Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1885, p. 4

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if it j pi n is iii 1 if m it b jxtmt jftee ms trcrsdx morsisq aoaysir 20 1885 interesting ttitb 1cucmid and the banker a fajattiaid with a vary pttjtty face who lired at acton had a black cow the uglidt ill the phice a crookedbacjkd one a boast ostlmsroua as she was frightful vicious and spiteful and k oonfinn4 a truantthatshe bounded ovr the hedges daily and got winded twas all jn vain to tie lier with a tether for then both oow and oordieloped together armed with alwillow bough what fotlyj it smdumihayd been of birch j thorrtv or n folly patty one day was driving home thiibeast whjp hadias usual alippd its anchor wneh onithe road she met a certain banker who slopped to give his eyes a feast j by frazrng on her features crimsoned high by a long cowchase in july are you from acton pretty lass he cried yes with a courtesy she replied why then you know the laundress sally wrench she is my cousin sui rnd nextdoor neighbor thatsluckv ive a messagefor the wench which needs despatch and you may save my latwr give her this kiss my dear and say i sent it butmindyoupwemeonelveonlylentit she- shall know cried the girl as she brandishd her bough of the loving intention yon bore mf but as to the kiss as thems haste youll allow y that youd better run forvjard and givo it my cow 5 for she at the rate she is scampering now will reach acton some minutes before me montrtaibulterilaltr items always required a good tmtimrtiu modi- oino national pills wfll not j disappoint yoll ji fioqnvans worm pow dew are safe pure and speedy to remove worms from ohimrei or adults mother graves wonii exterminator in pleasaut to take sure mid effectual in dos troy iug worms mauy have tried it nvitlj best results j why go limping rijud whining about jout corns when a 25 cent bottle of hollovayi com core will remove them give it a trial and you will not regret it a hourly tindttrxrnirul the people the press jaud tlie profewioi all heartily endorse thelmeritsjof buiddo c blood bitters as the beaj blood and live regulator aud purifying jtonio now in usei oniiio uim have tiielrj ttfme fea ijh f m i 1 h x t leaves have thelij tiime t foil sayp the poet butwiid strawberry leaven aw on the rise jiist now being utiliisedin sijioh niormousjqnantities in iinakiug dr fow lers extract of wild strawberry th iu fallible remedy tfor cholera mcrbui diarrhoea add other summer complaint instanirifcous hmm pix ant ann era ncement f you can buy goods cheap than at any other pi ofhalton wljt sporting men rely on 4 when lewis r redmond the hsouth carolina imoonshiner cornered after for eight years eluding thegovernment officials was asked to surrender he exclaimed never to men who fire at my back before he was taken five bullets had gone clear through him but strange to re late he got well in the bands of a rude backwoods nurse by the way if garfield had been in the hands of a backwoods nurse he might have lived a heap of volunteer testimony against the infallibility of tl e physicians has been accumulating of iato and people are encouraged to do their own doctoring more and more it is cheaper and quite as certain before detective curtiu of buffalocaught tom ballard he covered him with his revolver tom saw the point ind tumbled joe goss was covered a few weeks ago and he tumbled and so d id dan mace death fetched em with that dreaded weapon kidney disease be t they should have been lively and drawn first they could easily have disarmed the monster had they covered him with tl at dead shot warners safe cure wiich drawn promptly always takes ths prey it is doubtless true that sportdn men dread this enemy more than any m shapof their profession and presumably ms explains why they as vrule are so partial to that deadshotu bedmond was right nc man should surrender when attacked in the back he should draw face about and proceed to the defence for such attacks so common among all classes will fetch a man every time unless covered by thft wonderfully- successful dead shot sportsmans yeics there is nothing equal to mother graves worm exterminator for destroying worms no article of its kind has given such satis faction i holloways gorn cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and wans arid only costs the- small sum of twentyaye cents young old and middledagelall experi ence the wonderfully beneficial jeff ects of ayera sarsaparilla young children suf fering from sore eyes sorears scaldhead or with any scrofulous or syphilitic taint may be made healthy appearance 4 wle preeaatun during the sjimmer and fall people are liable to sudden attacks of bowel com plaints and vith no prompt remedy or medical aid at hand lifelnay be in danger those whose experience har given them wisdom always keep dr fo vlers extract of wild strawberry at hanl for prompt reliefrand a physician is sel lorn required 1 i a kncllful cuanj p the best eradicator of foufhumors of the blood is burdock blood bitters a few bottles produce a radical change for the better in health and beauty it removes the blood taint of scrofula that terrible disease so common in this country sone better thersis no- more wholesome or delicious fruit on earth than the wild strawberry and thepe is no- more effectas1 remedy for chelera dysentery cramps aud other summer complaints of infants or adiilts than dr fowlers extract o wild straw- berry mr wffi boyd hill coloiirg writes having used dr thomas eclectnc oil for some years i have much pleasure in testifying to its efficacy in relieying- pains in the back and shoulders i have also used it in oases ofcroup in children and have found it to be all that you claim it to be a national evil there is no qnestion but that dyspepsia is the national disease of our country and when complicated with disease of the liver- and kidneys is the cause of untold misery bardock biood bittern- will almost in- variably cure the worst case known dont fill the system with quinine in the effort to prevent or cure fever and ague ayers ague curtis a far more potent pre- rentive and remedy with the advantage of leaving in the body no poisons to produce diagaew deafness headache and tither disorflert the proprietors warrant it we have ni hesitation in saying that dr 3 d kellers dysentery cordial ir with- wt doubt the best medicine ever introduc ed for dysentery diarrhoea cholera and all aummer complaints sea sickness etc it promptly gives relief and never fails to ef fect a positive dure mothers should never be without abottle when their children are and biwels qures 2 gums reduces in tone and eueigy o winxidwusoihiig why suffer from weak nerves wint of appetite and general debility lettiig itle loss of sleep and rest mpovensh th i j sy teni and thin the blooc when such a realy mejitoripus remedy as iwrthrop lymans quinine wine may r e had at any drug recommended kinds st is also specially ueneficial o children and delicate f smales and to hnsi a neis men students much brain work be without it ii wi your system in ejui order yoy to successfully grapple with the vou have to do it is leasant and contains nothing injurious to tht delicate constitution for thequiiiine wine throp lyman toyo youwillbe satisfied valuis for your money jy store j this article is highesi members of ths medicnl faculty cases of indjgestion gineral cebilitj of appetite and nervous affeptibns nd those who e woulc say strengthen yoii kbep aid n toth itemember tlo prepared by n lto tjnd we arj suire that you have druggists sell it the discovery of the cess of taking photographs has ibeen qi idkly followed in the medicalworld by a psrfett and instantaneous remedy for all acute aches and pains as neuralgia tootliaclid rheumatism etc thts valuable re cried f is called fluid lightning and is sold at 2p cents a bottle by dr mtjgarviii drngjst mcgregor it parkes- carbolic cervt is- invaluablo for wottnds sores balfrlieurv cuts burns scalds and festers as a heat ing and purifying dressing do not 1 posed on with other useless preparation recommended to be as good use only 3ij- gregor a parkes carbolic cerate 8cld b dr mcgawiu i k rev j g fallis dutton cerifies for some years imy wife has been trouble 1 with dyspepsia and lias tried ono thin afterauother recommended with but littla or noeffect till advised to give j mcgregor speedy cure atrial since taking th s firs bottle i have noticed j a decided imirov ment and can with cinfideuce reconimen 1 it to be one of if not tho best medicii 6 e tant for dyspepsia this invaluable nied cine for liver complaint indigestion eic ney complaint is phrely yegetable soil at dr mcgarvins drug store trial bottles free advice to mothers are yop disturbed at night and brckeub your rest- by a- sick child sufforiu jaui crying with pain of cuttiug eeth lfj to send at once aud get a bottle o mrs ffiii izoics soouiing syrup for children te hinj its value is- incalculable it willuiieve the poor little sufferer immeciately do pendupon it mothers there is no mistave about it it cures dyafen terv and dial rbpek regulates the stomach wind colic softens th flammatiorvand gives tho whole system mr syrup jor children trailing isj pleasint io the tasteand is the prescription of one if theoldestand best female unrses and phy sicians in the united states and is fnrsae 1 i c i by all druggists throughout the world price 25 cents a hottlel i 44 of have nmr wpik taste most ayers cheity pectloril no ot5er complaints are so insidious in the r attack as those affecting tbe throat and 1 nig none so trifled with by ihe majority of si iffe its the ordinary cough or cold resi ltii perhaps from a trifling or uncouscioup e posore is often hut the heginuiiig of a sickness avkns cuiitnv pkctoiiai well proven its efficacy in a fortv years vrith throat and lung diseases and shoujld ije taken inallcases without delay a terrible cough cnictl in 1857 1 took a setc e cohl wl ich affctcd hiylus i had a terrhlecouglj night after night withoi it sleep gave me up i tried a visits ciikuii ioiial which relievec sleep and afforded me the reat nece iniiy for tin e recovery of n pf continued use of the nent cure was effected i am npw 6 old hale and hearty nd am satisfied cuebity pectoral sived niu horac e eanmnotnet bockingham vtfju y id 182 croup a mot tiers trilmte f while iu the countrr last winder my itllja boy three years old wai taken illwith ciouj it seemed as if he would die from strong latlon onclof the family suggested tlu us of aybtfg cheiibypjxtoiuijla dott e df which was always kep in the house was tried in bmall am frequent doses to our delight inless tian half in houjlhp little patient was breat ling easily 11e tor sawl that the cm rky pkhtorai saved my darlings lifej can you wondi r nit 1 our gratitude sincerely yours i mr i emma gedsev 169 west 126th st ke w york ipay jo mi i hare used ayer cnprinv peckra j in my family for sevei al years and daueti hesitate to pronounce remedy for eoughs au tried i j i a jcraxi lake crystal man larch 13 1882 i buffered for eight 3 ears f ronvbroncliitlfj and af tertrjiug many r smedies with no sue cess i wab cured by the ose of aveub ci iksj- by pectobat iosein walde byhaua sllss april 1 1882 ugh citebby jpectoejailievlni but for itb use i should long slnci nave of aysnn nj i do tlia i cannot say enough in praise rebky jpectoita t for itb use 1 81 from lung troubles j e b1uodo2 palestuie texabapr 1 22 1882 no case of an affectbu of thi throajtor longs exists which cam ot begret tly reli ive i by the use of ayebs jcbebby andjit will alicayi eun not already beyond the xmtrol ol v pbepabj by drjcayepcc lowell ms 68 j soldbyauifeaggbts missssmamm fatal h my lungs in figl jniidpfjiscd 0s need aiiupi the do do glo iy pei tlie strength uj ectoliai apcrmi ears yotr it the most eifct tuol colds wa have pectoiai when the dtseaie li medic nt ilied the in lois all able ll er atitlieli stat grocery ape injthei oouiity and your hiinuvaro lioots and shoos tve call still you for less moy than you can buy them nt nnyoilir p oe i any other place in ontario wo art boun profits are bmall and we intend to jh nulle come and buy to scythes snaiths forks rakes j3ar rakes hoqs c barb wire for feili all sizes always in stock ilaohinoi all kinds of machinery in peerless everything else in hardware boots than you ever bougljit life before pure paris green aoe west of toronto tl to do the trade lour arge quantities of goods r ej- fo ks also garden wpades loing a iullline of glnsfi in y oils for rkapeimowersjand mbricjatingland lardine and nd si ocs or groceries cheaper them in your ffl h boot geshsi up busimess b mccarthy having decided to give up jiis jl2std business in acton will offer his entire stool at cost and parties debijrous of beourinjj bargains will find it to their own advuitiigo to call early and lelectibefore the stock hecomev reduced uheap bemembbr that 50c tea wbrth 05c j e howson next door to post office health fo hollo wats pills a bc ei jp purify the blood correct l1vek stomach kibn they imigorate and restore to health dchihta complaints iuciileutul to females of all they are pr the ointment i t is an infallable remedy for bndles bad jhcrsis old wdiimis sores and ulcers it is fanioiiafnrumit and klieudiatisni for disorders of the chest it has no equal fob bore throats bronchitis gouhs colds glandular swellings aud all skin diseases it lias no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts liku a charii i ajlli- i on hand all of which i have a full stock of spring willbe offered at piieeswhich astonish railway tim1 5 table ms sieoel under parties indebted to mi will pldiise cull and settle their accou its and thereby save expense i 1 i h b mcartbty boops ovjery cusjomer tt d jrl j and ointment uls all disorders of the kys anlj uowels htl coustctutions and are hivalnable iu all ages fir children and the aged iceless mnimfacturcdouly at thomas lljrll0v 76 nev oxford street date 533 oxford aud aie sold lit isljd 2s 9d 4s 6d lis 22s ai be had of all medicine vendors tlioufc wpurehasers slrpuldlrtok to the labelon the tots and 533 oxford street london they tho last end clduing store tailoring fashionable spring tweeds worsted coatings and serce at ta east end clothing store ays establishment street london eng j 80s each box or pol and inav out ihe world boxes if the address is iiot are spurious leading wholesale and retail 48 king street east h carpet amiltori dealers make a specialty fine biussclsuarpetb fine tiipcstrv carpctfl fin woul carpets fine cocoa jlaltings bcsteiiglihhoilclo best linoleums i fine lace cm fino iliidra finetpeitt hs yds wide 1 yards wide iiiiih purtaiug ry ciirlains best quality fn co n tur nc tap fine fiji fine fit li best patterns- j mckay c 48 king treet east namilton of ui ns- irings veriues r i w les an curts stry covl rniturecc curtain p e chain bhudb est quali besl qudl fine 8 fine our oarments are hade perfect fitting anjd in the latest artistic desigas a fine aissortinent of spring fiats also on hand speight son acton undertakers carriage makers e from th a e prepared to fannsh everything in their line e best casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms all c faction guai 4 tgs we are in it very lescriptior used we hive ut either night or day nteed in every case a rfirstclass h earse for hire position tasatwfactorily fill in reasonable lime good alsoa splerdid lot ov furnitu iwif youwi1i pay us cash we will sell y initi- for wag carriages c of nknianshi and lirstclass inaterialalwnys elitli coniiiioii aud extni junlity cheap ou anything i in line cheap j a speight manager 63 hatton garden london and ground isci titiji cully from clear ctntl iu manufactured for 1 he inrione they urc tore the raviiyts of mjc and fo retain recommended by ih iaef mniiieid fmmlty evejry pair of spectacles and j ei gcgaryin hole a gknt for a cton promptly attended to satis- 246 st janes st montreal e peblife or optical giants especially vifhouf ierfixf xtjtioi bed adapted to re vhion they are especially eycklnssics is marked bl druggist ont farmers fob itea ping aisd mowing machines lardine machine oil mcooll no sum no grit and will wear longer than anjf otaer oil hole siasufacrntllebs bros 00 ror rale at- mcgarvins drug stdre and c also by b l schultz rockwood carpet sweepers ity sprnjr ilffllers rods i grand trtjnk raifway ooino east ooixti vfkht ara aiu mlxod oloftui- exirosb 710 am 1ass mail 1102 ant through hxga1 ym accoiu coacli j1w pim chicago rxprcbb dboanot stoii ijetweeu oueli and toronto etfpiesh- 1247 i express 1102 stalli 515pih special 830 pii accbin conch flqo aui h tlme of clohino mails j going wofli 1040 ni and 530 pin going kast j040 omntiil j 20 pm kukliah mail closes afloj ai j on wcdnesdaly canadian pacifid railway r toalltoikts i as and vsst condensed time table toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba sttjouib ex pacific ex local ejx- toronto 810am 1 23 pm 4 lopiii strqtsvillejuuj 10 2 1 5 20 stthomus 12 05 pm 3 21j 8 35 ootroit 2 45 80- 0 m al chicago 7 30 am 7 5 5 43 pi l winnipeg 7 00 daily except monday toronto to montrealquebec and boston limited ex montreal ex h25ftn 7 55pm g 07 plri 5 17al 0 42 8 50 i 0 30 am toronto v ottawa montreal quebec koston brampton to streetsville junction brampton 7 22 am streetsville jct 7 45 9 37 am 1105 g 30 pm 0 50 pm 8 30alii a 04pn 4 25 5 43 pm g 57 ji 10 20 brampton to- orangeville anl owen sound brampton oraugevillo owen sound purchase your tickets by tliis new and iopuliar line -4-raoji- 1 e mcgaevin ticket asjentj acton ontario health is wealth shode poles lowest prices f use i dn e c wests nebve ksp men a guaranteed specific for liess convulsions fits nervbu headache nervous prostrfttioi use of alcohol or tobacco w depression softening of the briin insanity jind leading to misery premature old age harreuhess in either sex involuntary lofs torrhosa caused by ovpr exerti selfabuse or oveimdulgeuce tains pne months heiltinent or six boxes lor five dollars paid oil receipt of price we to cure auy case with each oi us for six boxes accompanied we will sendthepurcliaserour to refund the money if the trt effect a cure guarantees issuei c westcoi sole proprietor madison6t chicago 111 sold b ser t bbatn tbeat- hysteria dizii- neuralgia caused by the aktjfulness mental resulting in lecay and death loss of power s and sperma- n of the brain each box con- ne dollar a box by mail pe- udrantee sixboxes dev received by ith five dollars w dtteu guarantee treatment does not only by john 181 1k1 west jemcgarviu toronto t hills our oioat discfattiit i was quite a success ard will cease on satjtjrdji fifteenth day of august as adver are some su wish to next three wto raer and otliergoods yet dispose of so that for fcs there smlibe barglns given to effect millinery mantles and of price a line 25 cents per r lswise wo svq largjo arrivals of fall as emei and mcleod mammoth rtise wlii rints willbe sold ayay of silks aud ends of silks ard worth tour times the dow remeriiber oitr millinery dress mkking ordered clothing pepartme4ts anderson house geo t everyone and everyone should interesting to there has been a great rush of purchasers of dry cioods to the immense reduced price side now beuir hell lit iln lidit house mmiy lots land other goods are selling iiff at exnctly half their former irices the extensive display of reliable and insliioimblc ioruls at such extremely low jvincing that jfou will save money jy luircliajsing it uiiksale a large assortment nf black uhd jolored dress silks ul specially low prices colo dress goods liiive been marked down to verv low price and are selling off very fust tliintc of it drhss goods worth 17b selling offuit 10 selling at lejc dress qonds worth 25c selling at 15c fiue french dressgoods alexaotly half their former priec 3 embroidered dresses lolb of check nnd fancy jmuslinsj at half price special value in white qailts whiteuiltsit 75c tormerly 1 vhite qiults lit si- formerly sizes in white marseilles quilts ft1 half pricss white uol tons at i2jc worth 16c aispecial lot of fine white cottonsnt tic and8io be sure ivors of liwii towejllniit 5c per yard another lot oi extra wide toyellingat 12jc viirth 16c iiacc curtains ii ecru white at immense r pay you we 1 to see these chenji jlurtalns bpeiiial bstrgaiusiii jarpcts many lots of- brussels and tiipestry carpet i have been marked down ve etk cheap a large nstrtment of house furnishings tit moderate prices thesalea for thdlast sii8on at ihe right house fiave been the largest ment and the gooavsqpplied lo i public ijiive liien of liulm qiialtty whilo prloes for the sune have btn eln iper tlmn auy previous s weeks the creorine sqle will be co tinned ajid cusuinicvji will do well by remembering thir opportunity to secure ba aiiis at nns 30 and 82 kin street the name is u thzq3mcse hamilton july 3qth 1851 wl ls the d but there eh we sftartling gleaxaoce a t n at nn-heard- be sold at money winlwr importatiobi rgetoln of dry prices tjdsatil dress derfu 125 and see ucfior y low ever im on street won rsd bias not fail in con- t 35c per yard- jopils worth 22c cheap several few very large tjjie white cottons prices- it will it goods millinery lilflbel mve a book ofloo pagesj the best book for an advertiser to con suit be ho esperl enccd or othcrwlsej jtcojitaius lisla of liuwspapers andestimatea ofthc cost of wlvvr iking the adverliserwha wants to spenil cjna ilollar finds iii ittliein- fonnauon he roqilirta while forhim who will invest one hundrfea thousand dollaisinadi yertisingi a schemeii indicated whibli will meet his every requirement on can bemadt to do so by slight changes easuy arrived at by cor respondence 149 editions have been issued sent postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo ip rowell co newspaper advertising bureau iospruo6stprintinghouse sq new york mag kin acl tfce mort dellghtfol j suivu t salaosstijameri lowhates 1 four tripb per weak betwetn detroit and mackinac and evr4 week day between detroi mp cl picturesque mackina6 illustrated contains full jartloulan mailed free m v 1 betrolt cleveland steam nav co c o whitttomb qt pass act efetrqit mich manhood how lost how restored iy we haje recently imblisli a new njjbsi edition pf jir cnlverweus cele- prated essay on the radical and i r ac curctwitliout medicine of nervous debility mentaiand physical incapac- ifylmpediments of marriaye etc resultmc from excesses i price iiin sealed envelope only 0 cent or tnvo postage atainps thecolebrated author iu this admirable es- say clearly demonstrates from f thirty years successful practice that alarmiuc consequences may be radically curedwithout tbe- dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of theknife poiutingout a mode of cure at once simplo ceri tain and offeptual by means oi which every buff ererno inatterj what his condition maybe may cure himself cheaply privately and radically this lectura should be in the hands ot every youth and everyman in the land address the tin iveiwll uledical o 41 ann s xcwyork t ial tnf post ottle bo ft jreninauts ofcr- tje in this establish pjojr th o next -four- eat near hughson x3nts washington and oregor rnn iav k iiiifcilor lo puctsouuil ahwsiaiiblnpchlfcfliffromwto psr acre j yearj thnfei this istfie 8esi country o- aecurlngqood hombs now open for settlement ibsb 6 govornmeht i ec ifsrid free iiiiiict tho himiesirnd i t anillmber cullnn- fjiws note id2j8483 aotfi8 ob mode tuam l u lhepullc tnndsdifposed of in 1ssj wbrt in the northern pacific country bookrnir mtapslfentrbbefdefcriblnp tlie northern j iauds adares8ciiastb lambobn laniicdnfr n p b u st paul luan voij w evehy free pfe8 kcil su of e ykali tnnl invariably ii 8 125 per year i tiuued till alll optionlof the pf space ouecolunm half column iquarter coluuj quo inch casil adver first insertion sequent inserti j reckoned by thl scale of bolidn adycrtiseraerl will be inserted ingly transiti in edvabfce changes fo in the office 1 they will bo 1 fi busji gra ber of coliegj office and oprederick stn htiwe rof t surgeonof fi accoucheur i of fice mj1 hoiel acton i nbspec leases of wonae lbe l a c mel j denttej new system- bfj mohly called teeth without stratbr andtpj college of dor rons maydepeiil in any operiitij acton the seijon each month 1 9 laineiess p vitalized for painless f office of to veils block j biggs eastcorl toronto oifcarj teeui 5 to 8f rates leave o ing can have have been admij air for the pair ihgtheiastjreal maysayj tf tario vetej veterinary surg in kenny bros deuce in the real soundness and all calls bighl ed to terms i jyowat barristers sol aucers c sot oitici- j a jtovai vi3 good barrister solil georil cbactou officej tohnday7 oihce pueij square taiklaipj bamusti omcisiovc liilgtou street h -alley- toronto johskux q william laiuli patekts henry gil 20 years- eractl tclranciis nt successor i i bod st georges squ i account booka periodicals of e bound kuling i vt mhemb1 lietka tar the counties orders left at tkf or at my fesid promptly attends loj akomouey to able terms and i terest in sums ol john jdaji successor money to lou per cent mori loauedjor partie security convel properly and nl tarms and city with arms for sb- dominion to int ctilated in euro wanting farms if rections througl farms wanted dence invited gfaelphont h anlan bj eos opened a tja lyopliositi tiactol tc lpblicl ir

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