Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1885, p. 3

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ill nay libera in my r nimble cur- aud 1 k cant bg beat geo llyads isfifendid assortment rof ixmas silver wareextrauaid rupljplate cruets cake baskets n apkin rings better dishes picse castors fruit stands berry dishes butter knives pickle forks silver plated knives spoons and forks we buy direjot from the factori s wq sell cheap our stock is the largest in town for your xmas silverware call at ceo hynds santa claus headquarters tntusbav morniko december 24 1886 and merry christmas the stockings santa claus will fill during i his bounds torught presents for everyone xclkt ohiistm as gifts iiriterestingl em8 for bur readers to dlsj ow onohrisimos eve of guelpli havb if 3 v i the nloklin flour m4u messrs fmcro bros assumed the iuajiagemejit of the flour mill belonging jo the b w nickljn estate these genttei icn are we understand prac- tical men fully up in all departments of the business and inxious to please all qnstomcrs arbor day j i by theuow school regulations tho first friday in may should be set apart by tho trustees of c cry rural school and incor porated villa u for the purpose 6f planting shado trees i taking flower beds and other wise improving and beautifying the school groniids i j j the municlpi d election electiorn itters were never more juiot in acted at t lis particular season of the year than tbxy aretodakv although a few- weoks ago the re was considerable lurry and bluster abou the hiatterit has subsided and there wil likely be very little said now until nominal ion day j catching on jlelghs j there is nonnig to our mind that looks so jolly as tin sight of ti pleasant ov farm cr driving u street with his bobsleigh loaded with bjys besides there is nothing the boys cnjty- more but after all the practice of caehiug on sleighs is dangerous l johnhoaiilsdeit the body of m john mcgul whose unfortunate death n cheyonno wyoming ty was auoouncec in onr last issue arriv- od lu aoton last friday mortiiug in ohargo of mr dougall mocouoni liia brotherinlaw aftor four days ijf weary travel the f auoral uwk pjlaco from his lato residence agnos bu to the old cemetery on saturday afternoon and was very largely attended copios of cbeyem o papers giving a full account of tho shoo iiurf are before us it appears that mcgill had some words iu a uanied molutosh upon misunderstanding but matter there he then left for homei but wks followed by mcintosh and bin brother aiid when near tho pacific saloon with u man some previous nothing oamcof the 1885 tho ho wittlfi h xmas new years sf w mmmm 1886 iday 808011 mnkin drug thd season for wqddihgs noi orations next iouday a jticn christmas after all r mistletoe audholly and young ladies ic aixipal matters grow more iuterust- jn da school election at noon next wednes- and accident practice burglar arretted a suspicions result cvtrv winter from the character answering the i s charch on bells n ve t ion y j ngs tifct tend e a multiplicity oi entertainments just now rmoudny wa- the shortest day in the iear- santa ciaus will put in full time to night giviph hristniiis fair last week was a grand succj services it st albau christmas at 7 p m luug out the merry ciiristmas that tell of joy and gladness the cells in tbe town hall frequently reconiinolato tramps these nights home sweet homclis now being suni by the piihlicchool teichers of all the friends that children know theres none like santa claiis i trow mr storey of acton is spoken of as haltons warden for 86 erin advocate the fme piuss is happy- to learn that the merchants we doiug ttjsplendid holiday trae j r the beeuii itvm sweats that it has aciclaon of 1126 copies it deserves it too- the professional card of mr m e aiitciall solicitor miltou wll be fonnd in auoiler column j mr w allan says he intruded to have r ifeid 31700 from the municipal loan fond instead of 700 as appeared in his letter the high school entrance examinations were held on tuesday and wednesday several pupils from acton attended at mil ton 1- u cl guelph down iu wentworth thy lias people 50 or 30 for holding a raffle some people ijouud here are making themselves jiauie for similar fines a chureii aixxh will be giveii by mr wm smjtli atliis residence jon new years eve all are cordially invited a supper and good time generally is expected the escessivcjy mild weather of the past two days has played havoc with the sleighing and christmas cutter riding will not likelv be indulged in aftatill mr h b mccarthy is mow running a comfortable busto all day grains harry deserves creditrfor his enterprise and we hope it will prove ia profitable arrangement ley w shannon eriniwiil occupy the pulpit of jthe methodist chujjch next sun day morning and cvenidg rev mr phillips will proaeh anniversary sermons in erc- attention is directed to the notice of tho mortgage sale of farm property part of the west half of lot 82 cbn 1 esquesing near crewspns corner on wednesday 13th january prox 1 christmas festival and juhriotihas tree on dec 29 at the town hail ii we trust there will bs a large attendance fpi the encouragb- jnent of tbe children who hejpe to make it a pleaut evening i the convention of hartdii temperance association held at milton last saturday svavfairly attended a ntittiber of resolu- lions were passed and soifie pther business transacted particulars ol which will be given nest i all the teachers attend ing the model school have passed their linal examina tion the average proficiency in all sub jects is higher tliarl evi before the iu- sptctcr expressed himself u3well satisfied with tlm results milton jitfuruicr description of john koeler the murderer in buffalo of thomas devine an old gait boy was arrtsted iu rdckwood tie other day but he was found tcj be the wrong nian ho was anr ed however wnth a revolver and set of bm glars tools our quiet rock- wood neighbo rs were coiisiderawy excited over the affaii i an ugly wound on monday mr thomas ramshaw met with an accident iuhis planing mill which will give him a rest throligh tho jholidaytl- while workiui with oncj of the machines the first tinge of the right hand was caught and the flesh adlytom and lacerated leav ing the tendons exposed dr stacey was called in and ministered to the wounded digit j ourcarrierboys we trust oi r readers will uoyforget the when they present feee press c irrier boys their knnual sew years dar next tl ursday niormiig sunshine and rain they are bright and cjarly on th and calen through lways on hand dav mornings depot they overtook and attacked him in the tussle which ennued molntosh draw his revolver and i wab laccideqtally discharged into tho arm of a by itauder a second shot soon followed and poor john mogill fell dbad with a bullet in his brain mcintosh was arrested and is in jail it is a sad sad affair but no lloubt gouerous goodhearted john mogill vouldjhave been alivo today had not tho braius of thoso concerned been- crazed with u at cursed thing strong drink schoolroot i humor i tho last lee ure in the courso of six lec tures arranged by the ladies aid society o the methodist church was delivered in the town hall on monday evening by mr james l htighes llb iuupeetor of public schoolsi toixinto and as the fnte press predicted proved to be the most en joyable of tho entire conrbe the lectnre while it bristled with amusing and humor ous anecdotes really deserves a more digni- nified title it was crammed with matter of an educational character delivered in that interesting and entertaining style which wins n lid retains the undivided attention of every eye and car in the audience the lecturer gave a review of hishchoclboy days portrayed in liftvilke word pictures the peculiarities of fivp of the teachers of his youth vividly illustrated their errors and abuses and presented in glowing terms tho commendable features of the systems indi vidually established by them tho lecture was inimitable in every particular and was pronounced by many who were present persons capablcof judging loo as the bebt lecture they had ever hoard the subject matter was npou a common overyday topic with which the public generally is well ac quainted and in a positiohto appreciate the various lines of thought discussed- as a lecturer mr hughes is an emhient success he has a pleasant address excellent deliv ery unapproachable mariner perfect ges ture and the happy faculty of presenting his words iu such fc rrn that they are imme diately graspe and thoroughly understood by every jiearet ftr hughes has won for himself a very desirable place in the hearts of our citizens and be will he greeted by a large and apprecia ive audience upon the occasion of any future visit to acton rath all its- attendant happinees aridnietty s approaches and as uisqal mcgarvins amd stationery is crowded full ofr 1 s sii special nnoitkcemeif t ciiristmas cards dolls toys c sc on suitable for chiistraasgifta it has been our endeavor this t euson ht sejectitig our holiday stock to nectire 33 which are of superior value and yhich will be of raorti than ordinary appreciation by thos who of every lescript only th deetnec receive nee goo worth them our goods are new and of this years desigu we lave a titie sortnietit of bi in attractive ni full atu call on satisfactory selection from our stock ieverjbody us hlisbands mill yoult w1vks n mcg les albums annualaand gift books of all d durable bindings yort cannot fail to niako a spethal ankoukcemebtt bpecml ajptoxjcemesft r- wivks coaxhyouu husbands sistep fer8u a qg your bruth erb brothers advise your srsters jrvin with their wjcekly budget of interesting news and reiding imatter givo thorn a cheery word and kindly remember them with your small favors halton reform association the anuu il meeting of tlie reform association whs held at milton last week dr robertsoi was elected president of the association the following vicepresidents were elected f rfthc different municipalities viz esquesin z wm moore nassagaweya jas menzies nelson colonel d campbell trafalgar dr buck milton josbrothers burlington i baxter acton col allan purely to go to- drug and stationery store for their xmas 1 resents he sells better goods cheaper than any other at ire fltx stock or gold pess and pencils personal keep yoir eye on this euiyti ft i for it is liable tc georgetown patterson ant r barber oakville thos cyrus anderson itformer the methodia t s s xmad tree as we goi to press tlie hri6tmas sunday school festival is in progress the christ mas trees ar well laaen with beautiful presents for tl ie children and their friends the children ire congregated in complete ranks full of hat legitimate degree of joy and happiness pecnliar to tbe present festive season each on the tiptoe of expectancy and anticipation santai claus will put in an appearance in his veryj attractive costume shortly after ime oclock and we have no doubt a hap py profitable and successfu evening will b spent i christmas ev this fcveuhg will be the timehonored christmas eve the air of mystery which always pervades christmas eve is delight ful tho chi dren are on the qui rive and watching every movement of the oder peo pie with the greatest curiosity while the papas roamri as and aunties are busy with closed doors preparing surprises for the anxious little ones tlie keen enjoyment which all feel who are in harmony with the season of mer ymaking is real to everyone whether a beiutiful tree is being trimmed and the happ r household aro to feast their eyes upon thf splendor of its lighted candles and brilliant array of j lovely things or whether the f tockingb arehuug in thechim- ney corner lc rge ones or small ones down to the little socks pressed by babys tiny feet the samt mysteriotisjeehng pervados all and eujoj ment is anticipated for the revelation of he morrow morning ihromouoneaminationb v the seraiainual promotion examination of pupils in acton public school was con tinued on monday and tuesday with the following pro notions from lute mediate to seuior third john ramsa clara ramshaw samael laird annie williams if red eweni geo thnr6tou grant aggie ramsay jos ahern i from junior third jto intermediate annie stephnson maggie kelly jennie gertie cookman bell o junior third- paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mr richard honistroet oftrafalgar was in town yesterday master bamuel 11 moorei hamilton is visiting acton frien la mr john henderson is home from upper canada colwge toronto mrs alex becoid spent a couple of days s college oshiiwa ouey of st michaels college torouto islhome for holidays mr levi revellmountsbergvas a guest j m fernley a couple of days this this week atrdemill mt richard ma change time everybody goes to the metropolitan studio for their p why because largements made wish eiihlrged dii they get firstclass work at moderate prices from card size to life size bring any picture you ect to ihe studio and thus secure better woric and save agents profilts your friends will appreciate a nice photo qf yourself lettei than any xmas card come the first convenient flay as we arc becomi fginoreijind more nsy eveiy day as the holidays approacli ruby metropolitan studio of mr week mr a guest of vesterdav byers foreman milton news was the editor of the fiikf press mi i mt dougall wvolning ty a great deal a tcr than groat nclif good name is not thrust upon a man uijless his conduct maites hinwworthv ood naraf is hot- as afrule u o- of it a good busiii only he attained by honesty our frien ess reputoon can stern iiufljiiehing is have auil luiiuy james mooki of quelph high schoalj is spendiii christnias with his actoi friends mrj nelson f mtore who is attending albert college belleville is home for christ mas vacation mccoilom of cheyenne is visiting friends iiere he will remain a couple of months misses jennie storey and teua bremiier who ire attendants at demills ladies- colleseoshaya are home for christmas bolictiys we arc sorry to learn that messrs j c hill knd chas c speight are both down with typhoid fever mr hills is however of a mild character mi john kennedy an acton boy cm- ployed in the domirlion cordovan tanuory milttm is homo with avbadly broken right arm he fell in tbtj roller skating rink messrs john and henry watson of kind things about tliebaslues at xo 27 jiower wyndliain streetwjd it is tonstaut endeavor to rhsue our- c very dcfst they nemics weharent selves worthy of tl can iay about us any at least none vorth speaking of and so everybody spiaks well of no i ur stock for the now for good reliable boots anltshoies williams to the front holiday season is glendinuing man they look well and with the results milton jltforuicr several very attractive jhnstmas ntim- bersiave been issued daring the week by oo temporaries among them those of the toronto globcgrij truth london lfrer- und fnc pni sfaelbiirne econoiimi and wiartou hkho deserve special notion mebotb h jeirner ajud p clark have uaromm the mauagement nof the skaljng riiiaild intend lhnniiigitdinringthe season iu the most witisfketorj- luanrier laird alice ramsay eliza mcpheisop thos from senior second are homo on a visit their faih iu the pros perity and success of the north west re mains unshaken dr w- h lowry was one of the honored guests at tho annnal banquet of the medical department of western university london last friday the dr met a number of his old college friends and spent a couple of days very pleasantlv while iu toronto he other day we met mr johu carson fo some time thegeuial manager of the legal business of mr g s goodwilhe barrister here john is look ing rirstrate und in excellent spirits he had just returned f re im a trip to euglaud bix months hence he will pass his flual examination alt osgc ode hall after which pspeciallv attractiv suited to the wards of old and young rich and poor otlr sjllks an d plus h es yelvets velveteens ress goods shawts ilantles of c otii axdkuk hantle cloths oloves hosery iancy goods i ihillinery rjeatheis hens boys hens boys 7uruapsfu ur gapes fortip blankets axdbta o- haviug purchased the boot anil business lately carried on by mrt shoe hi strike the visitor at c hoicest freshest aid cheapest goods clothing overcjats kmuffi iles once as bqiug the that lie or she could special attention dresstnakidgdepavtuientwhichoffers ery groat attructicns we may see re of him kate orrjlil i tovel sarah laird susan sinclair j onab h henderson jessie hay r pigol tuoseph ifelly chas jenner j robt ebbagi john perkinej ii williams robt larnbei t thos mcphail from firtt class to second minnie morton clar moore herb henderson 1auraewen louis orr jennip bamsay beaty perkins maggio cobban walter carroll liie mclanj albert gurneyi george mclennan ernjest ebbago angiej lizuie bower l messrsi hildebrand fcellie jicleod george walter i clark and jehueiwiu we teol assured ld0 j edithlory h- hildebrjand thos sutton their part well 1 tfte bahd kvill be present ltobtinclaii vchrlstina mcpherson henry the cradle saycts in nassagaweya on the 18th dec the wife of daughter puiijlips mr thfe 17th deb tlie of ja daughter rhb millfit milifciiiih bracebridge j n our cloth tweed arluieut inwhich jibbs cqjlter iswortl f every gentleman james sayersof i atlho j methodist parsonage ou wife of rov r phillips wiceaweek bowor dies matthews altar r- a bracebridge at the residence of ithei bide on the ltith dec by rev h q matthows mr garret ward beachard millet t omiss isabella miller all of braceljiride a dok gravis joivif almbuffailo n s- ou tho 18th into miss mary donahue aged 23 years deceased was brpugnt to acton on monday aid interment jw cemetery made in the r c mccauihv in tho village of actc n and having replenished the stock with a firat- class assortment of all lines usually kept in a no 1 boot and shoe store i lisi pre pared to guarantee entire satisfactic n to all who may favor mo with their patroi lago a good supply of firstclass trm ks anil valises will always be kept on hand as the ordered work and reparingis all under my own supervision the publi may rely upon its receiving the best of attention give me a trial and see for yours ives win williams iros 6 and 7 wyadiam st wolpli aad 84 oswald st ffiatepv scotliad nb haying disposed of the b jot and slipebusihesslatelycarriedonbymiwi8i hereby to notify all parties indebted to mo to call at once andjicttle their acepi uts j hb mccarthy desire is directed to uiv get the best the western advertiser london ontario published alternately in oight and twelve pae this week and slxt j speciar eeduction8in furs and ajitles wool squares and shawlsi our preparations in these hqes have 1en greater tbanauy thing guelph his known itf the past i in antioipatiou of a mild winter we consider it the better policy tb make a great sacrifice now ratherthan cjirry goods over christmai now is the time to buy your winter furs now is thtimeto buy your winter mantles now is the time to buv your winterbwr aps form and beautifully printed by one best wobf ceding presses in america balance of 1865 free with best wisbeb and clothing le- i employ a first y of the confidence for a happy boll it in an iudisnuted fact that the ragtri r circi latioaof tho western advertiser iu the largest it ontario with only two toronto except iug over 25000 rgest iu ons t- lakgest91 pai iu clubs of four and upwards 75c e b popular departuientb of interpst to eve rymeui ber of the family note a f ew irfirstcls agrf cultural departuiontj special market depar went secular and sacred music interesting tments dopar bws c ay season to all our friends hoping to sec tlicin all el r f importer c 27 lower street 2hielplij wyndham f the i ek we 1 astragp an jackets j make special reductions of these goods we have still a few pieces of those jolebrated melton cloths at 12 cents stories ladios and souths depai curious and useful department legal doni ment talmaoes sebmons and all te ni by telegraiihimftil and correspondence uvmukeds of valcablk pkekllims for workers and one huxdubd bpbcia pmzsi for tbe most bucceshful agents agoutsj and sample copies on opplioation hlul ixillinamnntd ua nffmul 1 liberal inducements ever offered in cajiada i r clubgetters adjrebsr atjveittlseb pbikting co londo i out tbe free view uubblhg pttr the fbee pbkbs and thi western a ivortisir will be mailed to any address from now a jann ary 1st 1887 ou receipt ef only 173 n iwlstqe thuo address v i fiujepnesbljckm ackade ic most ql01hing x the xjiqet leads everything in tjs line 1 our 5 suits and overcoats are the tonder of i the age j d vviliiarason mcqi m j tra8carrifidoff prizes arid lis the best i xlj maohmp oil offered for stile in the -oniia- t ibn in proof of this wd will payjjfreiglit both wys when it fails to please- the purchaser ecttr meibits 4ave been awarded this qu ithii the lasttivjib years vof ual4 tyi fiitcla3s deitjevs imj n fe 15

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