Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1885, p. 4

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ir isibmanbififittaiaukim ljt jlctott frtc j9rcjis tihfnsnvy morsiso acwst j7 188 papa cant find me no little steps cky bear in the ljmll only a sweet silver laugh that is all no dimpled anno round my nock lioli nils tight ive bnt a glimpse ot two eyes very bright two little hands a wee face to screen baby is hidingthata plain to be see i where is mv precious ive missed s o all day papa cant find nio the pretty lips say dearaie i woudor where baby can bo then i go y and pretend not to see not in the parlor aud not on the si airs then interesting motlier graves worm k pleasant to takb sure a id ffcotuul ill troynir worms best results marly and i must peep under the soft thairs the dear little rogueia now laiyhinp out right two little arms rouud my neck clasp me tight i home will indeed be sad weary and j lone when papa cant fiud you my darling my own bobbie said the vhjitor you any little biothoru and si stera replies woe kobbie solemnly v im fljll children weve got a nntlqftnl tn istho national diseae when complicated wiili blood bitters as the 1 4 i 1 ii a the epidemic of crime whence comes this epidemic of suicides- aud murders recent discussions have named several causes hoii c- h heeve of iudiauatcharges it ti infidel teachings- holding thatsliopelessness of a future state cripples fortitude for bearing lifes ills another declares suffering from the uni versal business depression the cause a teird writer attributes it to iqcreasiu in sanity a physician thinks much of the tendency is inherited while temper auce advocateriay theresponsihilitylmon strong drink r v freethinkers have committed suioido but so have orthodoi churchnjeu finan cial strejita have beset rflarjy but the s wealthy have also taken their life j insanity j andidissipation have peec ided suicides and family murders j one feature common to almost every such crime challenges attention well nigh every repdrt of suicide j and faaily murder mentions the perpetrator as having for some time been subject to mi ln- choly wliance comes this all r cog nized medical authorities tell jus that the fire which consume the brain is alj rays kindled ty derangements of digestion thjat good digestion is impossible without piire blood and pure blood is never known v hen the liver and kidneys are out of older under such circumstances a preventive should be sought and for warners safecure is sovereign a fact conceded by the best authorities in the land and is is v i especially commended by the celebrated dr dio lewis rochester democrat regulator aud purify ug there is no qnestion lt that dyspepsia itoms utormina invp tried it v tor ir lea- dth kindly 1 ave no tho o cfoijr country lisoaso of the i iver arid kidneys is tho cutis a of untold misery burdock blood biueis will almost in variably eure the worst casi known a nearly e idirscwnt the people the pross andithe profeajsiou all heartily- endorse tho merits of bur look liver uie says are i inch fow- in bes t blood aud tonic now in on the hluc leaves have thei time to fall tho poet but wild strawberry leay on tho riso just now u euormous quantities lers extract of wild fallible remedy for diarrhoea and other bci ug utilized ii in making dr strawberry t u cliolera w oi bus suhniricr complaints the discovery of tlie instantaneous pro cess of taking photographs has been quickly followed in tho medical world by a o feet and instantaneous rcniedy for ill ncuto aches and pains as ei ralgia tootlifche rheumatism etc thi i valuable remedy is called fluid lightning arid is sole nt 25 cents a bottle by dr m gahin druggist mcgregor it parips carbolic ge atp is invaluable for wounds bores salt i bium cuts burris scalds kni fjjsters as ft heal- ing and purifying dress ngj do not bi im posed on with other us sles preparat onsj mc- important announcement yoii din buy golds ojieapor at than at any other place in aud of hcilton your and le star grocery l6 county giving up buoless 1 hi j ilnidwaro uutits and shoos wo caii s j 1 you for em mon jtlnui you ouu lmy any other place in on profits are sranllj and hcnhtt any otlier pliico west of toronto or ario we are hound ve intend to hinidle lar como aiid buy your recommended to be as wood use only gregor piukes carbolic cerate dr mcganin rev j g fallis for some years my with dyspepsia and after another recommer sold by dutton certi ies wijfphas been troubled ried one hus ded with bnt or no effect till advised 6 give icgre inci taking the i s speedy curo a trial bottle i hare noticed ment and can with on it to be oiie of if not th tant for dyspepsia ipmg yegetable store cine for liver complaint indigestion ney complaint is p ire at dr mcgarvin bottles free ailylrc to 1otlicr are you disturbed at your rest by a sick warning and comfort i thos sabin of eglingtonsays i bve removed tfincoriis from my feet with h llo- wayscorn cure reader go thou and- do likewise p fbr the prompt and certain cure of tery aipelas use avers sarsaparilla which is the specific endorsed by themost eminent medical authorities why go limping and whining about our corns when a 25 cent bottle of hollow ays corn cure will remove ihem give it a trial and you will not regret it one trial of mother graves worm-es- terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm meclicine bry a bottle and see if it does not please you malarial poison cftbe entirely remived tenl and thin the blood hild suffering crying with pain of ci ttiug teeth send at once and get a 1 lows soothma synij fo its value is incalculab the poor little sufferer pend upon it mothers aboiit it regulates the stomach wind colic softens the decided improve- fidonee rsconiinend best nicdicinc tj lis invaluable medi- i m i ll are ao m- y or i 1 pi a r ill v- m la sm iii kb v ka 1 ffisi ipt from the system by the use of ayers ague cure which contains a sure specific ii the form of a vegetable product used in no other remedy warranted is mcrae wyebridge writes i have sold large quantities of dr thomas ec- lectric oil it is nsedrfor colds sore tin oat croil 4c and nrfactfor any affecticu of the throat it works ihke uigic it is a sure cure for burns wdnnds andbruues 1 a kmlicnlihniikc the best eradicator of foul humors ol the blood is burdock blood bitters a few bottles produce a radical change for the better in health and beauty it rem ves the blood taint of scrofula that terrible disease socommon in this country j xone belter i there is nomore wholesome or dehc ions t frnit on earth than the wild strawberry anclihere i no more effectual remedy for cholera dysentery cramps and oher summer complaints of infants or adults than dr fowlers extract of ild straw berry j v iltif prcenutloni during the summer aud fall people liable to sudden attacks of bdwel plaints and vith no prompt remedy medical aid at hand life may be indarger those whose experience has jriven tlem wisdom always keep dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry- at hand for prompt relief and a pliysitian is seldom required j i t cucumbers and melons are jforbicden fruit to many persons so coustlituted hat the least indulgence is followed by atti cks of cholera dysentery griping c tiese persons are npt aware that they can in dulge to their hearts content if they 1 ave on hand a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial a medicine that will give immediate relief and is a sure iure for all summer complaints hollovayt ointiiienland pills aa sp lng approaches a most favourable opportunity offers forjrectifying irregularities removing impurities and erasing blemishes which have arisen from the presence of matters forbad by winter from being transpired throtijda tbepores this searching ojnt- meht well rubbed upon the skin pue tratei to the deeplyseated organs upon which it exerts a most wholesome and beuelicial influence well nigh all the in- digltions give way to this simple treat ment aided by purifying and aperitive doses of holloways pillsj round each box of wliich plain instructions are- folded bilious disorders loss of appetite fulness after eating lassitude gout and rheuma tism may be effectively checked in their painful progress and the seeds of jong suf fering eradicated by these uemedies iuowb by tiieefhkgn dyspepbia may be khowh by heartburn sour erections of food wind belching weight at the stomach variable appetite costive bowels etc bnrdlick ilood bit ters will posieveiy cure dyspepsia although hi its worst chromic form i and f so ottle of jiv jfin- chiuren teething e it will relieve immediately de- herc is no mi take it cures dyse itery and diarrhoea and bowels cures gums reduce 3 in- flammation and gives one and euerry to wi ngloios soo th in i hhig is plgabant to the whole- system mn syrup jar children tec the taste and is the prejicription of oie of the oldest aad best fern ile nurses and sicians in the- united slates and is for thing ittle ors first night and hroteno scythes suaiths forks rakes barloy forkf rakes hoes c barb wire for fencing a all sizes always in stock iiacfiiien oils fb all kinds of machinery in peerless lubrieatii everything else in ilahlwure boots and shoe than you ever bought them ii life o do the trade our 50 quantities ofoods beforef pure paris green heapi 50c tea wdrth 65b j health fo iv a l holloways pills ani also garden bpades full lino of glass in reapeiv mowers and g and lardine and or groceries cheaper your iii ying decided to gi vo up his tboptj kri3 shoe business in cton will pffdrliif entire s ock at dost and under i i parties desirous of securing bargains will find it tjo their own t dvantage to call early and select remember that j e how son next poor to post office i i i ointment ifresfl loforq the stock becomes reduc od 1 ll vlija full stock of spmngf on hand all of which will jo offored at prieds which astoi autieb indobtcd to mo wi xt v ir ji the te3j3s i purify the hlood correct jail disordeis- of the j l1veu stomach kidnkvs and they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constltu complaints incidental iso utai wels ex- kid- sold trial lo feinnles of nil iies for c liiuy arc priiclcss us and are ihvujuable in all jildrcn aiid the aged oinirme titb igau infallable itincily for lind ler id liicants old woli is famous fni guut and ifliciunatitni foi disorders oljtlie chest it has no equal foe aors throats bronokltis 00 ws00tds mis sores and ulcers it glandular swellings and alt skin diseases it has no rival 1 loints itacts llue a eliarni ami for contracted and still 48 king ma fine biussels carpets fine tupcslrv carpets fin wool carpets fine cocoa matti hirs bestkuglibh oilcloths- jdswide best linoleums 4 yards wide fine lace curtuint fine mutlnih cm taiiis he tapestry curtains please call and settlo their at counts and thereby save h b wcmbxbiy jsi c s leading wholes ale and retail capt dealers street east hamilton ce a specialty 0f- fine turconmn c fine tapestry ovefings fine furuituie coveiiuc best quality b by all druggists throughout price 25 cents a bottle why suffer from weik nerves wa it of appetite audjjeueral debility letting the loss of sleep and rest impoverish the sys when such a really meritorious remedy as j orthrop a lyr lans quinine wine may he store this article is r jcommended by the highest members of the cases of indigestion ge iera1 debility of appetite and nervo is affections kinds it i aho spejinlly beneffci children and delicate hmits and to ness men students and those who much brain work ayt would say be without it it will trengthen you your systira in regular order ind e youto successfully gfai pie with the you have to do it is pleasant to the and contains nothing ir jurions to the delicate constitution remember for the quinine wine prepared by throp lyman toronw and we are you will be satisfied that you have value for your money druggists sell the phy- sale torld 44 had at any medical fachl drug y in loss if all il to ijusi- have ever keep lable work aste mest ask nor- sure full it wpurchasers should look to the label on the pots and lioji 533 oxford street londoi they arcj manufactured only at thomas hoixoy ayjs kstablishmcnt 73 new oxford street lata533 oxford stroot london ener aud niesold ut is lad 2s 9d 4s od lis 22s anilsilk each box or pot and may be bad of u medicine vendors tlioughout ihe world s if the address is not the hasp nd clotinng store tailoring fashionable spring tweeds worsted coatings east end clothing s oar crarmets are mado perfect fitting and in designs a fine assortment of spring jla 48 king farmers cfcand tku ooixcbabt mixoirioiiiii kxjirebf 7j0nin iass uiail- lloitnin t1iioukiibx517 i i railway time table mmm nk hailway f jioixo west iiin v rek h rijail w i- sseeial 8im aceoin joaeh 8w ani canadian id at7 eastad j7h c0n1ksse torbntoto detroit phicago and manitoba loealfix- 410 iiin- a f dtoods ish every customer m stlonis i- toronto 8 10 aiii strotsvilletnno 10 stthomas 12 05 pt detroit 2 45 chicago 7 30al wiiinipcs 7 w toronto to mon toronto ottawa montreal queboe boutoir n liniitild 0 07 jinl d i g iso ijir 45 bramptonto uramntoii 7 stioetsville jct brampton to oraiifi bramptoki 9 37 a orangevillo 11 05 owen sound 0 30 p m purchase yo ir u urtaihs llgb fine curtaijn poles fine cha n bands best quality carpet sweepers best quality sprnjr hollers fli e stair rods irinephadeprdles est patternslowest pries k j mckay street iast uunous ind seree at the ore tho latest artistic for keapinp lardine and mowing machines usk no gum 2to grit and vrlll wear longer than i mole manufactinps mcooll bbjor co tcjrnto ft for saw atl mccarvins drug store also by d l schultz harnilton jeu ticket a tjeiij ajccoin coach 1130 pni cliicao express does lot stop lntwecn unelpb and toronto timk ofclbswcl mails gojnh west 1040 ar goin ba8tk40 aii and 5b0 iim english niatl closes ai r iaiid 20 pm 10j am on wednesday pasfic railway- timk table 1acific ex 1 25 i5ui a no i t 20 h55 8 30 0 i0fciu 7 53 5 45pin ily except monday quebec and boston montreal ex 7 03 pnu 5 17 am 8 30 o m pm 8 30ani detsvirle junction 1 01 pm 4 25 ille aiid owen sonnd d 43 pm c 57 10 20 tickets by this new and populxe line ti03i i xqjakyin cton ontario dr e c yksts i enve axd bbaix tbeat- jhent agnaanteedii ecific lor hysteria dizzi ness convt isious i- its nervous neuralgia headache nervous trostratioa caused fey the use of alcohi 1 or toba ico wakefulness mental depression softening of the brain resulting in insanity anc leading to misery decay and death premature c id ago lurrpuness lose of iowpr ineithersex iuvoluunn- loses aud spenna- torrhcea caused hy oxtjcxertion of the brain selfaliuso or ovegim nlgence each box con tains onemnrristreiltnieat one dollar abox or bixboxesiorflve dollars sent- by mail pre paid on ricept of price ve guarantee sixboxes to cure any case wirli each order received by us for six pokes ace5rppcmed with ilve dollars we willse1ifthe purch asej- iliir written guarantee to refuucmie money if tha treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issued only by johns c west a g0sole frojirietors 181 183 webt madison fit chicagoj 111 sold by j e mcgdrvin machine oil anyothor oil c t hills 3s also on hand speight son acton undertakers carriage makers o ti warren leland whom everybody knom as the sucew lal manager of the largest hotel enterprises of america says that while a passenger f i om kewlyorkiin board ahi going around c ip horn in the early days f emigration to i al- ifornia ho learned that c ne of the oflleeri of the vessel had cured hin self during the i pyv age of au obstinate toes so by the use of ayefs saraparilla since then mr leland bis recoramen led avers sansaraiqlla in many sim lar cases and he has never et heard of its 1 all ure to effect a jradical cm e some yearsago one of mr leuxds fi rm laborers braised his leg owing to the ad state of his blood anuglj scrofulous swel ing or lump appeared on the mjured limb 1 or- rible itching of the skin with burning i nd darting pains through the lump made ifa almost intolerable i th leg became ei or- mously enlarged and tun ling ulcers forn ed discharging great quam iiiea of extreni ely oifensive matter no trj atment was of i ay avail until the man by j x lelakds dli ec- tion was supplied with ayers sahsapa- billa which allayed the pain and irrltatl n healete gores removed the swelling ipl completely restored the limb to use mr itelakd has personally used ayers sarsaparifla for kheumatiam with ebtiresucccss a id after careful observation declares that his belief tberej is no medicine in the wo rid equal to it for the cure of liver disorde gout the effects of high uvlngr s tit kheirm sores eruptions and all tpo various forma of blood diseases we have sir lel akds permission to invite all who may desire further evidence in regi rd to the extraordinary curative powers of avers saesapabilla to see him peia n- ally either at bis mammoth ocean hotel long branch or at the popular eeland hot a broadway 27th and 28th streets new yorl mr lelajtds extensive knowledge of t ie good done by this unequalled eradicator of blood poisons enables him to give inquiri rs much valuable information peepiaed by dp jc ayer4cotowell mask soldtraudrnggiita 61 ux bottles for fs in are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the best casket to the p ainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms all calls either night or dajjprbmptl taction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for jlwe are in a position to sa very description in reasonal used wc ll ivc also a splendid lot or funntiit satisfactorily ril ii nhluliuic good workiu forw inaiiship ai jbntli comn tlf you wii pay us cash we ill srli yrn anjhiiiik ii pesght manager hire 63natta irardj jvndocrand 246 st jacie ri pvhbiii kittended to satis- setonsj carriages c of 1 hrstclass material always n and extra quality cheap ouilintcheap ground sctciifijiotlly from climr and jmrb ieiilila or manufactured- for flic jiirjiosr ttci arc without nxcisp tore the ruvuijes of ikjk and to retain erfed oinio recoiiimeitded btj tltk moai eminent faculty livery pair ol spectacles and eyeglasses is j e mcgraryik hole agent for acton ont interesting to everyone and everyone there has been a kreat rush of purchaser of dry gooc s to the immense reduced price sale now hemp held at ihe ll and sother goods are selling off at exactly half vincing that you will save money ly purchas dress goods have been innrkel dnyu to very lota ot cbedk and fancy mublinn at half piici sizes in- white marseilles quilts al half price lots of linei towelling tit 5c per yard ai pay yoi well to see these cheap iurtalns pets cheap a large assortment c-f- house furnishings lit m ment and the goods supplied to th- public r ve b0i of rli hamilton july 30th 1ss5 bt montr oal their former prices ng nt thicsalo- a low prices aiid are selling off very optical jjluvs especially ion ticrf adapted to rex- i thtiij are eqiihiuij marked bl druggist mpiplr jflpertisime advertiser to con sult be lie expori- enced or otherwise it contains lisls of newspapers andestiniatcs oftiiecostofudvcrtisinfrtlionlvertisenvho wants to spend one dollar fliids in ltthe in formation liereqnircs wfiilo forliim who will invest one hundred tboitsand dollars in ad- yerlisrrig a scheme is indicated which will meetliis eveit requirement or can bemade to do so by slight clianges easily arrived at by cor respondence 149 edidons have been issued sent- postpaid tp arrjr address for 10 cents write to geo ivvkowell co newspaper advertking bureau losprueestprintingholaseq new york bup fem was quite a success and will cease on fifteenth day of august mer and other goods yetwli iir nx-i- u are some sumi satukj ay night the as ndveiist d but there ich we wish to jljisposc of sp it hat f o i nest three eeis tiso slvall be millinery lrantles andlfrints will he sld avyay of price a line ipjf silks and ends of silkls 25 cents per yard worth tour llkewiso wo iavo large mcleod mammoth arrivals of pall acd bemernaer our millinery dress ivtahing and ordered clothing depaitrhents startling times th bargains given to effepi si plearance lovii at unheard- tr he sold at nioney ayor importations e wi anderson housfc- the eytensive display of reliable and fushionable cjonds at such extremely low prices arge assortment of black and colored dress silks at selling off very fast think of it bross goods wortl specially low prices th 17c sellirigpff at sellidg at 12ac dress gomls worth 25e belling ut loo fine frenchlress goods at eraotly half their former pricesj embrbideied driusses wonderfiljy cheap sev r w ttl1 l wlite quilts iitjl ffnnerly 125 a few very large special valuejn white quilts white qnilts at 75c toimtiiy white cot tolns at 12jc worthlcc aspeiul lot of fine white tcottoiw at 7ac ai other lot ot ektjn wide towellink at 12jcvmth 10c lace curtains iuliru whi social bargairslii carpets manylols of brussels and tapestry carpets oderate prices the sales for the last season at iheright use have bden the jr than any pre ions season t t i atelaas quality while pribesjfor the sime have lun cbea weekethe clearink salewill be coitiiiueil anijl customers yil do well by remembering th opportuuity to secure barjnaat nob 30 and 32 kingsticti street the name is fiim vl- should know it sht hoiise mary lots of bry nd 8 be be sure and se ite at immense ieductini ive been marked djnwn very low colored sat loe dress eorgetownl mackinac sum t polaoe steunen low bite pour jprlpj por weok botwn and bvfflfy week detroit and mackinac day betwetn cleveland writ for our picturesque maokmao illustrated oontstnj pall ptruoulfn suutdtne detroit ovcmeveland steam nav co c d whitcomb qick pa88 aqt detroit mich mirhbfoopi how lost kjw restored wo have rccelitiy nubliphcd a new edition of dr culverwells ccle- l hrated essay on iheradical antl l l9f dnrj without aiidiciue of 7 m ib j nervous debility mental arid hiysipiil incapac ity impediments of marriage 6tarcbultinc from excesses price in a scaled envelope only c cent or two postage stamps j i the celebrated author ill this admirable es say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practice that alarming cjmsoyueiices njay bo radically cured without th daiirerous use of internal medicines or tllo use of the knife pointiugout a mode of curp at once pimple cer tain and effectual by means of which every biiffererno matter what his coudi ion iiiay be may cure himself cheaply pi ivately a xj gnodkrmillinery cjaiiuot jail in con- ni at 85c per yard goods worth 22c eral largest ever ni aye this lecture should be ill tho hand youtkaiid evoryman in thl land addrebs the culvenvcll medidil06 41 inn 8tew1loifc post office box 45q ery he wbit cottoob pricef it will iernnaiit8 ofcnr- jle intblb establish- 1or the next four iast near hugbenn in hlnnesolai north dh tana ld4ho jlou and fiom iihkc supoi-ri- tp at prices ranglnjchbiii on 5 to 10 years tlrjio 1 lor securing gorjdihomcs r preeian i fciandtiiilt a0j1883 acrjs oil 1 wkirot nil the piolic l il drijdfcally is of every tsiqii p 3 esi loanrv sbillfiiiint ovsjiient liil im- l 1k1 oorad northern mis tor iib and vj aildiksscliasb uauboknaiandconirk p k it st paul mino were 111 tbe northern map tent mkfi the fbee upvernnient y nils llhlic litriis riiito n pncillcroiiiury jj dtipribiub tin tlie itnilronil lain f i- a 11 m-i- i vs s moltk ie iiinhii of in lltrv fniir r

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