Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1886, p. 1

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s t- sfe iis volujte ij ttc yrtt frrss is poblishiiv bvery thursday morninjg i at the- free pras powct printing hollse acton ontario k subscription rates bkttun jod bnt mouths jo era thus mosthb 85 era iluvariablv in advance u not paia in aaranco 3l3s uer year will bo charged no paper sscop- tiaued till all arrears aro paid except ft the optiou of tho publisher advertising rates- spacs vi ta 1 0 o 1 4 uo oue column ie00135oaisw half oolumn 8500 1 aoooi ia00 quirtor colnuftu 9a mu0 700 onetnchr 1 600 1 350 1800 lmo s700 330 iso 100 casual advertisements 8 cents per line 1 ir the first insertion and i cents per line for eac i sub anent insertion cash the number of luies reokonod bv thetpace occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly transitory advertisements must be paid in advance changes for contract advertisements must bo in the office by 0 aan on mondays otherwise- thay wblbo left bver until the following week tup ifoork editor and proprietor business directory wee lowry m bmc ps gradmxth of trinity college mem- berjof college of physicians- and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton t de stagey md cm fellow of trinity medical school member of the college of physicians jtna surgeons oimce mill street late dr websters office ll a l bennett lds dentist georgetownontario mckinlay l d s surgeon fentistr georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com- monly called vitalised air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator ajnd practical teacher in royal college c dental surgeons toronto pat rons inayuepeud upon receiving satisfaction in anv operations performed will visit acton ewery other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel agtgn banking cut storey christie -bankelrs- acton general banking transacted kwtbt oastsb approved fct0tb3 notes dieoountec and allowed on leposiis j vrv t n i- wv4 iwp r co onsarlo ius1ness acton interest e m special a cency oat bell telephbrie ocupany messages received am i transmitted at lower rates than t allan line steamships tickets issued to al poiuts of great britain and the co itinent a t very lowest rates buy the tickets here if sending or friends canadian pcif1cr r the cheapost and jost rbt te to all points east and x est see time table i money savsl is uealiff vitli j emegurvin acton ontario wellington mate works quebec st quejih elograpl ng cheap actqn ontario thubsday ja and eooo sleighs wellmade wellpainted sled 65o fordoc extra large throe bench bandsomo 5135 for 85c the 8175 clipper for 8120 tho 8160 clipper for uoc the 8100 jlippor for 60c babv sledj flue box handles carpeted 8130 for 81 baby sled jargo 83 for 82 roomy box carpet handles the best value the best assortment cl and jexamine for yourselves at dlayls bookstore i cuelph b vjainless dtal operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of cbhayes ld s i toiells block guelph ont upper wyndham street t1gus ivory dentists south xv east corner kiiig and 1onge streets toronto ontario finest and best set teeth 5 to 88 gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in the morn- lng- can have them the same day we have been administering hurfis vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past year regardless of what others may say john ikwson graduate ofon- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton oct office in kenny bros boot and shoe store-resi- dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day prdmptiy attend ed to terms easy ycliian fc mcmillan barristers solicitors notariesr- convey ancers tc 0private funds to loan ornce town hall acton wm a mclevv hugh mcmillis ohilton allan a- baird i r barristers solicitors ac 1 tokoxtot geqrgetows- omteo creelmans block georgetown add 86 king street east toronto w i aeijl j shiltos ba 3 baiiid ba tyainlaldlaw ajco bareisteks a souciioes 6incks over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bain q c c amastes william laiiia geome kaprele patentssecured for inventions t henry grist ottawa casvba t 20 years practice no pateut no pay mhemstreet licensed auctioneeu for thecountiesof wellington andhalton orders left at the fbee pkess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terrnfl reasonable monev ioloas i a1sq money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards john h hamilton proprii iorj formerly mcquill inhiunilton dealer m marble grani te and uvery thing pertaining to oer leteryvjrk received first prizes at proviiicial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for exc silence of material and superiority of workmanship your orders are solicited f lumber s hingles and lilth phc uudcrsifiuod desires o inform the public i that he has now on lia id aud will keep in stock a fulllinc of iiue am hemlock as well as other kinds of lumbor a so first iinl second class pine shingles lath coal ocd having purchased tho- coll business of mr c s smith iani prepared to stove coal i have also a hardwood ash cedar and able prices wood and gi upply all kinds of ood stocl ill woo 1 delivcrc jame8 bhowy ofwood- at reason- planing having made arrangements messrs w h continuance of the plan iij ing formerly occupied iy the aiton plow company we would info m the p lblic that we are prepared to take contracts fof buildinc also dsessnra tloosig shheting l uomjiim fto with fatness a id dispxtch mill pumps ffumfs in cbnuection with the above w are also prepared to receive order forpuraw from long experience in tho bu liness we feel con rijeiit that we can supply an article second tonone orders by mail w ill receivo prompt attcntiiu kiudjy soliciting if sljtire of pjiblic patf rouagewe respectful y yours tiios ebbigi manasier business 0llece guelph 0 tario e knowle8 j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties of haltonand wellington orders left with- i james matthews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable j rohn day ofncki- queens hotel square architect guelph ost blockt market tohnjdaleft 0ff suiicosbor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 xy cent mortgages purchased money aimed for parties in mortgages and other lepnrity conveyancing in all its branches iroperly and neatly one charges low jarms and city property for sale list rith farms for sale sent to all parts of the idtiihinion to intending purchasers and cir- dtedin europe european capitalists oting farms in ontario will be sent di- ons through our european agencies ffsrma wanted for our lists correspou- vinvited office near the post office ipih ont j the second sch lastic year commenced septem er 1st each de partment is in charge of j a specialist to impart a practical training for tin efficient conduct of business aftdrs is the sphere and wotk of the institut n its graduates are already holding respc nsible pc sitibns in the commercial ceutresitn the iominion energetic yonng men ant women are thor opghly prepared for posit on 8 as bookkeep ers shorthand writers correspondents ojrtelegraph operators students received at any time for ciroaar and catalogue giving fall information t ddress mmiccormick 14cm j principal mutual fire insurance company oe ym 007ntt 07 wellhtaton istujlii5he 1810 headoffice panlan barber shop r j p worden j ied a barbensljopin the building oppoaito 8toreyb old gteve faotorjy jjtjfceet actonaha solicits the patrou- fof ti ptblib in this vicinity every iof the busineas will beebniduct style give us a qall mi- ftslftvr wc i wis jpoeden j lxintia jrnling nestly insures buildings merchandise mann factories and all other property on the premium sfote c ystera pw stone cms davidson president secretary john taylor ajffont rjirancis nunan baccessoi to t y bhapian bookbinder st georges square account books of all 1 mi mate to order periodicals of every dscjptio4 carefully inn- t day sells cheap excelsior bakery acton wt t188h tndhsdav 1ornino jancahy 7 1886 i ok try carrier 3 annual address having purchased the above bakery fromlmn d mann ihope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronizo it thanking theni for past favors 1 will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that- they will one and all cxtehd to us their patrouage i use nothing but the best roller flour and jkeep it in stock fresh bread buns c every day also steam bread j cakes of all kinds i new york tea biscuits 1 soda and oatmeal scones on hand or inade to order at shortest notice wedding cakes a specialty biscuits aud confectionery of all kinds icing sugar giuger snaps boston mixed- cakes wholesale flout butter anl ens taian in exchaniro for sreal at llartat prices i l y mrs t statham hills stove old anc blustering ia the evening bitter ilows the pieroing blast wrathf d lly the sun is setting sheets of snow are driving fast pleasure sleighs are gaily gliding through the rightandcheerfulstreet few indeed a e those who journey gainst the riving snow and sleet round their hearth in pleasant oircles happy famil ies congregate smiling neath the mellow radiance from their c lieerily burning grate glihteninu eye are gazing heavenward thanking g din earnest prayer for the comfoits that surround them for tho blese ings which they share happy homo 1 oh yes tho presence 0 our f rienc s so kind and dear tends to banisl i all our sorrow tends to dry the scalding tear yot perhaps t le mind neer dwelleth in its aepth f love and joy i on our weary optsore brethren een your hu nble cabrieb bov look from out our cosy homestead see a figured rawing near plodding onhis weary journey bringing tidiigs of good cheer neath his arm are snugly nestled clean fbee presses bright and neat do you ever thi ok hes weary as he bears tl e welcome sheet how lie guards lis sacred treasure true companion of hib toil v messenger of goi d or evil 1 who shall dai e one sheet despoil faithfully ho dees his duty heedless of tn e bitter cold j or the angry tei ipest raging round his fori n of smallish mould and -now- raids voices gaily sinking new year car lis to the sky while the angels are repeating glory be to rod on high he appears youi faithful cabbieb wishing yon unmeasured bibs asking in return one favor token of his te ltbiuliiess our story if he does its moreu i do said hones ke with a shrug of bis shoulders hash lnke 1 said joanna standingon tifltoe to whispor in hisear i shouldnt i wander if some day he were to marry her luke gavo a lengthened whistle i should quoth he but jo that aint anything for you to orjifir no of course not said joanna in a low voicershe was intent on brushing tho dirt off her brothors coatsleeve but when one has lived so long in a place ono feels a little sorry to leave it i thats all i wouldnt be scared off the premises by any old maid alive declared independent luke but joanna only smiled argue as she would she could not make luke see the difference in their positions v this discussion had taken place the day before joanna had timidty told the squire of her decision and he was musing not very cheerfully over it when miss miriam caraoiu j morning cornelius said miss mirry dear me yon look sober anything hap pehed why yes said tho sqaife not sorry for a chance to communicate his sorrows to some one else joanna joyce in going going is she said miriam setting down her basket with energy well i aiut sorry shes a pert pushing thing that has had her own way a good deal too much let ber go- thebquire looked amazed j yourojokin mirry aint you said ho and miss miriam remembered that her cue above all things was amiability and sho giggled faintly but what am i going to do said the squire hciplessly thats what i want to know j j well do you know cornelius what i thinkyou had bettor do 1 said miss miriam archly j what is it iget married i and then she shrank back with a spasmodic imitation of the pretty timidity of eighteen springs oh what aare i said she exclaimed for get it cornelius do 1 but i say though iiiint going wwlmwm h ts wv4 r j- 7 f v p lalij mm rrfi cuelph descriptions of gaelpli ontario good assortm ent ofstoves cheap for cash tinware of all ktnds at botjo 31 prices eavetroughing a specialty and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited j ohill mill st guelph cloth hall m1ss miriams advicej by amy bandolpn i the cherry trees were full of white blosi soms the roses on the south wall waved their long pink pmdauts back and forth the hollyhocks alng the garden fence were beginning to bud and squire corawwllj watching the utile ducklings sail hither and yon oil clio devious course of the brook under the nlders had a vague idea that everything in nato re rejoiced excepthimsclf the squiro was 3he of those social prob lems- a thorougl paced old bachelor he lived his solitary life at clove farm and ho didnt quite 1 now how it was that he was so uncomforfc ble although he baid to himself things have been ijuito different since joanna joyce had the oh urge here and i dontj 606 why she cant be contented to stay j joanna joyce ha 1 been his housekeeper ty brisk stirring little maiden whoso stal1 wart brother did the heavy farm work and laid down the law agriculturally speaking to the squire joanna was a firstclass cook tho squires shirts bad shone like satin every week as thoy came np from the wash the poultry and the butter and without a rival the ovor joanna was o fcmcet emektsv just the same at hocks and the tiud never thriven bettor cheese department was oonnty through more- t le of those fresh daisy- faced girls upon wbpm the eye involuntarily rested with pleasur i like to see her iround said the squire 1 do the double holly- dajnask roses and now shes going to leave me and im sure i dont know why irto the midst c f his melancholy modi- tatidnscamo miss w iriam fry his old maid cousin from the hot se on the other side of the river miss mirry as she was com- monly called had a shining tin pail in one hand and a basket in the other she wanted to borrow a sotting of ducks eggs and had brought ov r 6omo of the monster strawberries which tad just ripened on tho south hillside mus mirry was always remembering ber co isin tlw biuirein this pleasant sort of way sho ran ovor to cloys farm sometimes two or three times a day she was go d enough to count tup table napkins inspei t the crockery on the shelves aud rummage in the preserve clos ets whenever tho fat cy took her and she was wont to lector pretty joanna joyce to for get it 1 cried tho squiro with a frightening f aee married why thats the very thing i whyoneftrth didnt i thing of it before im sure 1 dont kuow said mirry coquettisbly men are so stupid and im a little stupider than the rest of my kind said mr cornwall laughing bnt i say mirry youre not goiug away before weve talked it over a bit v i must fullered miriam hiding her face behind the eggbasket i do fdel bo that is you inusnt think 1 intended oh dear mo what am i saying if you want to say anything moro about it cornelius iyou must come over to our house tonight i yes but mirry he wab talking to vacancy miriam egg basket and all hod disappeared mirry acts very strangely said the quire but then she always had ah nld streak about her and it certainly vas very good advice that she gave me and jtllllose no time in acting on it miss miriam went home exultantly i think i have set the boll rolling now said she hell be overt here to propose thnv evening as sure us the world how his eyes did brighten to be sure i and to think that the idea should never have come into that dear old obtusehead of his be fore i i declare tho whole thing has hap pened almost nsncely as if it were leap year im pretty sure of being mrs corn- wail at last i wonder what that insolent little minx of a joauna jjoyce will think in a measure miss miriam was right squire cornwall did come over that even ing in ins best suit with a drimson oatr- bage rose in his buttonhole and his honest face oeatmug with satisfaction miriam said he scarcely pausing to liotioe that his cousin bad on a new slato- colored silk dress with a laco frill starohed suffer than any picket fesce and an extra allowance of cologne ou her pocket hand- erehief is there anything in the gown r jewelry line tnat you would f anoy i d e to givo you some nice present right way my dear cornelius i cried miss miriam ashing to tho very tips of her lean cheek- ones for giving me such excellent advice ou know said the squire vlve taken he who wait and waits untiljhe me y do something astonishly noble all at once will hardly be likely ever to find that wish dfor time seldom do the mountains i lower abruptly from the even plain the esser hills generally lead np to them by gr dual asppit so it is with the training o our lives we need first to climb the lesser heights of soulbeauty and then the w iy to the more sublime is 9pened up in foot there need be no great surprise if the eqag- niflcent heroish is never within r sach there is but one yellowstone pqrk oi the coritimnt but therekire thousands of g assy glades and dells that charm with ieir moderate if you please more orckai ry beauty day by day these huncie s of thousands of weary wayfarers may now and be refreshed by them to the most the national park mast remain a picttired dream so with our lives it is nolby marvels of illustrious excellence and deeds pf resplendent famewinning yirtue jthat good is to ijb done bnt the quiet tally kindness in business life and the sweet helpfulness in the family circle anc i the christlike temper towards friends by un swerving consistency -iov- hiiinble d ities faithfully done because consecratoj t the master thus it is that theheauty of loli- ness is shown do not deliberate to n adb therefore but do with yoifl might rhat your hands find to do 1 j checking pauperism the worst ovil in the world isnot pcver- ty or hunger bntthewant of manhool or character which almsgiving dirwtly occasions the english have tried ilms until the kingdom seems a vast poorh inse and the problem of pauperism has asst med a gigantic and almost insoluble form the nation have given everything bat eduoa lion and the result is a vast multitude of wn itch ed persons in whom pauperism is planted like a disease of the blood who cannc t be- anything but dependents and idlers in london alone 825000000 per annum j ore expended in organized charities yet til the year 1871 no general system of pbpulai ed ucation has been formed j- this country has been more fortt bate and wiser we had room and work enc ugh we provided education before alms amlds- pecially among ournatiyeborn popula ipn have checked pauperism as it never was checked before in any civiliiied commuity no one can jmagine who has not ieen familiar with the lowest classes how en- tirley degraded a character may be ome where there is an unoertain dependenc v on public and organized alms the faoiljties of the individual are mainly bent on s cur ing support by other means than iudulfryt how could 81 ill the at last my wish is gran d and we re living inthecwy i in the city thitmy weary eyes so often ltv m lasmp v for my jeyes hkd grokra aweary of the springhonse a id ibe maples and the- sumac in the hollow and the weepingjwillow treej i and now around about us are thb steeples ofjhecity and neer a thought if quiet in the rum- ble and lhb roar and 0 1 t want tp leave them onato atand i beneathjthe mi pies y i where the scaflet ho leysuckles used to chmb about th doot now robins in the workshop from early morn tilt evening v and his labor k directed by the whistle audthepell j and j miss him ft the noon time most rhe i nsed to eome to kiss me and to take at drink of water from the r bucket agthe well and i pass the wbry days alone athin king pr the coajntry 1 and how ray jfjooiub foolish heart has grown scjbad andsore andl want to leijee the city and jto look across tljevmeadowb l ahd to stand beneath the honeyisnckles climbins jxer the door 4 i want to go to meeting in the white ennroh on the hillside and hear the jlittle choir sing the good oldfaswtoned tunes and iwant to hitch eld dobbin injthe little open buggy j and drive him as i used tado on pleasant afternoons i hcrw coitld we sell old dobbin and the cows and sheeb and chickens how could we fell thedear old farm to seek the jcitys roar with the hope of making money aod now thai we havelost them we find oureeljiga- so lonesome and weer poorer uian before and robin does hot say it but i know that he is longing- to go back to tiie cobntry and work ths fields once more so well toil andj save the money to buy back thejdear did homestead where the scarlet boneysockles usedto climb abbnt the door within an inch of he job himself cou the joung housekcop pooh 1 ppoh 1 ba keep your promise when you inako a promise to a c keep your word to the minutest parti the childhood of the person to whi promise is made is never an excuse fo breaking of that promise on the cont ary it exaggerates the offense whorevjr a obild may gain his first experimbtal knowledge of theiact that a promweidoes not always mean performosace it ought not to be in his own home or from his sunday- school teacher do not betray aclilds holy trust unless- you wish him to grow up oynical and distrustful if yoij jwish him to mature into u true and foi hful man know that yonr surest means fit win ning that end is by being always true and faithful to him how hard it must t p for a child to trnst god who has learned inot to trust hisown mother or teacher f s times a bitter fight the toronto newspapers straggling for circulation and snpremacy in this year of graco thore is no keener competition thanjthat between city news papers an example of the bitter fight for supremacy is afforded by the extraordinary offer made by jthe toronto neufrthe democratic daily and weekly published by edmund e sheppord he offers bis wtchly and it is doubtless the most amus ing and independent weekly in canada for one year for a dollar and gives to each individual subscriber a dollars worth of mcraes underclothing- mens shirts and drawers all sizes boys shirts and drawers all sizes childrens combination sets all sizes h i nc promptly done shawacrundy mrehn tailors life dnt stand her oried r in despair d luke joyce dotft pay no tention to he no moreii if she was a muskeeter thati the way to treat her jo au said joania shaking her curls but you dont know how oggravatin she can be dont i though said luke screwing np his face into a terrble grimace hevenc i had her peering into the oatbins and counting the bogs ol white beans and giv ing me good advice v oh cornelias with coy arohness well i have declared the squire ive asked her to marry me and she says pwiii asked who cried miriam momen tarily forgetful of all her studied coquetries li wtuii tnnnno tauna ty ka anivi- ooirl ohelph whatornps to put i 1 to the south meadow and the west pasture lot why shes all over like pussley there aint no gettii out of tho reach of li ir tongue now i you what bat it is different in the house said joanna resolutely and ive made up my mind to leave it aint the squijrev fault said luke hewing a btraw not in the i leajst quickly assented joanna hes th pleosantest man that ever i saw and die aaaiest suited ill say that for him well then saiil luke who always had a way of plunging d irectly into every sub jtotwhy dont yd go straight to him and toll him allab ut it oh 1 1 couldnt udi sj m why joanna jpyce to be sarey said fiquire cprnwail whom ejse should 1 bo talking about j and the thing is to come off in october aud shea the dearest little girl in the world upon my word miriam you havent the least idea how grateful i am to you for patting it into my beiid j miriam fry bit her lip she would joy- y tho furlong about i tuilyhave boxed her honest cousins ears signes of the times dentistrteeth extracted without pt yin restaurant a good placeto dip in 1 7 it shoemaker everybody gets soled iero- bookselleriour books are boundita sell tailor the place- for fits blacksmith all hands ore on the e rike butcher we make ends meat grocer lying in weight for custpi lers printer our business is pressing carpenter plain boardshaving fre baker we knead your support lawyer pleab be brief 1 studentrwe study to please barber noteb shaved here dh- liveryman we do a driving bushi editor wc copy others mistakes the she would have delighted to call him every opprobrious name in the oaioudur bat she was tou polite for that she simply turned green and vellow like an 1 unripe olive put a resolute force ou her tongue and uttered somewhat automatically the words h i congratulate you cornelias i am jue j 1 and joanna and her brother smilingly agreed that they had altogether misjudged miriam fry while to the end of hisdayb the squire firmly believedthat his marriage with pretty joanna joyce had been miriams fondest wish swd joanna shrinking back shes hiw iousin you know and and itliinkhollkerher i ifi stand back gentlemen clear track i shouted the police and ai quioklygathering crowd surged steamer no 4 camo up jhe street magnificent block horses striking fire the pavement bat hold a wheel comes offl steamer is overturned and the brave 1 fire men are picked up bleeding and sehsebss an investigation revealed the facttfiatin oiling the steamer that morning thestanard had neglected to put in the liuchpiil a little neglect on his part had caused 4 loss of half a million dollars the busy marts of trade are full of men who are muting the same fatal mistake they nifllect their kidneys thinking they need ho tftton- tion whereas if they made occasional use of warners safe cure they would iiatvsay that they dont feel quite well that ajtjired feeling bothers them that they are plagned with indigebtionj that their brain refuses to respond at alj thit their nerves age all unstrung f5n journal sight pretty fair speeches you can seotire ijiiataa gc photo gcagh at the metropolitan studiol aoton on a duuday as on a bright one at we- use the new lightning prooess wwohrioires owy amotion of lapond for oxpoaore ss philoprogenitivenesa inooroprehensibleness dibproportionablenesa fiuticonstitntionalist tfcrifipibiutudinity yelpeipfedebtrianistical trahsubstautionabiehess proautitiansubetautlatiodisfc so 20 21 r2i 22 28 books free lis a premium therd are 31 books to choose fromsud with tho list be fore us we are puzzled to know how it can be done us the prices quoted aro the lowest published ratos fcr tho books advertised in he cws officp over a hundred thousand of hesp books arp stored and twentyfive thousand have already en distributed the combinatijon offer made bf thd newt three months of its daily i per annum from thopresent date to april 1st 1886 and nine mohthsjof the- weekly ijei from april 1st to pecainber 31st 86 ipr li76 and a dollar and seventyfive cents worth of books as a premium is still more sur- prising and istlje finest oser ever made by a metropolitan publication to rural readers the three months of the daily will include t daily reports of she jsessions of the local and dominion jparlijaments and owing to the frenchcanadian crisis the coming- session will be of the most thrilling interest of any sinco confederation more than thib farmers will find it to their advantage to take a daily paper in the winter monlths when the family have plenty of leisure to read and when the daily cattle and grain market reportaaie of much value to those having produce ip soil those taking jthe daily j toronto newt will get a four pige paper five days out of the week and an eight page paper on sat- urday tho siittirday number jcontains 7 the political cartoon and the page of funny r piotares jokes sitories and sketches which arer such populuir features of the weekly t together with tiilmages sermoh the serial story and tne jcolumn of fitira humor from the f ariufh2 editor which dso appear in the weekly j everybody knows what tho weekly isfit has a oiroulatipn of 25000 and is tleonly paper in canada which doesnt pdblisbadvertibements the pohtfcalj conduct- of the newt ib democratic many things appear in its editorial cplumnb with which we j may not agree but its independence of tone and fearless discubsido of canadas present and future mist do good by exciting the elec- tors to the inqjiiry whither are we dififting j we have a i personal letter- from mr sheppard the publisher of the newt be fore as assuring us that his extraordinary offers will oeeartied out to the letter and we feel sure that they will theweic is not in competition with local papers and we quote the rjubflshers weirds coupled with or advice to try the newt for a year the man mho lis too mean to- take mb local paper is too stingy to be honest too small to be respected and too ignorant to hope to be honored by his fellqwcitizons vvaksinanairie i oeg your p irdon sir said a traveller to a fellowpab icnger hint is not your namesmith t no sir wa 1 the replyj my name is tttpntrose baoueamej my mistake davdon ifa nt very flattering tii ones prjde and self-re- srtjir montrose added with it smile- vto beolftssed jainong tiie great plebeian- army of smithl ibut buch mutakes will pwvsafikybcme with yppr naesit7i in rntjnto i smjjlh york vvi 38 adhpescli u airs boys aucv inenfi boots ig theui outirorilicoopp- bigvic nateon mobia fe cik l a i rm v a im

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