Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1886, p. 4

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tmtsnvy tviohnixo jakpaiiy 7 1886 rrn gz pussys complaint im jnat as uiiliappys unhappy as ever a kitten caw be if youll let me ill tell vou about it then perhaps you wilv pity me tor its a great mistako in your thinking that kits have uo feeling tit all nor a thought beyond having a f rolic or the chasing after a ball now how could i kuow please tell me if you could help mo to see that the cold roast fowl in tho pantry was not put there for me jhey left the door temptingly open j so i helped myself to that but they drove in e out with tbo broomstick and called mo that meau thieving jat then fsbse paus of milk in the diary with cream like the yellowish cold i i thought i should like to tasto it for its very delicious im told so i climbed to one of the nicest i and was just getting ready to taste when they found mo aud such a i commo tion 1 rau to the bam in hot haste dont they think cits ever get huugry between meals id like to know aud that rats and mice cannot always found j i have sat for au hour or so beside some nice looking rathole and not even a mouse camo to view and i found after waiting and waiting they had moved off to lodgings aaew i heard the folks talking thhrraominf about kiland a bag aud the pond i didnt quite understand it for of water im not very fond i dont dare to go near the kitchen for fear that they mean harm by that oh dear i all in all ive concluded its a very hard world fur a cat youths companion be miitu lahlnliik tlicrsaie lau few thai have never suffered almost intolerable pain- froin toothnchc nourilgia or like ucuto pains n to hem such au infant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting olyensive nuidioiubs to be taken onlays oin application of fluid lulit- uinc cures sold at j it mcuaivins drug storv f i years of exueiieueu and suocussf u trial have proved mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate the most complete aiid satisfactory compound forhealing old sores festerings ulcers cuts wounds burns frost j bites or felons and for keepiug out tho cold and td cleanse or prevent prbiuvllosl sloughing or decay insist on having mcgregor a parkes carbolic cerate sold at 25c by dr mcgarvin fluid lightning is simply a niarlollotih rheumatic remedy i was for two ihonths a cripple uuablo to get out of the house from sciatica one bottle gave me instjiih relief and placed me on my feet- again i have driven fourteen miles today some thing i could not possibly havo done wero rit npt for fluid lightniuejfor tho impress purpose of procuring another bottle so says wm dixon gauanoque only i cents per botllo at dr mcgjirvius j i had for years been a miserablo buffercr i i from dyspepsia and tried all kubwii reme dies and the best raodical bkill of my ac quaintance but still grew worsvuntil unable to cat anything without great suf fering or do any kind of work i logan to thiuk there was no hope for me and that i must surely die when like a drowning mat catching at a straw i determined to give mcgregors speedy cure a trial i at once began to improve bo rapidly that ill jtwo mduthe i was as well as i had ever been in my life wm eveks leasiinqiok enormous goring sale at from 20vtoj lrcss or mantle lciigtli the carpet department has over stair rods decorated and plain colored window blinds ail hamilton dcoeuibei 0th sb x boot shoe rumpus 50 per cent off at the hight h which arb good value tor 30eisylljtiyift att5u beautiful allwool fieiiili jrisgools vliieli irrcheaput 2s jhuss goods inaruuil down from fiv to we dross uoodi- ore solium off at 20c lilus of kxceilonl dress goods selling black french cashmere reduced to hoc another line of h about uulf their value see them by till means now is the marked down from jtf to s325 knitted wrollen shawl ut down to halt price a lot of kid gloves mailed down t towelling cheap at is down to 5e piles of good 17nic going off sit an imraemsoueductioii in prices tlio millinery their value nearly 200 pieces of beautiful velveteens velli hsksin great variety very olieup 0imct collars at lc or t papers of pius for in coats best 5 cord 200 yard spools n beldingsbost fioysixl silk spools only oo bidding s best beautiful now coloied unilblaoic meivelicmx arrived lately ttio dausk- almsto length tust mo tin ilk ilushei at 1 sik vol vets thnro nro ikimihns stookn of tluiivin blaok ous fromooe tq 40q a lot of ouc ladies mantle marked down to off at 12jc loc and 18e auwtiol black kreiioh cashracrus marked down nek french cashmere whichivre cheap at ijsl 10 urc selling off at only 85c timo timet olieamnutleij- maiitile and ulster cloths marked down from 25 to 5u olvr mantle cloths iiihtly soiled marklid dowli to less than hidf pticls knitted woollen jersey witliand without sleeves ure uin stu- to 2tc lupirioi colorddlnrsets jlieiip nt 1 are down to 75c a ii knorihoiis stock of ur linens jrey jottou is going iil only uo knitted wooklnuds marked very low piles of woollen clouds mid shitwli u tnitrked away doivn very cheap fur capeblu nil sizim and in glelit variety of furs selling off at about iml igoll at greatly reduced prieiis they compose rioh and ch ijrimiig eilors in alt hie ssel sliades table diffti reetioxesfor 25o i opera coilar8jnt7jc or three boxiy for 20c giioi crochet cottolfonly 5 each ball six ily36 or two for gb silkssititls morvelleaux etc at aiiiihuieiibc rciliictionliy thedrekb or mantle length 10 yard silk twist only 2c per brooi oharming tim col red kid lhovebjiihtreoeiveil from the french makers also charming gros grain liiiidoibhmbrc silks from tho railway t me iable vory best french makers nil offering atn bit discount tak and alllthe latcstlshadeslat a largo reduction by the 4b00000 worth of carpets fcilgs mats oilclotjis tjinoleiima carpet sweepers oil6lotli stove mats mattings i liillurs all selling off oxcccajugly choap kihg street east close to hughspn the name js o j e howson tuk cheapest place iu acton to buy boots slinen is s goingto give a further reduction of 10 per ceiit ten boots audshuos itubbcrs ami overshoes for the next ilodnys at howsons per cedt off o m m iil yf j i iti fl m houoway corn cure destroys all kinds of corns and wajrts root and branch who then would endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach deafness the proprietors of hagyards yellow oil iavd burcifdc certificates of some most re markable cures of deafness hy that magi cal remdy for pain yellow oil also cures rheumatism sprains bruises sore throat and all inflammatory troubles hoarseness nnd loss of voice public speakers and singers aro often distressed with hoarseness and much dan per is lurking in the bronchial pipes- hagyards pectoral balsam is a prompt remedy for the irritatiou aud cures all throat and lung difficulties swelled xcek- mrs henry dqbbs of berridale parry sound testifies to a prompt cure of en larged glands of the ueck- and sore throat by the internal and external use of hag- yards yellow oil yellow oil is a sure relief for all painful conditions disease or the kln most diseases of the skin arise from ba4 blood and lack of cleanliness except when caused by grubs or insects erysip elas salt khenm tetter eimple3 and all humors of the blood are curable by bur dock blood bitters which purifies the blood headacbc ii you suffer from headache you may be siae that your stomach liver or blood is at fault and perhaps all three are combined in bad action if so the best remedy ib burdock- blood bitters which cures head ache by regulating the organic action gener ally 1 a d xoyes michigan writes 1 havo- enquired at the drag stores for dr thomas eclectric 00 but have failed to find it we brought a bottle with us from quebec bnt it is aearly gone and we do nof want to be without it as my wife is troubled with a pain in the shoulder and nothing else gives relief can you send us ioroe cn otloncu the unhappy and distressing condition called nervousness arises from debility irritation poor circulation aud blood of lowjvitality reorganize the system by burdock blood bitters which gives per- manent strength by invigorating tho blood andjtoning all the organs to perfect action- hoilottays fills are especially adapted for treating diseases incidental to females at different periods of life women are subject to complaints which require a pculir medicine and it is now an indis putable fact that there is none so suitable for functional errors of this nature as hqlbways pills for all those peculiar disorders incidental to the sex and in every contingency perilous to the life and health of woman youthful or middleaged married or single this great regulator and renovator of the secretive organs and the nervous- system is au 4rnmediate cure- their purifying qualities render them valuable jo females at these age they are searching and cleansing yet invigorat ing a few doaes will speedily remove every specite of irregularity in the system and thereby establish health on a sound and firm basis dangers ordeiajv 11 e were allowed to look into the future andsiethe fatalxonsequences that follow a neglfected cold how differently would our a course be could we realize our danger how sieedily we would beek a cure brft fith many it is only when the monster dis ease has fastened its fangs upon our lungs that ive awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold j ib it not diseases f tho throat and lungsjironchitis astjima con- sumption and many other diseases ol like nature it isworse than madness to neg- lect a cold and it is folly not to have borne gocsd remedy available for this frequent complaint- one of the most efficacious mesicibessfcrvf diseases of the throat and lubbjoii6autlconsumrjtive syrup this medicine is composed of several medi- cirfetbsrwhich exert a most wonderful inftniiice ittcnrinj colisamptipn ftud other dfstases of the longs and chest it pro- motes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and drives the disease from the sy item geooeeie5 i howson is goihg to innke the grocery buiuess livel for the christmas season wc do not merely say we can give yu better or elieiper goods than any other dealer iu town but wo quote you prices in plum figures which is very different to mere assertions that amount to nothing note the following 20 lbs 14 20 28 bricht sugar granulated choi currants kice 41 00 1 00 i 00 1 00 18 pearl 1 valenc 111 mixed o sold by drmcgarvin free trial bottles itebins piles srniptoms and rare thcsymptomsaro moisture likeiperspir- tion intense itchingincreasedbyispratch ng very distressing particularly at uight feeems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private pants are sometimes affected it allowed tocontiuue very sorious rosult may follow swaynrs oixtmest is a pleasant sure cure also for totter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases seut by inail for 50 cents 3 bie s12 m str ad drosdr swaynes0x philadelphia pa soljl by druggists- 50 herltlrod dollar upon dollar is frequently speuton the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregorspeedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits arc proven call at j e- jjcgarviufs drug store and get a freo trial bottlo and if tot convinced it wih curfe you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of hovlong standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and i bottles soe testimon as from persons in your owii town 29 jlourjeep full line of flour and feed kept constantly on hand u to none in acton 2 40 pr 100 bran gocouts per 100 and still lie all kindk of icst o 1 o el -isrmw- apioca a raisins 41 cans salmon hore shoe candies 00 25 22 124 best roller flour second gstwe guarantee satisfaction to every customer as quality is our leading feature j e howson next poor to drug store rocery and provision storel to the people of acton and surrounding country ve the undersigned having leiued from mr j b pearson tli stoie next to ilynda jewelry store liave fitted it up in the grandest style f r the above business which have now opened and ari ready to sell grand tru cioikoiast mixed sooaui- exijrob 7j0 niil push mail 1102 am thrauglrhx 547pin accora loi ojim rik railway ooiso west- vvxisfwi ab ixiifcbino rm mall 54 pm hiccinlji ii opm acconi cocb 80 am chicago hxprces doos iiot stbl between guolph una toronto time of clbsino mails going west j040 aiu and 530 pii cjoiiir east 1010 amaiil siiopm btiirliah aiail closes at 10 ainon wednesday canadian pacific railway to aijj roists east ait d bstj condensed itimjj table toronto 8 loaiu strotbvillojuu3 j3 2 00 btthomas 12 35pmi 525 detroit 5 50 8 45 chicago 0 k aml 8 ooiitn we rest anil comfort to t be stiff trin has no come to thejv east end grocery and- cr dry goods house coods at the lowest possible figun our goods are all 11ew and bought for bash therefore we ca 11 goods at the right price l11 kinds of produce t a ren in ozchange for gooc kelly brothers jhnkua i bodger kell p 3 everyone ask for kelly bros new store tf- he extensive dissolution sale is still going on for t11e- oheapest grocer 2 cans salniqn be 25 lbs lice 16 es lbs tapioco jfl btowds household panacea equal forteliovinir pain oth internal and extsrqal it cures pain in tho side back or bowels sore think rhtnraatisin toothache lumbago and any fcind of a pain or ache it willmost surely cjoick en the blood and fleal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as jthe great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir orj liniment in the world shoaidbe in every family handy for use when widted as if really is the jbest remedy in the world for ctamps in the stomach and pains and laches ofjall kinds and is for salobv all drttggists at ii cent6 bottle 1 proiniacat uiuoag the greatest meuica discoveries bthe many cutes it hasalloct- edj mcgregors spmbj ctin leads the vau subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been foudd to eontain one of those injurious ingredients oharacterizinp the lorthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pccul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy isbein established by testimonials noarly received wo are therefore conu- dent that we have a preparation whieb we i can offer to the pablic with the assurance that it will be found not only a- rttf but an abiijlute cure for dyspepsia liver mti- 1 plaint- indigestion corlstipatin i and im- j pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaivins drue store 31 l vtlkuht xetvtkkatwevi perhaps the most extraordins ry success that has been achieved in ijioder l medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh oat of 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of this stubborn malady this is none the lesi startling wheu it is remembered jthat not live per cent of patients presenting themselves to tho regular practitioner arc benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never reconjl a cure at all starting with the claim now enerally believed by tjlie iuos scientifie men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their exter- minationsthis accomplished he claims the catarrh is piratically cured and the permanency is unqnestoued as cures effect ed by him four years ago are cures shll no one else has ever attempted to cure catarrh iu this manner and uo c ther treat ment lias ever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple und can be done at home and the present season of tho yearjs thernost favorable f 6r a speedy and permanent jsuiie tho majority 6 cases being cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond with ttfessrs v h dix on son 305 kinjfstireet westtoronto canada pd enclose stamp for their treat- aze on catarrh montreal ski r nov 1782 dry goods all kinds- of fhumels winceys and trim mi n ffincv dress cjoodrf i gloves and hosiery a fine stock of ladies and gents gloves all sixes materials itr ilosierv toronto to detroit chicago andmanitoba stlouis ick pacific kx localex 1 oipm 4 mpm 5 25 8 55 7 55 am 5 45 pm winnipeg 7 00 dnily 6xcept monday toronto to montreal quebec and boston limited ex montreal ex toronto s 23 am 8 00 pm ottawa- 525 pm 4 jfs am moutroal u i0 8 is quoboc obunmi 3 w pm boston s45pmi 845am brampton to btreetsville junction bvainptbu 0 47 am 6 54 pm stroetsvulo jct 10 10 715 brampton to orangeville and owenrsound brampton b 47 am a b55pm orangevillo 11 ifl f 10 owon sound j 80 pm 10 20 purchase your tickets by this new and p0pular line rnosi j e mcgarvin ticket agent iacton ontario acton planing mills williamson bamshaw ltoiilietol builder and ooatraotor sash door and blind factor7 is prepared to put on storm doors win dows weather strips etc on- short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we have one of fleurys celebrated chop- ping mills and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t a ramshaw managers the key to hialth coal oil 1 abater white americiin and canadian f i teriihscash or produce only 7- jroibir istelsoilsr- mammoth house georgetown jthat there are bargains being given in every pa rtment that the goods in a great man insuancesrare befng sold less than gust vf unlocks authe clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver carry ing off gradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul humors of the- secretions at the same time correcting acility of tht stomach curing biliousness dys pepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness pf the skin dropsy dimness of vmon jaundice salt bheum erysipelas scrofula fluttering oi the heart itervousness and gen eral debility all these and many other similar complaints yield to the happy influence of burdock blood bittehs t bilblkx co proirlctore toronto caution ijat 1 r from the cradle to -0- jtst iu new fur capes froni 8200 up- ward8tbe best range of ladietf capa and muffgn the trade and a largo assortment of mens fur caps bpocial values nelton mor4feco alllthe farmers and others f having crippled horses will do well to call oh ceo stoddard vyho is preparefl to remove ringbohes spavins curbs and 8plints without injuring the horse satisfaction guaranteed or no charge geo st0ddaed cfteehs old stand acton j speight furniture dealers and une haying erected n line new showroom have jusl reccivec of furniture of all kinds of the latest deal he crave son takers acton a uv w and well assorted stoeh ns iiilhiilini j ihe onorls rc snld fi cash or produce only q xn goofls charged our ornss goods slillinerv mantles ulstcrings nml cloakimrs ihe superb that our stock of staples woollcirgoods flannels vincoy and tweeds are 1bry extmisive that wc hnve an inimeuse stack of ucadviuadpiclntliing aud overcoats both in myus ami ijovs that are being cleared and poldiit unheardof low prices that wp are astonislui the people with the price of carpets jliat ourpius and ljplies ire extensive and tlhertp j jhat our dressniakiig iind mantlemakinir depirtmeut is very busy hat our ordered clclhing department is very busyj j hat we want 1 lie people to tome aud inspect our stock land he convinced andiby purchasing make mniiey j o not loaethis opjiortiinity for bargains as thntock liiust bo reduced mcleod anderson co i icn ilr ofths myrtlle navy is marked t parlor furniture bedroom suites j bureaus sofas lounges f tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles and everything else that any family requires in the furniture line during their journey fvfe acton fyfe actox fyfb actok j fyfe j fyfe j fyfe actn acjtdl actdn keep this in mind 1 when you so to purchase xau pall clothiiifi- that east end clothing store is ivuaiupasscd for extent of stock moderate price artistic from the cradle to tho grave and wc caii pr too for va have on hand a huge pare thein for the grave stock of of alj kinds and sizes aud all other fun wo will supply all on tlir shortest notice and most hearsei dran by a well matched team for hire mckay bros uts etc iral fiirniahings reasonable terms a tirstclass j i speight manager cor kin a nickay bros and john sts cop king and john sts lowbe peigbs eeduolng tie percentage of profits taroueho at the store thelnevitawo j ooaseauence of tho large increase f our business good grey flannel 15c per yard v ued flannels 12ic per yard fiugering yarn 5c per skein boys top shi rts 50c worth 0c mods ftop shirts 75c cbildrpns cpmbination suits 80c ladies grey vests ftocj good heavy tweed 35c per yard good allwool tweed 45c per yard nay jluenap cloth 73c per yard heayyi qaalitvinap cloth 112v per yard black and brown ottoman cord 8 125 dress goods ldc worth 2bc allwdol dress goads 15c worth ooc best vfilue plain wincey 10c mail ordeb8 receive prompt and flaithful atpntion mix3t s l cornet of kihr and john streets hamilton ladies all wool hose 25eper pair ladies cishmere hosejoe per pair ladiov c lshmere gloves 20c tier pair fur cape i very cheap- fur trin roing special value blackyflvoteiis 25c per pair colored velveteens cleat variety punoy b rdered handlterchiefs25c perdoz- job rt ladies collars 5c eiich worth 20c comfortt rs onlyi75c each blankets uoorl value 325 lace cm fains t50c per pair qurtain poles 50c each hemp cirpets 10c per yard design and durable workmanship an elegant tweed suit worsted suits llliick blue or brown also overgo at1ngs in for hc0 1600 or 17 all shades ot beavers 00 melton najts tweeds and worsteds a large stock ot underclothing good and cheap jjitfe acton fyfe acton fyfe acton health fo h iollowats pills j fyfe j fyfe j fyfe a l l and ointment v the jpiqlls purify the blood correct al disorders of the mver stomach kidnevs and bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluable ii complaiuts incidental to families of all akes i for phildren and the aged they are pricplesi acton acton actoiv all it the ointmen t v is nn infallable remedy for bud llb bad bt easts uld younds sores and lulcers is famous forgout and bhutimatisin for disorders of the chest it has noequal- pop sorb throats sronomcsbouaas 00lps- r glandular swellings aud ull skill diseases it has no rival and for contracted audistiff joints it acts likola chariri maniifactureilqnly at thomas hollo ways establiahment 78 new oxford street late 533 and aie sold at is ljd 2h pd 4s cd 4s bp had of all mediptue vendors thqpkhput ihp world jfitpurohasers should look to the lahel on the fots todi boxes if the address i js mot oxford street london bngf 2sj aiid 38s capli brx or pot and juav 583 okford sttfcet london thoy sre spurious ixbroletteks i none other genuine whpaflr apve a boolrof ino paces thubest book lor an advertiser to don- suit be hn experi- r enoed or otlierwiso it contains lists ot newspapers and estimates of thocoatof advertising tup advertiser who ne diillbj bqu invest one hunrfrol thousand dollars in ad- slliff wants to 8penit one dullar flndsin it the in formation herequlres while foihim whoirtll vertlslng aaehomo is lndiciited which will meet his every requirement or can be made to do to by slight cliangeaeatily arrived at by cor- reipotulence 119 edftidiis have been isuued sent postpaid to hny address for 10 cents write to geo1 p rowell co- sevvrpaper anvertislko bdrkau 10spruoestpriiittabhouse8a kew york manhood iiqw lost how rfstor1 d we havsrocently published a new editjon of dr culverwells cele brated essay on the radical aid pomianeitcurc iwitbonf medicine of nervous detilityjiantal and phvbical incapac ity impediments of marriage etc rcsultine from oxcobses price inasoijhjd euvelorc only 0 cent or two jiobtago stamtis the celobratedautho1- iu this admirable es- say j clearly demon itrutes from thirty years buocebsf ul practico t hat alarmiur consequencesi niay be radically cutcd without the danserom use of internal medicines or tho uso of thoknifo pointing out a mode of cum at oneo simple cer tain and effectual bv means of which evert sufferer no matter what hia condition may bo w ure himself che iplyprivatelyand radicallv tills lectme should bo in the brnds ot evcrr youth and eyerymar iu tho land address the oulverjvch ltletfica co post office bov 450 gltresrh e ltma tj5m freemans wormf potstders fioploaewirttojtto contain their own purativo i ifiinfo sum nud cucctaai tefltro7er9ftronpain cuxijor adults toallwhoaresuffermgfrom the errors anpl mdiscretionb pf youth nervous weak- neftearly decay loss of manhood 4c i sli that will cure vou freeofehaik thiseatrems was discovered w a missionary in south america geftd 4 self addressed envelope wa f 1 l hw olum is evelry t acton r ose tsab ilj rusefe aq invariably ituatva sli5 per yearwill bd tinuot till alt arrej option of the publisi it adv nface ouo colatan i i half cjlumn qiirter cdlaiaa ujd tah c7 casuil alverti9dn firsviubertioa and i sequent xnsertidn rockoned by th4 spa galeof solid nonp attortispments will inerteu till inuy trmsjtorjt e in- advance changes for bonti in the jlb e by 0 i thov will beleft ova this paper krtlslng bureau10 ayntnicu nay be v wh lo t graduate ber of college off mce and resf frtsrick street riti 8tacej vr trinity ity medical schii of phybiciausan i office- mill i office l l bexh ag mokii dentjstj new system of moiily called vij teeth without atrator and prl college of deuf roas maydopehj in any opswtl acton every jo month offifet tjilnlessj vftahzed for painless office of novells block i 1 upper johslawj tariovetl veterinary sart in kenny brod -dem- n the re soundtaesb bhd ed to rerins j rclean barristers aucers oic orncej wh amclei m soaic orfitfe firj office imau st at g percentl s tiiltok toro offices c aijd 85 king i v t ujix taixli bar oraces liuglou dt tit aiey loroiil john baisj wjluhj iitenti hen lo years pi w m for the cou orders uft j or at m promptly atj also monl able terms terest in sir licenseu hultou allij james matj attention tohx jom-c- squaie john 8a money per cent loaned fotj security properly tarmsaul with fafnl domibioil culated ij wanting tactions farms denceinv guolph h an has ope nearly ol mulstrfl age of tlj departn ed la firl i-

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