Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1885, p. 2

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sjtttmt fxu tncrskw hobntno amitst 7 1886 r -t- ti hi x the suns slind partyibm themilton simagaiu bkngs ub to task for saying that the recent orderincouucil allowing wholesale liquor dealers to boii ten gallons or vor otdistilled spirits in constit uencies where the scott aotis in force and which was pretended to he ei laoted jn order to facilitate the operatic ub of the canada temperance act was another riftin the soott act the sim renews its wornout cry that the item was written by us from a grit standpoint but immedi ately afterwards asserts that it was a glob editorial wrong again we have no interest in writing np either grit or tory a politicsnd we dont copy our editorials from either the globe otthe mail the sn reads nsan extract from a cotemporary to show that no rift hid been made- in the act we would direct the suns atten tion to the following from the christian guardian a journal of the highest standing one absolutely free from the shadow of a charge of writing with a political interest jn injuring the government in power we have ah along beeirunder the im pression the canada temperance act was a prohibitory measure framed- and en acted by parliament for the relief of such constituencies as were desirous of putting an end to the liquor traffic within their limits we have further supposed that for the furtherance of the wishes of a con stitutional majority in the event of the adoption of this act- by a constituency it would be i the duty of parliament to afford the neceasaggjutiiqnty and facilities for its enforcement and that in the inter val between parliaments tie executive would not only i do nothing io defeat the will of said majority but would see that all authorized agencies for its enforcement were properly constituted and directed thereto it appears howeverj that we and the promoters of the scott act in general are entirely mistaken as to its purpose a recent orderincouncil with what ap pears to be a sort of grim humor announces that order to facilitate the operation of the canada temperance act authority is given to distillers to introduce whiskey in quantities of not less than ten gallons into scott s counties we presume that under our constitution the governor- m- councg has authority to pass and put in force so important an alteration in an act of parliament as this appears to us to be or it would not have been done but that it should have been done to facilitate the operation of the canada temperance act if it were not a matter of too much gravity to admit of it would be exceedingly amus ing that is to say from our view point of the act itself with the interpretation which this announcement puts upon it we shall however be under the necessity of revising our opinion of the purpose of the canada temperance act and must now regard it as a measure- perverted into a means for transferring the traffic in whis key from the hands of the retailer to those of the distiller and that instead of pint and quart jugs or decanters every town and village and crossroad will have its depots for the sale of ten gallon kegs whether the order will be so enlarged as to admit of the liquor being drunk on the premises the future- will disclose hut whether it shall or not is of little impor tance one canwell imagine the state of things that must follow this order- the facility with wbich the very class we are trying to save may under this order drink more excessively than ever all combine to render it a grosser outrage than the open adoption of the senate amendments by the commons would have been it is no longer a mystery why the distillers have for some monthstpast been offering so little opposition inthe scott act elections it seems- they knew at least three months since that as soon as parliament should close they were to have this precious order- in- gonncil and what more can they ask no wonder the dlstijllers have been quiet how immensely they must have enjoyed seeing the ball pitched about from senate to commons or from commons to senate doubtless they knew well enough what would be the fate of the bill hence the tranquillity with which they looked upon the whole farce well we shall see what we- shall see but if the temperance party in the scott act counties tamely submit to the humiliation this facilitating order puts upon them they will demonstrate that the highest motives by which they are influenced are not those which refer to the suppression of the traffic in intoxi cating liquors we can hardly believe that jthe sim will deign to qajl the ghardian a grit journal in disguise and yet its offense for offense it is in the partywarped judgment of the sun against the powers that be is written in precisely the same spirit as ours only much more intense huts condemnationef the government and its officers isnt it strange fnendisvnthat if the fbee press is the open gnt political journal you assert that the reform party m the coun ty fail to claim it as an organ and especially when they have no organ in the county but they dont why then dees the sun misinterpret our expressions it can only be because political leader who can be named if necessary who is desperately opposedto the scott act has commanded that unless the sun speaksout strongly for the government and against the scott act and its promoters it cannot expect to re ceive government patronage well none can find fault with the suns honest and liberal support of the government if it chooses to make itself a party organ but if it expects to vfn prestige by its unreason able and unfair opposition of the scott act and by maligning the officers appointed to put it mto effect and the members of the temperance association in the county we can inform the editor that he is very greatly mistaken in his estimate of the intelligence of the people of our county the sun is so sadly blinded in its desire to party politics its first and foremost point in all issues even io the detriment of what in its better judgment it knows to be right that it sometimes forgets itself a couple of months ago after its sudden flop- over the sun berated roundly the county temperance association the free pbebs and all others concerned for presuming to say that the dominion government was to blame for taking no action for the enforce ment of the scott act forgetting all this and its former thrusts at others for saying so it now calls upon the government itself tp enforce the scott act in halton this is consistency with a vengeance when brwh maodoiiia of toronto aoton boy 61 t off in hit bt 80me mte tbriotjs 0 the news of tie death of dr maodouald of ton nto without vioub intimation of illness lftstt came with a shock vhich cast a cl darkest gloom ovei this oommui about 0 oclock on thursday moi housekeeper having oalled him repeatedly without receiving u answer ftjce the door of his room ai id was horriflei 1 to find him quite dead the bedclot scarcely disturbed and he had aj parently died without a str lggle dr m odonald had spent the previous evening t a sooial gathering at the lesidence of m joseph priestman and ha i left apparen ly in as the isunsees its error it should not stop at doing the wqrk ittonnd fault with the asso ciation and others for doing it should courteously apologize io those so meanly insulted after which thjjy adjoorri council mot on tuoadiiy evening pi cut tho reeve ami oomuillors renders ibmoml and- stepliouson i minutes read and confirmed tho finance tonimittie- presented their twelf tli report fooommt nding payment of i tho following acoouuts whijih were idaly examined and found coi put n meganiu in paymiut off pin ohase monoy for s at n for coraeitery c00 00 j l davib survey 6 p ans 117 00 street fc si lewalk corns report of sundry accounts thos easton oarotakerhalf your titos easton cemetery work anacot 9mlttlmwetmwtfftfftmmmaejmm5 nwiiwwrwwwx to cemetery committee tixpi guelph mowat fc molean rt iemetery n mcgarvin stationaiy h p moore priuting thos easton poundkeeper oliain and lock 8930 58 moved by mr ismonft sooonded by mr henderaou that the fiuauijie report just read be adopted i council then adjourned goodhealthsanylofthecompaus luhis jsm y iftary were found entries of visits intended j d solicitors feels to be made yesterd ay which entr es he had evidently made aft sr returning rom mr priestmans house the oause of death was at first supposad to be hear disease but the post morfm examination proved the heart and all other f miotic is of the body to be in a hialthy active sondition thegeneral opiuic n is that the dr had been restless and took a dose of morphine or borne other antithetic to enab e him to secure rest prior to another day f arduqus professional roun is and accid ntty took an overdose he fever an omen 1 analysis of the contents f the stomac i is being made and this will no doubt eveal tho truth or f alicity of the theory 1 he lamen ted death is certainly very mysti nous the toronto pa pers bay tho d ath of dr maodonald deprives the medic 1 profess ion of one its brig itests and mosi energetic members the dr was just en iering the prime of manhood being only liirty and he had a most promising career i tefore him he was a graduate of trinity medical college and was warded the fuculty gold medal at his fins 1 examinations m 1882 after completing his course at trinity he went to edinburgh where he entered the college of physic tans and surg sons aud finished his conrs s with honors he also attended the ryal college t london the dr located in toronto iboutj two years ago and through his s tnlity and strength of chara ter has built up a pro fitable practice he was a fai onte with everyone and hi death is very teenly felt by a wide circle c f frieuds to wn mho has endeared himself he was unn arned was a member of tie central piesbyterian church toronto the drs paternal home is nea r this place and about ten or twelve years a o he came to acton to resido having been appointed teacher of banno kburn school he taught here for six or se en years with mueh sue- cess and to the t nbounded sti ifaction of the trustees during this time he pursued his studies with a view to thj i years of future life with care and persei erenee a number of hisstc dies particubj rly classics were followed under the sutervision of rev d b cameron his pastor who took a keen interest m the young mai he was also a very intico ate friend of tbe late r little esq wha frequently gavi i him valu able assistance in his studies the grief stnc sen parents aid brothers and sister of diseased are accorded the tenderqst sympal hy of the community in then sudden affi ctiou and the arly loss of the flower of tie family funeral services was held in toronto on friday afternoon alter which tie remains were brought to acton for inter nent the funeral on saturday was very largely at tended the beirers were dr lowry and messrs 3mo cameron jonn l wson v s h p moore j e mcgarvin md c w hill the floral tributes werj abundant and of the choicest description the prohibition camp the great oamp opona at milton today at 9 pm exgov si john is the first speakerand rev w a mckay in the evening tco tnoilow iou john sobeski and mr f s spence vill be attraotiops saturday ib w c t u day mrs c h st john and miss boves will deliver ad dresses sunday sera ous will be preaohed bybev ward b ptokird and prof a a hopkins monday wi 1 be devoted to dis oussion of the following questions is the scott act a success or failure has the general rae of taxation in creased under the ian has it lessenec the value of property can the law be en forced and is it dies its euforcemenn cause perjury and lyiu are debts mom easily collected now is home drinking increased ac o the froth club ot buffalo will givis their first concert in tl e evening tuesda is closing day lou j beanchamp will ad dress the camp and in the evening this froth club vill give another concert besides the above there will be numeroui other attractions each day which a refer ence to tho programme will show w hope to 6ee the camp well attended throughout and ti list hat many of our citi zens will bepresout to enjoy the usual at tractions presented ill 52 52 50 18 45 17 00 18 80 0 50 5 80 5 00 4 50 4 25 07 mcsoiikini of- winn ipeg fruit orders foi has extra rcfm of aik ir esquesing on he 20th of mr john mcicorkiu- august liewifo dilo of iv soil the altar mogonnkliu pottf in winnipegv on 11th au meily ol the for- mr james moconbell now by rey malcolm gordpu aoton formerl ot aoto i to miss potts all fltlscellaneous notes and comments a scott act election takes pi ice in peter- boro county on september 24 theganadiat pacjfic betwee a montreal and winnipeg will be open w thin thirty days five hues of railway ara now under construction in klamtoba besices the mam line of the canadian pacific three of them being independent of the canadian paciho but connected with it it is announced says the montreal times that officers who have teturnei from the korthwest have not only acqui scrip of their m sn for a nomin il consider ation but that i bey have taken advantage of the necessity s of some of thpm to obtain their orders for balance of pay of forty per cent this should into i mr thomas vlute has been isworn m as minister of the interior his cuowledge of ihe country its jommercial so laf religious and political co iditions is grei t his ex penence of legislation coven nearly an ordinary hfetin e having been gleaned first fi om the po3itic n of the entice 1 onlooker m the press galler and afterwaid tiirmod of activs party strife from the he has been all his life befoije the country a a politician bera of the entered the stood and a journalist few men conservative pi rty could have cabinet politico lly better uufle i nassagaweya halton county milton oct it a discount be looked pall ej iibitions 1385 toronto iudu itnal exhibitic u sept 7 to 19 provincial lqwon sept 7 tj 12 central fair hamilton bert 21 to 25 southern st thomas sept to 25 central exhibition guelph sept 28 to 4- 1 peel county bratnptonej t 29 to oct 1st esquesing g lorgetown oct 2 brookville oct 6 stre it and side ralk lnprovem snta j tl ie amount t pent by the str et and side- wau committee for a aterial a id improve- meq on the st eets c f the mm licipality up to tbe present time this year is 122232 near y double tl at of iny previ ous year in the i ast ten years i ry t h b ardirik grocer tor flour and led 8 and 9 j m foxnley is prepared to take fruit of all kinds in season and facilities for filling orders to tho aatisfactihn of all all orders left with him will be piomptly attendejl to flats from 71 cunt to s250 at j fyfvs j if yon yani n nobby durable and cheap suit j i yfiis ib the place to go scotslii knviibh and canadian suitiug hret virietynt the eiat tiud clothin g tnre 1 fyfe votnn suits and overcoats at extiemely low rates an i made iu latest atjleb be sure to call a id see them 1 ifyfe aotott t elet and plush frames selling out at less than cost must be sold at once to dear jut stock c w hill photo frc enians worm powders are safe sure j and kpeedy to remove worms from children or adults i dr lows pleasant worm syrup is a safe anil reliable worm remedy for all worms afflicting children or adults having purchased thelahove bakery from mu d maxn hope tolgfve satisfaction to the liutnerou customers who patronisse it thanking them for pas favors 1 will endeavor ta attend to oust ners promptly and obligingly and trust th t they will one and all extend to us their pi trcnage i use nothing but- the betyt roller flour and keep it in stook presh bread buns iti day also steam bread i cakes of all kinde new york tea fiisouits soda and oatbieal scones on hand or made to order ajt shortest notice wedding cakes a lows sulphur soap should he found with every toilet it is oleansinfj aud heal ing biscuits and confections j of all kinds icing sugar ginger snapsl boston mixed cakes wholesale flour batter and eggs tako in bxojiaiuro for breai at maxk t prices mrs t stitham l guelph oloth hall irish i fiyjfakd sotting s specialty h bariainjsfbar the we coalmehce today the greatest slaughtering of goaas eveif before heard of prles and ie8 of bj5a0tiful dbess goodsat 15 cents stacks of s beautiful i lluid llglilnliig there ale but law that have nevti suffered almost intolerable pnui from toothache neuralaia or like icute piins to them such au instant idief is fluid lightning is an untold blessiug- in time of trouble no disgust ng offensivo medicines to he takcu ordiyi oii ailitatiiu of fluid liulit- iua uuie3 sohl it j 1j mcguruns drug s ore 29 rockwocd news from oi own con ep indent there hae been some severe thunder storms of late in ore of them the ligh muji struck the house of henry strange esq and tore up the i floor mr plummejr had a horse stiuck bij t it is recovering the steam threshers aie now beoomirg more plentiful sometimes three and foi r at work almost within sight not far froi n here a traction engine uas been introduced which will draw the separator and task from one barn to another taking the hea y load np hills it is the exception now to see a thresher at work driven by horses f r- i limehoasfi news fi om our own correspondent pishing at the pond children are waiting for hoppicking no service in the methodist church yei terday h we welcome the 10 cent loaf here brnig it along harvesting is about over iiere tie binders have done kopd service mrs draper who sisterinlaw mrs n apples are beiug offered here at 1 per bag and pears at 200 per bushel staymgvith lane is seriously ill kcxl aul comfort io the burrcrlug browns household panacea ijas no equal for relieinir pun imch internal and external itcmes pmii in the side back or butvels sure thrnut rheumatisin toothache lunib igo and any kind of a pain ot ache it will most surely quick en the 31onil and heal as its acting power is won lerful browns household pan acea being acknowledged is the great pain f eliever and of double the strength of nnj other eliir or liniment a the wovld should be in every fnmil handy for use wl remed jsee9 wheat seed wheat 3r 0 is very dull ut present ceased burning for id family from hamil- fnends during the our woollen factory s doing quite a god business and appears to be our busiest spot just now the lime business and all the kilns hav a while mrs 1 warren ai ton were here visiting week we aie still in need of a i shoe maker here will no one heed our continual ciy aud come along witlf their waxends apd pegs mrs martin aud forest are visiting at mr kirkpatnoks rev mr- wallace has returned from his sea side trip he 1 wks real hearty a id apparently well fltte i for his labors mr john lane ha i a good yield of f bh wheat a stumpy v venty acre field yie d- mg 900 bushels plun p mrcrawsbaw lai sold his pattly btlilt house and lot m acton to the salvation stoma 3i1 nnd pains and achei of all kinds and is for bale by all drugcibts at 22i cents bottle a4 en wanted as it really i the best in the woild for cramps in the in signs 1 2 different shades r shawgirundy merchant tailor t guelph house ipai t he undersigned begs of acton to lufoim the peojil of acton and iciuity that hels piepmed to give first class satisfaction id the in es of roof paint ing house painting calcimining und also paper hanging in thi 1 itest styles order promptly attended p dynes magnetic oil cures rheumatics 1 e iralgia lame back stiff joints a n 1 chilblains st aw advertis strayed cum 3 mto tliepremtbesof tho siibcnber jot 14 uitliocthcon esquusiug one tyo year- old gr ly heilor owner cari have tbo same by provin 3 property paj ing cbartjes nnd taluu her n wlntu dollar ai family fiom mount army for 91000 we were pleased tin bee iners report that miss obtaiuel a second diss a uonprofessioial certificate at the letent examination mr geo grant d ed last friday no in he has been ailing presbyterian church wallace assisted by aug 24 1885 dollar upon dollar entirely worthless b the exabi nellie liudsty for some time w that dreadful disenso coubampon he was a man of stu ml character a good christian a loving husband and a kind father we all deoply sympathize with his bereaved wife ai d fatherless cluldr n a large number atte ided hib funeral y s- terday service was conducted at he by the rv lllr the rev mr sbiltc n rock merit proven is frequently spent the faith of recommendations for articles not bo with mo gregorg speedy cure you an naftsled to purchase it until its merits are provin call at j e mogarrins drug store end gut a free trial bottle and if not convlii icd it will cure you of the worst furms ol d s- pepsia liveri complaint how long standing it f oats you nolhiiig hold in 50c and 1 li utiles 8ec tcstim ni- ftlsfrnm pursons in um own town 20 etc no ipntler th of jambs jiacihebson esquesiug p o subsck1be offers for sale a uew vane- of- fall wheat for seed it yielded w bushels to the acre last ear and the ami runt thresl ed from 20 acres thibj ear is oil bnsbela this ip a nice beardless wheat straw stiff chuff not given to lodge and is verj hardy one 1 por bushel j bradley tjodur vale firm geotgotpn u aug 2lbt 1bs5 slecial notice jaitlea indebted to tht underfiigiled will ease cull and bottle their accounts by the 1st september us i expect to leave acton about that tjime c w hill photogranhei for sale i ioj 2 con 3eitlninahighbtateofoultiva j ion well watered 12iniles from ouelph fjist class btone house bank barn 60x10 feasy termi i to a good p urclmscr jameb jiuttheyu acton aug 12th 1883 aoton p o st cow evntay kayed from tho village of eden ou the mth ult a cow color bright red piece sawn off both horns any person returning the same or giving such information as will lead to her re- cove ry will be suitably rewarded hill hilles eden village house to lot fob sale tl e undersigned otters foi sale ills bouse aud lot on main btreot it is a largo housej con tain 3 nine rooms also kitchen and woodshed is well adapted for a tenement or boarding house goold stable on the preinisob liberal terms apply to i d w campbell a rare chance valuable farm -and- village property 79e sale nine ok the tinebt farms in the cdunty j of haltou situate within one bal ulile of jh thrift and euterpnsing village of acton coitaining 100 acres known as the brown homestead also 25 acreb woll timben cedar timber the village propertj compntes cotnfoable jung house and store on mill street magnet cures chapied haidi bm us and scalds magne is a most useful rem and bst id i for both man magnetic oil is splendid for coughs throat anc by magnetio oil is sold 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best hnirtient known insist on your jdraggibt giving you the genuine m agnetic oil a few for the fl dosii tis nting the fnlisl gen cleailin also over -at- glasgow ga1n1s house -ioj- regular prices 25 and 30 c the c cleaning out gents fine straw hats at 20 per cent less than costt 1000 no i as all icoil frost bites sciatica etc icoil and colds sore c oup t all druggists at the jirst bargains vaiufe in sugars the cbeapest place in town for sugars we a oicest and most from 6 cents up hhpipi hni 3bjrr i j 3 a w i ladiwj 4i paper and hyaasa t busines 1 paper be 1 ting pane r notes re keep the if i i- in town 4 weddtni taclesfron t acton f s 4 t u3 dealer in 1 in aoton ents beautiful prints immense ranges of hosiery gloves parasols at than cost price no old stock range of white and gray jp they are the cheape8 before offered in aotcn less cottons from goods ever j 0ut the balance of millinery and m1llin- ery goods at half price jjound to clear out at less than h the pairs of boots and shoes which we are lf price commence our annual 6fi atfgust we can only sill that time do not ft ril to secure some of these bargains while they are jjoing stocktaking on offer you these r repnember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae qo k ashionable west end guelph jhhts os i or to move tie tow get ly 2 to 4 puls tltorom hly to 6 pills ex itn tnce will decide on pre per dost in each case or costlvenesi no atebs fills 1 particulars apply to w p bkowi acton t rphe ca 4ada citizen k axd tenreblme 1ieua1u j r canadas gb3at prohibition papek i ttysfifjaiiest nnd ills best i eaiteli by f s spence sixteen pages weekly on fine toned paper terms rl 00 in advanco tltizev plbllgnino t4 toronto i ivamtu dii wanted a be8ident agent in every vlllaee town aud city in the dominion also a tew travellers to sell our new aft gas ma- obines for making air gas m por contf chpapedd than coal equally as good no fire or power re- quired modem all siees from 15 burners t6 1000 for private houses toroshotels factories mills streets mines etc address j casauian am gab machine mfo co 115 t francois xavier st j ilv montbeaiji p q ior constipation remedy is so effective they insure regular idat y action and re store the bowels to a tea ltby condition for indigestion or d rspepsia ayzes pills are invaluable fund i sore cure heartburn lota of appetite foul stomach flatulency izzlness head ache numbness nans are au relieved andyured by atees pii ls inllvercomplalii t e lllons disorders and i jaundice avi rs pn s should be given in doses large enc ugh to excite tbe liver and bowels ana re novo constipation as a cleansing medicine i i the spring these pills are unequalled worms caused by a r lorbid condition of the bowels are expelled iy these pills eruptions skin dli eases and piles the result of indlges tlon r constipation aro cured by tbe use ol j 1 tn s pills for colds tab i save is pills to open tho pores remove lpflan matory secretions and allay tbe fereri for diarrhoea ana dykentcry caused by sudden colds indlj stible food etc ayebs fills are the truo reme ly bhenmatism gout neuralgia and sciaticaoiten res atfroj i digestive derange- ment or colds ai a diss ipear on removing the cause by the uselol avfies pills tumors drop sy ki iney complaints and other dlsordirs ca ised by debility or obstruction are ci red b atebs pills 1 suppression i nd p tlnful menstrua tion have a safe fana ready remedy in ayefls dyjoayerkco full directions in yaitous languages ac company each pac icfige pnirajie n sold bj all pi uggista this pa kewspapet advert i streetjvrtiewadver tislng contracts maj ho made tor it l f piles of 15 ew goods now daly abriying large stock magnificent goods vvonderfhtlly cheap now opened lo vl ely n sw fall dress goods in new and popular 1 styles and textures carrying an in saying that mtneiibe stock in our silk apd satin depigments we feel warranted to ady willdohereelfjusticewjio buysjvit lout first seeing our stock new brocade velvets new brocadejsilks and satins new di ess plushes new basque fc jaqketlushes our 125 dress plush in all new equal anywhere ma pills lowell mass tnaybafonndon jetowttb o0l bpteaa ttflprooa i w york dress departme nt silk department rich bla jk dress silks awfu1ly satins ottomans surrahs satii dlyons rho- daies and colored dress silks at prices right away dciws cheap handsome shades has no dressmaking by miss wallace latest english and american fasldi0n5- at rearov able charges f isdies may lely upon the fashionable west end tnamlaining its w ellknown high position in llic ti ade drjessmakttgdur dressmaki department under 2 hm vyallaoi is already full ol orders a id runni ug alarge stke of hands miss willace has just rtnrned from new york aud is prenared t6 exeonteil orders in the most satisfactory manner and at moijt reasonableflgures young ladies costumes a spyiialty j f i guar- we show lliis week new styles in straw goodsj feathers and a largo stock of new ferials bj the 8lh sept onr stock in this department will be confplete miss mihaffy and 1 iiss kelly will continue in charge of this departraeul which will 1n ee to all on lady friends the prospect of entire satisfaction i no house in the trade here can compete wjith the fashionable wei t end in millinery there area good niany antiquated old mil iners in the city who habitually try to innate out styles and do i t in a rough kind of a way but they lack the natural millinery tale it andhave never attained any higher than a thirdrate standinc in t de trade and never will t the fsahionable west end is bonud to do the first tillirlery tirade in patera ontario mark that wi have the goods rind we have the talent tho foahiouahlc webt end is full of push laud energy ami ib bound to do a large business i jj p8 uemomber our cheap silks i i bucham co fashieraje west end dress me 1 millinary establisbment i tncustj cruml provided i conns ischool miltorj year bnttei inarket he itsi pion givin i fannl onr farmel coming how xvn mo paper was f bevb conducted i day the peter for disturb on the pre volnnl of eompanj friday capt shu col fall b to front fer jfecrmtsarl wei mclntoshc sastaineda leg below ii saturday thejq match with afternoon grounds on j and acton i the oeived oh joditbi dtionifyc con hall next ime is antj trippingl vrillbei i the ana of the church will i and 4th sept i onoortwbll we upon his i ootation ma several impol corp bichaf prize wine thejseslj waspostpond day owing t 4i happy band render and enjoyabl we are mr jshjahll of years a re ed tuesday to death by i his own stab acongrij bers of- kno thursday will be prese tion and revl to the latterf paragraphs our sol mr isaac i jparkhill ove mr asa tbe week tit i miss ann guest of mw mr h bo days last we mrs f w is the gnest mr a- are visiting i tage mr wml manufacturj yesterday- 1 mrs m friends in gl home op sal miss ah vilithig fre returned hoi miss magj two months borestandl mrs thd california i with iier uk route from sir ihoj have been a couple ot mr smyth i james mooq we are emma mo recent enij ittu nearw ns is credl wessis jf bijemner an tle gajrget and iloaaant ti ment a-

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