Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1886, p. 4

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t a 1 hetta a piece ot dvwto ill rhgbt6 you bote j old martr old woman or chiok j no matter what comet no itotter ha gow i dont permit yourself over- to kick i if the worim it gravely flow alom j tbrowathe thorub in your path fart and i thick j dodge all that you can and ateflori the rest bnt of all things i pray you dont kick iwnlpew mdjtfiod 01 known rdi diwiwd twbeetbedloai lll of my i quatuianoe jmt m jp w wow tii itll nnahle to eat nythhu wli bout gmti ut terinft ot 6 y kfam ork ib0m to thijoh thorojtfaa no hope f r mo and t lat i must taraly die when ike a drowr inn man catching at a straw t determined to kivei mcgretwra speedy c ore a trial i at onoeborau to improve bo rapidly f thai iu two tuoutm i was as well as i had ver j- been inmy literwmi e nuui xuukc tok- soja by dr mogarvin ree jtrial bntdeb merit rntvb dollar upon dollar is f r ttiuejilly spei t on the faith otl recommends tions for art cicb enufttly worthless no 80 with mc it yon throw yourself into political atnfo i qregors speedy cure you an not a ked to purchase it until lis cents arc proven call at j r mcgarviu s drug stonj and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced and get hit with a political brick yon wfll show your good sense by holdiur yoat jiw and never once makiuk a kick ttsbjbhinjtb as tkeyaraw theyll be right in the end s if youre hungry rich beggar or sick youll onyj wastingyour valuable tiine if you use it in making a kick it will cure you of the w wsl forms of j k how boys are spoiled as rule the cause of the vicious or destructive habits of boys whoso parents are in comfortable or affluent circumstances is a fundamental one the primary and painfully fruitful error is the common teaching in such families either by precept nr example or both that industry is dis creditable boys are not trained or taught the necessity of usefulness they are trained and taught only to enjoy the luxury of idleness and vice oomesaa naturally as the night succeeds the day such boys if they happen to worry through cigarettes and other enervating indulgences- to manhood are ever distanced in the race for honor and usefulness by alley boys or the moun tain boys whose physical vigor is not de stroyed by luxury and indulgence they are taught not only in theory but in prac tice that v hardness ever of hardiness is mother send they bring the highest physi- cal vigor to the development of their men- tolpowers they force to the front whil the cityeigarette boy must be supported by his friends or lag in the tear of the race for a livelihood if dependent upon his own efforts philadelphia times a t j susceptible to flajttery pepsia liver complaiut etc no irntt how long standing it osts you no ling soldin50ondl botthe see test mon als fi om persons in yiur owo town 29 taertajmltjoaifsttio tkesafterlni browus household panacea ins do equal for reuevin pain both iuternal and extsrbal it cures pub in the sido back or bowels sore turrntt rhoumnusin toothache lumbago aud any kind of a palu or ache it will mostaurejy iiulek eu the blod and heal as its acting power is wonderful brou na household pail- watkinhattlhnghlttif tlirough hfsitnmense stbold for the liwt tlvo mnntlis slatkli many otltii ladies andjmfi mkiittkultr and jtcuttaaud uis r cluthi down to muhneryibpnarked down t6 half piiid sdkssatihslvlhrvelljrtiix incue ottomans t this affords n m fci4jwp2j missusuiil idiuf nujs injkeat varioiy selliqj toio 0j t ihatiuhig 810 tklle covtb dwii ttmvta wmm mry beiihtiful ft if dowu from 7 tf hlx ow nhl kastiioiwlilu dwh rgdof dowrtjfrom 5o6 25u tl85 1 75c gnl knl gktvea smull sizsh dtiwu fiira i tn asn alotwt very black silk fvlvet aud8atnjplbom fiulliu off itlitlf irise wey fluunel ijown fror twilleil 3hthliriilunne1siu wlnto anl grej dyg er of neea being acknowk ifr9 sfcfeassisu w lino licayy navy hml chiukeil fiidcibis for burtles in oroinptotr and iiiiinr uulnm aldiniki s bulling aiid ttudert iriris pius ff ut very ol eap prineg also yard tde nhd tw yiurds wide ituvvy n in all kmiuand onlors from his slilrtlpacury elllng off verywieap ladies cursets ladiesv qepte mittses mid boys uwltrololhinb of till klndn selllngj off very cheiin th wlnto und oiiepded aiiirtings qrsy coi canton flauuclscittnnudeb qanadiau tweed oio are selliim offlatj extrrnnely lowiirfe just see the carpet in hettiptwo ply union aivd- alilarmil tapeitry brija seunclvbt aad fine heaty wilton the ttugk mats poles oormciss etc allexceodtiiijly ohoiip romembor the big stores nr 3 otkiug street kist one door west of hughspn 8 reet the nae is j f l hainiltoi jaiiunry uili 1880 boot i j thechkapuafplrco s gouig to give a furt a shoe rum q greooeel dged ab the k t she answered the ring at the door to fiud a strange man on the steps vany flyscreens he asked nosirv any flypapers no sirji any powders for making lemonade no sir any painting or whitewashing to do no tax want somecftris green to kill garden insects no sir got ahy old olothes to saq no sir got any coal to put in or wood to bplit no sir gsouldnt you spare me- whats that sir ob neer mindv jdiyvwfeis barefoot land i was geing to ask for a pair of old shoes bat it would be no nie yon have got such a dainty little foot that my wife coaldntget her big toe into one of your shoes when he left he had an aid coat on his arm a quarter dollar in cash in his pockfet and there was a square meal stowed away behind his vest j the hair i paiu reliever und of double tike stenuth pf any other elixir cr liuimeut in the world should le in evry family handy for use when wautcd as it really is the best nrnedy in the world for crautpe n the siomach and paiiis an 1 ache of all kinds vnd is for sale by all druggists it 25 cents bottle 44 prminont among tbe greatest medica ilrscoveriesrjbj mat y outes it ha affect fed mcdregtspctdy cure leads tie vanf subjected to the minute st rhemicu m lalysis it has been found to ontain one ol those injurious ingredients oharacteriztr p the worthlfss specifics d idly offered to the public every ingredient possesses i pccul- ar alaptahility to the various complaints 1 tor which it has been compounded md its efficacy is being established by testimonials nourly received wo are therefor s confi dent that we have a preparation wljich we can offer to the public with the uiurance that it will be found not only n reiel but an o6olufe cure fur dyspepsia liver com- plaint indigestion constipation and iui pure blood free tr aj bottle at j e megaiviusdrugstoije 31 holloioaift oxntjuvand pills- indis putable kemediesiriii the use oe these raedicatnentb there need be no hesitation or doubt of their coolingj healing and purify ing properties imagipation can iioarcely conceive thpmarvellonsf actlity wit j which this unguent relieves and heals the most inveterate sores and ulcers and in cases of bad legs and bad breasts they act like a charm the pills are the most effectual remedy ever discovered for the onre of liver great rowsojnirroiiigtorni 20 lbs brichlwur 14 granulated 20 clim currants 38 rico afull liue of flour- am to none in acton 2 ii- lownllisgoodgin very mnnyimilof iir less thin coitpr boat ttttlfj phdo h uflel4li4vf his bl tnkcu at anliiiih tpl are put downliimshvciuuh to fiirlciatlifiii half prle irelchanoo to nnttliersto clothe llieir ittlo jdiiniflitsftrs hehply off at ubimtllilf piiou itrutjjy uinbroi lmet 8x4 tahie 0tvi rsrudnced jplfno covers down f mm t6 1 f 4 50 liailitii- hanlhoirie of them iicm of dress goods dnwirf i mii 18io lnc mitiitlo ami uliiter cloths hie kids iu ftibuttoti leiiii1ih in new tyl i jjlowjn fritnl7s 1 very 87j 7 j t flannels in tvhfejrwi pink orinkevavy ij lfu over tone sheetings piftks denimh tickings ecomb o- wikjllstb e hcpso p aoton triihuy boots ft shoes is nt i ev reduouoil of 1ft per cent ten per boots and bjtioea ruhjiers undloverbhoea forthe next 30daye jnwaonv and still he bent off all kinds of ke llif grocery buness lively for we do not merely lay wq can givoyou better or chcaii dealer in town but wo quo e yon prices iu plain figures which i assertiora that atmmnt to nothing note the following 18 pcnrltal 5 yulencin 100 100 100 1 2 catm salmon he christmas sciifou r goods than nny other very different fo mere loeu 1 00 raisiiib homo shoo 1 lu mixed candies flour feed feed kept constantly on hand tevt roller flour secopd 40 per 100 bran gocnnts per 100 25 22 124 ottt he htts markei no reciiotion tin a lsrgo lot of rent hallway friinv4 6q 8x14 iuf iliwn front hnidsotne sk ky bkel of shirts i paw mall hmtn nronghexari ctom iooijj rw guaraitee satisfaction to e quality is our leading feature j fyf j fyf j fyf 1 acton acton aclon ke when you i i is- i the hair is still worn high to a greai ex tent ajthough sometimes young i ladies arrange it with curls and braidi descending low behind this style is popular with lownecked evening dresses little orink- fingcnrk at the back of theneckareevery- i where seen the part does not appear in front but is covered with short fluffy locks fancy pins and combs and pearl and bead ornaments are much worn iu the coils at the top of the head and else where in thehair there is now a movement to shove the looks back from over the eyes and let the forehead show not at all improbable that the next thing will be to part the hair in the middle and brush it plain back satinsmooth from the forehead how odd it would look after the years our belles have been wearing it doggy wise ivl u eshsjmptemuini ia j jsfiwi ttckinsrileshsjmpmmuinilcwe the symptomsare moisture like perspir tion intense itching increased by scratch hg very distressing pitticularly at night seems as if pinworms were ciavliuglo and about the rectum the private iparts are sometimes affected 11 allowed to contiooe very serious results may follow swaykes gurrxstis a pleasant sure cure alio for tetter itch salt rheum 1 scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50- cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad drefc dr swayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 60 fluid lightning is simply a marvellous rheumatic remedy i was for two months n cripple unable to get out of the bouse 1 from sciatica one bottle gave me instant relief and placed me on niy feet again i have driven fourteen mdesjpay some thing i could not possibly have dono were it not for fluid lightning for the express purpose of procuring another bottle so nays wm dixon gananoque only 25 cents per bottle at dr mcgarvinsf and stomach coraplaihts diseases niostdii- astroub in their effec a derangttag all the proper functions of the organs affected in ducing restlessness r lelancholy weariness inability to sleep and pain in the side nn- til the whole system is exhausted these wonderfnl pilla if ta ion according to the printed directions ac ibmpanymg each box strike at the root of i he malady stimulate the stomach and live into a health f action and effect a completi i cure dangeri r belay ii we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal conboquenoea tlit t fotlow a neglected cold how differently w onld onr course be could w 5 realize our danger how speedily we wo aid seek a cue but iwith many it is only when the monster dis ease has fastened its fangs upon our lungs that we awaken to oi ir folly wht t follows ia neglected cold 1 1 it not diseas s of the throat and lungs bnmchitis asthna con samption and many other disease of like nature itis worse than madness to neg lect a cold and itis folly not to have some good remedy available for this frequent complaint one of the most elficacious medicines for all diseases of tbe throat and lungs is bickles anticonsumptive syrup this medicine is composed of seve ral medi cinal herbs which ekert a most wonderful influeuce in curing cbiisamptipn and other diseases of the lunm and chest it pro rnoks a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation ami drives the disease from the system years of experience and successful trial have proved mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healihgliid sores festerings ulcers cuts wounds burns frost bites or felons and for keeping out the cold and to cleanse or prevent proud flesh sloughing or deciy insist on having mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate sold at 25c by drmcgarvin p v tuid liftknubg her m ire but few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from tsnthaehe neuralgia or like acute pains to them stib an instant reliefhu fluid lightning is am untold blessing in time of trouble no fr dwgustiooffensi ve medioinertq 6e uea or days oof appucatiou of fluid xiaht- itung cures- sold a3 e mcgrill stole perhaps the mosd extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients treated during tho past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of ibis stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it is remembered thatinpt five per cent of patients presenting them telvjes to the regular practitioner are b inefitted while the patent medicines aid other advertised cores never record a cure at abi starting jsrith the claini now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure to the ir exter minationthis accomplished h claims the catarrh is pratjeafly cured and the permanency is nnquiestonecr as cu es effect ed by him four years 4go are wires sml no one else has e er attempted to cure catarrh iu this man iier and no otl ler treat ment lias ever oured catiurh tl ib-appli- cation of the remed is simple an d can be done at home ami the present season of theeaxis the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cnre the majority of cases being cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond with messrs a h dix on son 305 kir g street i west toronto canada and enclos stamp for tb sir treat- aze on catarrh muntrealstar hi y 1782 afiil tht farmebs i and other8 having crippled h orseii will doj well to i imlloi geio 1 j who is prejared to remjovje rinebonftisi f pavins fjrjng the hors satacudn guar nteed or pn artibtu tul oo mixed zxptw 800affir 7mik lajatmi malli 6t om bpeelal v- 8jjdpm accotn couch 800 aim obloago express doe jiot ekjp between tinefili andtoront j j timboi clobiko imtr f ftoinawest 10a1 aniausaipm i ooln bastlw am anissopjiii bnrljih mail closes at 104 mon wednesday canadian pacific railway 9iair toialt poihis covdejtsentn tadls ii mammoth house georgetown toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba 8tijonib ex pacjtic ex ixicalibx toronto 10ini 1 05pim 4l5pm 8tretsvulejnn9 13 f 5 25 sttbomas vi 35om 5 25 m 8 65 detroit 5 on 8 45 v 7 55 ain chicago 0 00 4m 8 05 si 5 45 pja winnipeg 7 00 i daily except monday- torontotompnfcrealnebeijandpston lhnlteex- montreal exj 8 00 pm in- m r toronto 8 25 ottawa 3 25 hmoutroal i suebec 1 0 30 aim obn 845pf6i brampton to bratnnton i 9 41am stroetsvilld jct 10 110 aim ff18 9 8 45 oini streetsvillettunjction ft54pm 715 brampton to j orapgevjlle and o wpnfjound brampton orangevllle owen sonnet nuw and 9 47 am- m 3 30pm purciaseonr tickets by this 555 nm 7lo- ioisoi popular line- vnoa mcgabvinv ticketaeeht acton ontario acton planing mills williamson fiambha- ery customer as j ep hoyisqni next d tor to drug store j fy fe acton j fyfe aoton j fyfe acton epthis in mind o to piirclws6 your full clothing that est ft wjd ldthin g store is uiisurpussedfor extent of stock moderate pfice design and durable wot ki iiaihip an elegant tweed suit for 14c0 worstedsiiits icloq or 1700 also oyercoatlngsin all sliitdcs pt beavers melon nans tweeds and worsteds a large stock ot underclothing good mid cheap j fyfe acton j fyfe acton jfyfe acton kelly br next door to hynds jewelry 8tore having bought the srogeribs os j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe actojs kelly bros store we nv occupy it places us on a better footinglhan ev r to sell goods at very- low prices our ex peuses being les than anyone cjlse will enable us to sell all kitwls of and provisions very low n the trade it the post office str that there attti bargains being given in evry de partment that the goodwin a great many insrances are beijg sold less 1han cost that the ooofu nre sm fvronsh or produce only eylto goods c largerl i tht onr dress 0ioils millinery maniljs uisicrincs hint cloakimtsan superb j tliat nnr stock of staples wooheh goo 1b flannels winciyn nd t veejs are very extensive tlist we hnve iu immense s ock of reutvmarte clnthing an 1 overonati both iji mens anil bove that are heinfi cleared vnrl cnjfjht nnhenrdl low prices vhat we are iistonikliip thi penjilo with the price of carpet i iliat otlr para snd holies arc extensive 111 imieap that onr dressmnuiiig and mantlenmk intf department is yury busy thntour ordered clithin lcarlinent svery busy i thatwe want the peoiilc to cnme and intnect our stock and ho convinced lind by purohnmnfr make mniiy do cot loso thisopportuniiy for barccaii sjas the 6tock must ie icdnced mcleod andehson 4 go 9i acton h avixg moved mv bakery aiid fewl business into thivcoimiurtlicus btore wjiert i have added it choice stock of groceries 11 new ani iost oincere thanks to the piorli- of a on and hui rounding ii ii i niw phce of liininesa it will bj njiy aim i in ritthis by prices attention tohnainess an i wants of my custuuicra 1 grocery tipport in the pasi ijd now most rspiitiullyjaitliqit ashire of yar jjiatrohave iii my department teas 25c up sugars of all kiudf synijp gond 50c per n rants veds fijs camiid vjiiobj i of all kinds coffil- spictsof all kimlh essence pickles iu bulk ail mince m nuts ciuidies toimiccos uud evirytliinjikept in ll filbtuliiss urnccry friilia and eetables flour and feed department verv liest roller and slnncf flur brnn packairo goods cnisjied whitciud flaked ma- wheat flonr v flour h co john we are prepared to take all kinds of produce in exchange for goods j am pay the highest market price keijly kelly 1 j i p8everyorje ask fjr kelly bro 4nd ever y thing else that an t- from he cradle bilth from the cradle to the grave my budi is abend of any other flonr manufactured hbakinc bread white brown and steninedl rolli freshf i oiuutryfor sliorts gliopf oiu peas larlev oat and com meal three kiidk of each bi ick wheat flour twoikincls cra jked wheat thohcvs food linseed oil o ike meil linseed whole and piopbretob ji bulller aal ointractpi asli aad blind pictory boor mfi key roheaoi g totendcrmy iieir very liberal sq jiiro dealing reasonablf ease call at d see me lion and u haiins cur- 11 ce tiimca saijo at i oats wheat aiid barley yellow zf samp hominy 8 r-buck- 1 leal germs prepsri d pea flonr choice ferini eiound buns if nil kinds mince pies meat pies department cottle sponpe cke jelly olls cas and weeing cukei to order or atthew mckay bros mckay bros 0r king and john stfei- cor king an d john sts r4ulaetb8 poroentage of sri fits throtiglioat tje store tiielaevitawe joaiegueace of ttio i brge incraaae of ox r busiaci e brothers j dodger kellt rtew store j- sretghtsbk putniture dealers and undertakers aoton j i having rected a fine new sliowiwiu have jnst received a new and well assorted stoijt of fnrnilneof allkindsof theiattisldesiiii8riucliiding u parlor furn ture bedrsomsiiites burejam9 8ofa iqungest v tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles any faniil r requires in the furniture line during their journ he grave t io for we and we can liave bit hand aiati u i of ajlkiiidsftndsizasandallotherfi it 4 vai riiy is i rijyrtrfioti be shorte it notice ndclahot m reparo them for the grave i stock of eral furnishings 6 for bir remo wble trius avlirsi r a goofl grey flannel lao per yard 11 edflaiinelklc pel- yard fiiikeringjyarn 5c per skein bovs top shi rt 50c wort ii soc menvtishirta 75c i chiwrenjcombinatliin suits soc ladiej firpy vestsjoo gimxi heijvv twehd35c per yard good allwool tweed jftvpsr yard navy blue napgloth75c per yard heavy quality- nap clth lll2j per y lilack and binwn ottoman cord 8125 dress goodnloo worth 3c allwool dress goods 35f worth 80c best value pluin wincey 10c r ladies all vo 1 hose 25 per priir j ladies caslim ro hose 25 per pair lljfie caslim srr per pair fur cipi8 mj oheap trim- purtiiinmiiig black velvet i colored velvet jn8 fiincvberderel job lot- ladies comforters only blankets good value 325 luce ctirtiiins qc per pui i curiaju poles iioc eajoh jjjerap carpets pto per ynrd m4ilordersreceive prompt and faithful attention corner of king and john streets hamilton heama hollgways fills ad purify the blood mvelt stomacb they in wgorateand rebtitire to health thej is on infallible remedy for bad legs f0b a li ijiis correct all disordet i of the- kcpfceys andbtlivels complaints incidental to femtiles of all ages for ol ldrcn andfthe aged are priceless tbblrtfje baivbieasts old wni is famous forguutandrlieuinathin foi disoidersorttieclicstit 5p0 kobe thboats broltohiria 0qjjoh3 colds giandularswehings nud iall skin pis jasesithasnotivai and foroantracted fi 0 ii mvwthh faurl o6tll rvhola sffalirdt m special value k 25c per pair ns irrejt variety handkcrobiefssoo perdoz jollnrssc each worth 20c 75c each hr gintmint pehilitated constlmtii i is and are invaluable in all kv lids scirei and hasnoeqiak f- d stiff unlocks allthe clogged rvenuet othhe bowels biineyb and liver carry ing off gradually without weahbningiihe system all- jtlio hripurities m d ifonl humors of the secretions at ths same time cprreiting aclaity it tittjc stomacb ccujing buictleness bys- pfldftiu bteadaches dikdnees beftrtbwi corurtlpatlonj d crftsad of thd skia dropsclmi qbb of viglony jrinjuiioe sall bhetmit ayote8jsotoftila ilutte iijgo the heart ilervousnesa acd tn- eral debm fill these and nhy other similar comnlaiuta jdeld tthe happv jinfljenpa f bue odbepteba t bliainkfij co propiwcisiftniobtt ioi each vhtii of tue rtle ny ismvikeo b- broxze lttteils none qthef geniiilqe in oftno wants invest on vertu- rk rtiponiiehr i sent postrat wite to r jskwspapel aboqltfjobaires thubcstjljojktiiran ftilvcntsbr to con sult bo be experi enced or ot leilwlse- rsandesumates dyerfitwlo ai iisoln oi adverttsineabondveej pmij one diaiar fluds injltthe to icwspaper iblltrtlw erequlreaiwlnle forhlm ttl i hunjtrehi tbnnsand rtolb rs ft rtt is lmlioiiteawiiefirwltl nntri-nipntvir- ob i btaadg wearily arrirtdthcot- wins liuvo boa i umued to any address u lu cents rowell am co 10suruoe8tpr ntlns house 8c k swlvotb mai l i vvat i-v- i0tbni t i4 iii- ose tbjaiufi i xhbbbmok invariibiy in sdvaoi sivijj jmur irill bs c l tiuttmdtsl all arrearj optlou of thejibb yx one colojttn i hill column imteriiaiiiiu qob lnj asiuiraiiverfiseil firtt ii8irtiou and cerd jaeiitlufirtion cttshj jcckonefl by the pacesf sejofistfraiionpirelir a iwertisliaeuts iwirti v will be tortea tuu tort -insy- transitory fclvei in iuiyan 1 i changes for contract i iii the beb by s amr tboy wiplki left oyer urf vri is prepared to lpj4t on storm doors win dows weatlier strips etc on ihorf notice wfnter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices j we have one of flturyscelehrated chep ping millsiind will chop all kinds of rain on tuesdays thnisdays and saturdays t aramshawj min4gers u iii jny i icrfh s uk m m tmm swtlgtelgbureao aartrjaimurbei trjh lowsyl w gradnjitofl ber6fcouefe4fb office ind nesuleo fjrdenist street s e ifprinitylxiibvi vitye4iwhoou i ofphy4iciah8iihdp offic t iii bennett im jlt dentwtl ii new sy item of nia monly called jyitaiy teethjsithbntpaini strator and jpracti v collegi pf dttntalfi rods eh jrdieuindup ininy opertj6n acton eydry othe mohth 5i iyitiiii fofun dfficefotr jb1 toveilfsblpikj i fogeett tosjliiww ctarioiy vteofiary sti irikjajbuybri deiioejii rear wundness ind aliisst ed tb terinsji liiieajiimcl bimsterk aucsvic omck wm ai mcleis emtci jseiiqitob i oircitufirstal pfficei liiih streetf at g percent sblllton fii ba torooto i sad6 s alnilaoldlj bib lihitoiistreefeej aly toronto ns bais q izxiamludli pg latijnt japs sdemre ov liisii now rent rti woibave rewntlypublib nea ia- new -vwd- kasay on tbeiaaieal ikna f cr is nervous debility mental and physic ncinac to imperlimentb of marriage etc isuifine- lm from excesses i smosj f jaaprlcett a sealed envelope bitly accent ortwo postage stamps t cen the celebratedauthor in this ads iir aile es- say eloarly -demonstrates- from tlriry ydart suceebsful jjractjes thatialarmins co aseoiwnvss may be radical fcnredwlthoiit the sss noliaalaeyuelnesetenasftsesp tain and effectual hv means of ihifk nffererno matjtex iflwmdm msis mayourehimsftlolieplyprivat8ly at ii suiis l rooture sbouldfbeln the can u ootct youth and everyknan in the land address- j tlie cuiverwf ii mfeficrll ij- post6iscebpili5b w ltcenl fdrthb gpufttie orders left at t ogat tnyjre promptly atti y r ilsomouey i aile terms 4nd teretinsatns w illicensfldli rhiltqhmdlwe jskiesmattihefl aifenticin s xohnj ilmdney ai ltnwir ori aminon qnlate4 in iranrl ctions tirouj frnaifni jehce ihvi ted inerpbo t im rittvvii ipaso r6i sfr5pre6 pfebfi5lhib paiiaine lnflwr yi h m tiii- 1 m

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