Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1886, p. 3

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h id 4 making bat your accounts well geo hynd6 can supply you with the best stock of account paper account liocvk blank notes and receipts note pals letter pacta account pads and every- thing required in tlirt line geo hyndbis the leading store or school books rtible testaments envelopes and taper iipoc- tacles 25c to s3 por pair goo hynds sells cheap give him a call illje txm xti ijrtss turksrvvv monsiicu jstiitv 31- 1880 grumbs for breakfast provided by theever thoughtful free press reporters j the weeks rakinqs which are principalis local and interesting skating exhibluon on f ictav evening lrpf j 1 hjruce ammmmm all assisted h prof saudcrsl will give art b- ii l3 tl i ji if a r j 3urus birthday jau 25tti seep luesidewalk clean mr constable georgetown band of hope has 70 members r sleigh riding and surprise parties oh tho wins excellent sleighing ami everj team- sto busy the inaugural meeting of the couuty council nest tuesday timt new limehouse correspondent hasnt report d himself yet mr mclaren will preach in kuox ch irch sgicm nest sunday the milton sun has received its new dress it is very becoming mr w h storey reeve will we feel confident be warden for 1886 lie salvation army meetings seem to be jetting noisier than ever mr john matthews expressman now drives a fine now delivery sleigh messrs kelly bros hxve added but chering to their grocery business liuelph is moving again to secure the grand truuk railway workshops rev dr stone of toronto preached in the methodist church milton on sunday j svmders ballinafad recently sold his stallion tcr an american horsedealer for 5000 farmers remember the sessionsd the institute to be held iu georgetown on tho 23th and 30th insts the g t b pay car gladdened the hearts of the local employees by passing throjjh on moudayeveniug v mr hsyry edmondsou of faribault minn has kindly sent us a number of st paul and minneapolis papers all those havinsj farms to se 1 should read the advertisement farms wanted 1 of john j daley a co inthis issue the miltou cp- b agents watcl and some minor articles of clothing were stolen from the station one night last week the albert ns maph leaf has treated its- if to a fine now heading the maplt lfaf is a spicy and enterprising journal the south is sunny enough but some how the winter has been so open that a littlecold has entered in new orleans during the year 1885 21 births 15 marriages and 19 deaths were reported to mr j emcgtrvia the registrar for this municipality mr john j daley of guelph will in future carry ou his extensive real estate business under the name style and firm of john j daley- co frjom the iitfonif- we learn that mil ton womens christiun temperance union has the largest membership iu the province i it numbers ho members emma wells company will oc- chpy the town hall four nights next week commencing on wednesday the com- rpany is highly spoken of a scientific journal says that many- diseases are spread by- the circulation f bank notes this explains wty editors are more healthy than other people mrt c mitchinson was in town this week compiling statistics for the 188g7 volume of b l polk fc cos ontario gazette ud business directory j in another cohimn is recorded the death of mr john kennedy one of the oldest residents of georgetown the funeral will take place today at one oclock the fres prkss extends its congratu lations to opt esteemed townsman mr j e xkgarvin upon his election to the chairmanship of the local board of edu cation it wa3 his lot and dwelling on maria strset that mr a w green sold fasfweek ior j25 and not the lot store and dwelling oi mnin street as some have been led to conclude j pica of- the toronto nexcn is itbat journals greatest daily attraction pica is a- level- beided journalist arid strikes un- fl nchngly from the shoulder every time and with the least possible reaction r iv hugh pentecost says jack roses i est 8125 a piece in new york on new years day loaves of bread five cents but more roses were given to people who did liot need them than loaves of bread to those who did early and late lhiands driven with work at the fkee press office newest styles neat work reasonable figures and promptness please all send in your orders friends or belter still call your- self and give directions the celhuat the town hall are nightly occupied by onesornioreof the peripatetic gang of tramps who infest thefegantryand t will be as long as they are not expected to make any return in labor or otherwise for the tavors they receive a few cords of b wood at the town hall which needed to be cnt and split would give us empty cells and fewer breakfasts to provide i i the editor of the milton suh who is also secretary of the milton liberal teni- jerance union announces that before long alarabch of thejuniou will be organized in aoton well we imagine the membership will be a very limited one here for the people of acton are not anxious for tltat particular feinttof temperance exemplified by the members generally of liberal tem perance unions ex hibition f fancy aud acrobatic ukatfijg iu the ink tho mauagetncdt are doing theirntinast to ensure a successful exjiibi tion knox church 3 s social a numbe of the indies interested in the presbyterian sabbath school intend giving a social ivt the residence of mrs k tittle next wednesday evening an attrjitiv progratnnt is being prepared and a pleasant and onjoyablo evening will no doubt be spent by all who attend how they regard the re porters at tne last meeting oftthe old council of the city of guelph on monday tho follow ing was amoug tho motions that were adopted moved by ala gbldie second ed by aid walker that tiie bum of h be paid to each of the mtrtury and herald reporters carried this btnacks some what of a degree of appreciation of repor tera labors it is appreciated thrfuilowiug is a sample of manyoi the letters wo haveftceived since tho opeping of the new year dear sib enclosed please find one dollar rcnewel subscription for your paper which has afforded me icon sidcrahle pleasure aud sii many items of tiows from childhood wishing you ppliei- mp with the plio of my continued pros perity in your efforts i aifi sir yours very luttrell mont respectfully mrs joseph real thenewspaper in the home tho newspaper isa powerful auxiliary of our public schools during a discussion on teaching beading at a a teachers association bore testimony t6 the readers ampug their pupils belonged fia a rule to families that took recentmeetingof feeveral teachers fact that the ibest newspapers aud that the children of parejits who took no newspapers appeared nt a disadvantage when compared with their more privileged companions highly successful the social given in thel lecture room of the methodist church in aid of the sabbath school last friday evening was without exception the best ever held in connection with the church the tei was much en joyed and the usual conventionalities being dispensed with a very frieidly and sociable time was the result the programme which included selections by the excellent choir of the church short addresses read ings etc was very commendable the committee deserve and we believe are ac corded the cordial thanks of all concerned for the success to which theybrought the entertainment hall esquesmg exhibition in acton the meeting held in tho towii week ago for discussion respecting wisdom of orgauiziug a union exhibition society came to tho conclusion to defer actionini that direction ior the present in view of the fact that actou would likely be given the annnal exhibition of the town ship society this year we understand tho annual meetihgrdominlon alliance thfraiidual convention for 1886 of tho ontario branoh ot thb dominion alliance will be holdiu tho temperance hall tor onto on tuesday aud weduesday february 2nd and ftrd commenoing on tuesday at 1080 am it is expected that this meeting will be unusually large and interesting arrangements haye been made to socuro the cooperation of all clusaes of temper ance workers and discussions upon the different questions connected with the pro hibitory movement will bo initiated by prominent gentlemen of ability aud experi ence all thh4rjnoipai railways have agreed to ibsiio return tiokots to parties at tending the convention for one first class faro aud a third to scoiiro tlii rcductiou parties must procuro certificates to that effect signed by trntseoretary of tho alli ance and present them at the commence- mont of their journey abeauufulwork vicks floral puido for 188g tho pioueer seed annual of america comos to us this year a real gom uot a dry list of hard botanical names but over thirty pagos of reading matter among which are articles on roses house plauts ciieapgreenhouse onion culture mushrooms manures young gardeners and very iulcrosting reading followed by about 150 pages cqn- tiining illustrations descriptions and prices of seemingly everything the heart could desire tnt the lino of seeds plants bulbs potatoes c it is a mystery how this firm cau afford io publishand really givo away this beautiful work of nearly 20c pages of finest papr with hundreds of illustrations hud two fine colored plates all enclosed iu an elegant cover any one dosiriug goods in this linocannot do bettor than send 10 cents for the floral guide to james vick seedsman rochester n y deduct the 10 cents from first order soiit for seeds narrow escape of the methodist church ou sunday last the fine methodist church next door to tins office narrowly escaped destruction by fire during the latter part of the morniug service smoke was seen to be slowly accumulating in the auditorium but although thg sexton went down to investigate he could uot definitely ascertain tho cause and it was concluded that defoctivb draught from the furnace wasuhe cause at the close of tiio service a number of those present proceeded to search for the causo of the smoke and whilo thus engaged flames broke out in the hot air chamber of ihe furnace aud in the floor below the sides were torn out of the furnace and a dozcu pails of water quenched the flames had tho fire not beeu discovered before the departure of the congrega ion the result would be one serious to contemplate with the great draft of the furnace and tho very dry nature of the floor and other material sur- miuutcs im- possible to niaster and had the worst oc- enrred owing to tho proximity of the fitti press office to the church your local paper would in all probability not have recorded the disaster this morning mccarvins aniyiratibery bi drug and stationery store u go 1 3sjaj doir g g o i n g w ec j33 ii bs to the metropolitan studio to secure n first- a a ru dttt8 cabinet photo because there i get satisfaction at raoderatl prices letropolitan studio saturday january 9th 1886 1 will oommeiice a great discouut sale to last dutiiig the month of jauuary in which discountof 25to will be given oil 3313 percent rounding it it would with a fev undisturbed fetaft have been almost that a raajorny of the ofiujersand directs paragiaphs respecting people withf7hom j favor actons claims foijthe exhibition this fall if they are regardeda success- ful show will undoubtedly result jour purely personal igulavj prices of ew adverti i say do youknow freure bros liavo leased aoton mills yes and they are just the bbys that will- dp you good work on short notice charges moderate sab0ath school bwoxax rrr a iiuuilierof ladies intcrostixl in knox church hiibbath scuool iutcmd holding a social at the rcfiuloacc oralrs k fjittlo on tlio evening ot wednesday 27th january admission 25c children half price cominttkc mrsbheudersonmre acamp- ijell mrs dr lowryuud mrs i little j- r ifarmers institute ggil anfoucejjient nhfirf 1 r kl stemliankofjscisiment j social announcement avej nejlson jaijuarv our nelsow mcrae we have mcrd 188g clear their accounts peoplowill uecessarily bo isxpocted to jpro ride accommodations eijutl to those enjoy ed at georgetown and to accomplisli this they willrequrire to btstir themselves early and unitedly business change this week tlie glasgovj disorganized state prepar of the business under ment mr b e ielson from the firm winch known as- henderson business remains in our readers are individually r collectively acquainted ijuby is visiting frieudifih j house is itory to opeiiin djfferent raanage- has witlidrawn ill hereafter mcrae co good hands and be tho we we ar- will hope to see its prosperity coutinue aro not informed as to ilr nelson s rangements for the future but trust he see his way clear to oper some lucrative business here and still le a resident of acton he will remain ia tho house for some mouths to assist in winding up ttie business dueaunouucenientof thechfuge will be made by the new firm through t lese columns next week rev w s mctavishs reception the members and achoreut3 of i the presbyterian church st george turned out in large numbers ou theevening of thursday last to welcome their pastor rev w s mctsvish win is wellknown ja many of our readers and hib bride to thfcir horaev a very pleasant time was spent one of tho most pleising features of the evening being the presentation ofj an address of welcome and congratulation accompanied by a purse cintaining over 870 mr deputyreeve wood an elder mrs a aj berlin i 1 mrs b a rjscord spent several clays during the week with friends in hamilton mr thosi smith who went to the north- j west about ten years ago is visiting friends i here j miss jennie lilair left ou tuesday to spend a week or so fcith friends in guelph aud hamilton mr barry e mantles cloakings dress cbods fur muffs fur gaps l hosiery overcoats underclothing quiltejd skirts w- fa made arrairgemeuts to continujj the business oi jb under the mint firm iiaijuefuntil the first ol ng sale continues and we ayegivi gash respectfully askall indebted to tjie jirm i jeibrethe first of january as thej forinsoine wijy by that time actdn pvc4jer 24th 1885 mantles ncyshawls ccc tue yvkeers institute of tho comity of x halton will be held ou priday saturday 28 29 jan in the town hall village of georgetown commencing at 130 pm the first day and con tinuing until sotuo time iu tlie afternoon or oveniug of the second day during tho evening of the brst day there will bo a public meeting ior discussions aud addresses by profcssorb interspersed witbmuaicto which toe ladies are espejjally iuvitod tbero will niso bo addresses and retidiugs by prominent meu of tho county famiors and others 15oth railways reduce thefares to thoeo attend ing to ouo and o4btbird ask ticket agent at jcgiuningof journey for receipt to enable you to secure reduced rate the public generally- arc respectfully royucst- efoto attend these meetings ruddell jah bradley hocretary i presiueut borgetowu 15th january lfsfi uo2 farms wanted greait januar grcd nelson co values for to call- and settle must be provided mc co 1 -t-t-siei- 033e3- spec i illy low white lias returned lo holidays with r- read the address and mr baptie made the j misses cainp robt kin- fred tojivn- i i presentation mr mctaish replied in a fewwell chosen sentences thanking them ou behalf of mrsjmctavish and himielf for their kind address- assuring them of his pleasnre in laboring among them and his deep interest in their spiritual welfare bible society j a meeting of the executive committee of acton branch bible society was held in the council chamber on tuesday evening the 19th inst when the fallowing collectors were appointed acton north of mill 8t bell and fiwan acton bouth of mill st misses jarvis and spejght esuesing south of acton- nardiand john mcdonald esquesing west of actou send and robt kennedy i esquesing east of acton john shaw and archibald mann erin 1st and second lines duncan ken nedy and j r cook erin 3rd and 6th lines and part of 3rd line esquesing j e snyder and d ms nn erin 5th and 5th lines and part 5th line esquesing d hendersoi anojpeter mc nn the collectors will receive books and full instructions through the post and they are ftrgently requested to canvass their reflec tive districts and report to the treasure on or before the 30th january this will en able the committee to present a full rejwrt to the annual meeting to be held in the town hall on the 1st february commending sit 8 oclock pm the committee hop to have the hearty cooperation of all the col lectors and feel assuredj they shall in no wisejose their reward acton after spending th friends in albany aud new york mr chas murray son of col murray esquesiug lias been appointed revising barristers clerk for this county mr a g eastou who has for several years been em ployed on the free press staff left on monday to take a course in cluding commercial work and shorthand at guelph commercial college mr alex icuminins of valley city dakota an uld actou boy is here ou a visit to the home of his boyhood alex looks well and reports having succeeded very satisfactorily in his western home he and his brother james are iu partnership in a very prosperous business his tnauy old friends and companions in actou aud vicinity were much pleased t meet him again i thedissolutiou saleistill continues at the mammoth house georgetown unheard of bargaiusjn millinery mantles mantle clothes dress goods dress silks faucy woollen goods hosiery winceys and general dry goods now is your time to make money by baying the cheapest goods ever offered mcleod anderson co i i the altar angkii delijuon wednesday 30th ult by the rev j f fairchild at the resi dence of thebndes father mr w h anger b a- principal of the st cath arines business college to miss hattie a- dell daughter of james dell esq of montrose newton vasdv8es t lesdayoth iust by the revj w j youi g at the rest- deuce of the brides father thos a newton esq of woodstock to miss nellie vandnsen dauhtir of a m van- dusen esqi j p of tw ed cloths tweeds and ordered c lothing departnent j11cls ill please bear in mi uld that i always carry out what i advertise and it will certainly pay buyers to tall and see us e r bollert importer c 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario a gift send id cenks postage and wo will mail yo i free a royal valu able earn pi box of goods that will put jou in the way of mak ing moiie m isev at once than anything ele 9 in america both sexes of all ages can live at homo and work in spare time or all tho time c ipital not required we will start you pay suro for tnobe who start 8t1nbos co portland main inarms wanteuall kinds sizes and e priciulxorovor500 applicants who wish to huy aud have wiitten to us for particulars of farms we also waiit farms for bur farm ad vertiser which will be published shortly ani i be placed in tae hands bf intending purchasers in all parts of canadii the united states and europe we tdve fnllparticiilorsiueluding6ize of buildiurs quality of fioil and price but never give owuert miine number of lot norcoucesbion wc positively uiase nochargeunless tho prop erty is sold this is sufficient proof that our business is conducted on honest and straightfor ward principles remember we want no agree ments to register ngainst your property we aiivertibo farms in all the leading newspapers in canada and we advertise in almost every state in america and throughout the whole of kurope llany of our present applications for farms are from the united states europe and othor countries wo lidvo now arranged with 32ngonts in canada and europe to havo our airarmvr advertiser platod in ths hamls of intending buyers though only llinbnthsagowebtarted business in guelph and then had uo applications for and give us full particulars of their forms or send us their namo anil addjose and if we cannot prove all wo here stato to be true aud correct in every particular wo agree and shall be pleased to pay every mans expenses coming to guelph ana returning who has property to sell come to the oflico and seo for yourselves tho letters from our applicants for farms tho testimonials from farmers whos6 places wc havo sold and also press notices etc if you cannot come sond us your names and addresses apply to john j daley co guolph ont in lliesedays ofl richlfc to rinke a this time ohjeap sales discount salosbpeeial lines brekt aensaton even lyitliolieip goods it special occurs sue ii as a ship striking a rock goods sold in bond for djity or slaugll icrcd by somc bar ipjessed debtor to meet some imperative dqriiauil sales c it is dif- is only when somelhing ncv for ool reliable boots and shoes -o- the gpavte v mckw iu georgetown oi i sunday jan 10th 1886 jwalter mckot aged 64 years kennedy ac the residence iu georgetown 1 on the 19th january john kennody esq aged 65 yeare aud- months auction sal es wednesday 7th jany mortgage sale of stock implements etc ihe property of a c dennis at duffieldjs hotel rock wood salb at 12 oclock wm hem- street auctioneer friday 5th eby sale o farm vtock and the propertj of wj rouse sale at 12 oclock wm auctioueer implements edeb millsj hemstreet toesdat 9thlfeby salp stock and implements edw coxej at 12 oclock tioneer -qotof- waters i the picture galiery bros guelph of farm farm ihe property of lot 6 cou 6 eramosa sale wm bjernstreei auo- for artists mdleriahi oil and water colors crayons camas drawing papers bnwh fcc oil paihtinars steel btikravingsj chromos fee frames op ai l kinds mouldings room and p cture cornice and cornice pols spnijic rollers- and window shades fro fancy goods suit aiid birthday presents c evisitors can hsve framed while in the cify wiih you to waters bfeos the picturo gallery near ocoompletes jble tor wedding their pictures so bring them the post office williams to the front having purchased the boot and shoe business lately carried ou by mr h b mccarthy in the village of acton and having replenished the stock with a first- class assortment of ull lines usually kept in a no 1 boot and shoo store i am pre pared to guarantee entireisatisfactiou to all who may favor mewith tlibir patronage i a good supply of firstclass trunks aud yalises will always be kept on hand as the ordered work and repairing is all under my own supervision the public may rely upoii- its receiving the best of attention i give me a trial and see for yourselves wm williams a manuifactvrler unlderwear 66 2 we have struck it hch- with two grand drives fs whole stocv of hosiery dadisand gentlemens rs astrpyl wool shawlg clouds and muffllers bbufeht at iqents on the dollar and to bespld at less than regular cost- 1 nb having disposed of the boot and 8hoe business lately carried on by me i wish nereby to notify all parties indebted to mo tcall at once and settle their accounts hbmccabthy advertise in the funis pjiiess and youl find somebody who wants to eeeyou on the business ispapereefi jper advertising bureau i0 sptoott sotortn new york 5 oiol tw during jthe next ployees an ertrahour t ment wasiset on filot ti count of tjieoppositiot to lead and will abeor on wyndham slrcet fol furs furs fu cone astrbyi wrong address arrived jat last per s queen now orl the way from glasgow made claim of 50 per cent off compromised at 57 l2 perj cent off will clear ajthalf jprce this lot consists of beautiful furl dolmans value in capes muffs caps boas stirling 47e currency added 3 1 60 2375 duty 11 oclock on satiiduy ock pm closing mofemeht mouths the lion will close at 5 oclock icmnpensiite for- tsueir lnni hours on s lot t liive ill the smrs close at this hour ii of one r two parities however the l liugly close eveivjjniylit siiturdays exce ows ll is only jlpst lo salfsineii and li night viien othes- triides have a half hcjliday williamson bo afl toi give their em- tfurday night a- move- it it fell through on ae- ion his never beenaf raid ited if not another firm dies who wofk to 1q and machinfe oil bfferejd for sale d shonuk rockvfood asxsarrifidoff all tb j prizes cnd is the best ioi in proof of this we vjillgaiy freight both ways wbj2h it fails to please thfpntonasr tears go have be4n alwarded this nonbg nuifsef qtjibejis oir simublrog for saby j e arson dr mcgnvih j ty hojisoq arrij c t dill acton j abd il jwithin tne last three tjjytat made at rhb 3rs go tordiito in the detain- s 17ijh 1

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