Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1885, p. 1

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u j if i je rtmt m mrning i is rrbltsuti every thursday ml k at ther i j free pses9 power eprlrtt mq house actox ontario subscription r osk ykut bk no three months 25 lnvoriablv in alvnnco if not y li5 per vokr will bo charged ntf papr discon- timied till all arrears are pw optiou of tho publisher aovtrtflslnq rati 50 crs- i rid in advance iaper discon- ctcept at the one column- half column jjuarter col ua tnoh casual a drerhsemeuts 8 cents first insertiou aud 2 coats par lino i soqueut insertion cash tile number of lines reckoned by the space occupied ritoasured scale of solid nonpareil cj ic xlirectiouk chased aqconl- i must boj paid advertisements without speel will be inserted till torbid and cl iujly transitory alvertisomeuti iu advance changes for coutract advertisements must bo in tlio office hv 9 am ou mondt ys otherwise they will fcalel t over until the loljiwing week hp moorej i editor w proprietor 3u3tri9s3 diractjpry whlowby m bjmc p s graduate of trinity oollege mem- be of college of physicians aiifl surgeons office and residence at jtjhe liead of frederick street acton fellow of member of ge stagey jmdcm trinity medical school theooilee of physicians and surgeons ofricemrh strestlate dlv websters ofnce i x l bennett l ds 3entist georgetown ontario jy c mckinlay l d dentist georgetown new system of nitiousgxide mouly called yilized air teeth without pain haying surgeon uses the as com- axtracting jen demon- trator and practifa teacher in royal college of dental surgeons 1 rous ruty depend upon receiving iu any operations performed will visit actonevery other wednesday of each month- office asnews hotl pronto pat- satisf action will visit laixless dental opekations vitalized air- dr nitrous for piiiuless oince of dental operations at jthe to veils block c b hayes t d s iuelpli upper wyndhani strset r iggs i ivor toronto ontario teeth rates east corner king and i onge streets so to 8 gold filliu acton bankinc coy storey c hristte co nkerb aeton 11 general transacted 140hst ontario bankfn nq bi us1ness loapsd oh approved jisrom3 notes discc rated arid interest allqwe i on deposits j e m special agency aotoa oat b all- telephone company lessages recei ed and transmitted at lower rate i than telegraphing allan line steamships to- all points ofgreat ho continent at very tickets issued britain and tho cheapest points east acton lowest rates buy the jackets here if s ndiug for frisudfi canadian pacific r tf and best route to all and west see time tables honey saved y dealing toth jie mogarvin ontario wellington martle works quebec oxide gas out y dentists soutlr john h hamilton proprietor i formerly mqquillan hamilton dealer m marble pertaining receivedtfirst- hibition guelph local exhibitions and superiority orders are solicited granite and everything to cemetery work- prizes at provincial ex- the western fait and all r excellence of material of workmanship tour finest a ad best set s onethird leave order for teeth in the morn ing can have therrj the same day we have been administering hords vitalized air for the painlessjextractingjof teeth dnr- ing the pist year regardless of what others mav say j ohnilawsonl graduate of ox- tario yeterinalry college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ontl omcz in kenny bros boojt and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses exaknined as to soundness and certificates given all coll5 night ir day promptly attd- edto terms easy l r if mclean mcmiix r w barristers solkitors notaries convey ancers icr spriyate fundsito loan ornct town hall acfou wii a mcleas i hcgij mcmjllas qjulton allan baird barristers solicitors tc tokoxto axi georgek vn omces creelmans block 3eorgetown and 86 kin street jeast toroi ito w t aixvs jsbilton vx f baikp ba xain laidlav co bvsnisieng a- solierrbits ornces over imperial baink 24 wei lingtou street east entrance exchange alley toronto toex bux q c c a mustek wllu3t laidawj geocoe kalpelei lumber and t be undeiifjued coal stdve ceal i have ha xlwood ash cedar and mill wood at rcason- ab 3 rrices wool i lol patents secured i for inventions henry gristottawacasada 0 years practicer no pateutno pay to w mhemstbeet lkessei atcnnseei for the counties of jwelliugtoirand haltou orders left at the fbbe press office acton ur at my residence in acton will be promptly attendedtjto terms reasonable moxeir to loanj alsurnioiiejvto lojin on the most favor able term and at he lowest rate3 of in terest in sums of p00 and upwards h e knowles j a murray incensed auctioneers for tho counties of halton and wellington orders left with james matthews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable jphn day 1 alchitectvi gcixih ont 1 oitke queens hotel block market square st quel h shingles lath lesires to inform thb public that be has uqw on hand and will knen in stock a full line of vine and hemlock an well as other kinds of lumber alto first aud second class pine shingles s lath i wood having purcbaseil the coal business of mr s smith 1 am prei ared to supply all kinds i also a kodd stoek of wood- aiidcoal delivered ames bronvn cheap and good sleighs wellmade wellpainted sled coe for 40c extra large three bench handsome 8135 for 85c j i tho 8175 clipper for 8120 tho 8150 clipper for tloc j the slqo clipper for 60c babv sled fine box handles carpeted 8130 for 81 baby sled large roomy box carpet handles 183 for2 k the best value the best assortment call and examine for itourselves dathbookstore cuelph day sells cheap excelsior i bitery acton hainxi purchased tho above bakery from mis df manx i hope to give satisfactioirto the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors 1 will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us their patronage t i use nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock fresh bread bunec everyday i also steam bread i i cakes of all kinds new york t biscuits soda and oatmeal scones i on hand lor made to order at shortest notice position fmttss tiioiisnatiobnino dec poktr emnnn 811885 the death of th11 old year yes the old year now u dying se his wiiidingihcot o snow and the midnight windej are singing their retqrn of woe his eybiia8 lost its brig ltness it is dirailhis lips are en d and his footstep all its lightness and his boaring once so bold wilting withering fast i way liko tho morning glory beauty iu the ev of summer diy now his heart and breath are failiug and his tands are ulmoft run and his rosy cheek is pi hug and all hik beauties fad ug like frostjcaatles in the sun but what isinost surpri sing like a phtenix from the fire from the bid years ashi s rising from out this funeral pyro comes auew year bold tud young to claim your due ullegi ihce j with his sweet and flatt jring tongno i coming coming 1 coining almost lero the happy new year ve noar old eightyriv3 is altuost p mt long in memory it will just our sto3y new years eve it wasnew years eyp which had been falliiij had ceased a was blowing the street wedding cakes a specialty planing mill aving ninlde messrs wh arrangements with storey son for the coi itinuanctf th planing millih the build- formerly occupiedj by the actou plow company we wo ild inform thefpnblic that we are prepared to take j contracts for building also des3ing fiooeita shetiitj mguudig c with neatness and dispatch pumps- pu mps n connection ith the alove we are also pr paredto receive ordersfor pumps from g experience ii the bushjeas we feel con- tjdiit that we can supply an article second lone urders bjy n entr n f iiudlv solicittlng at ent cin ro lage we are re mail will receive prompt a share of public pat- pectfully yours tiisibiak manaser t biscui s and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flourj i butter andteggs taen in ezcnangrc for breai at market prices mrs t statham ii- g beip usiness college guelph ontario t he second scholastic year commenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a in part a practical training co iduct of busihess affairs is the sphere- ai d woik of the institution its graduates already holding responsible positions in th 3 conimercial ei lergetic young john daley kuceessortojtbonipson 4 jacksoii money to loanj on farm property at c pet cei mortgages purchued money loa led fbr parties in mortgagis aud other- sec irity conveyancing in al i its branches pre perly aud neatly- done charges low farina and qity- property fo ale- list wij h farms for sw sent to all parts of te dominion to iutendingpqrcaiersjandcar- cqlated in eutom- europein capitalists wanting farms in ibntario w 11 be sent di ructions through pur european agenpiesi farms wanted for our lists correspon denceinvitod office uoar tliepost office gqelph ont f specialist to for the efficient 14tim ceutresiu the dominion men andomeb are thor- oubhry prepared for positions as bookkeep er i or at gi shorthand writers porrespondents telegrapboperators stadeuts received any time for circular and catalogue tug full information address m macgormick principal good assortm ent of stoves cbeap foil cash r tjnware op all kinds at 1 bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty and the snpw steadily all day stinging ljiorthwest nvind were deserted and most if the houses cloted onehow- i imposing on with lilt- for a and put up ion notice shortest first pjlabs material only ii i used i v- a call solicited j c hill mill 3 re mutual insurance company or thei 00tost by vslliitgtony esxiulished lpio head off ice insures buildings merchandize manu- fatories and pi operty on the jdtanlan barber shop jjworden has opetiod a ijarber shop in the build fhearly- opposite storeys od gflove factory mill street actonand solicit the patron ri amofjflie public iit this vicjuily depftrtment of thejbqbibi ed iajtratclass style v ever couducti dl other premiam evw stone president john tfaylior agent ihanoibnh wobdenl sucpessoi cnas y cuelph glth hall ever and tbiit the most frontleroj square blazed ball was b iug given withik before c no of the drawii groom windows of tliis ma lsionholding oj to tlie railing and looking h was a wonu u apparently not over t went y one and who beautiful but her fornr jhw now attenu ated as if by long sickueii perhapij even hunger at dshe was bothjioorlv and thinly clad n that i hetty she ssid in ahubhed whisper how beautiful she hasgrown in her cigernessshe rosion tip-toehow- ing on to the railiug and if ting 4 till her bo nuet fell backwa d at that moment a gay hellreniembered air rose fr m a superb bah 1 within ah tie beautiful bite danube she cried j low i used to lo e to waltz to i slie lis ened breathlessly till the ast bars of thi i music had died iway then the promeuad ng began again if oul papa would coi lethis wayj she murmure i he will nev 3r forgivo- met know h will never speak to me ajgain but if i cc uld ouly see his dear face only once r i v hillo there cried a rough voiqe be side her i nd a policeman hand was laid on her she ulder noueothis moveon move on she shrink as if polluted and fled fright ened from the big burly wliceman but she went 1 10 farther than a ouud the corner there hi ling behud a t ee she watched till he had disappeared on his beat and then stealthily crept back to tin window- dear hetty she said as a sleiider graceful g rl again approac bed the wladow escorted t y a cavalier wh j bent dof n to listen to 1 er in a way that i old a wholestory of love a ad adoration he glamor is on her too god grant she nay fare better than i did helen ortiscue for thi t was the way farers na me had been a h ghspirited pet ted impulsive girl when 18 she fell in love with a plausible hand some adventurer who callel himself a coun and whom she cluiig to i ud believed in e en after shl had beep toh his real chara ster ha her mother lived it might havs been different but mrsi fortescue had be en dead f orlmore than ten years and poor helen had aown np with ut that most invaluable of things to a young girl a anothers corfetant super visi ng care for ul iw her bncoluvc both pre udiced andtyraui ical therpfwjas a stormy interview in whioh mr fortescue forbade i he suitor his hous aiu a vain appeal by the younj w ness a i mrse literally lii hebrew i pronounced or child a id then a famtinf terrified servants to the c irriage that had bore her away to ho us- iias li a the 1 father seem jipement forforgive- hat of the old the disobedient girl borne off by waited f r her and which to awak only too soon ftjom her dicam of jove and happiness for h r husband did no take car 3 of her now that come to bim penuiless a when tt e money raised by jewels as spent he brutally deserted her descriptions of note system davwaon secretary unan to t f bcjpkbinrieb tteorgeg sqluare suelph ontario acconjqt 5opji p o all kii ids inade itodrder sxwdjoar of every description fcarefnlly bf and enllng neatly at d promptly done 1 chapman craes i r undergldthrg wens shirts land drawers all sizes boys shirts and all sizes drawers ft childrens combination sets all sizes shawil merchant ta this ha ppened atau outof town a id the shook nearl life f 3r babyjborn in 1 fold age ly only survived and then the poor hopeles desolot orundy iprs ouelph evenlpretoud to he found slie had ew monthsafter the bale of her i theway german cost helii her lis hour ofj two- i or a little while i girl wastlfterly for as long as helen had some thing tallovo she was not wholly miserable sho ha i supported herself ditring all these sad mo the partly by the sale of her ward robe an i partly by her neei lie but when the tiny ccfin was paid for and the innocent babe lajl in its humble giave she was ut terly ccstitute thon liegan a terrible straggl abtrnggle merelj for bread to eat hundr is of times helen felt that it would be a bl ising if she could i lie death wonld not cone j she wbs too he ilthy shhadtod jnrch i itality to sink eve i under the bur- year sj eve dens tl at oppressed her she lingered at the ob scare town when her jinfant was buried is long as she cou d ohnging to the last to btiat grass grown jillock where all that wi k left to jier was aid but subsist- ence wis from the first c ifficult to be earn ed the and finally be came impossible and th i she set her face bomeward with a rt of i esperate feeling faying l jt me but aw lhem once again md then i wltlid 4owjteitddiei by what lonely wanderings through w hunger and sufferings she fought heir y ay months after jjack to america who ban tell yot sho aid not return because she hoped to be forgiven no 1 she knew heir father too well for that but at the end ber health began to fail a haokidg cough sei in and the desire grew on her tooreep witbm sight of the old liouse and lie down and lie sometimes in her nights of fever blie thought she might catch aglimpseof hetty or her father afar off they not seeing ler or perhaps they might brush by her in the street so that- she could touch their ar- ments unknown to them this very day she had reached her ua ivo city peuniloss having spent her last dollar in railroad fare she had eaten nothinf all day sho know not where she was to all p she had come instinctively to the old hoi ne but sho dare not enter j all bbecould do vas to look in hopelessly as she was doing niw how- cold it grows she said as lior teeth began to chatter for the wind blew keener than cveij i feel sotired oo oh i if i could oiily seepapa gradually alio grew more and more drowsy but she did npt feel so chilly now only her limbs seemed to be giving way under her strangely apdher brain gptdu led and stunned i will restawhile she said finally sit ting down on the doorstep byeand jyo i shall feel hungry no wonder i an so tired i have not slept any or so littte for so long t when some time after tho ball begai to break up and the first carriage to an ve tho footman founditn insensible figure on the doorsteps half lying half leaj ing against the railing the news of so strs age an event soon penetrated to the maste of the house usually kindhearted almost o a fault s bless one he cried a homeless ro- raan dead or dying did you say live her carried tothe housekeepers room 3ee that everything is done that can be k beggar alnibbt that makes nodiffere ice wliy on such a night i wouldnt tmii a dog from the door j helen was being bopie in accordiuj these directions when the old butjer had been in the family for years came tling alonk the hall phanged as she he recognized her at once what are yorj doing he cried frightened voice told fi carry ber in housekeepers room you ay there rijusts be some mistake put herdown here iid he pointed to a lounge itt the hall he was so dazed he hardly ktlew wha he- said or did his voice trembled till iter led in a quaver a crowd of curious servants and symp th- izing guesta gathered immediately aro iqd thtj prostifate form and the noise attracted the attention of mr fortescuo who v ith hetty stxod in the back drawingroom re ceiving the adieus of tho departing guest a what james wont let her be earjiied iu he cried well sise about this fes lived with me till he ihinks hes mas er but this is insufferable as he spoke he ropved toward the hall hetty by some inscrutable instinct folb- ed putiiijgher arm in his 1 tho crowd parted to make room for their host the moment hetty saw that pale wait fuce she recognized her sister oh papal oh papa it is helen sh cried in a bieathless whisper and bursl jpg into tears she flung herself on her by the conch helen dear helenfdoiit yoji kikdw me she sobbed oh sho isflead she is dead 1 she cried almost in ashriek for a moment mr fortescuyseerhed al out to stoop and drag hetty apgrily away fipm her sister but something in the pale ini in mate face reminded hip of his dead w ife us jie had last seen yitr just before the of- fin was shut on ber forever he turned ashen pale staggered and would have 1 all- en if the butler who had been watel ing him anxiously had not caught him air for gpds sake gentleneii air cried that fifuctiqtiary rtisji of the keen atmosphere- f om hall door as the spectators d rew away attheso wqrdsj- partially revived mr fortescue he gasped forvbreath locked blankly arould and put his hand to his head then he recalled all- carry her in take her toiler old roo a he said with a choking sob runfor the- doctor i ah mr hunter as one of the guests the mot eminent practitioner in the city rose from helens side where he had been feeling her pulse i forgot you fere here only fainted you say thank cod i she that was lost isfound unconscid isly breaking into the words of scripture the tefcrs rolling down his cheeks his voice shaking shethat wasdeadisaliveagain ohj papa cried helen throwing her arms around her fathersneck bless you for these words wo shall be so hapiy now she broke down in hysteric obs what more have we to tell helei re covered in time ail her old health the ugh 1 er old vivacity life had been top hard fc rthat but sho became what better a calm earnest woman whose was ever open to the cry of distress a danghtfer who made her fathers homehap- pier than it had been at least sincei the death 6f hiswife for hetty married and left helen sole mistress helen had recognized her sjster walking up and down the rooms as we have seen and it was then that hetty had ex- changed the vows that were to bind her for life on that nevertobetorgotten kisses by mail j a young postmaster of a- village post officeyas h ird at work when a gentle tajip was heard i pou tlie door and in stepped a bashful maiden of 10 with a money order which she desiredeashed she liauded it to the officii il with a beautiful- smile who after cfosel examining it hanifed herthe monoy it called for at the same titno ho asked her if she had read- what was written h themartn of the order no i hive not she replied fort can not nnike ii out will you pleaso re id it forme theyouiig postmaster read as foil ows i send you 3 and a dozen kisses glancing at the bashful girl he aid now i hao paid the money uud i suppodp you want tho kisses yes slo said if he has sentmeany ki8sesil waiit them too it is harliy necessary to say tlie t the balancb of the order was promptly paid and in a sieutific manner at that aud eminenty sal isfaotoryto thecouutry ma idfen for siie went but of the offico smacking her lips as if there was a taste upon then she never encountered before after she arrived homo sho remarked to her mother eh mother but this post office system of ours is a great thin j de veloping more and more every year and each new feature added seems to tethe best jimmy sent me a dozen- kisses don with the money order and the post- master gavome20 it beats the special delivery system all he how u s mail short rults for long comforts at home for new years study j plitsolflaiit be prompt at every meal take little annoyances out of the wjay when good comesto any oncirejoice- when any one suffers speak a word of sympathy tell neither of your own faults nor of others have a pit ce for everything and every thing in its j lace j- hide your own troubles but watch to help others cut of theirs take hold of the knob iind shut without slamming ttie door if the door syueaks apply the drop of oil at once never interrupt auy conversation but watch patiently your turn to speak look for beauty iu everything and take a cheerful view of every event carefully blean the snow and mud from your feet in entering the house always speak politely and kindly to ser vants when rucliued to give an angry ansvi press your lips together and say alphabet when pa ned by an unkind wofd or deed ask yonrseli have i neverdoub an ill and deserved forgiveness out ofthevakblc a fashionable womjan iii a fashionable pew a fashionable bonutt of a fashionable htla r a fashionable mantle and a fashionable gown a fashiooablo christian in a fashionable town a fashionable prayerbook and a fashionable choir i a fashionable chapel with a fisbfonablo bpire a fashionabler preacher with a fashionable speeoh i aiaishionable sermon made of fttshionabre teach a fashionable welcome at the fashionable door a fashionable penny to the fashionable poor a fashionable heavan i aud a fashionable hell a fashionable bible f r this fashionable belle a j fashionable nod fatjhioffahle everytoifng but no fashionable god i t- m whtthey are who lectures me four times a week- and marvelvwheu the wash tubs leak that i can look sp awful ineek my dad who feed her cousniswjth our hani 0rr cold roast beef aud peas and lamb but keeps me short on currant jam- our bridget who when i hide behind a chair and calmly listen to a pair of idiots couldalmost swear my sister who will not with myself agree and takes delight m pounding me becaiise im not as big as he my brother who comes to se 3 us once a year and gives me thirteen cents touclear arid not return voile she is near my annt j who meets rae vhen on errands bent i and says youli be a president and starts my bunk account onecenti my imcle who gives me everything shes goi aiiil pawns her clothes for what shes not bless her dear heart ive not forgot tis graudma 1 lawyer snenced the following smart reply to a brow beating lawyer is historical and was given in a court qfjijptreein liverpool a poor an came forward to prosecute another who had robbed her of sometwenty- eight shillings a lawyer who prided him self on his oratorioal powers and his knowledge of common and statutolaw rose up to crossresamine the poor unsophisticat ed daughter of the green island he being engaged to defend the prisoner when the following dialogue took place lawyer tell rhe good woman what eort of money hadyoii witness eight shillings in- silver ard a sovereign in gold lawyer drawing himself up iu the full dignity of foroniic elevation now tell me good woman did you ever see a sovereign in anything else but gold the poor woman looked tlie very personification of humility but replied without the leabt hesitation oh yes your honor i saw victoria god bless her laughter in court culminating in an absolute cheer followed the answer tho lawyer sat down and wits silent afterward for more than half anihour i ages o animals a bear rarely exceeds 20 years a dog lives ii years a fox 14 or 15 lions are long lived pompey lived to the ags of 70 the average of cats is 14 yeatsy squirrels audliares or 8 years rabbits 7 le phants have been known to live to tbegreat age of 400 years when alesa grejat had confjuored porusi king of india he ipok a great elephant which had fought very valiautly for the kiug him jijax dedicated liirtt-totliesan- and let hini ith this inscription alexander tho son of juniper has dedicated ajax to the sun this elephant was found 354 years ifter pigs liaye beeu known to live to tfao age of 30 years the rhinoceros to wfh horse has been- knowu to life to the age of 62 but overages from 20 to 25 years camels sometimeslive to the age of 100 years- stags are longlived sheep seldom exceed the age 10 cows live 15 years iguvier cousidersit probable that whales sometiihoa live to the i age of 1000 years- dplphina and fiprpoisesffttain the age of 3x1 an eagle died at vienna at the age pf 101 ravens have reached the age of 100 swans have been known to live 360 years pelicans aie louglived a tortoise- ittib beenknown to live to the age of 107 years forced merriment i a pnends little joke lip -vvr- 8 was ear the difference when you are voung how well you know a little mopey makes groat show just fit y cents will cause yon bliss tis tlieu a dollar looks like this btw len youre old and bills i ome due a do edit irs are dnnning you a doiery cent yon spend you di m tib then a dollar looks like tins the omnibusesahd tramways of pari ouly admit a fixed number of passengers- when the lirr it is reached the conductor hangs out a placard bearing the word torn- plel after tns no one is admitted and it is useless to run after a car or bus an american one day at the commencement of his sojourju in paris asked a friend what does that word confer mean that 1 so ofteu see on an omnibus what exclaimed thefriendwliosawan openiugfor a joke what 1 do you mean to say you havent visilted it yet visited what complet of course why tis one of ho most charming spots in paris my dear fellow yon must by all moans seo corn- plat the traveller needed no more press ing to make him run and shout after very ormjibds le saw bearing the sigu but sad to say he never caught one the wisdom of the people neither praise nor dispraise thyself thine actions serve the turn he who revealeth his socrotmaketh him self a slave he who seeketh trouble never misseth it gamtig is the child of avarice but the parent of prodigality he that speaks doth sow but he that holds his peace idoth reap he that hailutle knowhge is far more likeu toge mora than le that has none a mans ft uy is his worst foa and his discretipi bis best fii3ud k st b yo r place on uoue can make yon rise j eirnj o i the sea sa i bein on the land setl i b bnd the neok than lumse the forthwd merrimei a remarkable effect was proddced the other on some thirty young women- employed at a large iudiarnbber works- by j inhaling the fumes of naphtha used on thfr j premises one after another they began to dance vwhile uttering shrill peals of laugtiter and throwing their limbs about in extraordinary fashion the infection rapidly spread among those who- had noi qneei feome under the influence of the naphtha and in a few minutes tho whole place was in an uproar the managers sent in all imsto for a halt doctors oriuieir arrival the sxcited worlcwomen rusbejl oa them laughiug like maniacs and before they were aware of it these venerable prac titioners were dragged andpnshed into the workroom where they were forced against their wilito join the frantic dance waltz ing polking jumping andwhirlingtnspite of tilieir vigorous protests on recoveiring- from their surprisethey made tremendbas efforts to get away ifrom the mad crowd- most of the women had to be carried out by main force and jouveyed home in cabs on getting into tho open air their excite ment gradually calmed down but work had to be suspended at the factory dnring several hours 7 cl m k1 m chestnuts r how can five persons divide live eggsi sb that etfch njan shall receive oniv and still one remain in the dish 5 a one takes the dish with the egg how many sottboiled eggs muld- the giant goliath eat upon an empty stomach a one after which his stomach was not empty- whatkiud of a fish has its eyes hearost togethef a the smallest fisli s1iy does a miller wear a white hat a to keep kis head warm why i8aphilahthropistlikeanold horse a a he stops at the sound of woe i- 1 the uata evekixos can nowhere bo so profitably spent as on tho farm giving a taste foe reading and btudy many a young farmer ot sou of a f aimer has a chance to improve his mind during the next six months if only he will apply himself dibgeutly and systematically oueor two good books on graingrowing or kvo stock or jtrcut culture well studied during the winter voiiiugs cauof tft toll on the result of work n all f utjj year m

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