Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1886, p. 3

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i i j- qeorge hynds jeweler atttt nttcytioods store y aoton ontario tucrspay monstxo jvsvurc7 1816 crumbs fof provided by the ever thou press reporters huur- pioe our tocal subscribers rpiie papers delivered by our carriers arouas 1- adlrewod with th mailing roachiuefhe saate as all those bonit through tho post office wv this arrangement our subscribers civn ascer- tain by a glauce at the label at what date their utco expires or hi expired any errors which may havcoccurred in rearraiieiug tho list will be promptly rectified if reported at the office hr moork publishct water is high in the swamps now tho public school reopens tins nioru- m i la jo in fc 4vv andau lu renew your subscription to the free pks the annual week of prater seryicesuro in progress the georgetown zero w takes rest this morning the ltoldjouso man was as big a life on monday night tire last meeting of he old council will bo held next tuesday evening p- tie municipal campaign is a thing of the past tor a year at loaat our thanks are due to mr c t hill detroit for copies of city papers mr a c mckinlav lds will visit acton next wednedav 13th inst remember the farmers institute to he held at georgetown en the jlhh and ooth january the january thaw arrived in good time and monopolized the bcstjnart of- the tirl week the roads are ihrather a discouraging condition just now but a good snowstorm wiil set matters right the new year camp in like alainb there vu ie somelion or lyin about the weather before u goes out strawberry plants were in bloom at burlington on new- years day oh the rigois of u ciiuiuu winter the programme of the kbenezeiicro co m the town hall on e years eve hasu received much eulogy from those present metsi- alex kennedy jos laaby aud thoiiias cersierou were elected trustees oi lorueaeetilii at the annual school meeting iastcek tne tiieremometer- has deeo taking oine pretty lively runs this wsek from j above zeroon monday it fell below the cipher on tuesday night 4the bovmamiile san has just opened its third volume the sun is a represcn- tauve jocai paper ana is conducted with enterprise ami aotlity in all departments oar goodnatured and appreciative carriers dere to express their best thanks to tie numerous rentiers of the fkee 1kess in town for their liberality when called upon with their annual address the social given by mr w rimy thy at ni njiuenee on wilbur street on hew years cvein aid ot the st aibansijab- balh school was ijuie a success tlie ovtmifs wa pleasant and the attendance goou mr vhitelaw of meaford preached in the disciples fleeting house acton on the last uiiub uay of lstij both morning and evening iriis discourses were heard with attention and- were deservedly appreciated by those present a sunday school sermon will bo preached w the methodist church next sunday morning a social will be given ip the basement of the church on friday evening the loth lust in support olthe saboath school funds mr john sevens was unfortunate enough ou the last day of theyear to almost sever the thumb at the base of the nail with a oharp axdv dr stacey attended him and thinks he can induce the severed ipiece to eugraltitself again the wingham timet commenced it8 fifteenth volume last week under the superintendence of mr s vf galbraith the- luiif shows evidence of prosperity in his hands it is bound to uke steps in the van of local journalism we extend our thanks to the many who have renewed their subscriptions to the fiseepbess fdr 1886 a large uumber are still due however for 1885 we wdl be happy to receiye all that remain unpaid aud willafterwards tender our thanks for them too srthe annual meeting of the township ofesquesiug agricultural 8ociety will be held m the council chamberi3tewarttown on thhrsday the 14th inst aoclockpm- wffhope there will be a good attendance and that acton will be allowed the exhibition nest fall as she is certainly entitled to it ye have received from tho london jftcc pitie a beautif ullithograpbed calender we are freijueutly in recent of samples of wore from the job printing and lithograph- ing department of this excellent office and they occupy a place in point of general superiority second to none that we have seefi qa the coutinent l aa copy of a song entitled tbe wreisk the weeks rakings which are prlnolpally looal in saturday nighta publo mating the public meetiiir ia the tovru hall ou saturday cvqning wasjwellftttenlcd the- reeve oecupijed the chair and th 3 nuilience was addressed by messrs heudeisou fyfe camorou and moore each of wl om map ped out his pjodcy it was considered on all sides that mr f fas was the speeiili of the evening handsome monument mr john h hatniljouofthenyellingtou marblo works ouelpli has just comploted a very handsome moiiunient and erootod the same on tho burial plot of our esteemed townsman 5fr ricbsid hematroet the monument isj the largest in the cotmty of blue marble and the workmanship is done in mr hamiltons visual superior style jmilton 54 i i smacks of business a newspaper is a help to any community where it is published it gives support and should receive support especially from business men its dolunrobare always open to bo used for the interest of its own town and townspeoplei it is a matter of selfinterest for people to patronize it not only when they seek free advertisements but when they havo job work io do as well buaineas change mr w e smith has purchased from mr h b mccarthy his liver business which he is removing to his commodious stable on john street j in the certreiof the town mr smith will keep a fill lino of good horses and vehicles and will be able to supply all demands for first class turn- outs he is a courteous and obliging man and wb have no doubt will transact business to the satisfaction of all parties the pid year and the new another year has rollod around bringing with it the changes that are the accompaniment ot existence oii dane sphere quite a few of th4 oldest and most respected- residents of vicinity have during ithe vear invariable this mun- aclon and jjust closed passed to the great beyond the old year vas seen out and jhe new year iusbered in very quietly but it awakened in many minds thoughts of the kindly feelings that should prevail in theholidav time anniversary services the anniversary services inj connection with the methodist church here will e i held cm the 14th and loth ofi february bishop carman onebf the general super intendents wilt- conduct the services- on sabbath and mr james l hughes ll b toronto who fairly electifitjd the audi ence in his lecture recently will deliver his celebrated lecture why men fail oh monday evening a skainsejihibiuoh the malingers of the skojtiug rink had arranged for a skating exhibition by prof j d bruoc assisted by prof sauders this vrock vut owing to the soft weather early in tho week llioyworo obliged to postpone it tho exhibition to be giyen next weok look oitt for posters halt on conseivatlve association i the jfellqwiiig oftlccrs were appointed for the onvrent year at the conservative con vention in miljon a week ago prosidont honrywatsos milton vicopresidont a w ptatt burlington treas i cartmer milton- sco w j watson milton muni cipality viceprebidentbi milton dr free- man georgetown dr roo esquesing john hainot nassagaweya david hutcheon iburliugton dr ltichardson nelson thos watson acton david hen derson trafalgar jas w bussell oak- villo w b chiahblnil a rosolution of regret for tho death of tho lato gol wm clay of norval was moved by hon g c mckiudsoy soconded by major jkerns m p p and carried r 4 sucocdsful candidates t thvioilowini aro the names of the can didates for eutranco to high school who have been passed provisionally by tho local xmas pw years m tlic holiday season with all its attendant liappinesbnd merry making approacjies and as uual mccarvins drug and sptationery stoer id full of i examiners at milton 1 bertha ezard milton p s 516 2 gertie a robortsanjiiltoni s 191 3 katie laidlaw no 6 esquesing 186 4 maud mclhorsou nofl 470 5 john sproat milton pi s 476 6 cjias m campbell milton p 8 458 7 rdbt j keunedvo 12 esquesing 455 8 mitchell cobban acton p s 41o h sarah hmcguirono6 esquesing 408 10 jane logio no 7 nas6gawoya 403 11 cli s c henderson acton p s 402 12 richd ljjohuson 12 esquesing 398 13 david m logie 7 nassagaweya 388 14 fauuiel johnson milton p s 15 clara a nixon no 6 esquesing 3s3 16 peter douglas no 8 trafalgar 380 17 catherine wilson no 0 380 is chas a barclay milton p b 377 19 c douglas no je tra esq 377 20 bolln allen no 9 nelson 377 fairview cematery dedicated on monday last before tho interment of the late george steel sr the new cemetery was dedieted for use as a public burial ground cpon entering the cemetery tho hearse was proceeded by rev wj pigott i a and messrs storey henderson and stephenson the members of tho cemetery committee of the municipal couueil tho hearse halted a short distance from the grave and the clergyman supported on right audteft by the above committee repeated the solemn and impressive dedication service not consecration proscribed by the church of england the corpse was then removed from the hearse to its last resting place aud the burial ceremony proceeded with- this is the tirst interment in fair- view cemetery and rev mr pigott being the first clergyman to officiate at a burial was given the honor of performing tho dedicatory ceremony it will ho opened for general use in tho early spring m 7 purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom pur readeis are individually or collectlvoly acquainted mr jos firslbrook of toronto visited friends here this week mrs e thurteil is a gwestof her sou mr r l thurteil teeswattr mr and mrs john keiiucyvisitodfrieuds in brampton during the week miss maggie moore of hamilton is guest of the editor of the fkee piiess bv those in need of profitable work those who write to them will receive freo full l e mort of acto is visiting particulars relatives and friends in graucy valley missionary meetings the annual missionary slrvices were held in the methodist church last sunday i rev john shaw of tie mission rooms is oroy christmas cards of everydescriptlon snitnble torjchnstmas gifts it has bcea our ehdeavor this season in selecting our holiday stock t6 securo onlytthokc goods which are pi superior value and which will be deemed worthy of more than ordinary appreciation by those who receive them i out goods are new and of this years design we hftve a fine as- jsortment of billies albums annualsand giftbbpks of all kinds jn attractive and durable birydings you cannot fail to niake a full aud jeatisfactory selecfiqnfroii our stqek everybody should call on us special annofngiilvieirt special inwoljmement- spcialjanotiicelvient lj- nelson mcrae co continue the uusmesa of we have made arrangements to xelsori mcrae k co under the same firn name until the first ot january 1883 our cleaing fealo continues ana wo are i husf3axusjaskjtjk wlks w men rare and interesting tune is anticipated these nark the expiration of the services will first d cade for thci ive3j coax youjv husbands sisters persuade your brothers brothers advise- your ststers brj to go to- n mcgabvins drug and s atiooery store acton xmas presents ho sells ly tter goods cheaper than aiiy other store f01l bieck ov gotd pens ikd pencils since the dedication of the sacijed edifice a pine piece or art we have received from gcorte stiuson j co of portland maine the wellknown art publishers a magnificent full length steel engraving of general grant i it is after aidersons celebrated photograph which wps made while the general was still in full vigor and represents him in his sturdy manly strength as the people wish to re- member him it is undoubtedly the best portrait ever made of the general messrs j stinson r co are in needof agents for j several important popular new pnlications and offer inducements tbatshould beheeded keep your eye oft this for it is liable to change any time everybody goes to the metropolitan studio for their photos why because tley get firstclass work at moderate prices eii- larements made fiiom card size t- lite srze bring any picture you vyish enlarged llireet to ihe studio and thus secure better work and save agents profits- ymii irieiids will appreciate ii nice photo of yourself bettet than any xmus card come the first convenientday as we arc becoming more aud more busy every day its the holidays approach ruby metropolitan studio on giviug rare values for cshl j h we respectfully ask hill indebted to the firjh to call and settle their accounts before the first of january asthey must be provided for in some way by that time j nelsbn mc co acton november 24tb 1885 -1- fclw a1 the lion the lion s v k r mrs thomas duncan returned onmotiday after spending a week or so with friends in yort aturday january 9th 1886 toronto delivered two of the most practical and convitrcifig discourses on the subject that we have eter had here weather was disagreeable aiii although the the attend ance consequently smaller than the occasion should have bfeen favored viith the amount raisedf or missionary purposes ps considerab ly in advance of former years the subscrip tions were larger and the cash paid forth with was much more satisfactory than usual the amount to be forwarded to the mission rooms from acton circuit will ex- ceedftl50 j- death of an old resident on saturday morning one of the oldest residents of acton passed away in the per- theage of 81 son of george 8teel sr at years mr steel came to acton tbirtytwch years ago from toronto where his wife had just died from cholera he was a quiet and unobtrusive old man and seemed to desire to be allowed to live severely alone not appearing anxious to enjoy even the ordinary comforts of life he irx actou who neighbor we of the alyvmd composed and published by ajidavis port arthur is to hand as iw name implies it refers to the wreck of thealyouia on the rocks of lake superior last october the words are very appro- j priak and the accompaniment though purposely simple is very pathetic the 60g8biuld beeomepopular jf est year is to be her gracipub ma- jestvs jubfleej andthe good lady purposes to ih honor of the event dbpenso kmght- hoq4 to the mnyore 61 jail british and colopial cities of a population of over fopty thbsajid weare sorry that wc will ipt i r lioucap hiy the pleasure owing to aotonb liniit- 1 gragk wtthe edl population of ooagratnlfttirq jbir tw ii torey n xjrmectiop ivith the pnuewil ereh tr r- t was taken suddenly ill a cojrple of weeks ago his last days were made as comfortable as pos sible at the handsiof bis brother and niece miss jennie steel at whose home he died i he was buried on monday rev w j pigott b a officiating in fjairview ceme tery this is the first interment in the new cemetery borrowing a paper there is at least one man borrows this paper from his ope when he seeb the following he will re turn tlie paper to the rigbtful owner and come straight to the office and subscribe afriend of ours his neighbor thus un burdens himself i i i deabemtob i tbank you my friend for your papers ard the good tidings they always bring j it keeps me from troubling my neighbors vhich is such a small sillything i m there are plenty iwha borrow your paperl and often its truths read with care f who if they paid fc to the lawyers could oaejly subscribe for a year i am glad forwliafc it has taught mc and hope it miyflourisli and yield for it taught me never to borrow and lias always- proved a spoko in the wheel 7 mr ted steel cif point edward was in acton attending the funeral of his uncle on monday mr and mrs h p moore and master i eddie spout new years day with hamil ton inends mr and mrs john nicolson and family of michigan are visiting friends in action aud vicinity miss emma moore of lome school left on wednesday to take a course ut guelph high school mr and mrs josiah royce of cedar brook farm visited friends an acton on new lear8 day mr aiid mrs james barclay of oil city pa returned home on saturday after spending a week with friends in acton aud vicinity rey t a moore pastor of the methodist church dcuinbo was made the recipient of a welltilled purse at their cunsttnus tree festival mr tra vers of tho office of mclean mcmillan barristers returned home on monday after spending- the holidays with friends in st thomas wetnetice by the gait jicfurmtr that mr peter- mcgregor for many years a resident of acton has been reelected to the town council by acclamation j mrs ms brickor left oh tuesday morning for her home in listoweil she was accom panied by her sister miss mcgarviu who will spend a few weoksin that town tho young men and maidens who aro attending various colleges throughout the land and who were homo for the holidays are returning to their studies this week alexander steward tassie esq ma of dresden foncerly master of classics io vialt collegiate institute visited his cousin great discount to last during tbe mouth of january in which will commence sale discount of 25 to 3313 per cent will be given off regular prices on j lines of i mantles clbakings i j i dress goods fur mills fur caps fur mantles hosiery oyercoats underclothing quilted skirts fancy shawls i c c fi c itcw for good reliable boots and shoes williams ffc the front llaviug purchased the boot and shoe business lately carried on by mr h bj micartny in the tillage of acton and having replenished the stock with a first- class assortment of all lines usually kopt in a no 1 boot aud iphoe store i ain pre pared to guarantee entire satisfaction toall who may faror me with their patronage i a good supply of tirstclass trunks and valibes will always be kept on hand iil the ordered work aud repairing is all under my own supervision the public may rely upon its receiving the best of attention give me a trial and bee for yourselves v- wmwiliiamfe vr h t s nosib and 7 wyadbam st 6uclpli aad 84 oswld st glasgow scotland -00- specially low prices iii cloths tweeds ajd ordered o wo noivtry to pay for our papers and thus helpbttsiness along i think those who eo often borrow 1 aro very smah men of the town a lot of gents clothing aa good as new ata sacrifice ply to boi 179 aotn p 0 1 just sis good photo pplitan stndio anton fxtf a dnll 6y aelon a brig t one a we use the ne ligbtaaig process wbich requires only aifwtionabeeon4 for anpo8l m ffii f iivfcij iv m mrs s a sjecord a coupleof days last week we extend our congratulations to rev vv s mctavish of st george formerly of nassugaweya and his newlywedded bride may they enjoy a long happy und success ful life together othini department 1 lease bear in tniufl tliat ial ay 50 suits 75 vested 40 overcoats to be cleared out they must bo j sold as wo aro- giving npthisbranch nelson moraeoo just in new fur papesj from 200 up wards the beat range of ladies caps and muffs in the trade tnd a large assortment of mens furaps special values nelson bicraea co i carry out what i advertise and it i cer tainly pay buyers to tall and si r nt this week aid iest special reduotions iu furs and mantles i wool squares and shawls our preparations iu these lines have licen greater tb in anything guelph has known intbe past i in anticipatiou of a mild winter wc consider it tho goorjs ovor christmai saoriricc uov nb- having disposed of tho boot aid snoebusihess lately carried onbymeiwii h hereby to notify all parties indebted to me to call at once aud settle their accounts ii b mccjarthj 1873 gkrip l8 canadas comio journal great improvembnts for i88f rather than parry now is t ne time to buy your winter furs better policy to moke a great new is the time to buy your wiriter mantles now is the time to buv your winter wrap8 t will importer beud id cents pobtago and we will taailyoufbee a royal valu- 1ft rttxtat aboe saapio box of goodsthat jju wol wil put yon lu tbe way of mak ing mobe monet at once than j auy tiling elsein america both sexhbt all ages cau lio at home ana work iu gpattftmi or u the time capital not required wf wkton vtwwkjmrt kpcoper4atmurt h i f- i y- t- i jbfceti si8fib tho aim of grip is to set forth hi an impar tial and independent uianuor the parsing event of canadian political and social hie ltsr- foona speak more definitely and more ploasmbly than whole cohnmis of editorial in this pun- bent easily appreciable aud aitiittcstyleoi pre senting a subject the whole situation is revealed at a rianco tho success of qrlpshcjvrs howwell this fact is appreciatodits cartooniipnthe pass- iur political events df tne country being oyen more eagerly bought after than the chaste aud humorous letterpress of the paper- though the latter is egual to that of any similar publication on tho continent i forlfjssgrlpib to bo considerably improved the old cover is to be discarded the paper is to comprisa b pages while a handsome designlfor tho title p age a rearrangement of the matter and improved faculties for tlie artistic produc tion of the gartoous will materially improvelthe typographical appearance of the paper i the price of grip will hereafter be 93 a year which is loner than that of any paper of its kind in america mostof theoi belling for 5 single numbers 61 gkp will be 10 cents i j twice a year at midsummer and christuias a beautiful special number wiu be issued j the number of pages being increased and pleuinc features iutroduced particulars of which jwiil bs given in preceding issues these numbers will be presented to subscribers without cfctra charge grips platform humor wltjiout vulgarity patriotism without partizanship truth without temper only 3 a y g free adares8thegripprihtiugandeubli8hiug bn- panyas 2 front st west totonto or ii lave yourordiwwitu your bookseller or ptborlocal agent we make speeii astfiac han jackets reduction i b we hiyfe still a fepicae celebrate mslffon cloth at 121 cents isttno fasbfbeijsundgtipi tobubssribercbyspc jialarrona pubushers of the latt jr jourosj onlyw5 v r- befurni ibed ant with the hi paper for gruelpliv m i of these goods of those clothing lolohingf i tha lionliads every thing in his line ur 5 suits and overcoats are tjhe wonder of theitge h j d vf hliamscih jjfe pob mm wm six sdlith prizes- afd is the beat machine fl offered for sale n the domin ion- in jjtoof of ibis we will pay freight both ways whbnit fails to i lease the purohasor oth3vilba1is have een awarded us qil wittdat he iw t threei yeara none g knuinbttljffjxthatjs ade athb okbaleby all fhvtolaa dealers iimihssgi sfeissl jllf vsssjr r i ii-

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