Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1885, p. 2

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fxrix 1 tnoisi wit oris lxo vdeceftbbk h 11885 their platforii the powtion ot mewrs kendfej son fylo j adni ry aotj aud cameron on the cemetery qi cstiou is clearly set forth in another col uni i their pktfonu as tfieft laiddowhisaiawwuable and omviinendable oue aud shoull present itself m satisfactory to electors generally the afeove candidataregcntlein u of well- f 4fi known integrity and honesty ol they state in a very concise and hoid man- ucr what they intend to do if el oted and we have every confidence that leaveno stone unturned in consckentiouslv fulfilling their promises v municipal nominations mr w h storey beeteeted rfeeve by acdamatiori hke cotmcillors purpose at twelve oclock noon on monday tlie ratepayers interested in the election of a council to superintend aiffairs connected with the municipality of acton for the ensuing year assembled in the tosvn hall to nominate candidates for the posi ion the nominations were not so liberal in number as has frequently been the case im former occasions the desire apparently beiug to coufiue the motions to geutletue i suitable for the position and likely to stai id as we predicted some time age the elec tion will turn on the cemetery mutter and this was clearljrshown bytheno ninations except in the case of the sreevt ho being elected by acclamation the cand idates pre sented were put forth eithers foi or against the cemetery as the matter ut present stands six candidates are in the field for councillors only four can 1 c elected oneor two of thesis jare oppostd to the cemetery it is clearly he de ty of the ratepayers and in the intere ts of the municipality to elect councillors favorable to the cemetery and this we stro lgly hope the electors will do it was evident from tid appearance- of things in general that a storm meeting was anticipated a full hall shewed this bat although some sharp things svere said and some unfair personal referenda made altogether the meeting passed off rery satis factorily the expenditures of t ie village for the year were clearly set f ortl explana tions fully given and the cenietei y matter thoroughly ventilated from ery stand point a synopsis of the sjpeecht s will be found elsewhere owing tb the length of ihe principal ones it is iinjwssiue in our liiruted space to give them fxrbafi w the nominations were as follow rs j for reeye w jh sioret nominated by robt roce seconded by wxn iemstreet elected by acclamation j foe cojrjnciiiiors c z joi cistekos dominated by w heiu- btreit seconded by robt ro wjt hehstkett nominated j allah la couplt of weeafeo that people eouldnt bo iuiucedu sewe hwe asked if ij was ataotslhtft asii jiad ilnade itjiiepngnad to outsider therouncil had u it tho vlljageelcau ttv and ptraotive this tok wtoney t didnifvpay aotjn wad ooked npoulsy other people as a it odd tov u aud desirable as a place of ros dence gave as an in- stance that aotbnl property was not de preciating iijyalucj that a f years ago tho whole of yttdgvairvey wns sold for 9600 today its worth in avert go of 980 a lot and selling at thos figures or worth a total of w8u0 jwaspd perty dipreoiatiug no and flhameon the men whj i were endeavor ing to iruudown aj d injure the place mr storey hadut a wj rd against the payment commissioner s imond of hit so cents an honr imdut thin t he should be expected to spend one or twi months of his tinio for nothing mr ism rad may not havo acted wisely but hefor a oe would accept onefifth of tho respousibilit y for voting tuc twenty cents per hour he referred to the ceme tery matter said m this connection the council of 1885 was the most disagreeable one to overeat in ud didi 1t intend to sit with such an one tt ecominj year review ed the cemetery m titer with all the inci dents of opposkioi threats and bickerings connected with it came o the conclusion that the people w io oppoicd it were tlie people who never c ffered a plan for progres sive measures but always butted against others schemes jsplaine i the acquisition of the is acres pre euted by dr mcgafvin r jr uiiau in our midst uiid proud of him was iu ty wl oiamotcry qiieatibn without the new ejenht ij every jritto- paycr should bo iii fuv ir r6f it aud ull should uuite infiecdraig il mr heuibtreet ho supported tlie auton should be npathy with tlie at could wo do elaborate presents i 3 oamoron late bastor of kfiox j ohumh aotor toravi was also proiid tb bo the seconder of rob o storeys uom cemetery qni- and considered th counc irrstovsl the very best intsrests of the people in accepting it said he felt keenly on this question and if th i people would elect men tb support it tuey woutd cirry it to a sue cessful termination mr henderson chairman of the com mittee on huanco would not detain the meetiug for any li ngth of time showed that the couucil cc mmencfd the year with no money in the ireasury itemized report o each uccouut to date 1 was acting iu he gave an bv the village w ce by sto rev thos m ik s m lam secouded by f h hemstreet withdrew jos ftfe nominated by vn hem street seconded by robt royce j hesbebsos nominated storey seconded bythos- kastoi wa isjiojai nominated by seconded by david maloney j b ptiksos nominated bypt hill aqconded by d kennedy taos c mckjke noninateti anderson seconded by r g coo i fob reeve w h storey foi coracillocsvj cameron p henderson w igmond thos and j b pearson j 8 allan by j03 j fyfe t mobre i- 1s i i t j m- i i-xu- 1 m 1 1 i j0m l j a ffet t i- es h- mg at the expiration of the hour 3 ir robt rayce was moved to the chiur ie thank- ed the rdeeting for thehonorthnai onferred hoped there would ie no necessity for calling any one present to order but that the speakers and hearers wouh forbear with each other and all part good eriendsr mr storey reeve was the first called to address the audience he wished those present the complimentsof tlie set son l he didn4 covet the position to whii h he had just been elected for the seventh jr eighth time but thought the people i ad given evidences that his object in the past had been to serve the people and advt nee their interests in the best possible mar ner he interpreted his reelection ap an indorsa tion by the people of hu coupse ip connec- tion with the new cemetery tie people should meet in the discussion if public affairs as neighbors desiring to lire peace ably with each other referred t the dis cussion in the feee peess some kind and 1 some miserable things had been said ho asserted that he had no connection what ever with die mm tie pluhw letl ere he didnt want it to go forth that be re any enmity to anyone even to his eu mies iu tbrrmatter had done bis whole duty to acton and there was no movemer t for the public good in which he did not interest himself spoke of the deplorauo death during the year of notable citizms par ticularly mr- c s smith rjth rhom he hadisat at the council for years messrs r little adam dixon and abnm mat- jkhews explained the high cointy rate this year caused by county brilges and railway debentures fund coming down to our local affairs he remarked that ihe taxes this year were high a thing no atepayer would deny hb foniid thit if re could effect public improvements mike new roads and build new sidewalks without money the oouncil wonldalwjays be popular but the councillors couldnt do without money the people who did mo it grum bling vere those who paid least taxts wheh the council surveyed the village f r neces- lary repairs and improvements int tie spring they were encountered onj all lides by citizens who had favors to jask b at it was a different matter when the taxes were to be paid daring the year they uul built onenew sidewalk througbojut th village this had cost a lot of moaeyj but l est year the expenditure would be muh lest for only repairing would have to be done the seiooi ww ffie great sourie of inancial trouble and tooi the bnlk of the u xes bit showiug the expenditures itself during the 3 ear with the totals as follows chanties 27 town hall includ ing- fitting up of school room 860 contin gencies 9615 priming jinclnding ceme tery bylaw siai86 salaries w2j50 streets and sidewalks sil24550 total s200650 at the iresent time there was a balance in treasuri of about 326325 and unpaid accounts kmountijig to s342 he took up tho cemetery debenture was happy to say that notwithstanding what had been said against action it was very favorably regarded by outside people the debenture was sola at a premium of 3 per cent received fordebentu re j1030 paid dr mcgarvin for land 60 surveyor 8117- workmen 27389 and 1 ad ah unpaid account of 515 referred to the large amount raised for school purposes and the fixed rate for town liall debenture j mrismond commission r of streets and sidewalks got tiventy cents an hour didnt propose to work 1 or 50 days for nothing he went over the work of the year the whole couucil agreed how the new work was to b done and estimated at the ttime that it would c sst about 91000 he brought in frsquent lepctrts to show what- work was ostiug tud found that considerable of tlie work recommended had to be cancelled beeause of the expenditure explained about s ie of wbod and lumber stated his position mthe ceiaetery question was against the ni acteen aiyres but always in favor of the six it was the additional 13 he opposed w uld coi tinue to oppose it ugless the peop ie elected the members of tle cemetery co nmittee who were run- uihglaud sufficient ither cocuicillors in favor i of it to support it then lit would give up his opposition mi ismona gave a detailed statement ol his ex penditures wiphed a lively election no committee and con- report fo make the illation luittoc j mr hendorson appeaved ugafii to reply tothe references of mr paiirsoh to hiuiself wchavmnuof finance uommittoc mr pcmbc u qlves me credit of being a good flnauoierj but charges int with fiuancering to my own interests n ow i hurl back the meauv contemptibleiiiiaiuuutiou in his face and challenge anyone to show that i have overprofited from the iiiiaucos of the corporation to the vivlneot one cent noth ing is concealed m tho inatter ovofyone can investigate instead of profiting my councctioi with the tinaiico committeohas been to m 1 an important loss during the year as manager of acton bankiugco i have carried from 700 tos1700 of the cor- poratious indebtedness and never charged one cent of interest therefor tho treasurer has never drawn a cheque on me but what it was hoiored even with above amount stauding to the villages debit i have and do work in the peoples interest aud have never jet voted nay tio protect mybelf spoke at some length jonj the cemetery question he considered that after a resi- deuce of t u years or rnpre in acton he was pretty wull aciiuaiuted j with what the people wanted and was cudoavorini t6 arry out their wishes i the commvtee felt justified in not taking further action until the people had pronounced upon their past action particularly when people thought a suit was pending aud when they had been led to think this from the words of members of the council of courso they could have forced the matter through but were not disposed to doforcg work the cemetery committee were working iu the peoples interest aud felt confident that the good sense of the people would next monday elect a council ifavorablo to the bemetery was satisfied that nest year would realize a much lower rate of taxation mr c t nill supported mr pearson because he thought him a good man for the position said the cemetery gift was a humbug dr mcgarvin took the platform to say something on the question but everybody in the audience seemed to want to talk at the samo time and the meeting broke up in disorder about 5 pm pastor of tho rccipi 01 1 at the hands of his fricndi i of a hiost hi was an el at tho sonted w iy his friends irig hay d ii cameron- knox church acloni was made w 1 borate silyorbervic oof very pn tty and attractive designl uud jineluded ti ay afternooi watei tin oreani pitcher 4ugar andilop bo wis at d spoon receiver on the tray was thoinscr plion 1 inisustkn to lllov i 11 camekon ali x btlohjt token by lihtekm kbom jiib fihkkdr jl knoxcnunch a ton ukiemdlillw same timo miss cameron was 1 re ket tl a beautiful silvr cake bul and au e ei gue of silver and orystal of eli- cato desi n hey mr cam iron replied appropri it terms on behalf of himself miss aijncrou s 1 i i the mlfloxajifeife ate cuelph it uusoraeahd beautiful present f lei and oyening teajjibts coffee tot 00 re presentation jiou of tin 1 baunockbur at tilt cpnclu oxercisek jit wednesc ay the seuted t mr j a shatiuo there uc ompau ed by a bei and gold pen to mr 011 a fihtmnon etee inj teachiilrlc yearo pa have ex exauuuu 1011 u school ast following aifdrebs was j ire- 1 late teat her utifuliukst md uearly t pleasaiit undiroitablorelat us as teacher stetl between us pupils u iid wo take an oppcrtunity of ex pressing to you bhof act that we have highly appreciulcd the punctual obedient tud ultogeth t faithful mauiier in which you have dis sharged the importnitduty of ou- ducting burl school wliile we regret es- ceedinglythjat yon could uol remain v hi ub longer wje aql join iu wishing you ul un- daut success in your newlprsfessieii iu order that you may 110 in your oy- age throughjlifej forget us we ask yo i to accept as a remcimbfancej tl is gold pen iud iukstaud whichexpress to a very litn ted extent the respdotin which we have 1 eld you as our teacher signed in behalf of youi schulars t wianen jil in md buqham go wo have pleasure in stating that our stock tor the seasons trade jiirpabsosinexteiiteive vahcr tuiitl bhoice selection auythjiig wc have ever formerlyiaid before our customers bucham cd two 0118 iud ex- the post mw0j i iru ved my bftueryfahd feed bubtnos into this on modiuus sorc whoni flfldkejttchdlftestoik of grocerjes all now and frusb i btg to i tender my 1 of acton ktfdsurroutidibg ccont ry for 1 heir yery liberaf t rpeettullytsollcit iabbare of av1n i have adjdejla clldifte si most sincere tin uks te tlie pcop support fo the pjisij ttiidow nv new place of bw iiiessl it will lie my aim lo m rit tlus m eq jare clwilug reasona pries attention to business biijkuntsof roy pmitoitiew please pall uud see me teas 25c up sjugars of allkin a syrupood 50c per gallon and up raisins cur rants peiils figs canned uoods of ail kinds coffee jtce tapioca- sauo splits of all kiudsl fssenccs pickles in biilk c minbe meat nuts candies tobaccos and everything kept in u fitstklluss grocery fruits and a silks satins uno velvets j in tjlus department no hduee here with sterlin thorkv liin raniigckbiiru dee 2ird185 will e kannawii ke advertise monts mr pearson was chairman of sequently had no jtjnt be sostamed and to tho aseertioh kept np wi ptained in cemetery matter vas whtt engaged his attention gave a review 0 occurrences in connection with it during tl c year spoke of the petition and of the diagram which accompanied it dr mcgarvin said he jknow of no diagram mr t ells one of the canvassers explained that he had drawn the plan himself his mr pearsons reasou for refusing to support the cemetery question was that t e thought the petition had not sufficient signatures he would have supported the bix acres had the-com- mittee surveyed it a wording to the diagram didnt care anyth iig about the cemetery as far as persona use of st is concerned bat would support c omniittce so far as they met the wishes of the ratepayers had nothing to do with i itigatioi didnt want 0t was still of opi lion that the presenta tion of the 13 acres was a huinbag for a larger sum than w is asked for the whole was bei ng paid for j t thoigbt there was no necessity forlak ing the 3 acres esti mated costofprepa iug the liill side gave cemetery commutes credit for their good work on the portiun survisyed and made some suggestions whatever the majority of ratepayers say hewoul 1 support if it was six acres nitsteen 1 none nevef contributed a edit toward i litigation if elected it would is witho it canvass and would do his best ul couuei board but he would thank the pe ple kindly if they left him at nome and k pt him out of trouble 1 mr tfosephfyfe 1 aid if elected he would occupy au iudependmt position and would always esteem it his duty to do what was in hif opinion for tl e very bst interests of the community i mr thomas c j loore said ho had no sins in connection v ith public matters to answer for except a bconcer led the public school made som explani tion as to the expenses of the sciool duing the year was satisfied if elec ed it wo ild bo in the interests of the m micipality in general referred to his posi ion on t ie new ceme tery and stated pot itively that he would support the cemeter until it was blocked had beeiija resident of acto 1 for 36 years and never before asked i or municipal honors and now it iss at tlie solicitation of friends if elect 1 would do his best for the town not in as lint of penuriousness jbut judiciously tl ought th e twenty cents an hour to the stre t apd 1 ide walk com missipner was a hut ibug i e would go in for having all publi improvements done try contract trader ea elicit spi xjificatlous jur royce chairn an exphined that he had considered it a 1 honor to have the privilege of nomini ting m storjey for 9 wwproi jthftt v e hadsucrra bw nominations elsejwheue guelph mayor mayor stephtnsou howard walker i toronto w h howlnud mayor man ning hamilton aids henry caiscalleu alex- may and glasgow j esquesing old j council elected by ac clamation nassagaweya lleevc tlanics menzics acclamation deputy david wheelihau acclamation councillors alex llell p gould david hutchcon joseph little john marshall joshua norris v erin township lieeyei j hurt first deputr j kirkwood second deputy geo robinson councillors- p mcgill and thos tottou i georgetown ltceve wuu mf teoil j icrinireeve tj carberry oakyille mayor george andrews burlington reeve r g baxter milton reeve jj h mccollto pro bono publico u tlie kditor of uitj lki lkkss i deah sin as your coitespoudent tlro bono publico has only iis yet a mistjlidea of whom w allan is after some years residence in acton i will defer answering the verbose part of bis letter until some more convenient opportunity offers i would like him to answer the following questions which will interest the inhabi taiits of this gerii of a village more than petty personalities firbt what has p li p to say and sayjtruly and what has he to show as to what he and his colleagues have done with the 817 received from the municipal loan fund 7 what have they done with ti likesujn from the clergy reserve fund and what have they done with all the taxes levied during the pyt years of incorporation never mind who w allan is but what litis been done with the amount voted for the cemetery how judiciously has it been expended how about she 12000 less assessedfor 1885 than for 1884 whose property has had the benefit and whoso prbptrty has not been assesssed at all does not p bp- know that certain properties 111 the vdlage have- been assessed at far below their proper value and who was the clever commis sioner who stuck oyer 91200 hi plank side walks and made tliat delightful mud puddle from the bridge to the railway track orf main street do tellm do kindly dispel the mistiness hanging pvor your nma dejilunif and appear over yoiir ovn name if you have sufficient nerve to do so witji ull your mistiness your ideutity is perfectly known to me you being one of the triplets again thanking vou mr editor foryonr valuable ftpace 1 reinuiuyours tiiilv w aixan acton december ilith ww mr allan knew froin ourstatemeiit last week that pro bono publico would not be be allowed to answer his questions in 1 these columns because thejimit of tune for the contijoversy expires yith this issue it was useless then for him to propound them thej most of the questions were re ferred tojand answered on nomination day and those which were pot will easily be answoreq to the satisfaction of any one tak ing sufficient interest in them to refer to the i treasurers books as a matter of justice loathe member of the council we would state positively that throughout the controversy in these coluhins daring tbe past two roonihs not a single member of the council has written any one of the letters j have appeared in the fkek pansfl i over anonyrnous signatures en fusee pbess 3 if 1t k mitchell solicituii cunvksavc ornce first door west 0 office main street milton at 6 per cent i say o you iniow freurs bros liavc leu 11 ac the cham ion mouev toljiau icy are just the work on sliort jl acton mills yes uifd t boys that will do you jiofd notice cliaijges moderate your vote and influence ilrc iqsnectf nils souci ed for o henderso successfully compete us in point of variety jrcal wtliie and downright cheapiess laoies who are in the hiijbit of buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements wc offer in this department to pur chasers inspection invited j bucham sl go my buda is i agtor rour palroaajo in my ble mm il v crociry department flour and feed department very nest llolle and stone floubhniu shorts chops oats peas barley oat and corn meal three kiuds of eijeh buckwheat flour two kinds cracked wheat 8 food li iisecq oil cuke meal linseed whole and ground paiknge goods crushed oats wheat nd barley yellow white mid flallwl maize samp hominy 8 k buck- r wheat germs prepared pea llice flour choice- ferina t flour inaiinfactuied- htat floii floiif ihead of any otu baking department breiid white brown aud steumej i- buns if nil kinds miuce kolls rrttagespmiee cake jelly rolls cakes ane ies meat pies 52 wedding cakes to order w matthews fop as council lor the village df actpn von th year 1 560 dress goods i this department is a large one with us and always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select from seldom met with oven in the largest cities ladie will do well before buy ing to visit our establishmbnt i and look through compare prices ice c bucham co fashionable wept end dress mantle arid t millinery f estaplishmfbt 1 im ttfif itlrllll v rtttrrimbmritnlm tiii fc msst sfe fiitm gtjf ssat5js sw mivyr bk i isr o5i ggfgllfcl mlwfcifiit 8feglllk s- ji ttmsjji- tl 5- gash gash j iitjli2i ci jsi1- a4i v r itti nisiiir you cap buy anything v clothini to the electors of acton iuikb and jkxttikuex 111 order tovouutoiiut any jalje iinireastou lntivc to our position ou tho cti ittcry qpit dd we have iletiued it deuirable to i mke llic fohpw- ing lt- ilorution of our intentions 1st we pledge ourselves to rupport the wl of tho coiuotory pioperty now iu the possessjji of the corporation aud iu uuy further oxpei turctoiroeeed no taster than the ruvenuo rived from the sale of 1ots vtill permit a providing sinking fund and iuteroat ou debeut 2nd wo further pledge omstlvcs tonso public funds for fencing or other iuiproveinu or survey of aid property othejjthau obtained from the sale of cemetery plots referred to olid to survey only such portious of ho rear parting shall meet the miuirementsofthbpooples wants acton ixc jotl v hendeksoj j fiyie tohncamebp xmas xmas new stock greatest bargains ever offered in cuelph i gold and 8ilv lilt- watches boots and shoes and milliner f at less than cost of manufacture o i am neoulets lockets j oemriasrs chains j charms eaiftinsa scarf pius bav m trlrptioiu uitteciiou floral view greenhouse 3ecligetowtf ont thl lirwcsti nui choicest 1luut hiid flowers wiioltsale nnd itciail funeral and weddiue design prepared on short notice and shipped stiffly nay weather- koetaage sale valuable farm proper iyxdeuaxonv vjutieof rherowkn j of wilo iontiiined in ecruin uiorlgi datqj the uthiiday of seittinlier ai w n will e olfevclifur snli at agnewo hotel iii the village of aotqji in hie county of halton wednesday 13th jan186 vi till jiolll hf 12 tl lk i noov tout vnluubk pvopeity liiiifi composod of northwest part of hotno lu the 1st c6n sioii of the township pt esipw creat reduction in clocks and plated ware at t1ik now ijj tho time to secure a liratolabb suitor overcoat as we tire giving siiocial vftlnaa fpirr pow till 1st january aud we a1liicia cutter ja4 yt jocrfeot fitting gw detitb every mflf nesson ibwfm- jvb watch and clock house of cuelph m s smitbi 2 jthe singer seeing maoeiac i frortr gh tl x p w 1 3st for cas 0 selling off no beseiv h uatnrally jyrit ttdac p- vi v headlight oil 20 cents per gallop corrie straii you on 57 indsiug contaiiiin acres inore or lss hit this liroptlfty is situated iieiir cvewsoiis cbr- uer udjacent to tji iruiijtiiliik hallway ubaul turco inilos froin acton fuern s n good frajno dwellinghouse nnd bank buvu upon the property tkkilfi ttu per cent ou duy of ule tlie ipl- nuco in one ijiolith thereafter for further jiavticulais apply to miis mat flktched kocliwood or to j a mowatjptt- dorsfiolicito inolphor acton or to- yvm hemsteeet aubtlon datod at aptou uuopniher 10 1883 wanted 10000 voltjoteeru to buy christmas cards anc presents froin waters bros pri88 lowertliaa ever canadian oh ills phntngrapli oiirits i chromo fjurds fanoyciirds paintjnu cards albums ijaiiijpags fiirscs paioygoodb tcp if j- aittrts alaterfiiu oil and water colo arbes pidtijree o ajbbs brcts ttelctarelgtov loatmcftinny vas ht to the rihi place i cents doii t l every doar you spenii with us ct b giffii iaotoiisr the pillow inh oh i saxse tltettttfixt catarrh and conumption if air charged with diseasn creating eleincntsjfuulttr will kill when breathed cputiuuouslfiiir cliareied witft remedial dements will vine when lireathec continn- oiisly- j ne goods jpst opewep john bennett agent acton hab secured a portion of the post office store where will be found a full 8tockof the gemtine singer sewing jfa- ehines any orders lefc at the store will receive prompt attention oils needles aud parts of machines always kept in stock john benne cl monthly auction fohh uudersiinied has a large hut of gooiswhiilr 1 wju lo jjofd i afjnews hotel kotonj j6n8atupdiy 16th dan 36 j at lp ft in any parties having kooda to c isposo of can nhblmota itf thfe naleriy te vlngp urflott- urs attno l o acton oti orbiforo jinuary 3 a mobbat auoilo oer ibt 1880 fams otoiibofttj5 m ximmwii iler i oor fine is im elegantly ninde iniir piliwi charged with remedial ilenfqntslhe vapoijof which the pntietit in laics tillhijli i loig whilst sleeping us us lal it oittinotiggt out of order and is perfectly afe to bhe most delicate it wiill last for yearsi tnd serve uuy number of persons in a fsmil in suc cession it hatters dowii the strolinhold of catarrh sacutis astliaia and c oaaamptioa and makes s permanent cure by coutiuit- n applicatiot of healing and cu ative jttir directly to tha diseased parts jruffirers from any of tlie tibovetnentionob diseases are urgently requested to snd usllhetr ud- dress nnd a 50page paniphletl will be mjiiled to them i ree yhich igl give ft complete histtiry of this wonderful discov ry aiid the pji ncitdes upon whluhjit worj together wjlji a jfiiig jist of teslimoulals frrtni those wh have used it and who now lejofoe in uerfict health donotdelaj for the longer a disease is allowed to ruu nchooked the shwof an hardorills to sffectachre there is no mediciue tifeenjutpitip stain- aeh no dojiohing ov siiuffliig nor anythhig liaabreealilo a tout this treatmeuffi it haenevr been known to fail 8eud your written to gold brooch barrings i fine cold brooche8 selected jpersbpally while in eugland bavag bff lamia and address plainly i guelph ii4 rh gueste cbtdstmafew tieirop acbic ailmeotjj doctors are bn j thjelmillpil sortment of ty even atrfightec thesiejtti court will be 1 on tlie 13th ja3 thesaivaj procession an eharacterjbn accor3ing s1on thepnbliq next the bak mondablejente page iilnsjirate ihe jolle taxes willi be- il lars from non- rone on thefieadlbm trill not gjumlj j j bev3atli ed servieea- il christmas da npday afveti the chadpionl iii georgetonl evening- twskatil day evening gave the skat was present i mr pauil councill w pel street includil ilessrs kelly dont ioi night at wmj ments and your poiketbl mrjama ed local agentl way mr j jiefis duties hq position rmrjmcl the j sntidavi hel won very fg hearers high and tiieymthe and sweep they hurry tlj whistle a soul tlie wisbl mail stealthill while hangind to see if he hil first under- tb 1 l lum idelpbia coni ifraudsaudqi ippeatinghai tobe frauds f iinoney andra j bevvv two very ear the methodil i morning addl the subject iij biliof beii ireligian 1 j x1k puny wilfapl ling under t ibandtprto only colored oewii jaridinaeei jgymos8s company- ip vb r jy f 9liirfacj

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