Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1885, p. 2

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mm jh ttm iu tatjawwi jiorsixo dkci 3i fpplfip i te merry joyous christmas j i n the raisi hoobe pufcled p the extant oij flqo and oowi mfviotat- r iagfiebooujot the jtrst ninths j i e tomorrow christmasl thejfestivc tinib to which we look forwardwjil such plot ramblo anticipations ftuafroj which wp date back in the majority of cases wit feelings of gratification will hi tvd onmo am robo another notablelandmark in lite journey will have been assei i before tl fbee press again greets its ni my readei there is no time in all t jo year lil christmas time the children look forwu to it for months and theittewdpiembea of the family gather then under the father ji roof to enjoy together the happy season those who axe far awayf are remembered with precious tokens from hoiie the re rdar routine of business is suspended father gives np his time i to the little folk ij and mother plans with them and becomes a willing partner in their secrets and sn prises the colleges and schoks close the r doors and a season of pleasure and rolaxi tion takes the place of the buiy school life sow the young people look forward to tile christmas vacation a visit home free from all the restraints which snitonnid them through thp year ii an event whidb they have anticipated for weeks those who do nothing to inajte tie christmas season a happy one for sill and steel them selves against celebrating this joyous occasion miss from life ouo o its brightest n j i i chnstmas is therefore the uiostnaturap as it is the most holy and bet ntifol of the festivals of the yearj ev u the shpe stations that have grown up ibont 1 ii a tender and loving but its chief delight ts that it is the home festival tejaching at the same time that all mankind are one family and tht each man owes a tribute of kim nesib to jail other men ljtj ia a good thing wo have jthia festiv because it gives a pause amid the toil the straggles and the distraction i of life t awakens kindly memories engthens tl e moral backbone and enables ns to rene v jebe battle of life with nobler mrposes and higher perceptions of duty j f wo will bi it reflect on the meaning of theevangsl brought home to us at this i appy seaso i we will feel there is sometbin more in it by far than feasting and glai 1 tidings if we learn this lesson and endi avorjto act it in our lives during the coming year next christmas tvifl find ns merri r than thik and each succeeding chris ma will in crease our happiness to the end of oar dav8 hopingjt will be thus with all in whose bands this paperjraay l11 we wh them amerrf cfaiustius expertenoi the first cour jot the police magistrate of the odunty ovjt held iu acton toik plaoe yesterday af tort don hi m town hall before pm young tho work bcf ro the cotirt was a charge of second violation of the scott acti against geo robinson one of the managers of the bossin house vrho took possession a few weeks ago mi mogibbpu barrister ap peared for robinson the first witness iii thp case won loo sworu said i iknow robinson i keeps a public house vjtjb in thelioue on thnra was a number i was beer day night 8rd fajecember proseut had something to drink and intosicat ini i had mo re than one glass saw money paid for it by david bell rob iuson took it only saw money passed once beatty was nfes ejnt was in the baok ait ting room fjjo hson brought it in in a pitcher oouldrtsay who all drank with me it wiw abot t midnight i boarded there then was tber at least v ntil halfpast one to mr mcgiobonsav money pass only once beatty was in the company dont know if he has any interest in tho business got beer dont know whit kind know the difference between cronk and beer didnt j pay any money myself have no doubt about getting jbecr hid also r short thought it was fyo whiskey they got it surveyed the roadways mude and gravelled and wxj they about to offor lota for said on the siirvoyed portion you can answerlyes to all of these you can also tell us who pkeyeutcd tlioin from carrying out the wish of the peopljo as you do not desire to g ve that iuformatiou i will do it for you j they were councillors pesjrson and iiimond aud no one else us showu by tbe proceed wiwmsw ugs of tho council had these two getulojnen givou their na- aibtauce iustead of qipositiou lots would vo ring kho belln and wo riisetho have been bold and thb cemetery would now 1 8tl w0 uu p gurhmids everywhere be a credit to the muilioipality iain sir aoton dec 19th we have allowed a matter in tlieso colun months with the ol cease if anything id ox fgi ip r oljitiatmaa items inow is tl u lime to socuro bargains iu ready mado clothing boots und shoes and fur goods wplsonmcraoco j wliero 41 o those fellows going driut you know no why they aregoiilgdown to btoddardi to got a boss oystlsr t w that is whon you can get uno and dcut youforgot it he i opon ut all hoirs i nd always pleasant when you call on him pro bonopidlico 183 full diboussion of this tie for the past two ose of 1885 it must to lib said upon tho subject iu our noxt isiuc it will bo necessary for the correspoudcnds to reaoh this office not later than saturday next eu fbek ibkss e sparks sworn david bell wont swear hjoj keeps keeps a bar of december know robinson a public house was there on the 3rd had 8omething to drink it was beer drank more than once i paid robinson for i ho brought it tin this was about ten oclock dont know what time i left w isnt abld to tell i am well aware the liquor was intoxicating paid more than once mr imcgibbc n desired nocross examiua tion j- he admitted the previous conviction of defendant as set forth in information the evidence wab of snoh a straightfor ward and corroborative character ithat the magibtrate deemed it sufficient to convict- fel llmehou from our own comqipiulrttt merry xmas to iill the brmiotto is here again lovely sleighing these are the lasb sparks from the rocki quite a number of sixth line quarry our machinist has some and sorrow of ojthers mrs lake has iii mm cuelph -00- bucham a co i and bid the tupers twinkle fajr aitd icast and f rolio ai id- then we go back to the sumo old lives agoju j 1 for the h jliday sejison a laci cbu- signmontof ohoice new goods of now designs all suitable for handsoriio christmab presents call iind examine our gcods and compare price nind yon will be co nviuced that howsoni is by far he cheapest slace in town witbing you all a merry ohriht- mas and happy new par wo remain yours truly 1 e howson next door to drugstore rare values in wool hoods w ol jcaps shawls cloud aoarfs c t lautif uf goodb nelsp i mcrae v co all sizes fir men wemen and aiildron in rubbers anid overshoes cheapl cheap cheap nelson mcrae a co men aro busy at tho jlcft ns to the joy of london orphau a and costs payable spend two months defendant i has distress i warrant gener- ot such an excel- it was one of the to the dominion license j declared unconstitutional tjy the prjvy cufloill theprovinob to beglirlate thk 7 traffic 1 the report of the priw council on tl e dominion governments appeal from tl e supreme court of canada as to the const i tutionality of tbe dominion license ant was made last friday- it confirms tl e judgment of the supreme court to tie effect that the power to iseae tavern at d shop licenses rests ejtclusivjely with tie provinces it reverses i he decision of tl e supreme court as to ths powers- to issue wholesale and vessel licec sea the supreme court had decided that the power over wholesale and vessel licences resided in the dominion the privy council however decided the other way and holds that thjis power also is vested in the provinces and fined robiiison 100 forthwith ifailiiig this to in the county gkil it is rumored that the skipped the country ai was issued for the seizure of bis goods at the conclusion of the trial thrijriagis- trate in a very neat address compliniented the reeve and council and citizens ally upon the possession lent town hall and said finest he had ever been ifr and a credit acton he was glad to find the witnesses iu the case reliable aud straightforward not withstanding their undesirable position as witnessed against violators of the law of the county j he had formed a very favorable opinion of acton and the people here and hoped they would in their des re to have right prevail rise to a monand assist in ridding tiiecommunity of such dives as the place concerned in tl ib case was reported to be the ball was lull of spectators and those present left with the irajression that p m- young is neither the ty n nt nor the iguor- amus he has b dn pictun d by the enemies of the law but that he is a faijfminded gentleman fully capable of honorably sus taimng the re iponsible positioii he occu pies smart little boy wholu she inteodstajsutg mr proctor had a stouo bee last friday jiffrrinnri ng ho intoihw hiiilf1iii a house in the spring we hear that a siipperand a dance is being gotten up for iij loved ones lvturn at xmas mr geo kennedy of georgetown preach ed a very acceptable sermni herolast sunday afternopnf a child ofmrs odbprne from alton was buried intend earlier the school examination last friday after noon was a success between 00 aud go who pm i l w- realm decides that the law gives to tike provincial authorities full and exclusi e control over the traffic in intoxicating liquors the series of decisions given i y the judicial committee of thoi imperi il privy council have nowjsp far defined tlie powers and privileges ofjtuepqvincri th it in the future their right will require- 1 10 questioning the federal principle of gov ernment as against that of a legislaticn onion seems to be destined to take the lea 1 the opponents of the scott act are tl- r readyj argning that since the dominic n government has no power to permit the sale of intoxicants neither has it power o abolish their sale hence the scott at must be utoa cic aguhst this contei- tjon rests the judgment of tbe council n the case of russell vs the queen uphe d the constitutionality of the scott act the privy councildoes not reverse its on h judgments therefore it may be presumid that the scott act is safe from any forth r appeals 1 the highest judicial authority in tie 4- fancy the pariy who has undertaken to is w e last meek we licar they moving hcrci iu the spring if not ijust in uc w fur capes from 1 wards the bed rango of ladies muffs iu the trade and a large as of mens fur caps special valued moraess co 00 up- and rtment nelson -oo- ive have pleusure in stating tint oar btock tor the seasons trade surpassesiii extensive varie ty and choice selection anything yc have ever formerly laid before our customers buchamco tpeost h must sj prices teas wswfss mm- aiyliui moved nty bakery aud feed busjnessinui this commodious sbre where have ailtied a olioiee stock of groceries till now audf resh i mmm aoton f vj 04g to tender my tlmuks to ujc people if acton and ffurroundiug ccuntry feriheir veryliujril iiptoriiu tbe past aiidimw motifc reiipectlully solicilalshare of ourjjatronakeiii my new pliuo ofbiisiiicua it will bejmy aim to mirittliw by sqjaro dealing reasonable f tentlou to busiilesb anl wants of my cutoiiier please call jud ce me crocery department office main str at 6 pejr cent sollljtcjliftcilnvkianceil at offick first dobr west of the c pet milton mono tampion to loan to pejrsons attended all concerned 1 thanking you tjlio children did credit all dec 22nd 18s5 for your patieuee in reading my scribble during this year aud a this is my last one lavish you a loviugj farewell a merry xnjias and a happy new year rock allan p to tiic editor of the fitee pltess sin 1 see a person lias undertaken to answer my letter of the 10th inst and sisns himself w allan now mr editor i would like tctk low who is this allan 1 hashc ever taleu any interest in j the wel fare of our vilhjge has he ever given his aid in assisting jthose who would like to make acton on of tbe gems of this couuty if so i do not know turn i have lived here some years une i never heurd of him as a public benefactpr 1 know a gentleman by the name of vye allan a justice of the peace and the colonel of the 20th batt it certainly cannot be jjiim therefore i we beg to express our thanks to our excellent correspondent rock for his very interesting letters relative to lime house and surroundmgs during the past year and we are cerijain the citizens of that enterprising burg will join us in this ex pression ave will bo plpased to arrange with some responsible resident for future correspondence ekfrke piiess 1 jj elia and charles lamb a unique genius that of charles lamb just like nothing that ever appeared before than or has since appeared are the juaint and delightful kssays of elia 11 new edition of which has recently been issued by alden the literary revolution publisherof new york turn to any of your cyclopadias and they will tell you that charles iaimb was one of the most charm- ing essayists that the english language has ever known und alsojthat his essays of elia are the choicest of his works they are not merely the f ret work of their class i butlikc pilgrim vprogress and rob inson crusoo they constitute a class by themselves the volume is certainly one of the most delightful of the books des- au iautles uro hereby tour months due tied on or boforo placed sn court fojr coljectioi on actoii ut 1 xotiie iudplteil lo the luifuiviyiieri juid all overdue note- he 1st of january lwfi will be ctl 18s1 iuyii skuivmauim oifiijvtor wrvxtijd for fiijiijcr maiihiue mu4 v class also a goodlsmnrt irljpor work apply perijoiinlly to roohj mcoaijvu vnliscvflact- 11 kk- mcv two inix- ly purty thero dedi vuty cattlk astitay stliayuufrom llie promises lot i queshig about tue middle of 41 heifers rising threo past out white aiidped ed horns turned ip tno other yed aji giviug inforination wliich vill lend t coverv of tiiesniiieivill be siiitublv rewlrdedi donalli met listiuosiug doc iml 1ks5 faums waxtei to llfcy twoisouacie f urius threuslooficiv far moacre f anus aud ontkmwvefari forcnstonwrb wlioare waltiuktlll we suitable plftccs hiteuding purchase aud addresses will be riven to owne farms at present we have 450 npplicn faruis f roni all pallia of cimadft thotuit and europe no charge unless suk bo apply to i i jokx4 daifa- not set- be flrdt- llght i ii gift feg y mi- h- ku kp- rsi hf l m k metif cribed iu mr aldcnd catalogue which ho- cents or the bent free address lisher new york city 118page illustrated offers to send for 4 lcpiigi catalogue which is olm b alden pub- solid in ccilts postage and wo will limil ym riikk a rojal valu able sample box of goods that will put you in tho wayibf mak ing now money nt oace tlian anything elfo iu amerjok hoth stxefiof ail ag03 can live at home andfwork in spare time or all tliu time capital not toquired vb will start vou ilay surofor those who start at once stinrux i co portland maii telephone inonecllpii floral view greenhouses georgetown ont 11he neiveat ami choreost plant flowers wholesale and retail i i funeral and weddine de prepared on shbrt noti aud shijiped safely any weather silks satins and velvets in this department no houso hero can successfully compete with us in point of variety real sterling value and downright cheapness lafiies who are in the habit of buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements we otttjr in this department to ptir- cliaseis nspection invited bucham c0 dress goods this department is a largejone with us and always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select iromi seldom met with even in the largest cities ladies will do well before buy ing to visit our establishment and look through compare prices ko kc i bucham co f 4shionable west end dress pmantle and millinery establishment xmas xmas new stock greatest bargains ever offered in cuelphi glid and silver- watches ipi up raidns cur- 5c lip sdgursof all kinds syriip ijood60c per ghon and ijints peels figs canuedtloodsof all kinds coffee rico tirioca suyo spictb of ail kiiwls essences pickles iu bulk ac mince meat nuts candiert tobaccnsi and everything kept in a fifstclass grocery frniu and yegelaules zflouriand feep dlipartmentj very iiesl roller and stone fluir bran shorts cliopk oats peas finr t i mii ni2fi ij n i barley oat and n meal three kinds of eacbl buckwheat flour two kiuds cracked wheats thorleys iooit linbeid oil cake meal linseed whole and ground padtago loddsjicrushed ots eatand bwley ydllow bite and flaked maize sanp homiby 8 1 buck- 1 wheat ifloiir vheat germs prepared pea flour rice flour choice ferina my bnida is ahead of any other flour manufactured libakln6 depahtiyient bread white brown aud steamed rolls cottage spnhire cike tally rolls cakes and puns if all kinds mince pies meat pios 3wei l g ding cakfis to order matthews dash cash 4 vou oan buy anything 1 guothiltlg 00 btuts 7ij vests 10 overcoats to be cleared out they must be sold as wc are living up this branch kelson mcrae a co eockwood news from our own vvfrtpondtnt some persons supposed to be tramps 1 ir burglars broke open the door of the preab r- terian church tbe other evening and then broke into the library expecting to lit d sometliini taiuablo having built a fire n one of the stoves they then brought in a oose picked it scattering the featbes opon the floor then lifting one of the covers of the stoye laid the fowl over tie flame and fired it the- caretaker had his time cleaning tho grease- bespattered stoe and the smdkey surrounding upon sainub two tetinps jwere arrestc d by constable carter assstedby tho chiif police of goelph they bad a set of bu glars toob and each had loajded revolvei 3 itflppears ihey are part of tho ifcag imp i- catd in the late borglsiy on sheehan ai d watwmi cttalph papeijs in j their posse j- gavee clue tb three otiers in ham 1- titbijwered the advertis d bnffi paper for man redlkvoc jwith tlje write- this letter has done so yhen the school master was away from home i shall corret t some misleading points he tries to make f p as to ptit it riglit before thp electors he says he was one of the persons appointed to get signatures to the petition then there wols a petition so he and mr peirsou do not agree altogether theli he says il was distinctly ordered ac now i vould ike to ktiow who did the ordering it certainly was not the council therefore itmust have beijn messrs pearson 1 and ismond tbat were bossing the job then lie make a very broad assertion when he say mcvvsus aud he failed to get that majority hovidoes he know tliey failed did be count tie names of those entitled to vote if so why does he not jgive it he ought to be careful when he makes a statement to ascertain if lit be truu or not now i showed in my last and which is evidence beyon 1 doubt that they did get a majority of these entitled to vote as shown by the vote oiled i extend tiie same challenge to hi ii to produce the petition aud count the names ec evidently tries to hide himself liehiud this word rate payer so as to mislead lbe people now all ratepayers re not entitled to vote on that bylaw ai d i snppo se ho was so in structed when aking around the petition wbich liesays liodid therefore imic did go around will lie tell how many signatures lie got to the pstition and how nany of those were not iutitlcd to vote on the by law he keeps that part hidden he poses ab t be champ on of the laborers and poor men i wondei when that fuct struck him am satisfied that if tbe laborers dndpc or men l this vill age had to depend on bi n for assistance to 1 naiutain their families t iey would 1 fear li ave to go to pod hungry t very night iii the week he further s tys if common seaae and prudence ruled tc wc would not have 22 mills to pay the council somelimes do illejjal things they did ttilis ytar and i will mentkn one they voted jig tout of the treat iry to pr vide son e extras jfor the volunt r which is ijuite sbhtrary to law why i id he riot complain of that qevyftiui the counc j did not act op toihf tetteram ipiriof the ivby- w tiv thttriierpd thibtjy aiiv aoi sa did is there anything jnoro annoying than having your corn stepped upon is there anything more delightful than getjing rid of it hollowuys goiru jure will do it try it and be convinced over coo pairs twys and mens boots and shoes clearing them out from 50c up ward big value elson mcrae ft co the vimtu an eyposiion opiib at ntiv orleank nov lptli i6s1 iurt cou- tinues until ajiril 1 pt 1 wc 1 the ilijvois jettiml uk le great short jjinu isotwecnlthe north and south will place on wile rouniltiip ticketn nt very law ratesr winter tourists fo plorida texas mexico and california cciu jiurohuiie ticket via ixewjorleaub with istopovcr lnlvileges to visit tho exbosition at oblowratebas by any other route ijfor fall and winter excursion folder giving rojjtes and rates and a very coipiiletc pamphlet styibil pen pointb from tlip american expositiongnddrdss a h hanson 1 thosdorwi ocnl pass agt ieul nbrth vasu agt ihttaoo ijl kamlolsn st ifhicago necklets lopketa gem ztines chains ohorms- sarrlasra scarf fins far pins great reduction in clocks and plated ware danger ordelny if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a ueglccteil cold how differently would our course iw could we realize our danger j i103w speedily we ttouid seek a cure but with many it is only when the monster dis ease 1ms fastened its luugs upon our lungs that we awaken to on folly what follows a neglected cold ih it not diseases of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma con sumption aud many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to- neg lect a cold und it is foy not to have borne good remedy available for this frequent complaint one of the most efficacious medicines for all diee ises of tho throat and lungs is bickles ant consumptive syrup this medicine is coin osed of several liiedi cinal herbs whioh ox rt a most wonderful i influence in curing eo isumplion and other diseases of the lungs and chest it pro motes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation anil drives the disease from the system at tin k l and millpery at less than cost of manufacture from gr- el xibp j x 1st for cash i i i am sellirig off no reserve ii ii is-y- m s wt- m- k fc si i wv it if- g mi w wi family reunions no doubt many of tlho families in town will have reunidus during the holidays and of course a fine pbottgraph of the group will be desired byjtaeb member of the i family the mettpp riitan htudio can giyo you a most attractive picture cull and see if anymember f the family is too feebje pj- unable to yif it the gallery let me know and i will wfjange to fako the picture at your homera k rpi pljotograpber t now is thp time to secure a irstrcljiss suit or overcoat as jw we giving speoiftl values from now till 1st january aiidjj ihvm first cjaw 01 if tei piv jwwoot flthy gormenta eve j time nelsoii mo m0htgage sale valuable farm property i under and bv virtue okj the powell of snlc contained in a certain mortgage datcl thollthrtay of supteuiber ad lt2therg will te offered for lalo at agnews hotel in the village of aoton in the county of halton wednesday 13tlrdanil886 at the houl ol 12 oclock sot that valuable property bciny composed ol- the nortbwebt pun of hot no ii- in the m conces sion of the towubliip of etqucbiug containing 57 acres more or less this property is situated near crowaous cor ner adjacent to tbe griud trunk railway about thruo luilck from acton thero is a good framo dwelltjighouee aud bank biirn upon the property tehms- tun per cent oniday of bale tho bal- huco in oiie uionjli theieattcr watch and clock house ofcuelph t s smtxth i the singer sewing maohijid for further pjlrticularsj apply to mas ann fixtcheb itockwood or to j a mof at ven dors solicitor gnolph or acton or to wmhemstreetaujtioneer dated at acton december 10th 1885 lli wanted 10000 voluntehs and to buy bhr8tmas cards jpresentsifrom waters gusllfh prices lover taw ever canadian cipdfy phtiieraph 6 the plcturoj bros th chnmip circle tiancy i paintw cards albums handings piirse fan sy goods c q aiiris mal3rilsqii 1 wtprijcelprs j eiamesjpictupe vvjaters ftr03 gallery neil m w r tio p6 1 office headlight 6il 20 oepts per jgaltpn y i v i come straight to the riht place i c yofu ga vl m feents on every dollar you spend wjitti us co ii c 6 griffon i the sa n a- mil c ha in sol day now- 1x sbvse rui vof ikpifiyr catarrh and cokumpticn i if ak charged with deasecreatinj elements foul aii will kill hcu breatiien cputimiously uir chanl with reuiedial eiemeiits will cure when broaltliedcontinu- john bennett agent aoton has secured a portion of tbe post office store where will be found ia full stock of the genuine singer sewing ma chines any orders left at the store will receive prompt attention m oils needles and parts of machines il ways kept injstock i john benneftt monthly auction sale the undorblgnod has a large list of eootb which will be bold at i aqnew8 hotel actqn ok satupdy lllsh own m at jo a m any parties bjying goo to dippaa isjrattlo j of dau mi them fh this sale law at tl o 181880 shi vin oouato e viubparticu 0 actoa on or lief ore january new g justopeined cods oiiely thfe pillow ii -oo- haler an elejtkutly made hair pijlow- charged with remedial elements tba ytipor of which the patient iuhales nil nilsji long wliilnt sleeping as usual it oanrfot get out- of order tnd is perfectly saff to the most delicate it will last for years and bervp any nun her if persons in a imily in suc cession it hatters diwirihij strohjjholdof catai th sronoutie afthma and oowomptioa and males 9 permanent ourej by u continu- u appl cation of healing iipd curative air directly to the diseased parte sufferer from an of tho almyementoued diseases ore urge itly requested to eun us their ad dress aid a 40page pamphlet wilt be mailed to them free wliicl will giye a oomplpt history of this woolerfiil discov ry aud he printiples upon ifhleh it works togutlier with ulohg list of testimonials from the se who have used it and who how rfejttiqo 1 1 perfectlhealtli i do no delay for tlmloiig r a disease is allowed o run unchecked t ie slower and harder it is to effect a cure f there jsuo medicine tkenjinto the atom- fine it has neyer been kne send our name and ndjiwa written yi gold brooch barring fine cold brooches ajoh no douching or snuffing nor anything jiancreeable abpqt th treatjueut n to flail pwnjy to v tle pillow laherlasfeaori flostsos ojii select perjkhauy wljilo in england asxvjqe tlieiiav llr haltoh tb hhe meq traie rtm acicull it too thj mitciel v anoile mr said 91 instead xh wereti several ton aud doi 10 or people liaule fo a wm si evet all blldfja thel past two slfiighinp uotkkefj mr comfort deserves itipe it vl hev pulpit o day mc pbrihpa in ern attel tbemortj the west i iiearcr january i chrj en dec will he a meotofi pieaaut the associat waifairl tiopa wel trausactt jiveu ue aum school- tion jects is i specter e with thel 8 berbl oo temp tdrontj thw ar j andw misj asbumtdl rink ai d mfhe 1 s wm mi

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