Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1885, p. 4

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juton ro tess thcftsdat morsisq ukcemdeo itf 1885 i i ufcllulahity is the nuin sprinc of life audi regularity of tho liowels iaoile of tho liiost essential laws pf health blow bitters regain cs tho bo vols in u natural manner curing coiibtip ktion ami preventing serious die mac j clilltlmi any liniment cannot bo taken it came upon the midnight clear that glorious song of old from angels bending near tho eartl to touch their harpsof gold peace on earth good will to mon from heavens allgracious king tha world in bolemu stillness lay to hear the angels song still through the cloven skies they ome with poacefut wings unfurled aiid stilt their heavenly music floals oer- all the weary world above its sad and lowly plaius they bend on heavenly wings andever oer its babel sounds the blessed angels sing j yet with tho woc3 of sin and strife the world has suffered long beueath the augelsstrain have rollqd two thousand years of wrong j and man at war with man hears not the love-song- which they bring oh 1 hush the noise ye meu of strife and hear the angels sing and ye beneath lifes crushing load iwhose forms are bending low who toil along the climbing way with painful steps aud alow look now for glad aud golden hours comeswiftly on the wing oh 1rest beside the weary roadt andhear the angels sing j for lo the day3 are hasting on j j by prophet bards foretold when with the ever circling years j comes round the age of gold j when peace shall over all the earth its ancient splendors fling and the whole world send back tho song which now tho angels sing y edmund siabs burdock eriormous or other medicine that inttrmilly is jmsafo for rds yellow oil the is hufc and reliable ordinary use hugysji proui41t pain reliever for rtll aches mid pain and can be swallow cd as well as applied tueuemnughcure the best remedy for coijgji j uud all throat aud lung roubles is one that loosens and dislodge 1 tho tougn mucous clears the bronchial lubes and allays irrita tion this is wluii hagyurdts pectoral balsam does in every res goods maraud are milling otyal ioc black french ousliinenwrei files ps clearing sale at from 20 jbwn from 5hc to l5i dress g if kxiiillniif urimsliiiods sel luoed fioo another line about half tholr viilue jeejhioin hy all iiiiiius vw i markvd down from ju to 3 25 knitted woollen shimi unda which are go id va hie tor linoii ut ljje f 1iutk french t ulu tilllu to lol c is slitlilly soiled many huiments onl both relieves and cu all aches pains sore relieve yellow oil res rheumatism and less and lameness iuicitk blood bi ne blotches pimples and festering sores are indications of im pure blood that shou a ahelp to good digestion in the british medical journal dr w roberts of england discusses the effect of liquors tea coffee aud cocoa ou jligestion all of them retard the chemical processes but most of them stimulate the grandular activity and muscular contractions dia- tilted spirits retard the salivary or peptic digestion but slightly when sparingly used wines are found to do highly i injurious toalivarydigestion on jfeptic digestiou all wines exert a retarding indnence they stimulate the grandular and muscular ac- tivityof the stomach effervescf nt wines exert the greatest amount of good with the least harm to digestion when or es diges tion is ont of order everything g esawry unless as in the case of t t seals of bellaire ohio who had bad dysriepsia for lies tho blood by acti points of health t 10 liver and blood lima t almost- mtiloialilu neuralgiaor like ai such uu instant relte case ofsmcccni igyards yellow oil is eople as al household the secret thoreason why h sojpopular with the remedy for pain is in the fact that whilo 11 ii put down to halt price a lot nf kid gloves marked down irmn 87j- to bo supvni r colored nirsets cheap nt 1 ate down tn towelling cheap at cv j dijwn tii fin piles of gnid 17 inch grey joitnn giiing at o ly aje knitieil wunl clcuds inaikeil very goiiiuoft al an immemo hulucl ioit in prices tlo millipiiiv isnimiked nwny dtyii chimp fur oapes in nil sizes iinil in treut tlieirj value noavlj 200pitjees of boaiitiful velyeteeiis felling off at gieiilly reduced jiees thov couipuheiich ind cli iiming udlii iwiksjtn great mpers nf pius for 10 d 15c aimlro noivvlj 200pitjeesnf boaiitiful velveteens kielli it vnriitv jerv tilieap cmnci collarii ill lie or three imxes tni 25c operuillarn at 70 or tlireo biiesfir2ui gooc goals pupep nf pius for 10 goals host 1 cord 200 van i spoils johly he holdings bobt 50iyrtlbllkj8pmlb only 5c beldiugs best 10 vara biik iwist iiniy per spurn unarming iiu um rociivia jh bcaiitjful now ciilnrejlinnd 3iuok mervelieaux ni rived lulolyv also clnirni ing gros gr in and cashmere rtilks from the very bust fr or t iv i for 5c si 1 silk wist only 2i per spiihl bti dih rrijlo jiitij jihs tli silk ilihlieiiid vsilk vewe brcerii or mantlrt biiutli the carpet department has over 4000000 wo stair rods decorated aiid plaiutolorul window blinits and rnllers til of cfirtieth bugs mats oilolnllm linnltums carpet iuveopcrs ollclntlrstnye mats matlihgs king st rent east close to hamilton decihnbei 0ih 1885 al selling off ojxueedingly cheap 1 thiopvs gd d never be neglected boot shoe rumpus o- j e how30n tub cheapest place in acton to buy boots shoes is it howsnns s kling to give a further reduction nf 10 percent penpul cent off boots and shoes rubbers unit ovorslioes fur the next slojdayp to 50 pel- cent off at the ai bulling nil nt 25o llliiitiful ahvmimikii allwool black french cashmurus mailtel aalimere wl icll are cheap ai s1i0 are silling ff nt mi heap miutlei miintlo and ulster chillis niajkoil ilnvvn marked iloi to lesslhati hiilf prires knitted vvnnllen h there aio enormous stiiokh of them iu black and all th 8 sitins mervelieaux etu at an limnense harming tan 01 rod kid j1 mg i ifiieli dicts fjnoils divll j nxv im in 125 in 75 jerseys with a ht house at 25c v hicli ue cheap i from jiui lo 40n a lot d b2jt liidhs in antles marked dmvil to other mantle clfillis d without sleeves arf aii enormous swk f purlijiiis iv ffilei nf woiichi clouil and sdawll nriutjjf f furs selling off at about hal siuiill itioliiet iialea table dmi crotiliet gittnnouly each ball jsixv cdnctlnii by the dress or mantle leitglh es jiiht reeeieed fimtn the french makers inch makers all iiffering at a hie discount i latest shades ntltl largo reduction hv or ill health and perhaps incurable diseaso may result burdocjlj blood bitters puri- jg on the four cardinal stomach bowels shining there ire on t tew that nave never suffered tain ute aii untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive ordiys oue uppliij uing cures sold drug store liedicines tp he takeu ion of fluid liuht- it j 12 imcgarvinh yi 29 ltcblnkpiicshmptams and cure the syuiptomsnre sevenyears the digestive apparat in- pplepie eating order by tippecanoe the best appetite proc ucer and regulatou in the world tea evenin minnte qnautitiesrfetqplete jy paralyzes tlie action of the sal tanninin strong tea is injurious weak tea should be used if at all str jng coffee and cocoa are also injurious if risi d in ex cess thi cosmopolitan a is kept warners tioii iutense itelliui iucreasedby scratcli- partiuolarly at uight s were mailing in and the private parts are 11 allowed to continue ng very distressing seems as if pin- worn about the reetum sometimes affected nlt oistmest is ajilea for tetter itch crustyskin diseases cents 3 boxes 1 dresdr swayn pa sold hy orugg merit dollar itpou dollar the faith of recouin cutirely worthless to purchase it until get a frco trial bottle it will cure vou of tl from pains toothache to them -o- aiid still he all kinds hf 3st o t lluglison the ham is wtkxisrs iho igb nsr j 7tf- gbocbries howson is going to make the grncfry business lively fur the christmas we do not merely tay we can give you liettcr orelieupor gonds tliun any othei dealer iu town but we quote ou prices in plain ligures which is very different to mei assertions that amount to nothing note the fallowing r as fluid lighiuiug is moisture likeperspir- very seriuiis results may follow swayses 20 lbs bricht sugar 14 20 28 granulated choi currants rice 1 oo i oo i 00 1 00 pciirl tnpioea valencia raisins cans salmon hore riioc lb mtxod candies 1 a100 -o- flour feed i full ilio of flour aiid feed kept constantly on hand best roller i to none in acton 2 40 per 100 brangoenntsper 100 ant biire cure also rheuml all scaly sent by inail for 50 5 in stamps ad- son philadelphia sts 50 provtu is fieiiuenily spent on emlations for articles not so j with me gregors speedy cure you are not asked itajnerits are proven gall at j e megrvins drug store and pepsia liver comphint etc no matter of how long standing sold in 50c and 1 r as finui persoifs in li k i yon can securejust as good a photo gragh at the- jletropohtan stodip acton on a dull dayas on alright one as we use the uew lightning process whicht requires only a fractioffof a second for exposure o e comstock caledenia minb writes i was suffering the most excruciating pains from inflammatory rheumatism one ap- plication of dr thomas eclectric oil af- forded almost instant relief and two bottleb effected a permanent cure nearly all infants are more or less nli feet to diarrhoea and such complaints while teething and as this period of their lives ib the most critical mothers should not be without a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial this medicine is a specific for such complaints and is highly spoken of by those who have ubed it the proprietors claim it will cure any case of summer complaint years of experience and successful trial have proved 3icgregor- parkes carbolic cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound forhealing old sores fe3tering ulcers cnt3 wounds burns ero3t bites or felons and for keeping out the cold and to cleanse or prevent proud flesh sloughing or decay insist on having mcgregor t carbolic cerate sold at 25c by dr mcgarvin flmd lightning is simply a marvellous rheumatic bemedy i was for two months a cripple unable to get outtbf the house from sciatica one bottle gave ma instant relief and placed me on niy feet again i havedriven fourteen miles today some thing i could mit possibly have done were it net for fluid lightning for the express of procuring another- bottle so says wm dixon gaiianoque i only 25 vcents per bottle at dr mcgarvins i had for years beeta miserable sufferer from dyspepsia and tried all kuown reme- dies and the best medical skill of my aqi quaintance bat still grew wojrse until unable to eat anything without cr6at slf feriiig or do any kind ofveork began to think there was no hope for me and that i mst surely die whenlik a drowning inan catching at a straw detej mined to give mcgregors speedy gore atrial i at once began to improve so rapid that in twoanoutis i was as well as i had ever beeri in my life wm erats liiamikgton sold iy dr mcgarvin free tri al bottles boloways pills and 0ntm ml dys pepsia jaundice these complaints are the jesuits of a disorderedhvw which secretes bile in qualify or quanti y unsuit able r digestion whichireqaii ei a free flov of healthy bile to insure which hollo ways pills and ointment have ong been famous for eclipsing all other remedies unsjiitable food irregularity of 1 vjng un healthy climates and other cans sare con stantly thjtpwiug the liver intodii order but that important organ can und r all cir- jtsumstatfees soon be regulated anil healthily adjusted by hojloway pills aiid ointment which actsdirectly upon its seer ting cells she ointment rubbed- on tliesltin jwne- fjitiam liytr whose is wonderful iieea b and if not convinced e worst forms of dys- it costs you nothing otlles see testihion- iur ohii town 29 rest anil cnmfwt to- the suffering browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pun both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sote throat rheumatism toothache lumbago aud any kind of a pain or ache it wjll most surely quick eu the blood aujlhtali as its acting power owhs household pan- being afckno wleijged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength or liniment in the tin of any other elixii world should he in 2very familybandy for use when wanted it has been lotind lo injurious ingredients vorthless- speoilics iiuhlic every lngre as it reallyiis the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and is for sale by all bottle proinineot among gwe guarantee satisfaction to every customer a quality is our leading feature j howson next door to drug store 22 121 grocery and provision store nd surrounding country the lour second come to thk east esjd grocery v rand ddry goods h9us folt the cheapest groceries cans salmon 25c 25 lbs rice 1 1g lbs tapioc dry goods- all kinds of flannels wince fancy dress goods and triniming gloves and hosiery a fine stock oflndiee and gents gloves all size y materials in hosiery and aches of all kinds druggists at 23 cents yi 44 the greatest medica iscovcries by the many cures it hasalfect- d sicgreyoriispeciy cure leads the van whjected to the iniuutestchennca analysis oontain one of those claraettiiiziiifi the daily offered to the lient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various icoiiiulaints for which it has been compouuded and its elficacyisbeinjc estaiilished by testimonials aourly received ive are- therefore- confi- i it lent that we have a preparation which we jan offer to the pub ic with the assurance that it will lie found not only a rduf but an absolute cure for e yspepsia liver com plaint lludigestion constipation and im- iurel3l6iil free trial bottles at j e tfugaiviusdruusiorc 31 iatiltuiii iev tnmthkvt perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been acbioedin modern medicine has been attained b the dixo trestmeut for catarrh out of 2000 pitients treated during the past six monthsi f jilly ninety per cent havii been cured of this stubborn malady this is none tho less startling when it is remembered that not live per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are j benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures f 1 ever record a cure at all starting vith the claim now enorally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites ii the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their cter- minatiou tlub accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratiplly cured and the permanency is unquestoned as cureseffect- ed by him four yeas ago are cures smll nopne else has over attempted to cbre catarrh in this manner and no other treat ment has ever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple and can be done at home anc the present season of the yea is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure the majority of cases being cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond w th messrs a h dix on son 305 kin street wes toronto canada and enclose aze on catarrh mi nlrealstar nov 1782 all th and others having crippled 4i iraea will lo well to ca asold an4 fast stamp for their treat- farmers ion stoddard who is prepared tg remove y ringbones spavins curbs and splints y without injt rior the bofse satisfaction guaranteed or no charge to- the people of acton a we tho undersigned having lea store next to llyhds jewelry grandest style f r the ab have now opened and aii ready to sel goods at the lowest poissibietfigure i ed ffoni mr j b pearsor stor have fitted it up iu th ovel uusiness which we railway time table crahd oolnlflvaflj mixed kxiiresu puhilniilll throuli ivx accom 10 0f iini- juitin hi niu hlu 0 ijin our goods are- all new and sell goods at the right price y john kelly ps everyone ask for kel the uarlit for cash therefore all kinds of produce take n in exchange for gopds kelly brothers cati kodgekk1 y bros nelw store o 81 and coal oil water white american and canadian terms- i cash or produce only jjisd3sr from the cradle to j speight the cray son furniture dealers and undejrtakers p having erected a line new showroom inive just rcciivei a tnw aiid wellajjsortcd titoek of lrurnitiire of m kinds nf the latest designs iuehtfiiiil parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lotinges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles nvevery thing elso that any family requires in the furniture line during from the cradle to tne grave and wf can prepare them for tlte lob for iv e have on hand a luge stock of coinsts caseiits etc of all kinrl and sizes aud all other fuiicial farnishin vo will supply all on tin- ihortesit notice and most reasonable ternih hearse drawn by n well m niched learn for hire j a mckay bros cor king and johnts flohfee rsducinsr the percentage of profltsthrouehoatitho store the iijievitable ooa8eouence of the large increase of 3ur business toronto ottawa montreal quobfie hoston- brainjiioii hrawutoh strecurille jct ilramntou orangevillo owen soinifl trink railway llniw mxjiriiiii uxjlltthhi jlail 1247 nur m10 aiu ca jm tio jini acuoii coi cl mjam chicago exinc i iloce nol kioji bclwttn ouelpli aud toronto t oiclumkl lliillk floihk wait lf40 aui nml 6 v goilih kant 1 m am nml ifjuiun knlish mail clones at 10 am wtwednckday canadiar pacific railway to am- iojntk fiasoj a1td ysst i noniniiii tijik tahik manitoba noniiex yifilx ikcificl 11 a lih 1 t ini 5 lm ill j 10 j ft 35pin r 5h k i fsain am a 01 ani 5 45iiin- uullv ixcciit monday toiouto to detroit chicago and htlo toronto h btrctavillcjunj sttbonuih 1j detroit chicago winlsliok torontoto montreal quebec and boston liiiiteil fx kloutrcar ex hau j film 4 k nm 5 ib nin i 0 mp 3 p ill elju to streetsville jnctjon j 47 a in 10 10 brampton to aiiisowen sound jl 47 am r j10 is j jiin i purchase ybnr tickets by this new ani pqpulabj line vnosi je mcgarvin ticket aaent acton ontairio b 54 iim 7 is 5 55 pm 7 1u- 10 20 acton planing fwlills y j williamson eamshaw skorllletoii builder andtnwactbr hash and blind factory door is prepared to put yn storm dcors vin- dovys weather strips etc on ahort notice winter porches erected neatly and- at reasonable prices i we have one of fleurys celebrated cnop- pirig mills and will chop allkindi ofgvain- on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays ttanamshaw v fvlanngers the m to health burqqfflwqcffi mammoth hous e th at t h er e a r e b a rg a r partment that thet insrancesarebefng that the goods arc sld fur cash or produc that our bress ginds miilinerv mantles that our stock of staples woollen goods extensive that we have an immense tjnek of ueady ljnndp clotliini ai beia givfin in everyjde- 00 ds in a great man- sold less than cost only jlsjerimrs flannels anl boys that are heing cleared anii that we nieiistonisliinr the ppnple with th that our purs and rolics arc extensive and that our dress mtkiir and mantlcinakinu that our ordered clothing department isy that we want the people to enme niirr inp purehnsing make money do not lose this opportunity for bargains i heir journey grave a lirstclasi speight manager mckay bros c03 king akd jqhn sts good grey flanneliue per yard lied flannels 12jc per yard fihigering yarn 6e per skein bovs top shirts 50c worth 0c men top shirts 75c cbiwrens combination stiiti ladies grey vests mc yi good heavy tweed 35c per jyard good allwool tweed 15c per yard xavy blue nap cloth 75ei per yard heavy quality nap clwthj ji2a per yard black and biovyi ottoinaij c ird 8125 dress goods 10o worth 20e allwool dress goods 15c worth doo best value plain wincey iqo mail orders ulscivjs pljompt anp ymlfowu iattgnt llon nk and john streel s hamiltor ladies allvool hose 25sv porrpnir ladies cashtneie hoseocv per pair lailio caslimcie gloves 20e per pair fur capts vmy cheap fur triinmi ij special value black velve eiih 25c per pair colored vcheieins great viriitv fiincrbordeicd handkerchiefs25o perdoz job lot ladi s collars 5o eac i worth 20c comforters ciily 75c each bhmkejs go il value 32o lace curtain i goc per pair curiam pole 50e each henjp carpe s 10c per yard sold at unheard price of carpet heap dcpirtnient is v ery busy cl our stock arid be fyfe alton fyfe acton yfe acton in unsurpassed for extent artistic desigi aiid d georgetown cg jsi goods charged and cliiakinis are snperh winceys and tweeds art very the stock must mcleod jnpfcpson co d overcoats hoth injlens f low prices sy busy convinced no reduced and hy j fyfe j fyfe j fyfe acton aoton acton keepthiimn svilnd when you go to purchase your fall olothing that east end clcthing store of stock moderate price lritble workiiiausliip an elegant tweed suit for worsted suitsm 16 also overcoatings in all shades j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton melton naps tweeds and won teds a large stock yt underclothing- good at d cheap j fyfe h e a lth- f hollqways pills and the purify the blood l1vek stomach 1cii they invigorate and restore to health dehifil j ill id cornjet all disordprblof the bowels complaints incidental to females of ihev are th e fs nn infallable remedy for bad lejs bad b is famous for omit and rheumatism glandular swellings arid all suin diseases 1 y loints itacts manufactured only at thomas 7 key and ate spjd at jarpurcliabers should look t ihtlahet on t w 533 oxford street lor don ilibf are sp irious 14 co 00 or 1700 ot beaversi o 15 all acton j fyfe acton j- fyfe actoa i t i ointment nevs aav atpd constliutlouk and are invalnahle iu all aeb for chil iren and tfieaed priceless oi1rtm en t easts old wniiiihs so ftifdisordeisoftheclieifcs fob bope throats sbofjtosiixs qoutyssi colds- f ltps nn rival like itieharm ho llc owaysstabliamcnt oxford street late 5i a okford sw set london ea is lid 2f 4s gd iu 22s and 33s each box or pot anri he had pf all mipme veil dors tlioufihout ihe world e tvits aiidjboxe ule it id for contracted and stiff or pot and inav if the address j nofc unlocliaalltho clogged avendesof tlie bowels kidneys and liver carry ingoff gradually without weakening the system all the impurities ind ftral humors of the eccretions at lilie same time cprreeting 4ci3ity jof tht stomach curing bilicusness eys- pepsia headachds iiziness heaxtbnrn cojistijjatioh dryness ortlie skin dronsy riiriness of vision janndiee salt pheum erysipelas scrofula fluttering of the heart nervousness aid gen eral debility nu these arid many other similar complaints yipljl to tha happv influence of- bdj30ce bli003bil ti hilbrbs ti co prorflptor 10 ivacii imililr of the wfyrtse is n vikid jsbkozellttii v none other genuine tircntot n jks rtlsins3ismt fl 1 or oi liirnlse ltooutalus libis or newspapers andestlmatbs of the cost of advert isiiisrtheadverticr who wants to speml one ilnllarfliiils initthe in tonnatlon he requires while forhiiri who will invest one hnhdrei i thousand dollars in ad- vertislng a scheme is iinlicntd wliieli will meet his every requiivment or cm be made to don by suglitthangescasij arriredat bnevf- respondencc 143 editions have been issued hent postpaid to any address iurf in cents writo to geo p rowkll co mwrpapbbadvertiskg ldbfau 10sprncestprlitlnshouscsq k uw york mainhctod hiv lost how rekijorfi lie ponaanentenriiwithoiitn eiidue of 3 debility jieutsl and pbysiclnucapac nlmut f m- t resulting nervous ity impedimeiitb of slarriavo from excesscs 2arrice in a bcalel enveloie only c cent or two postage stamps i- the celebrated author in this addirable es- say clearly demonstrates from thirty years jiuccessful practice that anruiinc eousequeneoa lnaybe radjcalljtuiecl without tho dan use of infernal meriicineadr the uso of the knife poiutwrout a moclo of cure at ouce simple cer tain- and effectual by means of which evdrv sufferer no matter wbat his ouditiiu mav bo mayrurehiuisclfchcnplyprivately and radically this lecture should bo iu the hands oi every youth and everymau in the land j adhess j the dnlvcrwel siefiri o post office box 450 m anil kijvrwyork worm ipowders arepleabupttotko contain thir own pnrutive la a bo stim cud effectual destroyer ot worms la cildcn or adults a- cara to all who ajre sufferin from tlie errors and indiscretions of youth ervojis weak ness early decay loss of manhood ac i sill yon j p tbat willchro vou free of charge thisgreafremdv was discovered by missionary f south 4metica send a lf addressed envelope iv jivei free pi y a n onk yealj invarial 2 l23per3 tisued till option of 1 e o o have recently published a new tl 0 culvnwdlls cele- dratfid ssoy on the llical and v4l ono colun half coluii jurter c ono inclr casual al tir3tinsertr sequent in reckoned li sjale of sol advertisj will be iiis iugly fra iugdvan- changesj in tho bffii they will jbl her of coll office al ederick o e j tril the collet ofticn- oflice l libj a del uew systen iiiouly callj teeth withd ntratur an college of rous niaydd iti any opel acton eveit mouth oj oainli italiz for litinlej oihce of taveirsbld i ul riggs east i toronto 0 teeth- s rates leal in can baf have been i air for the j ing the past may say jqhslj tario veterinary fn kenny deuce in tho soundujess ii all ciius ed to ten jyjclea barristers ancers oc ornol wi a mel s hilsml i tob andlsg kuigl w t r ix b a1k- l butl oinces- liugton stied alleyjjioron join baint wllhuit lf patentj henlfs 20 years pjj w- m li for the toun orders left a or at riiy ptoinptly at alsofljonej able terms i terest in sut licensed aj haltou and janfts matthl attention rohk dai olkicej siinare johx j snccel i money to per cent loaned for pa security co properly anc farms and cl witufimtos fd doininiou tol ctjlated in el yrantinj fart rections throl farms jvaiitf deuce invited gttelphont h anlan ia opened aj hiearly opposit mill street jd aof the jtull departtaeptol ed in 4rstlal

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