Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1886, p. 3

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fcw v making oat your accounts well geo hyuds can buppwvou jwitu the test stock of account paper account iknks blank notes and receipt not pads letter pads account pads and everv- thing required in thnt line geo hyhtu ib the leading store for school books bibles testaments envelopes and paper spec tacles 85c to 3 per pair geo hynda 9lls cheap give him aull tkcksimy morumt- jvmt 14 18k6 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful press reporters free now the our local subscribers fthe vprt delivered by our carriers art i adflrrnwd wlttitho mailing msohlne t miuiem all those snt through tho post offlo bv this amibgement our subscribers can ascer- uln by gluuco t the label at what date their time expires or has expired anv errors whioh mavuareoccurriaarranjinb tbo list wilt be promptly rectided if reported at tho office hpm 9 fete nonpayment of samuel dingmnn wasi flaed by his wor1 ship tl o reeve 86 and coite or ten diya in gaol inopautthonne next time ho will pay his 2 tax upon dcini md egg socials arc tl io latest at an l crseoeial ach lady it expected to bring r boiled egj with hor uamo written on it mmimimmsmmia statute labor tax pays 1 j x- fh mookepubuohei the ico men are busy languishing market still rule good dry hardwood is in demand in towu again the uew council will meet for tho first time next monday rthe riak has monopolizeclthcattention of the young folks during the past week gnelph high school has assumed the name aid rank of a collegiate institute gnelph dry flfcods merchants will close their stores at live oclock pm daring the winter the first meeting of the board of edu- ostionfor 1886 will be held next monday eventug j a murrays suction sale at agnews hotel has been postponed until the lftth february i the aftnual exhibition of the ontario poultry association is being held in jgavlph this week the annus meeting of knox chinch wasfaeldlalfc monday- rev dr to ranee of gnelph presided a full nieetirig of the memoers of acton lodge i 0 0 f is requested for friday evening 22nddust i mras a secord and mr john cook have very kindly handed ns budgets of in teresting american papers an interesting florida paper is to hand froin our old friend mr win firstbreijk now of auburndale florida the ffvmsays toronto has 89 bar- berg jind about 500 of those other shavers the larristers and solicitors boston church esquesing has present ed pv m c imeronof milton with an address and a wellfilled purse 4on5 of the principal officers of the organizitfop- attended the meeting of the salvation army en tuesday night thirteen out of the twentysix candi dates who wrote at the entrance examina tions nt oakville high school passed rev mr mclaren son of rev prof t mclaren of eriox college toronto will occopy knox church pulpit next sunday a sunny heart flashes dark tears through and through with laughter until they go like dewdrops before the snns kiiscb robert- aikiu of nassagawfiya sold recently a thoroughbred shorthorn heifer aged two years t- mr black of fergus for s v mr 11 belt itiuuiiigham gnelph of thegcrf ditriqt fire ins co has sent u an excelled calendar issued by his company the oshcville star infoims us hat the om kngiih church of that town is to be converted into a roller skatnig nukand fcowhng alky the thennometet during the past week has hugged zero pretty constantly the temperature tliis morning shows signs of moderating however the session of georgetown division ourt held on tuesday was one of the largest ever held there over seventy cases were on thedocket a meeting was held in the town hall last evening to take into consideration the organization of a union exhibition for acton particulars will be given nextweek rev robert philips of acton preach ed efoqnei3t aid impressive sermons in the methodist church here on sabbath 27th tilt to large congregations erin advocate it u- little ones for january contains some very pretty stories for children and 36 beautiful pictures send 15 cents for a sample copy to russell pub co boston now is the time to advertise an ad- vertisevnent now when atls are scarce 41 attract tcntimes moreratteniion than cluriug the holiday rush try one and see the first sitting of the fourth division court for the year was hold in the council included attftlnsditemojouty to our readers who soeii agrioultaro an art io bo followed by tho ight of intelli gence rather than bpeoiil ktion wo oom- tho aihier sir vt vffl vvs9 c this jour- and the geutloman who rets the egg for her supper shells out as it were tpettqu who teol an umbrella bo longiug to a young lady from the vestibule of st albaub chureh tho day oe mr stecleb funeral iu nnsu ke will pleaso ro turn it to this office ami receive lua ov the watford advocate hab been pur ohased bymrrj c tyoj of tho quhi and tho two will be amalgamated a superior journal will be the result of tho union mrtyo is fully capable jof producing buoh hio st marys argun commenced its 30th volume last week the 7 is one of the best local jounialti in the country and has fairly earned thl oxcelleut support accorded it may bnccesscontinuotomark its every effort i i the malqteachor8iin guelph public school receive salaries i at an average of 55620 the lady tcacheru 280g8j the city has 1 gentlemen una 22 lady teachers tho averagocost to tho city of eabh pupil per year is 7 and i millis rev a blair pastor of tho il-osby- terian church nassagaweya being away for a couple of weeks on his roaniuge tour his pulpit was occupied week ago last sabbath by rev w s j motavisb of st george an oldnaspagaweya boy who is on a similar tour among his friends the blizzard on saturday of which this section was accorded a full share seems to have been of a vcry general char acter reports from kansas texas da kota alabama iowa new york and lon don england indicate that all experienced a vjsit of the intense cold and storm traffic in the western states was sus pended the dominion dry lootli jleport lias boan hinged from a mo ithly to weekly aud njw appears lis the cuttttdianjuurnl of fabrics tho old name beiug retainedj as a 6jbtitle it is exclnsiyely devoted to all branches of textile fabrics giving promiii- cnoe to the staple liuesy it is of ospicial iuterest to the mercantile fmternity gener ally and is published at montreal aud trunto j next week the mount forest bepnsen- tatirc vvill commence its second volume the kp was established by mr j a lambert a year ago and under his practi cal superintendence it has abundantly prospered and is today in our opinion one of the very first local piipcrs mthecountry we have from time to time been favored with samples of job work from the presses of the krprteaitativc and we have much pleasure in saying thatithey are equal in point of urtiitic taste and general neatness to the work turned out by the city we congratulate friend lambert cordially upon hia welltiarned succesai- we are in receig ot a handsome almanac for 188g frouitko office of the picayune new orleans itcoutainsjwenty- six beautiful illustrations and much valu able information acopy is sent freo to every subscriber for either weekly or daily picayune the weekly picayune a most interesting 16 page paper is ntnt to any address for i50 it for nothing more tian the novelty of the thing northerners should take this pulper through its 1885 offices most become acquainted aud etvli coiumns they would with the manner customs aud style of business of our southern frieniij aside from this they would receive full vijlne for their mouey m general reading initter of a moit excellent aud varied character- that the oakvillejfccxwrfii is bound mend for j their approval advocate aid home ilagai nal has boon established 20 years is edited aud owued by a prnctioui farmer bt m years oxperiouco and as nn educator ot tho farmers in matters peri ainiug to agri culture utock dairy apiarj otjo com bined the farmers advoca c btauda with- out a peer t mllton8 new oounoil tho milton rrforintr ovideutly hasnt a very olevated opinion of tin recently elect ed council of tho couuty town it bays our towu ought to bo pre ud of tho coun cil just eleoted the majority of whom are not really capable of doing tho town busi ness properly any fool ci uspeud fflbuoy or rather givo it away bul it uqedb men of good judgment and a i least avoraga ability to boo that the town gets value for overy dollar spent and thai the laws of tho laud are upheld anlnoiplontfiro oii friday last the town hall narrowly oscaped destructiohby fire when building the fire in tho engine room- now being used as a behool room tho public bobool care taker iuadvertently left a iioantity of dry wood in close prokimity to the stove and proceeded to his duties at tlio main school house shortly afterlight oclock a little daughter of mr p m mccann happened to go into tho school room and she discovered the wood in full blaze ar alarm wab im mediately given and seven 1 men w wero near at the time soon qtieu ilied thp fiamos a few minutes longer of ur disturbed head way and it would have bee na serious mat ter to extinguish the flame i cordially regarded by aui during tho past three sundays rev mr mckay of knox college toronto has oc cupied tho vacant pulpitof the prosbytprian church hero in a most accoptablo manner tho two weeks spent in pastoral visitiug with the- members of created among them a very presaioh respecting the manner ability und general characteristics of this worthy young 111111 4er from what wo have heard concerning mr mckay wo are bound to conclude that he baa every pros pect of becoming one of the first men in the ranks of the ministry in the church of his choice we feel satisfied that the session of knox church will inako no error in ex tending to him an early call atagood round stipend back to his old love- one year ago mr t j starret disposed of tho milton jfeics with the intention of entering another business today finds him again in tho ranks of the fourth esute aud we have before us u copy of vol 1 no 1 of the thorubury aeim us fieat spicy and interesting a loal paper as any reader could wish tp perune which has for its editor and proprietor ilr t j starret- thorubury is a lively littlo town iind wo havo every confidence that it will accord the new journalistic eutsrpriso a jhearty and profituble recep ion tnd in return they will receive tho very best efforts of mr starret and the acim in tehalf of the town and people generally clio fnpt ppcsg congratulatesthornbury upon its acquisi tion of a fir8tdas8newsapcr with an ex perienced journalist at lis head uud be speaks for tho aleir uubo mded prosperity the night school 1 the eveniug classos which have been in rprogrcsb in the town during tho past two or three months uuder the superintendence of principal moore of the public schools irc hurd at work ugain after a rest of a couple of ueeks dujing lllo holiday season the classes uieet iii the fire hall every tuesday and thursday evenings we are tho holidcy season ww00- xmash i jwyeafts v imakiug approa mcca drug and st with all iia attendant liappjhoss and merry lep and as usual iviwiij fationery is orowdep full of- the congregation favorable im- silvtirware fancy goods ciihstm cards 1 dolls toysjc 5bc of evory ilescription suitable ior bhriytmas gifts it has been our ondeavbr this season hi bclectiifg our holiday stock to sooure only thosd goods which are of sliperior value and which will be deemed worthy of more thim oillinaiiy appreciation by thbso who receive them f 7 our goods a c new and of this yeihia design we have a fine as sortment of bibles albums auiual8ttnd gift books of all kinds in attractive and durable bindings you- cannot- fail to make a full and satisfactory selection frm our stock everjbody should call on us husbands speoial ahnoxjivgefilent i sj4 w- jjjk irf afl l special special ajsnofngemelf ti nelson mcrae we have made arrangements to coiitiiiiio the buiiness of nibibou mcliae co unde thesame firm name until the first ot ask your wlyfif wives coax yourjhusbands sisters perbijaoe your b fh7pfbs t r i i i to hers advise your ststers flo to- n mcgarvins drug and spnsry store for their xruas presents ho sells bettor goods cheaper than any othor store acton january 1886 our clearing sale poutiii ic3 aiid wc arcgiyngvare values for efcksh fcll stock of oou pens akd pescilb keet your eye on this for it is liaible to change any time everylmdygoeato themetrjpohtari studio for their photos why because they get firstclass vynrk at moderate prices en- lar4iiients made ifom card size to lite size bring any picture you ivisii enlarged direct to the studio and thus secure better work and save aoeiitl profits yur frieujlscwill appreciate a nice photo of yourself bettei than anyxmas cijrd come the first convenient day as we are tjecoming more and more busy every day as the holidays approach j metropolitan studio we respectfully ask all ilidebted to the firrn to call and settle tlieir accounts before the firstlof january asthejr must- be provided fcr in some way by that time nel80 moae 8c co acton november 24th 1886- great co 4- u jt tdece- lgt to keep abreast of the i times is continually a pleased to observe tha very gratifying apparent by the f requeutadditions and im provements to its typer machinery c- the most satisfactory addition of them all was effected iast week when friend orr in troduced n fino uew campbell power press we congratuiatehim that he hasbeen able to make this valuable addition and have no doubt that he will experience much satis faction therefrom the name of tljio paper has been changed to the star which change is marked by a fine new heading we dont understand wliy the name should ha vc been changed and are hot in sympathy with such changes but perhaps pro orr has some good reasoti therefor nevertheless may tbo star prosper the weekb rakings whioh are prihcipauy local and au interesting chamber yesterday the list only afew cases mostly of an unimportant character tlie annnal meetingof ebqufsing and nassagaweya agricultural societies will be held today that of halton connty will beheld next wednesday at tko wallace house milton the free peess is duly grateful for the many compliments which are being continually tendered it through the letters oipattons lienewingtheir subscriptions for the present year j mr a w green has sold w honso and lot on main street to mr francis clark of nassagaweya for 5525 mr clark has givenup farming and will take up his resieenee here the new members of milton counoil are meisrs jas lindsay mokin- ziegahemstreetandchas jones quite a sufficient effusion of young blood to quick en ibe municipal pulse u the sunday school social in the methodt chnrch tomorrow evening pro mises lobe a very interesting affair an excellent lea i being prepared and the programme wll imlude selections by the excellent bdir of the church short and pitbyshb esses by the pastdr audi others aa v vete a r a -togs- and recitations evorybwy ttoyla go jj- an advertising nugget quitting advertising in dull times is like tearing out a ianrbecause tho water is low either plarfwill prevent good times from coming a libel suit in the county town after an existence pf puly two months the milton reformer informs ubthat it has a real live libel suit for85ooo on i s hands mr d w campbelli pf the chanpioni is tue prosecutor our county sabbathl schools the annual convention of halton sabbath school association vrill be held in burling ton on thursday and friday 25th aad 26th february an attractive programme is in course of preparation and an occasion of unusual interest is anticipated accident at rockwobd john garatang section foreman g t r while attempting to draw himself car by one arm on friday last the shoulder he was taken to 1 success is attending thu school the pupils generally are taking a livp interest in the pursuance of their studies and when tne classes are discontinued in the spring wi 1 find themselves very profitably advanced in the subjects necessary to people in any of the ordinary walks of life we believe the school has had the effect of materially changing the whole futur course of some of thoso attending we km w of ono at least who has decided to take acollegiate course as a result go ion boy9 and prosper notes from the northwest in renewing his subscription fo the fbee press mr p t miller of moosorain n w t formerly of acton among othor matters beuds us the following notes summer has flown and the prairie is again robed in her snowy mantle the weather throughout hc autumn and up to christmas was the fiuosjt we have had for years we have very little aupw yot but the thermometer has already fallen to eighteen degrees- below sero game con- ruby of january 9th will oommenco a great discount sbir tc last during the month january in which discount o will be gi 25to 3313 percent ven off regular puces on lines of up on a dislocated a physi- sisting of pralirie chick 3ns rabbus deer i aud bear have been very plentiful i the threshers are stiljl busy threshing we had 700 bushels off thirty acres the lack of wood is a greart drawback we are hauling ours fourteen miles the young folks pf our settlement had an enjoyable time lately at the residenoe of mr good man late of limehouse he has a fine half section near here and this year had tlio best crop iii our neighborhood the fkee pbebs comes to nslike atetter overy week excuse my scribbling as i do iiot wish tb walk 9 miles for a hew pen lcians office wherowith consideralle diffi pulty the arm was placed intlio fjockot mercury j the printers delight tliis old game hati become quit popular again of late it is one of a mut ually en joyable character and those who havent oxpeiienced the pleasure it affords should embrace the first favorable opportunity for testingit it is performed in the following manner take a sheet of notepuper fold it carefully and enclose a banlfiiota sum cientfy large to pay up arrears an d a year in advance to the feb press ytur enter prising interesting ind cheerf uiu oal paper and what adds immensely to the feat is to send along the ham of a new subscriber with wall to balance keep ypijtr eye on a lot of gents clothing as good as new at a sacrifice apply to box 179 acton p o mantles cloakings dress coods fur muffs fur caps fur mantles hosiery overcoats underclothing quilted skirts fancy shawls ccc i now is the time to secure bargaiuttrnt ready made clothing boots and bhoes and fur goods kelson mcrae co the printef and if you detect a trick is a bucces try ft iiisf jtj the altar hughes marean at the residence of the brides father on december 30th by rev c h kilmer mr james l hupljes inspector fnblio schools of toronto to miss adeline marean of meinp new york brxsbbj hamilton on wednesday janu ary 6th inst at the residence of r s l were of toronto by the rev t w jeffer fred bryer i to ettie young est daughter of the le te william hamil ton all of toronto jo ssofschbeiber at trinity church bar on january 5th by rev e murphy of st pauls church innisfll ass nted by rev mr beiterparrie e f b- johiibon eb1- di p ty attomey ge 4rl of ontario jmp f puelph to lfred c sohroiber spec ially low prices iu cloths tweeds ami ordered olothingr department -oo- bmile the gari daughter of w e of tho bouldc rs allantutle pleaso bear in mind that t alway carry out what i advertise and it wil certainly pay buyers tall and see ue e r bollerfj importer c 27 lower wyndhajoi btreeti guelph- ontario np wfor good reliawe boots and shoes i williams to the front having purchased the boot and shoe business- lately carried on by mn h b mccautuy in hhe village of acton and having roplomdhed the stock with a first- class assortment of all liuosusually kept in a no 1 boot aud khoo store i am pre pared to guarantee entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage a good supply of firstclass trunks and valises will always be kept on hand as the ordered work and repairing is all under my own supervision the public may rely npon its receiving tho best of attention 1 r give me a trial and see for yourselves wm williams sale ioh i nb- having disposed of the boot and shoebusinss lately carriedon bymo i wish hereby to nomfy all parties indebted to me to callut once ai settle their accounts h b mccarthy iionltto make a gret aeiirriori bpocial opcnrsottch as ahip fttril icred by some hatdrpressed debtor nos5 and 7 yndham street cuelph in these days of cfieap silen dis dint sale snecial linjs sales etc fcc it is dif- on wirh chep gnnils tig n ruck gonds snhl 1 tneel sorheamperativt this time we hafe struck it grand drives a manufaotvrers whole stt underwear wool shi 36 23 oents on tl i th it is only when something i bond for duty j or slsugh- demand rich with two 3v of hosiery laoies and gentlemens 7ls clouds and mufflers bought at i dollar and to be sold at less repfular opst i i j f a aoton 33 furs u r s into 3 furs cone astray vvrongj address arrived at last per ss queen now on the wayifrom glasgow made claim of 50 per cent off jcomprorriised at 57 12 per cent off will clear at half price th s lot consists of beautiful fur v i m4 dolmans capes muffs v caps boas value in sterling 475 currericjl 2375 outy ai ided 3 1 60 i j wm e smith proprietor jmr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mccarthy which he has removed to his opmmpdious stables on john street in the centre of the business portim of the town mri smith has had lengthy experience in this business and j feehr confident that he cau give batipfaptipn to every patron anyob desiring a ommierplal pl0a atire or ooapaay riff cp be snppued with a fiistclasb turnout on tho sborteet jiptioe 5 ociock p during the next two months th s lion will close at 5oelnck so as jto give oye an extra hodr tocompenotl e for hieirlehg hours n saturdny night ploye tneut was set on fiot t liive all i e binres close t this hour hut it fell through on c count of tho ipposit ion of pueor t vo parlies however the lion hss uever been afraid ilend and will aciorajiigly clost every nign saturdays on wyndhara sireel eoutfwh jt is 11 oelock on saturt uy night whe horsies boarded and sold term reabpavle wm b smithr j d m closing mbyement lock bo as jto give their em- a move exeeptcd if not another firm only just in 8ilisiuen ami ladies- who work to 10 aud a other trades havo a half holiday williamson co six has carried off ill- the prizes aud is the best machineoil i iffered for sale in the domin ion iff proof of this we will pay freight both ways when it fftils to plea tho purchaser gold mel als have been awarded this ou within the n0negnl i n e wly that m a 0 s at the sflmubl rorsaloby all firattelas dealers rogers 00 cqrohto trkte last three years 17iy g

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