Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1886, p. 2

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wtejfa fisss tbtbitxit moftstktij jastam 14 i i mati 1886 l n- r jvl that cheese factory labbut a year ago e number of armors ud others in tbis vicinity were ixerttag thenwdvea towards uiebrtfanitatbn of a company with a view to tbeeulequent crectiou and establishment of a ch sese fac tory here a couple of delegate i ere sent to the annual pwjymanr convention at stratford to secure pointers in tbs cheese factory buwuess several pubiio nestings vfere held but somehow the matter was after all allowed to drop sow we hare been taking parti ular ob- serration during tho jpast year of reports respecting cheese factflnes and their bnsi- aessand these reports are invariably f av- orable to those taking financial interest in cheese making both as concerns tho manu facturers and the farmers who supply the material among the factories whioh have come under oar notice is that of the norval cheese factory aud jor tbejuterest of our farmer frierds we here jsive a synopsis of the report of the annual meeting which appeared in the miltou champion last week the annual nieejlng of the patrons of the norval cheeseiactory was held iu the factory on saturday 19th ult- the audi- tors presented their report stating that thoy found the books isfactpry and cowect the amount of milk taken during the sea son was 1112793 lbs amount of cheese made 194016 lbs amouutinu to 835991 no of lb milk to make 1 db cheese i 107 average price per lb ofcheese- 803 cents increase of milk over last year 197618 lbs increase of cheese 18945 lbs mr joseph leslie pave the report for the committee on sales which was received with satisfac tion by all present it was allowed that even at theverv low price of cheese this season it paidthe farmer better than mak ing butter or even growing wheat at pre sent prices and that they realized better average prices than most of the factories throughout ontario this season it was then resolved unanimously to support the factory for the ensuing year vafter perusing tho above report we fail to sec a good reason why if the farmers in the vicinity of norval only a dozen mijes from here can establish and sustain a fac tory capable of turning out cheese to com mand a superior price on the market the farmers of this section should not join in the procession and follow theworthy and profitable example of their eastjend-of-the- township neighbors i the norval farmers v claim too that even at the unusually low price of cheese the past season it has paid thfem better than making hotter orgrowing wheat and- everybody knows that the labor is less for every fanner and farmers wife interested this interesting subject deserves more consideration dn the part of the farmers and others perhaps than it has heretofore been f avored with and consideration of a practical character should bo given it our only desire in bringing this matter into prominence again is that the far- merssof this vicinity may see how they can be benefitted then through them the people generally with whom they transact business will also be benefitted it is tbis that causes us to urge them to ponder ovct the subject carefully reasonably and with outprejudice i armour go the great meat p ickers did tk business last year amounting to 108000hd their pad lug homes are located in chicago milwai kee aud kansas city 8wift co beef psikoa do abusi nets of 5000000b everyday tljoy ktil 1 1000 hoad of beeves mh purely person miy jlpllllpt- al j- paraeraphs respcotlng people pith when oir readers are individually or coueotwely acquainted it is satisfactory to find that c madian trado with south americt isisteailly on the increase tho annual official i sport of the consulgeneral of canada of he ar gentine bepublio gives sone stnki lg stat ibtica of the trade reutions petween the pominion and the rci ublic some american papers udopt th system of publishing the names ol delinquunt sub sonbers and repeating the dose u itil tho desjred effect is produced the fiict that such meaus is necessary 1 3 keep t ubsonb era jrom falling behind mows th ameri can subscribers to be a de graded lc t now in canada a man woulc never think of allowing his subscriptioc to run behind well i hardly ever among themneaiures o legislation to be applied for by thvtoroni j city council at the coming session of n ontario parlia ment will be tlie4olloiag buggested by mayorelect howlaud tower to regulate all places of amusement so that a show which is considered imp aral could bo stop ped and the posting of c bacene bills pro- rented without appeal to iocouru licens ing cigar btows and eating houses and placing thorn under po ioe surveillance also licensing and regulating rcllor and other skating rinks tho49th roginjeut of the british army has beeu oruered to hal fas ns this regiment has a notch in canadian history which renders its retain to au auautio station of more tlian pas siug moment in 1912 the 49th participat ad iu the- battle of qoeeuston heights at d witnessed tho death of gen brock later on it held fort george and subset uently a ismail de tachment from its ranks held be jver dam against the united states troops thus con tributing in no small deree to the salvation of burlington heights he loss jof which would have been a senoi s thing for canada the regiment will garni on duty bore it is to bo hoped says the montreal witness that with this year canada enters on a period of unexampled commercial prosperity and that of ja more solid sort than for a long time back she has now such enormous public debts that we may fairly look for a reaction in favor of econ omy and nothing enriches like economy the same may be said of the people the delirium of the days of artificial expansion is over and the victims are devoured the extravagance which accompanies hopes of sudden wealth has given way to a wholesome feeling that men mnst work for what they want the failures have been fewer for the past year than for a longtime mrs w hondrji otberliu is visiting rt mr a a rubys j v mr chris ruby borliii spout a wik with actcn friends miss 8ue aheru ok toronto ia visiting friends in hor old home mrs h rum8hnwof erin has been visiting friends iu acton this wobk miss katy ellis of toronto inited acton and limehouse during the week mrs j e mogarvin and miss a hilts spout a couple of days this woek with friends in toronto miss maggie allan of zimmerman was a guest at the residence of mr t hendcr- sou banker last week mrs l b bittlinof st clair mich and little daughter nellie are guests of tho editor of the fhkepiikss the fiends of w ii young pm will learn avith regret that ho is seriously ill and confined to his house onivillr star mr robert varren si returned homo last thursday after spending a couple of weeks very pleasantly with friends in st louis mo the free phesi extends its heartiest con gratulations to mr jasl hughes iiispco- torpublic schools tpronio and his newly- wadded bride mr john l stoiieyof hamilton the enterpribiug general agent of that excellent life insurauce company the ontaviqmutual was in town yesterday rokwood news from oitr own conwpondmt i crovvdeil out last wcok a new teacher has been engaged mr d l sluiltz wan elected trustee for public school here the jcongregation have introduced tho organ into the church 1 strachan is home from queenv col lege kingston for his holidays a shultz has returned to hit chool near ridgetown an address of appreciation from the trustee was given him the presbuerian sabbath school had a social ireuniou on tuesday evening a winter basket picmc addresses by rev mr swan tlie pastor and teachers vocal and instrumental tnnsic made up a very sooial affair tho social entertainment by the metho dist sabbath school on monday evening was a most enjoyable affair the pro gramme consisted of speeches by the pas tor and rev 1 strachan readingsj by messrs j strachan and korrisli music by the ladies and recitations by the chil dren ptfk3 ftvr vf-i- bh r has no effect on our prices but bears hard on oir ombthi lister for a pombnt i jhavb you ce- thi feelings crtotb cannot bb lave had to pav a few extra dollars this year now but just now right before you lies a chance have nev before till now offered vi2 a stoktamngsaloevei7lm cost po3 cash uatxi m finish headlight oil to bel8c per jgal pandit is now wort oottqhs to be 3c 4c 5d 6d 7c a5cording to 50 j5cc gahrneres tc m 38c ioctea to b 29c rict to be 3ic 8 oeifcoat tq be b6 25 to m 1 ii inrrrn m0t0wwz iuvt rotr helped i82c at tte wells uali 8 gaps alton lry goods house new advertisements if you linvo a farm for sne or want to skii out by auction aitvertiso in tho acton fwc phksb j plain and fancy pkinting done with nentnoss niul dqupatch ut tho freb inrss pnixnsg horsi xmas xma3 new stock av1no diiipoeeil roimiiurui of bolb my jjhcry mill joit ijl- notes a1td comments toronto presbyteryrjuesday discussed the question as to whether a railwayman who necessarily worked oh- sunday could be a member of the church milton has ten antiscotts and one scott act supporter in her council poor milton there is only one antiscott and hes not a very pronounced enemy either in acton council it the total wealth of great britain were divided up it would allow 51245 to every man and child in the kingdom this es- timates about 5300 more than such a division in the jijnited states i geo sir henry frederick ponsbnby private secretary to the queen telegraphed to london on saturday that her majesty desired hirfc to say that she would open the forthcoming session of parliament in per- twenty yeara ago minnesota abolished the death penalty this year she returns the last session of the municipal council elected to do the business of 1885 a quiet meetingr the last meeting of the council of 1885 was held in council chamber on tuesday evening j mr w h storey reeve and messrs henderson pearson and stephenson were present mr jsmond absent minutes of jlkst meeting read and con firmed tbe eighteenth and final report of tue committee on finance for 1885 was pre sented as follows thos ebbae cemetery fence find gates j e mcgarvintreas interest on borrowed money nrmcqarviu stationery i r b cook balance account j e howson nails i j c hill rep lamps etc i h p moore printing etc 1 c c speight framing cemetery plans tbo9 easton supplies jli ivud slioo uukjneesuh 1 tokc tliia plan ol uotifyiuk ull parties lliniltbted to nio tbat tnuy must cull nt williums hrmebuoy iiiust- aim bettlo their accounts at ouue otljerwiso costs will lp raided aiuiii iuurrycii lsfi ii nmecaurhy onions 1 oic sale r uniluriikrcd lias a large quantity oi first clas iookinhoi ions for ealo cboap- parties cupiiliud with any quautity from a quart to tweuty bushels i i htnilyloenneb cburcu bt greatest bargains ever offered in cuelph gold and silver watches i ay do you know freurs bros tiavo leased acton mills yes lind they are just thi you rfond work on shorj loderulc acton mills boys thut will 1 notice clmrges i at once stihhon a to it the good people wh6 are talking about abolishing it in canada had better paste thisutragraph in tneir hat3 tor- ahulworldr i m it is announced on good authority tbat one of the first matters to be taken up at the coming session of the dominion par liament will be tbe repeal of the scott act shd that the whole question of controlling the liquor traffic- will be relegated to the provmcai legislatures we sincerely hope that mr ismohds scheme for additional fire protection will not be allowed to die because of his retire ment from the council the new rlegisla- tors should take jtbe matter np andim- 1 mediately push it to a practical and satisfactory issue the milton sun goes into the religious de nominations of the members of the town council and gives their complexion thus the religious beliefs of the members are as follows five english cburuh four methodist one roman cathplio and- one presbyterian well keep the ball rolling and report acton counoil as i fellows two presbyterians one methodist one chnchof england and one disciple the lady electors and workers for mr howlaud in tbe recent mayoralty contest iu toronto held meeting of praise in shaffjesbnry hall on monday thanks were returned to the almighty for mr howlandi success and prayer was offered np that he might be strengthened daring the year special prayers were made for the aldermen that they might be god fearing men loving righteousness and hat ing evil the attendance was large and congratulations were the order of the 9 iis oo 21 75 11 71 5 50 5 25 4 25 4 25 2 50 83 have yqu a horse to sell a farm to sell or rout ahouselosellorpentj a buggy wagon or machine tosell a sewing machine wagon qr piano to sell do you want to buy1 horse want to buy a- farm waut to buy a house want to buy piano or organ want to buy or sell anything or trade lythnig 1 riv then advertise in the fin piifcas mid youl find somebody who wants to see yuti on the bu9idcss w try i 50 coiii advertisement and youll find it a paying atfair m sexos of all hics cau htnx 1 cents vostuhe aud wi- will uiuilyonniiie a royal vulu alilii uainpo box tf goods tliili wil put you in tho way of tuak iug more money at ouco that huyl hiug else in america boil live at homo ana work iu spirotimc or all tliij timp- capital not required we will start you ny sure for those who star co portland main kelly bros f- ke lly bros next dqortahxrds jeweljfly store itockiota lockets q em rings qhalns charms earrlbffs scarf pins bar fins j great reduction in locks and plated ware iliaying bought tliestore we n tv ocstfpy it places us on a better looting than ever to sell goods at very low prices our ex- penses being lufi tliittjr anyone else iu the trade it i 1 will eiitihle nsto riell all kinds of drogerifes and promsioaib veij lew r at tuk- j- v to the farmers i -v- ijoto- waters bros the picture galiery guelph for avtim 3ht4rrktl oil and waltr color craiioqii caurai ifmicimj bnnhcti ir i an jxijw siet04 the committee recommended that pay ment of above accounts be made report adopted upon motiou of messrs henderson and stephenson the collector reported his roll returned to the clerk with taxes paid ia full with tbe exception of abont5 50 due from non resident ratepayers v the council then finally adjourned r the county council pokjl886- j the haltou county council for the pre- iiout year will be composed ab follows acios w h storey reeve bbblxnotos richard baxter eeve geoeobiowk wni mcleodj beeve milton j h mccollom itseve oakville m fel in keevo esquesisg k lindsay reeve john warren first depireeve and r gra ham second dep reeve nassaoaweta jaines menzies reeve v wheeliban depireeve 1 nelson e daltqn reeye jp d scott depreeve trafaloae h robinson reeve dr buck first depbqeve j husband second depreeve the only changes in tho pevsonell from last year are the introduction mj felan and p members of messrs d scott who are new iy or tons scheme to indians quiet n keep the mp for fil 1 1 ptawa jan lljpr ortan centre wellington i is here he expresses htrong foars of a general indiat uprising in the northwest next spring scheme for avertinj it which submitting to the jovernmentj poses to take all th leading chiefs of tbe narthw8t on atotr through ibe dpmin- jou treat them wi hi great coirtesy and jhow them the principal slghls in order that they may tore l airidea of jftna resources of th country tu id tho white population 8 ucn a trip as tie one pro posed he tbinkp rould havo ffoct upon the chii ifa and has a he intends he pro- a powerful rover 000 pairs boys and meiib bouts uud shoes clearin them out from 50crip- ward- bigvaliu nelson mcrae it co i lit suits 1 vests i0 overcoats to be cleared out they must be sold as we are ifiviny upthysbraiiph nelsonmcracaco i rare values in woollioo wool caps shawls clouds scarfs c beautiful goods nelson mcrae co auaizes for men women and children in rubbers una overshoes cheap cheap cheap nelson mcrae co just in new fur capes from s200 up wards the best range of ladies caps and muffs in tbe trade and a large assortment of menb fur caps special values nehon mcrao co chromos c frames of all kinds ioiliii- luui mil cirnino pol window slrnl fancy good in liivc ilif ibo city ku and ijiiilil-iylreikuuts- ivc viitiis fruned while in wiih yn to wat tlie piiuive tiall jubi the twexrvlm 3teel busrayings watch uno clock house ofcuelph wm s smith oh uon slnsc iklvtiiem of wc are prepared to take all kisd of produce in ozcliange for goods and yiaj the highest market price kelly brotbers john kelly ps everyone ask for kelly bros now store and piclnra ornieii s siirin ijilvs iiiid h f mui0ciilip syitubjc luravidilin ii- picuikfi briiii lie icni sesbeos ry near the post ofhec lee year the farmers advocate nd hoile magazine ynn or publication wm weld editor and proprietor 1 had for years been a miserable sufferer from dyspepsia and tried all known reme dies uud the best medical skill of- my ac quaintance but btill grow worso until unable to eat aiiythiug without great suf fering or do any kind of work i began to think there was no hope tor me and that i must surely die when like a drowning uiad catching at astraw i determined to give mcgregors speedy curd a trial i at once begarifto improve so rapidly that in two months i was as well as 1 had evor been in my life wm liviin leamington sold by drmcgarviu free trial bottles a m cd u cz 4 fltaukhi new treatment perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been aohieved in modern medicine has bee i attained by the dixon treatment for cat ixrh out of 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of this stubborn malady this is none the lesb startling when it is remembered that not five per cent- of patients presenting themselves to tho regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines nnd other advertised cures never record a- cure at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix- on at once adapted his cure to their exter mination this accomplished he claims the catarrh is piratically cured aud the permanency is nuquestoned as cureseffeot- ed by him four years ago are cures sill no one else has ever attempted to eure catarrh in this manner and no other treat- menthas ever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy lis simple and can be done j at home and the present season of the yiearis tho most favorable for a rfpeedy and permanent curejtha majority of cases being cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond with messrs iai h dix on 4 son 305 king street weittoronto offering canidaand eaclosei stamp f9r their treat- asso pb cfttarrb jjirolitrfinwtenov 1762 it is tlio oweet akrlcuhiiril papcr iiv tjfic dominion i si it ia owned and 6i itcd by a f arrubr ot ma years exporieuce it is the only iudeftendent agricultural period ical iu canada it has a larger paid bubscription list than nil theother agriculture i publications in tho country combined i the information to bo found in its columns ib not only strictly reliable but always in advance and includes ovdrystlbject nosessary to tliouc- cobs of tho farmer if many boat acquainted witli it pronounce wic farmers advocate tiho first agricultural pajjer on tliiseontiuent every gardener ah ould have it every friend of tbe farmer bhouli 1 support it every leglala tor should read it jjo farmer should bo wijb out it terms bl in advance lit samjile copies free address yarmelt8 advocatfe london ont jatarrh and consumption if nil clinrgod witlr diseisecreiuint lenient tuul ail- will kill wbtu bieathed tniitiiiiimisly iir cliained with ivnieiliiil litnviit- will iiirivwhcii 1ivntlied cntinu nisly j the pillow inhaler is mi eligaiitly iiiiiilc liair pillow cliaigc- with ieinedirkitleiiielsi lit vpil of wliici the pitiiiit iuliaich nil night long tvliils-i- leiiinir as iisiinl it cuiinot cet oiu ol order iunlif netleetiy tiife to the nwisi delieaif it will jinl fur yeais nnd serve jiiiyiniiniber id peismis in a family m suc cession jl iiillerf down thestrongliiilil nf catarrh bronchitis astlima ajil consamption ami muke periiinnciit cure by a eontiliu- dut application ihiealing iinl curative aw directly to the tiseased puits sufferers from auyiof tliesiliiiwmeiit mied rliseabris are urgently requested in send us tiiilr iidi dress a ml a 50page pamphlet wifl be mailed to lliem fret which will give a complete hiijtorvjef thi nondcrfiil diaeov ry and the printiplqs upon which if works together with h huig list of tesiimonian frmn those who liaveied it and who now rejiicejin pifectheauh djii not delay fiirhe longer a disease is allowed to ran uicnpukeil the slower and harder it is to effect p circ there is in meiiicie tken into the stom acli nndiiudhing ijriiiufhiig ncir anytliin distrecrlilebout this treatment it has nevetlbqen known to fail i send your name and address plainly written to i tho pillpw laialor agonoy london ont the singer seeing maobiito eodb kelly mi f ivshiox able webt end sfipelph u-ghar4- co j john bennet agent ac5onjl has secured a portion of the pcit office store where will be fouw a fall stock of the genuine singer sew ig ma- chinesi any orders left at the sre will receive prompt attention oris needles and parts of maohine kept in stock we have ev r cultbii i ialways john ben11ett 72000 copies per week srorn circulation dailyd weeklyfroepresf best family 1 ewspapor oanadf ebtabiishbd 41 years lniveitl iighlp c melropelhiin weekly inbushoil in tbe dominion king of weeklies 1 the y free sdon ont p rejk partmbut is a noted foa fire s being always up to tb j ducted by persons prac tically bklllejiuftonvvork the ajrrlcultural of tno free pro m ueiug iuwuyn yj tu i i times and coiducfed by persons prac by telerrap l telephone mail aud ooirespor dence up to the hour ol publication special d larkcl department asrlenllurul ikpiirlmfnl capital stbry always rnuuldr iddenliiiitrmiie column nuuoroin lleadlak i telephone connection i- floral view greenhouses beokqetown 6nt the newest aud cboicost plants amt cut flowersjwholobtile aud retail funeral audjweddine designs prepared on short nqtice and shipped safely aiiy weather the vlietcicin exrsitlox ienb at newiorleaubjnov 10th 188 aud cou- fuues untllaprll 1st 1880 the illivoih ckvlltll itb tho croat hortliino between the north aud tiouth will j place on sale roundtrip tickets at very low ratob winter tourists fo florida texas mexico and california can purchase tickets via new orleans with stopover privileges to visit the exposition t at as low rates as by any other route- for fall and winter excursion folder giving routes and rateb and a very complote pamphlet styled peni roluts frou tbii american exposition address a h hanson thos dorwin ieul pass lart oenl north pass agt dphst cbicaoo just the tklng for the famttiv every mouabor ortbo household eagerly look liot it each week large 1 pape1 in elubsdhpur and upw 75c eachg y jing 1 the free press than at any other ciumpy- merit the most liberal inducements ever offer ed in canada tobartios getting up clubs f orf the weekly free wcsa bund for a- copy premium list aud see tbe inducements samnlo oopv free on application eb riwi pki titi o lftsnos cada ei2000 in premiums given k 0 agents jioto money oiu be made by ogeutscanva aeahbwa monthly- auction sale lotsli 11he undorslgiied has a large list of goods wbloh will be sold iat i aonew8 hotel acton aturdiyi 13th feb 1886 at 10 a m any parties having goods to iii of can put them lars at tho p 0- 1st 1680 tuhp 080 particu- raoton on r before february i ji murray anotloneor cton poo8tb 16 j- i ssxxasi sswjasirep n this sale by leaving new goo justopeined -oo- tine gold brooch earvipgs j fine cold broocme6 ds englishtiold gem rings silver scotch pebble jewelry beleoted pergonally whilo jn hnglaud b savde cuelph w hav pleasure iu btating tliau iiiir i took tor the seasoiu8 trade surpasses in extensive vane- tvutul choice selection anytliing er iorfnerjy laiu before ere jucham co silks spb ate velvets this hepiirtment no house r successfully compete point of variety real alue and downrijrhjt- lanies who are iu in here can lth 118111 aterlintr it cheapness not aware offer in thi chasers the habit of buying elsewhere are ot the inducements we deportment to pwr- tnspectiou invited bueham co dress goods this department is a largeone with us t always presents a choice of really desuable goods to select trot i seldomniet witlreven iithe largest pities will do well before buy- nig to visit our estahksliment aud look through compare prices cyc bucham co pashiojpa le westjnd drebb manile and sliiiinery f8tablis welt06ikyi thebertrtookof bok blank nl padb letter idgl thing wimred in f ike leadioji store i testamen envj tacles 25 to m sells cheapt givj thcav mobj oorumsfl provided by thj ottrloci rfhe papers delir j j sddretted witl sameu all tboe by thia arriagemei teln by a glaucfl t i time expire or baa 1 may hare occurred f be promptly re the ice men riianraiihingl j good dry harj towiiaiaiii the niwli first tinia hizi mo thejrit bus of tljeyonnf falkft gueljjh high baqie aid n nk ofj goejph irjj thoir toree at flv4 winter thefirsrae oatiou for 6i evening 3 a mirray hotel has ben february tbe annual el poultry ast ociatl g bilptt this tveek the annbal i was held lartisionl of guelphiireadi a full knee acton ltjtltmi friday evening mrs s have very kindly teresting ameri i- anin from odr old friei now of aubn ndi the wei id berdand abo it the varrieter anj rboston cihn editevm c address and s one of organization salvation ar ny rthirteen outl dates who wr ste i tionsaroakvillel r ftsvmrmc mclaren of eini qccapy knox c s a sunnj through and thr they go likddi v kisses robert aikh recently a thor aged two year i forsljor 3ttr eobert i the gore dutfici uh an excelttn company theoalniil old enlisbcid converted into r bowling alleyj thetherfflol has hugged aerj teraperatare thi moderating fcpvt thfc sesswif i curt held or largest over i cases were dli aflieetihf last evening te organization o particulars wl rev bol ed eloquent alii methodisvch ult to large c i opr little sprue very- pre f 3 beautiful jfii a sample copy now is jthp vertjberueni will attract ten during the h see theratsi court for the yi chambor v only a few character tlieanhn nassagaweya heldtoday beheld next house muton thefaisej the many cot continually teb j ot patrons renel the present yetj r mrav and lot on glarkof nn clark hasgive up his cfsidn r thenevi are mew ziega heml a sufficient ff if en the municil tbe bui method bt f hrj mibes to be a jbxceueutiaj i w 1 excellent jhoi an r a- e vbytoy th

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