Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1886, p. 2

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hi isife pi 5s ldpat moab i m 8ty teot in8tmrb b- v- i y v s 8 the reoont rnniation of farads inttitatcjt bjr u oooimiwioner of at riov 1 tor of tills province ha jotnishod mt jimporuut ajjejiofes for tb exchargeot valuable exverienoe and for tbo dif an n of scientific principles and methods i nib ag onr whole fanning nommunily those institutes art being largely attends 1 and highly appreciated tho professors- f the agricultural college have personally inter ested thenwelvee in the prboeedin i cjnd have established between college and vw mm si ivwi pjdlty y prinoipl eai 3v ifcvv in btitutes cordial relations of the gjreatjest advantaap- the first convention of tne halton farmera institute at georgetown la it w sek resulted very satisfactorily as to manner matter and attendance the uddn sses by the several professors were replete with useful information and gave rise tc to my an- ind the vtej rthurmsd to nerltu highly oimbjbtwyiwfmi tkiofe milt to ifebrwaj and oiivllle jter lat week mnwrnlng jiiw oleotlon of ft bajtter to the watdenfehip these jraroois profess to be leaders in tlo scott act movement in4his county and it jsjiai i to understand how they can consistently pretend to wofrng forjthe soocess of the soott ajbt and at the suine time ohroi lole with such apparent delight the electfc n of a man the highest j office in the xunty who such a bitter and outspoke l enemy to tjho act as mri baxter is wc lknown to 9 more especially do we v onder when this particular period in the history the act it is most dtsirablc that member of the county c mniil f avora le to the acjt should occupy the pobitim surely our journalistic f rie ads are not goug to allow their political prel erencos to over shadow their expressed co motions of what be mmmm thelrttttj6ntitloaheial lmtwwjl fcf k z- pertinent question which were d ily swered jjov the most interestii ig perhaps the most profitable part of proceedings was that borne by the armors themselves and those intimately co anected with them- in business relations both in the papers read and in the discussions which followed the several readings pro- fessor brown president of the agricultural icouege showed himself to be admjrkbly qualified to conduct such meetings botii by the questions he asked anl the remarks he made fronltime to4ime the ffedt of which was to provoke discussion and by the skilful manner iirwhlch he managed to draw out from eachjaarticipator the siroug points of his knowledge or the tntst valu able records ofhis experieuce we hope now that so good a legi ig has been made that the farmer if d ur county wul not be content with holding meetings at such times as they an have outside help butthat they will hold month ly ox at least quarterly meeticgh during their slack season as the late gathering at georgetown proved that there i uough of talent among their own body to make such meetings both interesting wd ii a proving especially from tho practical su ndpoint principles aw right aud which bhould uphstd fti preference to any othetfljsrtjdera tions we are very loath to think so but vorily the indications point in that direc tiqn- r notes and comments the jueen has called upon gladstone to assume the premiership and form a cabi net a few months work marvellous changes if the scott aot comes short of what is ritten it is not and cannot be the faultof the law but because the officers of tho law at least up to the present have failed to enforce its commands orilua packet consistent after the georgetown herald wlncb always been anxious to retain sq township exhibition permanmtly all has lesing for au usually it had georgetowns benefit appeared jubilant last week in the belief that succeeded in making remarks sei icted from the columns of the fbee pbess resjiecting the matter appear inconjister t jlnikts overanxiety to makes pointer a jaiiist us the herald apparently piys very little at tention to tha wordiiig of th items it iu amherstburg ont fifty out of eighty- six women on the voters list voted tliis is bbout as large a proportion as usually votes of men at municipal contests i yet there were people who said that women would not exercise the franchise even if they had it the third session of the parliament of ontario openat toronto last thursday af ieruoon thereis no reason to expect a long or a very eventful session i but jthere bhould be hard steady wora devoted to itp proving existing legislation rather tlan to promoting startling novelties barnes the victor ha thff great typia t itingmatch just finished in ctacago ift as mauy of our readers kuow a canadian rife waafor some years a resident of tilson- burg out m which place it is said he was an apprentice barnes is not only a won derful compositor but is also a firstclass allround printer american permanent pasture was wel h leid v 8j in a well discussed tho subject of haltonlllbpriktep i ri i the first ootf ntioilof hall on farlnera institute held at georgetown last frida and saturday vas largely attended b farmers and others from all pt rtsof halto 1 and many from adjoining cc unties th 3 ptobr says this was one lot lifer largest at tended of any of the scriei of institutes whioh have yet been held mr janies bradley took ths chair an 1 made a few pointed remarks relating to tho6bject of the institute mr francibj barclay read n paper on butter giving the result of lis exporieuce iu conoeotjon with tho butter trade of manyycare- ho poiuteckcut that with good food pure water and kind treatment a liealthy cow will ulwaya gi o good milk and the quality of tho hutter to be product depends upon the manner in whioh it is handled it is most impiirtaut that a better knowledge should belad andgreater caro exercised by thoso whose business is to look after the dairy western on tario butter stauda lower ii quality than that produced in eastern 0 atario or que bec provinces owing to the excellence and purity of tho canadian climate country in the world should outrival the dominion in the quality of hutter prof browns treatise on the subject hliltv oiul for jenraof icncral houbuwork about h or 15 ho i j t blub llmenocse him jljc for male 1 he undih8igned bos for salo obap a i top bufj y ijiod b now set of sllvofputed barnuss cut or a ul robo apply- to j t hluh received and elicited many enquiries from the farmers general management of- liys stock froiji a studied paper breeding and tevdkrh wan i ed r the c ubt motion ot a frauio building flaus ai d uj euiuoitious can be aeon by np- 1uo jtunuerv ueakdmobe it co iaty25tblfc8 pllcaflou at 1 acton jan hvmki i las i kui its uaik for sale m tnuro aud hair for plftfiterors applyabtbi tauucry bliahdmoke sp co aotajaujiarj 23tb 1880 j im tkaykd jtkayed roc 1 tbo preiuibeb of tbe subscriber acton ou orabout the ist novembur two black imw as willi lead rewarded be suggested should devote l vh selects and of course fails to ai rive at a proger conclusion as to the real purport of our expressions the htrald says about one year ago tbe jjeaild stated that actons chances for tho township show were small because the fill age did not possess sufficient accouimodn tion the feee ppess man became wroth y and de- claiedthat acton hadas good and better- accommodation than georgetnw i we are giad to see our- brother look at 1 he matter ins different and proper ligh nbw in jyiew of the sliow being held in acton ibi fall the free press says ur people will necessarily be expected to provide ac- cbmmodationn equal to those enjoyed at georgetown and to accomplisl this they will require to bestir themselve early and unitedly although upon the face of tb thing there does appear a little inconsistent y it must be understood that the fffraw lias selected i from each of our articles only t lesentehces themselves which woojid suit 1 ts purpose irrespective of their connect ior a with the subject a few words of explanation will eulefice to show clearly that the feie press meant what it said ineach insl ancc now in the first place we re assert that acton has as good and better i oromodav tions than georgetown from tie most im portant poinj of view it is a svell known fact that the very life of an agricultural exhibition is its live stock and fa suitable place is not provided for showi igli ve stock the exhibttipn will experience s correspond- ing lack of interest by stock raisers and consequently be more or less 0 a failure in that line in respeduo tliis v ecan boast for acton much superiority ovi ir her sister town here we haye a fine fifteefi acre park beautifully levelled and otherwise improved and containing the half mile track of aicton driving park association which is acknowledged by nen of large experience to be first class in every way- in this then the most impor ant depart mentwe have much better accommoda tion than georgetown as faras a hall for the show is concerned we have to admit that geo getowu can bupplysoinetbing ttter thin icton can as yetoffer for itsahappenstht the drill shedrgovernment propey is- situated theafvtifof friday repeats a staiement which it has made before that the do minion suffrage is practically minhood suffrage if this is tlie case why not make it actual manhood siiftrase the mail statement is practically an admission that the enormous expense trouble and confusion entailed by the revising barris ter system are utterly without necessity or justificationpa the veterinary point of view that farmers arfd breeders their attention to the improvement of one particular breed evknciu 8gssk1s j at the evening meeting the atteudauce numbered fully 800 a fair proportion of whom were ladies j w mccrancy m p haltont prefaced an interesting paper on th6 life and occu pation of a farmer by speaking highly in favour of the institutes as a means of re moving the petty national religions and perhaps tho political prejudices which the agricultural community i entertained to wards each other ho thought thati f ami- ers difriot mnke their homes sufficiently attractive to keep their sons from following other pursuits in life instead of sticking to the faim he pointed out the important place which the farmer occupied iii the commercial world a little moro energy aud determination to succeed wero what some farmers lacked as a farmer him self he urged his agricultfiral hearers not to despise their calling orlenvyothersj but chicago canadian by devoting themselves to the interests of their farm and home they would be honouring themselves aiid their calling too mr gordon mowat in thecouho pi au supplied wi twenty bush il and riioo- notitying all must call 1 bcttlo tboir will bo adde 1 uoovl sin ptei 1w0 new dominion franchise voters lists are now in course of preparation the time expired on saturday when new names could be added to the list additions or erasures must now be a railway contiguous to the town square and by th dianside well th closing of a street for the day i t can be used- for the purpose required thi 1 convenience ib however due to no effort o 1 the part of our georgetown friends it v as in refer- enceto the erection of a flew hi his the park for the nee of ho exhibition that we re quest or people to bestir themselves eairlyand unitedly for we are anxious that acton should possess ace tmmodations eual rnd if possible superior not only to ttie lger matters bqt in every idetail totioe generally provided j we hope the herald will not further misunderstand us and attribute our re- marks to inconsistency m rnce oonnty there exis s a printers bliahere association bich hag been nq- orgauis ifip 1 jcouiity if any- made address on grapo culture nhd the relative met its of the different variotiesrecomftienrt- ed the concord and the wordch as the most productive and profitable for halton generally though the delewavc in much of the county would also pay well dr roe in an able paper discussed the cultivation aud management of celery it vfs ffa most easily growjn the most health ful aud delicious of any garden vegetables yet there trasau impression abroad that it was the hardest of any vegetable to mau age j col campbell of nelson a practical linrno fvtiuular attention paid to the repairing and cleaning of ne watches and clocks auy peraou ki ving eutih lufonnution to their rucoyery will be suitably r bollman butcher actoujuui0thll86o o hs for sale rpue iiiude rsigucd has a lnrgo quantity of first class co kiugouious for sale ehoap parties h auy quantity from a quart to 1b h jenner church st forth imiy aving 1 usposed of both my livory hnd boot 00 hunincbscb 1 take this plan of piirtics inilobted t mo that they t williams bliocfabop mill bt and accounts at ouco otherwise costs actou jiin uary 61i1 1860 ii v mccarthy the old established house of savage cuelph the fashionable end cuelph hoi ik lot foit sale rihe unite uignot offers for sale his house anil 1 lot ou main street it is b largo bouse coi tains niiicj lonis also kithcu aud xroodshed is well aluptg i for u tfucineiit or lioivdiiir house pn the prcuiisbs liberal terms apply to d w campbell aitioks axit writkks matetfl or otherwise scsirous ot 1 havlui their literovy productions criti cisoil revis l er disposed of ou the most advantageous terms should address for full infonudtior tibtjdoburoai before jlho judges court of eeyision jin f delivered nn address on genera our opmiou the whole business is an uu- mattw appertaining l necessary piece of leg station it will be found an expensive on too for a j careful estimate approxitnatss the cost of the dominion list for thi county at no less than 81200 toslsuo tbe scott act was defeated by about 500 of a majority in the couutyj of pontiac que last thursday referring to it the montreal llif new says pontiac isunotlier example of the disadi antage in the matter of social progress of h avinga mixed popu lation in pure fietch counties and in most pure english mes the scott act carries easily in e enly mixed j ones it fails pontiac moreover is largely depeu dent on tlie lumberman aud one jof their largo requirements liquor in many villages great liquor shops rule everything the very reason w ly pontiac specially needs the scott law lias probably proved powerful against it a bright idea base me to one of th eh gineers of tho propos sd railway from the whirlpool to th3 ainevican falls going aver the route onltbe ice the otheraay when he came to the aiher lean falls the inspira tibn came to him tlis the line might be ex tended around behiml the falls and hack to the whirlpool on tie canadian side ont of this has been conceived probably the boldest plan ever ncer ed by man it would be- the most wonderful railroad in the world theplanicoitemplates a ijarrow- guaga steam railway from the wbirlpooi to the american falls vhere the trains would enter thfr shadow f the bock and pass behind the axnericin falls the bridal veil cave of tiie winds and horse- shoe reappearing t sol davis table eocki whence it weuld proceed jalong the wafers edgi to the v hirlpool on he cana conception jis a good one even for a jpkei and wilder projects than that toave jben brought within the possibilities busi 0 litertute 231 droaflway n yorlc take notice bugham go -00- jvwc have pleasure in stating that our stock tor the season iraile surpasses in extensive varie- t v and choice selection anything live have ever forhierly laid before our customers bugham co mr v e n1lson mutual tie bu i igreemf nt withd raw glasgow nm we wil that lu tswnt to ukvlsfd statutes i of out iriot chap 1u7 sec 31 all persons havinuclnit lsaguuibt thaestateof junir ktdkh late of the i oavnshlpof etquesinj in tho county of ha toiit ldoff doccise 1 are haroby nqtitted onorbefort the 10th day of february 188c to sond iu thoii- respective oiaims iigiitiht the sal i estate post paid to the undersigned orto david rvdcr adu iuistrator of mary rydeif guelpli po outari 3 at the expiration of whifh perioj the naifl adi lipistrator wil proceed to tliatributq the mavu 0 mid estate ainpupst the parties em titled there o bavins regomouly tothoolaimsq wlticli said idiuiuistrator lias then notice j a jdowat llarrister acton po dated iitjuton juuuarv 1 1b60 ness thios ci bylaw adopted voting on txmdok ont janl 29th the the bylaw granting 1 bonus 75000 to the london and lon iheastern rai way coto panyv syet uhorkab iged took pi ice tbday the bylaw being adopted by a vote of 2269 to 150 to 00 to tjbel northwest troopb at que4 sfe orders iofstart in 1 march i toitadeltbatordei ctawatcfhold keport has ft on the t avebelen i rec eiyeifrom m roopi iii ndinoss toj rtotbilfori est in mi irtshlijb included iwtli s ordware 1 4e remain der of b battfery fm otsfe of to tho farm and dairy i williaiii kerns mpp halton in the couiise ot au address said as a buyer of grain thai for a long time to come the far mere need not look for an advance in the price of wheat prof brown addressed the ladies particu larly ou buttermhkingjaud the rolution of the cow to the dairy a spirited dixcubsion lasting ovier au hour followed after which the meeting adjourned thej proceedings were iuterspersed with j songs and instru mental selections by local talent svtlliivy molsiso i the institute resumed business at 10 oclock mr bradley in the chair dr greensido opened the proaeediugs with au nddiess on the best method of horseshoeing and how to take care of tie horseaieet which led to a good deal of dis cussion the dr also gave a practical address relative to the causes and preven tion of diseases among livo stock during the session j prof brown dealt with various breeds of sheep and their respective merits in the production of wool and mutton j i mr ajex wuldlje said from his obserya- tions of sheep particularly dovns the south town filled the bill better t iau aby dther breed of sheep he had seen and ho would certainly recommend far ners to stick to their south downs ho liad not beensuocef sful with thecotswold aud the wool of the shropshires was topct arte j a lengthy and interesting discus sion fol lowed the subject of sheep ajndtheir variou breeds i afternoon sesbios henry smitli of erin in ahort paper discussed the general situation of the onta rio farnier in speaking of cattle he thoughtl the durham cowvos unexcelled for butter and oheese making gdod beef rearing of y jungand shippingpurftoses in milch cows the shorthorn stood next in order tojhe jerseys and was ia firstclass allround cow he believed from experience that sheepraising wap source ofj profit to the fanner in spite of opinions to jibe contrary j ak an evidence of the good work being carrledion by the agricultural college prof brown jstated that an exbtudent and son of- an ontario farmer had recently been offered jthe position of assistant- professor lture at a college in the states at of 11700 pei year and lis board it was a pieceof liumbug ing non- senso talk of politics in connection wi th the etperimmatmpf college the jtpeding of atpokjwafl dealt wit y prof bfrown in a practical and ediauating i and elicite considorallo djacus- would inform the public cenorall that ho jias i uv full conttol of the aetou cooper- aije heretoitre ouiidjctfkl by moore lambert and is prepi red to all all owers in the cooper- line cisuru butter aud wash tubs aud all tiht work i speiulty only nrstclusn workmen aud materi4l employed i t k tiios c moobe change moore silks satins and velvets in this department no hoijse 1 here can successfully compete wjth us in point of variety real sterling vnluc nnd downright cheapness h iituiies who are in the habit of buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements we ller in this department to pur chasers iurpectibn invited- bugham co henderson after teen ysars the continue the amei under taine of an expprienbe of 6er thir- flatter sb iteg v1i- otfseles that we know the w gommunity ahd wil an1 oyster supper t own ha ju acton tuesday evgyth february an intcrc ting prorahnuo p choruses duets c will be jlveu aud the oveniugs ontcrtaiyj went will e oso with an attractive exhibition of mrs jaruet1s wax works 6nppor ot oysters coffee sandwiches c will bo serv id from 7 to 9 oclock tor a smal extra chorg i r the lajiks of st albans iabmsw ttie jail siting fo aielpsejtlie itaid be hft lbeeg difk 1 and m- j and inlier hatigi of farms wanted anteall kinds sizes ani c prices tor ovirpooi applicants who wsh t buv anihafo wrlttbn to un for pavtiiani o farms we also want farms for our farm ad vertiser which will bo published shortly am bs placed it tile hands of intending purchaser in all parts of canals the united states an kurope v give full artleutjus iupluding siz of liuihunrfi quality of soil anq price but neve kivo owneri uauio nua berof iot fiorooncebeloii we positi elv nivke u o charge unless tho proj erty is soli j this nufflcient proof that on business is nouiiicto i en honest ftndatraigtitfoi ward priuci bleh komi unbar we want uo afiret ment to r igister oaa nst your property w aivertieo fa rura in all tlie leaiiiii nowspapers i i canada am wo adyert se iu almobt every btut in america andtinouglibnl the whole of kuropi mauy of oui prcbeutr aj plications for farms ai from tho i nitod stages europe and othe oqimfricb wohaveuqwairaugedwith3iaa iu canada i ud jiprope to have our advertaev placed in 11 s hamis of intending buyers though o ilyinuoht isago we started busiuet iu oaelpb aud then had uo applications fc property si ice may last wo have sold 41 farm at an aggret ate pri of sikimoo those havin forms for sa le are requustml to coino to guolpl audgiyeus fafl jiartidtllais of their farms d send us the r name am i addront andjf wo cdnnof prove all w i liere statej to bo true arid correct i ever parti ular we af reeahd shall be pleabej to pay ever mans oxi eqsea coming to queip and retnrnilig who hai property to sell co to tho- ofile i and f co from our ap plicautbfo- farms the testlmoniu fromfarmois jwhose ji laces wo have sold an also press n itices etc if you cannot come se tuiycui nan ies and adclresses apply to telephone connect ion plokalview greenhouses george he now st and te flowor i wholesale and itetail 1 funen 1 w weddiiie desitrr prej ared oh bhortnotipe and sliippet safely auy weather otery othr faruiej oreew tfe 4is v john for yourselves the letteij jbaleyco ouelph ont ov vn ont hoicest plants aud alltht farmers and others haying ciippled horses will do yell o ciilltin ceo stoddard w to is prepared to remove ringbones spqvina wi i- dress goods this lepartnient is a large one with us ami always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select from suldoin nut with even in the largest cities liwlies will do well before buy ing to visit oy establishment and took through compare pirees c c j bucham fc co pashionabje webt fed drees mantle and millinery estatplishmpt- cotlon skse tltl4tmtt op atarrh and consumptioh if nir charged with diseasecreating lomentt fnul air will kill tvheu breathed coutinuously utr cliaryed with remedlul elements wjll cure wh ously u breiitlifd onntinu do oui utmost to thin m our lines that i fresh newinbiesiilablk we purpose preseilt well make roomfi biailsrb- i aijgeiy reducing j assorted stock and will offer iih mjbst prbnpcedl bargains in ail lines the pillow inhaler is au elegantly made liatr pilluw oharged with rerhediuleleniutits the vapor if tvbich the patient inhales till nilil long whilst sleeping us usual- it qiunutiet out ef- order and is perfectly safe to he most delicate it will lust fur ycaiv tind serve nuy number iifperfiiis in afnniily in suc cession it hatters fliwn the slronholdof catarrh bronobitib asthma aad i ooasamptloa ind makes permanent cure by n contiuu u applipatjoti of liealiug ud curfttive air ilirectiy to the ditjeasr parts sufferer from auy of the nliovemehlnued diseases are urgently requested to send us tbrir ad dress and a 50tlage pamnhlet will bv mailed to them heel whioh will give complete history oi this woiulirful diseov- ry and the princiiiles upon which it worsn together with n nug list of toslimonial- from those whp have used it aiid who now rehoe in perfect hjeauh do nptdehiy for tho longer a disease is ftllowod to run unchecked the- slower and lmitler it la to effect cure ri there is no tfiediciiie tken into the stonj curbs and spllnti w mmftpmmi 1 jsalrceablpfliljouttjijs treatment v 1 h9 neyeritthtb t our to ais we cordially jreqtlest age of tle pi jbuojans no pans m s3uringibr htmt iniurinir the hhrse rrbatisfiicl ninhalidjnrclutrgo mm send your name twd best m remember that famous 60c t tijbatron- sidare vk cbeit eobhyndsj stock of elaulv no letter pads i luiredin thi 01 store for j testeniehu envfloj 1s5c to is beusoleap givehl crumbs pol i ll m fiui iksk m -1- pforldeel brtbeyi fress i rmr wijbtow assessor for 1s86 j itie mercury d cipherlod tuesday i tbe town hail i and the public echo mjrb holmes of hi mmneda tb poaiepion next mori ayor ahdrewj y on gator marts of 1 disciu ing an3 eveniigi att wjouldn council to petroan their code of lawb passed witboiit bub we are tudebti rofncwyorktfo stafcr for copies of l tbeyall3oit cable to hand last w the explanation pledf v- butcherihg bujsir and mcgontjelii wh dncted fo innciii i last j ri jits a boy an heir a congn tulate t t le ciianmah i tion hiscadlea ttme this evening iai the eight nojoc kptwehe and ct ilar carnival town boiler jfcihit f prizes are i lbtweek mencc df fe 85th yoll intereituig journal i autlio ty on teoal a i t ie new sbdge t jbe orginizedijn the j mondial evening thosejisterestm is j preacle4 tnlknnk i bev mrj witeonofl will betihe oocupantf iojur confjriti mrwibi 3n8t ehjiu ptaies upohj cf warden of the i jop sunday lasjj still unable to serioe was held in usual evening ser the rst innl henderson mccra ismaide this week j iuentlytcjourreada rthe sabbath i dence 6f mrs b evening was quite t knox babbath scl 925 richer the village of i s20utor having fll have- no fettrs of abtoiiv fdroarsi condition thebeeton and best eschauge otherwiso improvf aid is bouod tosuj at a towubhip corn the regiflar ql ices i will be held i next sunday georgetown iresi bchiiiol asociattmi evening s 4rbe guelph i with the te trip fare from jttockvw oeuts ljmehousj obqents jithasbeeufl wag the utmost r hall the playtd tere last at friday eve sons werepresenl 3be eaiuial crowded houses- e wei e here lasi hiksome comm the j most part cjii racier had hit j bvh manifested wbul 4a mfes oi i thei xspurity t6wn hall stutbi to be addreiteed nawreymte proy relorut association will it isnt fjmi bility todrive tl fiheoew cemeterys pi ialj t j tliroushii cou tlfl againwithout tl kw4 think i paction on the create ariewj mpnicipalitjes i gipjohjattl ice

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