i rs f i isrtfmi vome xiisrow 29 y- 1b fudm8bed- j every til aatdjjay morning at the- j ps5e p3i3s power printiw house acton ontario sub80ript1qn rate oxkxbar um 8kxtbs 50cts phrrb stonthb 35 cis invarinbly in a lvaneo if not paid in art vanco sj45 per rear will be chrgod no payer discnu tiuuol till all arrears are paid except at the optiou of the publisher alfyertisinq ratesji f acx 1 1 ra 1 6 mo j mo ou columq- 1 60x 1 43500 sjoiio ia ikercolouu 1 juw lilj 7w ouj iuvb 600 350 j 300 lino 7d sls0 r casol advertisements 8 cents per hue tor the first intertioii and i cents per line tor each sab sogneat insertion cash the number v liner reckoned by the space occupied iubasurd by a a ivertiseiueats without specific directions will be iuserteu till torbid and charged accord ill ty transitory a vcrtisomeut must be paw ui advance 1 change for contract a ivertiseijaents must bo in the otb byi9 otn on moniaya otherwibv they will be left over until the following week j s hp moorej editor anl proprietor 4 til io dftocd if teriurtonpaiuofo r i imlorhrcn row co ncnvspuper ail jntiacumubeniliaeforu in nkw okb busings directory wh lowry m b m c p s graduat of trinity- college mem ber ofooliese of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederickstreet acton s e tacey mdcm graduate of trinity university fellow of trip- ity medical school member of the college of physicisus and surgeons qfticz- mill street late dr websters office 1 l bennett l ds dentist georgetown ontario c lv a c mckixlay lds surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com- moniy called vitalized airfor extracting teeth without pairu- having been demon stratorand practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed wril visit acton every other wednesday of each raontlh office agnews hotel auton banking cuy storey christie -bankers- acton a qenebal ban kino business transacted 010ffiv v wwm -ft- ssi vfl v vt pi thubsppay janillaia y 1 4 18i jk co ontario money 0ans on appovd noteb disqounte and interest allowed on deposijbs j e marjt i ns special acency aeton j oat 3el teleplxoije lempany transijnitted at ijtelegrapjiiug messages received anp lower rates than allan line steamships tickets issued to ajl points of great britain aiid the continent it very lowest tates boy tlie tickets here if sending forfriencis canadian pagiiflic r r the cheapest aud points best route to all east and tvesti see time tablui i j moacy st6 7 joalir witlt j e mcarvin acton ontario wellington marble works quebec st quel h john h hamilton roprietori formerly mcquil ian hamilton a r i 1ainxess dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the 6ffice of i c b hjayesoj d s- toveus block a buelph out upper wyndham street john lawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary sargeon acton ont ofijce- id kenny bros boot and shoe stored resi- dejir i the rccr horses examined as to bonndness and certificates given au aifc aat or dsv promptlyattend- edto terms ieasy tealer in marble gra lite and pertaining to ci meterv received first prize rat privincial ex hibition guelpli the vestern fair aud all local exhibitions for e cellejiceof material and saperiority of workmanship your orders are solicited m clean mcmiuis barristers solicitors notaries convey- aucers c private funds to loan opfice- town hall acton a mcleax hcoh mcmillan e mitchell ckei jbjco m 4 souctiob jcontetakceh c ofriiz firstdoor west of the champion office aiavn street milton at 6 per cent mouev to loan s a hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac toeoxto ano geobqetowx orrices creelman blocl georgetown jwdsg king street east toijonto w i aliax jsbtlios ba a b ainlaidlawco j burd ba exchange bakeistees souclrrobs omces over imperial bank 24 wep liuwu st eet ast eutriqce aey toronto john bajs q c c a jmaktes llvlllul tiuuvw geobpe kaprele patents secured for inventions henry gribl oiiaka canada 20 years practice no p4tent ho pay w m hemstreet llcekbed accnokeell for the counties of wellington and haltou orders left at the fbee pkess office acton or t my residence in acton will be promptly attended to teims reasonable moseti to lop also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in- terest in sums of 500 and upwards lumber shingles and iathi everything vork cheap and good sleighs clipper foi at wellmade we ilpainted sled 65c for 40c extra large tl ree bench handsome 9135 for 85c thoj175 clipper for 120 tho 8150 uoo the 1 00 clipper for 60o babv sled fine box bundles carpeted- 130 for 1 babv sled largo roomy box carpet handles 3fors2 the best value the best assortment call and examine for yourselves at days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap excelsior bakery- a0ton mjt ttott jifs f us thursua y monsijib jancaut 14 18r6 poetry thotjohlts c qj ti the departtjb1 old year twccartie no ink eraser old time f ids up jtlio record of the year our actions maybe blamed or praised but what weve written on its scroll car neer 1 j by any 1 aortal be orasedj huv willm balance stand the opportunities weve had v for doinji good uanuht can restore m but if the ood outweighs tho bad weve dune so much tho better for usl contribu ted by a uoncovd philosoiihef the was is as the milk that has been bpjlledj and over it the wise will shed no tear- but for the fairer brighter coming build by living rightly purely in the here the star of luptmill liyhth the way our pleasuies are brightest in anticipation when the knell 6f thb piebent years toled well look 1 3 the new for the realization of the i10 es unfulfilled in the old jyi at the ascvf fnltxmj awaj with meliineholy it is i oily lets lie jolly man nave is but always tj be blest- blcsti blest then is wisdom in forgetting then whatt the use of fretting in future id us try to do nr best best best kind providence is oer us aud hanccslie beforo us our errors rod omissions to repair pair pair for v hile the lamp is burning then s time still for returning then hence brth to be daniels let us daro- dare dare i that be has now ou stock a full line of pine other kinds of lumber r heunderisned desires to inform the public hand ahdjwill keep in ind hemlock as well as class pine shingles lajth coal haviny purchased the s smith i am prepared stove cool i have also also first and second to supply wood coal business of mr c all kinds of a gjd stbek of wood hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jailes bbowk planing mill f having iade arrangernents with messrs w h storey son for the cpntinnanceof thefh uing mill in the build ing formerly ocenpi id by thfe acton plow company we would nform the public that we are prepared to ti ke contracts for building a3so 3ite33nraplooii shhiitiitj with neatnespand dispatch having purchased the above bakery from mr d manx i hope to give satisfaction to tho numerous customers who patronize it thankiug them for pa9t favorb 1 will endeavor to atteud to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us heir patronage i use nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock fresh bread bunsc everyday 1 also steam bread 1 i gakes of ail kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatmaal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notice wedding cakes a specialty pumps pumps in connection with the aboje we are also prepared so receive 01 ders for pumps from ions experience in th business we feel con fident that we can supply an jartiolesecond to none orders by m iil will receive prompt attentu n kindly soliciting k share jof public pat ronage we are respectfully yours tiios ebit vgk mnnaer bu ij b l p ll- gtjelphl ontario sin ess rphe second cholsticyear l comnieuced september partoient is in wan 61 a mpart a practical training fot the efficient conduct of busiuebi affairg and woik of the institution are already holding if- knowle8 3j r licensed auctioneers for haltoit and wellington james matthjews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable a murray the counties of orders left with johndayv architect t clbklph ot offhe queens hotel block market square for 146m lit eachde bpjecialist to iresponsible positions in the dominion the commercial cei tres in energetic yonng me 1 and wpmen are thor oughly prepared for positipnjs as bookkeep ers shorthand wi iters correspondents or telegraph operators sudeuts received ircular at any time eivinii full information addresb imacqormick fire mutua insurance s ym john j daley hucceasor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 vet cent mortgages purchased money foinadfor parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing to all its branches prtperly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms tot sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendnig purchasers artdsir- daluted in europe european capitalists- wanting farm8 in ontario will be sent di rections turdagb our european agencies- jfiirms wanted for oar hsts correflroii 4ence invited office ner the pst office obelphpnt 0f the i biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger spapsj boston mixed cakes wholesale flour fitter and ggs tafcon in exciang for breai as market prices mrs t statham hills 1 tin i stove depot good assortm ent of stovks cheap for cash r tinware of all kinds at bottom prices 1 eavetroughing a specialty ill flirt the wifes vows rio more for its clear she iii no model wifo who flirts i vow bssides ill sow nextyear the battoiib on my husbands shirts ill be his loving helpmate too and 0 10 more vow ill make and keep his poc cets ill no more go through for cl iange at night when hes asleep 1ur story al put is the sphere its graduates up m notice shortest and catalogue principal cypm first class material only j used a call solicited j 6 hill mill st guelph cloth hall 00tot r or ttzlliitgtotf stabllshed 1810 head office cuelph insures buildin s merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of jpropertyon the pi emhira note system cnas davidson 1 secretary ici-w- stone president ttanla barber shop r j p worden has opened a barber shop in the building nearly opposite storeys old glove factory hill street acton and solicits the patron age of the public in thin vicinity every department of the business will be condnct- d m firstclass tyle give us aoall kpwobden john tyiyo agent jjlranois nufla successor tt f m i well marries as proved b r the testimony of a doorstep hannah g neldt leaned upon her broom and looked 0 at the low kitchen door across th wintry elds and iceglazed streamlet which lay bf tween her home and tho village of greenock with its one tapering spire at d sloping roof and blank white walls ba re now of he summer verdure she has dt ne her ho lsehold work polished every article capalle of polish and soaped and sanded all tie rest at the last she had svrept clean her doorstone and now felt free to do wliat she chose to rest or gossip or sit down 1 0 needlework a thing impos sible to her while aspot beneath her roof was out of 01 dor just now she felt neither like gossipin or sewing her heart was very full and sho fonnd it necessary to stand still and think awhile only that she was not used to i she would have cried she was so very sad it seemed to her that the happiest people were those who lay in their green graves in the churchyard with cross ed bandb npc n their bosoms and were quiet from all earthly going to and fro for eve more not that hannah gneldt was tired body or weiry with the toil of houbebio duty for sh was strjpug in frame and 4 health was erfect as her hands were wip ing it wab on her bumble heart the bur den lay her spirit that was worn with earthly trav iil and care twenty- three years today ive been hisj wife she n uttered and ive loved him well and wc rked hard and faithful to keep things decer t and it has come to this at last thii gd had been better says he if hed mat ried miss lester yes that was what farmer gudldt bar- rassed by toil and debt bad baid that very morning a id it seemed to hannah like the confession of a long repentance forced from her husbaiic slips at hub i poor mi n i i wish i could help hinvi she sighed eaning on b r broom beside the door i d6ubt hes right about miss lester- i with thai her eyes fell and rested by chance on ti le doorstep icanmjnd that aiiyhow she saidf and i hav 3 time for ray work is done 80 she ht ng the broom up and peened into her 0 en and set the kettle on and then hooded and shawled crossed over the fields to where the farm joined thai el simeon or ly rj on ones ot the men were at work break- ing np tbi stones that ware lying about hanuab g leldt nodded to the old farmer and he can je to- meet her 1 want a smooth stone she said maylmjveone l youd take them all said the a lot of rubbish you see im booltbindjeb 8fc georges square jnelph ontario account books if all kinds made to order periodicals of ev sry de ription carefully bound baling n jatly on i promptly done chapmati mcraes underclothing mens shirts and drawers all sites i boys shirts arid drawers all sizes childrens combination 8ets i i- all sizes shawcrundy llor iltrphanttal 1 or0jph i wish fanner clearing auay what they call the old grave yard at lai i wife talks to me 0 eaoriiege and distu bing bones bless you there aint beer none for years and years and these bare times a man cant let land go to waste 1 tell wife i dont know nothin about it what do yorl want to do tsave a bit aron id the well f r no 1 want a step said hanrfah that gi eat white oteis just the tbing andshbiointltoft8lbhardby ike s iall bring it over touightsaid the iuuux ne aaid hannah ioanrollitong i wish i ionld tell what that was shlaaid some ones age and name ah 1 there were boi e hearts when that was nawi i flope wh m i die that oliver will bavj writ ten over me that i was a good wifef dve tried hai d to be ought to toow tht letter mjibit iwteye itii8 then she turned tbv inscription do wn vard and washed the other side clear and hito aud fitted it into place she received little credit for her work oliver only muttered you neednt have published the fact i ouldnt afford a porch to the place t and 10 one noticed the step afterward save lannuh when aio eorubbed and swept it matters werej very bad at the gneldts liyer brooded over the fire in speeohless orrow and grew grayer and balder with iich passing day hannahkept ruin off a ittle by making a home of thebamblefare i her houhewifes skill she might even havo been cheerful but for the memory of that lucklesbspeecb working in her garden one day when the rirrt spring grass was growing green han nah heard footsteps and lifting her head saw two gentlemen beside her the nearest gentleman an elderly man with bright dark eyes addressed her mrs gneldt i presume yes sir she asked him to walk in and he did so the other following in the little parlor they sat down yon are mrs hannah gneldt oliver gjiieldts wife v yes sir it is aboutabout excuse me you look life 0 lawyer and i fear it is more trouble for pjor oliver 4 reassure- yourself madam said the gentleman t reassure yourself madam your husband isnot concerned save through you and that i hope pleasantly yonr name was burns before you were married yes sir hannah burns do you remember dates ijsrell no sir you have perhaps a record of family events your own birth your parents marriage yonn grandfathers death hannah gneldt wonderingly replied i have mothers bible and they tell me it is all there hpw far back to grandfathers birth i believe grandfather burns he bad only one child and i am the only one myparettts ever had oliver sot down our wedding day and onr two boyb birthdays and your- greatgrandfather the record of his death is there i i dont know you may see wait ill call my husband going to the door hannah to6k down a horn nsed for that purpose and uttered a call which brought oliver gneldt home from the field at once he also felt alarmed but explanations quieted him almost as astonished as bis wife he brought out the bible the death of my wifes greatgrand father zebulon burns is not here he said the first record is in his band i believe it is the- birth of his eldest son 60 it proved and the lawyer looked dis appointed you can not remember the day of his death he said i mean the date of it he died long before 1 was born said hannah and though rich left nothing to grandfather they had quarrelled i be lieve he told odd stories of him he must have been very eccentric and a servant or housekeeper had great influence over him she hud theproperty margery rmargery margery wilber i think said the lawyer yes said hannah i remember now 1 you are quiet people hot likely to talk too much the lawyer i will tell vou something we found a will among i the effects of a legal gentleman who died very suddenly in a fit of apoplexy idont hope too much mind a will in your favor as youi fathers only hild hannah clutcheci her husbands band it was written sn his deathbed dated the 10th pf march 17 and leaves al his property to your father his prandson then a boy hush dont hope too much margery wilber or lier heirs now hold this propeity uijder a will dated march 15 17 a later will said oliver then of coujjie they are the rightful possessors what need of all this the latest must stand i notjif it is a forgery said the lawyer oliver laughed the bitter laugh of care and disappointment who oan prove that he said no one yet the record of- bis death might a man whose dying hand signed a will the loth of march would scarcely make another oh the 15th we believe the will a forgery written pn old parchment biuce the discovery of the one i have spokeir of margery wilber took possession with legal forms for no one appeared to test lier title whete was your greatgrandfatherburied here said hannah they say he was brought down at his request mrs willer us chief mourner and bis son grandfather not even sent tor an old graveyard somewhere oh oliver 1 01i- yerl 8b e turned quite white and uttered a cry oliver that must be the grave yard on grays place that he dug over last winter in the warm spell thenit is gone said oliver and bur last hope with it no gentlemen good look could never come to ub poverty means to cling to us to the last i wish yonhadnetterolients oliver i phver 1 gasped hannali gneldt tell me one thing zebulon wafj my greatgrandfathers name zebulon 1 spelled with a z isnt it oh do speak i i think yon are going mad hannah- bf course it is oh the big zi remember it sowell and know it was z and it would have beeii broken to pieces before now oliver dont you remember my doorstep that you were so angry at i do beheve if is my poor oh greatgtandfatbbrs tombeton and not to know it when i starfed at tbe thjree cents three ethers lifted at the fiat alab it lay before tbem on tbe green spring grass black letters ou the whiteness and bending orer it they read aload t zebuibd burns born may died march 14j 17 with ettlogistio verses with longlss nnderneath as in duty boupd i its poor greatgrandfathers said hinnah i the lawyer extended his bandb grasp ing those of oiiverand hk wifot the proof is found i be said the latest will is a forgery for it is dated the day after the old mans death mrs gieldtisjheifesb to a large property i coigratulateyou and hannah witlvher head on her hus bands shoulder whispered 1 oliver it woulduthave been better to have married miss lester after all boston budget a brave act ys it takes uervo to run on a freight train said the brakeman peopledont nrjderstaud what dangers we have to under- a freight brakeman takes his life in his band every time he goes out on p- run and all for 19 a month and board himself just as an instance let me tell yon of some thing that occurred on iny last trip we were running a through freight and when- we stopped at a little btation down in indiana we found that a hotbox had set fire to the woodwork underneath the car and there was quite a big blaze going of course that car had to be set out and we had to get in aud uncouplo it and ps we shoved it down the siding 1 bad to git up on fop of it and work the brake 1 was never in the army and dont ki ow nqthing about what constitutes braviry o much nerve it takes to face a g in had a sort of a sneaking notibn about as much sand to get upcn thdt car as it did to walk toward a i ebel battery down south iaht see- where there was danger- you cant well if yoirm ill bet a months pay you would ha iu time to take to your heels and ru for the next county thatcar wai withlif teen tons of gunpowder stia chicago herald bi that ll how ive took any groat labee ij there seen wild iaded ger m request my neit ybaes card to t0l4 deab beabeb plesaed isbe fear of the lord vot adam fallen there 4s no fev r 1 j l m that desireth to learn the for he shall find it the beginning of wisdbm u year after ye ir is going so work while there is light wearemere a little time- ahd hadowa who ore but for then cease to be your standings either inxjhristrisen there is nothird man pokbeb repentance in the tomb jior pardonbfferefito the dead if any tnajj thirst let him come unto me he that hath the son hath life he that hath not the son of god hath not the life verily verily i say unto you except ye be born again ye shall in no wise see the kingdom of g odsaith he who cannot lie i he that belie etb and is baptised shall believeth not shall be that draw nigh tc nigh tayoa v his waysare all his paths are in hell who ever be saved j 4c damned how fesf thejfe are intended to be thre mess it would be dnjubt to lay my sins upon rue believiug upejn him glorious though tl god and he will draw ways of pleasantnqs3 and peace haras atscocas observations 1 dice more nanio whose eubaj deference issilent flattery beauty is the melody of the features ignorance is the wetuarse of prej no man is rich who wants an thap he has got j trusting to luck is only another for trusting to laziness ds people of good sense are those opinions agree with ours the highest rate of interest that jb on the borrowed troublei it is a greatart to be superior to others without letting them know it the man who never makes any bluuders seldom makes any good hits we are happy in this wbrld just in pro- jortiou as we make others happy health can be bought but you have got to pay for it with temperance at the high est rates i dissatisfaction with everything we come across is the resultof being dissatisfied with ourselves a slander is like a hornet if you cant kill it dead the first blow jbu bad better not strike at it to be thoroughly good natured and yet avoid being imposed up on shows great btrengtb of character pleasure ruakee folks acquainted with each other but it takes trials and griefs to make them know each other the 4kowstorm lightly and w litely i ati wheat fr m the grain thickly and q lickly as thoughts through the brain so fast and so dumb do the snow flakes como sw ft swift at the lays drop froin glad foitlipb soft soft as ti iedaya drop frotntime 3 fingertips j i obf so many somany yet no sound romany ob so iast ol so yet no track where they passed oh bo fragile so flfail ll yet no force c an prevail to speed tlrei i otstaylthem no prayer cai outweigh them they fall where they riust thtooah th j fathomless gray and bring to sartiisotst what of heaven they may papa bowj how tjhe wwts begin do nations get into war tommy seasons- the widows wit a dashing washingtoii widow- who had received marked attentive from a very popular and gallant physican found her self suddenly deserted her esculapius aged 52 was completely enthralled by a beauty of 18 and ou christmai morning the wedding took place with all due poiup wormwood for the widow she swallowed it bravely wore an undaunted front and was among tbe first to oner hurried con gratulations to the happy pair the con versation turned upon christmas gifts and the bride said laughing gaily ah my wedding presents were jseut just before christmas so on christmas morning i had hot a single gift ah 1 my dear that is cruel you had me said the bridegroom reproachfully before the pretty bride could ansvyer the- widows eyes grew dan gerous and swinging slowly her large fan she murmured surely my dear mrs x you should be more than satisfied for you know antiquities are all the rage in the awful silence following the widow rose carefully arranged her draperies aud bowed her adieu in stately serenity but ton herald why jews iiive so long with each otheij asked by sometimes one way sometimes an other said the father now theretjuca germany and i pain they came hear get- ting into war b cause a spanish mob took down the germ in flag no my dei j put in mrs seasopsby that wasnt tlie reason brit my darling saidmr s dont you suppose 1 1 now you- are mistaken that was the r nbdearie because the ge feason you are mistaken mans mrs seasobsby i say it was becsuse eeleg you tryingto madame ij nowbetter yoa are only well idonf put down dont you dare this rollingpit it was dont understand that your opinion was asked in this matter t want ray boy instructed by an bid ignorjamus see here y u- impudent your cane you old brute bristle up to me or ill send at your bead you pld-r- never minb interrupted tommy i guess i know 1 ow wars begin bit great z r j objier gneldt said nothing he feared jbia wfes brain b turned and that m bim faint and cold as u fpilofltinw thrgadw and the i the new england medical monthly com ments very favorably on the proverbial lotltf and healthful lives of the jews dr picard holds that this superiority is due to their stringent health laws the mosaio like the older egypytian code isvery stringent regarding the eating of flesh and other j artioles of food of the animals exairiued a large proportion are always condemned as unfit for food people whe eat meat liidiscriminately are very prohejjo disor ders of the blood auctbf tbe kic neys for raeatis composed of nitrogen hich the kidneys have to remove from tbe lood and of course they canuot do this st ocessf ully except by the aid of warners lafe bare the best kidney strengthen ni less it is temperately partaseu of andonll the very best meat is used jews also usl alcoholio uqnoirsvrybparingly and thus keep tip good digestion and then again tfiey holiday loving andflabbathpbsevini pm edtoonejbf effected fo opi fye a puwzle with letters some time eiuco students of the boston institute of technology design a puzzle which is yqufte interesting given two words of an ec ual number of letters the 1 problem is to baugeone to the other by altering one le iter at a time of the first 60 as to make al jgitimateeuglish word con tinning the alterations until the desirect- result is attained the conditions- are that only one lcittei bhall be altered to form esob new word and that none but words wbicl can be found i a english dictionaries shall be used her j are some examples of the changes east to wei it east vast vest west dog to cat dog dig fig fit fat cat soup to e sh soup- soul soil foil fowlifobtcoo i costast fast fist fish road to ri il rofl rood foot coot coat coal coil toil tail rail v milk to hai h milk mile male mate hate hath ht sh- j it- abe lincolns lesson abraham i incoluwas a total abstainer for fifty yeari on hisjelection to thepresi- deucy a large number of citizens crowded to the white louve to congratulate bim wheufhe an t ieuce chamber was full he cleared it wi i one of jhis practical jokes of wbiob he w l fond gentlemen said he 1 am sola- that you will agree with me that orr this auspicious occasion we should driik each others health this propbsi j on was greeted with applause soon aservi i it appeared carrying a tray with a numl rot glasses and a large de canter filled ith water turniiig to his guestr the 1 esident then said v gentle- mt n we wil 1 how drinfi each others health in the best t everage given to man pure wuter st 1 sequently the president add bis friends that water joke purposes if cleared my room in the disuse of aud gave thsn a lessonj strbng drinlf area weattbe seyeniir differeili uniforms the piin of wales it is estimated ia eiitifcled fa eajr seventy different nnrformsj he has a rj ht to seventeen different mili fory unifor i i8aione and special coetainei without nu iberaasooiaterl witij bis iyari oub titleaa i dbffioes and heewtuaydbe i m oocasionariees si fm tj