Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1886, p. 2

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mmm m tncbsmt mokxiso jxtmty 21 1881 a the wardenship on tuesday uext tho first business ol the tiew33unclvolihocountof haltoft will be the selection and proper appointrr ett from among the members thereof of a gen tleman to occupy the wardens chair during tho present year the precedent of f 01 mer years has generally been to bebtow tho honor of this distinctive office upon th member of tho couacil who has served coutinuonsly upon the board for the loi gest period of course keeping in view the rel itive claims of the several municipalities n pre- sented occasionally however party pro f creaces nave been brought to bear ir the case this is certainly an unworthy and unjustifiable proceedureand should n t be brought into cpnsideratinn at the coincil board in onropinion the member of the co anty council whose claims for the honorabh of fice referred to are tho strongest is h storey esq the wehkndwn and hi hly- esteemed reeve of this municipality and the claims of acton aro equally as pionii- uent as those of its representative mr storey is tue oldest beevo in tho cornell who has not been an occupant of tho ard- cn8 chair for years he has held pioml- uent positions uporumportant commi tees and has never failed to fulfil the duties to which he has from time to time been ap pointed in a faithful and judicious ma mer and with an executive ability pecujiif to few his labors in the council hftvb een satisfactory alike to tbe council arit the pecjple generally throughout the comty shice incorporation thirteen years ago acton has never bad the pleasure of seeing its chief magistrate fill tho positicu of- warden of the county while other nuui- cipahties have been favored repeatedl r re gardless of the just and reasonable cairns pi their neighbors this time actou-es- pects her claims to be favorably entoi tain- ed and consistently believes they will her electors willjiowever regard it very nuch in the light of an insult- to their to rn as well as to their representative if he fails to receive the appointment we have every confidence tkyt mr fc torey j- will be- elected warden and hope next week to have the pleasurcof tendering our congratulations asj we previously s ated party politics have sometimes been bought to bear in the appointment but we fail to see any w tenable reason why the btform members should usetheir power ir this connection merely because they control a majority of the votes at the board- it is true our candidate has beenjeonnectw with the other party in parliamentary cot testa but he is not recognized as a strou par tisan and in county council matters has always exercised the most liberaland cour teous bearing towards the members- holding the opposite opinion upon political ques tions mr storey nominated mr me nzies a eeforrrrer the warden for 188i and warmly supported him from our acq laint- ance with the character of the members generally who compose the council this year we are satisfied that their desi re for fair plfty will largely outweigh- any party feelingrihey may entertain wfe sinceyeu trust that triemembers as whole wi u join hands on all issues for the time bein and i nnanimonsly elect mr storey of the office of warden of the county of hal ten for thenar 1886 hf1 jnauaual session the members elect of the tunlolpel obiin- oil do the usual 8weriij and tk their places the commit ee8 11 oclock on the followiug members the council chamber at mbndfty morniug w h storey reeve and d henderson jb peasonn j fyfe and councillors after subscribing to the titration of qualification and oath of pfiico they took tho cushioned clu ire surrounding tho board then businoss proceeded moved by joseph fyfe ieconded bj hendersou that the mover seconder tho reeve be a special committee to strike for- tho j oar aleefc filed into jno cameron nocossary dec sm m the annual meetinc of bsquoslng agricultural sooloty attendance ac the aunuultneutiug of ksqutoitig agri cultural society was held in tho ctcnoif oharabcr stewarttowu lastj thuiay afternoon l d and tho standing committees carried a bylaw to appoint auditors was intro duced but not finally passod the reeve nominated mr thosj t moore and the council mr robt royise as auditors the council then adjourned to meet on wediiosday evening at 85u wednesday evening council in session the special committeo presented ihoir draft of tho standing committees as fol lows frsaxced henderson and j fyf i tows hau j b peatson and w h storey cemeikbv w h storey dheudersou j fyfe and jbhn cameron education j fyfe j cameron aud w h storey stbeets d snewalksj cameron j b pearson and d henderson v pnistrso w h storey d henderson and j fyfe- thefirsfrnarnedof each committee ito be chairman of the same the council is still in session to press anything further of importa jvhich may be transacted- will boreported n next issue tho president mr j t elliott occupied the chair while mr alex waldio fillu 1 his position of vivoprosident the meeting was more largely attudod than usual aud acton did her slum in makingup the quota there beitif fifteen or sixteen delegates present the address of the retiring president wrb first in order ho complimented the v society upon tho success which attended it thanked the members for having placed him in so responsible and honorable a position and promised always to work in the interests of tho society in concluding he bore testimony to the excellence of tho mr juo murray tho sccreterytreasurer eulogizing him in high terms the annual report of the treasurer was then road as follows reoeipt balance from 1881 members subscriptions admission fees legislative grant municipal grant miscellaneous receipts psspltell i has no effect on our prices but bears hard on our feefings listpif po a moment i havfi bomethig to t you have had to pav a few extra dollars this year thiu cannot b3 helped now but just now right before you lies a chance li have never before till now offered viz lul g8 3u2 50 170 76 roa 68 iiu oil 12 00 board op education the first meeting of th i board for the current year mr j as go to nee e mcgarvin r t notes and comments mr sjtead editor of the londor pall mallgaiptte who in november was sunten ced to three months imprisonment for his connection with the eliza armstrong ab duction case was released from pris n on mondavi mr stead is well and intends to take a fortnights holiday it is annonnced that uiejnatioflal tem perance league of england is n aking arrangements for a temperance co lgress in london in july next in conn sction with the indian and colonial exhibition to which temperance organizations of all kinds throughout the dominion of c lnada are invited to send representatives the time is certainly well chosen for inch a convention and no doubt the invitation will iieet with a hearty response in can ada i this year the queens birthday on monday st valentines day on day 8t patricks day on wednelsday april fool day and dominion iiy on thursday and christmas on saturda- lent begins march 10th und easter day will be the 25th of april r then r will be two eclipses both of the sur one march 5th thiswill be annual or as near a total eclipse as the moon can make in passing between the sun and earth second will be partial eclipse ocouring august 29th neither visible here ximes sun- mr blakes address the first appearance pablioly jjfj hon edw bhike since returning from en iknd was at london last thursday where he delivered an address which it is sail has never been surpassed on any public oc asion in the history of the dominion the toronto world says in justice to mr slake it ought to be said thit his position isdecided and unequivocal the speech especially thai part af it dealing with the rebellion wstfthe most ehquent the leirder of the opposition has ev ir de liveredand wasiperyaded by a lofty moral tone he repudiatedjthe idea that b was eiiug office over a scaffold or that 1 e had dcorrbeena party to any alliaice to t end he would as be said ref i se to open the portals of the future wit i the hcodrnbted key of the jast speaking of the address the new york sun says his advice jis the perfect n of jwliticaj wisdom and the more thoro oghly the canadiansfolld wit the better i will be afe the new chairman big finace i eport tho board- of trustees met in the conn cil chamber on monday evening the 18th inst after subscribing to the declaration of office the nenlyelected members tookseats at the board s the secretary then took tho chair aud asked the members to appoint their chair man mrj j mcgarvin vyaa unanimously elected chairman of the board for the cur rent year mr mcgarvin took the chair moved by w h storey seconded by tho c moore that w hynds and the- mover be- a committee to strike the standing camrn ttees for the cur rent year the committee to strike the standing committees for the year recommended the following appointments finance committee wj p brown hyiids and w h 3ujreyl propertv cojimitteejthos c ioore je mcgarvin afld dr lowry bepprt adopted the finance committee presented first report recommending payment of following accounts j times brown acct for wood 5 118 jqo the treasurer int acct for 1885 tho3 cook cutting 30 coijds wood geo havil pnttingupstovesc h p moore printing tcl thos easkm caretaking jno cameron making i black board c total expenditures prizes horses 8118 00 cattle 94 00 sheep 57 00 pigs 24 00 poultry 18 60 gram seeds 33 00 roots 10 75 dairy products 15 25 fruits flowers 38 00 implementso 34 50 ladies work a- fine arts 57 50 804 68 plougbiug match printing advertising baud workiug expenses including sectytreassaluryetc balance on hand 8500 50 60 00 51 21 20 00 90 01 5711 75 92 93 a stocktaking sale everytliiiig to be met for cash until we finish headlight oil tefbe 18c pr gal and it is now worfch at wm fill c making ml lit well geo the best stock book blank pads letter pids tbfng required the leading i testarneotarletrv tocles 25c to sella cheap mtti thcsday m jus h crumbs 3jo ml el 831 givef f tly cost cottons tp be3 4c 5c 6c 7c to bo 650 50c gashmef es to i82c at tliq according to quality 8 oap be 38c 40c tea tpbh 29c prom the llorth wjest to tho kilitor of the fii i 1iiebs diun sni i enclose 200 to pay for the fbrkpbkstfor two jtiarb nnd withit i pen you u few notes and the settlement in wn have a good market for wheat only seven milts from us 455 bushels of wheat 804 68 present geo their the 12 00 1 85 4 45 4 38 2 50 191 14 upon motion the report was adopted the property committee was insti ucted upon motiofi tosecure the necessary appli ances for the practical teaching of weights and measures moved by w h storey seconded by w p brown that the secretary be and is here by instructed to tako the school censns- carried j the board then adjourned rcfckwood news from our own correspondtnt mr stephenson sr is ill he is one oi the few now living who settled in the pioneer days of this township the presbyterian congregation intend to build a large driving she which will be proceeded with very soon j miss armstrong lectures here on thurs day afternoon with a view of forming a christfan temperance acsociation an immense teameetir g is expected nest week tuesday evening to be given by tho canada methodist church an interesting programme st andrews church ichoir intend giving an organ recital in the prekby terian church here soon the introduction of the organ has touch improved the musical part of the services mrtfas innes mp spoke on monday evening on the political questions of the day his address was ab e and instructive out to hear him a largo number turned mr j w benhamoccnpied the chaii rev mr howitt clofledj the misaic n on sabbath evening last which commenc ed on the sixth he preached every night since aud had hearers from all denomina ions heisin every way fitted to conduct r rival meetings and where he h is given his serv ices has bad marked success his address to young men on 8aturlay evening was excellent about two hundred assembled on caibival night to formally open tbi nnk it vas a decided success the riilc has been wall patronized and at all ther occasions it been opengood order has been kept hich reflects well upon the mai aging comm tttee the building is large on i and subs ta itial ly built the opening idvertised as the biggest tting on ice v es f ally rffcd judging from comment t of those wisj attended a lot of gents olothin as goo las hew atasrcnnce apply to bos 179 ac ton jpo mm te jiisfcisi total tho electiol of officers for the year resulted as follows president alex waldie vicepres f ruddoll directors 1 scotch block j stewart a stark 2 norvol r kobfe jos browhridgo 3 stewarttown d little 4 acton josj lasby w hemstreet 5 glenwilliams thos cook 0 georgetown j f taylor j b barber messrs 11 aguew j b barber j t elliott chas brown a henderson and james l warren were nominated honor ary directors but after considerable dis cussion it was decided upon motion to havo no honorary directors mr jno murray was reelectdd secty- treasi and messrs d mckenzie and d crossl auditors the business of the afternoon bolnjuow concluded mr james bradley was invited to explain matters in general respecting the farmers institute to tjc held in georgetown on tho 29th and 30th insts this he proceeded to do in a very lucid and interesting manner and we hwvc no doubt tlie farmers will turn out in large numliers with their families to enjoy tho excellent sessions of the institute the meeting then adjourned -ir- j m libel suits v the toronto mail mulcteoyor 10000 and the irishcanadian or 8000 tonomo jau 10 at the ivil assizes 4his afternoon the jury in the- libel suit cjf warden massie against the fsuhcaiiadiun after three hours deliberation brought in a verdict of 8000 in favor of laiutiff it is understood that defendants will appeal the verdict is the heaviest jven against any canadian newspaper formany yearff the jury wanted it to be understood that they gave heavy damages so- as to check further similar attacks agaiust plaintiff montreal jan 18 after the conclusion of the address of counsel today in the la- flamme1fli7 libel suit mr justice johnson charged the jury strongly agapet the mail after threequarters of ah hours delibera tion the jury returned a verdict against the mail for 10000 daniagea the verdict was 6000 damages for the publication of the article and 4000 damages on the supple mentary demand for the allegations of the plea at the request of ti judge thefore- man explained that while trying to agree upon a verdict upon the question of supple mentary damages nine jurymen were in favor ofranting the amount awarded and three dissented i dynamite outrage another outrage startles the people of orangeville oeaxueville jan 18 the people of this town were again thrown into excite ment on sunday morning another dyna- mite outrago has been perpetrated at 1 oclock on sunday morning an explosion took place at the residence of mr monro police magistrate on examining the premises it was fouijid that la dynamite cartridge had been placed on the sill of the kitchen door which was inside a shed tho door was blown in the stove broken and the windows and walls shattered the shed was abso blown to pieces the inmates of i the house were not injured thisis the second attempt on trie police magistrate who ha been inflicting flnec for breaches of the scott act there are rewards offered of one thousand dollars for the perpetrators of the firs outrage no doubt the reward will now be increased big reductions of all kinds of mens un derclothing gents furnishings mens or dered clothing readymade clothing and overcoats r flannels tweeds blank ets furs hate and capa the gftods will be slaughtered irrespective of coat txtfore stock tiking pentiaiho got a share of the bargains mclood anderson co all size for men inpr and children in rubbers and overshoes cheap cheap oheap nelnmcjlae 9 kcp j iif mir in sim3wiwbssfflr5n2ebisffisc respecting general ourselves xmas xma3 new stock last seabon i raised no 1 red fife 320 bushels of oats about 30 butliels of peas 100 bushels of potatoes besides a good garden iconsider this very gpod for the third crop and all the work done by one man and a yoke of oxpu wo- aro nil well and- truly thankful to god for his many and blessings wo have preaching clasnieetjng sundaj school and public schtfol about in niiie and a half from us iliho the country well we had a very nice fa 1 und winter up t new years but the past week has been pretty cold and blustcy we bad a sun day school entertainment and chri6tma tree on newyears evs it aas a grmd success the house was crowded and very enjoyable cveniiit there is hfct much hnd hereabouts now for settlement miles opens up the oddnu the government inhered sections of whieh there is some ru mor it this is ef- was spent ulelity of good land i believo we art country ns there i ther things consider- frost never injured fecfed mere will be available in these part in as good a section of to be found frost and c ed lost season the potatoes vines even until the second week in october the manitoba aiid north western rnilwtfy is within seven miles u- us and we have a good road to it we dt hot raise as heavy crops us we hear of in some other purls oar yield of wheat run ges from ioto 35 bushels per acre ana tho wloat lieie it inile i have solo from 30 to go of cuts generally of a good in nearly all of initio eiicl we are always ld to get the fukk pit s as it reminds ns of old acquaintances and seenis every week like it also informs us how and the temperance ciuso ario prbfpering iu tho old county of hulton jwishing you and your readers prosperity and the com pliments of the season i an yours truly samuel mcgopjlvn orange itidge mtu janv 8th 188g veai for seed a letter from home the causo oi grd greatest bargains ever offered in cuelph f gold andsilver- watches teolets loefcots gem ringra chains oharms earriaga scarf pins bar pins great reduction irl locksand plated ware at the- cv b the post office store acton ricejto be 3iq 8 overcoat to be 025 halton dry goods house griffinj m ttavixg rnovtd n l j hive adtlil a most hint 11 u rt i new pric teai 25cj up sugars of nil kinds syrujl goil 50e pr nlli and up raisins our- watch and clock house of cuelph wm smite stew advertissmoata faums fou s4le if jou bavo a inriu fursilic or van to sellout by micudji advertise iu tho acton fuee pllehs 0ouuon stnsl tii 1tmem of- atarrh and consumption i j it iir jsliargetl willi diseasecreating ieuient foul air will tilil wbcu breallied idiitimiously iiir charged with remedial lueuts will lire when breathed enntinu vlisly plin and faxcy piiiktin done with iniit uotsaul dobiiatch ut tho fjike pukrs pbistino hocsk stkay el strayed from tbe premises of tho kitbscriber acton ou or about thu 1st november two waclieipi- any iicrspu giiubsucliinformatiou as will leao to tjioli- recovery ijo suitablj- rewarded v 1 11 bijlijman butcher acton jan mb ltc i omoins fujr sale r unclcrbifrued ban alaife quantity of first i class cooking ouionsfcir sale cheap purtjes supplied with any quantity from a quart to twpnty bushels u henhy jenneh church ht fokthw having dlbpobedof botlj and shoo businesses must call at williams sh settle their accounts at o will ba adfled llil 1 the pillow inhaler i an elegantly made linir pillow charged withieinediiil elemeuls llie vapor of which ilicj patieid inhales all nilit long whilst sleeping ns unual ll putuiot jet but of linler nnd is perfectly safv to h most delieale it will infl fur years mid serve imiy uiiinhfr of perfcous in a fujnily in sue- xssioii it hatters down the fjtronuhold of catarrh bronchitis asthma and ooasationr and niukes r iieriiiauent eure by a coiitimi- nh appliuatinii if healing iid eurative air ftirectly to the diseased parts sufferers from any f the anvoment imeri diseases urgently requested to send us thlr ml ness nnd a 50page pamjdilet will be jjaileil to them free which will give a cntripletehiitorvof this nnndcrfiil diseov rv and i he principles upon which it works together with a lung list of test inn niak from those who have used it and who now ipjiico in pei feet health donotileliiy fur the longer a disease is allowed in run unchecked the slower anil harder it is to effect a cure miete ifino inelioine tlien intritliobtain- arh no douching or knulrlignor anything ilisal recaliloaliuu t tins tteatnieiit it has never been known to fail send your name and address plainly written to the piuqw inhaler agroaoy lrjndpn ont my my baljery and r- clmice stock of ie thanks to tin people f a tlie pas and now most tesp place if business it will be my a satilntioii ty business aul wiiuts business into this ennmndious store where- iceries nil new aud fresh f beg to tender my iiand surrounding ccrjtitry for their very liberal f jour natrouae in my lure dealing reasonable jtlully hoiicil a share i to mi rit this by gq my custoniei8 plea e call uud jsrio rrle grocery departmen1 rants peils fis canned lioods bf till kinds coffee r spicfap of all kidilsessincel picklen in liiilk iev nuisj candies toliabcns and everything k a fwttcliiss grocery fruits and jjgetables flour and feeb department j- i 1 ie tapioca sago liucemiat ptin- thorlcvs 1 pack very nest roller and slnncvflmr bran sliorts chopsoat cornimeal three kinds iifench buckwheat flour two kii fkidlhis oil cuke meal linseed wholh peas earley oat and ds cracked wheat binsi birl ayhitcancl flaked maize siemp holinny llbueh- w heat flour wljiat fiernis prepared- pea flour ricc flour chiiice ferin is ahid of any other flou niannfacturcd 1 baking department id wliite bvow buns f all n and steamed roll cotlase sponee cake the iinds mince pies meat pies f wedding cakes to order g matthews singer sowing macmno 1 thhfar wesf y- and giouiid yellow jelly bolls fakes and cuelph bugham qo john bennett ajqbnt acton uiy llvei ami hoot telephone onmifrlloii hotifyiug all parties indebted to mo that tboy j flobal view n iii uiu b mill st aud lfc acton january gth lsto cc qthcriso costs j ft h mccaliflly j 1 r take notice phat pursuant to jitri vised statutes i of ontario phap i7 sec 31 all persons having claims against the eqtatpof martvrvnrn latoof tho townshtpof esquesing intheoounty of haltou widow decease j aro hereby notilled on or before the 10th day of february 18sc to send iu their respective claitns against the said estate postpaid to the undersigned or to david kyder administrator of mary bydar gnelpli po ontario at tho oxpiraiou of which period the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of knitl estate umbngst tho parties en titled thereto having regard only totheclaimso which said administrator he s then notice greenhouses the newest and choicest vlauts aud out floworswliolcsale and jtetnil i y funeral fenj weddine designs prepared on eihort notice aud shipped safely any weather the u eric as kxiosi tltkv ppens at new orleans nov 10th 16ss und ton- 1 tinties until aprhlst 1880 the iluvoi8 ktlt tit it it the great 7 a jiovat sbbrt line betweon the northland south will barrister won vo 1 mie wmlwlv m at very lpw ratoi x iuti dcn winter tourists to florida texas mexico and dated at acton january lpth 1880 j ellforula cau imrclmse tickets via new orloaus i with stopover privileges to visit the exposition at as low rates us by any other route for fall aud winter excursion folder giving routes and rateb and a very complete pamphlet styled pen potats from tho anibrican exposition addrsb ahhanson cteuu pass agtj i chicaoo choice jmeat bellman moccinijell k bollmau wishes to inform his custom era and the public ceinrallylthat he has admitted into partnership mr mcounnell nn experienced man and that the new firm occupy the sliop opposiie tho valise and satchel factjry by 8ugplyina4n extri iuality of meat of all kinds they hope that ifiheijal patronage willbe accorded them poultry fish etcj ief t in season or- dors promptly delivered jqpljtfan fe mocannelp th08 dobwik gohl north pass ait 121 bandorph 8t chicago monthly auctbon sale jhe undowigued has a large list of goods whlcli will be bold at agnew hotel acton 13ijh febi 1 ose icu ebruarj aotoii jaii 20th issfl v i arij wtrfiii ojifii 1s 1886 actpni 8tb j mopray auctioneer teaji h 1 i as secured a pdrtion of tliepost office j store where i will be found a full j stock of the geuuinb singer sewing ma- l chinbs any orders left at- the btore will i receive prompt attention a i oils we have p that our stog trade surpasses ty unh4lioioe we iiavever i our cffstoniers easure in stating ctor thttseasque in estetisiye varie- stelectiou aiiythtiig jrhierfy laid before bugtham co needles and pats of machines always j kept in stock john bennett fne watch value iriimg rtment no house here can sucssfuliy couipeto with- us- in point of variety real and downright aoies who are ia the habir of buying elsewhere are not mvurejqfrtbe inducements- wo effoiin this department to pur- patticuljar attention paid to the repairing and cleaning of watches at the old b 8 a house of and clocks sterling -t- clieapuess i ihaser -oo- 1 1i silks satjns and velvets in this dejii jiispjction invited blicham cd cpoos tliig department is a large one with us anil ihvays- presents ia choice of really desirable goods to 5 3lect from seljontmet with evdu in thi largest iities i i i j aqies will o well beforehbuy- q n r es t abj islim en t i i i que tg to visit and look throu i j h compare pneebj li- bwcwaiw co fashionable west fdd dres mantts and millinery bsta lignmept mi provided by lie press v i barns birfit keep the side v jeorgetown menbers sleigh ridiirfe j the whig i rrsscellentaleigj te busy tjie inaugt ran conncil next tue that npwitiri haant report d bin hi mclaren i ch irch again next the miltdn5u dress it is veiy i rrwihjptoj i confident be wtrdd i 8alvaion to be ettfusnqfsiel mr john mattl drives a fine new dq messrs kb ly chetin to their gro giuelphiririovil grandtruuk i ails rev dr stqnej in the methoi list boiiday jstiindertib his stalhon to an for 600 i farmers nme 1 irshtitute to be h eld 29th and 30th iistsj the g t i hearts of the loeai through on mor jay mr harry t minn has kind y paul and minm 1 all those hi read the advert of john 5 latei the miltou some minor arti from the station the albert freated itself to maple leaf is ji journal the south isni how the wiuterljas i little cold has ent picayune during the yea inarriagesam lb3o mrfeimcgfii municipality i mr john j irr future carry ori 1 business under the john j daley a 0o from the ifforl ton womens chribtl has the largest raetnl it numbers 185 then the euirna tvj chpy the town hau i commencing oii 1 pany is highly f scientific joi diseases are spread banknotes this el healthy tliaiii mrt c mitpij week compifing sfc volume of b gazette and busiue in another col al of jlr john eeunl residents of georl willtase place tipd thetee ppes lations to our esteen e mcgarvin jup cbairraanship of th cationt it was his lot aj street that mr a for j25 and novthl oti main street ns si conclude pioaof tjhei jouruals greatest daj is levelheaded jou flpohngly frotnth and with the least 3w i bjv hugh jpeij roses lost 8125 it new yeitrydayj cents but more rol who did- not need i to those who did- early aud luej l i work alt the ehee styles uekt woisv- promptuess pliasd orders- friends or i self and give ditsctj the oellsat tlij occupied by one u- gang of tramps i will be as long ai r make any returii m the tavors they wood at the town hi cut and split wculdl fewer breakfasts to ythe editor of i also secretary of thl perance union ianir a branch of the unl actou weilweia willbe a very liml people of acton are partioalar kijid jbf i by be membera ge j perance unions i

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