Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1886, p. 1

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isaake a rwvyi3 i h ik d wgjs5 r vol ume xi no 30 i lt ctcrtt jfm frss 18 tubusbkp j every thursday morning at hk mee pftsss power printing house actox ontario ifctxm ic fjvp tffwmim v lfciv r j i- is jctcts subscription jtate oxk tfijir 100 sk jtosths three jipstas25 cts invariably in advance if not paid in advance ftlj ier voar will bo charged o ptipurjllscjoii- tinned till all arrears aro paid excopt at ithe option of the publisher aovertisinq rates 1 bmtbohuan half column qqarter coluniu one inch jc la 6 mo so6lss500 600 iooo moor i2uu 1 frj- s50 3 moi iioo 700 200 lino s700 850 250 10i 4 casual advertisements 8 cents per line for the first insertion and 2 coats per line for each sub bcqaeut insertion cash tho number of lines rectcoued by the space occupied measured by a scale 6f solid nonpareil r advertisements without specific jlirectibus will be inserted till torbid and charged accord ingly transitory advertisements must be iam in ad van e r chauses for contract advertisements must be in the offieo by am on mondays otherwise the v will bo left over until tho following week i h p moork editor and proprietor tlilo flftdcd niv t ttrniii on flo r t geo this parxk rowii t xe fcrtlslns bureantlfl spruce st lhenadvmlby n lstracls nay be made lorlt hi new 1iib 3usines3 directory wh lowby m b gnu mc p s raduiit- of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeon office and resideucre at the head of frederick street acton ce stacey md cm graduate of tritfitv university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office- mill street late dr websters office bennett l ds dentist georgetown ontario l 4 c mckinlay l d s surgeon jm dentist georgetown ont useb the new svstem of nitrous oxide gas- com- monlv called vitalized air for extracting teetltwithout pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat- was nwv depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each mouth office aguews hotel acton acton banking coy storey chr acton sue co ibankrs- ontario general bah transa money 0a2tss notes discounted and interest allowed on j e m special acencv actoa bell telephone company messages received a lower rates than telegraphing allan line king blwxess cted on approved deposits ont id transmitted at steamships tickets issued to all points oi great britain and tho continent at very t lowest rates buy the tickets here if sendiuj for friends canadian pacific r r the cheapest and best routo to all- points east and west see ime tables honoy save ty aoalinj jrtltb j e mcgarvin acton ontarioj cheap and good sleighs t wellmade wellpainted sled 05c for 40o extra large three beriohi handaoine 91i3j5 for 5c tho 8175 clipper for 120 tho 150 clipper for j0c the 81cj0 clipper for60 s baby sled fine box landles carpeled 9131 for 1 baby sled large roomy jox carpet handles s3 for 2 the best value the best assortment call and examine for yourselves at dayqokstore cuelph ontario wellington marble works quebec st quel h ton john h hami proprietor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and e rerything pertaining to cemetery wcrk received first prizes at proviupia ex hibition guelph the rainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas forpiinless deutaj operations at the office of c b hayes l d s tbvellsblock guelph ont upper wyndhara street j ohnl4wson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary sargeon acton ont office in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to sdundntss and certificates given- all calls- night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy titclean i mcmillix j barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers- ac ftprivate funds to loan office town hall acton wm aticleasi hccn mcmillan m e mitchell soliatok cosvxvasceb ac office first door west of the champion vffice mihi street milton money to loan at 6 per cent- s 3 hilton allan baird x f barristers solicitors dc i- toeonto and geoeoetowx ofiicps crewmans block georgetown aad 8i king street east toronto vf t ilan j shiiton ba 3i caiei ia lumber and western ft ir and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship yonr orders are solicited shingles lath rph e undersigned desir es to inform that he has now on stock a full line of pine other kind of luinberi also class pine shingles uxh and hemlocl coal stove coal i have alscj a good atocl hardwood abb cedar and mill wood able prices wood and hand and will kep in wood i if avingpurcbasej the coal business of mr c s smith 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of coal delivered jame i brows planing m the public as weltas bit first and second day sells cheap sfciruhw jwf fmfw thtjbsdais jan tjiaby 21 188 j taohabi monsiso jakcary 51 1886 pojfitry xmi home oh storbi night o cold and white 1 how deir the home dothseem as a bht iter bright from the choerlesi wbht v so bright the firo doth gleam wheii it clder grows and the rough wine bl w8 wo seen bo safo from harm in the h6n te so dear comes no cold or fear no causi i for vague alarm so within the fold dotli tho father hold the chiliren dear to him no sliadov so light clouds the mnt f i no shad will ever dim though th i night be wild ho jh s child with fai ihlui tender care in thatlhiaven bright all is luht he wajiti his children there ir peactfuj will giijc peace anc quh story excelsior bakery f acton having pnrchased the above bakery from mn d mtssi i hope to givo satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors 1 will endeavor to attend to t hstoruers promptly and obligingly and tru t that they will one andlallexteud to ns ihtir patronage i use nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock fresh broad buns c every day also steam bread cakes of all kinds ljiew york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notice of wobd at reason- ttayixg made yain lajdlaw co barristers a- souciiook offices over imperial bank 24 wei- iingtdn street east entrance exchange alley toronto john batx q c c a mtek wiilux luiliw george kahpeje a patents secubed 7for lnvestions henry grist ottawa casada 20 years practice jno patent no pay arrangements with messrs w hi storey eon fothe continnaneeof the planing millie thebnil- ing formerly occapied by the a cton plow company we would inform the j ublic that weure prepared to take contracts for building -axso- dressing flo 0eijg s23tin5 moulding sk with neatses8 and dispatch ll vv m hemstreet licensed acctioxeee for the counties of wellington land halton orders left at the free press office acton or at my residence in acton will bo promptly attended to terms reasonable monet to loan also money to loan on the jnost favor able trmsandtat tbp lowest rates of in terest in sums of 500 and upwards p e knowles j a murray licensed auctioneers for thecountie8 of halton and wellington orders left with james matthews actorr will receive btriot attention terms reasonable john day s architect gtolph oni office queens hotel block market square r 7- pumps pumps in cofiuection witn the above we are also prepared to receive orders for pnmps from long experience in the business we feel con fident that we can sqpply an article second to none orders by mail will receive prompt oitftiitu n j kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yourp j l tlltts eisb4gb manaer giefcpni business college guelpht ontariq the second scholastic year comruenced se tembor istj each de- parinientisiu chariieof a specialist to impart a practical t raining for tho efficient conduct of bnsines i affairs is the sphere and woik of the ins itutiou its graduates ace already holding responsible positions in the commercial cei tres in the dominion energetioyonntfmeaand womeinare thor oughly prepared for positions asjbook-keep- ers shorthand wi iters correspondents or telegraph operat ors 8ttrdents received at any time for sircnlar and catalogue giving fall information address ihmaccorjmick a moldefik othello i amjif ou will allow me tj introduc myself yot r humble servant mr elhun palmerl of the firm of potts palmei white goodi 1 was for y when i maio np my mind t marry j 1 liad never thought myself hand some bat 1 aving amassid a fortune an having deci led to settle down up a marrie 1 man i was lucky enough to win the affet lions of the fairest of her sex miss phoeb i earl and laving offered myse f to her wa accepted l had previously intt rviewed hej father whe approved of pur n lion aud l had gone th rough the conrtiug phases an i wab reaily mafvied our carnages wen rolling up ine by one tq mr pearls doo wedding cakes a specialty biscqits and confectionery of all kinds icing sogar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour sutter and egs taken in exchange for brsai a market pricos mrs t statham aoton tohs j daluy jtp snccdssor to thompson jackson j i money to loan on farm property at 6 ptr cent moivgages parcjhased money loaned forparties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low v- farms nd city property fop sale list with iarirs for sale sedt to all parts of the 5 dominion to intending purchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies j farms wanted for onr lists c-irrespon- dence invited office near the post office y guelph ont ttanlan barber shop v5pwordbni j ihu opened a barber shop in i the building nearly opposite storeys old glove factory 5 hiw street acton and solicit the patron- 0rr ae ofjths pablic in thu vicipity every sia ivdbpartpent of the business will bje conduct xbi- ed in firstclass style give li a oillvv j wj- jpoiubp 146m john street acton wmi e smith proprietor mr smith harptirchltsea the livery businebs of mr h b mccarthy which be hag removed to his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction knew butp myself that i am a good reader of man countenance and that is what v to every patron anyone desiring a commercial plea sure or company biy can be supplied with afirstclass turnout on the shortest notice j murrual fire insurance company principal o f t11e- ootjitt 7 of 7t3ll2itgt0n established 1840 head offic e cuelph m w insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all ancis nuan wms m other descriptions of rqpety onttiopr mara note system w stone cnasdavd8oni j president secretary johsrtarlorarent successor tc t fj chapman a jbooibindeb st georges bquai e guelih ontario account books q rll wnds m idle to order periodicals jjf every deecripfe on oarefully nei0yandrniptlydon horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm b smjth guelph cloth mciraes bndercloteing mens sktrts and drawers all sizes boys shirts arid drawers j all sizes whilst tlii rowdot little boys gins nurser maids arid beggars collected in the sidi walk utteid loud uhsl and ahsl of i fourth of j ny andsky rocketn iture whet ever a mo e than usually gorgeous triii l swept the dust from striped carpet spreu 1 upon the fr int door step uiid vai ished undt r the f huge c f the owning i was dnooiiifortable as bridegrooms a ways are hen taking part in i he weddu i show bit 1 ospecttu to be very liajj r when i got uly wile to my self aim klu r the fundi r uinner or preakfiisti reall dont know what my reipected mutherii law called tuc least wo were going off i j spend a month at niagara aud get a cuainted i even m that halcyon hour was awatle that we weie both not weil acquainted yt however i knew i was a gpousortoi leliuhv and i hadt ie greatest cuuliueujce in i licet in fact 1 h id jubt repeated this to mysei wiien a poai mans wiiisi le sounded in ti area and 1 1 aw phoobos jwu maid exchani a glance wi h my wife iu she slipped upiiia envelope ipl o her docket it was a ery loolish idea i took it into my head that the letter hid something n it that my newly- weddld phoebe wibled to keep from me i hatter the jip t thought 1 st w in the ghiuces those girls ex changed i towever i r ally y anted to kifck mj self for 1 arboring th thought 1 but after card when the congratulations were oyer and we were ijoing downstairs o supper i sa v betsy janoi under pretense of adjusting her mistresss dress slip tliis pink envilopo into the white satin la je- trimmed xket that was pinned by a bnn ph of orauge blossoms to her belt and i sw phoobe darl a warning look at me t is time i was turc and akneraory of certain beaux who had caused me pain in thpir timedidijrejp into rav mind 1 to bo durj phcobe was rone bufrrsha should not h ive any secrjets fro in me k v as older than s le was notjhandsmeandvery well off and well i felt that some of th ise other men h id been young ana fascinati ig and poor and girls had married for moi cy before noiv and so in a few moments to drive all doubts away i said in un airy mannert tat seemed to me just the thing got a letter my dear she blushed scarlet no only a note she replied who frdm i asked oh i am not a clairvoyant pelhai i she repliled i cant read through- he seakd enyejope open it then said i i couldnt it would be bad matuej i said she i whom do you thint it is from b ji sums belated bridesmaid perhaj s saidsbe miss ilmith misaj brown and iss robiuso i re all heresaid i oh wall it is from my granda rot pendleton to say she cant come and wis lee me joy aim sends a soup ladle she always sends a so ip ladle to brides in the famify said phiele theh think you ought to open iff at once out o respect to the old lady saii i a tease you are she cried and handkerohiet from her pocpet came with it and fell totheflpor to catch it up our heads crsish- me also and i had clipped four years off at the tag end of my age i- i somehow thirtysix sounds so much bet- tar and younger than forty i hurried away and began to play with mebodys little girl i- think it- was a cousins who had brought with herahide- ous staring doll dressed np like a bride i told falsehoods and said i lovedjhttlo girls and that munniken was pretty 1 and i boiled inwardly with rage and jealousy and my head ached hardly less than my heart 1 appose hers did also this was a state of things for a wedding day but we went down to dinner together and i responded to the proper toast and forced myself to beem happy champagne helped ine after a while i said to myself idiot it is some little bill she wants to hide a shoemakers perhaps her father lives up to his income np doubt she had hard work to- get her things ready poor childive been cruel to her so when she had gone away to get ready for the journey and it was time for me also to go i hurried to the room appointed for me and knowing it was next to hers softly opened the communication door and peeped in meaning to kiss her and tell her that she should always- have everything she wanted after this therojm however was empty her wedding dress lay on the bed and a ghotly vail aud wreath floated from a gas fixture but paper pou and ink were on a desk and i saw that pyeu in this bur- tied moment she had taken time to write a letter it lay finished but not folded beside an unaddrebsed envelope and i tiptoed eagerly across the room hoping to read that she would settle the account as soon as possible and read this u indeed sir you are right i shall suffer miserably throughout all my honeymoon unit u is your fault not mine i i coijid hardly keep my tears back at the altar from the pain my husband must not know but i shall be a martyr until i get back on the very day of my return i shall see you but as for forgiving you 1 know the contents of j that lejtteri ilaidl g j there now aid betsy jane j her youd find out but you dont nind- do you its a great deal commons than youd thiuk and shes only got two some younij ladies has a whole lot two i gusped unhappy frit i ijinly knew of one why ive got four said betsy jane and id tell anybody hardered yoiing woman siid i but i am no longer deoeivod that i one comfort i will send that woman bi ck to lief parents with yon betsy jane stared at me i think youre crazy mr painer he said so much better lookin aud onager as she is than you now and youve got a whole upper set i bjlieve 3o there now 1 she stopped and la ighed i believe youre mislead somehow she said- you dont think that lette was sne from missuss old beaux i have read a portion of the leti r i said fiercely i haveit3iere oh said betsy jane i hale got the ether two bits in my pocket i ucked em out of your way in a hurry ill show you the whole together here she took from her pocket two pink paper v youll feel bettor when youve that out she said with a malicious old bachelors do beat all i sat down at the table with all inkstand and a water cooler uion it pieced the letter together land read i his ms dear miss peabl i was called away to extract a tooth irom the mo lthxif a gentleman too ill to leave his ho se i thought i should be buck in time i am sorry the plate does not fit i did no ithiuk it wjuld give you pain bdt i can hardly expect you to forgive me for bieaki ig my engageijient with you i am so son y that i ckunotsee you before you go bu your husband can certainly find some go 3 den tist who will do the little that lsueo jssary why need you make two false i eeth secret e very body has them nows days ypure regretfully pie ies of pieced griii smpty chijdrens combination sets ail sizes awcrundy rohant tailors qmph pulled he the ietlj i stopi ed furiojui ly together i got the letter i have not- hurt yon my dei you liave horribly said she snatched glanoediai it innt writes a the letter but not before ii very fine mason your hand stid i is she a strongmii lady ver she answered and oramme pink en vc lope into her pocket and 1 talk to i liatron who had known her here are always suoh old m at weddir i parties and it is moreagfe to meei t i am when yinn than wbenjjj in not feaxrfaha might have m j i relied on you so implicitly how could you phobbe- palmer i glared about tho room looking wildly 3or the letter to which this was a teply i isa a whisp of pink paper on the floor and caiitit it up tho patter of little bootheels was on the floor ot the hall and i closed the door behind me just in time trembling with wrath had i not reason for it i uniolded the paper it was only a small piece of the note but i read what it contained over and over it was this i did not think it would givo you pain but i can scarcely expect you to forgive me for breaking my engagement with you i am sorry i cannot see you before you go but jour husband there the fragment ended and left me in a state of mind that threatened congestion ot the braiu to put myself into my tra- veiling suit and start on my wedding journey with a bride i believed already false to me yet what could i do make a sahe be fore the wedding party get into the papers perhaps no i said to myself ill have re- yebge but i wont disgrace myself public ly i pat the fragment into iny pocket- book betsy jane had been the childrens nursery maid 1 had promoted her to be phcebyvown waitingmaid and she was to go with ns there she was already and i thought of all the diabolical maids la french books asi looked at her we got into the carriage and rattled furiously away towards the depotfor we were late phijgbo was in tears at leaving home and she saidl made no attempt to console her i sat stiffly on my seat with a hand oil each knee betsy i janes round little bullets of eyes staring hard at mo as though 6hs saw something was the matter my heart burst and my head ached i wonder 1 was not seized with apoplexy being of such a full habit we got into the cars it last anil phoebe looked at me in her dovelike way as i stood beside her lqokiug heaven only knows how ypu mustnt bo angry at me it is so hard to leave niamma she said pleadingly ll wont cry any more you are at liberty to cry as much as you like madam i said i should thiuk you would feel like shedding many bitter tears with this i strode away into the smok ing car and staid there for hours when i oame back betsy jane had my seat aud seemed to be consoluigher mis tresb for i heard her say i shouldnt mind it mam men most ly is brutes by natur ipleft her in the enjoyment of her posi tion and seated myself resolutely amongst the bags and parcels in her former corners all through that wretched bridal journey to niagara i never gave my wife a civil word or kindly look v when she called to me dont yon feel well pelham i replied very youll not be rioh widow just yeti my dear and after that we did not speak again so we reached the hotel on the american shore and after i had ordered rooms i had an interview with betsy jane alone young woman 1 said sternly i am going to give you a months wages aha dischargej you i will also pay your pass- age home i my boodnebs cried betsy jane dont missus want me is she sp double dealingas that t it is i who dont want you i said you have helped to deceive me about what asked betsy jane you gave your mistrtsb a letter to day said l well said betsy jane dp yon think id orterfeep a letter direoted to misaub v you prevaricate said i if thavs ivenoi i for steal j i dm sai betsy jafiem tv you jjaye it to her emit fwwittel puifsul n- v vf l the epistle ended with the name of the old family dentist jyou thought it was beaux you asked betsy jane it ouljj what fools gentlemen is well pack up and go t wasnt my advi e not tell you i said tell aud be over with it theyll coma out some pvc r da enough at breakfast betsy said i i retain your strvices here is a little present and t offered ner a tendollar bill dont mention this to mrs palmer then i went away to make peade with my poor snubbed heartbroken litt o wife iwho was crying her heart put am us i said before i have never been jealot b since p 8 i think bitsy jane played me fale after all and told the story pbige t hbee cents a patient mother all day with itlsy thought and hand j the patient t lother thought and planned and strove to c o with needed cale aduty beh a duty there yet on her fai e about her work a covert sn ti e would ofteji lurk a mothers si liie which oame tfnbid atsomethi it which the children did she watched w ith pride some boyish feat she mark lid the girls- and saw them swee she thought i be sightr was pasbingifauj of baby gn s ping at the air the swift ret i t of childish wit she heard n d keenly relished it and uhdernei it h the loolr that chid sue smiledjat what the children did when at the wsary end of day the youngs u irs soundly sleeping lay the mother al the evening fire recalled th e pranks to please their siro and when th pre was but a spark when all t is quiet house was dark when slninli r came with drooping lid she dfeamfq of what the children did didnt shows hall i like keverm1nd whats the u j of always fretting at the tria s we shall find ever strewn il ongour pathway travel on ii d never mind travel onwai i working hoping cast no litig ring look behind at the trials c ice eucountered look ahea i md never mind and if those who might befriend you whom the ties of nature bind j should refuse to do their duty i look to heaven and never mind friendlj words ae often spoken wheuthe feelings are unkind i take them for their real value pass them on and never mind fate may threaten clouds may lower enemies ma y be combined i if your trust ii god is steadfast he will hew yon never mind ben franklins code he who can master his early ho irs has won the battle of life some one h is wise- ly said that time is the stuff whic life is made of benjamin franklins lati for disciplining his life was a good oie he formed the following scale- of the virtues defining each and devoting specia atten tion to one virtue each week temperance eat not to fullness drink not to elevation silence speak not but what may benefit others or yourself avoid trilling conver- sation 6tder let all your things hav 3 their plaoes let each part of your justness have its time eotoi0nrre8olve to perforin iat you ought perform without fail wha you re solve j frugality make no expense but dc es- good toothers or yourself that is wa tenoth- iiig j industry loseuotime be always em ploy- ed in something useful cut off all-un- uocossary uctions sincerity use no hhrtful deceitj think unocently and justly and if yoil speak speak accordingly justice wrongnone by doing injtries or omitting the benefits that are ycjnr duty moderation avoid extremes forbear re- r senting injuries cleanliness suffer no uhcleanliness in body elothes or habitation 4 tranquility be not dtsturbad abopt trifles e selftmjade povertjri i would- not say hard words againbt poverty wherever it conies it is bitter to all but you will mark as you notice care- fully that ww le a few are poor because of unavoidable circumstances a very large mass of the- poverty of london is the sheer and clear results of profueeness wait of fbrethoughtv idleness and worst of all drunkenness ah that drunkenness 1 thai is the master if evil if you could look at thfr homes tomght the wretched homes where women will tremble at thesoudd of their husbandfs feet when he comes home where little cjiildren will crouch clown with iearjupon the r little heap of straw because the human brute who calls himself a man willec me reeling home froni the place where lie lias been indulging this ap petite if you can look at such a sigh li and remember it v rill be seen ten thousand times over tonight i think you would say godhelp ns b4 ail means to save aime since thegrettaxe to lay at the rtot of this deadly uj las is the gospel of christ may god hel us tohold that axe jnhere and to work constantly with it til the huge trunk jof tlije poison tree begins to rock tciandfib and we get it down and loudon is si ved i from the wretchedness anduiibery which nowdrbps from every bough c h spurgeon j v willing to oblige say called a man who was hiring a horse and bijcgy inthe interests of aimuidi- ctate in the j municipal election the other day ypu yi te in my ward dont ypu iye8rbi lied the person address iihen gel in and ill take you up to tho pojv oh i gufess not guess he 1 why of course yon will but its pearly two miles up there idabii lv7vv ivvv- y- v v or at accidents common or uuav humility imitate jeslis jchribt l sunbeamb a go-between- hani in a sandw ich a door belle a pretty and i tractive maidservant loves warping cry donw j fck you hurt my vacciuation according to thedarwinian tl eory our ancestors were all tailbearers l an exchange says listen to your wife howcan one help ouesel butcher porternbuse steak i ladam new landlady no boarding1 ouse what is your idea of love mr bin- wick three jneals a day rod well cooked women swallow flattery as bab es wal- lov buttons without any ide i of the trouble that may follow anew word has been coined whici is probably come to stay hellograi i-nfea6- iug a message by telephone i get in wont v dont hpke any difference here- id rathhi not wont y u do it to oblige me you go to ttij polls as a special f avot i o your old friend mckay why ye n i suppose so bui no buts about iti i want you to oblige me after reac hing the polling place the driver got out but theother remained in the buggy well arfentyougoiugto vote why i looted this morning you did then what in blazesidyou comeuphei s for i didnt nrant to but you said bo much andsoemed so anxious that i felt it sort of diity im ready to be clriv now j bat he didnt go in that no gussoh is lazy cause he dniwanfi money but becase he doan wantlter wcrjfk i doan like de mail what passes me inde road widout speakin de dog dat wont neider growl nor wag bis tail amt no earthly er count j v in de bubuess o life a man njos eider go np ur come down dar aint no stand still de sun doan stay sit twelyp er clock more den erminit l de bery man what kaint 4tan good hick is do bery roan what grumblesi case he this ssws9tovswsij3i tbbefr ei back ta te ca lenaar c raze the s lason for smallppx i nd oi lendara all f these affiiotions 3 lake tl eir appear iace ngetber bat tle peo le wil 1 take thi mv e mean the palenda rs 6 ie large fi m lucrances ninety diliarent varieties if english frenclh ah aroer ipan calen ii rs all the poetel essa j iste i d alleged v ri bh ive been drawn upc i u i oi op of thesej paleijdars are oertaioly j etty a id usef ul j wio are the metis p 1 i- 1l riel expiiins in his lately published paper that ha paternal ancestor metib were the firmer employes hudson bay and niirtb west fiujpoij and their in iterba ancestors wer women of j arioui tribes the word c s is derived frcnil tfa particle mix ue wl ich means miajed in french m ile it expresses well lie idea that it sought to e conveyid however appropriate the co rrespoudin n 1 ish ex pression 1 alfbr ied might have i een for the first get eratioi i of the mi tnl5 cif blood now that b irbpea i blood aul indiin blood are mixed i l even degree it is u longer general enoi gh the frencbj vtordjr metis expresses tl e idea movt satisf ictory manner possible thus becom i a pro per race nt me i and hydrophobia t1 sfe

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