Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1885, p. 1

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yohlmjsxii no is itabtlshep lyery thursday morning vtttrk free press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates osi vivb 100- sis months soers tliukk months 25cts lnvariblv in advance it not paid in advance li er veiir willbo charged no paper discon- tinned till nil arrears ore paid excopt at the oitionlditho publisher advertising rates i sruk 1 yu 0 mo oikcolmunrl sc0001 35tf half column 35001 2000 quarter column 2000 1200 one inch 1 c00 350 3 mo 20i6 llioo 700 i 200 1 mo- w00 mo 250 m0 casual advertisements 8 cents per jliuo for tho lirsi insertion auiui cents per lino for oacli suu- jcqucut insertion cash tlio number of hues reckoned bv die space occupiedmcasured by a oaleof solid nonpareil j advertisements without specificj directions 11 bo inserted till torbid and charged accord ingly tjunsitory advertiseuieutsnh6t bo paid in advance changes for contract advertisements ulubt bo inl tho office bv 9 aailou monday otherwise thevvrillbe left aver nutiltlto following week f h p moore i editor ami propriotok business directory 7 il lowry mb mi c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college o physicians and surgeons office and vestdeiicd at the head bjt frederick street acton tj ewebster md cm member jtl- of the college of physicians and surgeonsf ontario physician surgeon accoucheur oititj mill street residence agnkws hot ei acton x b special attention given eases ot women and children to the dis- l bennett dentist i georgetown ontario a c mckinlay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxkle gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teitlfvci trout pain having been demon- stfiator and practical teacher in royl college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will i visit actoii the second and fourth wednesday of each month office aguews hotel p for ainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas puinless dental operations at the osiccif v cb hayes l d s tovchs block guelph out upper wyndham street -t- i s- i rlggs ivory dentists south 1 east corner king and yongestreets toronto ontario finest and best set teeth so to 8 gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in the morn- ing can have them the same- day we have been administering hurdls vitalized air for tlie painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past year regardless of what others may say k ohnlawson graduate 6f0n- tarib veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont ofkce in kenny bros boot and shoe storer-resi- deucc in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or davypromptl attend ed to terms easy owat mclean u barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c ai money to loau r 0 hall actou j a mvai w a mclkan a uoodwillie barriottir solicitor notary public- ac gijoittetovis acton ts acton office in mrs secorcls block acton b ah king co v storey chf istie bankers acton ointnr a geneva l ba tfking i busfmess tbansicted l money iqaitsi l oh appec1ved notes discount d and ineriest allowed ox deposits any bell telephone ccmp messages received f nd transmits d st lowel rates tba a telegraphing allan line tickets issued to canadian facifichr tito cheapest anc itest route 1o all c j e m special agency actoa oat steamships all pointsof rreat britain and the qontinont at very lowest rates buy the ticket here if sendit g for friends points east and acton west see tine talk money saved b 7 bealler wlith j e mocaryijn cox co stock brokers t0e0nto mombors toronto stock quotations are than by any have ilidopendent c new york continuous received niore rapidly source buy and sell on commission for c on margin all sdcurit es dealt in on toronto moritreiil new stock exchanges also execute orders ions on the chicago i oard of trade daily cable q notations of hudsons bay and other stock 26 toronto street stock exchange irect wire by in grain arid john day architect gcki1h ont oikice queens hotel block market square j oain laidlaw a co buiiisteks ik solicitors ornces over imperial bank 24 -wei- acto ontario thursd ay augrust 27 1885 ontario which other sh or the tork pro vis- wellington marbte works quebec stguelfh john h propb hamilton etor formerly mcqui llan haai ilton dealer lit marble grinite and eveiything pertaining to c emetery work received first prizes at provinc hibition guelph the and superiority of orders are solicited t umber and western fair local exhibitions for excellence of rr aterial workmanship shi ath ngles fplio undersigned desires to inform tin public jl thatho has now oiiliand and will koop in stock a full line of pine and hemlock ai well as other kinds of imiiibura also first audi second class iiue hhiuglen lqth coal wood alx- md all paper borde -with- s to match -for- psrlorb dinlnar rooms ohmtsors andhalla the newest and best stock is at guelph the acton people can seo samples of my pape 8 and borders at il- ceoige hynds fancy store acton ill sell at my price j day bats b00s3t0re new goods tnuithpav moiiniso acuust 27 1885 poetry your having purchased tho coal business cf mr c s smith i am prepared to supply nil 1 inds of stove coiil i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood atj reason able prices wood anil toiil delivered i jamks 1 1 m liugton street east alley torory johx buc q c wlllia3i erittance exchange c a mastkx geoiu kutele patents secured fob inventions henby grist ottawa canada 20 years practice no patent no pay t71rancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder georges square guelph ontario cublp ii- bus1ness c0llece guelph ontario st account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done w m hemstreet liicexsjn accnaveeu it forthe counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fbek pubbs office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable sioxey to loan i aixo money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowesuates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards rown offers you ngt5n and w dmen the be3tf acilitiiis for acquirinf a com plete training for businessjpursuits bookkeeping commercial aritimetici banking actual business practice busi ness correspondence penmanship com mercial law telegraphy shprthaid cal- igraphyor type writing french hygiene and physiology are taught by tie most practical and interesting methods the staff comprises six experienced teachers and lecturers the various departments are elegantly fitted u with the lat est and bestapparatusfor fubiness collega work students may enter it any time eafor a copy of the annual college circular address m maccormiok- j principal planing ml bracelets bracelets bracelets new stool beautiful patterns watches watches watches waltham andl elgin in gold and silver cases gold rings lockets etcetc just opened b savage near fetrics new lriiff store guelph hills ft 4 pe depot good assortment ofstovjss cheap for oasi tinware of all ktlifds at bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty sunshine and olouis of t a day commencing bright basking in the danoing light clouded is ere day ib oer and the storms will brew and break and the olojads will seem to make sunshine all the world forsake as if neet to brightejimore iu a life oncje bright with joy sorrows clouds may oft destroy all its gladness in a day and the chilling storms may rise sweep the z mith of our skies while befon i them sunshine flies leaving g com along the way but as cloudb but hide from view sunny skies of heavens own blue which their breaking soon reveals so our lives though overcast never are in gloom all past for the dark sky clears at last and the gloointo brightness yields i and as natures every form is the purer after storm far more beautiful and fair so our lives ffheff sorrows 0er will bo purer than before and our hapbiness the more that weve suffered grief and care olir story teagrfl kg school il yes 1 knovi said lottie champney it is always the easiest thing iu the iorld for girls in books to earn their broad nd build up a fortune out of nothing bnt if s bo different in real life- but then you know pleaded florence tlio elder sister all true stories arq based qh real life im not so sure about that said lottie however here are you and i twoheroines so to speak and now will you havo the 6odnes to tell me how were to keep out f the poorhouse embroidery andj fine ueediework sjuggested florence faintly the marked f t sort thing is lutwd said commonsenbical lottie miss purdj kees a boardinghouse exactly but miss pifrdy is fifty and 1 uows every re eipt in the cookerybook by leart and si e had a thousand dollars capital to furnish her house with which we ijavent couldijt re write for the papers 1 azarded florence you know i had a jiece of poetry 1 published once and you txk the comjosition medal afr madame aimards my dear child said lottie pityingly for every newspaper column there are least twenty trained and practiced aspirants w have neither training nor j ractice our contributions might serve to 1 ght theeditorfs cigars and it would end i i a sheer waste of time paper and postage stamps i oh well flouted- florence with an iadignant tossibf the liead if youre going tlocontradiateery snggestion i offer idontmeim ta contradict florence im only speaking the sober truth 1 plead- et d lottie a pained sort of spasm passing of thing and put up on notice shortest first glassim aterial only used a call solicited answered by a smiling cbmr licent look to ward the glass i dont wish to appear villi saidbhe demurely bat miss turd f thinks that handsome widower at her hot 9 sis decidedly taken with me 1 what colonel medway yes colonel midway lottie champneys heart- 1 a vo a quick pained throb was it poge iue she ask ed herself that she wasaelu h andidiotio enough to be jealous and of ler own pet sister too colonel medw i had never been more than ordinarily civil to her what was she a poor litte plainfaced schoolteacher that she shoti id darejto cast her aspiring eyes toward hitc thus chiding herself she summoned a sort of spasmodic smile to her lips but you dont like ohildrc n dear and miss purdy says he has a fariily ill send em to yonii school said florence saucily and get ril of em in that way hes rich lottie and hes handsome and the long and the short of lit is that i mean o be mrs way but florence darlidg lottie do you do vou love tlovel echoed florence vtftr a gay toss of her flaxgold hair tiat isnt a part of the bargain nowaday by any meansl and off sle tripped sin in a blithe strain as she went while l tt sat down i to commune with herself and question her shrinking heart i mustnotgosooftentosiisspurdys she told lierself its very kind of her to send for me but i mjast fasliioil some ex- cuse idaresayctlonel med way would not miss me if florence is th srejl andlhe cried a little quielyito her self her life was hot so full of delight poor thing that she could afford to miss one illusion out of it and then went down stairs ito play checkers with the youngest cauadjian child little hugh elton who wascroupy and not allowec to play odt in the street with his brother because said she to her ielf cdonel med- jpleaded bib theres iuo reason that everybody else should be miserable because i am i i f l j yessaid florence chanpineyiva come to stay dear miss paruyij thaj is if youll have me i and she lifted her dovelite blue eyes to the wrinkled couutenatii e jof the old lady with the prettiest air ol j ippeal in the world to stay echoed miss ptjrdy fblesa me child whats the matter its scarlet feyer said florence plain tively those three horrii i little snnb- nobed elton boys and lottie is so ob stinateshe wont pack em off home to canada but has sent hbmetue jther boys and means to stay and nurei em through herself how very absurd 1 said colonel med way who with a startled air had arisen to his feet at her words yes isnt it chinied in florence she says she loves em beoausi they are ehe so little aud so helpless know and she says they ar a andentrusted to her care ano over her face well then perbups youve some more riractical ideaof your own said florence ijtill offended j yes i have i was thinking of a little school for chil ireii miss purdy knows of threopnpilswe mightgetllittleboys whose 1 ather belongs in canada mrs morisou i ays she willseud eddie and paul and i ihink perhapi old mrs enderly would ise to iiifluepce to obtain a few for lis stay m tlie of course i toldhsr infection and mk did arrangements with storey a soi i for the having made messrs w b continuance of the planing mill in tte build ing formerly occupied by the acton plow company we would f john j daley successor to thompson jt jackson vi money to loan on farm property at 6 u- per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties inmortgagesind other j security conveyancing in all its brandies v- properly and neatly done charges low ii farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir- t cuiated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di- rectionsthrough our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspou- dence invited joffieje near the post office 3fleipbont ttanlah barber shop j ffii j j p worden bhas opeiid a barber shop in tlie building plmaearly opposite storeys oldglovefactoity imul street acton and solicits the patrou- s m the public in this vicinity e vey wfflpartment of the business will be conduct- lia firstelass style grranflftcalllv ir7twok6en we are prepared to take contracts j -allso- deessingfloceing h0ul3lna kindly soliciting ovkli 400 aches fonthiu i largest in l inform the pu ilic that for building ssheting 0 with nbatne 3s and dispa kh a share of pu blic pat ronage we are resp ctfully yours j thos ebback mnaaer nurseriqb f the dominlojacnes salesmen wanted to begin canvass ng at oncje on i all sales steady imployment fo successful i rjejn godd agents are wufnirig from i jo to 75 per rnonth and exp jnses terms and out fimree address stosai 57fflim i wibsbbflffitf tobomoiont j o hill hill st cabioaae pai ting ccspe parties desiringr their i cutters ght j repainted ori re varnished and made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at lowest prices should leave their orders at r mr a speight under taker and carriage builder or with 1 a 0 speight shingles and wood rjedhas for sale a splendid stoek persqt cedarl per square mhe undersignedihas for sale a sp offirstcrmgshingles no 1 cedar slw no 9 also a large quantity of ji 125 load up to t00 cord prime short staves id heading to the square no 1 pine 190 per square tl per square also a large wood of all kinds from 125iload u trade atbdttom prices ii thus eiciobt main st west acton thofi c moobe myself because she fclton boys to us nothing atall to you stjid col med way quietly liut a good dal to me they are my sons colonel meilway my sons although oil aiount of the conditions of a family inl eritance they bear their mothers maiden name and i can but honor the noble spiril if self saorl where tha presi c lents are b uried in corineotion with grant it is a natter wmst a ted marble coffin memory is sit the potomac river- john adams lies i unitarian church at to ml is walled price three oent8 the burial of general of some importance to know when the r mains of the illustri ous former he idb of i ie nation now repbse george wishihgldnl rests in a brick vault in moi int vf ntm cemetery in a th e monument to his i i ihe hill overlooking i vault under the quincy mass the wibh blocks of rough in design rests in the vault the church above irnlplt are tablets in j li remains lie in a grave bemetery near mon- granite and is simpl john quinc adai s beside his fatlier on either side of the brass to their nemor thomas jeff- irson4 in an unpretentious ticello james madisjn rejposes in a beautiful sp6t on the old sadison estate near orange yirgini a i jamesyonrde is enclosed in a vault in the holy wood femet try overlooking both the it3 the james river and virginia marble grave andrew jackson rets the hermitage ville tenn in on au eminence of richmond and ejqthic temple of eleve i v torn lis feet in diameteir and surrounded by a in 3 group of beauti ful magnolias martin vanburen is hook new yok 1 feet in height m arks lis idea yon motherless al that sort i shouldnt a fool of what are the there pro thei o four roomy chambers up- i fairs we migl t furnish ui cottage sets and bina matting qnite inexpensively and if r could secure- over eight pupils i hjivo alculated that we might make a living rofit at least florence di cw up her slight prettily nolded figure her lip quivered oh lottii she wailed out all this irudgery tliic toil this begging and plead- ng thereby t keep ourselves alive 1 is life vorth having on these terms of course it is aaid lottie stoutly life is a pntty comfortable sort of thing et me tell yo i miss florence aud after tll when we e once under headway itwilli je rather fun than otherwise i like little xys dont you i no i don t said florence dissolving into tears i hate little boys i hate work 1 i hatb being pobr i almost wish i was dead and lott ie patient cheery much- anduring loltie had to set herself dili- jentiy to worl t f or thef o urteeuth or fifteenth time that da to comfort florence and figuratively speaking bolster her up to the point of fortitude required its so foolish to cry florry said she itonly mates your hose red and does no manner o good 01 kuow sobbed florence but you never had any nerves nor auy feeling for those that had 1 so charlotte champeny opened her little school with an unpretentious tin sign on the door and three chubby- cheeked english- canadian ladb of ten and eight and six respectively as a beginning others speed ily came in and lottie counting up her gains at the ind of the first quarter felt inwardly exiltant all pur expenses paid and ten dollars over i she ccied i knew we should suc ceed 1 i r dollirsl scornfully repeated flor- ehce a pretty sort of success that isj why i nsedjto give ten dollars for a pair of boots when poor dear papa was alive things are quite different now said- lottie and yon must remember this is only our flnl experiment v iri but you neednt think i mean to drudge on like this forever said florence i how an ijyoti going tohelp yours41ffi said lottie laughing aiid florence only of white marble springfield 111 the vault is compos sd of brenzb andrew johnfeon lis near his near greenville sister miss by an eminense chastely ornami ntod james a girfielc cleveland ohic and many a physician tiiite surmounts the in the garden of miles from nash- tapas little curl she was ready for bed and lay on my arm in her little hilled cap so fine with her golden hair falling out at tho edge like a cirdle of noon snnsnine andl hummed the tune if banberry v icrossjf 1 and three men who put out to seav when she sleepily said as she closed her blue eyes i papa fot wbuld you takdfor me and i iinswoied a dollar dear little heart i and she blipti baby weary with- play but ifield her wrm ip myjovestrong arms and rocked her and rocked away oh the dollar ieant all the world to me the land and the sea and sky the lowest depths of the lowest place the highestjf all thats highi the cities with streets and palaces their pictures and stores of art i would not take forjpne low soft throb of my little ones loving heart nor all the gold that was ever fonrid in the busy wealthfinding past would i take for one smile of my darlings face i did i knew i would be the last- so i rocked my baby and rocked away and i felt such a sweet content for the words if the song expressed to me more i than they ei er before had meant i and the night crept on and i slept and dream d i of things farjtop glad tp be and i wakened with lips saying jslose- to myeaivl papa fot would you take for me buried at kiuder- ranite column 15 resting placie wiliam henry hirrispn as entombed at the- north bend on the ohto river fif teen miles above cine nnati john tyler rests in the cemetery at holywood witl in ty yards of james monroe hisgaveii surrounded with a cluster of sweet bcent id magnolias i james pol c is ntbrred in a pretty spot in the faiiiiljj arden at nashville the spot is mar jed w tha limestone mbnu- ment with dork colui mv zachary taybr waj originally interred at cave hill oeneterj itonisnlle ky bui was afterward ren oved to lexington- where the body remai us in a fine vault millard flm re lie i in the forest lawn cemetery at buffalc ia lofty shaft of scotch granito i narks the gravp i the remains lit fn uklin pierce are to be found in the conc rdj n h cemetery a marble monumant las been erected tp- his memory j james buche nan occupies a graje in windward hill cen etery at lancaster pehn a simpl 3 bloc i of italian marble marks the spot abraham linboln i sstk in h sarcophagus in ak ridge cemetery tehr i ing place was system itically guarded mbnuinent over the marble granite and old home in a beautiful spot rnarble monument adorns the locality lies hr a tomb in untitlately his rest- her grammer it is a pathetic bight to watch the nieanderingsxi the childish mind through the intricacies of english grammer little jane had repestedly been reproved for do ing violence tc the moods and tenses of thdyerb to hi she would bay i be instead of 4m and for a time it seep- ed as if no one could prevent it fihajly aunt kate made a rule not to answeran incorrect question liut- wait until it was corrected j one day the two safctpgether aunt kate busy with eml roidery and little jane over- her dolls presently doll society became idiotis and th e childs attention wast- traoted to the embroidery frame aunt kate said sbe please tel me i what that is gc ing to be j but aunt kiite wos counting and did not answer iatal wordbe it was her i old enemy anc tp it alone could the child j ascribe the silejnpe that followed aunt kate she persisted withan honest attemjpt to correct her mistake please tell m vhat that is gc ing to am f still aunties at silentlyjcounting though her lip curled citih amusement jane sighed but made another patient effort will iou pie going to dre aunt k ate c lunted on perhaps by thia tibie actt ated y a wicked desire to know what wc uld i ame next the little girl gathered tier ei lergies forxrae lastiid great effort kate whjit am that going to are i tel l it a country blacksmith oa west put up a notice no bosses shodd id sunday ex cept sickness and death h8 jsfei zyisi ficte and tenderness which your champney has shown toward them i should have been with tham l of ore but i only arrived fr6m canada ill s morning and thib is the first tidings i hve received as to their illuoss florence champney looked after him iu bewilderment as he left the i x m j what does ne mean hiss piirdy she cried out did you kne w this of course i knew it said miss purdy wiping her glasses but the- colonei didnt want you two young lidies- to know that he was any relative ur he didnt want the little lads- to be awt r s he was so near jest it should turn their heads from their studies and latterly since he has begun to fsncy you two joung ladies a- little he was still more unwi uing that you should know because i rther ithink my dear he wanted to kuov a stepmother you would ma ih florence began to cry oh dear oh dear pretty helpless way its al if i had only known am miss purdy you might hi natured enough to give me true state of affairs dont cry dear said miss purdy who really liked and pitied thai poor little sobbing beauty vhe wpuh never never have forgiven me if i had t id you i and besides these things are lull ordered by fate iv that was all the cpnsolhtiorr florence champney had the three little eitons tidja quite com fortably through the fever as the old nurses say and tften they were well enough to make the hoi iseiioisy again there was a wedding and i latient sweet- loioed lotiie whom they ad learned to love so dearly became their toother but i always thought ji hugh said mrs medway tiat yduiked florence the best untiljr and she smilei aud colored and blushed and looked infinitely lbyejy i might have married colonel meditativery if for the scarlet fever one patient tellin others of his cure tell your neighbor tl at you- have been to thi hospital of jest 3 ihd b restored though you hated all manner of meat and ha i drawn near to tl e f ates of death and mnybe a poor soul ji st in the same con dition as yourself wil say this is a mess- ags from god to me above al publish abroad the lords go diiess for jesus sake hi i deserves yohrhpi or wjllyou be like tfa 3 woman in the cr wl who was healed byj the touching of tl e fern of his garment and then would have si ppod away if so i pray that the mast er may say some body hath touched 1 a i and may you be compelled to till the truth and say i wis sore sick iiu soul but i touched thee o my blessed lord ihdi am baved and to the praise of the ioiry of thy grajse i will tell it though diviis should hear it i will tell it and mak ahe world ring with it according to my ability to tlje praise of thy saving ghee what sort of s abed iu her ays mytluok i do think e been good- hint of the er said the i hadnt been jaii gained is practice aunt 1 he i eight of a tree any perspn easily get effected is power ease tell me what that is however illinformed might at tli b exact height of a tree when the sun shines lor during bright moonlight bymarking tb lines on the gronncl three feet apar anc then placing in theiground on the lite nei rest the sun a stick that bhall stand ex tctly three feet out of the soil when th a end pf the shadow of the stiok exactly t uche j the furthest line then also the shad iw of the tree will be exactly in length tl e same measurement as its height of conrs f in such a case the sun will be at an ex ict angle of 45 degrees measu rements of this character could be jest iii the summeri wheh the bun ul has reached to a good height aveus spurgtpn r eeitaph oh f atchmaker perelies in a hcrwoutal position the outside case sf per pendulum watch- maker intetrity v asj the tnainspring and sfprudence the regulitpr of his life hu mane generous and liberal bis hand never stopped till he had relieved distress so nicely regulatt id wei j all his motions that he never wenl wron except when seta going by people whi did ubfr know hiskey and- even thunhe was easily set rigtyt aain he hud the art of disposing of his itime sowell that h i hours glided away in one continual roun i of pleasure and de light until an unlu iky minute pnt a period to his existence 3e departed this life wound up in hope of being taken in hand by his maker an of befng ilioroughly cleansed and repaii id and properly set-a- goipg in the vorldfl3 come in tho hdaveusf and when the trees are- j clothed witbj living greenso as to casta r denseshwde to many to whom this idea may not have occurred it might be made annually amaiterof interest thus on warm j summer days jto take the height of promin ent trees auduo to compare growth from -j- year to year woods and forest j moseknd the country merchant a country irierchant who does all hit trading in austin came to town lost week to notify his or iditors that he had failed in business aud could only pay them 10 cents i on the dollar among his creditors was moses schaunlierg the merchant wen to moses and sc id to him moses i am paying my creditors 10 certs cash on the- dollar but i cont- yrant you to lose any thing i havi not opened that last lot of i goodsi got from you so i will just- return -j- themto yon in itead of paying you 10 cents incash-outhiollar- i am willing to do i that because f am your friend mos efyou vasa goptj ill bay me den cents j fmakes more money j grinnedaud id frent by me dei you v on de dollar in pash yen yoti bay m f ten cents on dot dollar den ven i dakes de j oots aek v simple methods are best an amaterir of p btures has for some time past haunted the studio of a bohemian painter the whole if whose productions he purchases jtfore 1 aan that he takes his protege about with liip though be blushes a little at th shat byj toilette of his com panion espeoiailyi t afearfnllybattered hat in which it i i he j waters pleasure to dis tinguish himnelf ishen he oes abroad you must et yoi rself another hat the amateur temu red t sty recently never replied the iohei 4a decisiyelyj oh dont mishmlersta d ne i do not mearito put you to a n ei jjei ise 1 my hatter- never tsl yon pu stick to my old hat because i t fri ht sns away all half -and- holf friends shifl youiwaton t on which si le do y ou wearypurjkatoh 1 said a gontlomun one day to ajnether whoj had been anjiio lsly consulting physician in reference to i ome s inposed disease of thej heart why on the left side aft usual was the reply trj it then on the other side was the f iply our informant did so- atonce and ase fires us thstfrom that time be has had no lecarreuce of tne alarming symptoms ws lay no claim to knowledge of medical science but it seems evident that an eyerpulsati ig wi toh pressed againstlhe region of tlieite art ind often crowded in upon ihe side b yapocketf ul of papers in a closely buttohe 1 boat must dpi harrn a ii awell knowi fact that tlie action of 4 watpb is affecsd by tjie person iwho it is it not qnite ixisdible that the influent may bewipfcot ji 1 vrae leuavafiim 1 i4s

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