Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1886, p. 4

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laoiii iiimmm tnorsdjlt mqbsiko jiktarv 11 180 r ninj ys song of the printer forever beudim oer my kk my mtes uot niled with il forever btickiur to my stick my labors iiuvercg 4- to do whats right raako ray rule i mind my pp aud q ive not my faults i wiiicoufeas nor try tbein 2 x qqt- i loved a girl named emiueline my love for her was gra and em among a thousand emms jeio could her m u late aud when she said sho did return my love with blushing grace i printed on her lips a kiss and did my ernv fclnld t shining u ero uretiu t lew thai have never buffered almost uiulorable paiu f mm tootliai ho neuralgia or like uoute pallia to tlieui 6u0h au iustaut relief us fluid lighting is an untold blessing in timpof trouble no disgusting uunaive mediqines to bo taken or ilys one application of fluid liiht- uiug cures sold ntjj e mogarin di tig store 29 enormous rjeducuons in t years ojlexwrionoe and successful trial have proved mogregor buvhe didnt at one oi me ashmoadbartlotts meet ipgs at sheffield a questioner was anxious the oandidate should anbwer yesorno fixing him with his eyeglass mrbartlett took the measure of his interrogator and askedjj can you answer every question put to you yes or no yes i can re tortedthoman said mr bartlett will yoa answer me one question yes or no yea i will was the reply put your question woll said mr bartlett wiping his eyeglass as be pioked him out forimpalemeut- are you as big a fool as you look yes or no the man left etui ex parkes carbolio cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healing old sores festerings ulcers cuts wounds burns frost bites or felons and for keeping out the col and toclcanso or prevent proud flesh slouching j insist on having mcgregor or decay parkes carbolic cerate dr mcgarviu sold at 25q by wtttkiiis ji18 been goiiik through lilmmenso slojk for many of liia ladies and mikes mnnties uuurs and munt milliuury ia marked down to half prirj silks satins me nautain frouch und british drcas gouls bulling nit at about marked dovfu from 435 to y2u mmsuh and ladies fa to 850 charming 8x10 table coveis down frfiw77g0 v t lack silk velvet add satiu rubon iioluiiiff it ivtlf pri iso yivrd wido and two yards wide hmvy ivilloifsiieuiii in nil kinds and colors from his sliirtlfiet irvsulliug iff o y cheap ladies gents misses and ljoys uudcrulotliiiig of nil khu canton flannels cottonndcs canadian tweeiu oic aro soling off sola velvet aulfme heavy wilton tue rugs mat l hughson street the nun e is hamilton jannniy llil 8si the point was apparent thej allowing good joke is at the expense of a doctor he was about to anesthetize a patient when in answer to a question he informed the victim thafrf ho would be entirely unconscious and know nothing until the offending growth had beenremov- ed the patient accordingly commenced to fish loose change out of his pocket oh you need not mind the fee until i am through remarked the cousideratsdoc or i dont intend to pay you yet returned the patient i wish merely to count my money tg see how much i nave tho doctor saw the point and was much amused fluid lightning is simply a marvellous bheumatio remedy 1 was for two mouths a cripple unable to got out of the house from sciatica one bottle gavo me instant relief and placed me onjmy feet again i havo driven fourteen miles toiday uomo- thing i could not possibly havo done were it not for fluid lightning for tho oj presjb purpose of procuring another bottle so sayswm dixon gauanoque only 25 coutsper bottle at dr mcgarvius thad for years been a miserable 8uueeer from dyspepsia and tried all known reme dies and the best medical bkill of my ac quaintance but still grow worse until unable to eat anything without great suf- fering or do any kind of work i boean to thiuk there was no hope for me ana that i jraust surely dio whan likp a drowning mat catching at a straw- i determihed to give mcgregors speedy ca a t i at once began to improve bu rapidly that iu two months i was as well as i had ever been in my life wmievkrs leamington sold by dr mcgarvini free trial bottles vtelif nxtiles symptom anu cnre thesyuiptonibire moisture like perspi tion intense itching increased by scratch- a vor distressing particularly at night seems as if plnwormswereciavlingiu and ilioul tho rectum the private i parts are sometimes affected 11 allowed to continue very serious resulfv may follow swaynes ointjjient is a pleasant sure cure aho boot j blankets s iks cloths mafntle millinery et jiipis in aruat vuriet killii g off at uo0 very beautiful hxl 2 plain down froiui75p to5ooj now and iwuioiiiilik divsa q otls dwn from 60 lo sou files if press gooiis down fnni is tiil5o mahtio ahm uulor clotlih jnwri fmii 123 to 5ti giood kid ll ives in simiu sizei dnwu fdmi 874o 2w a tot ot very fue kids in 8lniltnu lengths in niw sty 1 rumpus o e thn iit two nimrtiis mnvki ig down his goodsin very many cuses to fur lets than- cost prices andluisterclotlis down to iiliout half price he ii sellinv of his blank ta vcllei ux brncuo ottomans etc uru put down iu inanv cases to fur leis thu llilf lnee this uffords n ruio clinncu to mothers to clothe llitir little ruat vuriet kellirjl off at ubmt italf prion riolily emtiroidurpt jxitnliie oiveib reduced friiir4-qb- lovtm down f ininogt 4 00 ahoiump imnjbo nc lot of them 8x14 pi t lue 87i railway he iius inurke i at an lifmiise reciiotioii tl ii half pri e a large lot of picn liiilirlnora elieaply railway rifjs lowji frm 1 75 ii 1 very ii iidsoir a juriov funnel down froth qtj to 70c jost soe the fiahnuls in white red pink orange navy sky blu j ileislurs pilcs of shir 8 ng flat verv cheap prfce to wliitn nud cliepiteit shirtings ci tonn jsiifcotiiiku ducks denims tifkhigf belling off very choup at extivinely lowpi cos just see the garptts in hemp- two plyunion anil all wool tutemtry bruji es comicis etc all exceeifingly cheap remember the big stores aro in cing- streot kasf one dgor west thomasc vticxits 2st oti o e the cheapest place in acton to ijiiy bouts shoes is s going to give a further iimuctiim of joipitr cent tim boots aud shoes rubbers imd oyerslioes for thein xt 30 day greocepius lv f howson is going to make the greet ry business liv we do not merely say wu can give ou litter or elu dealer iu town but we quote youpnoes in plain kuiires whii a8sertiobsthat unrouut to hothing note the f lluwing i i w m- t m now is the time to secure a firstclass suitor overcoat as we are giving special values from now till 1st january and we liave a first class cutter andlgive perfect fitting garments every time iele0h mc- re co do not delay in getting relief for the little folks mother graves wormexter- minatorisa pleasant and sura cure if you jove your child why do you let itsjttffer when a remedy is 6onear- at hand oeafnest the proprietors of hagyards yellow oil have bunajuk certificates oi some most re markable cures of deafness by that magi- caf remedy for pain yellow oil auo cures rheumatism sprains braises sore throat and all inflammatory- troubles hoarseness and loss of voice public speakers and biugers are often distressed with hoarseness aud much dair ger is lurking in the bronchial pipes hagyards pectoral balsam is a prompt remedy for the irritation and cures alt throat and lung difficaltiea- swelled eck mrs henry dobbs of 3erridale parrj sound testifies to a prompt cure of en larged glands of tue neck and sore ihroai by the internal and external use of hal yards yellow oil yellow fgil is a sure relief for all painful couaitions x uueaseortnejiln most diseases of tlie skin arise from bad blood and lack of cleanliness except when caused by grubs or insects erysip- elasrsalt rheum tetter pimples and all humors of the blood are onrablo by bur dock blood bitters which purifies the blood headache f if you suffer from headache you may be s that your stomach liver or blood is at fault and perhaps all three are combined in bad action if so the best remedy i burdock blood bittera which cures head- ache by regulating the organic action geopr- auy xervaiuneks the unhappy and distressing condition called nervousness arises from debility irritation poor circulation and blood oi f low vitality reorganize the system bj burdock blood bitters which gives per- mdnent strength by invigorating the blood and toning all the organb to perfect action i holtpicays pills are securities of health taall nations of whatever clime they ihave giverrhope relief and comfort to millions in constitutions debilitated by excebbes of any kind or in general prostra tion of the system their effoct is tomb ana restorative they eradicate from tbfiyi- tern the mortal cause of ailment and renew in the frame its pristine animation health and vigour they greatly increase tht appetite give tone to the stomach assist the digestion and impart elasticity to tht spirits their essenceenters the circulation and carried through its course exerts its cleansing power over every organ in thi lungs they effect most striking changes converting the impure veuous into pure arterial blood by which the whole frame is recruited and interstitial deposits re- moved daneerit or delay if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with many it is only when the monster dis- ioasehas fastened its fangs npon qar lungs that we awaken to oar folly what follows a neglected cold is it not diseases of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma con sumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neg- a cftld ajndit is folly notto have some good remedy available for this frequent complaint que of the most efficaaioas medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bicwes anticonsumptive syrup this medicine ie composed of several medi- cipal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence m curing consumption and other diseases of the longs aud chest it pro motes a free and easy exptotoration boothes irritation and- drives the disease from the ytetn for tetter itch sail crusty skthiliseases eontt ires ia rheum all scaly sent ly mail for 50 2i lbs bricht- sugar i 00 18 pearl tapioca 1 00 14 granulated 1 00 5 valine iurauiiis i 25 20 ghoi currants 1 00 2 cans sal in m hire shoe 22 28 tiice n 1 00 1 hi mixed candies 121 o- flour feed full lino of flour ami feeo kpt i to none in acton 2 40 per lot iibtautly ii hand ran oocnts per 100 vve guarantee satisfaction tp every customer quality is our leading feature je next hfc howsunh niidstillhe pel cent off all kiuils of i the cliiitinh season aper goudstlian anv other h is very different to mere hew- mixed 800 ajn express 710 ajni pas lnail ll4om throngh kx517p m accom 10ui i mi grocery and provision stor to the pedpu of acton and surrounding country ret roller flour seconc we tlio uiidersignetl having luiuetl from mr j b pearvmi tl store liext tn i lymia jovelry store liave fittud ifuir in grandest style f r the above business winch we have now opened undjaiv ready to sell i- v goods at the lowest possible figure a our goods are all new aud bought for cash therefore we timetable h grand trunk railway ooinoeabt goimo west exjircss 1247 ab jxttib lljft ttinl sluil 545 jm beciiil 80jiji acconi coacj 8 am chicago eipross does not etop betweun gucljili and toronto j time oficlobino jiailb i toingwebt 1i40 auinnd 580 pm- jgoing east li40amauil4i pm turjish mail closes at lot amj on wesiiebday canadian pacificfi railway to jtwrokiii east and wis st cosdenked time tabu tl lc can 3 boxes si 25 in stamps ad ifc son philadelphia 50 dr swayxe sild oy urnggisls merit pjretin j dollar upon dollar ijs frequently spent on jhe faith of rccomniemlatioub for j articles entirely worthless jnot so with mc gregors speedy cureyou are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j k megarvins drug store and get a free trial hotile and if nut convinced it will cure yoti of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no mutter of how lmg standing it costs you nothing gold iu 50c and 1 lottleb see testimon- als from persons in y jnjr own town 29 cctt ia i ci urirl 10 thesurrerlng browus household panacea has no ecual for relievinir pim both internal and extsrnal ft cures piiin in the side back ir bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago stud any kind of a paiu or ache it vill ma burely quick en the blood aud heal as its acting power s wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain- reliever and of double the strength f any other elixir or liniment in the v trlil should be iu every fumily handy for use when wauted as it really is the bent ivmedy in the world fur cramps in the stomach and pains and achef of all kinds j tpi owson oor to drug store the post office- stoke acton having moved my bakery and feed business ml t i have added a ciioice stock of groceries all news most sincere thanks to the people aetoij and sin rondiiij support in the past and now most respectfully solicit a sh new place of business ll will be my aim lo iu rittliis by- prices attention tobusiuess and wants uf my cutunicra 1 grocery department teas oc up sugars of all kinds syi dp eond sue pir j rants perls fiys cauned ciools of all kinds cnffv spictsof all ki nils esstnces piekle in bulk oc miuce meat nilis candies tilaecos and evtryiliin a fiisteliisj iroeiry fiuil vegetables vl coimnodioiis store whefe d fresh 1 big toj tender tty ceiintry for ilieirjvery liber re of your natrouavie in n y squire ifnliiifj reasoliahj lease call and nee mc hon r ce ud up raisins tapioca sao cu i kept in nd o flour and feed department v oats peas barley oat aijd iwt kimls cracked wheatji ind is for sale by all bottle druggists at 25 cents 44 it has heen foudd to injurious iiirredienfs vorthless speiities fprnineut imoagthe greatest uiedica liscovories by ttie many cures it has attct- jd jicgrerjprs speedy cure leads the van subjected to the iniuutest chemical analysis contain one oflhose oharacterizinji the daily offered to the public e vory inurodient possesses a pecul- nr adaptability to the varionb complaints for wjiich it has bee i compounded and its rimcacy is being esta olished by testimonials inurly received vfe are therefore conti- lent that we liave a preparation which we n offer to the pullic with the assurance rhatrt will befounc not only a relhf but ur abiolute care for dyspepsia liver com- olaint indigestion pure blond free consiipation audim- trial bottles at 1 e icgaivius drugstore 31 tlttltllv siewtkeltwent perhaps the most extraordinarysuccess that has been achieved iu modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients treated lurin j teepast us per cent have been months fully ninety cured of tins stubborn malady this is none- the less startling when ft is remembered that t5ot rive per jent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted vhile the patent medicines and other idvertised cures never record a cure- it all starting with the claim now renerally believed jy the most scientific men that the disease ib due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted j his cure to their exter- nination this accomplished lie claims thegatarrh is pratically curedjand the perrdauency is unquestoned as cures effect ed bjr him four years ago are cures smh mo one else has ever attempted to cure catarrh iuthis manner and no other treat ment iias ever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple 4nd can be lone at home and he present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy tnd permanent cure the majority of cabes being cured at onoj treatment sufferers ihould correspond with medsra a h dix on son 305 king street west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their treat- aze on catarrh montreal star nov 17b2 all the farmers and others haviug crippled horses vitt do well to ckll on j geo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without hi uring the hoe satisfaction gum anteed or no oa0 st09sabs creechs cildstajid acton charge whole aiid gioiilnl llirey yellow s r buck- pea very nest roller and stone floiirbran shorts chops com meal three kinds of each buckwheat fhuk thwleys food linseed nilavke meal linkeil f package goods cnihil oats wheat lmhi white and flaked miiz- samp hominy wheat flour wheal ierms prtpiinil flour rcefloiir chiice-lferina- my buda is ahead of any other flour manufactured h i bakinc department bread white brown and steainedroils collage spuee cake jelly riflls buus f nil khius mince pies meat 1ies l w eildiny cakes to c a from the cradle to the cray j sreight furniture dealers and un dei takers acton having eroctod a liue new phowrnom invi jut ri eiivvd of furniture of all kinds of the latest lem parlor furniture j bedroom suites bureaus sofas jloujnges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and crad cakes abd dcr t matthews sell goods tt the right price all kinda of produce taken in eschano for goids kelly beotheks john kelly bpdger keflly ps everyone ask for kelly bros new store toronto to detroit stlouifliex pacific ex local ex toronto 6 loftm 1 05 pm 4 15 pm stretsviuejund 13 i 2 00 6 05 j sjthoruaa la 35rfm- 535 8 55 t detroit 5n r 7 55anu chlcrgo owam 6 05 am 5 45 pm winnipeg 7m j daily except monday toronto to montreal quebec asid boston limited ei i j montreal ex toronto 9 25am poopm ottawa 5i5m 4 38am montreal floo 8 18 quebec g30afn 50pm boston 8 45pro 45am brampton tostreetsville junction bramnton 947 am 0 54 pm btieetsvillevct 1010 7 15 brampton to oraingevflle and owenfiound bratbpton 9 47 am 5 65pm orangeville li 0 i 10 bwen sound 3 30 pm 10 iio purchase your tickets by this new anlvfopular line jrntcm j j e mcgarvin tiaiet agent j acton ontario y je volum 16 evejty tl f3ss p3s33 pc acton 8u3304 i a the extensive hissolufion sa 3 j is still going on at thei acton planing mills williamson bamshaw prornietoii builaer and gatraotor ash door ard blind factory is prepared to put on storm doors win- dows weather strips etc on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we have one of fleurys celebrated chop- ping miils and will chop all kinds ojf grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t a a ramshaw i managers the- key to healthi 03kteml three a invariably in ailvl 125 per year will ii tinned till all nrrq option of the publi aove wialx ouexoluuin hall column quirter culnmu one inch casnal advertiseil first insertion and f sequent insertion reckoned by the 8pi salo of solid konpl advertisernenth will bo inserted till inly tranaitory iii advane changes for conlj in the oifiio by 9 they will bo left ovj thisiapers mixing buifan iii astractsmai be r 4l son a inw and well assorted stoek us nil lmliiig mammoth house georgetown that there are bargains being given in ever de- prtmknt that the goods in a great many instances are beingisuld less than cost that the goods ar- sihl for cnh or proilucti only 2 xo goikin charged that our dress g oils jtilliucrv maiifles ulsterinjjs iinilcloakihirs are siipcrl that our stoek nf staple vvtiollen goods jflaniieis winceys ind tweeds n re very extensive t tlint we lnive an imniense soek of uejov made clothing and overcnatslmthi l mcnd fjahd uovb thad are being cleared and sold at iiiilicardof low prices that we areustnnisldilir the people wflli the piiee of carpets that onfurs nnd rotieflrc exioiibive md ibeip j tliatnnr drerfsmfikiifr mrl mantlemikim dvpirrhent is very busy that our ordered ob ihing uilmltnilit if verblsy that we want ihe people to eoine nud inspeel our stock an rl he convinced ind by purchasing naki money v i do not lose this opportunity for bargains as the stock must bo i educed mcleod andetn gt aud everything else that any faniiu requires hi the furnit from the cradlo to tue grave and we can piep too for wo have on hand a laige t eir jiiuin ire line luriii re them for the jjiuve- ck of qoe caskbtsj etc5 of all kinds and sizes and all other funeral furnishings reasonable term we will supply all on the shortest notice and most hearse drawn by a well match eil team for hire j a mckay bros cok king and john stsi xiower cob peioi redulbgf tho percentage of profits throughout he store the inevitable ooaseauenee of the large lacrease of our business th speight manage les j fvfe aoton j fyfe acton j fyfe aoton j fjite j fyfe j fyfe keep this m mind vion you aro fo purdmse your fall clothing that east end tcrithinsr stor ton dton is hiisurptissed tor extent artistif dosgi iiiil k uf stuck mia ru wuikinauiihip derate price a first cliibb mc kay bros klngandjohttsts good grey flannel luo per ynrd red flannels 12jn per yard i fingering yarn 5c per skein bovs top shirts 50c worth 60c i mens top shirts 75c cbildrsns combination suits 80c ladies grey vesta 50c j good heavy tweed 35c per yard good allwool tweed 45o per yard navy blue nap cloth 75c per yard heavy qualitvlnap cloth u2i per yard black and biotvn ottoman cord 8125 dress goods loc worth 26c allwool dressjgoodsjlsoi worth 30c best value plain wincey 10c j mail orders receivje prompc anii ladies all ool hose ladies cash mere llosjioc pflr pair 25c per pair ladie- cashmere glomes 20c fur ciipes viry cheap fur trimming speciah value black vlv colored v per pair enk 25cper pail eteens great var worth 2 3ft corner of king and john streets hamiltori fiinevlbordered handkerchief s25c perdpz joh lot ladjiek collarac eiio comforters jnnlv 75e erach blankets gaod value 3 25 lace gurtifri 0o pen pair curt sii fpie 50e each hemp carpets 10c per yard faithful attention etv ps qiiiiiift an elegant tweed suit for clucli bhio ov lirown worsted suits a180oveucoags melton naiis tv a large stock ot iinderch thing good and cheap j fyfe acton fyfe acton fyfe acton 16 00 or 1700 fn all shades ot beavers eeds andworstede i t- ti health for a l hlloways pills and ointm purify the blood corfect all disordo s of the j fyfe apton j fyfe acton j eyfe a 2tojm s i liver stoilacil kidneys andbbwels hey invigorate and restore to health debilitated constiiutions and arc iuvalua complaints incidental to femiiles of all ages for children and the aged they art priceless th e oi nt me nt an infalliiblo remedy for bud legs bud hi easts old wounds sines and ulcers t is fainim8 for gout and rheutiiatiiiin foi dibpnlprs of the chest it has uo equal fob sobs throats be0n0hiri couohs 00lp3 ilaudulai swellings and all skin diseases loints it act i like a eluirin manufactured only itthomajs holloways establibliment nov oxford street late 533 oxford street london 73 nd nto sold ut islild 2s 9d 4s6il be had ofai mediciue vendors thoughnut ihe world tpurchaserb sliouht look to the label on if has no rival and for coutradted ind stiff le in all 11m 22s- and 33s each bojsoi poti and i the r and boxes if tho addrei a ia not 533 oxford street jibudou they are spurious ii iiii i 1 1 i nm m i unlocks all the clogged avenues oje the bcrtyels kidneys and liver carry ingoff gradvially without weakening tne system all tlio impurities and foul humors of- the secretions et the same time coitoctingaciflity of tht stomach curing biuousiiesis dys pepsia eedaobes dizziiiess heartburn constipation dryness of the skiii dropsy dimness of vision jaundice sajt pheiim erysipelas scrofhla fluttering of thekearj nervousness and gen era debility ill these and many other similar complaints yield toithe happy frrflaenpo cf buhdoce bboorbittees j t hilbtfrs v co proprtetcrs j fdroat caution icii ilug of the l myrtle ny is marked i ix btioa zt tetteks a none otliar geijuine i advertising a book oflx paeos th- best book lor an adviitihcr t i con- suit bo hi exiierl- eneed or otherwise itcouthlaslibisoi newspapers and estimates ofthocostofaavertislieahp advert lspf who wants to snenil one dollar flndsin it the rn- jprmatlon he requires while xorhiin who will inyest one hunrlnid thnuaarift dullars in ad- vprtl3iwr a scheme ia imlicntoa which will meet his every rpqulriment or can bt mads to to so byelightvufngte airily arrired at by cor- respondenee w ffditions liavobrten iiued sent postpaid to any addnxf tcr 10 cents srys rowell 4 col newrpapkr invertisikg burfad7 108pruoe8tprlnuniihon8e8akewyork r 11 jmanhoob ii0w lt sfrihow restored we hve recently publlbhed a new edition of 3di ctilverwells cele dialed essay on the radical and p cure without medicine of nervous detnhty mental and physical incapac ity tmpeaiments of marriage etc resulic from excesses i l price in a bcalert euvolore only 6 cent or ttyo nobtase ptamps f the delabrated authot in this admirable ea say clearly demourtrateb from ithirtv voar buccessfulpracticethat alarminu consequences maybe radically cured witbout tho daacerous use of internal mediciues or thouse of tboknife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple ccr tain and effedtuol by means oil which overs buflererno matter what his ondjtion may be may cure himbalf cheaplyprivatelyind radicilly this lcctureibhould be in the haiuds 61 evert youth and cverymanin the land addreab j poat office box 50 all if lh j 41 aon i vv vprk j p- ffllow oil cures- rhetfmatjsm worm powd ers atepleaeanttot ko cbnttoi their own purutivo 8 a brfo siiroau etteettui wormsia gu i la para to all who are suffering frorjt tte errors and inscretious of youth nefrvoue sfc nes8earlyrdc l maniood r wdlsend you a recipi that wim cnre van was dibcoved by amissio iissss america end a selfaadres i wivelope fir h i- m 3u3in wh loti graduatl her of collegirom office and rebl prederick street ge stace1 trinity ityaledical schf of physicians ai ornce mill office iii l bn ac 5icki dentist new system of monly called via teeth without pa strator ind pri colleue of dent roas may depend iirany ppsratiol acton every otf month offite- tjaindess yitaliied ail for painless d office of i c tovells block upper i john lawsl tarfo vetep veteritwry ura in kenny brps defice jii the rea soundness and i all calls nig j edjo terms el atcleajf- i- barriiters scj ancers 4c i office wsi a mclea soliatq offick firsl officemain tr4 at 6 perqent s hiltosj tdeosi offices prd aud 86 kingstl wt auc ji taislaii barriij offices of lington stieet alley- toronto jous bus i wioliaulii oatksts nenrt jo years prai m hej licd for the countil orders left at t or at my rei promptly atte w also money able terms air terest in siim gejknc 1 licensed ae haltpn and- james ujatthe attention tfj tohnjda5 officeuq square john j iuccesl money to per cent jj loaned fjrpul security coj properly aiid farmbiind with farina- fcl dominion toi ciliated in e wanting f am rections throl farms waiiu dence invited guelph ontf h anlan has opened nearly opposi mill street age of the pii department od in firstclal iissciaa

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