Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1886, p. 3

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makings aooobrt m- fer- wdi geo hji wgpty wy jth ht best stock ot aoeflunv psr aft bunt books blankrkbtea and feeotigfr isdi letter pads aooountpadt and thing required in that line geo h the leadmgatore for school book tesianieate envelope mid paper tacles 25c to w her pk ephyda sella cheap give htm a calf- pipa3ppppj ulje ttmj ftti jfeji crumbs for breakfast provided by thever thoughtful press reporteraj j mr p brown has iau appointed asseswr f or 38 j i yf the mercury dropped to 13 belojw the ciphvr ojj tuesday night the town hall is insured for 4600 anouhe public school for 2800 mrr holmes butcher has disposed of hi business the new proprietor takes po esien nest monday mayor andrew sold his trotting mare daisy on saturda vib mr jordan of toronto for 250 unitdue star mr marts of indiaiiaxrill preach in the disciples meeting house on 8unday morn ing and evening at the usual hours wouldnt it be justas well- fbrj the council to peinianentiy suspendrulej of m and ail wwon oystersoclal tueoculta the townlhall nettueeday ot the radios ot plstato be bnej profrwume is oyehiuttudw the auspices bt albafis ghurobjpr interest a suable craurso ot preparation and will inolide choruses duets etc the whole to conol ido with an attractive exhibition ot mrs jar- leya wait works dearth of revx b howard e regret tt leatu that tops ithi o rev i howardforseveral pasltor of the metho list ohiirohguelph and well known and re- spotted by many ot our citizens died inh toronto on sunday shortly after leaving guelph his health failed b their code of lawtl a bylaw is yj passed without suspension of that rulel rarely ra and ho n moved to southern califo nia whe e he resided until abojit a year igo he vied at tho residence of his sot inlaw judge mcdougall vl acton bible society the annual meeting of actou branch bible sooietyiiheld in the town hall last monday evening though uo s largely attend we areifudebted to mr w j nlicklin of tsew york formerly of the fbee press stab for copies of life and the art ajfe they all do it the st marys 4j came to hand last week with a blanl page the explanation given was this page was lpied mr n a rossell has purchaie the butchering business ifofe messrs bpllman and mcconnell which he formerly con ducted i councillor joseph fyfe broad smiles last friday gloryenouah for onu day- its a boy an heir a voter the fkes pbess congratulates v the chairman of the board of tedoca tion has called a meeting of thettus tees for this evening in the council chan ber at eight oclock j next wednesday evening a cal ic o apron aud collar carnival will be held in jeorge- towjn boiler biuk a list of- olnablo prices are offered last week the newmarket eta com menced its 3otk volume the m is an interesting journal and is considered an authority on local affairs t the new lodge of good tempi irs will be organized in the oddfellows i all nest monday evening a full attendance of those interested is requested rev mr armstrong of h illsburg preached m knox church last sunday rev mr wilson of knox college toronto will be the occupant uest sunday our congratulations are extended to mr v s johnston editor of the port euan times upon hie election to t ib office of warden of the county of bruce on sunday last rev b phillips was still unable to occupy his pulpit i prayer service was held in the morning and the usual evening service was withdrawn the first announcement of messrs hendersonmccrae co iirthese columns i is made this week they will speak f re queritrj to our readers through this medium thesabbath school social atr the real dence of mrs r little hist wednesday eveniugwasijnite successful as a result knox sabbath school treasury s j nrly 325 richer the village of stonffville lately paid 20 lisviijg defective sidewalks j vve s was a very successful one the i ad- dress ot rev j g mauly general ageut for the society was an able ana interesting 6n4 and was listened to throughout with marked attention the receipts are aooiit h20 in advsjpco of last yearand amount to bboatloo his heedless remark while one of the handsome young nen in town was paying his usual sunday after noon call to his most attra stive lady friend last sunday afternoon tiny were loo lung out of the wihdow watering the fleecy flakes as they fell in a continuous shower whitening the roofs and co rering the c arth with a heavier mantle of ermine whei he said this is a driving tnowstorm unt it ibityheinhooonllyasked why cant we go driving then and he frltas if he could almost bite his tongue off t s he gloomily took his way to the livery s abl audielt his empix purse skating carnival the first carnival in the rink took lace on tuesday evening the attendance was very good but tho inclenent weather de terred many from being present among the costumers some were leat and artistic but for the most part the were of a very grotesque character the competitions re sulted as follows j j best dressed ladies mi6ses bella ram- shaw and maggie breraner best dressed gentleman mr morrison twcmilc raceh ebbage a breinner hurdle racerh ebbage g mogirvin barrel race anson smith jos mpore thejtoiiry sn ter vesw guelph has sured ihiji h niied fcs one t fhe most eat oewful busiht nee west of it of gy enterprise jind a thorouj h knowlet the busiuess 1 iy mrj hogg himselt s secret 61 the success aehie rod the stop- oesboram the busmess are messrs rykn berkiushawi co of barh jand toronto the members of whiuli mm are highly spoken of 1 he mcixhry sa m they giu their cal eer as jnurob ants in guelph under the ino n favorjble uu spioen aud iwii wish tuem ev sry suoos8 halton sabbsjth school asaolauon the annual oonveutdon will bo held at burlington on thursday and friday the 1 25th and 26tl of february a very inter j eating progra nme has ben prepared and will ovissuec this week it will iooludo the following address of i relcome major kemsmpp address by president geo h kennody esq george own i address rev prof movicar momaster hall toront address lev 8 j hunter hamilton paper the buperiutendeut before his school rev idrkirkpatrick esimebing paper the true purpose in sabbath school teadhing rtjvj mr pecffey georgetown i j paper best method of teaching a sab bath sohobl blass rev s gleaver b a- burlington paper most approved plan of oqnduot iug baobatuj souooi services rev w maile oaairilie paper l examinatiou in a certain lino of study desirable previous to making a person asabbatn sohool teacher rev a blair baj nasdagaweya blackboara manner cjf illustrating the r coates esqj iprihoipal pdblic school burlington j each paper will be followed by general discussion jit is hoped that sabbath school workers froiii all parts of the county will endeavor to be present jaij have had to now but ju a stock halton dry why they agreed the following dialogue was overheard pn the street the other day in consideration of ttje feelings of the friendb of the ladies concefneclwej substitute nctkious nanjes for the real ones mrs breeze i am sp sorry delia to hear that you have had trouble with husband mrs geeze you have beenmisinfdrnied amelia merely a little disagreement know married people cannot always mrs breeze cant thiey i well have no fears of any similar j laiihs in acton for our sidewalks are in jirstclass condition i the beeton iforw one of our brightest and best exchauges has been enhrged and otherwise improved the world deserves and is bouud to succeed even if it 19 printed at a towubhip corners the regllar quarterly commabion serv ices will be heid in the methodist jchurch next sunday mr geo h kennedy georgetown president of jlalton sabbath school asocmt on will preach morning and evening i the guelph merchants have arranged wkh the g tr authorities fo a cheap your you agree iveal- ays agrjje in fact i make it a p intto see that we do agree or j rather that john agrees with me which amounts toth same thing death ofa pioneer at the close of sabbath last the sul of mrs asa hall one of the first setters in this section departed from its earth y clay for several years mrs hall has been an invalid the past few months of wbih her sufferings were at times intense bi t con sistent with bier lifetody christian testi mony she endured all with that p itience and fortitude which mark the true follower of the meek and lowly jesus fr half century she was an active member of the methodist church she arrived ati he ripe i old age of 71 years and 10 months ind for the past fifty years has been tho loving helpmeet of her respected and now sorely- bereaved partner in life who survives her she was the mother oi five children fourof whom are alive and well known to our readers they are worthy childrfer of the godly mother who trained them in the ways of rectitude in their youthf 1 1 days tbe funeral on tuesday aiternom largely attended tho services wre con ducted by rev j w holmes guel ph who preached an able and very interest iug dis course in- the methodist church on the purely personal l h paragraphs respecting people with whom our rejadeib aie individually or ooueotiveiy aqgiainted mrs d butchart of milton is visiting friends iu acton this week messrs- j and t gowdy of giiclph visited friends in this viciuitv this week mrs a t wallace aud harry of st thomas visited friends hero during tho week mr thomas mcmackon of ayr visited friends and relative in acton duriug the week miss bella talbert of guelph was the guest of mr wm moore and family a few days thiseek missemwaiyioore of tho guelph col legiate institute spent a couple of days at home this iveek mr and mrs w- h storey attended tho wedding of hiss annie a taylor daughter of mr j i taylor to mr j w bessey all of geor etown yesterday messrs z a hall of penetanguisheuo and h j hall of berlin with tueir families v isited their parental home duriug the week v bid a last farewell to their dying motper and to attend her funeral saturday dlscoun mil bej av a few extra dollars t riowf rjghtjbfiire yoii ylbar lies a before till now offered viz to i sold for cash until m flnifeh cannot be heflped ifipp chance i ibave never 18o per gal iand it is nrjw rbrbli 4c j 5g 6c 7b iaccoicling o 4 oc cabmeres to be 33 40c to be 32c 8 oiercoat to be at 8g gt thg ili 294 goods nouse t b on the8incer sowing machino january 9th 1886 will commence a great disoount sale to last daring the month if january in which of 25 to 33 13 pef cent given off regular prices on linos of trip to guelpbevery saturday tbe return fare from rockwood is 25 cents acton 40 cents limehouse 30 cents gtorgetown i go cents it has been frequently statei 1 phat 400 was theutinost capacity0f the new town hall the manager of the compiny which flayed here last week has inforii ed us that at friday eveuingsentertainme u 505 per- j sons were present j i the emna weils to aj geared to roded houseseacb of the four i oghts they were here last aveek their pe i prmances had some commendable feature s but for the most part it was of ai yer ordinary character had it not been foi jtue local i hu b t h marks much of 1 he interes manifested would have been lacking a mass meeting of jfeb s electors of the county will be kd in the town hall milron tomorrow ai v30 pm iobe addressed by john charluo mp n a wrey- mp-bj- w jmccn riey and w t r preston gen 3ec prov reiorui association- ihe county association will meet at 3 pm it isnt found to be such ai i impossi- lility to drive through evergnei avenue to the new cemetery as was p t dieted by cemeterys opponents last sumiaer after all a jgoodlysized procesikin passed through a couple of times this veek and they succeeded m turning and pttiug out again without the predicted ace it iente tier wa think it vould be a t lmendable actipn onhe pairt of the le slature ito create a new office in cohnectio 3 with civic jp munkipalitie8viz thai at a j nblic mate 1 shal sucbauonicer could da most-ac- eeptable service in arraiiging 1 1 serai pnr cessions particularly op wbica occasi4ns im the poopl me generally to be s t mddj j eisouto 880p iq mpi i of thi cwittiout ttbhepherd m- senous coasting accident for some time the small boys halve been in the habit of sleighriding down toe side walk on main street between chi trchr and agnes streets uutil it had becomu almost as slippery as glass on monday evening a very serious and unfortunate accident occurred by which willie the six yearold son of mr thomas statham baser had his right thigh fractured the lit le fellow was standing somewhere about th foot of the hih when a playmate came town on his sled with great force aud ace identally struck against him with the above result dr lowry was immediately summoned to dress the broken limbi this accident should be the means of putting t stop to the dangerous sport of coasting oc the side walks and we understand the constables have oeen instructed to arrest the boys who continue to indulge in this violation of the law j i a county paper changes hands the georgetown herald this wnek under goes the fourth change of prop ietorship within tte pist seven years mr d e bastedohas disposed of the bi siness to mr robt d jvarren son of joh i warren esq deputyreeve of esquesug we have been intimately associated with mr warren from his youth up and wo confi dently believe he will fill the ptsition he has thus assumed in a very wortl y manner he will give the herald a high n oral tone and will lookaftergeoretownf interests with credit to himself and satisfaction to jusfiaklowcitizens jeluyeajtoaslopied upon georgetown as one of the most desir able points in the province ot a jnewspaper bnimess and we confidently expect that by close personal attention tjje tfyrald will unber his management prove tojbe a profit able and successful iaytstnwl mr ias tedohsspn pj infdo mihtdngcvetcnmentandgestob ncebridge irthwiwdrkin vnih the new rockwood new from our turn correspondent tlio org in recital netted forty dollars tvn ente rtainment for the library funds is the nex i two la y salvationists are holding meet ings in th old hall james- arrester had his leg broken by a kick from a horse the other day mr sicclair the new teacher is giving satisfactic n to the residents of this section severatj of our rockwood boys are now in australia and like it well two are teaching oneis principal of a high sohool one is controlling manager of mr lyons agents the sabbath interesting troduced children of drill gsvji mantllas cloakinge ress goods t fur muffs fur caps fur mantles hosiery j overcoats ynderclothlng quilted skirts fancy shawls ccc v specially low prices iu cloths tweeds and ordered clothing pepartment john bennett agent r i acton ft as secured a portion of the post office id store where will be found a ful tockof the genuine singer 8e wing ma- bines any orders left at the store will eceive prompt attention drug a tof mo i i t mcca tnd grif rvins p f n mm f mm n mcgarvih ba3stc3- 1 oils needles and parts of machines always kept in stock john bennett central market ail are receiving fiood salaries eptiertainmeut by the methodist sjcliool children here was very many hew features were in- hd a programme in which the jbc ok the greatestpart after weeks e much pleasure and profit th lists ww m m firmed a by please carry put certainly towns business the finknce committee inaugurate their recpnwendauons for the disposal ofoash a liaht docket count met on tuesday evening memt ei s present ihe reeve and coun- cillors i e nderson fjyfe and cameron minn e bear in mind that i always what i advertise and it will pay buyersto tall and see us n a rossell has repurchased the butcher business lately carried on by bollman mocannell he has come this time to stay and intends making it a permanent business good meat of kinds constantly in stock the patronage of the public is respect fully solicited come one and all n a rossell s drug and taiiery store acton good 400d3 at low ffieicesil jevefrhlng in winter mo dskedtjjced velveteens reduced from 10 tn 25 percent dress go childrens wool e ose reduced to lop j ladies allwool hose reduced to20c lilies lined kid mitisl redjucefl to 50c childrens lined kid mitts reduced joneputne kul gloves reduced to 50c adi jonepulne l ality nap ladjes 7 ds worth 5fla reduced to 3oo e te bollerti importer c 27 i of last rneeting read and con- utw to appoint an assessor i was regularly introduced and passed the name of mrjjw p brown being inserted as assessorfor the year i the committee on fipunce presented their first report recommencing payment of the following accounts t j e mdgarvini postage statioriy ary and sundries for 1885 912 15 j e mcgarvin registering births marriages and deaths 5 50 j j s17 65 upoq motion of councillors henderson and fyfe the report was adopted r after half an hours desultory conversa tion the council adjourned to meet again next tuesday evening lower stjreetw ontario wyndhan guelph monthly- auction sale the undersigned lias a large list of goods which will be sold at lv agnews hotel atton 3atu pday 13th fb 1886 at 10 a id any parties liaviug goods to 4iepbso of can put them in this sale by leaviiirparticu- tars at the po acton btuor before february lat1886 l- ij a muerat auctioneer acton dec 8tb whs lack oaiihmitrs rci good chick i ladf ladies underwear reduced to 50c- boys wol ve ts reduced to 3oys topsbirtb red now emliror n blankets all rrdujoeil comforte ail orders roaoivo mckay gor tuevherian exposition opens ot ne v orloaus nor 10th 1885- and co tinues until auril l6t 1s80 the illinois fkntk j b r the gref short lino i etween the north and south wij place on sal i roundtrip tickets at very low rata winter touilsts to florida texas mexico an california ci n purchase tickets tirnew orlead with stopo er privileges to visit the kxpositioj at as low rates as by any other route for ful and winter excursion folder giving routes ad ratesand a rery complete pamphlet styled fen frojn the american exposition addre noforqooieliadle boots and shoes w to secure a aariuby the ced 15 to 20pe cent ibceyildiwotth 15cj s and ohddiene wlol large wool otoity tt to 33c il ultli reduced to 9 fur capes reduced 5c iced to 45c lefses just received if rim oc upwards prints eleirmt newshi ioi mitu 15c worth oi 30c worth50c ladies wol guffs reduced tej from 5c per yard o 20c gs objwckpatteriis 8c to 15c ewqinjham8 nicepattern 10c capts at special rediii tions all reduced romitaadarefalittoation brothers king and john sts hamilton 6om 120 in to the metsopolitan studio photo because there igetsatisftction derate prices i metropolitan studio firstclats gjbiuej at points ahhan8tk oonipasf agt phtcafo f i theobadle bnadlsy at georgetown on sunday jan 17th the wife i james bradley of a son kenxiwt inesquesing on the flth iiua ary the wifoof mr paul kennedy of a son foteln acton on the 29th january the wife of councillor friz of a son ib the wave -gqto- waters brosi rrth gnirii in acton on the 29tb ult maggie belived wife of mr a w green aged 80 years and 2 mbnths v rtik uarrn acton on uejlsrplty 8abrah siiiab ithos dorwin m genl north pass al 121 randolph t hioa ihbi- picture galiery guelpf for artifts material oil and watei colore crayont canvas drawing papers brukhe ic oil painjtin8 steel baflrravini chromosc williams to the front having purchased the boot and shoe business lately carried on by mb h b mccabtht in the village of acton and having replenished the stock with a first- class assortment of all lines usually kept in a no 1 boot and shoe storei am pre pared to guarantee entire satisfaction toall who may favor ine with their patronage a good supply of tirstclass truuks and valises will always be kept on band as the ordered work ud repairing is all under my own supervision the public may rely upon its feco ving the best of attention give me ia trial and see for yourselves h aving moved my bakery stj i lave sddeil a cuoice stook nost sincere tl iaiiks to tne petiple tuppurt ii the si and now uiiist new place of huaiuess it will bej pripea attenticn to business and wl teas 25c up sugars of all kindf rants eeeufins cattiind s picfcs of all kiinlb niits candies i a fiistlali wm williams frames of all kinds mnuldiugi knnmlud picture corn add cor nine polis sprint boilers am wind w shades fmm90o enmjilete fanoj goo4s suitable tor wedding and birth lay presents c jyisitorb can hsve their pictilres framed w ule in the city to bring tlijem wijl l tftrv pis0i itimfafii nb having disposed of the boot and shoe business lately carried on by me i wish hereby to notify all parties indebted to me to call at once and settle their accounts hbmcoabthy my buda pbst of ice stojre aclon epd business irito this commlodibus storij where groceries all uew anil fresh i big to tej der my- iuiu hmdsui riuindiiig eiuutry for their ver liberal jpecttully smicil a sbue of yoar ttatronag in my 1 aim lo m rit his by t sq mre dealing rei isohable i of my cuatomilra hieaso call had bee me crocertv department rupgnotl 69c jper gfillon and up llaisins- gur u of jill kintsoffi fml kluls ickles injbulk 4c mince meat loncens atid evetyihit g kept in a grocery filule ind vegetables 1flour a u very best enlier andstne fl corn mtu i three kindirof ebjohl thor yb fimxi linseid v package goodcqisl wheat flojur flouk is ahead of any ottyerj feed depar i rirtm slmrts cbop lcike meal litiseed pd oats wheat uud white npd faremuizesamp hojnidy wlieat germs f repatid pea gice flpurhice feiipa plourmannfactured bakifp department brown awl steamed nayim touua on i bread whitej brown aud stemd1kou cotjag mlss buns f all kftitts mince pjmeatpie buckwheat flou twj kinds cracked wjieat 11 reertapioca saajoi menti ats peas barley bat d whole and ground barley yellow 8h buck- bolj cogej3akel edding cukes tq ordjsr m -aissfe- issii iisiisfeis i

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