Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1886, p. 1

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w jtcton jttjpwss- ix pbbushj-lv- every thursday morning at the fftas tos33 powfer printing house xctox v ontario subscription rate8 0v year 5luo six mosth8l thrkb jtqkthb s3 cts luvarubly iu alvauce it uot paid in advance ftfimr year will bu charged no paper discou- tiuatm till all arrears are paid except nt the bptfoji ol the publisher 50 ctb advertising rates- oue coluniu half ciiuuiu qaarter tjoiuiuu oue luott 1 1 vb i 6 mo a ao 1 1 mo s7tt uo- 2j0 li 0000 1 3500 3500 j0uo iioo ktt hm 700 g00 83i j00 casual advertisements b contis per hue for the first iuscttion ami 2 cents per lluo or each sub sequent inaertion cash the number- of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directious will be inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly transitory alvortisemeuts must 1m paid in advance changes for contract advertisements intirttbe hi the office by am on mondays otherwiso ihev willtie left over until the following week h v moork kditor uuil proprietor thishaeefi i fc cs newspaper a- ttlsng bureau to spntee st o u anttcl3imybeiaaeforlt 1 miv itikh acton banking cf storey christie ft co bankejw acton a atsfe v- ontario oejsnuial banking buswess transacted m0nb7 loaded os abotfcfi notes notes discounter and interest ailowedjm deposits- j e m special acency aotoa sell elephor company messages roceived and lower rates than oat transmitted nt felegraphiug business directory w j h lowry m b m c p s luadnsit of trinity olleue mem ber of culled of physicians and surgeons office ami residence at the head of frederick street acton j f e stacey m j gm graduate of j trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office- mill street late dr websters office l bexnett l ps dentist georgetown ontario l r ac mckinlay l t s hrgeou dentist georgetown ont iises the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been pemon- strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental snrgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in anyroperatiops performed will visit acton tevery other wednesday of each mouth officeaguews hotel v ainless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless deutal operations atthe oiitce of c bhayes lp s tovells rilock gelpli out f upper wyndham stri allan line steamships 1 m tickets issued to aty points ol freat britain and the coutinent at very lowest rates buy the tickets i here if souding for friends i canadian pagif1c r r the cheapest and best route to all points east and west see tiinc tables scoaey saved by coaling with i j e mcgarvin acton dntjarlo wellington marble works a quebec st guejji h i i john h hamilton proprietor formerly mcquillan hamilton cheap aho godll sletghs f btmott m mi at- weumadewolliiajiited sled 65o tot 40c extra large three bench tyanduomc 81tlo j lor 85c tlie 8175 clipper for i20 tho 8150 clipper for uoo the 8100 clipper for goi baby sled fine box laudlob carpeted 81s0 for 81 baby sled large rooniy i ix carpet handlos 83 for 82 the best value the best assortment call and examine for yourselves at daysboujkstobe i cuelfh day sells cheai3 exoelsiob- bakery v john lawson graduate ofon- tario veterinary college toronto veterinaxy surgeon acton ontj ofticev in kenny bros boofcand shoe sjore resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given allcalls niglit or day promptly attend ed to terms easy i- m clean it mcmiiias i barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers cj sprivate funds to loau office town hall acton wm a mcleax hroh mcmiilvx tkt emitchell soliciiou contetanxer c office first door west of the chcitupion office main street milton money to loan at 6 percent ilton allan baird barristers solicitors c tobosto jffd geoboetows j gh offices creelmans block georgetown aad 8g king street east- toronto j vri allan j shiliox bj sjjbjjiitd da dealer in marble granite and dverytbiug pertaining to cemetery work received first prizeb at provinciall ex hibition guelph the western fair laud all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship- your orders are solicited lumber shingles and lath r phe undersigned desires to inform the public 1 that he has now on hand and will keep in 6tock a full line pf pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles lath coal k wood i h t- having purcbjised the coal business of mrc s smith i am prepared tosupply all kinds of stove coal i have also a coou stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and millwood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered j james brown planing mill having purebred from mn d man the above bakery i hope lo give satisfaction to the numerous customejts wlio patronize it thanking them for psst favors 1 will enneavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trus and all ox end iuse nctbihj but the and keep- 1 in stock fresh brhad buns alsostearr cakes of a 1 new york te i soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to ordt r it shortest wedding gakes tvaix laidlaw co 1 bxkb131ee sollcltops offices over imperial banjk 24 wel lington st- eet east entrance exchange auey toronto johk baix q c j c a marten wiiiluj laidaw geobge kaepeix patents secured j forinventions henry gristoiiawa p4ua 20 years practice no patenp so pay having made arrangements with messrs w h storey son for the contiuuauceof the planing millin thje build ing formerly ocenpied by the acton plow company we would inform the public that we are prepared to take contracts for building also s drbssnto- pw0rit5 sshstiita- siotxldia c j with neatness and dispatch j w m hemstret i m llcekselriauptioseeit for the counties of wellington na halton orders left at the fbee pbess officp acton p j j c 0 a specialist to in acton will be terms reasonable v t qr at my residnce promptly attended to- mostrv iq loan i also money to loan oh- the moat favor- able terms and at lee loweji rjatejs of in terest in sums of 500 and uphfards r e knowles j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties of halton and wellington orders jeft with james matthews acton will rdcelve strict attention xenns reasonable john day architect gcei fh office queeus hotel blojik mauket square pumps pumps in connection witb the above we are also prepared to receive orders for pumps from long experience hi the business we feel con fident that we can supply an article second to none orders by mailwill receive prompt attentlm kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yours tiios ebbage manaser -gcelph- bu si ness college i guelph ontario biscuits and confecti jrery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snip i boston mixed cakes wholesale flour 3uttor and 3ggs taien ia ezowii for 3reai a markst prices mrs t s tatham act liverysa acton her so muuh with him rboiit tnuiisa mobnino iebncaey 4 1880 ou story the l hat they will one to us ihejr patronage best roller flour sc everyday bread kinds biscuits aspeci i notico alty 3n e john street acton wime smith proprietor the second scholastic year pommenced september 1st each de j a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere and woik of the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominion energetic yonng men and women aire thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorthand writers correspondents or telegraph operators students ireoeived at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address j m maccormigk 14-0m- principal mr smith has purchased the phe no i wonit forgive our parson not down to myf dyin day 1 hod ortep waited a miuuit thats what ill allers say j but to christen my boy my baby with such au onl namoa j why whjrob the use o tatkin ljtell yon e ioa to blame yoii see it happened in this way there wasltather mi uncle si au mother an each one wantin a finger in the pip each with aname for batyas of i hadnt feovoiooi but tliem ire tlioy talked an argied tlia moro i stuck to my choice seraa ithy this was father youd bes take pattern by mother for the immed thirteen children thout any fussor bother as 6ck i as tihe ditiltivered that family mi lies was too few why i he jebt fell back on the bbleas pe fessers air bound to do semi nthy this was rouleii most any oik else could sea that ein as im ins futher hed orter be no nied for ma you f ay my names oldfashioned well im oldfakhiouetl too yet twarnt so long ago unther that bcth of us suited yu then here was uncle silas semantliy i ell ye what jest n i me him silas ill give him that hundredacre lot ill mi ke out the deed tombrrer an then wien ive gone to my rest there ii be a trifle o money to help him feather his nest but hq worst of all was tnohier she si iys so meek an mild id ove to call him jotham after ni 0 dest clpld he died on his second birthday o hers are jrownup men but jotham is still my baby he has nesler g own since then hbhairwas soboft an curlin eyes blue a blue could be an t lis boy of yours somanthy jc3t brings liim back to me well it warutnb easy matter to keep on s iyin nn an disappmtin every one poor rube he fettedso m whoi i told him the name id choseu t lat he fairly made roe cry for i d planned to name the darling au- g lstus percival guy ah i hat was a name worth heariu so i istocratic an yrand he in ight a held up his hoad then with t le proudest in the land j but how well tisnt no wonder wheif i look at jtlie blessed child an t iiiuk of the name hes come4rthat t tint be reconciled at las 1 1 coaxed up reuben an a sabbath uiornincame whei i took my boy to meetin to git his c hristjan name jest is proud as a peacock i stood awaitiii tiere i couldnt hardly listen to the readin nor the prayer for o half a dozen babies mine wsb the fi nest of all an they had such common names too e ut pridomust have a fall wh itwill ye call him says parson 1 rown bendin his head to hear then i handed a bit of paper up with the n imes writ fnl an clear but uncle si stead of passiu it just read it over slow with such a wondrin puzzled face as i h didnt know the c lild was beginnin to fidget an rubq was gettin red sol i mder scowled at uncle si and ther i shook my head i the name says parson brown again im feared i havent caught it jet- luiihnphal says unolebi out b ifore he thought it the p irson hes nearsighted he couldd u iderstand tboui h i pinted to the paper in unci the than whoso poems gi de ight she would tali hem and tell him howi rauoh she liked hera she learned several verses from them intending if theopporitauity occurred patty to recite them in the purse of their conversation that would j sure to please him because it would prve how familiar sue was with what he had written the kcture was to be given in the church it was filled at an early hour with as flue an audience as ever came together in fern- dale j margarets father was one of the wealthy men of the place atiijhis daughter wva rather proud of the fact and inclined to be rather exclusive- in her notions itwasnot at all atrangothen that on the evening of the lecture she took possession of the family pew and gave her friends to understand by br manlier that she preferred to occupy it alone as none of them felt any desirt to sit where they felt theyjvere not welcome she was left undisturbed and sat there looking and feeling very touch i suppose like a queen intate among commoners there was a rustle of pwsed excitement iti the audience when the president of tho soiety came in with the distinguished man and introduced him to them mararot was delighted to find thathe was fully up to her ideal there was some thiugiuspiriugaud uplifting in his presence his face was a sureindicationof hisgeniu- sbe decided if she hadanethim anywhere she ould have known he wjs no common man i the room was very still when lie begain to speak his opening seutences caught and j held the attention of those who had cijinc livery busiuess of mr b mccarthyi which he has removed to his commodious istables on john street iu the centre of the bueihess portion of the town mr smith las had lengthy experience in this jwsiness and feels confident that he can giv satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring- a jmmftcilj iiea- 8um or company bg can be supplied with a first-class- turnou on the shortest notice an befor i fel i 3t john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan oh farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned forparties in ilortgage and otlier security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done cpajges low farms and city property for sale list withfarms for sole senfeto all tarts of the dominiontointendingpurcbasersl and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will bf- sent di rections through our j european lgencies farms wanted for our lists c irrespon vba ffiv mh hbbc jpj hli- ossh htui vnnll htfk hek ih h j 1g99bi bi- bppv 5hh ppbl aljiib jsam mtmbim bii deace invited guelph out office near th anlan barrer shojp jehworden ew opoued a barker shop in th building nearly opposite stdreya old gl ove factory uiill street acton aud solicits th patrou- juae ofthe pablie in rthis vioii iitj every 3epart0ient of the business wi 1 b conduct d in firt class style give u i a alh ii yutrj p wpbdbn ft- ni pbst pffice mutual fire insurance compahy i of the oointt 07 walllltatolt established 1810 head office guelph horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm b smith guplph i oloth insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on ithepremibrb note system cnas- davidsott secretary john taylioraffent ft stone president tjlrancis ntjnan successor to t f clapmn booebindeb st georges square gfleh account books bf all kindb made perioilitiala of evervi description boand bnling ueatly and promi tlydone mm ontario to order 3arefnlly mcraes udekatiothrng mens shirts md drawers all si es boys ishirts g nd drawers all sizes childrens com air si eos shaw irumdy mrvhanf tall or oulph las hand at word did the business got my breath wy was named jehoshaphat mostlike death i con dnt keep from cryin as i hurriet di wn the aisle an i fairly hated widder green wbehlse h r kinder smile ill never never call him by that name an hi iver will an i an7 forgive old parson brown thouglj i bear him no illwill s rut ll r that a cant find her an where was very anxious to form his acquaiul she has tslkod ol nothing ilse since i settled he was to come her she has gone home someone toll and then ruth wondered more th but after she car le to tkinp it brer si not wonder so mi ch oh why didnt you stay and gejt ac quainted with him she iskedittarj the first time the met lipw much you mjissed wfe all likedi so much i i changed my mindj garet in atone tliat gave ituth to stand that she di 1 not c4rt to talk ab at cliristmas ime sqm thing cult ruth that margu et would have prizl vorih its weight in gold- if it couidlonly have been her ow i it was a fine elition of the poets wcrks with rith ardpers iuime witteu in it and underneath these words in remembrahco of yiur kindneis to i my mother bis guns poetry why margaret didnt get acquainted hall i binatioh sets ii by esek e itexfoild i the you n peoples literary society 6 ferndile was iu a condition of the mos please rable excitement it had succeeffe in ma cingi an engagement with one of th most i ifstiuguished american poets of th l them as rapidly as ho could day tc deliver a lecture at the anniversar of its irganization all the young people and tl e older ones as well who were intei estedin literature promised themselves a i evenir g of greatintellectual enjoyment ani 1 those vho took but little interest in suci matte s were sure that the occasion woulu be a fi is one at which to see and be seek it se i appened therefore that everybod f was unking forwdrd tdthe night of the le ture with anticipations of no ordinary kini margaret sterne was especially please 1 and snterested she had long been a mo t earries t admirer of the poet everythiii g he wn te she was sure to read at the fir opport unity she was familiar with tie best poetry of europe and america b t nothing else afforded her so much pleasu e as this mans poetry did he was hie rid t of the world to her shu had long- felt an intense desire o meet i iin she wanted to see how he loo ed to tear bim speak and compare t e real n an with the ideal poet she alwa s bod in mind when she thought of hii i the pi sasantest part of the evenings plot i- ure was to come in an informal rgceptic i whioh was to be tendered bim by themei 1- bers of tbeepoiety ftfter the leoture at t mt thewould forittbisaoquaintan tit link pat 1 sb would vt 1w mm ijsfsisi to hear whit he had to ly and those who had come to see and be s sen listened out of respect to the man and t le occasion presently the docjr opened and an old woman came in undiscoi ered by the ushers who had taken it for ranted- that jheir services would no longer be required she looked about her rather ierypusly and see ing no vacant seat near by except in the seat where margaret sat bhe went to it and would have entered it h id not that young lady given her a haughty repellant look which made her draw lack in a kind of frightened way it ssid as ph inly a words i dout wantjycu here 1 his isno place for ypu ruth archer sitting in her fath irs pew a little to one side and in front of the one margaret occupied happened to observe this little scene and prompted bj an im- pulse of naturajl politer ess the nly real and true politeness she got up and came noiselessly to the old lady who was ktanding ing in the aisle looking about her in a kind of bewildered way as if not knowing what to do and putting her hand on the strangers arm she led her to a beat in her bwnipow thank you the olli lady whispered giving her apleased and grateful look then she turned hr attention tojthe man upon the platform and seemed tofbe con scious of no one else all jhrough the lecture she istened as if she feared to lose a word of it often her face kindled into enthus iasm iit some noble thought and the eyes behind the plain old spectacles would shine ab if with pride ruth got ft interested in yratchihg her that she forgot to look at the speaker part of the time toward the close of the lecture the poet spoke of the grand helpful induenoe of a mfliers love the tribute he paid it was a most beautiful one and every word he uttered seemed to come straight from his heart he was thoroughly in earnest could see and feci that be meant what he aid und you knew that he was thinking of mr mother f i ruth happened to look at the old lady great tears were dropping down- her wrink ledcheeks bu they seemed to be such happy tears ah wasnt it beautiful she whispered to ruth when the lecture was done while her faco was radiant i know be meant what he said abqtit mothers all for me ruth wondered why ene should think t t that what reason had see to believe that hia eloquent tribute to motherlove applied to her more than to others its the first time i overheard him speak you know the old lady whisgered teeming to be so happy thatshe wanted to share her happiness with some one i read in the paper that he was to lecture here tonight and i came a long way just bri purpose to hear him he didnt dream- of seeing me here am sure with a queer little quiver in her voice oh hes been such a good son to me and i cant help be ing proud of him you know so this was the poets mother the poet had stepped from the platform as soon as the lectureiwas done and was making his way through the audience to presently he reached them mother he said andmargaret watch ing him with eager eyes- heard every word distinctly j didnt expect to htve you in my audience and then he took the out stretched hands bf the stranger in bis in a strong warm grasp and bent down- and kissed the proud and happy old fae that was raisedjohis with suob a look of mother- love in it that it was beautiful to see poor margaret 1 her heart sank like lead he bad seen her turn away this mother of his whom he was proud to kiss before them all what must he think of her if she had only known who the old lady was 1 she could not meet him now she felt afraid of bim if he were to speak to her she would expect to see the opinion fie must have of her expressed in bis face and she could not bear it all in a moment her castle iu the air fellto thegreund atid sbe bad the satisfaction of knowing tljat it bad been demolished by herself sheturned away with her ieycjb fuu oft bitter tearsof chagrin and disappointment ahd whet ruth archer sought for her to introduce her tolthe poet nve i wm nit ferbv found i y j r xj y i wpbder what 6aa ftave bejabme t margaret k sli said td ierbn jfe the church is jyet to lean that its chief work is to be doni by cous aerated men of ordiuary calibra great marshalled a heat an divine getting ino the pulint after aks elaboration of a 1 larneu ait course forgot it entirely and wascoiupeiled to giverajplain talk which uudtr god swept half of his audience auto the kindoii absurd call in the church lir called big gi ins and biation ol wehlo ded rifies angel m thblai twarwajs a failure it proposed to do gxeattbi lgs but after a while they found jit was cnicked and were afraid to use it u st it blow up so kvhile men of small capacity are loing tbeitjwork well and make no fuss about it we have a few big guns palfcrackpd with coiicqil other man look of the nottu ghum society stands first ihisverse v liilfel you dont recently from the rochester nj y upeeches eminent there is an mday for- what but little appre- the swamp and they blow up just important sery- the happies the happiest da r the happlestiio n mine eyes shall see haveevejr en the brightest glance of pnde aiid power i feel have beeji v i but were that hripa of pride and pbwer now offered wjth the pain f evn then i feltpthat brightest hopr- r- 1 could not live again for on its wing was dark alloy and as it fluttered fell an essence powerful to destroy a soul that kniew it well i r just as bad as fami sb h wide spread opmmotlon caused yf the tenible coniesslon of a physic ian r 1 x the story published in thee ojumng cral and chronicle t oreated a deal of com ment here aeit has elsewhere japj latently it caused eveivmore commotion in roches ter as the following from ithe flam si paper shows i o i i dr j b hehiou wjio r wel not only in jrocbesterybut in nearly every part of america j sent- an extended article foteispaper a few dayg ago which was duly published detailing his retr arkable experience and rescuefrom what to be certain death it would be us ih r j v- vi r iihvm mi penio- known seemed impos- about thenuelves when they are w inted for ice the nnisan ze of the ghurch today is ecclesiastical s ramp augi lis dr chsi- mers astronomical sermons makes us see stars but we sc ppose there were at the time of their del very uncijlebrated minis- tecs of christ in scotland f ho were bring ing more sbiils to the saviour patrick henrys speech did- good in the virginia legislature and was of sen ice in giving us when boys some hmg to pi actios on at the country schoolhjuee till ihei dinner pails along the wall slook with the cry of lib erty or death but there were men who could hardly say a word u public who did as much service vhen in independence hall they put their ntmes to th i document that declared our nitional d liverancel we must all lay hole of the work if t ing couflugratior of sin is o be put will not be by ono firemi ulstandin big horp makjn a great racket men women ant boys briigtng whai they can some hogshea is some i and some in smi 11 dippers every on what he or she an god helping time not by might no r by powi by my spirit s4th the lffrd t twftt talmage sible to enumerate th- personal i iqniries vhich have been madeat our dfbci as to tho validity of the article but jthey- have been so numerous that furthar lueestiga- lion of the subject was deemed necessary with this end in view a reprefeen ative of tins paper calledkm dr henion a ais resi dence on an4rews street- when the follow- ing interview occured thpt article of yours doctor hs created quite 1 whirl wind are the statements about the ter rible condition you were in and the wayr you were rescued such as you can si istain every one of them and many ailditional ones- i was brought so low by n glecting the first and most simple symptom i i did not think i was pick it istrue i hiad fre quont headaches felt tired mosi of the time cbnld eat nothing one day md wai moc ern maxims rtti ravenous the next fel btomacn was out of ori think it meant anyti medical profession has toms instead of diseasi poverty may be uo disgrace but raost men are willtug to take thiir chances with the camel in getting thre ugh the eye if you that needle sweet are tho uses of adjveraity bitglvo us a little lemoi b and shelele life is short iud art is bug but good many artists ar s like life truth is strai ger than action bht the romances of the average outoftowji cor respondent are i tranger than both the youth wlo is attentive to his itudies may some day create a panic iq wall street birds of a felather flock togeihc but toot when you a o out shooting all men are 1 oru equal but them- usu ally get over it i oug before reaching- middle life knowledge ruiy be power utthiidanc ing man can give- the greek prifesjior points and chen double disounc hum iu society never look a gifthorse in the sell him for wlmt you can get ahd- puck vera 3 d nomenclature an interesting competition has be u tak ing place in th i tonic sofea repo er au admirable utile publication devoted 6 the touio solfa system notation com etitora were to make t p verses of ithe nafnes jof the british and irish compcisers 5ti competitors john aucock theco out jof- dnpor sacred hcimonio the follow ng are loutk t the garret horn bariot thome parry barry sloper bennet stark bunuet spar brahan graham soper gatty i ooke batye cookej chorh y morlej palmer falhs iield wallace shieli naylo taylorfarmer glover iest lover best leslie wesley bowley u parketn church barker bifh ourwun cowen foli- perry 1 ye cherrypye puree llj pjbarsajil powell coward gunl howard pau coope r hooper howell is dyspepsia the loss jof which many a coni the rock oh goes to pieces vigor which tl is disease involves t emajla- 4ies which ac ompany it orwnich are ag gravated by- j f the mental desp ndenpy which it entai s are terribly exhai itive of vital stamina itstrue specific is i orth tip iyinaaa vi getblediiictyery 4fe peptic oure hioh likewise oyercb aes u- ious maladies emaj ailments ai i h coupledwith rajjnril jevblbwj itutiori dullpaina and my er but i did iibt sefioib the n treatiiig sympj for years and it is high time it ceased the synjitomsi have just mentioned or any nnaso ft action or irritation of the wftter channel indicate thepproacb of kidnciy disease mo re thaii 6 cough announces tuejeoming of eonsump- tion we donottreat the cough but try toyhelpthej lun we bhpuldj not waste ourxime trying to relieve tli4 lieadache pains about the body or other s mptoma but go directly i o the kwueys tie source of mpst of these ailments this tiien a what yoa meant wbeii you said that more than onehalf t ae deaths which occur arise from brights c isease is it doctor vj precisely jthousandsbf 4i iasesare torturing people todayi which jia reality are brights disiase in sbme ojf its many forms it is a hydraheaded mot ster and the slightest symutumb should strike terror to every one who has them i can iook back and recall jhundreds of deati is which physicians declared at the time w to caused by paralysib apoplexy heart disfe tee pneu monia malarial fever and otheir common fl l a complaints which i see now we caused by brights disease j and did all theise cases hae simple symptoijis at fijrst every one of them and mi ght have beenpured asevaajby the timeyase of the same remedi lam getting my eyea thoroughly opened iu this matter ind think 1 am helping others to see the j acts and their possibltf dinger also mri warnur wlj9was visited at his es- i tablishment i pi north st paul street spoke veryeinestly it is true tliatbrightsdiseas3 has in creased wonderfully and we find by reli- abler statisticsj that from 70 to 80 ita growth was ovir 250 per cent jook at the prominent ben it has carried off and is taking off every year foriwhilemen are dying apparently of piralysis and apoplexy they aie really jvictidas of kidney disorder which causek hjeart diseasenarai rsis appo- plexy etc j nearly every yeek the papeis record the death of some imminent man frohi this scourge recei tly how ever the inoreiibe hab been checled and i attribute this to the general use of my remedy- i do you think many peopleaie afflicted with it today who do not realize it j a promme at professor in a new or leans medical college was lector ng before his class on jihi sabjoct of brighls disease he had ykrions fluids under rx iscroeopic analysis isd was showing the students what the indications of this terrible malady were and now gentlemen he said as we have been the unhealthy indications i will shoto yob how it appears iu a state of perfect health aud he subraited his owp fluid to the usual test as hvatched the results jhis countenance suddenly changed hisniolor and command both left him and in a trembling voice he said gentlemen have made a painful dis covery hae brights disease of the kid- neysud ui less than a yeatbe as dead the slightest indications pf any kidney diffiftrl ty should be enbugn to strike terror to any one- f youlttiiiwof dr henionb cabe yes ii eboth readihd hejard of it it is yei y ivonderfnl is it hot 1 no baor a t o than a great ina py others that have jorne to ray notice as haying been oured by the same moans hyoupeliee then that brights disejase canbe 05 i j ekncjwtjiit can know iron atid the expe ience of thousands inept persosjn ho were given np zm m rs msk mz liciansttih liriendi nxilewi ot ybur own ji spapwrioe- irv i my owu of promii to die by h m bmirllrsatow5elsbra12eiggss

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