and we sincerely thank tbe ladies of acton and vicinity for their liberal paironage this spring by such we are greatly encouraged in our efforts it ntroducing a finer class than heretofore kept in acton of dry goods and millinery 0e3stts tj3stxshirtj3s i call on us for whitle regatta shirts ce luloid collars and cuffs stylish hats and caps goods that you can rely on i the best and cheapest stcjck dry goods and boots shoes and groceries ft eieat them all try us anp be convinced c b griffin excelsior bakery has i satibf oc ion ing purchased the above- bakery ijroin mb d mann i hope to give to the numerouscustomers who patroniie it thanjking them for past favors 1 will ta attend to customers promptly gingly and trust that they will one extend to us their patronage endeavc r and obi and all again j 0 willi co ueip for working people bend 10 dents ntfcr postage a nd we will mail you free a- royal valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of waking more money in a few days than you eerthought possible at any business jbapitalj not re quired yon c in live at home and work in spare time only or all the tiijie al of both sexes of ullages grandly supceisful 50 oents to 85 asily earned every evening that all who vant work may tebt the busi ness we make tliis unparalleled offer to all who are no well satisfied we will send 91 to pay for the trouble of writing us full partioula s directions etc sent free immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at ouce dont delay address smson co portland maine thi8 pap tort lslng buret u jontraotssur i use and astoit nothing but the best roller flour tee pit in stock fresh bread unsct every day alsc i steam bread h oakeb of all kinds lfjew york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones m hanijl or made to order at shortest notice sacrifice frames mouldings c c -o- c w hill photc eqdihgcakds a specialty biscdits jind confectionery of all kinds icing s igar ginger snaps bobton mixed cakes wholesale flour battei and sgres ta tirbreaaatm ken in exehango ket prioes has a large stock of plush ture frames and moulding whidh owing to his proposec actdnhe desireb to dis the whale stock is marked at and below cost now is the time for big goods and i would like all ere to pajrticipate in them ine stock artist aid velvet pic- of all kinds removal from of at onoe down to prices bargains in fine old custom- call and exam- i am still executing firsjbclass photbgraphs in immense quantities and km prepared to fill everylorder in tne best style 1 i come today c w hill amay nsow be found on me at ooo e jwell ft cos newspaper aa idspracebt wbe adrwtldai made for it ts kswj yol mrs t statham yellow oil cjres rheumatism cauti on l r i wo a re eltasast to tnlje purr ativo la a saf jbup wders cpntoni their own and ettecttud icufldren or adult eltll pll g of jhe myrtle navy i is marked t in bronze letters hone other cenuin i a

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