Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1886, p. 2

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kill- fs m l ll i 11 t l j i thcbsdat mobsjko jasuaut 28 1886 the bualnwa they lutmeet ii- i i- lk- the wardens election tlicrcportof tjio election of wwxton for tlic ooantyappears in another column wherein it ta ahovrtitbat mr baxter of burlpaktbn vas thccaudidatoeiecwd we must admit that we are disappointed at this result for we folly expect that acton and her worthy representative would this year be honored as they both deserved as we stated last week although acton has been incorporated thirteen yews and always supplied during that time a roan of honor and ability at the county council she has never had the plea sure of seeingher member occupy the chief chair burlington on the other hand in corporated in the same year as acton is i now in possession of the wardenaliip for the third time and every other munici- polity in the county has also had a similar mark of distinction this i considered an outrage on our municipality by tho citi zens it is titie very essence of unfairness andwocan hardly blame them if thoy feel disposedto advise their representative in cbnsequencertioleave his chair vacant at the county council board for the present year at last had acton persisted in send ing incompetent men to the couutul there mighthave been some excuse for the treat ment received but she has not- her re presentatives have been recognized as men occupying no second place either in the council or in the community the whole secret is that they have always happened to he more or less prominently idehtitied with tho conservative party in examining tho various ballots one would naturally come to the conclusion that there was considerable childs play about the elections but such was not the case the repeated ballots with the scat tcred voting was the result of a series of cun ning wire pulling and lobbying for political ends hy one of the political parties and also with a view by some members to en deavor ifjwssible to cover up their pro- mises voluntarily made thus is proved again that the exigencies of party politics compel men to dishonest actions and iu this case secured the election of a man whose personal claims did not deserve to be entertained and whe municipality could in no wise reasonably or honorably expect the office to be conferred on this occasion had mr storey not relied upon the promises of certain reform members who voluntarily offered to support him if he offered himself as a candidate he would never have entertained the idea of present- ing himself for election he looked upon these members as honest and sincere in their proffered support some of them failed to fulfil their promises and hist defeat was the inevitable result in justiceto mwsrs l lindsay and menzies it should bs stated that they supported actons candidate throughout we are considerably surprised that one of the members of our own township conn- csresidihg in proximity to acton and whose interests are identical with our own 1 should withhold his support from our representative principally on political grounds of course he violated no pro mises by his action but we reasonably looked for acton to receive his con sideration and wilug supportl well mr storey has failed to receive 1 j the wardeasbip but after all he is better off from many points of view he has lost the tionor but- will be saved much troublo inconvenience and loss of time which in the management of his extensive and continually increasing business are important considerations and while he will not occupy the desired office he has the satisfaction of knowing that he- was the popular choice of the council local board 0 iu addition to tho buiiuesa tjeporteoj in last issue of tho fbek press the ocuucil transacted the following last wednisday evonrag 20th iust the bylaw appointing auditors waji road a third time and passed the following resolution appoiuting a now board of health was introduced acd whereas by an act passed by the lifgisla ture of ontario entitled the public itealth actot ld81it is enacted that there she 11 be a local board of health in each munioij ality it is moved by joseph fyfofand seconded by johu cameron and resolved thut the local board of health for tjio villi e of acton for the current year shall consist of tho reeve and clerk as exofncio members and hp moore joseph a speight and robert royce as ratepayers and th it the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution carried a bylaw appointing pi i h lowry medical health officer and thos jiaston sanitary inspector was then passed upon motion the council adjourned to meet on tuesday evening 2nd february av 830 pm the wardenship sir storey the evident choice of the mem bers of the county counoil but not the successful candidate mr baxter elected tho county council met in the court house milton on tuesday at 245 r m alter subscribing to the necessary do clarations the following member i took their seats w h- storey acton r mcleod jteorgo milton ijt- fotan baxter burlington w town j- h mccollom oakville n lindsay john warren and r graham esquesing james menzies and d wheeiihannassagaweya hroiinsonj dr buck and j husband trafalgar e dalton and p d scott nelson the county clerk taok the chair and asked the members to elect their warden moved by henry robinson secon led by dr buck that the election of a wa rden be by- ballot the ballot to be continued until a clear majority be obtained by a cat didate carried i the election then proceeded wth the following result hktt notes and oommente iih the dolnipipn pturhojmfiut y be ot together on iebruavyi 35tr at the btikobauquetiri loudon aoqr of weeks ago no iutoxioating liquors o description were aliowed the british governmedt uuder salisbury was defeated in tho housi comnioiib oin tuesday by a vote of os 260j si tmwm candidates w the sgott act it is rumored that the ontario govern ment is contemplating the establishment of a bureau whose functions it shall be to aasist in enforcing the law in those coun ties- which have adopted the scott act and thattbe charge of that bureau will be placed in the hands of a gentlemen in whom the friends of that act will have confidence there- is probability also that officers will be appointed to en force thelaw in each scott act county or group of counties for scott act purposes who wiirtiot be amenable to local iuflu- enbes upon these officers will be thrown the responsibility of detecting and punish ing offenders against the law if these rumors are true and they appear tb have excellent foundation each a step will meet with popular approval because however much public opinion may be divided as to the wisdom of adopting the cott act these can be no division of opinion a to the fact that ffie public interests demand its enforcement when ouce adopted the obstaclesthrown into tho way of the friends of the scott act by the dominion govern ment liave made the former despair of ob- taiuing courteous treatment much less justice in that quarter and now they urge mr mowat tovedeemthe pledges he made twelve months ago when tie saidthat if the dominion government failed to do that which was right in the matter the outario government would consider the subject itisnot improbable that the onrio government will introduce important legw- lktion at the comingsession both respecting jthe crooks act and the scott actotaua fife prtst bt under date of january ltilh an ottawi despatch says that np to the present time the militia department have authorized tbi payment of a fraction over hcoo0nq on expanses of the llorth- west rebellion l f hav5 our fanner friends nothing to say in reference to the cheese factory project ourpotamns are open to them for correjj- rjonfericof reasonable length in the shapo information iggestionsor advice ontlje soijject f sesevih4 txfth movr i t 1st ballot 2ud a o 3 4 1 0 1 si os a- 0d oi 2 w 5j 0 2 1 61 0 1 o 2 0 2 0 1 1 0 15 o oils oi 015 o b oi oils ij p pi 0 0 015 n 101 2 0 0 1 1 0 115 0 0 l ul5 o i is oj 0 15 0 b 0 015 0 oj 0 oiw 3 oi o i fills 0 0 0 iul 0 015 tho folk wing parties have been ilnod 50 each foi violation of tho scott act by f monro polioe magistrate ornngeyillo h hulse jjab duffy oraugbville albert wallace amaranth geo 8 waine luther john witter and jas e booth orjinge- ville this makes 15 conviotiona by the p m since his appointment every year ovefy lucal paper rivos from slooto 5000 in freo lines for the solo benefit of the vicinity in which it is lo cated noiothercanor will do this the local editor in proportion to his means does more for his town than any other ten men and in all fairness man with inaii ho ought to bo supported not because yon happen to liko him or admire his writiugs but because a local paper is the best invest ment a community can make it may not be brilliant or crowded with great thoughts but financially ft is moro of a benefit to a community than the preacher or teacher today the editors of local papers do tho most workifor the least mouey of any men on earth subscribe for your local paper not as a charity but as an investment judge davis nptes prom florfija to the editor ot tho fbee pic ess demi sir when in enilaud somo time ago the fute press was a ivelcomo weekly visitor and it is not less h in tho wilds of florida this porjtioii of the state is quite uewi having beeh lately opened j up by railways in various directions this county polk abounds with small lakes which aro highly prized for varimisj rcpsons they run iu sires from lakelots of one acre to several miles in extent oranges lenions pine appieh aiid banau3 thrive well the oranges are nioer mid tweeter than any i ever tasted at home as to the olimate i am writing at 10 pm in my shirt sleeves there is absolutely ho fire except the lamp in tho house tho walls of which are simply inch boards battened with laths and uuplastered outside is as warm as inside isend a pamphlet which gives a fair account of the climate generally- and polk county in particular i congratulate the citizeua of c ton upon the issue of the late municipal elections and reiterate your wish thut the model village of ontario may be apeeeable and united fown and i would add and prosper more aridmorej i am yours truly i j wm finstbiiook hilj top aubnrndale polk co jfla january 15th 188g llpely pebsq1al r paragraphires wotlng people with v thorn qttr roade a ore individually r v oolloot ively acquainted miss anuie b wmer lato of trenton is visiting acton f iends mrs wm iborn of guelph visited aotou f ninds la t week mrs thos mmackou of hihgate is tho guest of councillor fyfe aud family misses annie and neluo grieves george town are visiting acton friends this week mr james h inderson of milton spent a couple of days i his week with his brother mr d hender ion banker rev r phill pshas been confined to his room through a i affeotion of his left limb tho result of a 1 icavy cold ho is however recovering n we aro pleas nl to be uble to say that mr c c speight it almobt convalescent ho bpent several d iys during tho week with markhiim frien is mr donald mann an old- acton boy for tho past six or seven years an important contractor ou tho cauadupaoifio railway is visiting actoi i fricuds donald is today tliroiigh hib per joveranco ability and foro- 1 sight a rich muih mid tho fee phehs has uualloyed pleat ura iu extending its con gratulations imm iwstqck freatest bargains ever offered in cuelph oulo and ailver atches oslilota lookots gem rings ofcains charms earrloffa soarf fins sar fins great reduction in qfocks and plated ware it wilhie sen that although mri baxter was elected mr storey in twelve i out of fifteen ballots received a higher number of- votes than any btlw candidate mr baxter thinked the conhcil for electing him to a position be didnt expect to occupy he wobld do hi6 best to fulfil d fjpnj citizens and the conier the duties of the office satisfactorily al vative associatioii were rad though he would have toiearp of tiat lm- w i duties consisted wheelihan scott4 r i sir johix returns sir john macdonald anyed at ottawa last woekjfrom ins trip to england he was met bysome of his political friendb sud driven to the city hall wiere ad at the- watch and clock house j ofcuelph wm s smith theoradle mcgoibe at tilsonburg on january 29th the wife ot mr w ilcgnire editor of the liberal ce a sop flusas in guelph ou jaulutry 20th the wife of mr i kunan of u son hill in eequ sing ou tho 25th inst the wifo of mr j imob hill of a son aiimbiitonu in esquesing on the 23rd inst the wife of mr john armstrong of a son 1kb altar bates rixox at the resjdeuco of tho brides father iu billings montana on the 25th ult miss rebecca rixon to leslie bates esq sou of brigadier- general bates una brotherof lieutenant bates of her majestys service huiuridqebakeiiattho residence of the y rcllm lcuicurs- bi vapor of which brido s pareuljs m burne on the 14th j pticnl inhales nil night loiig whilst look hunefeftsonii mcrab cos nnoincenient next week tie pillow inhaler 1anettgkntlj hair pillow charged ult miss fapuie baucr to dr hairf- bridgc above ladieb aro nieco aud cousin pi mrs s a sesord t ub ave cclloues at 21 north west st iudian- apolis indihi a us ou january 21st l pearson c ilioden ksq aged c3 years deceascd us brother of mrs s a secord of thi s place collte at bel nout on 14th january mr wm collie iuthorpf mrs f h storey aged 01 years new aiivortissmoate texlbk waxiep fuli tho const uctlon of a framo liiilldiug ilaus and tiicitichliour enu bo seen by m- pliuationat tlieianuery beutdjiore co acton- january 25th 18t vl kk imsikiu ks iiaiic f apply at lip actoti jannory opfiale mnjupro ijiijl bah for plasterers abniiery i beajdjigiie co 5th lb80 3ni fa hi foit svlk if you have a fa hy auction pness 1 olhl sense tktatlikvt i of catarrh and consumption if air charged with diseasecreating loments foul air will kill wheu breathed oitiniiounly iiir charuel with remedial jemouts will cure wheu hrenthedcontinu- iuly i id for sale or warn to sell out ijilvertise in the acton fiuji wamkd plain ap fancy riuntino done with nektnen atjd t lbintino hovbt keeping us usual ll atnnot ijet out bf order aud is perfectly safe to the most ibliuale it will last for years and serve sy nunilicr uf ptisoiis in a fnmily in sue- ission it balteraikiwn the strnnhnld of catarrh bronefcltib asthma and consamptioa hid makes r permanent cure by a contiim- n application of healing ud curative air lirectly to the digeased pirts surterers from any of the ulmveuieiil ciiied diseases ire urgently requenteil to send ns lhiir ad iress mid a 50page pamphlet will be jiaileil to them free which will give a mpletc histiivv of tills yoiiilcrflil discov ry and llio iirincivles upon which it works ngother with u longliaf of tesllnionials f riini those vh have used it and who now fpjmpo in perfect health do not delay fur tho longer a disease is nllluweil to run unchecked the slower and i nrdcr it is to effect a cure tlieio is ho medicine tken into the ntom- tch no douching or snuffing nor anything lilisatreealile about this treatment it hssever been npwpto feu end your name and address plainly written to to pillov inhaler afrenoy- lokdox ont a dpspacb nt the fllei piiess messrs storey ribinsou i lindsay mcleod and menzies were dppcinted a special committee to strike the standing committees after fifteen minutes recess the coparhittee reported as follows fikasc e mcleod robinson and lindsay rjuds bbioges- balton wljeellhan graharu and warren cocsty i hpbin- sou felan menzies an 1 buck ic prdjtikg buck wheelihan mcollum storey and grahain edccatios storey warren baxter mcleod and husband the committee appo inted by the halton farmers institute tihen addressed the council apd asked fcr tho grant of 25 recommended by the local government upon motion the grant was made the auditors for the current year were appointed j a lengthy discussion took place uponthe c v e debenture funtlpart of whichiiad been expended by the treasurer enforcing the scott acjt it is quite plaiu tbatj if mr mow at does not attempt the enforcement of tlio scott act in ontario nobody eke will t lie tories have nolonger anything to hope b it much to fear from the manipulation of thelitroor traffic aud will wash heir hands of the whole business under cover of the decision in re themccarthy act what iiiiy come to pass fn other provinces wlero the premiers niay not be men of thomowat mold we cannot pretend to say but we conceive that free whisky will flow many of their counties for ome time at all eveiits it is the duty of ontario to enforce thrhaw within her owjj boundaries or else to substituteherefor some more equitable and workable pice of legislatioi toronto world i british pliamel of the british parliament was farmally opened by the queen it person last thurs day the queens speech coveied the usual ground of such documents c oncern- ing ireland she expressed sorrow over the renewed attempt to excite the irish against the onion and said althqugh ti lere bis been marked increase in crim e legal praeesflesin many placb have been resist- ed and organized intijnidatiion cotimies my irish subjects must be protected in theic legal rights andjhdividual lit erty by every eff or if tie i existing law be inade equate to cope with growing eyilslh ok with oonndence to yoqr willigness to in rest the government with all necessary pow srs twobtiuio logishitiire willpej jtody mmksm the premier iu his speech said his health had been ureatly improved by the voyage and spoke of the interest that british 6talesmb were taking in canadian affairs tie greater portion of his speech was devoted to a eulogy of the canadian pacific railway which he said was a work of the highest imperial iinpoitance he said everybodyunited in btating thut it placed england in a much stronger position than she iad been for many years before they all felt aiid recent experieticeliad in fact shown that tho route by tlic suez canal to indhi and australia was uu uucriuiu one that rncase of war with any eurouean nation itinigh easily be blpckod and that mode of communication with englands distant colonies and dependencies miglit be obstructed now that the route was com paratively of litkle importance much less importance than it was before the comple tion of the cftjiadian pucific railway they recognieethe fact that england has an unassailable means of communicating with till her distant dependencies and means of sending troops and munitions of war to india australia china or japan or iu fact wherever alio desires to direct her military ornaval forces over a route en tirely in british territory all this fflw a tendency to increase the appreciation in the british mind of the great value of the dominion to the empire asa whole england is proud bf canada and believes now that it is a source of strength instead of weaknebb after- re turning thanks for the sentiments contain edjiu the different addresses- sir john drove to his residence rockwood n8wt from our own oorrifhwjiil mr soper won the race on the rink here last week wmi torrance assistant miller in hay- wards wills had his wrist broken the other dayj and will iiyt wablc to work for sometime l a daughter of joseph crfpps died after an illnessoi twelve days of inflammation of the lungs r st andrews churcji cjipir give an organ reoital this week in the presbyterian pilbrch here rr- the good sleighing is rrijichl prized by teamsters li i i auction safes faidayj 5th fe by sale of farm stoclf and implements tho property of w j rouse eden mills sale st 12 oolock wm hembtreet auctioneer s tuesdav flth 1 ehy sale of farm farm btopk an4 it lplements the property of ejdw cbie at 6 con 6 eramosa sale at 12 oclock wm hemsfrget auc tioneer wsnsesnati 10 feby sale of farm stock and irnplementi by joseph ga van on lot liupnl5ei amosa saleat 12oolook wm herhet eet anotjpneer u ik s ruiveu stbakdlroni acton ou of c black lig- 6 promit mt the v the promises of tho subscriber bout tin- 1st november two any jiersou giviug such information will feud to tljieir recovery wul le suitably rewardcd it uoijlman ituteher acuo jnji yjhj omoxs roil sale r r uudeisiyniu lias a liiife iiuamilvof liwt elass cookiiw puiourfor bale cheap- iarties elass cooking suppliwl with an twenty bushels m aviso disposi noil shoe n quautiti from a rjimrt to llknjty jkxnek cli st roitiuwith iil of both my livery uml h6t iisiuesnofi i take thistplftn of uotifyiugall puttics indebted to mo thut they uinst call at will aim hliue shop jlill st ami thtir liscotuits t ouce otherwise costs settle will b adde itl lauiiavyo imhsk i uie inidersifiueil taiqs nilc rooms b well adapted for a good stable on the h irto ii n mfcahrny lot fob sale- offers for sale bis house aud t jot on main street it is a larfce house coi leo kifobpu and woodbhed is eneineni or boarding house prcmiseu liberatternis apply to d w campilelii iiitiioics ai wkitiilts mateuk 01 r haviuy their cised rviscl or othe15wi8e desiroui of literary productions criti- disposed of ou the most adyoiitageoua terpi should address for fall information tiibuno bureaa el literature 2ni broadway new york take notice phat plbsuantr to lujvlkeu statutes i off ontario chap 107 fioc aj nil persons harinr claims ognitjst tbo cbtato of mary ityncb lato of the township bf esquesing in tho county of haiton widoiv decease t aro hereby notified ou or before the 10th day of february 1hhg to soud iu their respective claims against the sair estate postpaid to tho undersigned orto david ryder admiuistratior of mary kyder gnelnh po ontario atthe expiration of which period the said administrator will proceed to distribute tbe assets qf said estate amongst tho parties on- titled thereto haviiis rogaril only to tbe claiuiso which said administrator hab qiuil uqtice 1 a jiowat i uorristor acton po uatftlitt aetuu january 10th 1680 7 business change thos cmoore would inform tho public generally that hn has now full jontiol of tbe acton cooper- age heretofore condjieted by moore fc lambert anrtis prepared to ill all orders jii the cooper hne cistom butter and wanh- tubs and nlj flch 5f ork a spocialty only nrstclass workmon aud rriterjql employed f 89s- 9 mp hajve tou a horso to sell a farm to sell or kent a jjonsp p soil or rent a buggy wagon qr machine to self a sewing macbi ne wgrn or piano ts sell myov want lo buy a lprse j wanttobuyajfailm want to buy a house want to buy a piaho or organ want to buy or sell anything or trade advertise iu the fbeeipbesb and ybulh unci sowebflijj who wants to see yon on the business rtry a -50-cnnli- advertisement and youll fifl it a pai igaffair all the farmers and other9 having crippled horso will do well to call on geo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without iiuuriim the horse satisfaction guaranteed or no charge geo stoddard creechs old stand j acton ttlepliime ounicliuii floral view greenhouses georgetown ont the newest and choicest phmtfl and cut flowers wholesale uud ketail funeral and w eddinsr designs prepared on short notice and shipped siifcly any weather mm -and- look f6f hbnlejrson mcral gos announcement nextwee thi sincer sewing macmrlo the 1iekica eximisition opens at now orieans nov lihulwfi aud con- tjnuea until april 1st 1s8g teo- illinois centr w u r the great bnort line between the north and 8outb will place on bale roundtrip tickots at very low rate winter touri6ts to florida tesuis mexico and ilifornia can pmchasbtcbtb vn new orleau8 th stopkiver privileges to visit the exposition aslowrateaaa by any other route for fall a h halison geul pass att cuicvgo sxposltic thosi dokwin gonl nortlipass act 121 randolph st clucago montiilx auction sale 1 flhk uiidorsjriiodliaaa large list of jjoods which i will bo bold at agnewij h0tbl acton saturday 13th feb 1 886 at 10 a m any parties having goods to diapohot of cauput tliein ju this salo by loaviur particu lars at tho po acton on or before fobruary 1st isfco acton doc stb 1885 ja murray auctioneer anytbihg 1 m fu mutual fire insurance company oftbe-p- 1 estibllshjd 1840 headofpioe i quetph insures buildiuga mbrohaudize mauu- facboriea and all other descriptious ot property on the prerniurij note sjbtem i immon tresjdent 1 seretary john 1tomfltifc bugh john agent hab secured portion of the post office store whrewill he found a full stock of the geo ii chines any ore e receive prompt a tention uiiie singer sewing ma chines any orders left at tho store will ifc j r 33s ilakiry i vvlailgeojjhi tbe best stock q books blank i pidseetlwia thing requifed i the leading storj testaments en cljes 25c to sells cheap gi m m i ii the fa swioabije end si 1 cjelph oo ti bennett acton we have tli at out- shie truile surpasses ihutil chojctr we havbevei 1 mu enstqtuei bu ojls keedles aui 1 parts dfj maohiiies always ke it iu staffer john bennett watch repair inc j farticiuiar at tentjon repairing o and oleaning of fine watches and clocks at the picl jijatablibhed iouse paid to the imssmsiim5 iisffi ifis nksisisi silks sat n s and uccesdfulfy compete- it of variety real aud dowiirifrht dress coods this dejpkiijnent is a lar with us aiid in the largest ladies m ing id visit aijd look thruwh cdtxipa4 fashionable mmmm m go -00- stating ensure hi itor the eehsons i 1 extensive jvarie- eleetion anytluiig rriierlv laid before ham co this deiirlment houe here can s with us iu poi sterling vali cheapness the habit of not aware of offer in this i actios who are h itying elsewhere are tie iiiducemeiit8we partnient to pmv chasers inibction iuvitekv bypham c6 e one s pi0s3lug ft choice of rejijl llj desirable gt ods to select from- seldom niet with even jities io well befoie buy- cjiullstablishnient- priee8 q ti4rj end ghp bes t- crum5s provided bjf no lack of s wholl be 1 halfthep nest sfond febroarj the wheat advancing good dry ha article in toft jj oakville streets and sidev miltons 1 the collector 40 1 mr matthej township was eld ton county on tul the annual halton batt held at miltou ou 3ie83r3 moorl cooperate have moore will ajniin thekxrialinl bath school la in of mrs b little j i- wau intere ilessrsi mckay j streets harniltol issue au oyster sol heldlu tiie the toj ing 9th februaij albans church mr hej enuinerator is town that ik years you know this is midj where aununer si from frozen lau in whirling bas in saturdayl the appearance ofj long and flat and a guelph girls ua oakville me services were held j7dilxdl6hinb two4aysheeu the warrants annual municipjil j eccions have at township ireas i spector i 1 in the five rink between speight acton tuesday night mi and speiglitecoi rthe emma evening a jour n town hall they faculty of pleasin time chalice of theaunua bible jsociety will iiextjalondiiy eve tlehverej by rev j mini messrsj betoi jug a fourstorey iron to their air inf the present ye tion of this build mrgajai gold ihedalst in er8itjvauuipuoii journal has been late ur r b hi wtry iu the- ontii guelph j wj are in r samples of post khkhjrseiit ioroi lacy editor oft tneyi were esecut laoji ui waiyucn credit upou ins grapjilbal skill chief 0 pe heinslreet had a tjueijt resiueut ed to liirqehouse beiag assisted by i frieids the office r before they buc prisjoher at all we darjies fvvehavere ay of iie seu leu raouthly mu two years ago priie by cuiiadiij canadian manuf erd aud is larefj tedehfirs and pariihts and eugral 4a gutlpiiyol wkjjd ori snudaj water aud was t thje jvillae tougjis hejre 1st dont t aei drunk ikvvood had ou what a rich item tap kntiscott paj wmna a bt smdio showed ui r in the shape i mounted on black frame of beautifl the plate was al neatly and artistil wa a credit tof douit be prized hi tie ol i rf the dissolatil mam mo a ha ains in mil oir chties dross vjoollenoods money ofifr fe

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